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NodeManagerRoot Class Reference

NodeManagerRoot. More...

#include <nodemanagerroot.h>

Inherits NodeManagerUaNode, NodeManagerList, and IOManagerUaNode.

Public Member Functions

virtual ~NodeManagerRoot ()
NodeManagergetNodeManagerByNamespace (OpcUa_UInt16 NsIdx) const
 Get the NodeManager by namespace index. More...
UaStatus addNodeManager (NodeManager *pNodeManager, const UaString &sNamespaceUri, OpcUa_UInt16 &assignedNamespaceIndex)
 Add a NodeManager to the list. More...
UaStatus removeNodeManager (OpcUa_UInt16 namespaceIndex)
 Remove a NodeManager from the list. More...
UaObjectServerpServerObject () const
 Get the server object. More...
OpcUa_StatusCode getNamespaceIndexFromUri (const UaString &sNamespaceUri, OpcUa_UInt16 &namespaceIndex)
 Returns a namespace index for a namespace URI. More...
OpcUa_StatusCode getNamespaceUriFromIndex (OpcUa_UInt16 namespaceIndex, UaString &sNamespaceUri) const
 Returns a namespace URI for a namespace index. More...
void startServerShutDown (OpcUa_Int32 secondsTillShutdown, const UaLocalizedText &shutdownReason)
 Inform the node manager about the shutdown of the server. More...
void startServerShutDown (OpcUa_Int32 secondsTillShutdown, const UaLocalizedTextArray &shutdownReason)
 Inform the node manager about the shutdown of the server. More...
void changeServerState (OpcUa_ServerState newState)
 Update the server manager about the change of the server state. More...
void changeServiceLevel (OpcUa_Byte serviceLevel, OpcUa_Byte changeMask)
 Update the ServiceLevel property of the Server object. More...
UaNodegetNode (const UaNodeId &nodeId)
 Get a UaNode pointer for a requested nodeId. More...
UaStatus browse (const UaNodeId &startingNode, const UaNodeId &referenceTypeFilter, ContinuationPointWrapper &continuationPoint, UaReferenceDescriptions &references)
 Browse function for internal use for forward browsing. More...
UaStatus browse (const UaNodeId &startingNode, OpcUa_Boolean isInverse, const UaNodeId &referenceTypeFilter, OpcUa_UInt32 nodeClassMask, ContinuationPointWrapper &continuationPoint, UaReferenceDescriptions &references)
 Browse function for internal use. More...
UaStatus getListOfSuperTypes (const UaNodeId &startingNode, UaNodeIdArray &superTypeList)
 Returns the list of super types for a passed OPC UA type node. More...
ServerManagerpServerManager ()
 Get the server manager. More...
UaStatus startUp (ServerManager *pServerManager)
 Start up NodeManager. More...
UaStatus sessionOpened (Session *session)
 Notifies the node manager that a new session was opened. More...
UaStatus sessionActivated (Session *session)
 Notifies the node manager that a session was activated. More...
UaStatus sessionClosed (Session *session)
 Notifies the node manager that a session was closed. More...
UaStatus browse (const ServiceContext &serviceContext, BrowseContext &browseContext, UaReferenceDescriptions &references)
 Discover the references of a specified node of a view. More...
UaStatus translateBrowsePathToNodeId (const ServiceContext &serviceContext, const UaNodeId &startingNode, UaRelativePath &relativePath, UaBrowsePathTargets &browsePathTargets)
 Translates a relative browse path to a node id. More...
VariableHandlegetVariableHandle (Session *pSession, VariableHandle::ServiceType serviceType, OpcUa_NodeId *pNodeId, OpcUa_Int32 AttributeId) const
 Get the variable handle for the passed node Id. More...
HistoryVariableHandlegetHistoryVariableHandle (Session *pSession, HistoryVariableHandle::ServiceType serviceType, OpcUa_NodeId *pNodeId, UaStatus &result) const
 Get the history variable handle for the passed node Id. More...
UaStatus getEventManagers (Session *pSession, OpcUa_NodeId *pNodeId, OpcUa_EventFilter *eventFilter, EventManagerArray &eventManagers) const
 Get a list of EventManager interfaces for an event notifier. More...
MethodHandlegetMethodHandle (Session *pSession, OpcUa_NodeId *pObjectNodeId, OpcUa_NodeId *pMethodNodeId, UaStatus &result) const
 Get the method handle for the passed node Id. More...
UaStatus addNode (const ServiceContext &serviceContext, const UaNodeId &parentNodeId, const UaNodeId &referenceTypeId, const UaNodeId &requestedNewNodeId, const UaQualifiedName &browseName, OpcUa_NodeClass nodeClass, const UaExtensionObject &nodeAttributes, const UaNodeId &typeDefinition, UaNodeId &addedNodeId)
 Add node to the NodeManager. More...
UaStatus addReference (const ServiceContext &serviceContext, const UaNodeId &sourceNodeId, const UaNodeId &referenceTypeId, OpcUa_Boolean isForward, const UaNodeId &targetNodeId, OpcUa_NodeClass targetNodeClass)
 Add reference to the NodeManager. More...
UaStatus deleteNode (const ServiceContext &serviceContext, const UaNodeId &nodeId, OpcUa_Boolean deleteTargetReference)
 Delete node from the NodeManager. More...
UaStatus deleteReference (const ServiceContext &serviceContext, const UaNodeId &sourceNodeId, const UaNodeId &referenceTypeId, OpcUa_Boolean isForward, const UaNodeId &targetNodeId, OpcUa_Boolean deleteBidirectional)
 Delete reference from the NodeManager. More...
NodeManagerCrossReferencesgetNodeManagerCrossReferences ()
 Get the interface NodeManagerCrossReferences if available. More...
NodeManagerConfiggetNodeManagerConfig ()
 Get the interface NodeManagerConfig if available. More...
IOManagergetIOManager (UaNode *pUaNode, OpcUa_Int32 attributeId) const
 Get the responsible IOManager for the node and attribute combination. More...
UaStatus afterStartUp ()
 Finish start up in derived class after starting up base class. More...
UaStatus beforeShutDown ()
 Start shut down in derived class before shutting down base class. More...
UaStatus readValues (const UaVariableArray &arrUaVariables, UaDataValueArray &arrDataValues)
 Reads the value attributes for a list of UaVariables. More...
UaStatus writeValues (const UaVariableArray &arrUaVariables, const PDataValueArray &arrpDataValues, UaStatusCodeArray &arrStatusCodes)
 Writes the value attributes for a list of UaVariables. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from NodeManagerUaNode
 NodeManagerUaNode (const UaString &sNamespaceUri, OpcUa_Int32 nHashTableSize)
 Constructs a NodeManagerUaNode object. More...
virtual ~NodeManagerUaNode ()
 Destroys the NodeManagerUaNode object and all nodes managed by the node manager.
void registerBrowseUaNodeCallback (BrowseUaNodeCallback *pBrowseUaNodeCallback)
 Registers a callback interface used to influence browse results. More...
UaStatus addUaNode (UaNode *pNewNode)
 Add a new UaNode to the node management. More...
UaStatus deleteUaNode (UaNode *pNode, OpcUa_Boolean deleteTargetReferences, OpcUa_Boolean deleteSourceReferences=OpcUa_False, OpcUa_Boolean deleteAllChildren=OpcUa_False)
 Remove a UaNode from the node management. More...
UaStatus addNodeAndReference (UaReferenceLists *pSourceNode, UaReferenceLists *pNewNode, const UaNodeId &referenceTypeId)
 Adds the new node to the node management and creates reference. More...
UaStatus addNodeAndReference (const UaNodeId &sourceNode, UaReferenceLists *pNewNode, const UaNodeId &referenceTypeId)
 Adds the new node to the node management and creates reference. More...
UaStatus addUaReference (UaReferenceLists *pSourceNode, UaReferenceLists *pTargetNode, const UaNodeId &referenceTypeId)
 Adds a reference from source node to target node. More...
UaStatus addUaReference (const UaNodeId &sourceId, const UaNodeId &targetId, const UaNodeId &referenceTypeId)
 Adds a reference from source node to target node. More...
UaStatus deleteUaReference (UaReferenceLists *pSourceNode, UaReferenceLists *pTargetNode, const UaNodeId &referenceTypeId)
 Delete the reference from source node to target node. More...
UaStatus deleteUaReference (const UaNodeId &sourceId, const UaNodeId &targetId, const UaNodeId &referenceTypeId)
 Delete the reference from source node to target node. More...
OpcUa_UInt16 getNameSpaceIndex () const
 Get the namespace index of the node manager. More...
virtual UaStatus shutDown ()
 Shut down NodeManager. More...
virtual NodeManagerUaNodegetNodeManagerUaNode ()
 Get the interface NodeManagerUaNode if available. More...
virtual UaStatus connectStartingNode (const UaNodeId &, NodeManager *, OpcUa_Boolean, OpcUa_Boolean)
 Connect a starting node to the passed NodeManager This method is used to tell the NodeManager A (implements this method) that another NodeManager B has a Nodes with references to a Node in A but is not able to specify the list. More...
virtual UaStatus disconnectStartingNode (const UaNodeId &, NodeManager *)
 Disconnect a starting node from the passed NodeManager. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from NodeManager
 NodeManager ()
virtual ~NodeManager ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from NodeManagerConfig
 NodeManagerConfig ()
virtual ~NodeManagerConfig ()
virtual EventManagerUaNodegetEventManagerUaNode ()
 Get the EventManagerUaNode interface if implemented by the class implementing the NodeManagerConfig interface. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from NodeManagerCrossReferences
 NodeManagerCrossReferences ()
virtual ~NodeManagerCrossReferences ()
virtual UaStatus addCrossReference (const UaNodeId &, const UaNodeId &, OpcUa_Boolean, const UaNodeId &, NodeManager *)
 Create a reference between nodes managed by different node managers. More...
virtual UaStatus deleteCrossReference (const UaNodeId &, const UaNodeId &, OpcUa_Boolean, const UaNodeId &, NodeManager *)
 Delete a reference between nodes managed by different node managers. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from NodeManagerList
 NodeManagerList ()
virtual ~NodeManagerList ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from IOManagerUaNode
 IOManagerUaNode ()
virtual ~IOManagerUaNode ()
virtual UaStatus startUpIO (ServerManager *pServerManager)
 Start up IOManager. More...
virtual UaStatus shutDownIO ()
 Shut down IOManager. More...
virtual OpcUa_Boolean beforeSetAttributeValue (Session *pSession, UaNode *pNode, OpcUa_Int32 attributeId, const UaDataValue &dataValue, OpcUa_Boolean &checkWriteMask)
 Event that is called before the value of an attribute of a Node is set. More...
virtual void afterSetAttributeValue (Session *pSession, UaNode *pNode, OpcUa_Int32 attributeId, const UaDataValue &dataValue)
 Event that is called after the value of an attribute of a Node was updated. More...
virtual void afterGetAttributeValue (Session *pSession, UaNode *pNode, OpcUa_Int32 attributeId, UaDataValue &dataValue)
 Event that is called after the value of an attribute of a Node was read from the node. More...
virtual UaStatus beforeMonitorAttributeValue (Session *pSession, UaNode *pNode, OpcUa_Int32 attributeId, OpcUa_Boolean &returnErrorInCreate)
 Event that is called before a data monitored item is created. More...
virtual void variableCacheMonitoringChanged (UaVariableCache *pVariable, TransactionType transactionType)
 Event that is called after the monitoring of a cache variable was changed. More...
void setTimestampWriteSupport (OpcUa_Boolean isSupported)
 Method used to enable or disable support for writing timestamp. More...
void setStatusWriteSupport (OpcUa_Boolean isSupported)
 Method used to enable or disable support for writing status. More...
UaStatus beginTransaction (IOManagerCallback *, const ServiceContext &, OpcUa_UInt32, OpcUa_UInt32, OpcUa_Double, OpcUa_TimestampsToReturn, TransactionType, OpcUa_Handle &)
 Begin a IOManager transaction. More...
UaStatus beginStartMonitoring (OpcUa_Handle, OpcUa_UInt32, IOVariableCallback *, VariableHandle *, MonitoringContext &)
 Begin start monitoring of an item. More...
UaStatus beginModifyMonitoring (OpcUa_Handle, OpcUa_UInt32, OpcUa_UInt32, MonitoringContext &)
 Begin modify monitoring of an item. More...
UaStatus beginStopMonitoring (OpcUa_Handle, OpcUa_UInt32, OpcUa_UInt32)
 Begin stop monitoring of an item. More...
UaStatus beginRead (OpcUa_Handle, OpcUa_UInt32, VariableHandle *, OpcUa_ReadValueId *)
 Begin reading an attribute value of a node. More...
UaStatus beginWrite (OpcUa_Handle, OpcUa_UInt32, VariableHandle *, OpcUa_WriteValue *)
 Begin writing an attribute value for a node. More...
UaStatus finishTransaction (OpcUa_Handle)
 Finish a transaction. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from IOManager
 IOManager ()
virtual ~IOManager ()

Static Public Member Functions

static NodeManagerRootCreateRootNodeManager ()
static OpcUa_Int16 getTypeNamespace ()
 Get the type namespace index. More...

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from IOManager
enum  TransactionType {
 TransactionType enumeration. More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from NodeManagerUaNode
UaStatusCode clearAllNodes ()
 Clear all nodes in the node manager and all references to other node managers. More...
UaNodefindNode (const UaNodeId &id) const
 Find a UaNode by UaNodeId. More...
UaNodefindNode (const OpcUa_NodeId *pId) const
 Find a UaNode by OpcUa_NodeId. More...
UaString getNameSpaceUri ()
 Get the name space URI of this node manager. More...
OpcUa_Boolean isStarted ()
 Check if the NodeManager is started or not. More...
- Protected Attributes inherited from NodeManagerUaNode
 Central server manager object.
 NodeManagerCrossReferences interface of node manager root (name space 0).
 NodeManagerList interface of node manager root (name space 0).
UaString m_defaultLocaleId
 Default LocaleId for the node manager.
OpcUa_Boolean m_isStarted
 Flag indicating if the node manager was started.
UaMutex m_mutexNodes
 This mutex is used to synconize access to the nodes and references in this node manager.
OpcUa_UInt16 m_nNamespaceIndex
 Name space index of this node manager.
UaString m_sNamespaceUri
 Name space URI of this node manager.
 Hash table for the nodes managed by this node manager.
UaMutex m_mutexAliasTable
 Mutex used to protect access to the hash table.
UaObjectPointerArray< UaNodeIdm_crossNodeManagerAliasNodes
 List of cross node manager alias nodes.
 Callback interface to influence browse results.

Detailed Description


Class definition of the NodeManagerRoot. Create Sessions, starts up the Server. This class controls the session and gives access to all possible browse possibilities. It is also possible to add new nodes/references, or to delete old nodes/references. Here also the shutdown of the server will be prepared. Derived from NodeManagerUaNode, IOManagerUaNode and NodeManagerList It is not possible to create plane copies of this Class.

Member Function Documentation

UaStatus NodeManagerRoot::addNode ( const ServiceContext serviceContext,
const UaNodeId parentNodeId,
const UaNodeId referenceTypeId,
const UaNodeId requestedNewNodeId,
const UaQualifiedName browseName,
OpcUa_NodeClass  nodeClass,
const UaExtensionObject nodeAttributes,
const UaNodeId typeDefinition,
UaNodeId addedNodeId 

Add node to the NodeManager.

serviceContextGeneral context for the service calls containing information like the session object, return diagnostic mask and timeout hint.
parentNodeIdthe parentNodeId of the current Node.
referenceTypeIdType of the reference to create from the source node to the new node.
requestedNewNodeIdthe new NodeId of the requested Node.
browseNamethe actual browse name of the Node.
nodeClassthe actual node class of the Node.
nodeAttributesall attributes of the current Node.
typeDefinitionthe Definition of the actual Node.
addedNodeIdthe added NodeId.
Error code

Reimplemented from NodeManager.

UaStatus NodeManagerRoot::addNodeManager ( NodeManager pNodeManager,
const UaString sNamespaceUri,
OpcUa_UInt16 &  assignedNamespaceIndex 

Add a NodeManager to the list.

pNodeManagerPointer to NodeManager that manages references from the starting node to nodes in the that NodeManager.
sNamespaceUriNamespace URI used for the NodeManager.
assignedNamespaceIndexAssigned namespace index of the added NodeManager.
Error code

Implements NodeManagerList.

UaStatus NodeManagerRoot::addReference ( const ServiceContext serviceContext,
const UaNodeId sourceNodeId,
const UaNodeId referenceTypeId,
OpcUa_Boolean  isForward,
const UaNodeId targetNodeId,
OpcUa_NodeClass  targetNodeClass 

Add reference to the NodeManager.

serviceContextGeneral context for the service calls containing information like the session object, return diagnostic mask and timeout hint.
sourceNodeIdthe source NodeId of the actual Node.
referenceTypeIdType of the reference to create from the source node to the new node.
isForwardindicates if the Node is forward referenced or not.
targetNodeIdthe NodeId of the target Node.
targetNodeClassthe NodeClass of the target Node.
Error code

Reimplemented from NodeManager.

UaStatus NodeManagerRoot::afterStartUp ( )

Finish start up in derived class after starting up base class.

Error code

Implements NodeManagerUaNode.

UaStatus NodeManagerRoot::beforeShutDown ( )

Start shut down in derived class before shutting down base class.

Error code

Implements NodeManagerUaNode.

UaStatus NodeManagerRoot::browse ( const UaNodeId startingNode,
const UaNodeId referenceTypeFilter,
ContinuationPointWrapper continuationPoint,
UaReferenceDescriptions &  references 

Browse function for internal use for forward browsing.

This method provides a simplified browse function for internal use. It uses the normal NodeManager::browse but hides the handling that is necessary for the remote access from a client.

This version of the simplified browse is browsing forward and returns all node classes.

Status result code for the call.
[in]startingNodeStarting node for the browse call
[in]referenceTypeFilterReference type filter to return only nodes referenced from the starting node with this reference type or a subtype
[in,out]continuationPointContinuation point for the browse. Indicates if more results are available
[out]referencesList of browse results for the browsed node
UaStatus NodeManagerRoot::browse ( const UaNodeId startingNode,
OpcUa_Boolean  isInverse,
const UaNodeId referenceTypeFilter,
OpcUa_UInt32  nodeClassMask,
ContinuationPointWrapper continuationPoint,
UaReferenceDescriptions &  references 

Browse function for internal use.

This method provides a simplified browse function for internal use. It uses the normal NodeManager::browse but hides the handling that is necessary for the remote access from a client.

Status result code for the call.
[in]startingNodeStarting node for the browse call
[in]isInverseFlag indicating if the browse is inverse (True) or forward (False)
[in]referenceTypeFilterReference type filter to return only nodes referenced from the starting node with this reference type or a subtype
[in]nodeClassMaskNode class filter mask identifing the node classes to include in the browse result Bit mask containing the following options:
OpcUa_NodeClass_Object = 1
OpcUa_NodeClass_Variable = 2
OpcUa_NodeClass_Method = 4
OpcUa_NodeClass_ObjectType = 8
OpcUa_NodeClass_VariableType = 16
OpcUa_NodeClass_ReferenceType = 32
OpcUa_NodeClass_DataType = 64
OpcUa_NodeClass_View = 128
If set to zero, all node classes are returned.
[in,out]continuationPointContinuation point for the browse. Indicates if more results are available
[out]referencesList of browse results for the browsed node
UaStatus NodeManagerRoot::browse ( const ServiceContext serviceContext,
BrowseContext browseContext,
UaReferenceDescriptions &  references 

Discover the references of a specified node of a view.

This method is used to return a list of references and target nodes for the passed node to browse for the services Browse and BrowseNext.

serviceContextGeneral context for the service calls containing information like the session object, return diagnostic mask and timeout hint.
browseContextBrowse context for the first browse or the following browse with continuation point.
ReferencesArray of ReferenceDescription results for the browsed node.
Error code

Reimplemented from NodeManagerUaNode.

void NodeManagerRoot::changeServerState ( OpcUa_ServerState  newState)

Update the server manager about the change of the server state.

newStateNew server status.
void NodeManagerRoot::changeServiceLevel ( OpcUa_Byte  serviceLevel,
OpcUa_Byte  changeMask 

Update the ServiceLevel property of the Server object.

serviceLevelThe new service level to set.
changeMaskA mask indicating which bits of the service level should be set. If a bit is set to 1, the according bit of serviceLevel is set in the server's serviceLevel. If a bit is set to 0, the according bit in the server's serviceLevel will remain untouched.
UaStatus NodeManagerRoot::deleteNode ( const ServiceContext serviceContext,
const UaNodeId nodeId,
OpcUa_Boolean  deleteTargetReference 

Delete node from the NodeManager.

serviceContextGeneral context for the service calls containing information like the session object, return diagnostic mask and timeout hint.
nodeIdthe Id of the current Node.
deleteTargetReferenceIndicates if the inverse references in the target nodes must be deleted
Error code

Reimplemented from NodeManager.

UaStatus NodeManagerRoot::deleteReference ( const ServiceContext serviceContext,
const UaNodeId sourceNodeId,
const UaNodeId referenceTypeId,
OpcUa_Boolean  isForward,
const UaNodeId targetNodeId,
OpcUa_Boolean  deleteBidirectional 

Delete reference from the NodeManager.

serviceContextGeneral context for the service calls containing information like the session object, return diagnostic mask and timeout hint.
sourceNodeIdthe source NodeId of the actual Node.
referenceTypeIdType of the reference to create from the source node to the new node.
isForwardindicates if the Node is forward referenced or not.
targetNodeIdthe NodeId of the target Node.
deleteBidirectionalTRUE if delete bidirectional FALSE if not.
Error code

Reimplemented from NodeManager.

UaStatus NodeManagerRoot::getEventManagers ( Session pSession,
OpcUa_NodeId *  pNodeId,
OpcUa_EventFilter *  eventFilter,
EventManagerArray eventManagers 
) const

Get a list of EventManager interfaces for an event notifier.

pSessionInterface pointer of the new Session. The session was created by the ServerConfig object in the Method createSession. This vendor specific implementation can create a derived Session class with vendor specific information.
pNodeIdNodeId of the requested node
eventFilterEvent filter defined by the client
eventManagersa list of EventManager interfaces for an event notifier.
Error code

Reimplemented from NodeManager.

HistoryVariableHandle * NodeManagerRoot::getHistoryVariableHandle ( Session pSession,
HistoryVariableHandle::ServiceType  serviceType,
OpcUa_NodeId *  pNodeId,
UaStatus result 
) const

Get the history variable handle for the passed node Id.

pSessionInterface pointer of the new Session. The session was created by the ServerConfig object in the Method createSession. This vendor specific implementation can create a derived Session class with vendor specific information.
pNodeIdNodeId of the requested Node.
resultthe result of the current Operation.
the history variable handle for the passed node Id.

Reimplemented from NodeManager.

IOManager * NodeManagerRoot::getIOManager ( UaNode pUaNode,
OpcUa_Int32  attributeId 
) const

Get the responsible IOManager for the node and attribute combination.

pUaNodethe actual Node where to get all information from.
attributeIdAttributeId of the requested node
a Variable to the IOManager.

Implements NodeManagerUaNode.

UaStatus NodeManagerRoot::getListOfSuperTypes ( const UaNodeId startingNode,
UaNodeIdArray &  superTypeList 

Returns the list of super types for a passed OPC UA type node.

Status result code for the call.
[in]startingNodeStarting type node for the type tree resolution
[out]superTypeListList of super types for the passed type node
MethodHandle * NodeManagerRoot::getMethodHandle ( Session pSession,
OpcUa_NodeId *  pObjectNodeId,
OpcUa_NodeId *  pMethodNodeId,
UaStatus result 
) const

Get the method handle for the passed node Id.

pSessionInterface pointer of the new Session. The session was created by the ServerConfig object in the Method createSession. This vendor specific implementation can create a derived Session class with vendor specific information.
pObjectNodeIdthe NodeId of the actual Object.
pMethodNodeIdthe NodeId of the actual Method.
resultthe result of the current Operation.
the method handle for the passed node Id.

Reimplemented from NodeManagerUaNode.

OpcUa_StatusCode NodeManagerRoot::getNamespaceIndexFromUri ( const UaString sNamespaceUri,
OpcUa_UInt16 &  namespaceIndex 

Returns a namespace index for a namespace URI.

sNamespaceUriNamespace URI to convert to the namespace index.
namespaceIndexThe Namespace index for the passed namespace URI.
Error code
OpcUa_StatusCode NodeManagerRoot::getNamespaceUriFromIndex ( OpcUa_UInt16  namespaceIndex,
UaString sNamespaceUri 
) const

Returns a namespace URI for a namespace index.

namespaceIndexNamespace index to convert to the namespace URI.
sNamespaceUriNamespace URI for the passed namespace index.
Error code
UaNode * NodeManagerRoot::getNode ( const UaNodeId nodeId)

Get a UaNode pointer for a requested nodeId.

If a UaNode object is found for the nodeId the reference count of the node gets incremented and a pointer to the node ist returned. The caller must release the reference when the node is not longer needed.

nodeIdNodeId of the node to return.
The requested node. Null if node was not found. The reference count for the found node is incremented.

Reimplemented from NodeManagerUaNode.

NodeManager * NodeManagerRoot::getNodeManagerByNamespace ( OpcUa_UInt16  NsIdx) const

Get the NodeManager by namespace index.

NsIdxthe Namespace index of the current Node.
Interface pointer of NodeManager.

Implements NodeManagerList.

NodeManagerConfig * NodeManagerRoot::getNodeManagerConfig ( )

Get the interface NodeManagerConfig if available.

the NodeManagerConfig Variable.

Reimplemented from NodeManagerUaNode.

NodeManagerCrossReferences * NodeManagerRoot::getNodeManagerCrossReferences ( )

Get the interface NodeManagerCrossReferences if available.

the NodeManagerCrossReferences Variable.

Reimplemented from NodeManagerUaNode.

static OpcUa_Int16 NodeManagerRoot::getTypeNamespace ( )

Get the type namespace index.

VariableHandle * NodeManagerRoot::getVariableHandle ( Session pSession,
VariableHandle::ServiceType  serviceType,
OpcUa_NodeId *  pNodeId,
OpcUa_Int32  AttributeId 
) const

Get the variable handle for the passed node Id.

pSessionInterface pointer of the new Session. The session was created by the ServerConfig object in the Method createSession. This vendor specific implementation can create a derived Session class with vendor specific information.
serviceTypeService type enumerator with the following possible settings READ - Read service WRITE - Write service MONITORING - CreateMonitoredItems service
pNodeIdNodeId of the requested Node.
AttributeIdAttributeId of the requested node
the variable handle for the passed node Id.

Reimplemented from NodeManagerUaNode.

ServerManager* NodeManagerRoot::pServerManager ( )

Get the server manager.

UaObjectServer* NodeManagerRoot::pServerObject ( ) const

Get the server object.

the new created server object.
UaStatus NodeManagerRoot::readValues ( const UaVariableArray arrUaVariables,
UaDataValueArray arrDataValues 

Reads the value attributes for a list of UaVariables.

arrUaVariablesAn array of UaVariable interface pointers used to indicate which variables should be read. The implementation of the interface needs to have the necessary information to access the data from the external source.
arrDataValuesAn array of OpcUa_DataValue structures used to return the values to read.
Error code

Reimplemented from IOManagerUaNode.

UaStatus NodeManagerRoot::removeNodeManager ( OpcUa_UInt16  namespaceIndex)

Remove a NodeManager from the list.

namespaceIndexAssigned namespace index of the added NodeManager.
Error code

Implements NodeManagerList.

UaStatus NodeManagerRoot::sessionActivated ( Session pSession)

Notifies the node manager that a session was activated.

sessionInterface pointer of the activated Session. The session was created by the ServerConfig object in the Method createSession. This vendor specific implementation can create a derived Session class with vendor specific information.
Error code

Reimplemented from NodeManager.

UaStatus NodeManagerRoot::sessionClosed ( Session pSession)

Notifies the node manager that a session was closed.

sessionInterface pointer of the closed Session. The session was created by the ServerConfig object in the Method createSession. This vendor specific implementation can create a derived Session class with vendor specific information.
Error code

Reimplemented from NodeManager.

UaStatus NodeManagerRoot::sessionOpened ( Session pSession)

Notifies the node manager that a new session was opened.

sessionInterface pointer of the new Session. The session was created by the ServerConfig object in the Method createSession. This vendor specific implementation can create a derived Session class with vendor specific information.
Error code

Reimplemented from NodeManager.

void NodeManagerRoot::startServerShutDown ( OpcUa_Int32  secondsTillShutdown,
const UaLocalizedText shutdownReason 

Inform the node manager about the shutdown of the server.

[in]secondsTillShutdownSeconds till shutdown of the server
[in]shutdownReasonReason for the shutdown
void NodeManagerRoot::startServerShutDown ( OpcUa_Int32  secondsTillShutdown,
const UaLocalizedTextArray &  shutdownReason 

Inform the node manager about the shutdown of the server.

This is an overload to provide the shutdown reason as a list of localized text in different languages

[in]secondsTillShutdownSeconds till shutdown of the server
[in]shutdownReasonReason for the shutdown in different languages
UaStatus NodeManagerRoot::startUp ( ServerManager pServerManager)

Start up NodeManager.

pServerManagerInterface to the central ServerManager object. This interface pointer should be stored in the NodeManager instance to have access to core module objects like the root NodeManager or the ServerConfig
Error code

Reimplemented from NodeManagerUaNode.

UaStatus NodeManagerRoot::translateBrowsePathToNodeId ( const ServiceContext serviceContext,
const UaNodeId startingNode,
UaRelativePath relativePath,
UaBrowsePathTargets &  browsePathTargets 

Translates a relative browse path to a node id.

serviceContextGeneral context for the service calls containing information like the session object, return diagnostic mask and timeout hint.
startingNodeStarting node from where the relative path is defined.
relativePathRelative path from the starting node to the searched node.
browsePathTargetsall needed targets of the browse path.
Error code

Reimplemented from NodeManagerUaNode.

UaStatus NodeManagerRoot::writeValues ( const UaVariableArray arrUaVariables,
const PDataValueArray arrpDataValues,
UaStatusCodeArray &  arrStatusCodes 

Writes the value attributes for a list of UaVariables.

arrUaVariablesAn array of UaVariable interface pointers used to indicate which variables should be read. The implementation of the interface needs to have the necessary information to access the data from the external source.
arrpDataValuesArray of pointers to OpcUa_DataValue structures containing the data to write.
arrStatusCodesAn array of OpcUa_StatusCode values used to indicate if the write succeeds on a single variable base.
Error code

Reimplemented from IOManagerUaNode.

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