C++ Based OPC UA Client/Server/PubSub SDK
OpcUa::ServerConfigurationTypeBase Class Referenceabstract

Generated base class for a ServerConfigurationType. More...

#include <opcua_serverconfigurationtypebase.h>

Inherits OpcUa::BaseObjectType.

Inherited by OpcUa::ServerConfigurationType.

Public Member Functions

 ServerConfigurationTypeBase (const UaNodeId &nodeId, UaObject *pInstanceDeclarationObject, NodeManagerConfig *pNodeConfig, UaMutexRefCounted *pSharedMutex=NULL)
 Constructs an ServerConfigurationType object using an instance declaration node as base.
 ServerConfigurationTypeBase (const UaNodeId &nodeId, const UaString &name, OpcUa_UInt16 browseNameNameSpaceIndex, NodeManagerConfig *pNodeConfig, UaMutexRefCounted *pSharedMutex=NULL)
 Constructs an ServerConfigurationType object.
 ServerConfigurationTypeBase (UaBase::Object *pBaseNode, XmlUaNodeFactoryManager *pFactory, NodeManagerConfig *pNodeConfig, UaMutexRefCounted *pSharedMutex=NULL)
 Constructs an instance of the class ServerConfigurationTypeBase with all components. More...
virtual UaNodeId typeDefinitionId () const
 Returns the type definition NodeId for the ServerConfigurationType.
virtual UaStatus beginCall (MethodManagerCallback *pCallback, const ServiceContext &serviceContext, OpcUa_UInt32 callbackHandle, MethodHandle *pMethodHandle, const UaVariantArray &inputArguments)
 Call method of an UA object. More...
virtual UaStatus call (const ServiceContext &serviceContext, MethodHandle *pMethodHandle, const UaVariantArray &inputArguments, UaVariantArray &outputArguments, UaStatusCodeArray &inputArgumentResults, UaDiagnosticInfos &inputArgumentDiag)
 Synchronous version of the MethodManager method call executed in a worker thread.
virtual UaStatus ApplyChanges (const ServiceContext &serviceContext)=0
 Used to tell the Server to apply any security changes. More...
virtual UaStatus CreateSigningRequest (const ServiceContext &serviceContext, const UaNodeId &CertificateGroupId, const UaNodeId &CertificateTypeId, const UaString &SubjectName, OpcUa_Boolean RegeneratePrivateKey, UaByteString &Nonce, UaByteString &CertificateRequest)=0
 Asks the Server to create a PKCS #10 DER encoded certificate request that is signed with the Server’s private key. More...
virtual UaStatus GetRejectedList (const ServiceContext &serviceContext, UaByteStringArray &Certificates)=0
 Returns the list of Certificates that have been rejected by the Server. More...
virtual UaStatus UpdateCertificate (const ServiceContext &serviceContext, const UaNodeId &CertificateGroupId, const UaNodeId &CertificateTypeId, UaByteString &Certificate, const UaByteStringArray &IssuerCertificates, const UaString &PrivateKeyFormat, UaByteString &PrivateKey, OpcUa_Boolean &ApplyChangesRequired)=0
 Used to update a certificate for a Server. More...
virtual void setMaxTrustListSize (OpcUa_UInt32 MaxTrustListSize)
 Sets the MaxTrustListSize value. More...
virtual OpcUa_UInt32 getMaxTrustListSize () const
 Returns the value of MaxTrustListSize. More...
virtual void setMulticastDnsEnabled (OpcUa_Boolean MulticastDnsEnabled)
 Sets the MulticastDnsEnabled value. More...
virtual OpcUa_Boolean getMulticastDnsEnabled () const
 Returns the value of MulticastDnsEnabled. More...
virtual void setServerCapabilities (const UaStringArray &ServerCapabilities)
 Sets the ServerCapabilities. More...
virtual void getServerCapabilities (UaStringArray &ServerCapabilities) const
 Gets the ServerCapabilities. More...
virtual void setSupportedPrivateKeyFormats (const UaStringArray &SupportedPrivateKeyFormats)
 Sets the SupportedPrivateKeyFormats. More...
virtual void getSupportedPrivateKeyFormats (UaStringArray &SupportedPrivateKeyFormats) const
 Gets the SupportedPrivateKeyFormats. More...
getCertificateGroups ()
 Returns the CertificateGroups node. More...
virtual const
getCertificateGroups () const
 Returns the CertificateGroups node. More...
virtual OpcUa::PropertyTypegetMaxTrustListSizeNode ()
 Returns the MaxTrustListSize node. More...
virtual const OpcUa::PropertyTypegetMaxTrustListSizeNode () const
 Returns the MaxTrustListSize node. More...
virtual OpcUa::PropertyTypegetMulticastDnsEnabledNode ()
 Returns the MulticastDnsEnabled node. More...
virtual const OpcUa::PropertyTypegetMulticastDnsEnabledNode () const
 Returns the MulticastDnsEnabled node. More...
virtual OpcUa::PropertyTypegetServerCapabilitiesNode ()
 Returns the ServerCapabilities node. More...
virtual const OpcUa::PropertyTypegetServerCapabilitiesNode () const
 Returns the ServerCapabilities node. More...
virtual OpcUa::PropertyTypegetSupportedPrivateKeyFormatsNode ()
 Returns the SupportedPrivateKeyFormats node. More...
virtual const OpcUa::PropertyTypegetSupportedPrivateKeyFormatsNode () const
 Returns the SupportedPrivateKeyFormats node. More...
virtual OpcUa::BaseMethodgetApplyChanges ()
 Returns the ApplyChanges node.
virtual const OpcUa::BaseMethodgetApplyChanges () const
 Returns the ApplyChanges node.
virtual OpcUa::BaseMethodgetCreateSigningRequest ()
 Returns the CreateSigningRequest node.
virtual const OpcUa::BaseMethodgetCreateSigningRequest () const
 Returns the CreateSigningRequest node.
virtual OpcUa::BaseMethodgetGetRejectedList ()
 Returns the GetRejectedList node.
virtual const OpcUa::BaseMethodgetGetRejectedList () const
 Returns the GetRejectedList node.
virtual OpcUa::BaseMethodgetUpdateCertificate ()
 Returns the UpdateCertificate node.
virtual const OpcUa::BaseMethodgetUpdateCertificate () const
 Returns the UpdateCertificate node.
- Public Member Functions inherited from OpcUa::BaseObjectType
 BaseObjectType (const UaNodeId &nodeId, UaObject *pInstanceDeclarationObject, NodeManagerConfig *pNodeConfig, UaMutexRefCounted *pSharedMutex=NULL)
 Construction of the class BaseObjectType. More...
 BaseObjectType (const UaNodeId &nodeId, const UaString &name, OpcUa_UInt16 browseNameNameSpaceIndex, NodeManagerConfig *pNodeConfig, UaMutexRefCounted *pSharedMutex=NULL)
 Construction of the class BaseObjectType. More...
UaReferenceListsgetUaReferenceLists () const
 Get the UaReferenceLists interface for the node. More...
virtual UaStatus browse (const ServiceContext &serviceContext, BrowseContext &browseContext, UaReferenceDescriptions &References)
 Discover the references of a specified node of a view. More...
UaNodeId nodeId () const
 Get the NodeId of the current Node. More...
virtual UaQualifiedName browseName () const
 Get the browseName of the current Node. More...
virtual UaLocalizedText displayName (Session *pSession) const
 Get the displayName as LocalizedText of the current Node. More...
virtual OpcUa_Boolean isDescriptionSupported () const
 Check if Node is DescriptionSupported. More...
virtual UaLocalizedText description (Session *pSession) const
 Get the description as LocalizedText of the current Node. More...
virtual OpcUa_Boolean isWriteMaskSupported () const
 Check if Node is WriteMaskSupported. More...
virtual OpcUa_UInt32 writeMask () const
 Get the writeMask of the current Node. More...
virtual OpcUa_Boolean isUserWriteMaskSupported () const
 Check if Node is UserWriteMaskSupported. More...
virtual OpcUa_UInt32 userWriteMask (Session *pSession) const
 Check if Node has a userWriteMask. More...
UaNodegetUaNode () const
 Get the UaNode interface pointer of this node. More...
virtual OpcUa_Byte eventNotifier () const
 Returns the EventNotifier for the BaseObjectType. More...
virtual MethodManagergetMethodManager (UaMethod *pMethod) const
 Returns the method manager interface for the BaseObjectType instance. More...
virtual void setUserData (UserDataBase *pUserData)
 Method to set user data stored in this class. More...
virtual UserDataBasegetUserData () const
 Method to get the user data stored in this class. More...
virtual void setBrowseName (const UaQualifiedName &browseName)
 Sets the browse name attribute value. More...
virtual void setDisplayName (const UaLocalizedText &displayName)
 Sets the display name attribute value. More...
virtual void setDescription (const UaLocalizedText &description)
 Sets the description attribute value. More...
virtual void setWriteMask (OpcUa_UInt32 writeMask)
 Sets the write mask attribute value. More...
virtual void setEventNotifier (OpcUa_Byte eventNotifier)
 Sets the eventNotifier attribute value. More...
virtual void setModellingRuleId (const UaNodeId &modellingRuleId)
 Set NodeId of the modeling rule for this node. More...
virtual UaNodeId modellingRuleId () const
 Get NodeId of the modeling rule for this node. More...
void setMethodManager (MethodManager *pMethodManager)
 Allows a class aggregating the object to implement the MethodManager for this object. More...
virtual UaStatus setAttributeValue (Session *pSession, OpcUa_Int32 attributeId, const UaDataValue &dataValue, NodeAccessInfo *pDefaultPermissions, OpcUa_Boolean checkWriteMask)
 Sets the value of an attribute of the Node. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from MethodManager
 MethodManager ()
virtual ~MethodManager ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from UaObject
 UaObject (UaMutexRefCounted *pSharedMutex=NULL)
 Construction of the UaObject. More...
OpcUa_NodeClass nodeClass () const
 Get the node class of the Node. More...
virtual void getAttributeValue (Session *pSession, OpcUa_Int32 attributeId, NodeAccessInfo *pDefaultPermissions, UaDataValue &uaDataValue)
 Gets the value of an attribute of the Node. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from UaNode
 UaNode (UaMutexRefCounted *pSharedMutex=NULL)
 Construction of the UaNode. More...
virtual UaNodeId getKey () const
 Get the key of the node used for the hash table. More...
virtual NodeAccessInfogetAccessInfo () const
 Returns the access info for this node. More...
virtual bool hasAccessInfo () const
 Check if this UaNode has a NodeAccessInfo assigned. More...
virtual void useAccessInfoFrom (const UaNode *pOther)
 Set the NodeAccessInfo from another node to this node. More...
virtual void setAccessInfo (NodeAccessInfo *pAccessInfo)
 Set the NodeAccessInfo for this node. More...
virtual void attachAccessInfo (NodeAccessInfo *pAccessInfo)
 Set the NodeAccessInfo for this node. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from ChainEntry
 ChainEntry ()
ChainEntryfind (const UaNodeId &key, ChainEntry **ppPrevious)
 finds the right entry in the chain. More...
void add (ChainEntry *pNewEntry)
 adds a new entry to the list. More...
void prepend (ChainEntry *pNewEntry)
 prepends a new entry to the list. More...
ChainEntryremove (const UaNodeId &key, ChainEntry **ppNext)
 removes an entry from the list. More...
ChainEntrygetNext () const
 Check if there is a chain. More...
virtual void setInvalid ()
 Set the entry to invalid. More...
void clearChain ()
 Clear the chain when the hashtable is cleared.
- Public Member Functions inherited from ReferenceCounter
 ReferenceCounter ()
virtual ~ReferenceCounter ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from UaReferenceLists
 UaReferenceLists ()
 Constructs the reference lists object.
virtual ~UaReferenceLists ()
 Destroys the reference lists object.
virtual UaStatus browseReferences (const ServiceContext &serviceContext, BrowseContext &browseContext, UaReferenceDescriptions &References)
 Discover the references of a specified node of a view. More...
virtual UaStatus translateBrowsePathToNodeId (const ServiceContext &serviceContext, const UaNodeId &startingNode, UaRelativePath &relativePath, UaBrowsePathTargets &browsePathTargets)
 Find a node based on an element of an relative path. More...
virtual const UaReferencepTargetNodes () const
 Returns the list of references to target nodes. More...
virtual const UaReferencepSourceNodes () const
 Returns the list of references to source nodes. More...
virtual UaNodegetTargetNodeByBrowseName (const UaQualifiedName &browseName) const
 Searches a target node with the passed browse name and returns the UaNode interface if found. More...
virtual void addTargetNode (UaReference *pReference)
 Add a reference to a target node where this node is the source node. More...
virtual void addSourceNode (UaReference *pReference)
 Adds a reference to a source node where this node is the target node. More...
virtual UaStatus removeSourceNode (UaReference *pReferenceToRemove)
 Remove a reference to a source node where this node is the target node. More...
virtual bool removeSourceReference (UaReference *pReferenceToRemove)
 Remove the passed reference to a source node. More...
virtual UaStatus removeTargetNode (UaNode *pTargetNode, const UaNodeId &referenceTypeId, OpcUa_Boolean deleteBidirectional)
 Remove a reference to a target node where this node is the source node. More...
virtual UaStatus removeTargetNode (const UaNodeId &targetNodeId, const UaNodeId &referenceTypeId, OpcUa_Boolean deleteBidirectional)
 Remove a reference to a target node where this node is the source node. More...
virtual bool removeTargetReference (UaReference *pReferenceToRemove)
 Remove the passed reference to a target node. More...
virtual UaStatus removeCrossNodeManagerRef (NodeManager *pNodeManager)
 Remove references to another NodeManager. More...
virtual UaStatus invalidateSourceReferences (OpcUa_Boolean deleteSourceReferences)
 Set all references from SourceNodes to this Node invalid. More...
virtual UaStatus invalidateTargetReferences (OpcUa_Boolean deleteTargetReferences)
 Set all references to TargetNode of this node invalid. More...
virtual UaStatus deleteAllChildren (NodeManagerConfig *pNodeManagerConfig)
 Deletes all child nodes. More...

Static Public Member Functions

static void createTypes ()
 Create the related type nodes.
static void clearStaticMembers ()
 Clear the static members of the class.
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from OpcUa::BaseObjectType
static void clearStaticMembers ()
 Clear the static members of the class.

Protected Member Functions

virtual ~ServerConfigurationTypeBase ()
- Protected Member Functions inherited from OpcUa::BaseObjectType
virtual ~BaseObjectType ()
 Destruction of the BaseObjectType. More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from UaObject
virtual ~UaObject ()
 Destruction of the UaObject. More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from UaNode
virtual ~UaNode ()
 Destruction of the UaNode. More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from ChainEntry
virtual ~ChainEntry ()
- Protected Member Functions inherited from UaReferenceLists
virtual UaStatus collectAllChildrenRecursive (NodeManagerConfig *pNodeManagerConfig, NodesToDeleteCollection &nodesToDeleteCollection)
 Collect a list of all child nodes. More...

Additional Inherited Members

- Protected Attributes inherited from UaReferenceLists
 List of references to target nodes where this node is the source node. More...
 Last references in the list of references to the target nodes. More...
 List of references to source nodes where this node is the target node. More...

Detailed Description

Generated base class for a ServerConfigurationType.

This class contains the generated base code for the object type ServerConfigurationType representing an OPC UA ObjectType. This class is used to create the object type and to create and represent instances of the object type in the server address space.

Object members of the ServerConfigurationType:

Browse Name TypeDefinition Modelling Rule See Also
CertificateGroups CertificateGroupFolderType Mandatory getCertificateGroups

Variable members of the ServerConfigurationType:

Browse Name DataType TypeDefinition Modelling Rule See Also
MaxTrustListSize UInt32 PropertyType Mandatory getMaxTrustListSize, setMaxTrustListSize
MulticastDnsEnabled Boolean PropertyType Mandatory getMulticastDnsEnabled, setMulticastDnsEnabled
ServerCapabilities String PropertyType Mandatory getServerCapabilities, setServerCapabilities
SupportedPrivateKeyFormats String PropertyType Mandatory getSupportedPrivateKeyFormats, setSupportedPrivateKeyFormats

This type defines an ObjectType which represents the configuration of a Server which supports Push Management.

There is always exactly one instance in the Server address space.

See also ServerConfigurationType for a documentation of the complete Information Model.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

OpcUa::ServerConfigurationTypeBase::ServerConfigurationTypeBase ( UaBase::Object pBaseNode,
XmlUaNodeFactoryManager pFactory,
NodeManagerConfig pNodeConfig,
UaMutexRefCounted pSharedMutex = NULL 

Constructs an instance of the class ServerConfigurationTypeBase with all components.

[in]pBaseNodeThe "tree" of nodes that specifies the attributes of the instance and its children
[in]pFactoryThe factory to create the children
[in]pNodeConfigInterface pointer to the NodeManagerConfig interface used to add and delete node and references in the address space
[in]pSharedMutexShared mutex object used to synchronize access to the variable. Can be NULL if no shared mutex is provided

Member Function Documentation

virtual UaStatus OpcUa::ServerConfigurationTypeBase::ApplyChanges ( const ServiceContext serviceContext)
pure virtual

Used to tell the Server to apply any security changes.

This method should only be called if a previous call to a method that changed the configuration returns ApplyChangesRequired=true (see UpdateCertificate).

ApplyChanges can have different meanings depending on the Server architecture. In the ideal case it would only require the endpoints to be closed and reopened. However, it could require a complete Server shutdown and restart.

This method requires an encrypted channel and that the Client provides credentials with administrative rights on the Server.

Method Result Codes

Result Code Description
Bad_UserAccessDenied The current user does not have the rights required.
serviceContextGeneral context for the service calls containing information like the session object, return diagnostic mask and timeout hint.

Implemented in OpcUa::ServerConfigurationType.

UaStatus OpcUa::ServerConfigurationTypeBase::beginCall ( MethodManagerCallback pCallback,
const ServiceContext serviceContext,
OpcUa_UInt32  callbackHandle,
MethodHandle pMethodHandle,
const UaVariantArray inputArguments 

Call method of an UA object.

Implementation of the MethodManager interface method beginCall.

Reimplemented from OpcUa::BaseObjectType.

virtual UaStatus OpcUa::ServerConfigurationTypeBase::CreateSigningRequest ( const ServiceContext serviceContext,
const UaNodeId CertificateGroupId,
const UaNodeId CertificateTypeId,
const UaString SubjectName,
OpcUa_Boolean  RegeneratePrivateKey,
UaByteString Nonce,
UaByteString CertificateRequest 
pure virtual

Asks the Server to create a PKCS #10 DER encoded certificate request that is signed with the Server’s private key.

This request can be then used to request a certificate from a CA that expects requests in this format. See RFC 2986 (txt file) for a description of PKCS #10.

This method requires an encrypted channel and that the Client provides credentials with administrative rights on the Server.

Method Result Codes

Result Code Description
Bad_InvalidArgument The CertificateTypeId, certificateGroupId or SubjectName is not valid.
Bad_UserAccessDenied The current user does not have the rights required.
serviceContextGeneral context for the service calls containing information like the session object, return diagnostic mask and timeout hint.
[in]CertificateGroupIdThe NodeId of the certificate group object which is affected by the request.
If null, the DefaultApplicationGroup is used.
[in]CertificateTypeIdThe type of certificate being requested.
The set of permitted types is specified by the CertificateTypes property belonging to the certificate group.
[in]SubjectNameThe subject name to use in the certificate request.
If not specified, the SubjectName from the current certificate is used.
[in]RegeneratePrivateKeyFlag indicating whether to create a new private key.
If TRUE, the Server shall create a new private key which it stores until the matching signed certificate is uploaded with the UpdateCertificate method. Previously created private keys may be discarded if UpdateCertificate was not called before calling this method again. If FALSE, the Server uses its existing private key.
[in]NonceAdditional entropy which the caller shall provide if RegeneratePrivateKey is TRUE.
It shall be at least 32 bytes long.
[out]CertificateRequestThe PKCS #10 DER encoded certificate request.

Implemented in OpcUa::ServerConfigurationType.

OpcUa::CertificateGroupFolderType * OpcUa::ServerConfigurationTypeBase::getCertificateGroups ( )

Returns the CertificateGroups node.

The CertificateGroups object organizes the certificate groups supported by the Server.

It is described in CertificateGroupFolderType.

Servers shall support the getDefaultApplicationGroup and may support the getDefaultHttpsGroup or the getDefaultUserTokenGroup. Servers may support additional certificate groups depending on their requirements. For example, a Server with two network interfaces may need a different trust list for each interface. The second trust list would be represented as a new CertificateGroupType object organized by CertificateGroups Folder.

const OpcUa::CertificateGroupFolderType * OpcUa::ServerConfigurationTypeBase::getCertificateGroups ( ) const

Returns the CertificateGroups node.

The CertificateGroups object organizes the certificate groups supported by the Server.

It is described in CertificateGroupFolderType.

Servers shall support the getDefaultApplicationGroup and may support the getDefaultHttpsGroup or the getDefaultUserTokenGroup. Servers may support additional certificate groups depending on their requirements. For example, a Server with two network interfaces may need a different trust list for each interface. The second trust list would be represented as a new CertificateGroupType object organized by CertificateGroups Folder.

OpcUa_UInt32 OpcUa::ServerConfigurationTypeBase::getMaxTrustListSize ( ) const

Returns the value of MaxTrustListSize.

The maximum size of the trust list in bytes.

0 means no limit.

OpcUa::PropertyType * OpcUa::ServerConfigurationTypeBase::getMaxTrustListSizeNode ( )

Returns the MaxTrustListSize node.

The maximum size of the trust list in bytes.

0 means no limit.

const OpcUa::PropertyType * OpcUa::ServerConfigurationTypeBase::getMaxTrustListSizeNode ( ) const

Returns the MaxTrustListSize node.

The maximum size of the trust list in bytes.

0 means no limit.

OpcUa_Boolean OpcUa::ServerConfigurationTypeBase::getMulticastDnsEnabled ( ) const

Returns the value of MulticastDnsEnabled.

If TRUE, the Server announces itself using multicast DNS.

It can be changed by writing to the variable.

OpcUa::PropertyType * OpcUa::ServerConfigurationTypeBase::getMulticastDnsEnabledNode ( )

Returns the MulticastDnsEnabled node.

If TRUE, the Server announces itself using multicast DNS.

It can be changed by writing to the variable.

const OpcUa::PropertyType * OpcUa::ServerConfigurationTypeBase::getMulticastDnsEnabledNode ( ) const

Returns the MulticastDnsEnabled node.

If TRUE, the Server announces itself using multicast DNS.

It can be changed by writing to the variable.

virtual UaStatus OpcUa::ServerConfigurationTypeBase::GetRejectedList ( const ServiceContext serviceContext,
UaByteStringArray Certificates 
pure virtual

Returns the list of Certificates that have been rejected by the Server.

No rules are defined for how the Server updates this list or how long a certificate is kept in the list. It is recommended that every valid but untrusted certificate be added to the rejected list as long as storage is available. Servers should omit older entries from the list returned if the maximum message size is not large enough to allow the entire list to be returned.

This method requires an encrypted channel and that the Client provides credentials with administrative rights on the Server.

Method Result Codes

Result Code Description
Bad_UserAccessDenied The current user does not have the rights required.
serviceContextGeneral context for the service calls containing information like the session object, return diagnostic mask and timeout hint.
[out]CertificatesThe DER encoded form of the Certificates rejected by the Server.

Implemented in OpcUa::ServerConfigurationType.

void OpcUa::ServerConfigurationTypeBase::getServerCapabilities ( UaStringArray ServerCapabilities) const

Gets the ServerCapabilities.

Specifies the capabilities which the Server supports.

The value is the same as the value reported to the LocalDiscoveryServer when the Server calls the RegisterServer2 Service.

OpcUa::PropertyType * OpcUa::ServerConfigurationTypeBase::getServerCapabilitiesNode ( )

Returns the ServerCapabilities node.

Specifies the capabilities which the Server supports.

The value is the same as the value reported to the LocalDiscoveryServer when the Server calls the RegisterServer2 Service.

const OpcUa::PropertyType * OpcUa::ServerConfigurationTypeBase::getServerCapabilitiesNode ( ) const

Returns the ServerCapabilities node.

Specifies the capabilities which the Server supports.

The value is the same as the value reported to the LocalDiscoveryServer when the Server calls the RegisterServer2 Service.

void OpcUa::ServerConfigurationTypeBase::getSupportedPrivateKeyFormats ( UaStringArray SupportedPrivateKeyFormats) const

Gets the SupportedPrivateKeyFormats.

Specifies the PrivateKey formats supported by the Server.

Possible values include “PEM” (see RFC 5958, txt file) or “PFX” (see PKCS #12, pdf file). The array is empty if the Server does not allow external Clients to update the PrivateKey.

OpcUa::PropertyType * OpcUa::ServerConfigurationTypeBase::getSupportedPrivateKeyFormatsNode ( )

Returns the SupportedPrivateKeyFormats node.

Specifies the PrivateKey formats supported by the Server.

Possible values include “PEM” (see RFC 5958, txt file) or “PFX” (see PKCS #12, pdf file). The array is empty if the Server does not allow external Clients to update the PrivateKey.

const OpcUa::PropertyType * OpcUa::ServerConfigurationTypeBase::getSupportedPrivateKeyFormatsNode ( ) const

Returns the SupportedPrivateKeyFormats node.

Specifies the PrivateKey formats supported by the Server.

Possible values include “PEM” (see RFC 5958, txt file) or “PFX” (see PKCS #12, pdf file). The array is empty if the Server does not allow external Clients to update the PrivateKey.

void OpcUa::ServerConfigurationTypeBase::setMaxTrustListSize ( OpcUa_UInt32  MaxTrustListSize)

Sets the MaxTrustListSize value.

The maximum size of the trust list in bytes.

0 means no limit.

void OpcUa::ServerConfigurationTypeBase::setMulticastDnsEnabled ( OpcUa_Boolean  MulticastDnsEnabled)

Sets the MulticastDnsEnabled value.

If TRUE, the Server announces itself using multicast DNS.

It can be changed by writing to the variable.

void OpcUa::ServerConfigurationTypeBase::setServerCapabilities ( const UaStringArray ServerCapabilities)

Sets the ServerCapabilities.

Specifies the capabilities which the Server supports.

The value is the same as the value reported to the LocalDiscoveryServer when the Server calls the RegisterServer2 Service.

void OpcUa::ServerConfigurationTypeBase::setSupportedPrivateKeyFormats ( const UaStringArray SupportedPrivateKeyFormats)

Sets the SupportedPrivateKeyFormats.

Specifies the PrivateKey formats supported by the Server.

Possible values include “PEM” (see RFC 5958, txt file) or “PFX” (see PKCS #12, pdf file). The array is empty if the Server does not allow external Clients to update the PrivateKey.

virtual UaStatus OpcUa::ServerConfigurationTypeBase::UpdateCertificate ( const ServiceContext serviceContext,
const UaNodeId CertificateGroupId,
const UaNodeId CertificateTypeId,
UaByteString Certificate,
const UaByteStringArray IssuerCertificates,
const UaString PrivateKeyFormat,
UaByteString PrivateKey,
OpcUa_Boolean &  ApplyChangesRequired 
pure virtual

Used to update a certificate for a Server.

There are the following three use cases for this method.

  • The new certificate was created based on a signing request created with the method CreateSigningRequest. In this case, there is no PrivateKey provided.
  • A new PrivateKey and certificate were created outside the Server and both are updated with this method.
  • A new certificate was created and signed with the information from the old Certificate. In this case, there is no PrivateKey provided.

The Server shall do all normal integrity checks on the certificate and all of the issuer certificates. If errors occur, the Bad_SecurityChecksFailed error is returned.

The Server shall report an error if the public key does not match the existing certificate and PrivateKey was not provided.

This method requires an encrypted channel and that the Client provides credentials with administrative rights on the Server.

This method may require the ApplyChanges method to be called.

Method Result Codes

Result Code Description
Bad_InvalidArgument The CertificateTypeId or certificateGroupId is not valid.
Bad_CertificateInvalid The certificate is invalid or the format is not supported.
Bad_NotSupported The PrivateKey is invalid or the format is not supported.
Bad_UserAccessDenied The current user does not have the rights required.
Bad_SecurityChecksFailed Some failure occurred verifying the integrity of the certificate.
serviceContextGeneral context for the service calls containing information like the session object, return diagnostic mask and timeout hint.
[in]CertificateGroupIdThe NodeId of the certificate group object which is affected by the update.
If null the DefaultApplicationGroup is used.
[in]CertificateTypeIdThe type of certificate being updated.
The set of permitted types is specified by the CertificateTypes property belonging to the certificate group.
[in]CertificateThe DER encoded certificate which replaces the existing certificate.
[in]IssuerCertificatesThe issuer certificates needed to verify the signature on the new certificate.
[in]PrivateKeyFormatThe format of the private key (PEM or PFX).
If the privateKey is not specified the privateKeyFormat is null or empty.
[in]PrivateKeyThe private key encoded in the PrivateKeyFormat.
[out]ApplyChangesRequiredIndicates that the ApplyChanges method must be called before the new certificate will be used.

Implemented in OpcUa::ServerConfigurationType.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: