.NET Based OPC UA Client/Server SDK
UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.ServerManager Class Reference

An implementation of a server. More...

Inherits UnifiedAutomation.UaBase.SessionServerBase, UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.IServerMethods, UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.IServerConfigurationMethods, and UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.Model.ITraceObjectMethods.


class  CreateEventMonitoredItemEventArgs
 Used as EventArgs in ServerManager.EventMonitoringStarted More...
class  DeleteEventMonitoredItemEventArgs
 Used as EventArgs in ServerManager.EventMonitoringStopped More...
class  ModifyEventMonitoredItemEventArgs
 Used as EventArgs in ServerManager.EventMonitoringModified More...
class  NewMonitoredItemEventArgs
 Is passed as argument to EventMonitoringStarted. More...
class  SetEventMonitoringModeEventArgs
 Used as EventArgs in ServerManager.EventMonitoringModeSet More...

Public Member Functions

virtual StatusCode Configure (RequestContext context, Model.TraceObjectModel model, uint maxEntriesPerLog, byte maxLogFileBackups, bool fastTrace)
 Called to change the trace configuration for the server. More...
virtual StatusCode SetTraceLevel (RequestContext context, Model.TraceObjectModel model, bool masterTraceEnabled, Model.TraceLevel defaultTraceLevel)
 Called to enable or disable tracing for the server. More...
virtual void Stop (uint secondsTillShutdown, LocalizedText shutdownReason, bool restart)
 Stops the server. More...
override void Start (ApplicationInstanceBase application)
 Starts the server (called from a dedicated host process). More...
override void Stop ()
 Stops the server and releases all resources. More...
void SetGetHistoryEventHandleOverride (GetHistoryEventHandleEventHandler handler)
 Sets a delegate used to override the GetHistoryEventHandle method for the CoreNodeManager. More...
DataMonitoringResult ValidateDataMonitoringRequest (RequestContext context, NodeAttributeHandle nodeHandle, ReadValueId itemToMonitor, MonitoringParameters parameters, NodeMetadata metadata)
 Validates the data monitoring request. More...
void SessionExpired (Session session, uint error=StatusCodes.BadTimeout)
 Cleans up an expired session. More...
void EndPublish (RequestContext context, IEndpointIncomingRequest incoming, StatusCode error, object callbackData, bool doNotBlockThread)
 Ends the publish. More...
virtual void StartEventMonitoring (EventMonitoringResult result, uint monitoredItemId, MonitoredItemCreateRequest settings)
 Is called by the CoreNodeManager if a EventMonitoredItem is created for an object in namespace 0. Can be called by custom NodeManagers if there are NodeManagers that are based on the custom NodeManager. Calls EventMonitoringStarted. More...
virtual void ModifyEventMonitoring (EventMonitoringResult result, MonitoredItemOperationHandle itemHandle, MonitoredItemModifyRequest settings)
 Is called by the CoreNodeManager if a EventMonitoredItem is modified for an object in namespace 0. Can be called by custom NodeManagers if there are NodeManagers that are based on the custom NodeManager. Calls EventMonitoringModified. More...
virtual void SetEventMonitoringMode (StatusCode result, MonitoredItemOperationHandle itemHandle)
 Is called by the CoreNodeManager if a EventMonitoredItem changes its monitoring mode for an object in namespace 0. Can be called by custom NodeManagers if there are NodeManagers that are based on the custom NodeManager. Calls EventMonitoringModeSet. More...
virtual void StopEventMonitoring (StatusCode result, MonitoredItemOperationHandle itemHandle)
 Is called by the CoreNodeManager if a EventMonitoredItem is deleted for an object in namespace 0. Can be called by custom NodeManagers if there are NodeManagers that are based on the custom NodeManager. Calls EventMonitoringStopped. More...
virtual void BeginQueryFirst (RequestContext context, IEndpointIncomingRequest incoming)
 Invokes the QueryFirst service. More...
virtual void BeginQueryNext (RequestContext context, IEndpointIncomingRequest incoming)
 Invokes the QueryNext service. More...
void ReportEvent (GenericEvent e)
 Reports the event to the Server notifier. More...
void ReportEvent (NodeId notifierId, GenericEvent e)
 Reports the event. More...
StatusCode GetMonitoredItems (RequestContext context, ServerModel model, uint subscriptionId, out uint[] serverHandles, out uint[] clientHandles)
 Returns the server/client handles for the subscription. More...
StatusCode RequestServerStateChange (RequestContext context, ServerModel model, ServerState state, DateTime estimatedReturnTime, uint secondsTillShutdown, LocalizedText reason, bool restart)
 Requests that the server change state. More...
StatusCode ResendData (RequestContext context, ServerModel model, uint subscriptionId)
 Requests that all cached values be resent for the specified subscription. More...
StatusCode SetSubscriptionDurable (RequestContext context, ServerModel model, uint subscriptionId, uint lifetimeInHours, out uint revisedLifetimeInHours)
 Requests that the subscription be made durable which means all queued values are saved to persistent storage. More...
virtual StatusCode ApplyChanges (RequestContext context, ServerConfigurationModel model)
 Applies any changes to the security settings. More...
virtual void RestartTransportListeners ()
 Restarts the transport listeners. Shall be called if server certificates have changed. More...
virtual StatusCode UpdateCertificate (RequestContext context, ServerConfigurationModel model, NodeId certificateGroupId, NodeId certificateTypeId, byte[] certificate, byte[][] issuerCertificates, string privateKeyFormat, byte[] privateKey, out bool applyChangesRequired)
 Updates the application certificate. More...
virtual StatusCode CreateSigningRequest (RequestContext context, ServerConfigurationModel model, NodeId certificateGroupId, NodeId certificateTypeId, string subjectName, bool regeneratePrivateKey, byte[] nonce, out byte[] certificateRequest)
 Creates a certificate signing request. More...
virtual StatusCode GetRejectedList (RequestContext context, ServerConfigurationModel model, out byte[][] certificates)
 Gets the list of rejected certificates. More...
virtual void OnTrustListAddCertificate (object sender, CertificateAddedEventArgs e)
 Called when a certificate is added to a trust list. More...
virtual void OnTrustListRemoveCertificate (object sender, RemoveCertificateEventArgs e)
 Called when a certificate is removed from a trust list. More...
virtual StatusCode CancelChanges (RequestContext context, ServerConfigurationModel model)
virtual StatusCode GetCertificates (RequestContext context, ServerConfigurationModel model, NodeId CertificateGroupId, out NodeId[] CertificateTypeIds, out byte[][] Certificates)
virtual StatusCode ResetToServerDefaults (RequestContext context, ServerConfigurationModel model)
virtual void PersistRoleConfigurations ()
 Saves the RoleConfigurations. More...
virtual RoleModel CreateRoleModel ()
 Is called when roles defined in RoleConfigurations are mapped to the address space. An override can return a subtype that implements the methods defined by IRoleMethods. More...
virtual uint[] EvaluateRoles (UserIdentityToken userToken, UserIdentity effectiveUserIdentity, Session session)
 Returns the RoleIds that correlate with a user and a session. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from UnifiedAutomation.UaBase.SessionServerBase
virtual ResponseHeader FindServers (RequestHeader requestHeader, string endpointUrl, StringCollection localeIds, StringCollection serverUris, out ApplicationDescriptionCollection servers)
 Invokes the FindServers service. More...
virtual ResponseHeader FindServersOnNetwork (RequestHeader requestHeader, uint startingRecordId, uint maxRecordsToReturn, StringCollection serverCapabilityFilter, out DateTime lastCounterResetTime, out ServerOnNetworkCollection servers)
 Invokes the FindServersOnNetwork service. More...
virtual ResponseHeader GetEndpoints (RequestHeader requestHeader, string endpointUrl, StringCollection localeIds, StringCollection profileUris, out EndpointDescriptionCollection endpoints)
 Invokes the GetEndpoints service. More...
virtual ResponseHeader ActivateSession (RequestHeader requestHeader, SignatureData clientSignature, SignedSoftwareCertificateCollection clientSoftwareCertificates, StringCollection localeIds, ExtensionObject userIdentityToken, SignatureData userTokenSignature, out byte[] serverNonce, out StatusCodeCollection results, out DiagnosticInfoCollection diagnosticInfos)
 Invokes the ActivateSession service. More...
virtual ResponseHeader AddNodes (RequestHeader requestHeader, AddNodesItemCollection nodesToAdd, out AddNodesResultCollection results, out DiagnosticInfoCollection diagnosticInfos)
 Invokes the AddNodes service. More...
virtual ResponseHeader AddReferences (RequestHeader requestHeader, AddReferencesItemCollection referencesToAdd, out StatusCodeCollection results, out DiagnosticInfoCollection diagnosticInfos)
 Invokes the AddReferences service. More...
virtual ResponseHeader DeleteNodes (RequestHeader requestHeader, DeleteNodesItemCollection nodesToDelete, out StatusCodeCollection results, out DiagnosticInfoCollection diagnosticInfos)
 Invokes the DeleteNodes service. More...
virtual ResponseHeader DeleteReferences (RequestHeader requestHeader, DeleteReferencesItemCollection referencesToDelete, out StatusCodeCollection results, out DiagnosticInfoCollection diagnosticInfos)
 Invokes the DeleteReferences service. More...
virtual ResponseHeader Browse (RequestHeader requestHeader, ViewDescription view, uint requestedMaxReferencesPerNode, BrowseDescriptionCollection nodesToBrowse, out BrowseResultCollection results, out DiagnosticInfoCollection diagnosticInfos)
 Invokes the Browse service. More...
virtual ResponseHeader BrowseNext (RequestHeader requestHeader, bool releaseContinuationPoints, ByteStringCollection continuationPoints, out BrowseResultCollection results, out DiagnosticInfoCollection diagnosticInfos)
 Invokes the BrowseNext service. More...
virtual ResponseHeader TranslateBrowsePathsToNodeIds (RequestHeader requestHeader, BrowsePathCollection browsePaths, out BrowsePathResultCollection results, out DiagnosticInfoCollection diagnosticInfos)
 Invokes the TranslateBrowsePathsToNodeIds service. More...
virtual ResponseHeader RegisterNodes (RequestHeader requestHeader, NodeIdCollection nodesToRegister, out NodeIdCollection registeredNodeIds)
 Invokes the RegisterNodes service. More...
virtual ResponseHeader UnregisterNodes (RequestHeader requestHeader, NodeIdCollection nodesToUnregister)
 Invokes the UnregisterNodes service. More...
virtual ResponseHeader QueryFirst (RequestHeader requestHeader, ViewDescription view, NodeTypeDescriptionCollection nodeTypes, ContentFilter filter, uint maxDataSetsToReturn, uint maxReferencesToReturn, out QueryDataSetCollection queryDataSets, out byte[] continuationPoint, out ParsingResultCollection parsingResults, out DiagnosticInfoCollection diagnosticInfos, out ContentFilterResult filterResult)
 Invokes the QueryFirst service. More...
virtual ResponseHeader QueryNext (RequestHeader requestHeader, bool releaseContinuationPoint, byte[] continuationPoint, out QueryDataSetCollection queryDataSets, out byte[] revisedContinuationPoint)
 Invokes the QueryNext service. More...
virtual ResponseHeader Read (RequestHeader requestHeader, double maxAge, TimestampsToReturn timestampsToReturn, ReadValueIdCollection nodesToRead, out DataValueCollection results, out DiagnosticInfoCollection diagnosticInfos)
 Invokes the Read service. More...
virtual ResponseHeader HistoryRead (RequestHeader requestHeader, ExtensionObject historyReadDetails, TimestampsToReturn timestampsToReturn, bool releaseContinuationPoints, HistoryReadValueIdCollection nodesToRead, out HistoryReadResultCollection results, out DiagnosticInfoCollection diagnosticInfos)
 Invokes the HistoryRead service. More...
virtual ResponseHeader Write (RequestHeader requestHeader, WriteValueCollection nodesToWrite, out StatusCodeCollection results, out DiagnosticInfoCollection diagnosticInfos)
 Invokes the Write service. More...
virtual ResponseHeader HistoryUpdate (RequestHeader requestHeader, ExtensionObjectCollection historyUpdateDetails, out HistoryUpdateResultCollection results, out DiagnosticInfoCollection diagnosticInfos)
 Invokes the HistoryUpdate service. More...
virtual ResponseHeader Call (RequestHeader requestHeader, CallMethodRequestCollection methodsToCall, out CallMethodResultCollection results, out DiagnosticInfoCollection diagnosticInfos)
 Invokes the Call service. More...
virtual ResponseHeader CreateMonitoredItems (RequestHeader requestHeader, uint subscriptionId, TimestampsToReturn timestampsToReturn, MonitoredItemCreateRequestCollection itemsToCreate, out MonitoredItemCreateResultCollection results, out DiagnosticInfoCollection diagnosticInfos)
 Invokes the CreateMonitoredItems service. More...
virtual ResponseHeader ModifyMonitoredItems (RequestHeader requestHeader, uint subscriptionId, TimestampsToReturn timestampsToReturn, MonitoredItemModifyRequestCollection itemsToModify, out MonitoredItemModifyResultCollection results, out DiagnosticInfoCollection diagnosticInfos)
 Invokes the ModifyMonitoredItems service. More...
virtual ResponseHeader SetMonitoringMode (RequestHeader requestHeader, uint subscriptionId, MonitoringMode monitoringMode, UInt32Collection monitoredItemIds, out StatusCodeCollection results, out DiagnosticInfoCollection diagnosticInfos)
 Invokes the SetMonitoringMode service. More...
virtual ResponseHeader SetTriggering (RequestHeader requestHeader, uint subscriptionId, uint triggeringItemId, UInt32Collection linksToAdd, UInt32Collection linksToRemove, out StatusCodeCollection addResults, out DiagnosticInfoCollection addDiagnosticInfos, out StatusCodeCollection removeResults, out DiagnosticInfoCollection removeDiagnosticInfos)
 Invokes the SetTriggering service. More...
virtual ResponseHeader DeleteMonitoredItems (RequestHeader requestHeader, uint subscriptionId, UInt32Collection monitoredItemIds, out StatusCodeCollection results, out DiagnosticInfoCollection diagnosticInfos)
 Invokes the DeleteMonitoredItems service. More...
virtual ResponseHeader CreateSubscription (RequestHeader requestHeader, double requestedPublishingInterval, uint requestedLifetimeCount, uint requestedMaxKeepAliveCount, uint maxNotificationsPerPublish, bool publishingEnabled, byte priority, out uint subscriptionId, out double revisedPublishingInterval, out uint revisedLifetimeCount, out uint revisedMaxKeepAliveCount)
 Invokes the CreateSubscription service. More...
virtual ResponseHeader ModifySubscription (RequestHeader requestHeader, uint subscriptionId, double requestedPublishingInterval, uint requestedLifetimeCount, uint requestedMaxKeepAliveCount, uint maxNotificationsPerPublish, byte priority, out double revisedPublishingInterval, out uint revisedLifetimeCount, out uint revisedMaxKeepAliveCount)
 Invokes the ModifySubscription service. More...
virtual ResponseHeader SetPublishingMode (RequestHeader requestHeader, bool publishingEnabled, UInt32Collection subscriptionIds, out StatusCodeCollection results, out DiagnosticInfoCollection diagnosticInfos)
 Invokes the SetPublishingMode service. More...
virtual ResponseHeader Publish (RequestHeader requestHeader, SubscriptionAcknowledgementCollection subscriptionAcknowledgements, out uint subscriptionId, out UInt32Collection availableSequenceNumbers, out bool moreNotifications, out NotificationMessage notificationMessage, out StatusCodeCollection results, out DiagnosticInfoCollection diagnosticInfos)
 Invokes the Publish service. More...
virtual ResponseHeader Republish (RequestHeader requestHeader, uint subscriptionId, uint retransmitSequenceNumber, out NotificationMessage notificationMessage)
 Invokes the Republish service. More...
virtual ResponseHeader TransferSubscriptions (RequestHeader requestHeader, UInt32Collection subscriptionIds, bool sendInitialValues, out TransferResultCollection results, out DiagnosticInfoCollection diagnosticInfos)
 Invokes the TransferSubscriptions service. More...
virtual ResponseHeader DeleteSubscriptions (RequestHeader requestHeader, UInt32Collection subscriptionIds, out StatusCodeCollection results, out DiagnosticInfoCollection diagnosticInfos)
 Invokes the DeleteSubscriptions service. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from UnifiedAutomation.UaBase.ServerBase
 ServerBase ()
 Initializes object with default values. More...
void Dispose ()
 Frees any unmanaged resources. More...
void ScheduleIncomingRequest (IEndpointIncomingRequest request)
 Schedules an incoming request. More...
ApplicationLicense GetProductLicense ()
 Gets the application license. More...
void RunInThreadPool (ThreadPoolEventHandler callback, object request)
 Runs an operation the in server thread pool. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.Model.ITraceObjectMethods
StatusCode SetTraceLevel (RequestContext context, TraceObjectModel model, bool masterTraceEnabled, TraceLevel defaultTraceLevel)
 Sets the trace level for the server. More...
StatusCode Configure (RequestContext context, TraceObjectModel model, uint maxEntriesPerLog, byte maxLogFileBackups, bool fastTrace)
 Updates the trace configuration. More...

Public Attributes

< CreateEventMonitoredItemEventArgs
 Fires when an EventMonitoredItem for an notifier is created that is managed by the CoreNodeManager. More...
< ModifyEventMonitoredItemEventArgs
 Fires when an EventMonitoredItem for an notifier is modified that is managed by the CoreNodeManager. More...
< SetEventMonitoringModeEventArgs
 Fires when an EventMonitoredItem for an notifier changes its monitoring mode that is managed by the CoreNodeManager. More...
< DeleteEventMonitoredItemEventArgs
 Fires when an EventMonitoredItem for an notifier is deleted that is managed by the CoreNodeManager. More...

Protected Member Functions

override void Dispose (bool disposing)
 An overrideable version of the Dispose. More...
override void OnServerStarting (ApplicationInstanceBase application)
 Called before the server starts. More...
virtual void RegisterAggregate (NodeId aggregateId, QualifiedName aggregateName, AggregatorFactory factory)
 Registers the aggregate (saves the factory and creates the objects in the address space). More...
virtual void OnRegisterAggregates ()
 Called to register any aggregates during server initialization. More...
override void OnServerStopping ()
 Called before the server stops. More...
override void DispatchRequest (IEndpointIncomingRequest request)
 Processes the request. More...
void OnDispatchRequest (object data, StatusCode statusCode)
 Callback for processing sessionless request. More...
virtual StatusCode GetQueryHandle (RequestContext context, ViewHandle viewHandle, out QueryHandle handle)
 Creates a query handle for use in query operation. More...
IScopeMapper CreateScopeMapper ()
 Creates the ScopeMapper that is used when importing NodeSet XML files containing NodeAccessInfo defined by UnifiedAutomation XML schema. More...
virtual ITranslationManager CreateTranslationManager (ApplicationInstanceBase application)
 Creates the TranslationManager that is used. The default implementation creates an instance of ResourceManager. More...
virtual ICertificateValidator InitializeUserCertificateValidator ()
 Creates a CertificateValidator based on the configuration. More...
virtual void OnRootNodeManagerStarted (RootNodeManager nodeManager)
 Called when the root node manager starts. More...
virtual void OnSessionManagerStarted (SessionManager sessionManager)
 Called when the session manager starts. More...
virtual void OnSubscriptionManagerStarted (SubscriptionManager subscriptionManager)
 Called when the subscription manager starts. More...
virtual RequestContext ValidateRequest (RequestHeader requestHeader, IEndpointIncomingRequest incoming, ServiceType requestType)
 Verifies that the request header is valid. More...
virtual StatusCode TranslateException (DiagnosticsMasks diagnosticsMasks, IList< string > preferredLocales, Exception e)
 Translates an exception. More...
virtual void OnAsyncRequestComplete (RequestContext context, IEndpointIncomingRequest incoming, bool doNotBlockThread)
 Called when an asynchronous request completes. More...
virtual void OnAsyncRequestComplete (IEndpointIncomingRequest incoming, bool doNotBlockThread)
 Called when an asynchronous request without a session completes. More...
virtual void OnAsyncRequestError (RequestContext context, IEndpointIncomingRequest incoming, bool doNotBlockThread, Exception e)
 Called when an asynchronous request has an error during processing. More...
virtual ResponseHeader OnRequestComplete (RequestContext context)
 Called when the request completes. More...
virtual ResponseHeader OnRequestError (RequestContext context, Exception e)
 Called when an asynchronous request encounters an error. More...
virtual StatusCode ChangeServerState (ServerState state, DateTime estimatedReturnTime)
 Called when the state of the Server has been changed as a result of a client action. More...
virtual void OnTrustListWrite (object sender, WriteTrustListEventArgs e)
 Handles a request to update the application trust lists. More...
virtual void OnTrustListRead (object sender, ReadTrustListEventArgs e)
 Handles a request to read the application trust lists. More...
virtual UaSchema.RoleConfigurations LoadRoleConfigurations ()
 Loads the RoleConfiguration if available. More...
GetAdminRoleConfiguration ()
 Returns the RolePermissions for Security related nodes. More...
virtual void SetPermissionsForRoles ()
 Sets the RolePermissions and the AccessRestrictions to all Role nodes. More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from UnifiedAutomation.UaBase.ServerBase
void InitializeRequestQueue (ApplicationInstanceBase configuration)
 Initializes the request queue. More...
virtual void ProcessRequest (IEndpointIncomingRequest request)
 Processes the request. More...
ITransportListener CreateListener (ApplicationInstanceBase application)
 Creates the UA TCP listener. More...
virtual void OnOutgoingReverseConnectionClosed (object sender, OutgoingReverseConnectionUpdateEventArgs e)
virtual void OnOutgoingReverseConnectionOpened (object sender, OutgoingReverseConnectionUpdateEventArgs e)
virtual void ValidateRequest (RequestHeader requestHeader)
 Verifies that the request header is valid. More...
virtual ResponseHeader CreateResponse (RequestHeader requestHeader, uint statusCode)
 Creates the response header. More...
virtual void OnUpdateConfiguration (ApplicationInstanceBase configuration)
 Called when the server configuration is changed on disk. More...
virtual List< StatusCodeInitializeServices (ApplicationInstanceBase application)
 Creates the endpoints and creates the hosts. More...
virtual void StartApplication (ApplicationInstanceBase configuration)
 Starts the server application. More...
string NormalizeHostname (string hostname)
 Checks for IP address or well known hostnames that map to the computer. More...
ApplicationDescription GetApplicationDescription (Uri clientUrl, ApplicationDescription description, LocalizedText applicationName)
 Gets the application description. More...
EndpointDescriptionCollection GetEndpointDescriptions (Uri clientUrl, ApplicationDescription application)
 Gets the endpoint descriptions. More...


NamespaceTable NamespaceUris [get]
 Gets the namespace uris. More...
TypeManager TypeManager [get]
 Gets the type manager. More...
FilterManager FilterManager [get]
 Gets the filter manager. More...
IScopeMapper ScopeMapper [get]
 Gets the ScopeMapper used for importing nodes with a NodeAccessInfo; More...
ICertificateValidator UserCertificateValidator [get]
 Gets the CertificateValidator for Certificates passed in X509IdentityTokens. More...
AggregateManager AggregateManager [get]
 Gets the aggregate manager. More...
SubscriptionManager SubscriptionManager [get]
 Gets the subscription manager. More...
bool IsRunning [get]
 Gets a value indicating whether this instance is running. More...
bool IsRestartInProgress [get]
 Gets a value indicating whether a restart is in progress. More...
bool IsAuditEnabled [get]
 Gets a value indicating whether auditing is enabled More...
RequestContext DefaultRequestContext [get]
 Gets the server context. More...
object DiagnosticsLock [get]
 A lock which must be acquired before accessing the diagnostics. More...
ServerDiagnosticsModel ServerDiagnostics [get]
 The diagnostics associated with the server. More...
ServerSettings Settings [get]
 The configuration settings for the server. More...
Dictionary< NodeId,
CertificateGroups [get]
 The certificate groups supported by the server. More...
System.Reflection.Assembly OpcUaNodeSetAssembly [get, set]
 Gets or sets the assembly which has the Opc.Ua.NodeSet2 file as an embedded resource. More...
SessionManager SessionManager [get]
 Gets the session manager. More...
ITranslationManager TranslationManager [get]
 Gets the translation manager. More...
ResourceManager ResourceManager [get]
 Gets the resource manager. More...
RootNodeManager RootNodeManager [get]
 Gets the root node manager. More...
BaseNodeManager CoreNodeManager [get]
 Gets the core node manager. More...
uint NextUniqueId [get]
 Gets the next unique id. More...
ServerInternalClient InternalClient [get]
 Gets the internal client object. More...
UaSchema.RoleConfigurations RoleConfigurations [get]
 The Role Configuration information. More...
Dictionary< NodeId, RoleModelEffectiveRoleConfigurations [get]
 The Role Configurations used in the server. More...
- Properties inherited from UnifiedAutomation.UaBase.ServerBase
ApplicationInstanceBase Application [get]
 Gets the application. More...
MessageContext MessageContext [get]
 The message context to use with the service. More...
ApplicationThreadPool ThreadPool [get]
 Gets the thread pool used by the server. More...
StatusCode ServerError [get]
 An error condition that describes why the server if not running (null if no error exists). More...
ISecurityProvider SecurityProvider [get]
 Gets the security provider. More...
IEnumerable< ITransportListenerTransportListeners [get]
 Gets the list of transport listeners used by the server instance. More...
- Properties inherited from UnifiedAutomation.UaBase.IServerBase
ApplicationInstanceBase Application [get]
 Gets the application. More...
MessageContext MessageContext [get]
 The message context to use with the service. More...
StatusCode ServerError [get]
 An error condition that describes why the server if not running (null if no error exists). More...


EventHandler ServerStopped
 Occurs when the server is stopped. More...
EventHandler ServerStarted
 Occurs when the server is started. More...
UntrustedUserCertificateEventHandler UntrustedUserCertificate
 Occurs when an untrusted user certificate is encountered or when a user certificate has other validation errors More...

Additional Inherited Members

- Protected Attributes inherited from UnifiedAutomation.UaBase.ServerBase
MessageContext m_messageContext
 The message context.
ApplicationInstanceBase m_application
 The application instance More...
List< ITransportListenerm_listeners
 The transport listeners managed by the ServerBase More...
ApplicationLicense m_license
 The found sdk license. More...

Detailed Description

An implementation of a server.

Member Function Documentation

virtual StatusCode UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.ServerManager.ApplyChanges ( RequestContext  context,
ServerConfigurationModel  model 

Applies any changes to the security settings.

contextThe context for the request.
modelThe object which owns the method being called.
StatusCode.Good if the call succeeds; otherwise an error.

Implements UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.IServerConfigurationMethods.

virtual void UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.ServerManager.BeginQueryFirst ( RequestContext  context,
IEndpointIncomingRequest  incoming 

Invokes the QueryFirst service.

virtual void UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.ServerManager.BeginQueryNext ( RequestContext  context,
IEndpointIncomingRequest  incoming 

Invokes the QueryNext service.

virtual StatusCode UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.ServerManager.CancelChanges ( RequestContext  context,
ServerConfigurationModel  model 


Implements UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.IServerConfigurationMethods.

virtual StatusCode UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.ServerManager.ChangeServerState ( ServerState  state,
DateTime  estimatedReturnTime 

Called when the state of the Server has been changed as a result of a client action.

stateThe new state.
estimatedReturnTimeWhen the Server should return to the Running state.
Good if successful; An error otherwise.

This method can be overridden to allow for custom application logic that applies the state change. The default behavior simply updates the appropriate variables in the Server address space.

virtual StatusCode UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.ServerManager.Configure ( RequestContext  context,
Model.TraceObjectModel  model,
uint  maxEntriesPerLog,
byte  maxLogFileBackups,
bool  fastTrace 

Called to change the trace configuration for the server.

virtual RoleModel UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.ServerManager.CreateRoleModel ( )

Is called when roles defined in RoleConfigurations are mapped to the address space. An override can return a subtype that implements the methods defined by IRoleMethods.

IScopeMapper UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.ServerManager.CreateScopeMapper ( )

Creates the ScopeMapper that is used when importing NodeSet XML files containing NodeAccessInfo defined by UnifiedAutomation XML schema.

virtual StatusCode UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.ServerManager.CreateSigningRequest ( RequestContext  context,
ServerConfigurationModel  model,
NodeId  certificateGroupId,
NodeId  certificateTypeId,
string  subjectName,
bool  regeneratePrivateKey,
byte[]  nonce,
out byte[]  certificateRequest 

Creates a certificate signing request.

contextThe context for the request.
modelThe object which owns the method being called.
certificateGroupIdThe certificate group which owns the certificate being updated.
certificateTypeIdType of the certificate within the group.
subjectNameThe subject name to put in the certificate..
regeneratePrivateKeyif set to true a new private key should be generated first.
nonceThe nonce that can be used when generating a private key.
certificateRequestThe certificate request.
StatusCode.Good if the call succeeds; otherwise an error.

Implements UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.IServerConfigurationMethods.

virtual ITranslationManager UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.ServerManager.CreateTranslationManager ( ApplicationInstanceBase  application)

Creates the TranslationManager that is used. The default implementation creates an instance of ResourceManager.

See also
TranslationManager, ResourceManager
applicationThe application that manages the ServerManager.
override void UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.ServerManager.DispatchRequest ( IEndpointIncomingRequest  request)

Processes the request.

requestThe request.

Reimplemented from UnifiedAutomation.UaBase.ServerBase.

override void UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.ServerManager.Dispose ( bool  disposing)

An overrideable version of the Dispose.


Reimplemented from UnifiedAutomation.UaBase.ServerBase.

void UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.ServerManager.EndPublish ( RequestContext  context,
IEndpointIncomingRequest  incoming,
StatusCode  error,
object  callbackData,
bool  doNotBlockThread 

Ends the publish.

contextThe request context.
incomingThe incoming.
errorThe error.
callbackDataThe callback data.
doNotBlockThreadif set to true then the current thread should not be blocked.
virtual uint [] UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.ServerManager.EvaluateRoles ( UserIdentityToken  userToken,
UserIdentity  effectiveUserIdentity,
Session  session 

Returns the RoleIds that correlate with a user and a session.

Roles with RoleModel.CustomConfiguration set to false are skipped. Identities with IdentityCriteriaType Role and GroupId are not supported. Issuers of client certificates are not evaluated. If a role is assigned with IgnorePermissions = 'true', the IsAdministrator property of the effectiveUserIdentity will be set to 'true'.

userTokenThe UserIdentityToken the client passed to the server on ActivateSession.
effectiveUserIdentityThe UserIdentity that was assigned by the server.
sessionThe Session of the client. Used for evaluating the ApplicationUri, EndpointUrl, SecurityMode, SecurityPolicyUri and TransportProfileUri.
virtual RolePermissionTypeCollection UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.ServerManager.GetAdminRoleConfiguration ( )

Returns the RolePermissions for Security related nodes.

This permissions are used for nodes in the server namespace:

  • Instances of RoleType
virtual StatusCode UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.ServerManager.GetCertificates ( RequestContext  context,
ServerConfigurationModel  model,
NodeId  CertificateGroupId,
out NodeId[]  CertificateTypeIds,
out byte  Certificates[][] 


Implements UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.IServerConfigurationMethods.

StatusCode UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.ServerManager.GetMonitoredItems ( RequestContext  context,
ServerModel  model,
uint  subscriptionId,
out uint[]  serverHandles,
out uint[]  clientHandles 

Returns the server/client handles for the subscription.

contextTHe context used to invoke the method.
modelThe object which the method is being called on.
subscriptionIdThe identifier for the subscription.
serverHandlesThe server handles for all items in the subscription.
clientHandlesThe associated client handle for each entry in the server handle array.
Good if success; an error code otherwise.

Implements UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.IServerMethods.

virtual StatusCode UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.ServerManager.GetQueryHandle ( RequestContext  context,
ViewHandle  viewHandle,
out QueryHandle  handle 

Creates a query handle for use in query operation.

contextThe request context.
viewHandleThe view being queried.
handleThe handle for the query.
The query handle.
virtual StatusCode UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.ServerManager.GetRejectedList ( RequestContext  context,
ServerConfigurationModel  model,
out byte  certificates[][] 

Gets the list of rejected certificates.

contextThe context for the request.
modelThe object which owns the method being called.
certificatesThe list of rejected certificates.
StatusCode.Good if the call succeeds; otherwise an error.

Implements UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.IServerConfigurationMethods.

virtual ICertificateValidator UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.ServerManager.InitializeUserCertificateValidator ( )

Creates a CertificateValidator based on the configuration.

The CertificateValidator is created if UserCertificates are enabled and the UserTrustedCertificateStore and UserIssuerCertificateStore are configured.

The Certificate Validator that is used to validate certificates passed in UserIdentityTokens.
virtual UaSchema.RoleConfigurations UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.ServerManager.LoadRoleConfigurations ( )

Loads the RoleConfiguration if available.

Is called after the RootNodeManager is started.

Tries to load the configured file or the file RoleConfiguration.xml or RoleConfiguration.conf located next to the server executable.

virtual void UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.ServerManager.ModifyEventMonitoring ( EventMonitoringResult  result,
MonitoredItemOperationHandle  itemHandle,
MonitoredItemModifyRequest  settings 

Is called by the CoreNodeManager if a EventMonitoredItem is modified for an object in namespace 0. Can be called by custom NodeManagers if there are NodeManagers that are based on the custom NodeManager. Calls EventMonitoringModified.

virtual void UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.ServerManager.OnAsyncRequestComplete ( RequestContext  context,
IEndpointIncomingRequest  incoming,
bool  doNotBlockThread 

Called when an asynchronous request completes.

contextThe request context.
incomingThe incoming.
doNotBlockThreadif set to true then the current thread should not be blocked.
virtual void UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.ServerManager.OnAsyncRequestComplete ( IEndpointIncomingRequest  incoming,
bool  doNotBlockThread 

Called when an asynchronous request without a session completes.

incomingThe incoming.
doNotBlockThreadif set to true then the current thread should not be blocked.
virtual void UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.ServerManager.OnAsyncRequestError ( RequestContext  context,
IEndpointIncomingRequest  incoming,
bool  doNotBlockThread,
Exception  e 

Called when an asynchronous request has an error during processing.

contextThe request context.
incomingThe incoming.
doNotBlockThreadif set to true then the current thread should not be blocked.
eThe exception.
void UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.ServerManager.OnDispatchRequest ( object  data,
StatusCode  statusCode 

Callback for processing sessionless request.

dataThe request.
statusCodeThe error.
virtual void UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.ServerManager.OnRegisterAggregates ( )

Called to register any aggregates during server initialization.

virtual ResponseHeader UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.ServerManager.OnRequestComplete ( RequestContext  context)

Called when the request completes.

contextThe request context.
The header to return to the client.
virtual ResponseHeader UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.ServerManager.OnRequestError ( RequestContext  context,
Exception  e 

Called when an asynchronous request encounters an error.

contextThe request context.
eThe exception.
The header to return to the client.
virtual void UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.ServerManager.OnRootNodeManagerStarted ( RootNodeManager  nodeManager)

Called when the root node manager starts.

nodeManagerThe node manager.
override void UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.ServerManager.OnServerStarting ( ApplicationInstanceBase  application)

Called before the server starts.

applicationThe application.

Reimplemented from UnifiedAutomation.UaBase.ServerBase.

override void UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.ServerManager.OnServerStopping ( )

Called before the server stops.

Reimplemented from UnifiedAutomation.UaBase.ServerBase.

virtual void UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.ServerManager.OnSessionManagerStarted ( SessionManager  sessionManager)

Called when the session manager starts.

sessionManagerThe session manager.
virtual void UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.ServerManager.OnSubscriptionManagerStarted ( SubscriptionManager  subscriptionManager)

Called when the subscription manager starts.

subscriptionManagerThe subscription manager.
virtual void UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.ServerManager.OnTrustListAddCertificate ( object  sender,
CertificateAddedEventArgs  e 

Called when a certificate is added to a trust list.

senderThe sender.
eThe RemoveCertificateEventArgs instance containing the event data.
virtual void UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.ServerManager.OnTrustListRead ( object  sender,
ReadTrustListEventArgs  e 

Handles a request to read the application trust lists.

senderThe sender.
eThe ReadTrustListEventArgs instance containing the event data.
virtual void UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.ServerManager.OnTrustListRemoveCertificate ( object  sender,
RemoveCertificateEventArgs  e 

Called when a certificate is removed from a trust list.

senderThe sender.
eThe RemoveCertificateEventArgs instance containing the event data.
virtual void UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.ServerManager.OnTrustListWrite ( object  sender,
WriteTrustListEventArgs  e 

Handles a request to update the application trust lists.

senderThe source of the event.
eThe WriteTrustListEventArgs instance containing the event data.
virtual void UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.ServerManager.PersistRoleConfigurations ( )

Saves the RoleConfigurations.

virtual void UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.ServerManager.RegisterAggregate ( NodeId  aggregateId,
QualifiedName  aggregateName,
AggregatorFactory  factory 

Registers the aggregate (saves the factory and creates the objects in the address space).

aggregateIdThe aggregate id.
aggregateNameName of the aggregate.
factoryThe factory.
void UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.ServerManager.ReportEvent ( GenericEvent  e)

Reports the event to the Server notifier.

eThe event to report.
void UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.ServerManager.ReportEvent ( NodeId  notifierId,
GenericEvent  e 

Reports the event.

notifierIdThe notifier which is the target for the event.
eThe event to report.
StatusCode UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.ServerManager.RequestServerStateChange ( RequestContext  context,
ServerModel  model,
ServerState  state,
DateTime  estimatedReturnTime,
uint  secondsTillShutdown,
LocalizedText  reason,
bool  restart 

Requests that the server change state.

contextThe context for the request.
modelThe object which owns the method being called.
stateThe target state for the server.
estimatedReturnTimeThe estimated time for when clients can connect to the server after the state change.
secondsTillShutdownThe number of seconds until shutdown.
reasonThe reason for the state change.
restartWhether the server should restart after the shutdown.
The result of the operation.

Implements UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.IServerMethods.

StatusCode UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.ServerManager.ResendData ( RequestContext  context,
ServerModel  model,
uint  subscriptionId 

Requests that all cached values be resent for the specified subscription.

contextThe context for the request.
modelThe object which owns the method being called.
subscriptionIdThe identifier for the subscription.
The result of the operation.

Implements UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.IServerMethods.

virtual StatusCode UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.ServerManager.ResetToServerDefaults ( RequestContext  context,
ServerConfigurationModel  model 


Implements UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.IServerConfigurationMethods.

virtual void UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.ServerManager.RestartTransportListeners ( )

Restarts the transport listeners. Shall be called if server certificates have changed.

void UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.ServerManager.SessionExpired ( Session  session,
uint  error = StatusCodes.BadTimeout 

Cleans up an expired session.

sessionThe session.
errorThe error for that caused the close.
virtual void UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.ServerManager.SetEventMonitoringMode ( StatusCode  result,
MonitoredItemOperationHandle  itemHandle 

Is called by the CoreNodeManager if a EventMonitoredItem changes its monitoring mode for an object in namespace 0. Can be called by custom NodeManagers if there are NodeManagers that are based on the custom NodeManager. Calls EventMonitoringModeSet.

void UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.ServerManager.SetGetHistoryEventHandleOverride ( GetHistoryEventHandleEventHandler  handler)

Sets a delegate used to override the GetHistoryEventHandle method for the CoreNodeManager.

handlerThe handler.
virtual void UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.ServerManager.SetPermissionsForRoles ( )

Sets the RolePermissions and the AccessRestrictions to all Role nodes.

StatusCode UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.ServerManager.SetSubscriptionDurable ( RequestContext  context,
ServerModel  model,
uint  subscriptionId,
uint  lifetimeInHours,
out uint  revisedLifetimeInHours 

Requests that the subscription be made durable which means all queued values are saved to persistent storage.

contextThe context for the request.
modelThe object which owns the method being called.
subscriptionIdThe identifier for the subscription.
lifetimeInHoursThe lifetime in hours for data saved by the subscription.
revisedLifetimeInHoursThe revised lifetime in hours for data saved by the subscription.
The result of the operation.

Implements UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.IServerMethods.

virtual StatusCode UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.ServerManager.SetTraceLevel ( RequestContext  context,
Model.TraceObjectModel  model,
bool  masterTraceEnabled,
Model.TraceLevel  defaultTraceLevel 

Called to enable or disable tracing for the server.

override void UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.ServerManager.Start ( ApplicationInstanceBase  application)

Starts the server (called from a dedicated host process).

applicationThe application.

Reimplemented from UnifiedAutomation.UaBase.ServerBase.

virtual void UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.ServerManager.StartEventMonitoring ( EventMonitoringResult  result,
uint  monitoredItemId,
MonitoredItemCreateRequest  settings 

Is called by the CoreNodeManager if a EventMonitoredItem is created for an object in namespace 0. Can be called by custom NodeManagers if there are NodeManagers that are based on the custom NodeManager. Calls EventMonitoringStarted.

virtual void UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.ServerManager.Stop ( uint  secondsTillShutdown,
LocalizedText  shutdownReason,
bool  restart 

Stops the server.

secondsTillShutdownThe seconds till shutdown.
shutdownReasonThe shutdown reason.
restartif set to true [restart].
override void UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.ServerManager.Stop ( )

Stops the server and releases all resources.

Reimplemented from UnifiedAutomation.UaBase.ServerBase.

virtual void UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.ServerManager.StopEventMonitoring ( StatusCode  result,
MonitoredItemOperationHandle  itemHandle 

Is called by the CoreNodeManager if a EventMonitoredItem is deleted for an object in namespace 0. Can be called by custom NodeManagers if there are NodeManagers that are based on the custom NodeManager. Calls EventMonitoringStopped.

virtual StatusCode UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.ServerManager.TranslateException ( DiagnosticsMasks  diagnosticsMasks,
IList< string >  preferredLocales,
Exception  e 

Translates an exception.

diagnosticsMasksThe fields to return.
preferredLocalesThe preferred locales.
eThe exception.
The translated exception as a status code.
virtual StatusCode UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.ServerManager.UpdateCertificate ( RequestContext  context,
ServerConfigurationModel  model,
NodeId  certificateGroupId,
NodeId  certificateTypeId,
byte[]  certificate,
byte  issuerCertificates[][],
string  privateKeyFormat,
byte[]  privateKey,
out bool  applyChangesRequired 

Updates the application certificate.

contextThe context for the request.
modelThe object which owns the method being called.
certificateGroupIdThe certificate group that is being updated.
certificateTypeIdType of the certificate allowed by the certificate group that is being updated.
certificateThe certificate.
issuerCertificatesThe issuer certificates need to validate the certificate.
privateKeyFormatThe private key format.
privateKeyThe private key (optional).
applyChangesRequiredif set to true a restart is required.
StatusCode.Good if the call succeeds; otherwise an error.

Implements UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.IServerConfigurationMethods.

DataMonitoringResult UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.ServerManager.ValidateDataMonitoringRequest ( RequestContext  context,
NodeAttributeHandle  nodeHandle,
ReadValueId  itemToMonitor,
MonitoringParameters  parameters,
NodeMetadata  metadata 

Validates the data monitoring request.

contextThe request context.
nodeHandleThe node handle.
itemToMonitorThe item to monitor.
parametersThe parameters.
metadataThe metadata.
virtual RequestContext UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.ServerManager.ValidateRequest ( RequestHeader  requestHeader,
IEndpointIncomingRequest  incoming,
ServiceType  requestType 

Verifies that the request header is valid.

requestHeaderThe request header.
incomingThe incoming request for async operations that can be canceled.
requestTypeType of the request.
A context that is passed into methods used to process the request.

Member Data Documentation

EventHandler<SetEventMonitoringModeEventArgs> UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.ServerManager.EventMonitoringModeSet

Fires when an EventMonitoredItem for an notifier changes its monitoring mode that is managed by the CoreNodeManager.

EventHandler<ModifyEventMonitoredItemEventArgs> UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.ServerManager.EventMonitoringModified

Fires when an EventMonitoredItem for an notifier is modified that is managed by the CoreNodeManager.

EventHandler<CreateEventMonitoredItemEventArgs> UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.ServerManager.EventMonitoringStarted

Fires when an EventMonitoredItem for an notifier is created that is managed by the CoreNodeManager.

EventHandler<DeleteEventMonitoredItemEventArgs> UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.ServerManager.EventMonitoringStopped

Fires when an EventMonitoredItem for an notifier is deleted that is managed by the CoreNodeManager.

Property Documentation

AggregateManager UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.ServerManager.AggregateManager

Gets the aggregate manager.

Dictionary<NodeId, CertificateGroupModel> UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.ServerManager.CertificateGroups

The certificate groups supported by the server.

BaseNodeManager UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.ServerManager.CoreNodeManager

Gets the core node manager.

RequestContext UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.ServerManager.DefaultRequestContext

Gets the server context.

object UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.ServerManager.DiagnosticsLock

A lock which must be acquired before accessing the diagnostics.

Dictionary<NodeId, RoleModel> UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.ServerManager.EffectiveRoleConfigurations

The Role Configurations used in the server.

FilterManager UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.ServerManager.FilterManager

Gets the filter manager.

ServerInternalClient UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.ServerManager.InternalClient

Gets the internal client object.

bool UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.ServerManager.IsAuditEnabled

Gets a value indicating whether auditing is enabled

bool UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.ServerManager.IsRestartInProgress

Gets a value indicating whether a restart is in progress.

true if this instance is restarting; otherwise, false.

bool UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.ServerManager.IsRunning

Gets a value indicating whether this instance is running.

true if this instance is running; otherwise, false.

NamespaceTable UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.ServerManager.NamespaceUris

Gets the namespace uris.

uint UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.ServerManager.NextUniqueId

Gets the next unique id.

System.Reflection.Assembly UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.ServerManager.OpcUaNodeSetAssembly

Gets or sets the assembly which has the Opc.Ua.NodeSet2 file as an embedded resource.

If this property is set, the Opc.Ua.NodeSet2 file from the assembly is used for the address space. This property should only be set for prototyping which requires an updated version of the namespace "http://opcfoundation.org/UA/".

ResourceManager UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.ServerManager.ResourceManager

Gets the resource manager.

Returns the TranslationManager as ResourceManager. Can be null if a custom implementation of ITranslationManager is created.

See also
UaSchema.RoleConfigurations UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.ServerManager.RoleConfigurations

The Role Configuration information.

RootNodeManager UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.ServerManager.RootNodeManager

Gets the root node manager.

IScopeMapper UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.ServerManager.ScopeMapper

Gets the ScopeMapper used for importing nodes with a NodeAccessInfo;

ServerDiagnosticsModel UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.ServerManager.ServerDiagnostics

The diagnostics associated with the server.

SessionManager UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.ServerManager.SessionManager

Gets the session manager.

ServerSettings UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.ServerManager.Settings

The configuration settings for the server.

SubscriptionManager UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.ServerManager.SubscriptionManager

Gets the subscription manager.

ITranslationManager UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.ServerManager.TranslationManager

Gets the translation manager.

TypeManager UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.ServerManager.TypeManager

Gets the type manager.

ICertificateValidator UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.ServerManager.UserCertificateValidator

Gets the CertificateValidator for Certificates passed in X509IdentityTokens.

This CertificateValidator is created if all required information is configured in the UserIdentitySettings:

  • EnableCertificate must be true
  • UserTrustedCertificateStore must be set
  • UserIssuerCertificateStore must be set
  • UserRejectedCertificateStore should be set

Event Documentation

EventHandler UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.ServerManager.ServerStarted

Occurs when the server is started.

EventHandler UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.ServerManager.ServerStopped

Occurs when the server is stopped.

UntrustedUserCertificateEventHandler UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.ServerManager.UntrustedUserCertificate

Occurs when an untrusted user certificate is encountered or when a user certificate has other validation errors

This event can be raised from a background thread and Invoke may need to be called if being handled by a UI. This event has return parameters so BeginInvoke cannot be used. Displaying a modal dialog in the callback will not work if the UI thread is blocked on a another operation. This problem can be avoided by using asynchronous method calls when available.

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