UA Server SDK C++ Bundle
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Class Hierarchy
This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 1234567891011121314]
oCOpcUa::AggregateConfigurationTypeClass implementing the UaObject interface for the AggregateConfigurationType
oCOpcUaDi::BlockTypeClass implementing the UaObject interface for the BlockType
oCBrowseContextThis class provides all browse settings and the continuation point handling
oCUaClientSdk::BrowseContextSettings for a browse request
oCBrowseUaNodeCallbackCallback interface for user specific browse result manipulation
oCCacheSignalInterface class for the connection between variables and the data sampling
oCUaClientSdk::CallInSettings for a call request
oCUaClientSdk::CallOutSettings for a call request
oCUaClientSdk::ClientSecurityInfoSecurity related settings to create a secure channel
oCConditionBranchListHelper class for the EventManager interface implementation in EventManagerBase
oCOpcUa::ConditionTypeBaseGenerated base class for a ConditionType
oCOpcUaDi::ConfigurableObjectTypeClass implementing the UaObject interface for the ConfigurableObjectType
oCContinuationPointUserDataBaseBase class for continuation point user data Base Class for handling of user data stored in the continuation point
oCContinuationPointWrapperContinuation point wrapper class for internal browse calls
oCCoreModuleInterface class for the Unified Automation Server Core Module
oCOpcUaPlc::CtrlConfigurationTypeClass implementing the UaObject interface for the CtrlConfigurationType
oCOpcUaPlc::CtrlFunctionBlockTypeClass implementing the UaObject interface for the CtrlFunctionBlockType
oCOpcUaPlc::CtrlProgramOrganizationUnitTypeClass implementing the UaObject interface for the CtrlProgramOrganizationUnitType
oCOpcUaPlc::CtrlProgramTypeClass implementing the UaObject interface for the CtrlProgramType
oCOpcUaPlc::CtrlResourceTypeClass implementing the UaObject interface for the CtrlResourceType
oCOpcUaPlc::CtrlTaskTypeClass implementing the UaObject interface for the CtrlTaskType
oCDataMonitoredItemSpecClass containing the information necessary to create a Data MonitoredItem
oCUaClientSdk::DeleteAtTimeDetailThe DeleteRawModifiedDetail class contains the data for one item in a HistoryUpdate call for data
oCUaClientSdk::DeleteRawModifiedDetailData for one item in a HistoryUpdate call for data
oCOpcUaDi::DeviceTypeClass implementing the UaObject interface for the DeviceType
oCEventCallbackThe callback interface for event monitored items
oCEventFilterHelper class for the EventManager interface implementation in EventManagerBase
oCEventFilterElementHelper class for the EventManager interface implementation in EventManagerBase
oCEventFilterOperandHelper class for the EventManager interface implementation in EventManagerBase
oCEventItemHelper class for the EventManager interface implementation in EventManagerBase
oCEventManagerInterface definition of the EventManager used for monitoring events
oCEventManagerCallbackThe corresponding callback interface for the EventManager
oCEventManagerSubsetThis class holds the context for one EventManager in the transaction
oCEventMonitoringContextThis class provides the settings for an event monitored item
oCEventNotifierTreeElementHelper class for the EventManager interface implementation in EventManagerBase
oCEventTransactionContextThis class holds the context for an event transaction
oCEventTypeTreeElementHelper class for the EventManager interface implementation in EventManagerBase
oCOpcUa::FolderTypeClass implementing the UaObject interface for the FolderType
oCOpcUaDi::FunctionalGroupTypeClass implementing the UaObject interface for the FunctionalGroupType
oCHandleManager< T >HandleManager
oCHandleManager< CoreMonitoredItem >
oCHandleManager< EventItem >
oCHandleManager< RegisteredNode >
oCHandleManager< SamplingItem >
oCHandleManager< TransactionContext >
oCHandleManager< UaBaseChangeMonitorTypeContext >
oCHandleManager< UaMonitoredItem >
oCHandleManager< UaTMBaseContext >
oCOpcUa::HistoricalDataConfigurationTypeClass implementing the UaObject interface for the HistoricalDataConfigurationType
oCHistoryManagerInterface definition of the HistoryManager used for reading, updating and deletion of data and event history
oCHistoryManagerCallbackThe corresponding callback interface for the HistoryManager
oCUaClientSdk::HistoryReadAtTimeContextSettings for a HistoryReadAtTime call
oCHistoryReadCPUserDataBaseBase class for History Read continuation point user data Base Class for handling of user data stored in the History Read continuation point
oCUaClientSdk::HistoryReadDataResultResult for one item in a HistoryRead call for data
oCUaClientSdk::HistoryReadProcessedContextSettings for a HistoryReadProcessed call
oCUaClientSdk::HistoryReadRawModifiedContextSettings for a HistoryReadRawModified call
oCIOManagerInterface definition of the IOManager used for reading, writing and monitoring data
oCIOManager2Optimized but limited version of the IOManager interface
oCIOManager2CallbackCallback interface for the IOManager2 interface
oCIOManagerCallbackThe corresponding callback interface for the IOManager
oCIOVariableCallbackThe callback interface for data monitored items
oCMethodManagerInterface definition of the MethodManager used for calling methods in the server
oCMethodManagerCallbackThe corresponding callback interface for the MethodManager
oCMonitoringContextThis class provides the settings for a data monitored item
oCNewEventContextData class for storing the new events from a monitored item
oCNodeManagerInterface definition of NodeManager used for browsing and managing the address space
oCNodeManagerConfigInterface used to configure the address space in a NodeManager based on a generic node model
oCNodeManagerCrossReferencesNodeManager related interface to create cross references between NodeManagers It is not possible to create plane copies of this Interface
oCNodeManagerListInterface used to register and find NodeManagers
oCOpcServerMain OPC Server object
oCOpcServerCallbackCallback interface for the main OPC Server object
oCOpcServerPrivateClass containing the private members for the OpcServer class
oCOpcUaDi::ProtocolTypeClass implementing the UaObject interface for the ProtocolType
oCQueryContextThis class provides all query settings and the continuation point handling
oCServerConfigServer Configuration Interface definition
oCServiceContextThis class provides the context for a Service invocation
oCUaClientSdk::ServiceSettingsGeneral settings for a call
oCUaClientSdk::SessionConnectInfoSession settings for connect
oCOpcUaPlc::SFCTypeClass implementing the UaObject interface for the SFCType
oCOpcUa::ShelvedStateMachineTypeClass implementing the UaObject interface for the ShelvedStateMachineType
oCUaClientSdk::SubscriptionSettingsSettings for a Subscription
oCOpcUaDi::TopologyElementTypeClass implementing the UaObject interface for the TopologyElementType
oCUaAnnotationWrapper class for the UA stack structure OpcUa_Annotation
oCUaArgumentWrapper class for the UA stack structure OpcUa_Argument
oCUaBuildInfoWrapper class for the UA stack structure OpcUa_BuildInfo
oCUaByteArrayThe UaByteArray handles the access to an array of bytes
oCUaByteStringWrapper class for the UA stack structure OpcUa_ByteString
oCUaCharHelper class for modifying UaChar elements
oCUaClientSdk::UaClientNamespace class for OPC UA Client Library
oCUaContentFilterOPC UA ContentFilter used in event filters and the Query service
oCUaContentFilterElementOPC UA ContentFilterElement used in ContentFilter
oCUaDataTypeAttributesWrapper class for the UA stack structure OpcUa_DataTypeAttributes
oCUaDataValueWrapper class for the UA stack structure OpcUa_DataValue
oCUaDateTimeWrapper class for the UA stack structure OpcUa_DateTime
oCUaClientSdk::UaDiscoveryManges a UA Client side discovery connection
oCUaEUInformationWrapper class for the UA stack structure OpcUa_EUInformation
oCUaEventFilterWrapper class for the OPC UA EventFilter structure
oCUaEventFilterResultWrapper class for EventFilterResult
oCUaExpandedNodeIdWrapper class for the UA stack structure OpcUa_ExpandedNodeId
oCUaExtensionObjectUaExtensionObject Derived from OpcUa_ExtensionObject
oCUaFilterOperandOPC UA FilterOperand used in ContentFilterElement
oCUaGuidWrapper class for the UA stack structure OpcUa_Guid
oCUaLocalizedTextWrapper class for the UA stack structure OpcUa_LocalizedText
oCUaMethodAttributesWrapper class for the UA stack structure OpcUa_MethodAttributes
oCUaModelChangeStructureDataTypeWrapper classs for the ua stack structure OpcUa_ModelChangeStructureDataType
oCUaModuleInteface class for the OPC UA server module
oCUaMutexAccess serialization between threads
oCUaNetworkBrowserPlatform independent class for navigating through the network
oCUaNetworkBrowseResultBrowse result class for navigating through the network
oCUaNodeIdThis class encapsulates the native OpcUa_NodeId structure and handles memory allocation and cleanup for you
oCUaNumericRangeHelper class for NumericRange handling
oCUaObjectArray< T >UaObjectArray
oCUaObjectArray< SamplingClassDevice >
oCUaObjectAttributesWrapper class for the UA stack structure OpcUa_ObjectAttributes
oCUaObjectPointerArray< T >UaObjectPointerArray
oCUaObjectPointerArray< EventFilterOperand >
oCUaObjectPointerArray< EventNotifierTreeElement >
oCUaObjectPointerArray< EventTypeTreeElement >
oCUaObjectPointerArray< UaEndpoint >
oCUaObjectPointerArray< UaEndpointSecuritySetting >
oCUaObjectPointerArray< UaFilterOperand >
oCUaObjectPointerArray< UaNodeId >
oCUaObjectPointerArray< UaVariant >
oCUaObjectPointerArray< UaVariantArray >
oCUaObjectTypeAttributesWrapper class for the UA stack structure OpcUa_ObjectTypeAttributes
oCUaPkiCertificateClass for handling X509 certificates
oCUaPkiCertificateCollectionUaPkiCertificateCollection OPC UA specific certificate collection
oCUaPkiCertificateInfoOPC UA specific certificate information
oCUaPkiIdentityIdentity for certificate issuer and subject
oCUaPkiPrivateKeyWrapper class for a private key
oCUaPkiProviderWrapper class for a PKI provider
oCUaPkiRevocationListClass for handling revocation lists
oCUaPlatformLayerPlatform layer handling class
oCUaPointerArray< T >UaPointerArray
oCUaPointerArray< EventManager >
oCUaPointerArray< OpcUa_DataValue >
oCUaPointerArray< SamplingItemDevice >
oCUaPointerArray< UaContentFilterElement >
oCUaPointerArray< UaDiagnosticInfo >
oCUaPointerArray< UaNumericRange >
oCUaPointerArray< UaVariable >
oCUaQualifiedNameWrapper class for the UA stack structure OpcUa_QualifiedName
oCUaRangeWrapper class for the UA stack structure OpcUa_Range
oCUaRedundantServerDataTypeWrapper class for the UA stack structure OpcUa_RedundantServerDataType
oCUaReferenceInterface definition of the UaReference
oCUaReferenceListsClass implementing the reference handling for UaNodes
oCUaReferenceTypeAttributesWrapper class for the UA stack structure OpcUa_ReferenceTypeAttributes
oCUaRelativePathThis class manages a relative path used for TranslatBrowsePathsToNodeIds
oCUaSemaphoreSemaphore class is used to allow threads to synchronize access to a resource
oCUaServerStatusDataTypeWrapper class for the UA stack structure OpcUa_ServerStatusDataType
oCUaClientSdk::UaSessionManges a UA Client side application session
oCUaClientSdk::UaSessionCallbackUaSessionCallback defines the callback interface for the UaSession class
oCUaSettingsPersistent platform-independent application settings
oCUaSettingsSectionPersistent platform-independent application settings
oCUaStackTypeArray< T, fctClear >UaStackTypeArray
oCUaStackTypeArray< OpcUa_ApplicationDescription, ClearApplicationDescription >
oCUaStackTypeArray< OpcUa_ByteString, ClearByteString >
oCUaStackTypeArray< OpcUa_CallMethodResult, ClearCallMethodResult >
oCUaStackTypeArray< OpcUa_DataValue, ClearDataValue >
oCUaStackTypeArray< OpcUa_DateTime, ClearNothing >
oCUaStackTypeArray< OpcUa_DiagnosticInfo, ClearDiagnosticInfo >
oCUaStackTypeArray< OpcUa_Double, ClearNothing >
oCUaStackTypeArray< OpcUa_EndpointDescription, ClearEndpointDescription >
oCUaStackTypeArray< OpcUa_EventFieldList, ClearEventFieldList >
oCUaStackTypeArray< OpcUa_ExtensionObject, ClearExtensionObject >
oCUaStackTypeArray< OpcUa_HistoryReadResult, ClearHistoryReadResult >
oCUaStackTypeArray< OpcUa_HistoryUpdateResult, ClearHistoryUpdateResult >
oCUaStackTypeArray< OpcUa_LocalizedText, ClearLocalizedText >
oCUaStackTypeArray< OpcUa_ModificationInfo, ClearModificationInfo >
oCUaStackTypeArray< OpcUa_MonitoredItemCreateResult, ClearMonitoredItemCreateResult >
oCUaStackTypeArray< OpcUa_MonitoredItemModifyResult, ClearMonitoredItemModifyResult >
oCUaStackTypeArray< OpcUa_ParsingResult, ClearParsingResult >
oCUaStackTypeArray< OpcUa_QualifiedName, ClearQualifiedName >
oCUaStackTypeArray< OpcUa_QueryDataSet, ClearQueryDataSet >
oCUaStackTypeArray< OpcUa_ReferenceDescription, ClearReferenceDescription >
oCUaStackTypeArray< OpcUa_SimpleAttributeOperand, ClearSimpleAttributeOperand >
oCUaStackTypeArray< OpcUa_StatusCode, ClearNothing >
oCUaStackTypeArray< OpcUa_String, ClearString >
oCUaStackTypeArray< OpcUa_UInt32, ClearNothing >
oCUaStackTypeArray< OpcUa_Variant, ClearVariant >
oCUaStatusCodeThe class encapsulated OPC UA status codes and conversions from ant to Classic OPC codes
oCUaStringThis class encapsulates the native OpcUa_String structure and handles memory allocation and cleanup for you
oCUaClientSdk::UaSubscriptionManges a UA Client created subscription
oCUaClientSdk::UaSubscriptionCallbackUaSubscriptionCallback defines the callback interface for the UaSubscription class
oCUaThreadPlatform independent class for thread creation
oCUaThreadPoolUaThreadPool This class manages and recycles individual UaThread objects to help reduce thread creation costs in programs that use threads
oCUaThreadPoolJobUaThreadPoolJob It is not possible to create plane copies of this Class
oCUaTraceA class used for trace outputs (error, information,...)
oCUaUniStringOPC UA string handling class
oCUaUniStringListOPC UA string list class
oCUaUserIdentityTokenBase class for the different user identity token classes
oCUaVariableAttributesWrapper class for the UA stack structure OpcUa_VariableAttributes
oCUaVariableTypeAttributesWrapper class for the UA stack structure OpcUa_VariableTypeAttributes
oCUaVariantExceptionUaVariantException The UaVariantException class provides a base class for exceptions that can transferred across variants
oCUaViewAttributesWrapper class for the UA stack structure OpcUa_ViewAttributes
oCUaXmlDocumentXML parser class for a XML document
oCUaXmlElementXML Element class
oCUaXmlValueXML Value class
oCUaClientSdk::UpdateDataDetailData for one item in a HistoryUpdate call for data
oCUserDataBaseBase class for user data stored in a UaNode
\CVersionInfoCoreModuleClass providing static member functions to request the version information for the UA Server SKD, the UA Stack and the UA Stack Platform Layer