High Performance OPC UA Server SDK

Datatypes for OPC UA. More...


 Enumerations that are defined by OPC UA.
 Services that are defined by OPC UA.
 Structures that are defined by OPC UA.
 Possible values for the accesslevel attribute of variable nodes.
 General base library functionality.
 Buffer management.
 This Built-in DataType defines a Gregorian calendar date.
 Provides structs to describe UA datatypes and implements base functions based on these structs.
 A container for any structured DataTypes which cannot be represented as one of the other built-in data types.
 Identifier for UA nodes.
 A numerical value that is used to report the outcome of an operation performed by an OPC UA Server.
 Management for builtin and custom structures registered at the encoder.
 Possible values for the valuerank attribute.
 A union of all built-in data types including an OpcUa_ExtensionObject.

Data Structures

struct  ua_buffer
 The buffer structure is used for protocol encoding/decoding. More...
struct  ua_bytestring
 This Built-in DataType defines a value that is a sequence of Byte values. More...
struct  ua_guid
 A 16-byte globally unique identifier. More...
struct  ua_indexrange
struct  ua_localizedtext
 A structure containing a String in a locale-specific translation specified in the identifier for the locale. More...
struct  ua_qualifiedname
 Contains a qualified name. More...
struct  ua_requestheader
 Common parameters for all requests submitted on a Session. More...
struct  ua_responseheader
 Common parameters for all responses. More...
struct  ua_string
 This encapsulates a UTF-8 encoded OPC UA string. More...
struct  ua_stringtable
struct  ua_datavalue
 The value and associated information. More...
struct  ua_diagnosticinfo
 Vendor-specific diagnostic information. More...
struct  ua_expandednodeid
 Extends the NodeId structure by allowing the NamespaceUri to be explicitly specified instead of using the NamespaceIndex. More...
struct  ua_xmlelement
 An XmlElement contains an XML fragment in UTF8 encoding. More...

Detailed Description

Datatypes for OPC UA.