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UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.BaseNodeManager Class Reference

A base class for all node managers. More...

Inherits UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.INodeManagerEx, UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.INodeManagementManager, UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.IMethodManager, UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.IIOManager, UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.IHistoryReadEventManager, UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.IHistoryUpdateEventManager, UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.IHistoryReadDataManager, UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.IHistoryUpdateDataManager, UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.IEventManagerEx, UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.INotifierManagerCallback, UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.IConditionMethods, UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.IAcknowledgeableConditionMethods, UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.IShelvedStateMachineMethods, UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.IAdvancedNodeManager, IDisposable, UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.IObjectMappingManager, and UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.IUserAccessManager.

Inherited by UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.CoreNodeManager.

Public Member Functions

 BaseNodeManager (ServerManager server, params string[] namespaceUris)
 Initializes a new instance of the BaseNodeManager class. More...
void Dispose ()
 Frees any unmanaged resources. More...
ushort AddNamespaceUri (string namespaceUri)
 Adds the namespace URI. More...
ModelHandle LinkModelToNode (NodeId rootId, object instance, object syncLock, IModelMapper mapper, double minimumSamplingInterval)
 Links an object to a node in the address space. More...
void UnlinkModelFromNode (NodeId rootId, ModelHandle handle)
 Unlinks an object from a node in the address space. More...
bool IsReferenceInView (RequestContext context, ViewHandle view, BrowseHandle sourceHandle, NodeId referenceTypeId, bool isInverse, ExpandedNodeId targetId)
 Determines whether the reference is in the specified view. More...
virtual bool HasAccess (RequestContext context, BrowseHandle browseHandle)
 Determines whether the specified context has access to the browse handle. More...
virtual bool HasAccess (RequestContext context, MethodHandle methodHandle)
 Determines whether the specified context has access to the browse handle. More...
virtual bool HasAccess (RequestContext context, NodeAttributeHandle nodeHandle, UserAccessMask accessMasks)
 Determines whether the current context has specified access to the handle. More...
virtual bool HasAccess (RequestContext context, HistoryDataHandle nodeHandle, UserAccessMask accessMasks)
 Determines whether the specified context has access to the history data handle. More...
virtual bool HasAccess (RequestContext context, HistoryEventHandle nodeHandle, UserAccessMask accessMasks)
 Determines whether the specified context has access to the history event handle. More...
void ImportUaNodeset (Assembly assembly, string resourcePath)
 Imports the nodeset from an embedded resource. More...
void ImportUaNodeset (FileInfo file)
 Imports the ua nodeset from a file. More...
void ImportUaNodeset (Stream istrm)
 Imports the nodes from the stream. More...
void ImportUaNodeset (UaSchema.UANodeSet nodeset)
 Imports the specified nodeset. More...
void Import (List< Node > nodes)
 Imports the list of nodes. More...
object GetNodeUserData (NodeId nodeId)
 Gets the user data for a node. More...
void SetNodeUserData (NodeId nodeId, object userData)
 Sets the user data for a node. More...
void SetChildUserData (NodeId parentId, QualifiedName browseName, object userData)
 Sets the user data for the child of a node. More...
VariableNode SetVariableConfiguration (NodeId parentId, QualifiedName browseName, uint handleType, object handleData)
 Sets the variable configuration. More...
void SetVariableConfiguration (NodeId variableId, uint handleType, object handleData)
 Sets the variable configuration. More...
bool SetVariableDefaultValue (NodeId parentId, QualifiedName browseName, Variant value)
 Sets the variable default value. More...
bool SetVariableDefaultValue (NodeId variableId, Variant value)
 Sets the variable value configuration. More...
void SetNodeAttributeConfiguration (NodeId nodeId, uint attributeId, uint handleType, object handleData)
 Sets the node attribute configuration. More...
Node FindInMemoryNode (NodeId sourceId, NodeId referenceTypeId, bool isInverse, StringTable namespaceUris, string browsePath)
 Finds the in memory node. More...
Node FindInMemoryNode (NodeId sourceId, NodeId referenceTypeId, bool isInverse, params AbsoluteName[] browseNames)
 Finds the in memory node. More...
Node FindInMemoryNode (NodeId sourceId, NodeId referenceTypeId, bool isInverse, params QualifiedName[] browseNames)
 Finds the in memory node. More...
virtual NodeMetadata GetNodeMetadata (RequestContext context, BrowseHandle browseHandle, NodeMetadataMask fieldsToReturn, NodeClass nodeClassFilter)
 Gets the node metadata. More...
virtual Node GetNodeAttributes (RequestContext context, BrowseHandle browseHandle, NodeClass expectedNodeClass)
 Gets the node attributes. More...
virtual DataValue ReadAttribute (RequestContext context, NodeAttributeHandle nodeHandle)
 Reads the attribute. More...
virtual T ReadValue< T > (RequestContext context, NodeAttributeHandle nodeHandle, QualifiedName componentName, T defaultValue)
 Reads the attribute value for a child node. More...
virtual T ReadValue< T > (RequestContext context, NodeAttributeHandle nodeHandle, QualifiedName[] browsePath, T defaultValue)
 Reads the attribute value for a child node. More...
virtual StatusCode WriteAttribute (RequestContext context, NodeAttributeHandle nodeHandle, Variant valueToWrite)
 Writes the attribute. More...
virtual StatusCode WriteValue (RequestContext context, NodeAttributeHandle nodeHandle, QualifiedName componentName, Variant valueToWrite)
 Writes the attribute value for a child node. More...
virtual StatusCode WriteValue (RequestContext context, NodeAttributeHandle nodeHandle, QualifiedName[] browsePath, Variant valueToWrite)
 Writes the attribute value for a child node. More...
virtual StatusCode BeginEventTransaction (RequestContext context, uint totalItemCountHint, TransactionType transactionType, Delegate callback, object callbackData, out TransactionHandle handle)
 Begins the transaction. More...
void FinishEventTransaction (TransactionHandle transaction)
 Finishes the transaction. More...
StatusCode BeginStartEventMonitoring (NotifierOperationHandle operationHandle, MonitoredItemCreateRequest settings, uint monitoredItemId, EventNotificationEventHandler callback)
 Starts monitoring an item. More...
StatusCode BeginModifyEventMonitoring (MonitoredItemOperationHandle operationHandle, MonitoredItemModifyRequest settings)
 Modifies the monitoring for an item. More...
StatusCode BeginStopEventMonitoring (MonitoredItemOperationHandle operationHandle)
 Stops monitoring an item. More...
StatusCode BeginSetEventMonitoringMode (MonitoredItemOperationHandle operationHandle, MonitoringMode monitoringMode, MonitoringParameters parameters)
 Changes the monitoring mode for an item. More...
virtual void EventMonitoringStarted (NodeId notifierId, MonitoredItemHandle itemHandle, MonitoringParameters parameters, EventNotificationEventHandler callback)
 Called when monitoring starts for a notifier from another IEventManager higher in the hierarchy. More...
virtual void EventMonitoringModified (NodeId notifierId, MonitoredItemHandle itemHandle, MonitoringParameters parameters)
 Called when monitoring changes for a notifier from another IEventManager higher in the hierarchy. More...
virtual void EventMonitoringStopped (NodeId notifierId, MonitoredItemHandle itemHandle)
 Called when monitoring stops for a notifier from another IEventManager higher in the hierarchy. More...
virtual void ConditionRefresh (NodeId notifierId, MonitoredItemHandle itemHandle, EventNotificationEventHandler callback)
 Called when the condition refresh is called for a notifier higher in the hierarchy. More...
void AddNotifier (NodeId notifierId, IEventManager manager)
 Adds a link from an IEventManager to a notifier. More...
void RemoveNotifier (NodeId notifierId, IEventManager manager)
 Removes a link from IEventManager to a notifier. More...
virtual void ReportEvent (NodeId notifierId, GenericEvent e)
 Reports an event for the notifier id. More...
virtual void OnMonitoringStarted (NodeId notifierId, EventMonitoredItem monitoredItem)
 Called when event monitoring has started for a notifier. More...
virtual void OnMonitoringModified (NodeId notifierId, EventMonitoredItem monitoredItem)
 Called when event monitoring has been modified for a notifier. More...
virtual void OnMonitoringStopped (NodeId notifierId, EventMonitoredItem monitoredItem)
 Called when event monitoring has stopped for a notifier. More...
virtual void OnConditionRefresh (NodeId notifierId, MonitoredItemHandle itemHandle, EventNotificationEventHandler callback)
 Called when condition refresh has been called for the notifier. More...
virtual StatusCode Enable (RequestContext context, ConditionModel model)
 Enables a condition. More...
virtual StatusCode Disable (RequestContext context, ConditionModel model)
 Disables a condition. More...
virtual StatusCode AddComment (RequestContext context, ConditionModel model, byte[] eventId, LocalizedText comment)
 Adds a comment to a condition. More...
virtual StatusCode Acknowledge (RequestContext context, AcknowledgeableConditionModel model, byte[] eventId, LocalizedText comment)
 Acknowledges a condition. More...
virtual StatusCode Confirm (RequestContext context, AcknowledgeableConditionModel model, byte[] eventId, LocalizedText comment)
 Confirms a condition. More...
StatusCode OneShotShelve (RequestContext context, ShelvedStateMachineModel model)
 Shelves a condition until the next time it goes into the active state. More...
StatusCode TimedShelve (RequestContext context, ShelvedStateMachineModel model, double shelvingTime)
 Shelves a condition for a period of time. More...
StatusCode Unshelve (RequestContext context, ShelvedStateMachineModel model)
 Unshelves a condition. More...
StatusCode BeginHistoryReadDataTransaction (RequestContext context, uint totalItemCountHint, TimestampsToReturn timestampsToReturn, TransactionType transactionType, HistoryReadDetails details, Delegate callback, object callbackData, out HistoryDataTransactionHandle handle)
 Begins the history transaction. More...
void FinishHistoryReadDataTransaction (HistoryDataTransactionHandle transaction)
 Finishes the history transaction. More...
StatusCode BeginHistoryReadRaw (HistoryDataOperationHandle operationHandle, HistoryReadValueId valueToRead)
 Begins an operation to read raw history data. More...
StatusCode BeginHistoryReadProcessed (HistoryDataOperationHandle operationHandle, HistoryReadValueId valueToRead)
 Begins an operation to read processed history data. More...
StatusCode BeginHistoryReadAtTime (HistoryDataOperationHandle operationHandle, HistoryReadValueId valueToRead)
 Begins an operation to read raw history data. More...
StatusCode BeginHistoryUpdateDataTransaction (RequestContext context, uint totalItemCountHint, TransactionType transactionType, Delegate callback, object callbackData, out HistoryDataTransactionHandle handle)
 Begins the history transaction. More...
void FinishHistoryUpdateDataTransaction (HistoryDataTransactionHandle transaction)
 Finishes the history transaction. More...
StatusCode BeginHistoryUpdateData (HistoryDataOperationHandle operationHandle, UpdateDataDetails details)
 Begins an operation to update raw history data. More...
StatusCode BeginHistoryUpdateStructureData (HistoryDataOperationHandle operationHandle, UpdateStructureDataDetails details)
 Begins an operation to update structured history data. More...
StatusCode BeginHistoryDeleteRaw (HistoryDataOperationHandle operationHandle, DeleteRawModifiedDetails details)
 Begins an operation to delete raw history data. More...
StatusCode BeginHistoryDeleteAtTime (HistoryDataOperationHandle operationHandle, DeleteAtTimeDetails details)
 Begins an operation to delete history data at specific times. More...
StatusCode BeginHistoryReadEventTransaction (RequestContext context, uint totalItemCountHint, TransactionType transactionType, ReadEventDetails details, Delegate callback, object callbackData, out HistoryEventTransactionHandle handle)
 Begins the event history transaction. More...
void FinishHistoryReadEventTransaction (HistoryEventTransactionHandle transaction)
 Finishes the event history transaction. More...
StatusCode BeginHistoryReadEvent (HistoryEventOperationHandle operationHandle, HistoryReadValueId notifierToRead)
 Begins an operation to read event history. More...
StatusCode BeginHistoryUpdateEventTransaction (RequestContext context, uint totalItemCountHint, TransactionType transactionType, Delegate callback, object callbackData, out HistoryEventTransactionHandle handle)
 Begins the history transaction. More...
void FinishHistoryUpdateEventTransaction (HistoryEventTransactionHandle transaction)
 Finishes the history event transaction. More...
StatusCode BeginHistoryUpdateEvent (HistoryEventOperationHandle operationHandle, UpdateEventDetails details)
 Begins the history update event. More...
StatusCode BeginHistoryDeleteEvent (HistoryEventOperationHandle operationHandle, DeleteEventDetails details)
 Begins an operation to delete event history. More...
StatusCode BeginDataTransaction (RequestContext context, uint totalItemCountHint, double maxAge, TimestampsToReturn timestampsToReturn, TransactionType transactionType, Delegate callback, object callbackData, out TransactionHandle handle)
 Begins the data transaction. More...
void FinishDataTransaction (TransactionHandle transaction)
 Finishes the transaction. More...
StatusCode BeginRead (NodeAttributeOperationHandle operationHandle, ReadValueId settings)
 Begins a read operation (must not block). More...
StatusCode BeginWrite (NodeAttributeOperationHandle operationHandle, WriteValue settings)
 Begins the write. More...
StatusCode BeginStartDataMonitoring (NodeAttributeOperationHandle operationHandle, uint monitoredItemId, MonitoredItemCreateRequest settings, DataChangeEventHandler callback)
 Begins a start data monitoring operation (must not block). More...
StatusCode BeginModifyDataMonitoring (MonitoredItemOperationHandle operationHandle, MonitoredItemModifyRequest settings)
 Begins a modify data operation (must not block). More...
StatusCode BeginStopDataMonitoring (MonitoredItemOperationHandle operationHandle)
 Begins a stop data monitoring operation (must not block). More...
StatusCode BeginSetDataMonitoringMode (MonitoredItemOperationHandle operationHandle, MonitoringMode monitoringMode, MonitoringParameters parameters)
 Begins a set data monitoring mode operation (must not block). More...
StatusCode BeginCallTransaction (RequestContext context, uint totalItemCountHint, CallCompleteEventHandler callback, object callbackData, out TransactionHandle handle)
 Begins the call transaction. More...
virtual StatusCode BeginCall (MethodOperationHandle methodHandle, IList< Variant > inputArguments)
 Begins the method call. More...
virtual void FinishCallTransaction (TransactionHandle transaction)
 Finishes the call transaction. More...
StatusCode AddNode (RequestContext context, AddNodeSettings settings, out NodeId assignedNodeId)
 Adds a new node. More...
StatusCode DeleteNode (RequestContext context, NodeId nodeId, bool deleteTargetReferences)
 Deletes the node. More...
StatusCode AddReference (RequestContext context, NodeId sourceNodeId, NodeId referenceTypeId, bool isInverse, ExpandedNodeId targetNodeId, bool addBiDirectional)
 Adds a reference. More...
StatusCode DeleteReference (RequestContext context, NodeId sourceNodeId, NodeId referenceTypeId, bool isInverse, ExpandedNodeId targetNodeId, bool deleteBiDirectional)
 Deletes the reference. More...
ObjectNode CreateObject (RequestContext context, CreateObjectSettings settings)
 Creates a new object node. More...
VariableNode CreateVariable (RequestContext context, CreateVariableSettings settings)
 Creates a new variable node. More...
MethodNode CreateMethod (RequestContext context, CreateMethodSettings settings)
 Creates a new method node. More...
ViewNode CreateView (RequestContext context, CreateViewSettings settings)
 Creates a new view node. More...
ObjectTypeNode CreateObjectTypeNode (RequestContext context, CreateObjectTypeSettings settings)
 Creates a new object type node. More...
VariableTypeNode CreateVariableTypeNode (RequestContext context, CreateVariableTypeSettings settings)
 Creates a new variable type node. More...
DataTypeNode CreateDataTypeNode (RequestContext context, CreateDataTypeSettings settings)
 Creates a new data type node. More...
ReferenceTypeNode CreateReferenceTypeNode (RequestContext context, CreateReferenceTypeSettings settings)
 Creates a new reference type node. More...
virtual void Startup ()
 Called when the node manager is started. More...
virtual void Shutdown ()
 Called when the node manager is stopped. More...
virtual void SessionOpened (Session session)
 Called when a new session is created. More...
virtual void SessionActivated (Session session)
 Called when a session is activated. More...
virtual void SessionClosed (Session session)
 Called when a new session is closed. More...
virtual StatusCode GetBrowseHandle (RequestContext context, ViewHandle view, NodeId nodeId, out BrowseHandle handle)
 Gets the browse handle for the specified node. More...
StatusCode GetViewHandle (RequestContext context, ViewDescription view, out ViewHandle handle)
 Gets the view handle for the specified view. More...
virtual StatusCode GetNodeHandle (RequestContext context, NodeId nodeId, uint attributeId, out NodeAttributeHandle handle)
 Gets the node handle for the specified node and attribute. More...
virtual StatusCode GetNotifierHandle (RequestContext context, NodeId nodeId, out NotifierHandle handle)
 Gets the notifier handle for the specified notifier. More...
virtual StatusCode GetMethodHandle (RequestContext context, NodeId objectId, NodeId methodId, out MethodHandle handle)
 Gets the method handle for the specified object and method. More...
virtual StatusCode GetHistoryDataHandle (RequestContext context, NodeId variableId, out HistoryDataHandle handle)
 Gets the history data handle for the specified variable. More...
virtual StatusCode GetHistoryEventHandle (RequestContext context, NodeId notifierId, out HistoryEventHandle handle)
 Gets the history events handle for the specified notifier. More...
virtual StatusCode BeginBrowse (RequestContext context, BrowseOperationHandle nodeToBrowse, ContinuationPoint continuationPoint, bool releaseContinuationPoint, Delegate callback, object callbackData)
 Begins a browse operation. More...
virtual StatusCode BeginTranslate (RequestContext context, BrowseOperationHandle nodeToBrowse, RelativePath relativePath, uint index, Delegate callback, object callbackData)
 Begins a translate browse paths operation. More...
void AddCrossReference (NodeId sourceNodeId, INodeManager manager)
 Adds the cross reference. More...
void RemoveCrossReference (NodeId sourceNodeId, INodeManager manager)
 Removes the cross reference. More...

Protected Member Functions

virtual void Dispose (bool disposing)
 An overrideable version of the Dispose. More...
virtual bool IsNodeIdInvalid (NodeId nodeId)
 Determines whether the node id is invalid. More...
virtual bool IsNodeIdInvalid (ExpandedNodeId nodeId)
 Determines whether the node id is invalid. More...
Node FindInMemoryNode (NodeId nodeId)
 Finds the in memory node. More...
Node CopyNode (Node source, bool copyValue)
 Copies the node. More...
virtual void FinishStartEventMonitoringTransaction (TransactionHandle transaction)
 Finishes the start event monitoring transaction. More...
virtual EventMonitoringResult StartEventMonitoring (RequestContext context, NotifierHandle notifierHandle, uint monitoredItemId, MonitoredItemCreateRequest settings, EventNotificationEventHandler callback)
 Starts the event monitoring for a single item. More...
virtual void StartEventMonitoring (RequestContext context, TransactionHandle transaction, IList< NotifierOperationHandle > notifierHandles, IList< uint > monitoredItemIds, IList< MonitoredItemCreateRequest > settings, IList< EventNotificationEventHandler > callbacks)
 Starts the event monitoring for all unprocessed items in the transaction. More...
EventMonitoringResult ValidateEventMonitoringRequest (RequestContext context, NotifierHandle notifierHandle, ReadValueId itemToMonitor, MonitoringParameters parameters)
 Validates the event monitoring request. More...
virtual void FinishModifyEventMonitoringTransaction (TransactionHandle transaction)
 Finishes the modify event monitoring transaction. More...
virtual EventMonitoringResult ModifyEventMonitoring (RequestContext context, MonitoredItemOperationHandle itemHandle, MonitoredItemModifyRequest settings)
 Modifies the event monitoring for a single item. More...
virtual void ModifyEventMonitoring (RequestContext context, TransactionHandle transaction, IList< MonitoredItemOperationHandle > itemHandles, IList< MonitoredItemModifyRequest > settings)
 Modifies the event monitoring for all unprocessed items in the transaction. More...
virtual void FinishStopEventMonitoringTransaction (TransactionHandle transaction)
 Finishes the stop event monitoring transaction. More...
virtual StatusCode StopEventMonitoring (RequestContext context, MonitoredItemOperationHandle itemHandle)
 Stops the event monitoring for a single item. More...
virtual void StopEventMonitoring (RequestContext context, TransactionHandle transaction, IList< MonitoredItemOperationHandle > itemHandles, IList< MonitoredItemModifyRequest > settings)
 Stop the event monitoring for all unprocessed items in the transaction. More...
virtual void FinishSetEventMonitoringModeTransaction (TransactionHandle transaction)
 Finishes the set event monitoring mode transaction. More...
virtual StatusCode SetEventMonitoringMode (RequestContext context, MonitoredItemOperationHandle itemHandle, MonitoringMode monitoringMode)
 Changes the event monitoring mode for a single item. More...
virtual void SetEventMonitoringMode (RequestContext context, TransactionHandle transaction, IList< MonitoredItemOperationHandle > itemHandles, IList< MonitoringMode > monitoringModes)
 Changes the event monitoring mode for all unprocessed items in the transaction. More...
void AddNotifier (NodeId notifierId, params NodeId[] parents)
 Removes a local notifier. More...
bool IsNotifierForSource (NotifierHandle notifierHandle, NodeId sourceId)
 Determines whether the notifier is above the source in the tree. More...
virtual HistoryReadResult HistoryReadRaw (RequestContext context, ReadRawModifiedDetails details, HistoryDataHandle nodeHandle, string indexRange, QualifiedName dataEncoding, ref HistoryContinuationPoint continuationPoint)
 Reads the raw history for a single variable. More...
virtual void HistoryReadRaw (RequestContext context, HistoryDataTransactionHandle transaction, ReadRawModifiedDetails details, IList< HistoryDataOperationHandle > operationHandles, IList< HistoryReadValueId > valuesToRead, IList< HistoryContinuationPoint > continuationPoints)
 Reads the raw history for a group of variables. More...
virtual HistoryReadResult HistoryReadProcessed (RequestContext context, ReadProcessedDetails details, HistoryDataHandle nodeHandle, string indexRange, QualifiedName dataEncoding, ref HistoryContinuationPoint continuationPoint)
 Reads the processed history for a single variable. More...
virtual void HistoryReadProcessed (RequestContext context, HistoryDataTransactionHandle transaction, ReadProcessedDetails details, IList< HistoryDataOperationHandle > operationHandles, IList< HistoryReadValueId > valueToRead, IList< HistoryContinuationPoint > continuationPoints)
 Reads the processed history for a group of variables. More...
virtual HistoryReadResult HistoryReadAtTime (RequestContext context, ReadAtTimeDetails details, HistoryDataHandle nodeHandle, string indexRange, QualifiedName dataEncoding, ref HistoryContinuationPoint continuationPoint)
 Reads the history at specific time for a single variable. More...
virtual void HistoryReadAtTime (RequestContext context, HistoryDataTransactionHandle transaction, ReadAtTimeDetails details, IList< HistoryDataOperationHandle > operationHandles, IList< HistoryReadValueId > valuesToRead, IList< HistoryContinuationPoint > continuationPoints)
 Reads the history at specific time for a group of variables. More...
virtual HistoryUpdateResult HistoryUpdateData (RequestContext context, HistoryDataHandle nodeHandle, UpdateDataDetails details)
 Updates the data history for a single variable. More...
virtual void HistoryUpdateData (RequestContext context, HistoryDataTransactionHandle transaction, IList< HistoryDataOperationHandle > operationHandles, IList< UpdateDataDetails > details)
 Updates the data history for a group of variables. More...
virtual HistoryUpdateResult HistoryUpdateStructureData (RequestContext context, HistoryDataHandle nodeHandle, UpdateStructureDataDetails details)
 Updates structured history data for a single variable. More...
virtual void HistoryUpdateStructureData (RequestContext context, HistoryDataTransactionHandle transaction, IList< HistoryDataOperationHandle > operationHandles, IList< UpdateStructureDataDetails > details)
 Updates structured history data for a group of variables. More...
virtual HistoryUpdateResult HistoryDeleteRaw (RequestContext context, HistoryDataHandle nodeHandle, DeleteRawModifiedDetails details)
 Delete raw history data for a single variable. More...
virtual void HistoryDeleteRaw (RequestContext context, HistoryDataTransactionHandle transaction, IList< HistoryDataOperationHandle > operationHandles, IList< DeleteRawModifiedDetails > details)
 Delete raw history data for a group of variables. More...
virtual HistoryUpdateResult HistoryDeleteAtTime (RequestContext context, HistoryDataHandle nodeHandle, DeleteAtTimeDetails details)
 Deletes history data at specific times for a single variable. More...
virtual void HistoryDeleteAtTime (RequestContext context, HistoryDataTransactionHandle transaction, IList< HistoryDataOperationHandle > operationHandles, IList< DeleteAtTimeDetails > details)
 Deletes history data at specific times for a group of variables. More...
virtual HistoryReadResult HistoryReadEvent (RequestContext context, ReadEventDetails details, HistoryEventHandle nodeHandle)
 Reads the event history for a single notifier. More...
virtual void HistoryReadEvent (RequestContext context, HistoryEventTransactionHandle transaction, ReadEventDetails details, IList< HistoryEventOperationHandle > operationHandles, IList< HistoryReadValueId > notifiersToRead)
 Reads the event history for a group of notifiers. More...
virtual HistoryUpdateResult HistoryUpdateEvent (RequestContext context, HistoryEventHandle nodeHandle, UpdateEventDetails details)
 Updates the event history for a single notifier. More...
virtual void HistoryUpdateEvents (RequestContext context, HistoryEventTransactionHandle transaction, IList< HistoryEventOperationHandle > operationHandles, IList< UpdateEventDetails > details)
 Updates the event history for a group of notifiers. More...
virtual HistoryUpdateResult HistoryDeleteEvent (RequestContext context, HistoryEventHandle nodeHandle, DeleteEventDetails details)
 Deletes event history for a single notifier. More...
virtual void HistoryDeleteEvents (RequestContext context, HistoryEventTransactionHandle transaction, IList< HistoryEventOperationHandle > operationHandles, IList< DeleteEventDetails > details)
 Deletes event history for a group of notifiers. More...
virtual void FinishReadTransaction (TransactionHandle transaction)
 Finishes the read transaction. More...
virtual DataValue Read (RequestContext context, NodeAttributeHandle nodeHandle, string indexRange, QualifiedName dataEncoding)
 Reads the attribute. More...
virtual void Read (RequestContext context, TransactionHandle transaction, IList< NodeAttributeOperationHandle > operationHandles, IList< ReadValueId > settings)
 Reads the attributes. More...
byte GetUserAccessLevel (RequestContext context, NodeId nodeId)
 Gets the user access level. More...
DataValue ApplyIndexRangeAndEncoding (NodeAttributeHandle handle, DataValue input, string indexRange, QualifiedName dataEncoding)
 Applies the index range and the encoding (modifies the input DataValue). More...
DataValue ApplyIndexRangeAndEncoding (DataValue input, string indexRange, QualifiedName dataEncoding)
 Applies the index range and the encoding (modifies the input DataValue). More...
virtual DataValue ApplyDataEncoding (DataValue input, QualifiedName dataEncoding)
 Applies the data encoding (modifies the input DataValue). More...
virtual void FinishWriteTransaction (TransactionHandle transaction)
 Finishes the write transaction. More...
virtual StatusCode Write (RequestContext context, NodeAttributeHandle nodeHandle, string indexRange, DataValue value)
 Writes the value to a node attribute. More...
virtual void Write (RequestContext context, TransactionHandle transaction, IList< NodeAttributeOperationHandle > operationHandles, IList< WriteValue > settings)
 Writes a value to a group of node attributes. More...
StatusCode CanWriteDataType (RequestContext context, NodeAttributeHandle nodeHandle, DataValue value)
 Determines whether this instance can write a value with the specified data type to the node in the specified context. More...
void ReportDataChanges (RequestContext context, NodeAttributeHandle nodeHandle)
 Reports the data changes. More...
virtual void FinishStartDataMonitoringTransaction (TransactionHandle transaction)
 Finishes the start data monitoring transaction. More...
virtual DataMonitoringResult StartDataMonitoring (RequestContext context, MonitoredItemHandle itemHandle, MonitoredItemCreateRequest settings, DataChangeEventHandler callback)
 Start data monitoring for a single node attribute value. More...
virtual void StartDataMonitoring (RequestContext context, TransactionHandle transaction, IList< NodeAttributeOperationHandle > operationHandles, IList< uint > monitoredItemIds, IList< MonitoredItemCreateRequest > settings, IList< DataChangeEventHandler > callback)
 Start data monitoring for a group of node attributes. More...
DataMonitoringResult StartDataMonitoringInMemoryNode (RequestContext context, MonitoredItemHandle itemHandle, MonitoredItemCreateRequest request, DataChangeEventHandler callback, DataMonitoringResult result)
 Starts the data monitoring in memory node. More...
DataMonitoringResult StartDataMonitoringSampledNode (RequestContext context, MonitoredItemHandle itemHandle, MonitoredItemCreateRequest request, DataChangeEventHandler callback, DataMonitoringResult result)
 Starts the data monitoring of a mapped node. More...
virtual void FinishModifyDataMonitoringTransaction (TransactionHandle transaction)
 Finishes the modify data monitoring transaction. More...
virtual DataMonitoringResult ModifyDataMonitoring (RequestContext context, MonitoredItemHandle itemHandle, MonitoredItemModifyRequest settings)
 Modifies data monitoring for a single node attribute value. More...
virtual void ModifyDataMonitoring (RequestContext context, TransactionHandle transaction, IList< MonitoredItemOperationHandle > operationHandles, IList< MonitoredItemModifyRequest > settings)
 Modifies data monitoring for a group of node attribute values. More...
virtual void FinishStopDataMonitoringTransaction (TransactionHandle transaction)
 Finishes the stop data monitoring transaction. More...
virtual StatusCode StopDataMonitoring (RequestContext context, MonitoredItemHandle itemHandle)
 Stops the data monitoring for a single node attribute value. More...
virtual void StopDataMonitoring (RequestContext context, TransactionHandle transaction, IList< MonitoredItemOperationHandle > operationHandles)
 Stops the data monitoring for a group of node attribute values. More...
virtual void FinishSetDataMonitoringModeTransaction (TransactionHandle transaction)
 Finishes the modify data monitoring transaction. More...
virtual StatusCode SetDataMonitoringMode (RequestContext context, MonitoredItemHandle itemHandle, MonitoringMode monitoringMode, MonitoringParameters parameters)
 Sets the monitoring mode for a single monitored item. More...
virtual void SetDataMonitoringMode (RequestContext context, TransactionHandle transaction, IList< MonitoredItemOperationHandle > operationHandles, IList< MonitoringMode > monitoringModes, IList< MonitoringParameters > parameters)
 Sets the monitoring mode for a group of monitored items. More...
virtual void InMemoryNodeReadStarted (RequestContext context, NodeAttributeHandle nodeHandle, Node node)
 Called before an in-memory node is read. More...
virtual void InMemoryNodeWriteCompleted (RequestContext context, NodeAttributeHandle nodeHandle, Node node)
 Called after an in-memory node is updated. More...
virtual void InMemoryNodeMonitoringStarted (RequestContext context, NodeAttributeHandle nodeHandle, double samplingInterval)
 Called when data monitoring starts. More...
virtual void InMemoryNodeMonitoringModified (RequestContext context, NodeAttributeHandle nodeHandle, double samplingInterval)
 Called when data monitoring is modified. More...
virtual void InMemoryNodeMonitoringStopped (RequestContext context, NodeAttributeHandle nodeHandle)
 Called when data monitoring is stopped. More...
virtual CallMethodEventHandler GetMethodDispatcher (RequestContext context, MethodHandle methodHandle)
 Gets the method handler. More...
CallMethodResult CallMethod (RequestContext context, MethodHandle methodHandle, IList< Variant > inputArguments)
 Calls the method. More...
virtual StatusCode CallMethod (RequestContext context, MethodHandle methodHandle, IList< Variant > inputArguments, out List< StatusCode > inputArgumentResults, out List< Variant > outputArguments)
 Calls the method. More...
virtual bool HasAccessToAddNode (RequestContext context, BrowseHandle parent, NodeId referenceTypeId, NodeId typeDefinitionId)
 Determines whether the specified context has permision to add nodes. More...
virtual void PersistAddedNode (RequestContext context, Node node)
 Called when a new persistent node is added. More...
void CollectNodesToDelete (Node node, List< Node > nodesToDelete)
 Collects the nodes to delete. The children of the node are added to nodesToDelete recursicely. More...
virtual bool HasAccessToDeleteNode (RequestContext context, NodeId nodeToDelete)
 Determines whether the specified context has permision to delete nodes. More...
virtual void PersistDeletedNode (RequestContext context, Node node)
 Called when a new persistent node is deleted. More...
virtual void BeforeNodesAdded (RequestContext context, IList< Node > nodes)
 This method can be reimplemented in a subclass. The method is called before nodes are added. More...
virtual void AfterNodesAdded (RequestContext context, IList< Node > nodes)
 This method can be reimplemented in a subclass. The method is called after nodes are added. More...
virtual void AfterAddReference (RequestContext context, Node node, NodeId referenceTypeId, bool isInverse, ExpandedNodeId targetId)
 This method can be reimplemented in a subclass. The method is called after adding a reference to a node. More...
virtual void AfterDeleteReference (RequestContext context, Node node, NodeId referenceTypeId, bool isInverse, ExpandedNodeId targetId)
 This method can be reimplemented in a subclass. The method is called after deleting a reference. More...
virtual bool HasAccessToAddReference (RequestContext context, NodeId sourceId, NodeId referenceTypeId, bool isInverse)
 Determines whether the specified context has permission to add the reference. More...
virtual void PersistAddedReference (RequestContext context, Node node, ReferenceNode reference)
 Called when a new persistent reference is added. More...
virtual bool HasAccessToDeleteReference (RequestContext context, NodeId sourceId, NodeId referenceTypeId, bool isInverse)
 Determines whether the specified context has permission to delete the reference. More...
virtual void PersistDeletedReference (RequestContext context, Node node, ReferenceNode reference)
 Called when a new persistent reference is deleted. More...
NodeId CreateNodeId (bool persistent, ushort namespaceIndex)
 Creates a new node id. More...
virtual ContinuationPoint Browse (RequestContext context, ContinuationPoint continuationPoint, List< ReferenceDescription > results)
 Browses the node specified in the continuation point. More...
ContinuationPoint ProcessReferences (RequestContext context, ContinuationPoint continuationPoint, List< ReferenceNode > references, List< ReferenceDescription > results)
 Processes the references in the list. More...


ushort[] NamespaceIndexes [get]
 Gets the namespace indexes supported by the node manager. More...
string[] NamespaceUris [get]
 Gets the namespace uris supported by the node manager. More...
ushort DefaultNamespaceIndex [get, set]
 Gets or sets the default namespace index. More...
ServerManager Server [get]
 Gets the server manager. More...
object InMemoryNodeLock [get]
 Gets the lock to use when accessing the memory nodes. More...
IEnumerable< NodeInMemoryNodes [get]
 Gets the set of in memory nodes. More...
virtual AdvancedNodeManagerMethods SupportedMethods [get]
 Gets the supported methods. More...
NodeIdGenerationSettings NodeIdGenerationSettings [get]
 Gets the node id generation settings. More...
- Properties inherited from UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.IAdvancedNodeManager
AdvancedNodeManagerMethods SupportedMethods [get]
 Gets the supported methods. More...

Detailed Description

A base class for all node managers.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.BaseNodeManager.BaseNodeManager ( ServerManager  server,
params string[]  namespaceUris 

Initializes a new instance of the BaseNodeManager class.

serverThe server.
namespaceUrisThe namespace uris.

Member Function Documentation

virtual StatusCode UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.BaseNodeManager.Acknowledge ( RequestContext  context,
AcknowledgeableConditionModel  model,
byte[]  eventId,
LocalizedText  comment 

Acknowledges a condition.

contextThe request context.
modelThe condition being acknowledged.
eventIdThe event id.
commentThe comment.
Good, if the condition was acknowledged successfully. False otherwise.

Implements UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.IAcknowledgeableConditionMethods.

virtual StatusCode UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.BaseNodeManager.AddComment ( RequestContext  context,
ConditionModel  model,
byte[]  eventId,
LocalizedText  comment 

Adds a comment to a condition.

contextThe request context.
modelThe condition to add a comment to.
eventIdThe event id.
commentThe comment.
Good, if the comment was added successfully. False otherwise.

Implements UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.IConditionMethods.

void UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.BaseNodeManager.AddCrossReference ( NodeId  sourceNodeId,
INodeManager  manager 

Adds the cross reference.

sourceNodeIdThe source node id.
managerThe manager.

The source node is a node managed by the NodeManager being called. This method tells the NodeManager that references from the source exist in another NodeManager. When the source is browsed the NodeManager will call the BrowseCrossReference method on the NodeManger passed to this method.

Implements UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.INodeManagerEx.

ushort UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.BaseNodeManager.AddNamespaceUri ( string  namespaceUri)

Adds the namespace URI.

namespaceUriThe namespace URI.
The index assigned to the namespace URI.
StatusCode UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.BaseNodeManager.AddNode ( RequestContext  context,
AddNodeSettings  settings,
out NodeId  assignedNodeId 

Adds a new node.

contextThe request context.
settingsThe settings.
assignedNodeIdThe assigned node id.
Good if successful; Otherwise an error code.

Implements UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.INodeManagementManager.

void UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.BaseNodeManager.AddNotifier ( NodeId  notifierId,
IEventManager  manager 

Adds a link from an IEventManager to a notifier.

notifierIdThe notifier id.
managerThe event manager.

Implements UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.IEventManagerEx.

void UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.BaseNodeManager.AddNotifier ( NodeId  notifierId,
params NodeId[]  parents 

Removes a local notifier.

notifierIdThe notifier id.
parentsThe parents.
StatusCode UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.BaseNodeManager.AddReference ( RequestContext  context,
NodeId  sourceNodeId,
NodeId  referenceTypeId,
bool  isInverse,
ExpandedNodeId  targetNodeId,
bool  addBiDirectional 

Adds a reference.

contextThe request context.
sourceNodeIdThe source node id.
referenceTypeIdThe reference type id.
isInverseIf set to true, then the reference is a inverse reference.
targetNodeIdThe target node id.
addBiDirectionalIf set to true, then the reverse reference is added as well.
Good if successful; Otherwise an error code.

Implements UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.INodeManagementManager.

virtual void UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.BaseNodeManager.AfterAddReference ( RequestContext  context,
Node  node,
NodeId  referenceTypeId,
bool  isInverse,
ExpandedNodeId  targetId 

This method can be reimplemented in a subclass. The method is called after adding a reference to a node.

contextThe request context.
nodeThe node.
referenceTypeIdThe reference type id.
isInverseSet to true, if the reference is an inverse reference.
targetIdThe target id.
virtual void UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.BaseNodeManager.AfterDeleteReference ( RequestContext  context,
Node  node,
NodeId  referenceTypeId,
bool  isInverse,
ExpandedNodeId  targetId 

This method can be reimplemented in a subclass. The method is called after deleting a reference.

contextThe request context.
nodeThe node.
referenceTypeIdThe reference type id.
isInverseSet to true, if the reference is an inverse reference.
targetIdThe target id.
virtual void UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.BaseNodeManager.AfterNodesAdded ( RequestContext  context,
IList< Node nodes 

This method can be reimplemented in a subclass. The method is called after nodes are added.

contextThe request context.
nodesThe nodes.
virtual DataValue UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.BaseNodeManager.ApplyDataEncoding ( DataValue  input,
QualifiedName  dataEncoding 

Applies the data encoding (modifies the input DataValue).

inputThe input.
dataEncodingThe data encoding.
The value after applying the encoding. An error if the encoding is invalid.
DataValue UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.BaseNodeManager.ApplyIndexRangeAndEncoding ( NodeAttributeHandle  handle,
DataValue  input,
string  indexRange,
QualifiedName  dataEncoding 

Applies the index range and the encoding (modifies the input DataValue).

handleThe handle.
inputThe input.
indexRangeThe index range.
dataEncodingThe data encoding.
A value containing an error code, if an error occurs. The modified input otherwise.
DataValue UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.BaseNodeManager.ApplyIndexRangeAndEncoding ( DataValue  input,
string  indexRange,
QualifiedName  dataEncoding 

Applies the index range and the encoding (modifies the input DataValue).

inputThe input.
indexRangeThe index range.
dataEncodingThe data encoding.
The value after applying the index range and/or encoding. An error if the index range or encoding is invalid.
virtual void UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.BaseNodeManager.BeforeNodesAdded ( RequestContext  context,
IList< Node nodes 

This method can be reimplemented in a subclass. The method is called before nodes are added.

contextThe request context.
nodesThe nodes.
virtual StatusCode UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.BaseNodeManager.BeginBrowse ( RequestContext  context,
BrowseOperationHandle  nodeToBrowse,
ContinuationPoint  continuationPoint,
bool  releaseContinuationPoint,
Delegate  callback,
object  callbackData 

Begins a browse operation.

contextThe request context.
nodeToBrowseThe node to browse.
continuationPointThe continuation point.
releaseContinuationPointIf set to true, [release continuation point].
callbackThe callback.
callbackDataThe callback data.
Good if successful; an error code otherwise.

Implements UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.INodeManager.

virtual StatusCode UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.BaseNodeManager.BeginCall ( MethodOperationHandle  methodHandle,
IList< Variant inputArguments 

Begins the method call.

methodHandleThe method handle.
inputArgumentsThe input arguments.

If this method returns Good, the callback passed to BeginCallTransaction must be called when the operation completes.

Implements UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.IMethodManager.

StatusCode UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.BaseNodeManager.BeginCallTransaction ( RequestContext  context,
uint  totalItemCountHint,
CallCompleteEventHandler  callback,
object  callbackData,
out TransactionHandle  handle 

Begins the call transaction.

contextThe request context.
totalItemCountHintThe total item count hint.
callbackThe callback.
callbackDataThe callback data.
handleThe call transaction handle.
Good if the transaction could be created, an error code otherwise.

Implements UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.IMethodManager.

StatusCode UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.BaseNodeManager.BeginDataTransaction ( RequestContext  context,
uint  totalItemCountHint,
double  maxAge,
TimestampsToReturn  timestampsToReturn,
TransactionType  transactionType,
Delegate  callback,
object  callbackData,
out TransactionHandle  handle 

Begins the data transaction.

contextThe request context.
totalItemCountHintThe total item count hint.
maxAgeThe max age.
timestampsToReturnThe timestamps to return.
transactionTypeType of the transaction.
callbackThe callback.
callbackDataThe callback data.
handleThe data transaction handle.
Good, if successful; otherwise an error code.

Implements UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.IIOManager.

virtual StatusCode UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.BaseNodeManager.BeginEventTransaction ( RequestContext  context,
uint  totalItemCountHint,
TransactionType  transactionType,
Delegate  callback,
object  callbackData,
out TransactionHandle  handle 

Begins the transaction.

contextThe request context.
totalItemCountHintThe total item count hint.
transactionTypeType of the transaction.
callbackThe callback to raise when an opereation completes.
callbackDataThe callback data.
handleThe transaction handle.
Good, if the transaction could be created, an error code otherwise.

Implements UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.IEventManager.

StatusCode UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.BaseNodeManager.BeginHistoryDeleteAtTime ( HistoryDataOperationHandle  operationHandle,
DeleteAtTimeDetails  details 

Begins an operation to delete history data at specific times.

operationHandleThe operation handle.
Good, if successful; otherwise an error code.

If this method returns Good, the callback passed to BeginHistoryUpdateDataTransaction must be called when the operation completes.

Implements UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.IHistoryUpdateDataManager.

StatusCode UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.BaseNodeManager.BeginHistoryDeleteEvent ( HistoryEventOperationHandle  operationHandle,
DeleteEventDetails  details 

Begins an operation to delete event history.

operationHandleThe operation handle.
detailsThe details.
Good, if successful; otherwise an error code.

If this method returns Good, the callback passed to BeginHistoryUpdateEventTransaction must be called when the operation completes.

Implements UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.IHistoryUpdateEventManager.

StatusCode UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.BaseNodeManager.BeginHistoryDeleteRaw ( HistoryDataOperationHandle  operationHandle,
DeleteRawModifiedDetails  details 

Begins an operation to delete raw history data.

operationHandleThe operation handle.
detailsThe details.
Good, if successful; otherwise an error code.

If this method returns Good, the callback passed to BeginHistoryUpdateDataTransaction must be called when the operation completes.

Implements UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.IHistoryUpdateDataManager.

StatusCode UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.BaseNodeManager.BeginHistoryReadAtTime ( HistoryDataOperationHandle  operationHandle,
HistoryReadValueId  valueToRead 

Begins an operation to read raw history data.

operationHandleThe operation handle.
valueToReadThe value to read.
Good, if successful; otherwise an error code.

If this method returns Good, the callback passed to BeginHistoryReadDataTransaction must be called when the operation completes.

Implements UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.IHistoryReadDataManager.

StatusCode UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.BaseNodeManager.BeginHistoryReadDataTransaction ( RequestContext  context,
uint  totalItemCountHint,
TimestampsToReturn  timestampsToReturn,
TransactionType  transactionType,
HistoryReadDetails  details,
Delegate  callback,
object  callbackData,
out HistoryDataTransactionHandle  handle 

Begins the history transaction.

contextThe request context.
totalItemCountHintThe total item count hint.
timestampsToReturnThe timestamps to return.
transactionTypeType of the transaction.
detailsThe details.
callbackThe callback called when an operation completes.
callbackDataThe callback data.
handleThe historical data transaction handle.
Good, if the transaction could be created, an error code otherwise.

Implements UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.IHistoryReadDataManager.

StatusCode UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.BaseNodeManager.BeginHistoryReadEvent ( HistoryEventOperationHandle  operationHandle,
HistoryReadValueId  notifierToRead 

Begins an operation to read event history.

operationHandleThe operation handle.
notifierToReadThe notifier to read.
Good, if successful; Otherwise an error code.

If this method returns Good the callback passed to BeginHistoryReadEventTransaction must be called when the operation completes.

Implements UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.IHistoryReadEventManager.

StatusCode UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.BaseNodeManager.BeginHistoryReadEventTransaction ( RequestContext  context,
uint  totalItemCountHint,
TransactionType  transactionType,
ReadEventDetails  details,
Delegate  callback,
object  callbackData,
out HistoryEventTransactionHandle  handle 

Begins the event history transaction.

contextThe request context.
totalItemCountHintThe total item count hint.
transactionTypeType of the transaction.
detailsThe details.
callbackThe callback.
callbackDataThe callback data.
handleThe historical event transaction handle.
Good, if the transaction could be created; an error code otherwise.

Implements UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.IHistoryReadEventManager.

StatusCode UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.BaseNodeManager.BeginHistoryReadProcessed ( HistoryDataOperationHandle  operationHandle,
HistoryReadValueId  valueToRead 

Begins an operation to read processed history data.

operationHandleThe operation handle.
valueToReadThe value to read.
Good, if successful; otherwise an error code.

If this method returns Good, the callback passed to BeginHistoryReadDataTransaction must be called when the operation completes.

Implements UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.IHistoryReadDataManager.

StatusCode UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.BaseNodeManager.BeginHistoryReadRaw ( HistoryDataOperationHandle  operationHandle,
HistoryReadValueId  valueToRead 

Begins an operation to read raw history data.

operationHandleThe operation handle.
valueToReadThe value to read.
Good, if successful; otherwise an error code.

If this method returns Good, the callback passed to BeginHistoryReadDataTransaction must be called when the operation completes.

Implements UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.IHistoryReadDataManager.

StatusCode UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.BaseNodeManager.BeginHistoryUpdateData ( HistoryDataOperationHandle  operationHandle,
UpdateDataDetails  details 

Begins an operation to update raw history data.

operationHandleThe operation handle.
detailsThe details.
Good, if successful; otherwise an error code.

If this method returns Good, the callback passed to BeginHistoryUpdateDataTransaction must be called when the operation completes.

Implements UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.IHistoryUpdateDataManager.

StatusCode UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.BaseNodeManager.BeginHistoryUpdateDataTransaction ( RequestContext  context,
uint  totalItemCountHint,
TransactionType  transactionType,
Delegate  callback,
object  callbackData,
out HistoryDataTransactionHandle  handle 

Begins the history transaction.

contextThe request context.
totalItemCountHintThe total item count hint.
transactionTypeType of the transaction.
callbackThe callback.
callbackDataThe callback data.
handleThe historical data transaction handle.
Good, if the transaction could be created; an error code otherwise.

Implements UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.IHistoryUpdateDataManager.

StatusCode UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.BaseNodeManager.BeginHistoryUpdateEvent ( HistoryEventOperationHandle  operationHandle,
UpdateEventDetails  details 

Begins the history update event.

operationHandleThe operation handle.
detailsThe details.
Good, if the transaction could be created; an error code otherwise.

If this method returns Good, the callback passed to BeginHistoryUpdateEventTransaction must be called when the operation completes.

Implements UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.IHistoryUpdateEventManager.

StatusCode UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.BaseNodeManager.BeginHistoryUpdateEventTransaction ( RequestContext  context,
uint  totalItemCountHint,
TransactionType  transactionType,
Delegate  callback,
object  callbackData,
out HistoryEventTransactionHandle  handle 

Begins the history transaction.

contextThe request context.
totalItemCountHintThe total item count hint.
transactionTypeType of the transaction.
callbackThe callback.
callbackDataThe callback data.
handleThe handle.
Good, if the transaction could be created; an error code otherwise.

Implements UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.IHistoryUpdateEventManager.

StatusCode UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.BaseNodeManager.BeginHistoryUpdateStructureData ( HistoryDataOperationHandle  operationHandle,
UpdateStructureDataDetails  details 

Begins an operation to update structured history data.

operationHandleThe operation handle.
detailsThe details.
Good, if successful; Otherwise an error code.

If this method returns Good, the callback passed to BeginHistoryUpdateDataTransaction must be called when the operation completes.

Implements UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.IHistoryUpdateDataManager.

StatusCode UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.BaseNodeManager.BeginModifyDataMonitoring ( MonitoredItemOperationHandle  operationHandle,
MonitoredItemModifyRequest  settings 

Begins a modify data operation (must not block).

operationHandleThe operation handle.
settingsThe settings.
Good, if successful; otherwise an error code.

If this method returns Good, the callback passed to BeginDataTransaction must be called when the operation completes.

Implements UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.IIOManager.

StatusCode UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.BaseNodeManager.BeginModifyEventMonitoring ( MonitoredItemOperationHandle  operationHandle,
MonitoredItemModifyRequest  settings 

Modifies the monitoring for an item.

operationHandleThe operation handle.
settingsThe settings.
Good, if the monitored item can be modified, an error code otherwise.

If this method returns Good, the callback passed to BeginTransaction must be called when the operation completes.

Implements UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.IEventManager.

StatusCode UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.BaseNodeManager.BeginRead ( NodeAttributeOperationHandle  operationHandle,
ReadValueId  settings 

Begins a read operation (must not block).

operationHandleThe operation handle.
settingsThe settings.
Good, if successful; otherwise an error code.

If this method returns Good, the callback passed to BeginDataTransaction must be called when the operation completes.

Implements UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.IIOManager.

StatusCode UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.BaseNodeManager.BeginSetDataMonitoringMode ( MonitoredItemOperationHandle  operationHandle,
MonitoringMode  monitoringMode,
MonitoringParameters  parameters 

Begins a set data monitoring mode operation (must not block).

operationHandleThe operation handle.
monitoringModeThe monitoring mode.
parametersThe parameters.
Good, if successful; otherwise an error code.

If this method returns Good, the callback passed to BeginDataTransaction must be called when the operation completes.

Implements UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.IIOManager.

StatusCode UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.BaseNodeManager.BeginSetEventMonitoringMode ( MonitoredItemOperationHandle  operationHandle,
MonitoringMode  monitoringMode,
MonitoringParameters  parameters 

Changes the monitoring mode for an item.

operationHandleThe operation handle.
monitoringModeThe monitoring mode.
parametersThe parameters.
Good, if the monitored item can be modified; an error code otherwise.

If this method returns Good, the callback passed to BeginEventTransaction must be called when the operation completes.

Implements UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.IEventManager.

StatusCode UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.BaseNodeManager.BeginStartDataMonitoring ( NodeAttributeOperationHandle  operationHandle,
uint  monitoredItemId,
MonitoredItemCreateRequest  settings,
DataChangeEventHandler  callback 

Begins a start data monitoring operation (must not block).

operationHandleThe operation handle.
monitoredItemIdThe monitored item id.
settingsThe settings.
callbackThe callback.
Good, if successful; otherwise an error code.

If this method returns Good, the callback passed to BeginDataTransaction must be called when the operation completes.

Implements UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.IIOManager.

StatusCode UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.BaseNodeManager.BeginStartEventMonitoring ( NotifierOperationHandle  operationHandle,
MonitoredItemCreateRequest  settings,
uint  monitoredItemId,
EventNotificationEventHandler  callback 

Starts monitoring an item.

operationHandleThe operation handle.
settingsThe settings.
monitoredItemIdThe monitored item id.
callbackThe callback to use when events occur.
Good, if the monitored item can be created, an error code otherwise.

If this method returns Good, the callback passed to BeginTransaction must be called when the operation completes.

Implements UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.IEventManager.

StatusCode UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.BaseNodeManager.BeginStopDataMonitoring ( MonitoredItemOperationHandle  operationHandle)

Begins a stop data monitoring operation (must not block).

operationHandleThe operation handle.
Good, if successful; otherwise an error code.

If this method returns Good, the callback passed to BeginDataTransaction must be called when the operation completes.

Implements UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.IIOManager.

StatusCode UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.BaseNodeManager.BeginStopEventMonitoring ( MonitoredItemOperationHandle  operationHandle)

Stops monitoring an item.

operationHandleThe operation handle.
Good, if the monitored item can be modified, an error code otherwise.

If this method returns Good, the callback passed to BeginTransaction must be called when the operation completes.

Implements UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.IEventManager.

virtual StatusCode UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.BaseNodeManager.BeginTranslate ( RequestContext  context,
BrowseOperationHandle  nodeToBrowse,
RelativePath  relativePath,
uint  index,
Delegate  callback,
object  callbackData 

Begins a translate browse paths operation.

contextThe request context.
nodeToBrowseThe node to browse.
relativePathThe relative path.
indexThe index.
callbackThe callback.
callbackDataThe callback data.
Good if successful; An error code otherwise.

Implements UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.INodeManager.

StatusCode UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.BaseNodeManager.BeginWrite ( NodeAttributeOperationHandle  operationHandle,
WriteValue  settings 

Begins the write.

operationHandleThe operation handle.
settingsThe settings.
Good, if successful; otherwise an error code.

If this method returns Good, the callback passed to BeginDataTransaction must be called when the operation completes.

Implements UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.IIOManager.

virtual ContinuationPoint UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.BaseNodeManager.Browse ( RequestContext  context,
ContinuationPoint  continuationPoint,
List< ReferenceDescription results 

Browses the node specified in the continuation point.

contextThe context.
continuationPointThe continuation point.
resultsThe results.
A new continuation point if the operation halts. null if the operation completes.
CallMethodResult UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.BaseNodeManager.CallMethod ( RequestContext  context,
MethodHandle  methodHandle,
IList< Variant inputArguments 

Calls the method.

contextThe request context.
methodHandleThe method handle.
inputArgumentsThe input arguments.
The result of the operation including any output arguments.
virtual StatusCode UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.BaseNodeManager.CallMethod ( RequestContext  context,
MethodHandle  methodHandle,
IList< Variant inputArguments,
out List< StatusCode inputArgumentResults,
out List< Variant outputArguments 

Calls the method.

contextThe request context.
methodHandleThe method handle.
inputArgumentsThe input arguments.
inputArgumentResultsThe input argument results.
outputArgumentsThe output arguments.
Good, if the call succeeded; an error code otherwise.
StatusCode UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.BaseNodeManager.CanWriteDataType ( RequestContext  context,
NodeAttributeHandle  nodeHandle,
DataValue  value 

Determines whether this instance can write a value with the specified data type to the node in the specified context.

contextThe request context.
nodeHandleThe node handle.
valueThe value.
Good, if a write is permitted; an error code otherwise.
void UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.BaseNodeManager.CollectNodesToDelete ( Node  node,
List< Node nodesToDelete 

Collects the nodes to delete. The children of the node are added to nodesToDelete recursicely.

nodeThe node to delete.
nodesToDeleteThe children of the node are added to this list.
virtual void UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.BaseNodeManager.ConditionRefresh ( NodeId  notifierId,
MonitoredItemHandle  itemHandle,
EventNotificationEventHandler  callback 

Called when the condition refresh is called for a notifier higher in the hierarchy.

notifierIdThe id for the notifier.
itemHandleThe item handle.
callbackThe callback to call with the current state of all conditions.

Implements UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.IEventManager.

virtual StatusCode UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.BaseNodeManager.Confirm ( RequestContext  context,
AcknowledgeableConditionModel  model,
byte[]  eventId,
LocalizedText  comment 

Confirms a condition.

contextThe request context.
modelThe condition being confirmed.
eventIdThe event id.
commentThe comment.
Good, if the condition was confirmed successfully. False otherwise.

Implements UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.IAcknowledgeableConditionMethods.

Node UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.BaseNodeManager.CopyNode ( Node  source,
bool  copyValue 

Copies the node.

sourceThe source.
copyValueIf set to true, the value is copied. If set to false, a reference to the value is returned.
A copy of the node.
DataTypeNode UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.BaseNodeManager.CreateDataTypeNode ( RequestContext  context,
CreateDataTypeSettings  settings 

Creates a new data type node.

contextThe request context.
settingsThe settings.
The new data type node.
MethodNode UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.BaseNodeManager.CreateMethod ( RequestContext  context,
CreateMethodSettings  settings 

Creates a new method node.

contextThe request context.
settingsThe settings.
The new method node.
NodeId UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.BaseNodeManager.CreateNodeId ( bool  persistent,
ushort  namespaceIndex 

Creates a new node id.

persistentIf set to true, the node will be persisted.
namespaceIndexIndex of the namespace.
The new node id.
ObjectNode UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.BaseNodeManager.CreateObject ( RequestContext  context,
CreateObjectSettings  settings 

Creates a new object node.

contextThe request context.
settingsThe settings.
The new object node.
ObjectTypeNode UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.BaseNodeManager.CreateObjectTypeNode ( RequestContext  context,
CreateObjectTypeSettings  settings 

Creates a new object type node.

contextThe request context.
settingsThe settings.
The new object type node.
ReferenceTypeNode UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.BaseNodeManager.CreateReferenceTypeNode ( RequestContext  context,
CreateReferenceTypeSettings  settings 

Creates a new reference type node.

contextThe request context.
settingsThe settings.
The new reference type node.
VariableNode UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.BaseNodeManager.CreateVariable ( RequestContext  context,
CreateVariableSettings  settings 

Creates a new variable node.

contextThe request context.
settingsThe settings.
The new variable node.
VariableTypeNode UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.BaseNodeManager.CreateVariableTypeNode ( RequestContext  context,
CreateVariableTypeSettings  settings 

Creates a new variable type node.

contextThe request context.
settingsThe settings.
The new variable type node.
ViewNode UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.BaseNodeManager.CreateView ( RequestContext  context,
CreateViewSettings  settings 

Creates a new view node.

contextThe request context.
settingsThe settings.
The new view node.
StatusCode UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.BaseNodeManager.DeleteNode ( RequestContext  context,
NodeId  nodeId,
bool  deleteTargetReferences 

Deletes the node.

contextThe request context.
nodeIdThe node id.
deleteTargetReferencesIf set to true, the references from other nodes to the node are deleted as well.
Good on success; an error code otherwise

Implements UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.INodeManagementManager.

StatusCode UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.BaseNodeManager.DeleteReference ( RequestContext  context,
NodeId  sourceNodeId,
NodeId  referenceTypeId,
bool  isInverse,
ExpandedNodeId  targetNodeId,
bool  deleteBiDirectional 

Deletes the reference.

contextThe request context.
sourceNodeIdThe source node id.
referenceTypeIdThe reference type id.
isInverseIf set to true then the reference is a inverse reference.
targetNodeIdThe target node id.
deleteBiDirectionalIf set to true then the reverse reference is deleted as well.
Good if the reference was added. Otherwise an error code.

Implements UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.INodeManagementManager.

virtual StatusCode UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.BaseNodeManager.Disable ( RequestContext  context,
ConditionModel  model 

Disables a condition.

contextThe request context.
modelThe condition being disabled.
Good, if the condition was disabled successfully. False otherwise.

Implements UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.IConditionMethods.

void UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.BaseNodeManager.Dispose ( )

Frees any unmanaged resources.

virtual void UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.BaseNodeManager.Dispose ( bool  disposing)

An overrideable version of the Dispose.

virtual StatusCode UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.BaseNodeManager.Enable ( RequestContext  context,
ConditionModel  model 

Enables a condition.

contextThe request context.
modelThe condition being enabled.
Good, if the condition was enabled successfully. False otherwise.

Implements UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.IConditionMethods.

virtual void UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.BaseNodeManager.EventMonitoringModified ( NodeId  notifierId,
MonitoredItemHandle  itemHandle,
MonitoringParameters  parameters 

Called when monitoring changes for a notifier from another IEventManager higher in the hierarchy.

notifierIdThe id for the notifier in the other IEventManager.
itemHandleThe item handle.
parametersThe parameters.

Implements UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.IEventManager.

virtual void UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.BaseNodeManager.EventMonitoringStarted ( NodeId  notifierId,
MonitoredItemHandle  itemHandle,
MonitoringParameters  parameters,
EventNotificationEventHandler  callback 

Called when monitoring starts for a notifier from another IEventManager higher in the hierarchy.

notifierIdThe id for the notifier in the other IEventManager.
itemHandleThe item handle.
parametersThe parameters.
callbackThe callback to use when events occur.

Implements UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.IEventManager.

virtual void UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.BaseNodeManager.EventMonitoringStopped ( NodeId  notifierId,
MonitoredItemHandle  itemHandle 

Called when monitoring stops for a notifier from another IEventManager higher in the hierarchy.

notifierIdThe id for the notifier in the other IEventManager.
itemHandleThe item handle.

Implements UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.IEventManager.

Node UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.BaseNodeManager.FindInMemoryNode ( NodeId  sourceId,
NodeId  referenceTypeId,
bool  isInverse,
StringTable  namespaceUris,
string  browsePath 

Finds the in memory node.

sourceIdThe source id.
referenceTypeIdThe reference type id.
isInverseSet to true, if the reference is an inverse reference.
namespaceUrisThe namespace uris.
browsePathThe browse path.
The node. null if the nodeId does not refer to an in-memory node managed by the node manager.
Node UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.BaseNodeManager.FindInMemoryNode ( NodeId  sourceId,
NodeId  referenceTypeId,
bool  isInverse,
params AbsoluteName[]  browseNames 

Finds the in memory node.

sourceIdThe source id.
referenceTypeIdThe reference type id.
isInverseSet to true if the reference is an inverse reference.
browseNamesThe browse names.
The node. null if the nodeId does not refer to an in-memory node managed by the node manager.
Node UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.BaseNodeManager.FindInMemoryNode ( NodeId  sourceId,
NodeId  referenceTypeId,
bool  isInverse,
params QualifiedName[]  browseNames 

Finds the in memory node.

sourceIdThe source id.
referenceTypeIdThe reference type id.
isInverseSet to true if the reference is an inverse reference.
browseNamesThe browse names.
The node. null if the nodeId does not refer to an in-memory node managed by the node manager.
Node UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.BaseNodeManager.FindInMemoryNode ( NodeId  nodeId)

Finds the in memory node.

nodeIdThe node id.
The node. null if the nodeId does not refer to an in-memory node managed by the node manager.
virtual void UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.BaseNodeManager.FinishCallTransaction ( TransactionHandle  transaction)

Finishes the call transaction.

transactionThe transaction.

Implements UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.IMethodManager.

void UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.BaseNodeManager.FinishDataTransaction ( TransactionHandle  transaction)

Finishes the transaction.

transactionThe transaction.

Implements UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.IIOManager.

void UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.BaseNodeManager.FinishEventTransaction ( TransactionHandle  transaction)

Finishes the transaction.

transactionThe transaction.

Implements UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.IEventManager.

void UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.BaseNodeManager.FinishHistoryReadDataTransaction ( HistoryDataTransactionHandle  transaction)

Finishes the history transaction.

transactionThe transaction.

Implements UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.IHistoryReadDataManager.

void UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.BaseNodeManager.FinishHistoryReadEventTransaction ( HistoryEventTransactionHandle  transaction)

Finishes the event history transaction.

transactionThe transaction.

Implements UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.IHistoryReadEventManager.

void UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.BaseNodeManager.FinishHistoryUpdateDataTransaction ( HistoryDataTransactionHandle  transaction)

Finishes the history transaction.

transactionThe transaction.

Implements UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.IHistoryUpdateDataManager.

void UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.BaseNodeManager.FinishHistoryUpdateEventTransaction ( HistoryEventTransactionHandle  transaction)

Finishes the history event transaction.

transactionThe transaction.

Implements UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.IHistoryUpdateEventManager.

virtual void UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.BaseNodeManager.FinishModifyDataMonitoringTransaction ( TransactionHandle  transaction)

Finishes the modify data monitoring transaction.

transactionThe transaction.
virtual void UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.BaseNodeManager.FinishModifyEventMonitoringTransaction ( TransactionHandle  transaction)

Finishes the modify event monitoring transaction.

transactionThe transaction.
virtual void UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.BaseNodeManager.FinishReadTransaction ( TransactionHandle  transaction)

Finishes the read transaction.

transactionThe transaction.
virtual void UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.BaseNodeManager.FinishSetDataMonitoringModeTransaction ( TransactionHandle  transaction)

Finishes the modify data monitoring transaction.

transactionThe transaction.
virtual void UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.BaseNodeManager.FinishSetEventMonitoringModeTransaction ( TransactionHandle  transaction)

Finishes the set event monitoring mode transaction.

transactionThe transaction.
virtual void UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.BaseNodeManager.FinishStartDataMonitoringTransaction ( TransactionHandle  transaction)

Finishes the start data monitoring transaction.

transactionThe transaction.
virtual void UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.BaseNodeManager.FinishStartEventMonitoringTransaction ( TransactionHandle  transaction)

Finishes the start event monitoring transaction.

transactionThe transaction.
virtual void UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.BaseNodeManager.FinishStopDataMonitoringTransaction ( TransactionHandle  transaction)

Finishes the stop data monitoring transaction.

transactionThe transaction.
virtual void UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.BaseNodeManager.FinishStopEventMonitoringTransaction ( TransactionHandle  transaction)

Finishes the stop event monitoring transaction.

transactionThe transaction.
virtual void UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.BaseNodeManager.FinishWriteTransaction ( TransactionHandle  transaction)

Finishes the write transaction.

transactionThe transaction.
virtual StatusCode UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.BaseNodeManager.GetBrowseHandle ( RequestContext  context,
ViewHandle  view,
NodeId  nodeId,
out BrowseHandle  handle 

Gets the browse handle for the specified node.

contextThe request context.
viewThe view.
nodeIdThe node id.
handleThe handle.
Good if successful; An error code otherwise.

Implements UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.INodeManager.

virtual StatusCode UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.BaseNodeManager.GetHistoryDataHandle ( RequestContext  context,
NodeId  variableId,
out HistoryDataHandle  handle 

Gets the history data handle for the specified variable.

contextThe request context.
variableIdThe variable id.
handleThe handle.
Good if successful; An error code otherwise.

Implements UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.INodeManager.

virtual StatusCode UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.BaseNodeManager.GetHistoryEventHandle ( RequestContext  context,
NodeId  notifierId,
out HistoryEventHandle  handle 

Gets the history events handle for the specified notifier.

contextThe request context.
notifierIdThe notifier id.
handleThe handle.
Good if successful; An error code otherwise.

Implements UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.INodeManager.

virtual CallMethodEventHandler UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.BaseNodeManager.GetMethodDispatcher ( RequestContext  context,
MethodHandle  methodHandle 

Gets the method handler.

contextThe request context.
methodHandleThe method handle.
The method dispatcher. null if no handler is available.
virtual StatusCode UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.BaseNodeManager.GetMethodHandle ( RequestContext  context,
NodeId  objectId,
NodeId  methodId,
out MethodHandle  handle 

Gets the method handle for the specified object and method.

contextThe request context.
objectIdThe object id.
methodIdThe method id.
handleThe handle.
Good if successful; An error code otherwise.

Implements UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.INodeManager.

virtual Node UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.BaseNodeManager.GetNodeAttributes ( RequestContext  context,
BrowseHandle  browseHandle,
NodeClass  expectedNodeClass 

Gets the node attributes.

contextThe request context.
browseHandleThe browse handle.
expectedNodeClassThe expected node class.
The subtype of Node depending on the NodeClass. null if the node is not the expected node class.

Implements UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.IAdvancedNodeManager.

virtual StatusCode UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.BaseNodeManager.GetNodeHandle ( RequestContext  context,
NodeId  nodeId,
uint  attributeId,
out NodeAttributeHandle  handle 

Gets the node handle for the specified node and attribute.

contextThe request context.
nodeIdThe node id.
attributeIdThe attribute id.
handleThe handle.
Good if successful; An error code otherwise.

Implements UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.INodeManager.

virtual NodeMetadata UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.BaseNodeManager.GetNodeMetadata ( RequestContext  context,
BrowseHandle  browseHandle,
NodeMetadataMask  fieldsToReturn,
NodeClass  nodeClassFilter 

Gets the node metadata.

contextThe request context.
browseHandleThe browse handle.
fieldsToReturnThe fields to return.
nodeClassFilterThe node class filter.
The metadata with only the requested fields. null if the node does not have the requested node class.

Implements UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.IAdvancedNodeManager.

object UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.BaseNodeManager.GetNodeUserData ( NodeId  nodeId)

Gets the user data for a node.

nodeIdThe node id.
The user data for the node.

The user data for a Node passed as the NodeData in all handles created by the NodeManager.

virtual StatusCode UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.BaseNodeManager.GetNotifierHandle ( RequestContext  context,
NodeId  nodeId,
out NotifierHandle  handle 

Gets the notifier handle for the specified notifier.

contextThe request context.
nodeIdThe node id.
handleThe handle.
Good if successful; An error code otherwise.

Implements UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.INodeManager.

byte UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.BaseNodeManager.GetUserAccessLevel ( RequestContext  context,
NodeId  nodeId 

Gets the user access level.

contextThe request context.
nodeIdThe node id.
The user access level for the node id.
StatusCode UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.BaseNodeManager.GetViewHandle ( RequestContext  context,
ViewDescription  view,
out ViewHandle  handle 

Gets the view handle for the specified view.

contextThe request context.
viewThe view.
handleThe handle.
Good if successful; An error code otherwise.

Implements UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.INodeManager.

virtual bool UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.BaseNodeManager.HasAccess ( RequestContext  context,
BrowseHandle  browseHandle 

Determines whether the specified context has access to the browse handle.

contextThe request context.
browseHandleThe browse handle.
true if the specified context has access; otherwise, false.

Implements UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.IUserAccessManager.

virtual bool UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.BaseNodeManager.HasAccess ( RequestContext  context,
MethodHandle  methodHandle 

Determines whether the specified context has access to the browse handle.

contextThe request context.
methodHandleThe method handle.
true if the specified context has access; otherwise, false.

Implements UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.IUserAccessManager.

virtual bool UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.BaseNodeManager.HasAccess ( RequestContext  context,
NodeAttributeHandle  nodeHandle,
UserAccessMask  accessMasks 

Determines whether the current context has specified access to the handle.

contextThe request context.
nodeHandleThe node handle.
accessMasksThe desired access masks.
true, if the specified context has access; otherwise, false.

Implements UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.IUserAccessManager.

virtual bool UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.BaseNodeManager.HasAccess ( RequestContext  context,
HistoryDataHandle  nodeHandle,
UserAccessMask  accessMasks 

Determines whether the specified context has access to the history data handle.

contextThe request context.
nodeHandleThe node handle.
accessMasksThe desired access masks.
true, if the specified context has access; otherwise, false.

Implements UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.IUserAccessManager.

virtual bool UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.BaseNodeManager.HasAccess ( RequestContext  context,
HistoryEventHandle  nodeHandle,
UserAccessMask  accessMasks 

Determines whether the specified context has access to the history event handle.

contextThe request context.
nodeHandleThe node handle.
true if the specified context has access; otherwise, false.

Implements UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.IUserAccessManager.

virtual bool UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.BaseNodeManager.HasAccessToAddNode ( RequestContext  context,
BrowseHandle  parent,
NodeId  referenceTypeId,
NodeId  typeDefinitionId 

Determines whether the specified context has permision to add nodes.

contextThe context.
parentThe parent of the node to add.
referenceTypeIdThe reference type from the parent to the node to add.
typeDefinitionIdThe type definition of the node to add.
true, if the context has permission; otherwise, false.
virtual bool UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.BaseNodeManager.HasAccessToAddReference ( RequestContext  context,
NodeId  sourceId,
NodeId  referenceTypeId,
bool  isInverse 

Determines whether the specified context has permission to add the reference.

contextThe context.
sourceIdThe source id.
referenceTypeIdThe reference type id.
isInverseIf set to true [is inverse].
true if the context has permission; otherwise, false.
virtual bool UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.BaseNodeManager.HasAccessToDeleteNode ( RequestContext  context,
NodeId  nodeToDelete 

Determines whether the specified context has permision to delete nodes.

contextThe context
nodeToDeleteThe node to delete.
true, if the context has permission; otherwise, false.
virtual bool UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.BaseNodeManager.HasAccessToDeleteReference ( RequestContext  context,
NodeId  sourceId,
NodeId  referenceTypeId,
bool  isInverse 

Determines whether the specified context has permission to delete the reference.

contextThe context.
sourceIdThe source id.
referenceTypeIdThe reference type id.
isInverseIf set to true, the reference is inverse.
true, if the context has permission; otherwise, false.
virtual HistoryUpdateResult UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.BaseNodeManager.HistoryDeleteAtTime ( RequestContext  context,
HistoryDataHandle  nodeHandle,
DeleteAtTimeDetails  details 

Deletes history data at specific times for a single variable.

contextThe request context.
nodeHandleThe node handle.
detailsThe details.
The result if the operation was processed. null if the operation needs to be processed as part of a batch in FinishHistoryReadDataTransaction.
virtual void UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.BaseNodeManager.HistoryDeleteAtTime ( RequestContext  context,
HistoryDataTransactionHandle  transaction,
IList< HistoryDataOperationHandle operationHandles,
IList< DeleteAtTimeDetails details 

Deletes history data at specific times for a group of variables.

contextThe request context.
transactionThe transaction.
operationHandlesThe operation handles.
detailsThe details.
virtual HistoryUpdateResult UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.BaseNodeManager.HistoryDeleteEvent ( RequestContext  context,
HistoryEventHandle  nodeHandle,
DeleteEventDetails  details 

Deletes event history for a single notifier.

contextThe request context.
nodeHandleThe node handle.
detailsThe details.
The result if the operation was processed. null if the operation needs to be processed as part of a batch in FinishHistoryUpdateEventTransaction.
virtual void UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.BaseNodeManager.HistoryDeleteEvents ( RequestContext  context,
HistoryEventTransactionHandle  transaction,
IList< HistoryEventOperationHandle operationHandles,
IList< DeleteEventDetails details 

Deletes event history for a group of notifiers.

contextThe request context.
transactionThe transaction.
operationHandlesThe operation handles.
detailsThe details.
virtual HistoryUpdateResult UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.BaseNodeManager.HistoryDeleteRaw ( RequestContext  context,
HistoryDataHandle  nodeHandle,
DeleteRawModifiedDetails  details 

Delete raw history data for a single variable.

contextThe request context.
nodeHandleThe node handle.
detailsThe details.
The result if the operation was processed. null if the operation needs to be processed as part of a batch in FinishHistoryReadDataTransaction.
virtual void UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.BaseNodeManager.HistoryDeleteRaw ( RequestContext  context,
HistoryDataTransactionHandle  transaction,
IList< HistoryDataOperationHandle operationHandles,
IList< DeleteRawModifiedDetails details 

Delete raw history data for a group of variables.

contextThe request context.
transactionThe transaction.
operationHandlesThe operation handles.
detailsThe details.
virtual HistoryReadResult UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.BaseNodeManager.HistoryReadAtTime ( RequestContext  context,
ReadAtTimeDetails  details,
HistoryDataHandle  nodeHandle,
string  indexRange,
QualifiedName  dataEncoding,
ref HistoryContinuationPoint  continuationPoint 

Reads the history at specific time for a single variable.

contextThe request context.
detailsThe details.
nodeHandleThe node handle.
indexRangeThe index range.
dataEncodingThe data encoding.
continuationPointThe continuation point.
The result if the operation was processed. null if the operation needs to be processed as part of a batch in FinishHistoryReadDataTransaction.
virtual void UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.BaseNodeManager.HistoryReadAtTime ( RequestContext  context,
HistoryDataTransactionHandle  transaction,
ReadAtTimeDetails  details,
IList< HistoryDataOperationHandle operationHandles,
IList< HistoryReadValueId valuesToRead,
IList< HistoryContinuationPoint continuationPoints 

Reads the history at specific time for a group of variables.

contextThe request context.
transactionThe transaction.
detailsThe details.
operationHandlesThe operation handles.
valuesToReadThe values to read.
continuationPointsThe continuation points.
virtual HistoryReadResult UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.BaseNodeManager.HistoryReadEvent ( RequestContext  context,
ReadEventDetails  details,
HistoryEventHandle  nodeHandle 

Reads the event history for a single notifier.

contextThe request context.
detailsThe details.
nodeHandleThe node handle.
The result if the operation was processed. null if the operation needs to be processed as part of a batch in FinishHistoryReadEventTransaction.
virtual void UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.BaseNodeManager.HistoryReadEvent ( RequestContext  context,
HistoryEventTransactionHandle  transaction,
ReadEventDetails  details,
IList< HistoryEventOperationHandle operationHandles,
IList< HistoryReadValueId notifiersToRead 

Reads the event history for a group of notifiers.

contextThe request context.
transactionThe transaction.
detailsThe details.
operationHandlesThe operation handles.
notifiersToReadThe notifiers to read.
virtual HistoryReadResult UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.BaseNodeManager.HistoryReadProcessed ( RequestContext  context,
ReadProcessedDetails  details,
HistoryDataHandle  nodeHandle,
string  indexRange,
QualifiedName  dataEncoding,
ref HistoryContinuationPoint  continuationPoint 

Reads the processed history for a single variable.

contextThe request context.
detailsThe details.
nodeHandleThe node handle.
indexRangeThe index range.
dataEncodingThe data encoding.
continuationPointThe continuation point.
The result if the operation was processed. null if the operation needs to be processed as part of a batch in FinishHistoryReadDataTransaction.
virtual void UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.BaseNodeManager.HistoryReadProcessed ( RequestContext  context,
HistoryDataTransactionHandle  transaction,
ReadProcessedDetails  details,
IList< HistoryDataOperationHandle operationHandles,
IList< HistoryReadValueId valueToRead,
IList< HistoryContinuationPoint continuationPoints 

Reads the processed history for a group of variables.

contextThe request context.
transactionThe transaction.
detailsThe details.
operationHandlesThe operation handles.
valueToReadThe value to read.
continuationPointsThe continuation points.
virtual HistoryReadResult UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.BaseNodeManager.HistoryReadRaw ( RequestContext  context,
ReadRawModifiedDetails  details,
HistoryDataHandle  nodeHandle,
string  indexRange,
QualifiedName  dataEncoding,
ref HistoryContinuationPoint  continuationPoint 

Reads the raw history for a single variable.

contextThe request context.
detailsThe details.
nodeHandleThe node handle.
indexRangeThe index range.
dataEncodingThe data encoding.
continuationPointThe continuation point.
The result if the operation was processed. null if the operation needs to be processed as part of a batch in FinishHistoryReadDataTransaction.
virtual void UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.BaseNodeManager.HistoryReadRaw ( RequestContext  context,
HistoryDataTransactionHandle  transaction,
ReadRawModifiedDetails  details,
IList< HistoryDataOperationHandle operationHandles,
IList< HistoryReadValueId valuesToRead,
IList< HistoryContinuationPoint continuationPoints 

Reads the raw history for a group of variables.

contextThe request context.
transactionThe transaction.
detailsThe details.
operationHandlesThe operation handles.
valuesToReadThe values to read.
continuationPointsThe continuation points.
virtual HistoryUpdateResult UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.BaseNodeManager.HistoryUpdateData ( RequestContext  context,
HistoryDataHandle  nodeHandle,
UpdateDataDetails  details 

Updates the data history for a single variable.

contextThe request context.
nodeHandleThe node handle.
detailsThe details.
The result if the operation was processed. null if the operation needs to be processed as part of a batch in FinishHistoryReadDataTransaction.
virtual void UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.BaseNodeManager.HistoryUpdateData ( RequestContext  context,
HistoryDataTransactionHandle  transaction,
IList< HistoryDataOperationHandle operationHandles,
IList< UpdateDataDetails details 

Updates the data history for a group of variables.

contextThe request context.
transactionThe transaction.
operationHandlesThe operation handles.
detailsThe details.
virtual HistoryUpdateResult UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.BaseNodeManager.HistoryUpdateEvent ( RequestContext  context,
HistoryEventHandle  nodeHandle,
UpdateEventDetails  details 

Updates the event history for a single notifier.

contextThe request context.
nodeHandleThe node handle.
detailsThe details.
The result if the operation was processed. null if the operation needs to be processed as part of a batch in FinishHistoryUpdateEventTransaction.
virtual void UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.BaseNodeManager.HistoryUpdateEvents ( RequestContext  context,
HistoryEventTransactionHandle  transaction,
IList< HistoryEventOperationHandle operationHandles,
IList< UpdateEventDetails details 

Updates the event history for a group of notifiers.

contextThe request context.
transactionThe transaction.
operationHandlesThe operation handles.
detailsThe details.
virtual HistoryUpdateResult UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.BaseNodeManager.HistoryUpdateStructureData ( RequestContext  context,
HistoryDataHandle  nodeHandle,
UpdateStructureDataDetails  details 

Updates structured history data for a single variable.

contextThe request context.
nodeHandleThe node handle.
detailsThe details.
The result if the operation was processed. null if the operation needs to be processed as part of a batch in FinishHistoryReadDataTransaction.
virtual void UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.BaseNodeManager.HistoryUpdateStructureData ( RequestContext  context,
HistoryDataTransactionHandle  transaction,
IList< HistoryDataOperationHandle operationHandles,
IList< UpdateStructureDataDetails details 

Updates structured history data for a group of variables.

contextThe request context.
transactionThe transaction.
operationHandlesThe operation handles.
detailsThe details.
void UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.BaseNodeManager.Import ( List< Node nodes)

Imports the list of nodes.

nodesThe nodes.
void UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.BaseNodeManager.ImportUaNodeset ( Assembly  assembly,
string  resourcePath 

Imports the nodeset from an embedded resource.

assemblyThe assembly.
resourcePathThe resource path.

If an exact match is not found the first resource with a path that ends with the resourcePath is used.

void UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.BaseNodeManager.ImportUaNodeset ( FileInfo  file)

Imports the ua nodeset from a file.

fileThe file.
void UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.BaseNodeManager.ImportUaNodeset ( Stream  istrm)

Imports the nodes from the stream.

istrmThe istrm.
void UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.BaseNodeManager.ImportUaNodeset ( UaSchema.UANodeSet  nodeset)

Imports the specified nodeset.

nodesetThe nodeset.
virtual void UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.BaseNodeManager.InMemoryNodeMonitoringModified ( RequestContext  context,
NodeAttributeHandle  nodeHandle,
double  samplingInterval 

Called when data monitoring is modified.

contextThe request context.
nodeHandleThe node handle.
samplingIntervalThe sampling interval.
virtual void UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.BaseNodeManager.InMemoryNodeMonitoringStarted ( RequestContext  context,
NodeAttributeHandle  nodeHandle,
double  samplingInterval 

Called when data monitoring starts.

contextThe request context.
nodeHandleThe node handle.
samplingIntervalThe sampling interval.
virtual void UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.BaseNodeManager.InMemoryNodeMonitoringStopped ( RequestContext  context,
NodeAttributeHandle  nodeHandle 

Called when data monitoring is stopped.

contextThe request context.
nodeHandleThe node handle.
virtual void UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.BaseNodeManager.InMemoryNodeReadStarted ( RequestContext  context,
NodeAttributeHandle  nodeHandle,
Node  node 

Called before an in-memory node is read.

contextThe request context.
nodeHandleThe node handle.
nodeThe node.
virtual void UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.BaseNodeManager.InMemoryNodeWriteCompleted ( RequestContext  context,
NodeAttributeHandle  nodeHandle,
Node  node 

Called after an in-memory node is updated.

contextThe request context.
nodeHandleThe node handle.
nodeThe node.
virtual bool UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.BaseNodeManager.IsNodeIdInvalid ( NodeId  nodeId)

Determines whether the node id is invalid.

nodeIdThe node id.
true if the is node id invalid; otherwise, false.
virtual bool UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.BaseNodeManager.IsNodeIdInvalid ( ExpandedNodeId  nodeId)

Determines whether the node id is invalid.

true if the is node id invalid; otherwise, false.
bool UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.BaseNodeManager.IsNotifierForSource ( NotifierHandle  notifierHandle,
NodeId  sourceId 

Determines whether the notifier is above the source in the tree.

notifierHandleThe notifier handle.
sourceIdThe source id.
true if the notifier is above the source; otherwise, false.
bool UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.BaseNodeManager.IsReferenceInView ( RequestContext  context,
ViewHandle  view,
BrowseHandle  sourceHandle,
NodeId  referenceTypeId,
bool  isInverse,
ExpandedNodeId  targetId 

Determines whether the reference is in the specified view.

contextThe request context.
viewThe view.
sourceHandleThe source handle.
referenceTypeIdThe reference type id.
isInverseif set to true then the reference is an inverse reference.
targetIdThe target id.
true if the reference is in the view; otherwise, false.
ModelHandle UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.BaseNodeManager.LinkModelToNode ( NodeId  rootId,
object  instance,
object  syncLock,
IModelMapper  mapper,
double  minimumSamplingInterval 

Links an object to a node in the address space.

rootIdThe root id.
instanceThe instance.
syncLockThe sync lock.
mapperThe mapper.
minimumSamplingIntervalThe minimum sampling interval.
A handle that can be used to unlink the node.

Implements UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.IObjectMappingManager.

virtual DataMonitoringResult UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.BaseNodeManager.ModifyDataMonitoring ( RequestContext  context,
MonitoredItemHandle  itemHandle,
MonitoredItemModifyRequest  settings 

Modifies data monitoring for a single node attribute value.

contextThe request context.
itemHandleThe item handle.
settingsThe settings.
The result of the operation. Returns null if monitoring cannot be started with this method (meaning the batch method must be used).
virtual void UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.BaseNodeManager.ModifyDataMonitoring ( RequestContext  context,
TransactionHandle  transaction,
IList< MonitoredItemOperationHandle operationHandles,
IList< MonitoredItemModifyRequest settings 

Modifies data monitoring for a group of node attribute values.

contextThe request context.
transactionThe transaction.
operationHandlesThe operation handles.
settingsThe settings.
virtual EventMonitoringResult UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.BaseNodeManager.ModifyEventMonitoring ( RequestContext  context,
MonitoredItemOperationHandle  itemHandle,
MonitoredItemModifyRequest  settings 

Modifies the event monitoring for a single item.

contextThe request context.
itemHandleThe item handle.
settingsThe settings.
null if the operation needs to be done as batch during FinishEventTransaction. non-null if the operation is complete.
virtual void UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.BaseNodeManager.ModifyEventMonitoring ( RequestContext  context,
TransactionHandle  transaction,
IList< MonitoredItemOperationHandle itemHandles,
IList< MonitoredItemModifyRequest settings 

Modifies the event monitoring for all unprocessed items in the transaction.

contextThe request context.
transactionThe transaction.
itemHandlesThe item handles.
settingsThe settings.
virtual void UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.BaseNodeManager.OnConditionRefresh ( NodeId  notifierId,
MonitoredItemHandle  itemHandle,
EventNotificationEventHandler  callback 

Called when condition refresh has been called for the notifier.

notifierIdThe notifier id.
itemHandleThe item handle.
callbackThe callback to use to report the current state of all conditions.

Implements UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.INotifierManagerCallback.

StatusCode UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.BaseNodeManager.OneShotShelve ( RequestContext  context,
ShelvedStateMachineModel  model 

Shelves a condition until the next time it goes into the active state.

contextThe request context.
modelThe state machine for the condition being shelved.
Good, if the condition was shelved successfully. False otherwise.

Implements UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.IShelvedStateMachineMethods.

virtual void UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.BaseNodeManager.OnMonitoringModified ( NodeId  notifierId,
EventMonitoredItem  monitoredItem 

Called when event monitoring has been modified for a notifier.

notifierIdThe notifier id.
monitoredItemThe monitored item.

Implements UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.INotifierManagerCallback.

virtual void UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.BaseNodeManager.OnMonitoringStarted ( NodeId  notifierId,
EventMonitoredItem  monitoredItem 

Called when event monitoring has started for a notifier.

notifierIdThe notifier id.
monitoredItemThe monitored item.

Implements UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.INotifierManagerCallback.

virtual void UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.BaseNodeManager.OnMonitoringStopped ( NodeId  notifierId,
EventMonitoredItem  monitoredItem 

Called when event monitoring has stopped for a notifier.

notifierIdThe notifier id.
monitoredItemThe monitored item.

Implements UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.INotifierManagerCallback.

virtual void UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.BaseNodeManager.PersistAddedNode ( RequestContext  context,
Node  node 

Called when a new persistent node is added.

contextThe request context.
nodeThe node.
virtual void UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.BaseNodeManager.PersistAddedReference ( RequestContext  context,
Node  node,
ReferenceNode  reference 

Called when a new persistent reference is added.

contextThe request context.
nodeThe node.
referenceThe reference.
virtual void UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.BaseNodeManager.PersistDeletedNode ( RequestContext  context,
Node  node 

Called when a new persistent node is deleted.

contextThe request context.
nodeThe node.
virtual void UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.BaseNodeManager.PersistDeletedReference ( RequestContext  context,
Node  node,
ReferenceNode  reference 

Called when a new persistent reference is deleted.

contextThe request context.
nodeThe node.
referenceThe reference.
ContinuationPoint UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.BaseNodeManager.ProcessReferences ( RequestContext  context,
ContinuationPoint  continuationPoint,
List< ReferenceNode references,
List< ReferenceDescription results 

Processes the references in the list.

contextThe request context.
continuationPointThe continuation point.
referencesThe references.
resultsThe results.
A new continuation point if the operation halts. null if the operation completes.
virtual DataValue UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.BaseNodeManager.Read ( RequestContext  context,
NodeAttributeHandle  nodeHandle,
string  indexRange,
QualifiedName  dataEncoding 

Reads the attribute.

contextThe request context.
nodeHandleThe node handle.
indexRangeThe index range.
dataEncodingThe data encoding.
A value containing an error code if an error occurs. The attribute value otherwise.
virtual void UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.BaseNodeManager.Read ( RequestContext  context,
TransactionHandle  transaction,
IList< NodeAttributeOperationHandle operationHandles,
IList< ReadValueId settings 

Reads the attributes.

contextThe request context.
transactionThe transaction.
operationHandlesThe operation handles.
settingsThe settings.
virtual DataValue UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.BaseNodeManager.ReadAttribute ( RequestContext  context,
NodeAttributeHandle  nodeHandle 

Reads the attribute.

contextThe request context.
nodeHandleThe node handle.
The value of the requested attribute. Returns null if the attribute cannot be read with this method (meaning the I/O manager needs to be used).

Implements UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.IAdvancedNodeManager.

virtual T UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.BaseNodeManager.ReadValue< T > ( RequestContext  context,
NodeAttributeHandle  nodeHandle,
QualifiedName  componentName,

Reads the attribute value for a child node.

Template Parameters
TThe data type of the attribute to read.
contextThe request context.
nodeHandleThe node handle.
componentNameName of the component.
defaultValueThe default value.
The value of the variable identified by the component name. The defaultValue if any error occurs.

Implements UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.IAdvancedNodeManager.

virtual T UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.BaseNodeManager.ReadValue< T > ( RequestContext  context,
NodeAttributeHandle  nodeHandle,
QualifiedName[]  browsePath,

Reads the attribute value for a child node.

Template Parameters
TThe data type of the value to read.
contextThe request context.
nodeHandleThe node handle.
browsePathThe browse path.
defaultValueThe default value.
The value of the variable identified by the browse path. The defaultValue if any error occurs.

Implements UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.IAdvancedNodeManager.

void UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.BaseNodeManager.RemoveCrossReference ( NodeId  sourceNodeId,
INodeManager  manager 

Removes the cross reference.

sourceNodeIdThe source node id.
managerThe manager.

Implements UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.INodeManagerEx.

void UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.BaseNodeManager.RemoveNotifier ( NodeId  notifierId,
IEventManager  manager 

Removes a link from IEventManager to a notifier.

notifierIdThe notifier id.
managerThe manager.

Implements UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.IEventManagerEx.

void UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.BaseNodeManager.ReportDataChanges ( RequestContext  context,
NodeAttributeHandle  nodeHandle 

Reports the data changes.

contextThe request context.
nodeHandleThe node handle.
virtual void UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.BaseNodeManager.ReportEvent ( NodeId  notifierId,
GenericEvent  e 

Reports an event for the notifier id.

notifierIdThe notifier id.
eThe event.

Implements UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.IEventManagerEx.

virtual void UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.BaseNodeManager.SessionActivated ( Session  session)

Called when a session is activated.

sessionThe session.

Implements UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.INodeManager.

virtual void UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.BaseNodeManager.SessionClosed ( Session  session)

Called when a new session is closed.

sessionThe session.

Implements UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.INodeManager.

virtual void UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.BaseNodeManager.SessionOpened ( Session  session)

Called when a new session is created.

sessionThe session.

Implements UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.INodeManager.

void UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.BaseNodeManager.SetChildUserData ( NodeId  parentId,
QualifiedName  browseName,
object  userData 

Sets the user data for the child of a node.

parentIdThe parent id.
browseNameThe browse name of the child.
userDataThe user data.

The user data for a Node passed as the NodeData in all handles created by the NodeManager.

virtual StatusCode UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.BaseNodeManager.SetDataMonitoringMode ( RequestContext  context,
MonitoredItemHandle  itemHandle,
MonitoringMode  monitoringMode,
MonitoringParameters  parameters 

Sets the monitoring mode for a single monitored item.

contextThe request context.
itemHandleThe item handle.
monitoringModeThe monitoring mode.
parametersThe parameters.
The result of the operation. Returns null if the monitoring mode cannot be changed with this method (meaning the batch method must be used).
virtual void UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.BaseNodeManager.SetDataMonitoringMode ( RequestContext  context,
TransactionHandle  transaction,
IList< MonitoredItemOperationHandle operationHandles,
IList< MonitoringMode monitoringModes,
IList< MonitoringParameters parameters 

Sets the monitoring mode for a group of monitored items.

contextThe request context.
transactionThe transaction.
operationHandlesThe operation handles.
monitoringModesThe monitoring modes.
parametersThe parameters.
virtual StatusCode UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.BaseNodeManager.SetEventMonitoringMode ( RequestContext  context,
MonitoredItemOperationHandle  itemHandle,
MonitoringMode  monitoringMode 

Changes the event monitoring mode for a single item.

contextThe request context.
itemHandleThe item handle.
monitoringModeThe monitoring mode.
null if the operation needs to be done as batch during FinishEventTransaction. non-null if the operation is complete.
virtual void UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.BaseNodeManager.SetEventMonitoringMode ( RequestContext  context,
TransactionHandle  transaction,
IList< MonitoredItemOperationHandle itemHandles,
IList< MonitoringMode monitoringModes 

Changes the event monitoring mode for all unprocessed items in the transaction.

contextThe request context.
transactionThe transaction.
itemHandlesThe item handles.
monitoringModesThe monitoring modes.
void UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.BaseNodeManager.SetNodeAttributeConfiguration ( NodeId  nodeId,
uint  attributeId,
uint  handleType,
object  handleData 

Sets the node attribute configuration.

nodeIdThe node id.
attributeIdThe attribute id.
handleTypeType of the handle.
handleDataThe handle data.

The node attribute configuration controls how the NodeManager handles I/O for the attribute value. The NodeHandleType defines standard values which can be passed as the handleType. The handleData is passed as the UserData when the NodeAttributeHandle.

void UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.BaseNodeManager.SetNodeUserData ( NodeId  nodeId,
object  userData 

Sets the user data for a node.

nodeIdThe node id.
userDataThe user data.

The user data for a Node passed as the NodeData in all handles created by the NodeManager.

VariableNode UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.BaseNodeManager.SetVariableConfiguration ( NodeId  parentId,
QualifiedName  browseName,
uint  handleType,
object  handleData 

Sets the variable configuration.

parentIdThe parent id.
browseNameThe browse name of the variable.
handleTypeType of the handle.
handleDataThe handle data.
The variable if found. null if it could not be found.

The variable configuration controls how the NodeManager handles I/O for the variable value. The NodeHandleType defines standard values which can be passed as the handleType. The handleData is passed as the UserData when the NodeAttributeHandle.

void UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.BaseNodeManager.SetVariableConfiguration ( NodeId  variableId,
uint  handleType,
object  handleData 

Sets the variable configuration.

variableIdThe variable id.
handleTypeType of the handle.
handleDataThe handle data.

The variable configuration controls how the NodeManager handles I/O for the variable value. The NodeHandleType defines standard values which can be passed as the handleType. The handleData is passed as the UserData when the NodeAttributeHandle.

bool UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.BaseNodeManager.SetVariableDefaultValue ( NodeId  parentId,
QualifiedName  browseName,
Variant  value 

Sets the variable default value.

parentIdThe parent id.
browseNameThe browse name of the variable to find.
valueThe value.
True if successful, false otherwise.

This method sets the value for an in-memory node. It will not affect the value if the handleType set for the variable is not NodeHandleType.Internal

bool UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.BaseNodeManager.SetVariableDefaultValue ( NodeId  variableId,
Variant  value 

Sets the variable value configuration.

variableIdThe variable id.
valueThe value.
True if successful, false otherwise.

This method sets the value for an in-memory node. It will not affect the value if the handleType set for the variable is not NodeHandleType.Internal

virtual void UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.BaseNodeManager.Shutdown ( )

Called when the node manager is stopped.

Implements UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.INodeManager.

virtual DataMonitoringResult UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.BaseNodeManager.StartDataMonitoring ( RequestContext  context,
MonitoredItemHandle  itemHandle,
MonitoredItemCreateRequest  settings,
DataChangeEventHandler  callback 

Start data monitoring for a single node attribute value.

contextThe request context.
itemHandleThe item handle.
settingsThe settings.
callbackThe callback.
The result of the operation. Returns null if monitoring cannot be started with this method (meaning the batch method must be used).
virtual void UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.BaseNodeManager.StartDataMonitoring ( RequestContext  context,
TransactionHandle  transaction,
IList< NodeAttributeOperationHandle operationHandles,
IList< uint >  monitoredItemIds,
IList< MonitoredItemCreateRequest settings,
IList< DataChangeEventHandler callback 

Start data monitoring for a group of node attributes.

contextThe request context.
transactionThe transaction.
operationHandlesThe operation handles.
monitoredItemIdsThe monitored item ids.
settingsThe settings.
callbackThe callback.
DataMonitoringResult UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.BaseNodeManager.StartDataMonitoringInMemoryNode ( RequestContext  context,
MonitoredItemHandle  itemHandle,
MonitoredItemCreateRequest  request,
DataChangeEventHandler  callback,
DataMonitoringResult  result 

Starts the data monitoring in memory node.

contextThe request context.
itemHandleThe item handle.
requestThe request.
callbackThe callback.
resultThe result.
The result of the operation.
DataMonitoringResult UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.BaseNodeManager.StartDataMonitoringSampledNode ( RequestContext  context,
MonitoredItemHandle  itemHandle,
MonitoredItemCreateRequest  request,
DataChangeEventHandler  callback,
DataMonitoringResult  result 

Starts the data monitoring of a mapped node.

contextThe request context.
itemHandleThe item handle.
requestThe request.
callbackThe callback.
resultThe result.
The result of the operation.
virtual EventMonitoringResult UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.BaseNodeManager.StartEventMonitoring ( RequestContext  context,
NotifierHandle  notifierHandle,
uint  monitoredItemId,
MonitoredItemCreateRequest  settings,
EventNotificationEventHandler  callback 

Starts the event monitoring for a single item.

contextThe request context.
notifierHandleThe notifier handle.
monitoredItemIdThe monitored item id.
settingsThe settings.
callbackThe callback to use when an event occurs.
null if the operation needs to be done as batch during FinishEventTransaction. non-null if the operation is complete.
virtual void UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.BaseNodeManager.StartEventMonitoring ( RequestContext  context,
TransactionHandle  transaction,
IList< NotifierOperationHandle notifierHandles,
IList< uint >  monitoredItemIds,
IList< MonitoredItemCreateRequest settings,
IList< EventNotificationEventHandler callbacks 

Starts the event monitoring for all unprocessed items in the transaction.

contextThe request context.
transactionThe transaction.
notifierHandlesThe notifier handles.
monitoredItemIdsThe monitored item ids.
settingsThe settings.
callbacksThe callbacks to use when an event occurs.
virtual void UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.BaseNodeManager.Startup ( )

Called when the node manager is started.

Implements UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.INodeManager.

virtual StatusCode UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.BaseNodeManager.StopDataMonitoring ( RequestContext  context,
MonitoredItemHandle  itemHandle 

Stops the data monitoring for a single node attribute value.

contextThe request context.
itemHandleThe item handle.
The result of the operation. Returns null, if monitoring cannot be stopped with this method (meaning the batch method must be used).
virtual void UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.BaseNodeManager.StopDataMonitoring ( RequestContext  context,
TransactionHandle  transaction,
IList< MonitoredItemOperationHandle operationHandles 

Stops the data monitoring for a group of node attribute values.

contextThe request context.
transactionThe transaction.
operationHandlesThe operation handles.
virtual StatusCode UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.BaseNodeManager.StopEventMonitoring ( RequestContext  context,
MonitoredItemOperationHandle  itemHandle 

Stops the event monitoring for a single item.

contextThe request context.
itemHandleThe item handle.
null if the operation needs to be done as batch during FinishEventTransaction. non-null if the operation is complete.
virtual void UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.BaseNodeManager.StopEventMonitoring ( RequestContext  context,
TransactionHandle  transaction,
IList< MonitoredItemOperationHandle itemHandles,
IList< MonitoredItemModifyRequest settings 

Stop the event monitoring for all unprocessed items in the transaction.

contextThe request context.
transactionThe transaction.
itemHandlesThe item handles.
settingsThe settings.
StatusCode UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.BaseNodeManager.TimedShelve ( RequestContext  context,
ShelvedStateMachineModel  model,
double  shelvingTime 

Shelves a condition for a period of time.

contextThe request context.
modelThe state machine for the condition being shelved.
shelvingTimeThe shelving time.
Good, if the condition was shelved successfully. False otherwise.

Implements UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.IShelvedStateMachineMethods.

void UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.BaseNodeManager.UnlinkModelFromNode ( NodeId  rootId,
ModelHandle  handle 

Unlinks an object from a node in the address space.

rootIdThe root id.
handleThe handle.

Implements UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.IObjectMappingManager.

StatusCode UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.BaseNodeManager.Unshelve ( RequestContext  context,
ShelvedStateMachineModel  model 

Unshelves a condition.

contextThe request context.
modelThe state machine for the condition being shelved.
Good, if the condition was unshelved successfully. False otherwise.

Implements UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.IShelvedStateMachineMethods.

EventMonitoringResult UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.BaseNodeManager.ValidateEventMonitoringRequest ( RequestContext  context,
NotifierHandle  notifierHandle,
ReadValueId  itemToMonitor,
MonitoringParameters  parameters 

Validates the event monitoring request.

contextThe request context.
notifierHandleThe notifier handle.
itemToMonitorThe item to monitor.
parametersThe parameters.
The result of the validation include detailed errors for the event filter.
virtual StatusCode UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.BaseNodeManager.Write ( RequestContext  context,
NodeAttributeHandle  nodeHandle,
string  indexRange,
DataValue  value 

Writes the value to a node attribute.

contextThe request context.
nodeHandleThe node handle.
indexRangeThe index range.
valueThe value.
The value of the requested attribute. Returns null if the attribute cannot be written with this method (meaning the batch method must be used).
virtual void UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.BaseNodeManager.Write ( RequestContext  context,
TransactionHandle  transaction,
IList< NodeAttributeOperationHandle operationHandles,
IList< WriteValue settings 

Writes a value to a group of node attributes.

contextThe request context.
transactionThe transaction.
operationHandlesThe operation handles.
settingsThe settings.
virtual StatusCode UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.BaseNodeManager.WriteAttribute ( RequestContext  context,
NodeAttributeHandle  nodeHandle,
Variant  valueToWrite 

Writes the attribute.

contextThe request context.
nodeHandleThe node handle.
valueToWriteThe value to write.
Writes the attribute. Returns null if the attribute cannot be written with this method (meaning the I/O manager needs to be used).

Implements UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.IAdvancedNodeManager.

virtual StatusCode UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.BaseNodeManager.WriteValue ( RequestContext  context,
NodeAttributeHandle  nodeHandle,
QualifiedName  componentName,
Variant  valueToWrite 

Writes the attribute value for a child node.

contextThe request context.
nodeHandleThe node handle.
componentNameName of the component.
valueToWriteThe value to write.
The result of the operation.

Implements UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.IAdvancedNodeManager.

virtual StatusCode UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.BaseNodeManager.WriteValue ( RequestContext  context,
NodeAttributeHandle  nodeHandle,
QualifiedName[]  browsePath,
Variant  valueToWrite 

Writes the attribute value for a child node.

contextThe request context.
nodeHandleThe node handle.
browsePathThe browse path.
valueToWriteThe value to write.
The result of the operation.

Implements UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.IAdvancedNodeManager.

Property Documentation

ushort UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.BaseNodeManager.DefaultNamespaceIndex

Gets or sets the default namespace index.

The default namespace index.

object UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.BaseNodeManager.InMemoryNodeLock

Gets the lock to use when accessing the memory nodes.

IEnumerable<Node> UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.BaseNodeManager.InMemoryNodes

Gets the set of in memory nodes.

ushort [] UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.BaseNodeManager.NamespaceIndexes

Gets the namespace indexes supported by the node manager.

string [] UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.BaseNodeManager.NamespaceUris

Gets the namespace uris supported by the node manager.

NodeIdGenerationSettings UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.BaseNodeManager.NodeIdGenerationSettings

Gets the node id generation settings.

The node id generation settings.

ServerManager UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.BaseNodeManager.Server

Gets the server manager.

virtual AdvancedNodeManagerMethods UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.BaseNodeManager.SupportedMethods

Gets the supported methods.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: