High Performance OPC UA Server SDK
Data Structures
Here are the data structures with brief descriptions:
 CappconfigApplication configuration structure
 Cconfig_array_memberDescription of one array member
 Cconfig_array_valueDescription of an array
 Cconfig_scalar_valueDescription of a scalar value
 Cconfig_sectionDescription of sections in the config file
 Ccrypto_keyPrivate/public key handle
 Ccrypto_key_plainInternal representation of a key in byte string format
 Cencoder_configEncoder/decoder configuration
 Cfile_checksum_ctxChecksum context
 Cmalloc_chunkMemory chunk layout inspired by Doug Lea Allocator
 Cmem_objectpoolThis is the head structure of a memory pool, see also objectpool
 Cmem_objectpool_nodeStatic pool of node objects
 Cmem_objectpool_referenceStatic pool of reference objects
 Cmem_objectpool_staticStructure for a static memory pool, see also objectpool
 Cmem_objectpool_variableStatic pool of variable objects
 Cmem_objectpool_variabletypeStatic pool of variabletype objects
 Cmem_rangeContains a range of valid memory
 Cmemory_headerThe header structure of the memory area to manage
 Cmemory_layoutMemory layout structure
 Cmemory_pool_configConfigures the size of one memory pool
 CmempoolFast dynamic memory pool
 Cpki_cert_identityHolds all information about a certificate issuer or subject
 Cpki_cert_infoHolds all additional OPC UA relevant information of a certificate
 Cpki_cert_trust_listList of trust list elements (trusted|issuers&certs|crls)
 Cpki_cert_verification_resultCertificate verification result
 Cpki_store_fileConfiguration structure of the file based PKI store
 Csechan_baseBase object combining all elements for managing secure channels on an endpoint
 Csechan_configRepresents a secure channel configuration in context of an endpoint
 Cseconv_channelHolds all security relevant parameters of a particular secure channel
 Cseconv_keysetHolds security information for either sending or receiving (created by seconv_derive_keys())
 Cseconv_paramsContains all parameters defining a security policy
 CstringtableString table for one locale
 CstringtablesManages a number of stringtables
 CtimerA particular timer entry
 Ctimer_baseTimer management base structure
 Cua_activatesessionrequestActivates a session with the server
 Cua_activatesessionresponseActivates a session with the server
 Cua_addnodesitemA structure that is defined as the type of the nodesToAdd parameter of the AddNodes Service
 Cua_addnodesrequestAsynchronously adds one or more nodes into the address space hierarchy
 Cua_addnodesresultA structure that is defined as the type of the results parameter of the AddNodes Service
 Cua_addreferencesitemA structure that is defined as the type of the referencesToAdd parameter of the AddReferences Service
 Cua_addreferencesrequestAsynchronously adds one or more references to one or more nodes
 Cua_aggregateconfigurationA structure that is defined as the type of the aggregateConfiguration parameter of the AggregateFilter structure
 Cua_annotationDescribes Annotation information for the history data items
 Cua_anonymousidentitytokenA token representing an anonymous user
 Cua_applicationdescriptionSpecifies an application that is available
 Cua_argumentDefines a method input or output argument specification
 Cua_arraytesttypeA complex type containing all possible array types used for testing
 Cua_attributeoperandAttribute of a node in the address space
 Cua_axisinformationDefines the information for auxiliary axis for ArrayItemType Variables
 Cua_browsedescriptionA structure defined as the type of the parameter nodesToBrowse of the Browse service
 Cua_browsenextrequestThe BrowseNext service is only used to continue a Browse if not all results could be returned by the Browse or a following BrowseNext call
 Cua_browsenextresponseContinues one or more browse operations
 Cua_browsepathA structure that is defined as the type of the browsePaths parameter of the TranslateBrowsePathsToNodeIds service
 Cua_browsepathresultA structure that is defined as the type of the results parameter of the TranslateBrowsePathsToNodeIds service
 Cua_browsepathtargetA structure that is defined as the type of the targets parameter of the results parameter of the TranslateBrowsePathsToNodeIds service
 Cua_browserequestThe Browse service is used by a client to navigate through the address space by passing a starting node and browse filters
 Cua_browseresultThe results of a Browse operation
 Cua_bufferThe buffer structure is used for protocol encoding/decoding
 Cua_buffer_mgtStructure for buffer management
 Cua_buildinfoContains elements that describe the build information of the Server
 Cua_bytestringThis Built-in DataType defines a value that is a sequence of Byte values
 Cua_callmethodrequestA structure that is defined as the type of the methodsToCall parameter of the Call service
 Cua_callmethodresultA structure that is defined as the type of the results parameter of the Call service
 Cua_callrequestAsynchronously calls a method provided by an object on the OPC UA server
 Cua_cancelrequestAsynchronously cancels outstanding service requests on the OPC UA server
 Cua_channelsecuritytokenThe token that identifies a set of keys for an active secure channel
 Cua_clientThe client context represents one client connection
 Cua_client_callbacksCallback table for ua_client instances
 Cua_client_subscriptionClient side subscription representation
 Cua_client_subscription_callbacksCallbacks that can be set for a subscripiton
 Cua_closesessionrequestCloses a session with the server
 Cua_conststringConstant string for generating string tables that get compiled into the code
 Cua_contentfilterDefines a collection of elements that define filtering criteria
 Cua_contentfilterelementA structure that is defined as the type of the elements parameter of the ContentFilter structure
 Cua_contentfilterelementresultA structure that is defined as the type of the elementResults parameter of the ContentFilterResult structure
 Cua_contentfilterresultA structure that contains any errors associated with the filter
 Cua_createmonitoreditemsrequestAsynchronous call to create a list of monitored items in the subscription
 Cua_createsessionrequestCreates a new session with the server
 Cua_createsessionresponseCreates a new session with the server
 Cua_createsubscriptionrequestAsynchronous call to create a Subscription
 Cua_crossreferenceAdditional cross reference info for binary files
 Cua_datatypeattributesThe attributes for a data type node
 Cua_datavalueThe value and associated information
 Cua_deleteattimedetailsThe DeleteAtTime structure deletes all entries in the history database for the specified timestamps for one or more HistoricalDataNodes
 Cua_deleteeventdetailsDeletes all event entries from the history database matching the EventId for one or more HistoricalEventNodes
 Cua_deletemonitoreditemsrequestAsynchronous call to delete monitored items
 Cua_deletenodesitemA structure that is defined as the type of the nodesToDelete parameter of the DeleteNodes Service
 Cua_deletenodesrequestAsynchronously deletes nodes from the OPC UA server’s address space
 Cua_deleterawmodifieddetailsThe details for delete raw and delete modified history updates
 Cua_deletereferencesitemA structure that is defined as the type of the referencesToDelete parameter of the DeleteReferences service
 Cua_deletereferencesrequestAsynchronously deletes references from the OPC UA server’s address space
 Cua_deletesubscriptionsrequestAsynchronous call to delete one or more Subscriptions that belong to the Client’s Session
 Cua_diagnosticinfoVendor-specific diagnostic information
 Cua_dict_fieldStruct to describe each field of a structure
 Cua_dict_structureStruct to describe another structure
 Cua_dir_entryUa directory entry
 Cua_elementoperandProvides the linking to subelements within a ua_contentfilter
 Cua_endpointdescriptionDescribes an Endpoint for a Server
 Cua_endpointurllistdatatypeStructure representing a list of URLs of an Endpoint
 Cua_enumvaluetypeA mapping between a value of an enumerated type and a name and description
 Cua_euinformationContains information about the EngineeringUnits
 Cua_eventfilterProvides for the filtering and content selection of Event Subscriptions
 Cua_eventfilterresultThis is the MonitoringFilterResult associated with the EventFilter MonitoringFilter
 Cua_expandednodeidExtends the NodeId structure by allowing the NamespaceUri to be explicitly specified instead of using the NamespaceIndex
 Cua_extensionobjectStructure for an UA Extensionobject, see also ua_extensionobject
 Cua_file_readerUA File Reader
 Cua_file_statPOSIX like fstat structure
 Cua_file_writerUA File Writer
 Cua_findserversrequestAsynchronous call to return the Servers known to a Server or Discovery Server
 Cua_floatstoreImplementation of a store using in-memory float values
 Cua_getendpointsrequestAsynchronous call to get the Endpoints supported by a Server and all of the configuration information required to establish a SecureChannel and a Session
 Cua_guidA 16-byte globally unique identifier
 Cua_hashstringtableA stringtable maintains a pool of string, which are indexed by a hashtable
 Cua_historyeventA table structure that is used to return Event fields to a Historical Read
 Cua_historyreadrequestAsynchronously reads historical values or events of one or more nodes
 Cua_historyreadresultA structure that is defined as the type of the results parameter of the HistoryRead Service
 Cua_historyreadvalueidA structure that is defined as the type of the nodesToRead parameter of the HistoryRead Service
 Cua_historyupdaterequestAsynchronously updates historical values or events of one or more nodes
 Cua_historyupdateresultA structure that is defined as the type of the results parameter of the HistoryUpdate Service
 Cua_ipaddressStorage for an IP address
 Cua_issuedidentitytokenA token representing a user identified by a WS-Security XML token
 Cua_localizedtextA structure containing a String in a locale-specific translation specified in the identifier for the locale
 Cua_mdnsdiscoveryconfigurationThe discovery information needed for mDNS registration
 Cua_memorystoreImplementation of a store using in-memory values
 Cua_methodattributesThe attributes for a method node
 Cua_modelchangestructuredatatypeContains elements that describe changes of the model
 Cua_modifymonitoreditemsrequestAsynchronous call to modify monitored items
 Cua_modifysubscriptionrequestAsynchronous call to modify a Subscription
 Cua_monitoreditemStructure to represent a monitoreditem in the server
 Cua_monitoreditemcreaterequestA structure that is defined as the type of the itemsToCreate parameter of the CreateMonitoredItems service
 Cua_monitoreditemcreateresultA structure that is defined as the type of the results parameter of the CreateMonitoredItems service
 Cua_monitoreditemmodifyrequestA structure that is defined as the type of the itemsToModify parameter of the ModifyMonitoredItems service
 Cua_monitoreditemmodifyresultA structure that is defined as the type of the results parameter of the ModifyMonitoredItems service
 Cua_monitoringparametersParameters that define the monitoring characteristics of a MonitoredItem
 Cua_net_addrStructure for storing a network/IP address
 Cua_net_baseNetwork base object
 Cua_networkgroupdatatypeContains information on different network paths for one Server
 Cua_nodeNode data for table entries
 Cua_node_indexedNode data indexed by hashtable
 Cua_nodeattributesThe base attributes for all nodes
 Cua_nodeidStructure for an UA Nodeid, see also ua_nodeid
 Cua_nodeid_internalInternal storage format of a nodeid
 Cua_nodetypedescriptionA structure that is defined as the type of the nodeTypes parameter of the Query service
 Cua_objectattributesThe attributes for an object node
 Cua_objecttypeattributesThe attributes for an object type node
 Cua_opensecurechannelrequestCreates a secure channel with a server
 Cua_opensecurechannelresponseCreates a secure channel with a server
 Cua_optionsetThis abstract DataType is the base DataType for all DataTypes representing a bit mask
 Cua_parsingresultA structure that is defined as the type of the parsingResults parameter of the Query service
 Cua_perm_ctxPermission information contained in every node
 Cua_publishrequestRequest the server to return NotificationMessages and acknowledge received NotificationMessages
 Cua_qualifiednameContains a qualified name
 Cua_querydatadescriptionA structure that is defined as the type of the dataToReturn parameter of the nodeTypes parameter of the Query service
 Cua_queryfirstrequestAsynchronously queries the address space
 Cua_querynextrequestThis Service is used to request the next set of QueryFirst or QueryNext response information that is too large to be sent in a single response
 Cua_rangeDefines the Range for a value
 Cua_readattimedetailsSelects a set of raw or interpolated values from the history database by specifying a series of timestamps for one or more variables
 Cua_readeventdetailsSelects a set of events from the history database by specifying a filter and a time domain for one or more objects or views
 Cua_readprocesseddetailsSelects a set of aggregate values from the history database by specifying a time domain for one or more variables
 Cua_readrawmodifieddetailsSelects a set of raw or modified values from the history database by specifying a time domain for one or more variables
 Cua_readrequestReads values and attributes asynchronously from OPC server
 Cua_readvalueidIdentifier for an item to read or to monitor
 Cua_redundantserverdatatypeContains elements that describe the status of the Server
 Cua_referenceReference data for table entries
 Cua_referencedescriptionReference parameters returned for the Browse Service
 Cua_referencetypeattributesThe attributes for a reference type node
 Cua_registeredserverThe server to register
 Cua_registernodesrequestAsynchronously registers nodes to create shortcuts in the server
 Cua_registerserverrequestRegisters a server with the discovery server
 Cua_relativepathDefines a sequence of References and BrowseNames to follow
 Cua_relativepathelementA sequence of References and BrowseNames to follow
 Cua_republishrequestAsynchronous republish call to get lost notifications
 Cua_requestheaderCommon parameters for all requests submitted on a Session
 Cua_responseheaderCommon parameters for all responses
 Cua_samplingintervaldiagnosticsdatatypeContains diagnostic information about the sampling rates currently used by the Server
 Cua_scalartesttypeA complex type containing all possible scalar types used for testing
 Cua_semanticchangestructuredatatypeContains elements that describe a change of the model
 Cua_serverdiagnosticssummarydatatypeContains diagnostic summary information for the Server
 Cua_serverstatusdatatypeContains elements that describe the status of the Server
 Cua_servicecounterdatatypeContains diagnostic information about subscriptions
 Cua_sessiondiagnosticsdatatypeContains diagnostic information about client sessions
 Cua_sessionsecuritydiagnosticsdatatypeSecurity-related diagnostic information about client sessions
 Cua_setmonitoringmoderequestAsynchronous call to set the monitoring mode for a list of monitored items
 Cua_setpublishingmoderequestAsynchronous call to enable sending of Notifications on one or more Subscriptions
 Cua_settriggeringrequestAsynchronously changes the triggering for a monitored item
 Cua_signaturedataA digital signature
 Cua_signedsoftwarecertificateA ByteString containing an encoded certificate
 Cua_simpleattributeoperandA simplified form of the ua_attributeoperand
 Cua_socketInternal structure of an async socket
 Cua_socket_opStructure representing an asynchronous IO operation
 Cua_staticstoreImplementation of a store using preencoded values
 Cua_staticstore_elementOne element of the ua_staticstore
 Cua_stringThis encapsulates a UTF-8 encoded OPC UA string
 Cua_subscriptionacknowledgementA structure that is defined as the type of the subscriptionAcknowledgements parameter of the Publish service
 Cua_subscriptiondiagnosticsdatatypeContains diagnostic information about subscriptions
 Cua_tcp_connectionRepresents an OPC UA TCP protocol connection
 Cua_tcp_err_messageContains the elements of an error message
 Cua_tcp_messageContext of an overlapped send/receive operation of an UA TCP message
 Cua_tcp_msg_headerContains the header elements standard message
 Cua_tcp_opn_headerContains the header elements of an open secure channel message
 Cua_tcp_seq_headerContains the header elements of the sequence header
 Cua_timestampTimestamp struct used by ua_time_timestamp
 Cua_timezonedatatypeThe local time that may or may not take daylight saving time into account
 Cua_transferresultA structure that is defined as the type of the results parameter of the TransferSubscriptions service
 Cua_transfersubscriptionsrequestAsynchronous call to transfer a subscription and its MonitoredItems from one Session to another
 Cua_translatebrowsepathstonodeidsrequestAsynchronously translates a browse path to a NodeId
 Cua_trustlistdatatypeA DataType which stores the trust list of a Server
 Cua_type_tableStruct for one entry in the type table
 Cua_type_table_base_fctsBase functions for builtin types
 Cua_type_table_encoder_fctsEncode and decode functions for builtin types
 Cua_unregisternodesrequestAsynchronously unregisters nodes to delete shortcuts in the server
 Cua_updatedatadetailsThe details for insert, replace, and insert/replace history updates
 Cua_updateeventdetailsThis function inserts new events or replaces existing events in the history database for one or more HistoricalEventNodes
 Cua_updatestructuredatadetailsThis function inserts, replaces or removes structured history data or annotations into the history database at the specified timestamps for one or more HistoricalDataNodes
 Cua_user_ctxRepresentation of a user in the server
 Cua_useridentitytokenAllows Clients to specify the identity of the user they are acting on behalf of
 Cua_usernameidentitytokenA token representing a user identified by a user name and password
 Cua_usertokenpolicySpecifies a UserIdentityToken that a Server will accept
 Cua_variableVariable data for table entries
 Cua_variableattributesThe attributes for a variable node
 Cua_variabletypeVariableType data for table entries
 Cua_variabletypeattributesThe attributes for a variable type node
 Cua_variantStructure for an UA Variant, see also ua_variant
 Cua_viewattributesThe attributes for a view node
 Cua_viewdescriptionSpecifies a View
 Cua_writerequestAsynchronously writes variable values to an OPC UA Server
 Cua_writevalueA structure that is defined as the type of the nodesToWrite parameter of the Write service
 Cua_x509identitytokenA token representing a user identified by an X509 certificate
 Cua_xmlelementAn XmlElement contains an XML fragment in UTF8 encoding
 Cua_xvtypeDefines a physical value relative to a X axis and it is used as the DataType of the Value of XYArrayItemType
 Cuaapp_certificateUA Application Instance Certificate
 Cuagraph_nodeUA node object
 CuaproviderProvider context
 Cuaprovider_call_ctxContext given to the call service handler
 Cuaprovider_read_ctxContext given to the read service handler
 Cuaprovider_registernodes_ctxContext given to the registernodes service handler
 Cuaprovider_subscribe_ctxContext given to the subscribe handler
 Cuaprovider_unregisternodes_ctxContext given to the unregisternodes service handler
 Cuaprovider_write_ctxContext given to the write service handler
 Cuasession_activatesession_contextService context for ActivateSession service
 Cuasession_baseManaging base holding resources for sessions and session calls
 Cuasession_channelSession layer representation of a secure channel
 Cuasession_msg_ctxtObject representing a particular session call
 Cuasession_sessionObject representing a OPC UA session
 Cuatcpmsg_baseRepresents an OPC UA endpoint on the secure channel level
 Cuatcpmsg_connectionMessage and security level UA TCP protocol object
 Cuatcpmsg_ctxtMessage context representing a request/response pair
 Cuatcpmsg_encode_contextHolds all information to be persisted through an asynchronous encode operation
 Cutil_fsmFinite state machine context
 Cutil_hashnodeStructure to include as first field in your custom struct
 Cutil_hashtableStructure for the hashtable, see also hashtable
 Cutil_hashtableqsStructure for hastableqs, see also hashtableqs
 Cutil_heapThe heap data structure, see also heap
 Cutil_heap_nodeSimple node structure for binary tree, see also heap
 Cutil_listStructure for list, see also list
 Cutil_mapStructure for a map, see also map
 Cutil_pointersetThe structured data type of the pointerset utility, see also pointer_set
 Cutil_ringqueueStructure for the ringqueue, see also ringqueue
 Cutil_urlStruct to represent the elements of a URL
 Cutil_utctimeStructure for utctime, see also utctime
 Cversioned_handleProvides the data structure for versioned handles
 Cxml_modelInfo structure for OPC UA nodeset xml files
 Cxml_stringMinimalistic string class for referencing strings in the XML document