.NET Based OPC UA Client/Server SDK
UnifiedAutomation.UaClient.Session Class Reference

A class that manages a session with an OPC UA server. More...

Inherits IDisposable, and UnifiedAutomation.UaBase.IMapperContext.


class  SessionAsyncResult
 Stores state information for asynchronous connect operations. More...

Public Member Functions

 Session ()
 Create a session for the default client application. More...
 Session (ApplicationInstanceBase application)
 Create a session for the specified client application. More...
 Session (ApplicationInstanceBase application, string clientListeningUrl)
 Create a session for the specified client application. More...
void Dispose ()
 Performs application-defined tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting unmanaged resources. More...
void Connect (string discoveryUrl, SecuritySelection securitySelection)
 Establish a connection to the OPC UA server. More...
void Connect (string discoveryUrl, SecuritySelection securitySelection, RequestSettings settings)
 Establish a connection to the OPC UA server. More...
void Connect (string discoveryUrl, SecuritySelection securitySelection, string transportProfileUri, RetryInitialConnect retryInitialConnect, RequestSettings settings)
 Establish a connection to the OPC UA server. More...
IAsyncResult BeginConnect (string discoveryUrl, SecuritySelection securitySelection, string transportProfileUri, RetryInitialConnect retryInitialConnect, RequestSettings settings, AsyncCallback callback, object userData)
 Asynchronously establish a connection to the OPC UA server. More...
void Connect (EndpointDescription endpoint, RequestSettings settings)
 Establish a connection to the OPC UA server. More...
void Connect (EndpointDescription endpoint, RetryInitialConnect retryInitialConnect, RequestSettings settings)
 Establish a connection to the OPC UA server. More...
IAsyncResult BeginConnect (EndpointDescription endpoint, RetryInitialConnect retryInitialConnect, RequestSettings settings, AsyncCallback callback, object userData)
 Asynchronously establish a connection to the OPC UA server. More...
void EndConnect (IAsyncResult result)
 Completes an asynchronous connect operation. More...
void ReverseConnect (string discoveryUrl, SecuritySelection securitySelection)
 Connects to the Server via a channel initiated by the server. This is needed, when the server is behind a firewall and no port can be opened. More...
void ReverseConnect (string discoveryUrl, SecuritySelection securitySelection, RequestSettings settings)
 Connects to the Server via a channel initiated by the server. This is needed, when the server is behind a firewall and no port can be opened. More...
void ReverseConnect (string discoveryUrl, SecuritySelection securitySelection, string transportProfileUri, RetryInitialConnect retryInitialConnect, RequestSettings settings)
 Connects to the Server via a channel initiated by the server. This is needed, when the server is behind a firewall and no port can be opened. More...
IAsyncResult BeginReverseConnect (string discoveryUrl, SecuritySelection securitySelection, string transportProfileUri, RetryInitialConnect retryInitialConnect, RequestSettings settings, AsyncCallback callback, object userData)
 Asynchronously connects to the Server via a channel initiated by the server. This is needed, when the server is behind a firewall and no port can be opened. More...
void ReverseConnect (EndpointDescription endpoint, RequestSettings settings)
 Connects to the Server via a channel initiated by the server. This is needed, when the server is behind a firewall and no port can be opened. More...
void ReverseConnect (EndpointDescription endpoint, RetryInitialConnect retryInitialConnect, RequestSettings settings)
 Connects to the Server via a channel initiated by the server. This is needed, when the server is behind a firewall and no port can be opened. More...
IAsyncResult BeginReverseConnect (EndpointDescription endpoint, RetryInitialConnect retryInitialConnect, RequestSettings settings, AsyncCallback callback, object userData)
 Asynchronously connects to the Server via a channel initiated by the server. This is needed, when the server is behind a firewall and no port can be opened. More...
void EndReverseConnect (IAsyncResult result)
 Completes an asynchronous reverse connect operation. More...
void Disconnect ()
 Disconnect client application from OPC UA server. More...
void Disconnect (SubscriptionCleanupPolicy cleanupPolicy)
 Disconnect client application from OPC UA server. More...
void Disconnect (SubscriptionCleanupPolicy cleanupPolicy, RequestSettings settings)
 Disconnect client application from OPC UA server. More...
IAsyncResult BeginDisconnect (AsyncCallback callback, object userData)
 Asynchronously disconnect client application from OPC UA server. More...
IAsyncResult BeginDisconnect (SubscriptionCleanupPolicy cleanupPolicy, AsyncCallback callback, object userData)
 Asynchronously disconnect client application from OPC UA server. More...
IAsyncResult BeginDisconnect (SubscriptionCleanupPolicy cleanupPolicy, RequestSettings settings, AsyncCallback callback, object userData)
 Asynchronously disconnect client application from OPC UA server. More...
void EndDisconnect (IAsyncResult result)
 Completes an asynchronous disconnect operation. More...
uint Cancel (uint requestHandle, RequestSettings settings)
 Cancels outstanding service requests on the OPC UA server. More...
IAsyncResult BeginCancel (uint requestHandle, RequestSettings settings, AsyncCallback callback, object userData)
 Asynchronously cancels outstanding service requests on the OPC UA server. More...
uint EndCancel (IAsyncResult result)
 Completes a cancel operation. More...
List< DataValueRead (IList< ReadValueId > nodesToRead, uint maxAge, TimestampsToReturn timestampsToReturn, RequestSettings settings)
 Reads attribute values synchronously from OPC server. More...
List< DataValueRead (IList< ReadValueId > nodesToRead)
 Reads attribute values synchronously from OPC server. More...
IAsyncResult BeginRead (IList< ReadValueId > nodesToRead, uint maxAge, TimestampsToReturn timestampsToReturn, RequestSettings settings, AsyncCallback callback, object userData)
 Reads values and attributes asynchronously from OPC server. More...
IAsyncResult BeginRead (IList< ReadValueId > nodesToRead, uint maxAge, TimestampsToReturn timestampsToReturn, AsyncCallback callback, Object userData)
 This is an overloaded function. See BeginRead for more details. More...
IAsyncResult BeginRead (IList< ReadValueId > nodesToRead, uint maxAge, AsyncCallback callback, Object userData)
 This is an overloaded function. See BeginRead for more details. More...
List< DataValueEndRead (IAsyncResult result)
 Completes an asynchronous read operation. More...
List< StatusCodeWrite (IList< WriteValue > nodesToWrite, RequestSettings settings)
 Writes attributes synchronously to OPC server. More...
List< StatusCodeWrite (IList< WriteValue > nodesToWrite)
 Writes attributes synchronously to OPC server. More...
IAsyncResult BeginWrite (IList< WriteValue > nodesToWrite, RequestSettings settings, AsyncCallback callback, object userData)
 Writes attributes asynchronously to a OPC UA server. More...
IAsyncResult BeginWrite (IList< WriteValue > nodesToWrite, AsyncCallback callback, Object userData)
 Writes attributes asynchronously to a OPC UA server. More...
List< StatusCodeEndWrite (IAsyncResult result)
 Ends an asynchronous write operation. More...
void ChangeUser ()
 Change user for the connection to the OPC UA server. More...
void ChangeUser (UserIdentity userIdentity)
 Change user for the connection to the OPC UA server. More...
void ChangeUser (UserIdentity userIdentity, RequestSettings settings)
 Change user for the connection to the OPC UA server. More...
IAsyncResult BeginChangeUser (AsyncCallback callback, Object userData)
 Change user for the connection to the OPC UA server asynchronously. More...
IAsyncResult BeginChangeUser (UserIdentity userIdentity, RequestSettings settings, AsyncCallback callback, object userData)
 Change user for the connection to the OPC UA server asynchronously. More...
void EndChangeUser (IAsyncResult result)
 Completes an asynchronous change user request. More...
List< ReferenceDescriptionBrowse (NodeId nodeToBrowse, BrowseContext browseContext, RequestSettings settings, out byte[] continuationPoint)
 Browse the OPC UA server’s address space with a single starting node. More...
List< ReferenceDescriptionBrowse (NodeId nodeToBrowse, BrowseContext browseContext, out byte[] continuationPoint)
 Browse the OPC UA server’s address space with a single starting node. More...
List< ReferenceDescriptionBrowse (NodeId nodeToBrowse, out byte[] continuationPoint)
 Browse the OPC UA server’s address space with a single starting node. More...
IAsyncResult BeginBrowse (NodeId nodeToBrowse, AsyncCallback callback, Object userData)
 Asynchronously browse the OPC UA server’s address space with a single starting node. More...
IAsyncResult BeginBrowse (NodeId nodeToBrowse, BrowseContext browseContext, AsyncCallback callback, Object userData)
 Asynchronously browse the OPC UA server’s address space with a single starting node. More...
IAsyncResult BeginBrowse (NodeId nodeToBrowse, BrowseContext browseContext, RequestSettings settings, AsyncCallback callback, object userData)
 Asynchronously browse the OPC UA server’s address space with a single starting node. More...
List< ReferenceDescriptionEndBrowse (IAsyncResult result, out byte[] continuationPoint)
 Completes an ansynchronous browse operation. More...
List< ReferenceDescriptionBrowseNext (ref byte[] continuationPoint)
 Continues a previous Browse request. More...
List< ReferenceDescriptionBrowseNext (RequestSettings settings, ref byte[] continuationPoint)
 Continues a previous Browse request. More...
IAsyncResult BeginBrowseNext (byte[] continuationPoint, AsyncCallback callback, object userData)
 Continues a previous Browse request asynchronously. More...
IAsyncResult BeginBrowseNext (byte[] continuationPoint, RequestSettings settings, AsyncCallback callback, object userData)
 Continues a previous Browse request asynchronously. More...
List< List
< ReferenceDescription > > 
BrowseList (List< BrowseDescription > nodesToBrowse)
 Browse the OPC UA server’s address space with a list of starting nodes. More...
List< List
< ReferenceDescription > > 
BrowseList (ViewDescription view, List< BrowseDescription > nodesToBrowse, uint maxReferencesPerBrowse, RequestSettings settings)
 Browse the OPC UA server’s address space with a list of starting nodes. More...
IAsyncResult BeginBrowseList (List< BrowseDescription > nodesToBrowse, AsyncCallback callback, object userData)
 Browse OPC server address space with a list of starting nodes asynchronously. More...
IAsyncResult BeginBrowseList (ViewDescription view, List< BrowseDescription > nodesToBrowse, uint maxReferencesPerBrowse, RequestSettings settings, AsyncCallback callback, object userData)
 Browse OPC server address space with a list of starting nodes asynchronously. More...
List< List
< ReferenceDescription > > 
EndBrowseList (IAsyncResult result)
 Completes an ansynchronous browse list operation. More...
void ReleaseBrowseContinuationPoint (byte[] continuationPoint)
 Releases the browse continuation point. More...
void ReleaseBrowseContinuationPoint (byte[] continuationPoint, RequestSettings settings)
 Releases the browse continuation point. More...
IAsyncResult BeginReleaseBrowseContinuationPoint (byte[] continuationPoint, AsyncCallback callback, object userData)
 Begins a release browse continuation point operation. More...
IAsyncResult BeginReleaseBrowseContinuationPoint (byte[] continuationPoint, RequestSettings settings, AsyncCallback callback, object userData)
 Begins a release browse continuation point operation. More...
void EndReleaseBrowseContinuationPoint (IAsyncResult result)
 Ends an asynchronous release browse continuation point operation. More...
List< BrowsePathResultTranslateBrowsePath (IList< BrowsePath > pathsToTranslate)
 Translates a browse path to a NodeId. More...
List< BrowsePathResultTranslateBrowsePath (IList< BrowsePath > pathsToTranslate, RequestSettings settings)
 Translates a browse path to a NodeId. More...
List< BrowsePathResultTranslateBrowsePath (NodeId startingNodeId, IList< string > browsePaths)
 Translates a browse path to a NodeId. More...
List< BrowsePathResultTranslateBrowsePath (NodeId startingNodeId, IList< string > browsePaths, NamespaceTable namespaceUris, RequestSettings settings)
 Translates a browse path to a NodeId. More...
IAsyncResult BeginTranslateBrowsePath (IList< BrowsePath > pathsToTranslate, AsyncCallback callback, object userData)
 Asynchronously translates a browse path to a NodeId. More...
IAsyncResult BeginTranslateBrowsePath (NodeId startingNodeId, IList< string > browsePaths, AsyncCallback callback, object userData)
 Asynchronously translates a browse path to a NodeId. More...
IAsyncResult BeginTranslateBrowsePath (NodeId startingNodeId, IList< string > browsePaths, NamespaceTable namespaceUris, RequestSettings settings, AsyncCallback callback, object userData)
 Asynchronously translates a browse path to a NodeId. More...
IAsyncResult BeginTranslateBrowsePath (IList< BrowsePath > pathsToTranslate, RequestSettings settings, AsyncCallback callback, object userData)
 Asynchronously translates a browse path to a NodeId. More...
List< BrowsePathResultEndTranslateBrowsePath (IAsyncResult result)
 Ends an asynchronous translate browse path operation. More...
List< VariantCall (NodeId objectToCall, NodeId methodToCall)
 Calls a method provided by an Object on the OPC server. More...
StatusCode Call (NodeId objectToCall, NodeId methodToCall, List< Variant > inputArguments, out List< StatusCode > inputArgumentErrors, out List< Variant > outputArguments)
 Calls a method provided by an Object on the OPC server. More...
StatusCode Call (NodeId objectToCall, NodeId methodToCall, List< Variant > inputArguments, RequestSettings settings, out List< StatusCode > inputArgumentErrors, out List< Variant > outputArguments)
 Calls a method provided by an Object on the OPC UA server. More...
IAsyncResult BeginCall (NodeId objectToCall, NodeId methodToCall, List< Variant > inputArguments, RequestSettings settings, AsyncCallback callback, object userData)
 Asynchronously calls a method provided by an Object on the OPC UA server. More...
List< VariantEndCall (IAsyncResult result)
 Completes an asynchronous Call operation. More...
StatusCode EndCall (IAsyncResult result, out List< StatusCode > inputArgumentErrors, out List< Variant > outputArguments)
 Completes an asynchronous Call operation. More...
List< CallMethodResultCallList (IList< CallMethodRequest > methodsToCall, RequestSettings settings)
 Calls a list of methods provided by an Object on the OPC server. More...
IAsyncResult BeginCallList (IList< CallMethodRequest > methodsToCall, RequestSettings settings, AsyncCallback callback, object userData)
 Asynchronously calls a list of methods provided by an Object on the OPC server. More...
List< CallMethodResultEndCallList (IAsyncResult result)
 Completes an asynchronous request to call a list of methods. More...
List< HistoryDataReadResultHistoryReadRaw (IList< HistoryReadValueId > nodesToRead, ReadRawModifiedDetails details)
 Reads the history of variable values synchronously from OPC server. More...
List< HistoryDataReadResultHistoryReadRaw (IList< HistoryReadValueId > nodesToRead, ReadRawModifiedDetails details, TimestampsToReturn timestampsToReturn, RequestSettings settings)
 Reads the history of variable values synchronously from OPC server. More...
IAsyncResult BeginHistoryReadRaw (IList< HistoryReadValueId > nodesToRead, ReadRawModifiedDetails details, AsyncCallback callback, object userData)
 Reads the history of variable values asynchronously from OPC server. More...
IAsyncResult BeginHistoryReadRaw (IList< HistoryReadValueId > nodesToRead, ReadRawModifiedDetails details, TimestampsToReturn timestampsToReturn, RequestSettings settings, AsyncCallback callback, object userData)
 Reads the history of variable values asynchronously from OPC server. More...
List< HistoryDataReadResultEndHistoryReadRaw (IAsyncResult result)
 Completes an asynchronous HistoryReadRaw operation. More...
List< HistoryDataReadResultHistoryReadModified (IList< HistoryReadValueId > nodesToRead, ReadRawModifiedDetails details)
 Reads the history of modified variable values synchronously from the OPC server. More...
List< HistoryDataReadResultHistoryReadModified (IList< HistoryReadValueId > nodesToRead, ReadRawModifiedDetails details, TimestampsToReturn timestampsToReturn, RequestSettings settings)
 Reads the history of modified variable values synchronously from the OPC server. More...
IAsyncResult BeginHistoryReadModified (IList< HistoryReadValueId > nodesToRead, ReadRawModifiedDetails details, AsyncCallback callback, object userData)
 Reads the history of modified variable values asynchronously from the OPC server. More...
IAsyncResult BeginHistoryReadModified (IList< HistoryReadValueId > nodesToRead, ReadRawModifiedDetails details, TimestampsToReturn timestampsToReturn, RequestSettings settings, AsyncCallback callback, object userData)
 Reads the history of modified variable values asynchronously from the OPC server. More...
List< HistoryDataReadResultEndHistoryReadModified (IAsyncResult result)
 Completes an asynchronous HistoryReadModified operation. More...
List< HistoryDataReadResultHistoryReadProcessed (IList< HistoryReadValueId > nodesToRead, ReadProcessedDetails details)
 Reads the processed history of variable values synchronously from the OPC server based on a passed aggregate. More...
List< HistoryDataReadResultHistoryReadProcessed (IList< HistoryReadValueId > nodesToRead, ReadProcessedDetails details, TimestampsToReturn timestampsToReturn, RequestSettings settings)
 Reads the processed history of variable values synchronously from the OPC server based on a passed aggregate. More...
IAsyncResult BeginHistoryReadProcessed (IList< HistoryReadValueId > nodesToRead, ReadProcessedDetails details, AsyncCallback callback, object userData)
 Reads the processed history of variable values asynchronously from the OPC server based on a passed aggregate. More...
IAsyncResult BeginHistoryReadProcessed (IList< HistoryReadValueId > nodesToRead, ReadProcessedDetails details, TimestampsToReturn timestampsToReturn, RequestSettings settings, AsyncCallback callback, object userData)
 Reads the processed history of variable values asynchronously from the OPC server based on a passed aggregate. More...
List< HistoryDataReadResultEndHistoryReadProcessed (IAsyncResult result)
 Completes an asynchronous HistoryReadProcessed operation. More...
List< HistoryDataReadResultHistoryReadAtTime (IList< HistoryReadValueId > nodesToRead, ReadAtTimeDetails details)
 Reads the history of item values synchronously from the OPC server for the given timestamps. More...
List< HistoryDataReadResultHistoryReadAtTime (IList< HistoryReadValueId > nodesToRead, ReadAtTimeDetails details, TimestampsToReturn timestampsToReturn, RequestSettings settings)
 Reads the history of item values synchronously from the OPC server for the given timestamps. More...
IAsyncResult BeginHistoryReadAtTime (IList< HistoryReadValueId > nodesToRead, ReadAtTimeDetails details, AsyncCallback callback, object userData)
 Reads the history of item values asynchronously from the OPC server for the given timestamps. More...
IAsyncResult BeginHistoryReadAtTime (IList< HistoryReadValueId > nodesToRead, ReadAtTimeDetails details, TimestampsToReturn timestampsToReturn, RequestSettings settings, AsyncCallback callback, object userData)
 Reads the history of item values asynchronously from the OPC server for the given timestamps. More...
List< HistoryDataReadResultEndHistoryReadAtTime (IAsyncResult result)
 Completes an asynchronous HistoryReadAtTime operation. More...
List< HistoryDataReadResultReleaseHistoryContinuationPoints (IList< HistoryReadValueId > nodesToRead)
 Releases the history continuation points. More...
List< HistoryDataReadResultReleaseHistoryContinuationPoints (IList< HistoryReadValueId > nodesToRead, HistoryReadDetails details, RequestSettings settings)
 Releases the history continuation points. More...
IAsyncResult BeginReleaseHistoryContinuationPoints (IList< HistoryReadValueId > nodesToRead, AsyncCallback callback, object userData)
 Begins a release history continuation point operation. More...
IAsyncResult BeginReleaseHistoryContinuationPoints (IList< HistoryReadValueId > nodesToRead, HistoryReadDetails details, RequestSettings settings, AsyncCallback callback, object userData)
 Begins a release history continuation point operation. More...
List< HistoryDataReadResultEndReleaseHistoryContinuationPoints (IAsyncResult result)
 Ends an asynchronous release history continuation point operation. More...
List< HistoryDataUpdateResultHistoryUpdateData (IList< UpdateDataDetails > nodesToUpdate)
 Updates the history for a list of variables. More...
List< HistoryDataUpdateResultHistoryUpdateData (IList< UpdateDataDetails > nodesToUpdate, RequestSettings settings)
 Updates the history for a list of variables. More...
IAsyncResult BeginHistoryUpdateData (IList< UpdateDataDetails > nodesToUpdate, RequestSettings settings, AsyncCallback callback, object userData)
 Begins an operation to update the history for a list of variables. More...
List< HistoryDataUpdateResultEndHistoryUpdateData (IAsyncResult result)
 Ends an operation to update the history for a list of variables. More...
List< HistoryDataUpdateResultHistoryUpdateStructureData (IList< UpdateStructureDataDetails > nodesToUpdate)
 Updates the history for a list of for structured metadata variables. More...
List< HistoryDataUpdateResultHistoryUpdateStructureData (IList< UpdateStructureDataDetails > nodesToUpdate, RequestSettings settings)
 Updates the history for a list of structured metadata variables. More...
IAsyncResult BeginHistoryUpdateStructureData (IList< UpdateStructureDataDetails > nodesToUpdate, RequestSettings settings, AsyncCallback callback, object userData)
 Begins an operation to update the history for a list of structured metadata variables. More...
List< HistoryDataUpdateResultEndHistoryUpdateStructureData (IAsyncResult result)
 Ends an operation to update the history for a list of structured metadata variables. More...
List< HistoryDataUpdateResultHistoryDeleteRaw (IList< DeleteRawModifiedDetails > nodesToDelete)
 Deletes the history for a list of variables in the passed time domain. More...
List< HistoryDataUpdateResultHistoryDeleteRaw (IList< DeleteRawModifiedDetails > nodesToDelete, RequestSettings settings)
 Deletes the history for a list of variables in the passed time domain. More...
IAsyncResult BeginHistoryDeleteRaw (IList< DeleteRawModifiedDetails > nodesToDelete, RequestSettings settings, AsyncCallback callback, object userData)
 Begins an operation to delete the history for a list of variables in the passed time domain. More...
List< HistoryDataUpdateResultEndHistoryDeleteRaw (IAsyncResult result)
 Ends an operation to delete the history for a list of variables. More...
List< HistoryDataUpdateResultHistoryDeleteAtTime (IList< DeleteAtTimeDetails > nodesToDelete)
 Deletes the history for a list of variables for the passed timestamps. More...
List< HistoryDataUpdateResultHistoryDeleteAtTime (IList< DeleteAtTimeDetails > nodesToDelete, RequestSettings settings)
 Deletes the history for a list of variables for the passed timestamps. More...
IAsyncResult BeginHistoryDeleteAtTime (IList< DeleteAtTimeDetails > nodesToDelete, RequestSettings settings, AsyncCallback callback, object userData)
 Begins an operation to delete the history for a list of variables for the passed timestamps. More...
List< HistoryDataUpdateResultEndHistoryDeleteAtTime (IAsyncResult result)
 Ends an operation to delete the history for a list of variables. More...
List< HistoryEventReadResultHistoryReadEvent (IList< HistoryReadValueId > nodesToRead, ReadEventDetails details)
 Reads the event history for a list of event notifier objects synchronously from an OPC server. More...
List< HistoryEventReadResultHistoryReadEvent (IList< HistoryReadValueId > nodesToRead, ReadEventDetails details, RequestSettings settings)
 Reads the event history for a list of event notifier objects synchronously from an OPC server. More...
IAsyncResult BeginHistoryReadEvent (IList< HistoryReadValueId > nodesToRead, ReadEventDetails details, AsyncCallback callback, object userData)
 Begins an operation to read the event history for a list of notifiers. More...
IAsyncResult BeginHistoryReadEvent (IList< HistoryReadValueId > nodesToRead, ReadEventDetails details, RequestSettings settings, AsyncCallback callback, object userData)
 Begins an operation to read the event history for a list of notifiers. More...
List< HistoryEventReadResultEndHistoryReadEvent (IAsyncResult result)
 Ends an operation to read the event history for a list of notifiers. More...
List< HistoryEventUpdateResultHistoryUpdateEvent (IList< UpdateEventDetails > nodesToUpdate)
 Updates the event history for a list of event notifier objects. More...
List< HistoryEventUpdateResultHistoryUpdateEvent (IList< UpdateEventDetails > nodesToUpdate, RequestSettings settings)
 Updates the event history for a list of event notifier objects. More...
IAsyncResult BeginHistoryUpdateEvent (IList< UpdateEventDetails > nodesToUpdate, RequestSettings settings, AsyncCallback callback, object userData)
 Begins an operation to update the history for a list of event notifier objects. More...
List< HistoryEventUpdateResultEndHistoryUpdateEvent (IAsyncResult result)
 Ends an operation to update the history for a list of event notifier objects. More...
List< HistoryEventUpdateResultHistoryDeleteEvent (IList< DeleteEventDetails > nodesToUpdate)
 Deletes the event history for a list of event notifier objects. More...
List< HistoryEventUpdateResultHistoryDeleteEvent (IList< DeleteEventDetails > nodesToUpdate, RequestSettings settings)
 Deletes the event history for a list of event notifier objects. More...
IAsyncResult BeginHistoryDeleteEvent (IList< DeleteEventDetails > nodesToUpdate, RequestSettings settings, AsyncCallback callback, object userData)
 Begins an operation to delete the event history for a list of event notifier objects. More...
List< HistoryEventUpdateResultEndHistoryDeleteEvent (IAsyncResult result)
 Ends an operation to delete the history for a list of variables. More...
List< AddNodesResultAddNodes (IList< AddNodesItem > nodesToAdd, RequestSettings settings)
 Adds nodes to the OPC UA server’s address space. More...
IAsyncResult BeginAddNodes (IList< AddNodesItem > nodesToAdd, RequestSettings settings, AsyncCallback callback, object userData)
 Asynchronously adds nodes to the OPC UA server’s address space. More...
List< AddNodesResultEndAddNodes (IAsyncResult result)
 Completes an asynchronous add nodes operation. More...
List< StatusCodeAddReferences (IList< AddReferencesItem > referencesToAdd, RequestSettings settings)
 Adds references to nodes in the OPC UA server’s address space. More...
IAsyncResult BeginAddReferences (IList< AddReferencesItem > referencesToAdd, RequestSettings settings, AsyncCallback callback, object userData)
 Asynchronously adds references to nodes in the OPC UA server’s address space. More...
List< StatusCodeEndAddReferences (IAsyncResult result)
 Ends and asynchronous add references operation. More...
List< StatusCodeDeleteNodes (IList< DeleteNodesItem > nodesToDelete, RequestSettings settings)
 Deletes nodes from the OPC UA server’s address space. More...
IAsyncResult BeginDeleteNodes (IList< DeleteNodesItem > nodesToDelete, RequestSettings settings, AsyncCallback callback, object userData)
 Asynchronously deletes nodes from the OPC UA server’s address space. More...
List< StatusCodeEndDeleteNodes (IAsyncResult result)
 Completes an asynchronous delete nodes operation. More...
List< StatusCodeDeleteReferences (IList< DeleteReferencesItem > referencesToDelete, RequestSettings settings)
 Deletes references from the OPC UA server’s address space. More...
IAsyncResult BeginDeleteReferences (IList< DeleteReferencesItem > referencesToDelete, RequestSettings settings, AsyncCallback callback, object userData)
 Asynchronously deletes references from the OPC UA server’s address space. More...
List< StatusCodeEndDeleteReferences (IAsyncResult result)
 Completes an asynchronous delete references operation. More...
List< NodeIdRegisterNodes (IList< NodeId > nodesToRegister, RequestSettings settings)
 Register nodes to create shortcuts in the server. More...
IAsyncResult BeginRegisterNodes (IList< NodeId > nodesToRegister, RequestSettings settings, AsyncCallback callback, object userData)
 Asynchronously register nodes to create shortcuts in the server. More...
List< NodeIdEndRegisterNodes (IAsyncResult result)
 Ends an asynchronous register nodes operation. More...
void UnregisterNodes (IList< NodeId > nodesToUnregister, RequestSettings settings)
 Unregister nodes to delete shortcuts in the server. More...
IAsyncResult BeginUnregisterNodes (IList< NodeId > nodesToUnregister, RequestSettings settings, AsyncCallback callback, object userData)
 Asynchronously unregister nodes to delete shortcuts in the server. More...
void EndUnregisterNodes (IAsyncResult result)
 Ends an asynchronous unregister nodes operation. More...
List< TransferFromSessionResultTransferFromSession (Session sourceSession, bool sendInitialValues, RequestSettings settings)
 Transfers all subscriptions from a disconnected session. More...
IAsyncResult BeginTransferFromSession (Session sourceSession, bool sendInitialValues, RequestSettings settings, AsyncCallback callback, Object userData)
 Begins an operation to transfers all subscriptions from a disconnected session. More...
List< TransferFromSessionResultEndTransferFromSession (IAsyncResult result)
 Completes an operation to transfers all subscriptions from a disconnected session. More...
List< TransferResultInternalTransferSubscriptions (IList< uint > subscriptionsToTransfer, bool sendInitialValues, RequestSettings settings)
 Transfers the subscription to the session. More...
IAsyncResult BeginInternalTransferSubscriptions (IList< uint > subscriptionsToTransfer, bool sendInitialValues, RequestSettings settings, AsyncCallback callback, object userData)
 Asynchronously transfers the subscription to the session. More...
List< TransferResultEndInternalTransferSubscriptions (IAsyncResult result)
 Completes an asynchronous transfer subscriptions operation. More...
List< StatusCodeTransferSubscriptions ()
 Transfers the Subscriptions of the Session to the Session. More...
List< StatusCodeTransferSubscriptions (List< Subscription > subscriptions)
 Transfers the Subscriptions to the Session. More...
List< StatusCodeTransferSubscriptions (List< Subscription > subscriptions, RequestSettings settings)
 Transfers the Subscriptions to the Session. More...
IAsyncResult BeginTransferSubscriptions (IList< Subscription > subscriptions, RequestSettings settings, AsyncCallback callback, Object userData)
 Asynchronously transfers Subscriptions to the Session More...
List< StatusCodeEndTransferSubscriptions (IAsyncResult result)
 Completes an asynchronous transfer subscriptions operation. More...
StatusCode TransferSingleSubscription (Subscription subscription)
 Transfers a subscription to the Session. More...
StatusCode TransferSingleSubscription (Subscription subscription, RequestSettings settings)
 Transfers a subscription to the Session. More...
IAsyncResult BeginTransferSingleSubscription (Subscription subscription, RequestSettings settings, AsyncCallback callback, Object userData)
 Asynchronously transfers a Subscription to the Session. More...
StatusCode EndTransferSingleSubscription (IAsyncResult result)
 Completes an asynchronous transfer single subscription operation. More...
List< QueryDataSetQuery (QueryContext queryContext, RequestSettings settings, out byte[] continuationPoint, out QueryValidationResult validationResult)
 Start a query against the server's address space. More...
IAsyncResult BeginQuery (QueryContext queryContext, RequestSettings settings, AsyncCallback callback, object userData)
 Asynchronously begins a query operation. More...
List< QueryDataSetEndQuery (IAsyncResult result, out byte[] continuationPoint, out QueryValidationResult validationResult)
 Completes an ansynchronous query operation. More...
List< QueryDataSetQueryNext (byte[] continuationPoint, bool releaseContinuationPoint, RequestSettings settings, out byte[] revisedContinuationPoint)
 Continues a query against the server's address space. More...
IAsyncResult BeginQueryNext (byte[] continuationPoint, bool releaseContinuationPoint, RequestSettings settings, AsyncCallback callback, object userData)
 Asynchronously begins a query operation. More...
List< QueryDataSetEndQueryNext (IAsyncResult result, out byte[] revisedContinuationPoint)
 Completes an ansynchronous query operation. More...

Public Attributes

< IncomingReverseConnectionGroup
IncomingReverseConnections => ((IIncomingReverseConnectionEvent)ReverseConnectManager).IncomingReverseConnections
 A list of all incoming reverse connections More...

Protected Types

enum  State {
  State.Disconnected, State.Disconnecting, State.Connecting, State.Reconnecting,
  State.Connected, State.Reactivating, State.Disposed
 The possible states for the session. More...

Protected Member Functions

void Initialize ()
 Initializes this instance. More...
virtual bool StopReconnectOnException (StatusException se)
 Determines if the reconnect loop stops if a StatusException ocurrs during Reactivate More...
virtual bool CreateNewSessionOnException (StatusException se)
 Specifies if a new session shall be created if an exception is thrown. More...
void CheckSessionState (State state)
 Checks the state of the session. More...
RequestHeader GetRequestHeader (RequestSettings settings)
 Gets the request header. More...

Protected Attributes

string m_clientListeningUrl
 The url the ReverseSession should listen at More...
IncomingReverseConnectionGroup m_connectionGroup
 The InverseConnectionGroup More...


ApplicationInstanceBase Application [get, protected set]
 Gets the application. More...
NodeId SessionId [get]
 Gets the session id. More...
CacheManager Cache [get]
 Gets the cache manager. More...
ModelManager Model [get]
 Gets the model manager. More...
Object UserData [get, set]
 Gets or sets the user data. More...
RequestSettings DefaultRequestSettings [get, set]
 Gets or sets the default settings used as fallback for OPC UA service calls. More...
string SessionName [get, set]
 Gets or sets the name of the session. More...
UserIdentity UserIdentity [get, set]
 Gets or sets the user identity. Can be set to use other authentifications than Anonymous. More...
IList< string > PreferredLocales [get, set]
 Gets or sets the preferred locales. More...
int SecureChannelLifetime [get, set]
 Gets or sets the secure channel lifetime. More...
int SecureChannelTimeout [get, set]
 Gets or sets the secure channel timeout in milliseconds. More...
int SessionTimeout [get, set]
 Gets or sets the session timeout in milliseconds. More...
double RevicedSessionTimeout [get]
 Gets the session timeout in milliseconds that is revised by the server. More...
uint WatchdogCycleTime [get, set]
 Gets or sets the watchdog cycle time in milliseconds used for connection check and reconnect after connection errors. More...
uint WatchdogTimeout [get, set]
 Gets or sets the watchdog service call timeout in milliseconds used for watchdog read calls. More...
bool AutomaticReconnect [get, set]
 Gets or sets a value indicating whether the session should automatically reconnect on error. More...
RetryInitialConnect RetryInitialConnect [get, set]
 Gets or sets a value indicating whether the session should automatically retry to connect if connect fails. More...
uint ReconnectDelay [get, set]
 Gets or sets the delay between reconnect attempts. More...
uint ReconnectTimeout [get, set]
 Gets or sets the timeout for the reconnect procedure in milliseconds. More...
uint ReconnectCreateSubscriptionsDelay [get, set]
 Gets or sets the time been the recreation of a Session on reconnect and the recreation of Subscriptions. More...
uint PublishPipelineDepth [get, set]
 Gets or sets the publish pipeline depth. More...
int PublishTimeout [get, set]
 Gets or sets the publish request timeout in milliseconds. More...
bool UseDnsNameAndPortFromDiscoveryUrl [get, set]
 Gets or sets a value indicating whether to use DNS name and port from discovery URL when connecting to a server. More...
bool AllowInsecureCredentials [get, set]
 Gets or sets a value indicating whether a password can be sent over an insecure connection. More...
EndpointDescription EndpointDescription [get, set]
 Gets or sets the endpoint description. More...
ServerConnectionStatus ConnectionStatus [get]
 Gets the server connection status. More...
IList< string > AlternativeEndpointUrls [get, set]
 Gets or sets the alternative endpoint urls. More...
TimestampsToReturn DefaultTimestampToReturn [get, set]
 Gets or sets the default timestamp to return. More...
MessageContext MessageContext [get]
 Gets the message context. More...
NamespaceTable NamespaceUris [get]
 Gets the namespace uris. More...
StringTable ServerUris [get]
 Gets the server uris. More...
EncodeableFactory Factory [get]
 Gets the dictionary of data types known to the stack. More...
SessionClient InternalSession [get]
 Gets the internal session. More...
int SubscriptionCount [get]
 Gets the number of subscriptions. More...
List< SubscriptionSubscriptions [get]
 Gets the Subscriptions of the Session More...
int PublishRequestCount [get]
 Gets the number of outstanding publish requests. More...
ReverseConnectManager ReverseConnectManager [get]
 The ReverseConnect More...
string ClientListeningUrl [get, set]
 The url that this instance is listening for reverse connections. More...
< IncomingReverseConnectionGroupUpdateEventArgs
 Is called if a reverse connection is incoming. More...


ServerConnectionStatusUpdateEventHandler ConnectionStatusUpdate
 Raised when the connection status has been updated. More...
SessionValidationEventHandler SessionValidationError
 No longer used. More...
UpdateEndpointEventHandler UpdateEndpoint
 Raised before connecting to the server and it allows the application to modify the endpoint used to connect. More...
InsecureCredentialsEventHandler InsecureCredentials
 Raised before sending a plaintext user credentials over an insecure connection. More...

Detailed Description

A class that manages a session with an OPC UA server.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

UnifiedAutomation.UaClient.Session.Session ( )

Create a session for the default client application.

UnifiedAutomation.UaClient.Session.Session ( ApplicationInstanceBase  application)

Create a session for the specified client application.

applicationThe allication that manages the Session. If the application has not been started, it will be strated in this constructor.
UnifiedAutomation.UaClient.Session.Session ( ApplicationInstanceBase  application,
string  clientListeningUrl 

Create a session for the specified client application.

applicationThe allication that manages the Session. If the application has not been started, it will be strated in this constructor.
clientListeningUrlThe url that the Session listens for reverse connections. Use this argument only if the server to connect supports reverse connect.
System.Net.Sockets.SocketExceptionThrows a SocketException if address cannot be bound.

Member Function Documentation

List<AddNodesResult> UnifiedAutomation.UaClient.Session.AddNodes ( IList< AddNodesItem nodesToAdd,
RequestSettings  settings 

Adds nodes to the OPC UA server’s address space.

nodesToAddList of nodes to add to the server.
settingsThe general settings for the request. If null, the default settings from the property DefaultRequestSettings are used.
A list of results that indicate whether adding a node succeeded.
List<StatusCode> UnifiedAutomation.UaClient.Session.AddReferences ( IList< AddReferencesItem referencesToAdd,
RequestSettings  settings 

Adds references to nodes in the OPC UA server’s address space.

referencesToAddList of references to add to the server.
settingsThe general settings for the request. If null, the default settings from the property DefaultRequestSettings are used.
List of StatusCodes that indicate whether adding a reference succeeded.
IAsyncResult UnifiedAutomation.UaClient.Session.BeginAddNodes ( IList< AddNodesItem nodesToAdd,
RequestSettings  settings,
AsyncCallback  callback,
object  userData 

Asynchronously adds nodes to the OPC UA server’s address space.

nodesToAddList of nodes to add to the server.
settingsThe general settings for the request. If null, the default settings from the property DefaultRequestSettings are used.
callbackThe callback to use when the async call completes.
userDataThe user data that is passed to the callback.
An object which must be passed to the EndAddNodes method.
IAsyncResult UnifiedAutomation.UaClient.Session.BeginAddReferences ( IList< AddReferencesItem referencesToAdd,
RequestSettings  settings,
AsyncCallback  callback,
object  userData 

Asynchronously adds references to nodes in the OPC UA server’s address space.

referencesToAddList of references to add to the server.
settingsThe general settings for the request. If null, the default settings from the property DefaultRequestSettings are used.
callbackThe callback to use when the async call completes.
userDataThe user data that is passed to the callback.
An object which must be passed to the EndAddReferences method.
IAsyncResult UnifiedAutomation.UaClient.Session.BeginBrowse ( NodeId  nodeToBrowse,
AsyncCallback  callback,
Object  userData 

Asynchronously browse the OPC UA server’s address space with a single starting node.

The Browse Service is used by a client to navigate through the Address Space by passing a starting Node and browse filters. The server returns the list of referenced nodes matching the filter criteria.

The Browse Service takes a list of starting Nodes and returns a list of connected Nodes for each starting Node. Nevertheless, most clients will only pass one starting Node for the main purpose of building a tree hierarchy. Since the OPC UA Address Space can be a full-meshed network and is not limited to a pure hierarchy, the capability to pass in a list of starting Nodes is mainly used to browse metadata like the Properties of a list of Variables. The client SDK provides different browse methods, one for a single starting Node and one for a list of starting Nodes.

This simplified browse method is used for a single starting node.

nodeToBrowseNodeId of the starting node.
callbackThe callback to use when the async call completes.
userDataThe user data that is passed to the callback.

This method returns only forward hierarchial references.

An object which must be passed to the EndBrowse method.
IAsyncResult UnifiedAutomation.UaClient.Session.BeginBrowse ( NodeId  nodeToBrowse,
BrowseContext  browseContext,
AsyncCallback  callback,
Object  userData 

Asynchronously browse the OPC UA server’s address space with a single starting node.

This is an overloaded function. See BeginBrowse for more details.

nodeToBrowseNodeId of the starting node.
browseContextFilter settings for the browse call. See BrowseContext for more details.
callbackThe callback to use when the async call completes.
userDataThe user data that is passed to the callback.
An object which must be passed to the EndBrowse method.
IAsyncResult UnifiedAutomation.UaClient.Session.BeginBrowse ( NodeId  nodeToBrowse,
BrowseContext  browseContext,
RequestSettings  settings,
AsyncCallback  callback,
object  userData 

Asynchronously browse the OPC UA server’s address space with a single starting node.

This is an overloaded function. See BeginBrowse for more details.

nodeToBrowseNodeId of the starting node.
browseContextFilter settings for the browse call. See BrowseContext for more details.
settingsThe general settings for the request. If null, the default settings from the property DefaultRequestSettings are used.
callbackThe callback to use when the async call completes.
userDataThe user data that is passed to the callback.
An object which must be passed to the EndBrowse method.
IAsyncResult UnifiedAutomation.UaClient.Session.BeginBrowseList ( List< BrowseDescription nodesToBrowse,
AsyncCallback  callback,
object  userData 

Browse OPC server address space with a list of starting nodes asynchronously.

The Browse Service is used by a client to navigate through the Address Space by passing a starting Node and browse filters. The server returns the list of referenced nodes matching the filter criteria.

The Browse Service takes a list of starting Nodes and returns a list of connected Nodes for each starting Node. Nevertheless, most clients will only pass one starting Node for the main purpose of building a tree hierarchy. Since the OPC UA Address Space can be a full-meshed network and is not limited to a pure hierarchy, the capability to pass in a list of starting Nodes is mainly used to browse metadata like the Properties of a list of Variables. The client SDK provides different browse methods, one for a single starting Node and one for a list of starting Nodes.

This browse method is used for a list of starting nodes.

nodesToBrowseList of browse descriptions for each starting node.
callbackThe callback to use when the async call completes.
userDataThe user data that is passed to the callback.
An object which must be passed to the EndBrowseList method.
IAsyncResult UnifiedAutomation.UaClient.Session.BeginBrowseList ( ViewDescription  view,
List< BrowseDescription nodesToBrowse,
uint  maxReferencesPerBrowse,
RequestSettings  settings,
AsyncCallback  callback,
object  userData 

Browse OPC server address space with a list of starting nodes asynchronously.

This is an overloaded function. See BeginBrowseList for more details.

viewView used for the browse.
nodesToBrowseList of browse descriptions for each starting node.
maxReferencesPerBrowseThe maximum number of references per browse.
settingsThe general settings for the request. If null, the default settings from the property DefaultRequestSettings are used.
callbackThe callback to use when the async call completes.
userDataThe user data that is passed to the callback.
An object which must be passed to the EndBrowseList method.
IAsyncResult UnifiedAutomation.UaClient.Session.BeginBrowseNext ( byte[]  continuationPoint,
AsyncCallback  callback,
object  userData 

Continues a previous Browse request asynchronously.

This method is only used to continue a browse started with the browse method if not all results could be returned by the browse or a following browseNext call. The number of Nodes to return can be limited by the client in the browse request or by the Server during processing the Browse Service call.

continuationPointContinuation points returned from a previous browse or browseNext call. A continuation point is returned when the server was not able to deliver all results in the BrowseNext response.
callbackThe callback to use when the async call completes.
userDataThe user data that is passed to the callback.
An object which must be passed to the EndBrowse method.
IAsyncResult UnifiedAutomation.UaClient.Session.BeginBrowseNext ( byte[]  continuationPoint,
RequestSettings  settings,
AsyncCallback  callback,
object  userData 

Continues a previous Browse request asynchronously.

This is an overloaded function. See BeginBrowseNext for more details.

continuationPointContinuation points returned from a previous browse or browseNext call. A continuation point is returned when the server was not able to deliver all results in the BrowseNext response.
settingsThe general settings for the request. If null, the default settings from the property DefaultRequestSettings are used.
callbackThe callback to use when the async call completes.
userDataThe user data that is passed to the callback.
An object which must be passed to the EndBrowse method.
IAsyncResult UnifiedAutomation.UaClient.Session.BeginCall ( NodeId  objectToCall,
NodeId  methodToCall,
List< Variant inputArguments,
RequestSettings  settings,
AsyncCallback  callback,
object  userData 

Asynchronously calls a method provided by an Object on the OPC UA server.

objectToCallThe object providing the method.
methodToCallThe method to call.
inputArgumentsList of input arguments for the method call.
settingsThe general settings for the request. If null, the default settings from the property DefaultRequestSettings are used.
callbackThe callback to use when the async call completes.
userDataThe user data that is passed to the callback.
An object which must be passed to the EndCall method.
IAsyncResult UnifiedAutomation.UaClient.Session.BeginCallList ( IList< CallMethodRequest methodsToCall,
RequestSettings  settings,
AsyncCallback  callback,
object  userData 

Asynchronously calls a list of methods provided by an Object on the OPC server.

methodsToCallList of methods to call, containing ObjectId, MethodId, and InputArguments for each method.
settingsThe general settings for the request. If null, the default settings from the property DefaultRequestSettings are used.
callbackThe callback to use when the async call completes.
userDataThe user data that is passed to the callback.
An object which must be passed to the EndCallList method.
IAsyncResult UnifiedAutomation.UaClient.Session.BeginCancel ( uint  requestHandle,
RequestSettings  settings,
AsyncCallback  callback,
object  userData 

Asynchronously cancels outstanding service requests on the OPC UA server.

requestHandleRequest handle used for the outstanding service requests to cancel.
settingsThe general settings for the request. If null, the default settings from the property DefaultRequestSettings are used.
callbackThe callback to use when the async call completes.
userDataThe user data that is passed to the callback.
An object which must be passed to the EndCancel method.
IAsyncResult UnifiedAutomation.UaClient.Session.BeginChangeUser ( AsyncCallback  callback,
Object  userData 

Change user for the connection to the OPC UA server asynchronously.

Calling this function changes the user of the session by calling ActivateSession with the new user identity.

callbackThe callback to use when the async call completes.
userDataThe user data that is passed to the callback.
An object which must be passed to the EndChangeUser method.
IAsyncResult UnifiedAutomation.UaClient.Session.BeginChangeUser ( UserIdentity  userIdentity,
RequestSettings  settings,
AsyncCallback  callback,
object  userData 

Change user for the connection to the OPC UA server asynchronously.

Calling this function changes the user of the session by calling ActivateSession with the new user identity.

userIdentityThe user identity.
settingsThe general settings for the request. If null, the default settings from the property DefaultRequestSettings are used.
callbackThe callback to use when the async call completes.
userDataThe user data that is passed to the callback.
An object which must be passed to the EndChangeUser method.
IAsyncResult UnifiedAutomation.UaClient.Session.BeginConnect ( string  discoveryUrl,
SecuritySelection  securitySelection,
string  transportProfileUri,
RetryInitialConnect  retryInitialConnect,
RequestSettings  settings,
AsyncCallback  callback,
object  userData 

Asynchronously establish a connection to the OPC UA server.

Calling this function creates a secure channel to the discovery url and calls GetEndpoints. Depending on the securitySelection a server endpoint is chosen. Then the function creates a secure channel to the server endpoint and it creates and activates a session in the server application.

The SDK is managing the connection to the server by

  • Monitoring the status of the session with read calls to the server status variable. The frequency of the read calls can be controlled with the property WatchdogCycleTime
  • Reconnect on TCP/IP or SecureChannel level if the connection was lost
  • Recreation of the session if the session timed out or the server was restarted
  • The callback ConnectionStatusUpdate provides information about the current status of the session
discoveryUrlThe URL of the server endpoint to connect to.
Standard UA TCP address is: opc.tcp://networknode:4840
securitySelectionThe requested security level. The option None disables security. The option BestAvailable selects the highest security level suported by the server.
transportProfileUriThe transport profile URI to use (if null the default for the URL scheme is used).
retryInitialConnectWhether to retry a failed connect in the background.
settingsThe general settings for the request. If null, the default settings from the property DefaultRequestSettings are used.
callbackThe callback to use when the async call completes.
userDataThe user data that is passed to the callback.
An object which must be passed to the EndConnect method.
IAsyncResult UnifiedAutomation.UaClient.Session.BeginConnect ( EndpointDescription  endpoint,
RetryInitialConnect  retryInitialConnect,
RequestSettings  settings,
AsyncCallback  callback,
object  userData 

Asynchronously establish a connection to the OPC UA server.

Connects to the specified endpoint provided by a server or stored in configuration. The available endpoints can be requested through Discovery.GetEndpoints.

endpointThe full definition of an OPC UA server endpoint.
retryInitialConnectWhether to retry a failed connect in the background.
settingsThe general settings for the request. If null, the default settings from the property DefaultRequestSettings are used.
callbackThe callback to use when the async call completes.
userDataThe user data that is passed to the callback.
An object which must be passed to the EndConnect() method.
IAsyncResult UnifiedAutomation.UaClient.Session.BeginDeleteNodes ( IList< DeleteNodesItem nodesToDelete,
RequestSettings  settings,
AsyncCallback  callback,
object  userData 

Asynchronously deletes nodes from the OPC UA server’s address space.

nodesToDeleteList of nodes to delete.
settingsThe general settings for the request. If null, the default settings from the property DefaultRequestSettings are used.
callbackThe callback to use when the async call completes.
userDataThe user data that is passed to the callback.
An object which must be passed to the EndDeleteNodes method.
IAsyncResult UnifiedAutomation.UaClient.Session.BeginDeleteReferences ( IList< DeleteReferencesItem referencesToDelete,
RequestSettings  settings,
AsyncCallback  callback,
object  userData 

Asynchronously deletes references from the OPC UA server’s address space.

referencesToDeleteList of references to delete.
settingsThe general settings for the request. If null, the default settings from the property DefaultRequestSettings are used.
callbackThe callback to use when the async call completes.
userDataThe user data that is passed to the callback.
An object which must be passed to the EndDeleteReferences method.
IAsyncResult UnifiedAutomation.UaClient.Session.BeginDisconnect ( AsyncCallback  callback,
object  userData 

Asynchronously disconnect client application from OPC UA server.

Calling this function closes the session and the secure channel connection to the server. The subscriptions assigned to the session are also deleted.

callbackThe callback to use when the async call completes.
userDataThe user data that is passed to the callback.
An object which must be passed to the EndDisconnect method.
IAsyncResult UnifiedAutomation.UaClient.Session.BeginDisconnect ( SubscriptionCleanupPolicy  cleanupPolicy,
AsyncCallback  callback,
object  userData 

Asynchronously disconnect client application from OPC UA server.

Calling this function closes the session and the secure channel connection to the server. The subscriptions assigned the session are also deleted if the cleanupPolicy is set to Delete.

cleanupPolicyThe cleanup policy for the subscription. The option Delete removes the subscription together with the session. The subscriptions are not deleted when option Keep is used.
callbackThe callback to use when the async call completes.
userDataThe user data that is passed to the callback.
An object which must be passed to the EndDisconnect method.
IAsyncResult UnifiedAutomation.UaClient.Session.BeginDisconnect ( SubscriptionCleanupPolicy  cleanupPolicy,
RequestSettings  settings,
AsyncCallback  callback,
object  userData 

Asynchronously disconnect client application from OPC UA server.

Calling this function closes the session and the secure channel connection to the server. The subscriptions assigned the session are also deleted if the cleanupPolicy is set to Delete.

cleanupPolicyThe cleanup policy for the subscription. The option Delete removes the subscription together with the session. The subscriptions are not deleted when option Keep is used.
settingsThe general settings for the request. If null, the default settings from the property DefaultRequestSettings are used.
callbackThe callback to use when the async call completes.
userDataThe user data that is passed to the callback.
An object which must be passed to the EndDisconnect method.
IAsyncResult UnifiedAutomation.UaClient.Session.BeginHistoryDeleteAtTime ( IList< DeleteAtTimeDetails nodesToDelete,
RequestSettings  settings,
AsyncCallback  callback,
object  userData 

Begins an operation to delete the history for a list of variables for the passed timestamps.

nodesToDeleteThe variables with history to delete, including the timestamps for the data to be deleted.
settingsThe general settings for the request. If null, the default settings from the property DefaultRequestSettings are used.
callbackThe callback to use when the async call completes.
userDataThe user data that is passed to the callback.
An object which must be passed to the EndHistoryDeleteAtTime method.
IAsyncResult UnifiedAutomation.UaClient.Session.BeginHistoryDeleteEvent ( IList< DeleteEventDetails nodesToUpdate,
RequestSettings  settings,
AsyncCallback  callback,
object  userData 

Begins an operation to delete the event history for a list of event notifier objects.

nodesToUpdateList of event notifier objects and Ids of events to delete.
settingsThe general settings for the request. If null, the default settings from the property DefaultRequestSettings are used.
callbackThe callback to use when the async call completes.
userDataThe user data that is passed to the callback.
An object which must be passed to the EndHistoryDeleteEvent method.
IAsyncResult UnifiedAutomation.UaClient.Session.BeginHistoryDeleteRaw ( IList< DeleteRawModifiedDetails nodesToDelete,
RequestSettings  settings,
AsyncCallback  callback,
object  userData 

Begins an operation to delete the history for a list of variables in the passed time domain.

nodesToDeleteThe variables with history to delete, including the time domain for the data to be deleted.
settingsThe general settings for the request. If null, the default settings from the property DefaultRequestSettings are used.
callbackThe callback to use when the async call completes.
userDataThe user data that is passed to the callback.
An object which must be passed to the EndHistoryDeleteRaw method.
IAsyncResult UnifiedAutomation.UaClient.Session.BeginHistoryReadAtTime ( IList< HistoryReadValueId nodesToRead,
ReadAtTimeDetails  details,
AsyncCallback  callback,
object  userData 

Reads the history of item values asynchronously from the OPC server for the given timestamps.

nodesToReadList of variable nodes to read data values at specified timestamps from.
detailsConfiguration parameters for the history read of data at specified timestamps. Configuration parameters include
  • Array of timestamps for which values are to be read
  • Flag for bounding value calculation
callbackThe callback to use when the async call completes.
userDataThe user data that is passed to the callback.
An object which must be passed to the EndHistoryReadAtTime() method.
IAsyncResult UnifiedAutomation.UaClient.Session.BeginHistoryReadAtTime ( IList< HistoryReadValueId nodesToRead,
ReadAtTimeDetails  details,
TimestampsToReturn  timestampsToReturn,
RequestSettings  settings,
AsyncCallback  callback,
object  userData 

Reads the history of item values asynchronously from the OPC server for the given timestamps.

nodesToReadList of variable nodes to read data values at specified timestamps from.
detailsConfiguration parameters for the history read of data at specified timestamps. Configuration parameters include
  • Array of timestamps for which values are to be read
  • Flag for bounding value calculation
timestampsToReturnEnumeration for the timestamps to return with the values. Possible values are source, server or both. The option neither is invalid for history read.
settingsThe general settings for the request. If null, the default settings from the property DefaultRequestSettings are used.
callbackThe callback to use when the async call completes.
userDataThe user data that is passed to the callback.
An object which must be passed to the EndHistoryReadAtTime method.
IAsyncResult UnifiedAutomation.UaClient.Session.BeginHistoryReadEvent ( IList< HistoryReadValueId nodesToRead,
ReadEventDetails  details,
AsyncCallback  callback,
object  userData 

Begins an operation to read the event history for a list of notifiers.

nodesToReadList of event notifier object nodes to read event history from. Includes a continuation point to continue previous read requests.
detailsConfiguration parameters for the history read of events. Configuration parameters include
  • the start time of the requested time domain,
  • the end time of the requested time domain,
  • the event filter,
  • a limitation of the number of results per node.
callbackThe callback to use when the async call completes.
userDataThe user data that is passed to the callback.
An object which must be passed to the EndHistoryReadEvent method.
IAsyncResult UnifiedAutomation.UaClient.Session.BeginHistoryReadEvent ( IList< HistoryReadValueId nodesToRead,
ReadEventDetails  details,
RequestSettings  settings,
AsyncCallback  callback,
object  userData 

Begins an operation to read the event history for a list of notifiers.

nodesToReadList of event notifier object nodes to read event history from. Includes a continuation point to continue previous read requests.
detailsConfiguration parameters for the history read of events. Configuration parameters include
  • the start time of the requested time domain,
  • the end time of the requested time domain,
  • the event filter,
  • a limitation of the number of results per node.
settingsThe general settings for the request. If null, the default settings from the property DefaultRequestSettings are used.
callbackThe callback to use when the async call completes.
userDataThe user data that is passed to the callback.
An object which must be passed to the EndHistoryReadEvent method.
IAsyncResult UnifiedAutomation.UaClient.Session.BeginHistoryReadModified ( IList< HistoryReadValueId nodesToRead,
ReadRawModifiedDetails  details,
AsyncCallback  callback,
object  userData 

Reads the history of modified variable values asynchronously from the OPC server.

This method is used to read modified historical values of one or more nodes in an ordered sequence for the defined time domain. Continuation points are used to continue the read of the ordered sequence if not all data can be returned in one read. The returned number can be limited by the client or the server.

See ReleaseHistoryContinuationPoints for cleaning up resources in the server if read should not be continued with the returned continuation point.

nodesToReadList of variable nodes to read modified data history from. Includes a continuation point to continue previous read requests.
detailsConfiguration parameters for the history read of modified data. Configuration parameters include
  • The start time of the requested time interval
  • The end time of the requested time interval
  • Setting whether bounding values should be returned
  • Limitation of the number of results per node
callbackThe callback to use when the async call completes.
userDataThe user data that is passed to the callback.
An object which must be passed to the EndHistoryReadModified method.
IAsyncResult UnifiedAutomation.UaClient.Session.BeginHistoryReadModified ( IList< HistoryReadValueId nodesToRead,
ReadRawModifiedDetails  details,
TimestampsToReturn  timestampsToReturn,
RequestSettings  settings,
AsyncCallback  callback,
object  userData 

Reads the history of modified variable values asynchronously from the OPC server.

This method is used to read modified historical values of one or more nodes in an ordered sequence for the defined time domain. Continuation points are used to continue the read of the ordered sequence if not all data can be returned in one read. The returned number can be limited by the client or the server.

See ReleaseHistoryContinuationPoints for cleaning up resources in the server if read should not be continued with the returned continuation point.

nodesToReadList of variable nodes to read modified data history from. Includes a continuation point to continue previous read requests.
detailsConfiguration parameters for the history read of modified data. Configuration parameters include
  • The start time of the requested time interval
  • The end time of the requested time interval
  • Setting whether bounding values should be returned
  • Limitation of the number of results per node
timestampsToReturnEnumeration for the timestamps to return with the values. Possible values are source, server or both. The option neither is invalid for history read.
settingsThe general settings for the request. If null, the default settings from the property DefaultRequestSettings are used.
callbackThe callback to use when the async call completes.
userDataThe user data that is passed to the callback.
An object which must be passed to the EndHistoryReadModified method.
IAsyncResult UnifiedAutomation.UaClient.Session.BeginHistoryReadProcessed ( IList< HistoryReadValueId nodesToRead,
ReadProcessedDetails  details,
AsyncCallback  callback,
object  userData 

Reads the processed history of variable values asynchronously from the OPC server based on a passed aggregate.

This method is used to read processed historical values of one or more nodes in an ordered sequence for the defined time domain. Continuation points are used to continue the read of the ordered sequence if not all data can be returned in one read or if the server was not able to finish the processing before the timeout expired. The returned number can be limited by the server and may be 0 if the server was not able to finish one calculation before the service timeout expired.

See ReleaseHistoryContinuationPoints for cleaning up resources in the server if read should not be continued with the returned continuation point.

The processed values are calculated with the specified aggregate based on the raw data in the history database. The server must use start time, end time, and the resample interval to generate a sequence of time intervals and then calculate an aggregate for each interval.

nodesToReadList of variable nodes to read processed data history from. Includes a continuation point to continue previous read requests.
detailsConfiguration parameters for the history read of processed data. Configuration parameters include
  • The start time of the requested time domain
  • The end time of the requested time domain
  • Time processing interval used to calculate one aggregated value from the raw values
  • The NodeId of the aggregate used for the calculation of the values
callbackThe callback to use when the async call completes.
userDataThe user data that is passed to the callback.
An object which must be passed to the EndHistoryReadProcessed method.
IAsyncResult UnifiedAutomation.UaClient.Session.BeginHistoryReadProcessed ( IList< HistoryReadValueId nodesToRead,
ReadProcessedDetails  details,
TimestampsToReturn  timestampsToReturn,
RequestSettings  settings,
AsyncCallback  callback,
object  userData 

Reads the processed history of variable values asynchronously from the OPC server based on a passed aggregate.

This method is used to read processed historical values of one or more nodes in an ordered sequence for the defined time domain. Continuation points are used to continue the read of the ordered sequence if not all data can be returned in one read or if the server was not able to finish the processing before the timeout expired. The returned number can be limited by the server and may be 0 if the server was not able to finish one calculation before the service timeout expired.

See ReleaseHistoryContinuationPoints for cleaning up resources in the server if read should not be continued with the returned continuation point.

The processed values are calculated with the specified aggregate based on the raw data in the history database. The server must use start time, end time, and the resample interval to generate a sequence of time intervals and then calculate an aggregate for each interval.

nodesToReadList of variable nodes to read processed data history from. Includes a continuation point to continue previous read requests.
detailsConfiguration parameters for the history read of processed data. Configuration parameters include
  • The start time of the requested time domain
  • The end time of the requested time domain
  • Time processing interval used to calculate one aggregated value from the raw values
  • The NodeId of the aggregate used for the calculation of the values
timestampsToReturnEnumeration for the timestamps to return with the values. Possible values are source, server or both. The option neither is invalid for history read.
settingsThe general settings for the request. If null, the default settings from the property DefaultRequestSettings are used.
callbackThe callback to use when the async call completes.
userDataThe user data that is passed to the callback.
An object which must be passed to the EndHistoryReadProcessed method.
IAsyncResult UnifiedAutomation.UaClient.Session.BeginHistoryReadRaw ( IList< HistoryReadValueId nodesToRead,
ReadRawModifiedDetails  details,
AsyncCallback  callback,
object  userData 

Reads the history of variable values asynchronously from OPC server.

This method is used to read raw historical values of one or more nodes in an ordered sequence for the defined time domain. Continuation points are used to continue the read of the ordered sequence if not all data can be returned in one read. The returned number can be limited by the client or the server.

See ReleaseHistoryContinuationPoints for cleaning up resources in the server if read should not be continued with the returned continuation point.

nodesToReadList of variable nodes to read data history from. Includes a continuation point to continue previous read requests.
detailsConfiguration parameters for the history read of raw data. Configuration parameters include
  • The start time of the requested time interval
  • The end time of the requested time interval
  • Setting whether bounding values should be returned
  • Limitation of the number of results per node
callbackThe callback to use when the async call completes.
userDataThe user data that is passed to the callback.
An object which must be passed to the EndHistoryReadRaw method.
IAsyncResult UnifiedAutomation.UaClient.Session.BeginHistoryReadRaw ( IList< HistoryReadValueId nodesToRead,
ReadRawModifiedDetails  details,
TimestampsToReturn  timestampsToReturn,
RequestSettings  settings,
AsyncCallback  callback,
object  userData 

Reads the history of variable values asynchronously from OPC server.

This method is used to read raw historical values of one or more nodes in an ordered sequence for the defined time domain. Continuation points are used to continue the read of the ordered sequence if not all data can be returned in one read. The returned number can be limited by the client or the server.

See ReleaseHistoryContinuationPoints for cleaning up resources in the server if read should not be continued with the returned continuation point.

nodesToReadList of variable nodes to read data history from. Includes a continuation point to continue previous read requests.
detailsConfiguration parameters for the history read of raw data. Configuration parameters include
  • The start time of the requested time interval
  • The end time of the requested time interval
  • Setting whether bounding values should be returned
  • Limitation of the number of results per node
timestampsToReturnEnumeration for the timestamps to return with the values. Possible values are source, server or both. The option neither is invalid for history read.
settingsThe general settings for the request. If null, the default settings from the property DefaultRequestSettings are used.
callbackThe callback to use when the async call completes.
userDataThe user data that is passed to the callback.
An object which must be passed to the EndHistoryReadRaw method.
IAsyncResult UnifiedAutomation.UaClient.Session.BeginHistoryUpdateData ( IList< UpdateDataDetails nodesToUpdate,
RequestSettings  settings,
AsyncCallback  callback,
object  userData 

Begins an operation to update the history for a list of variables.

nodesToUpdateThe list of variable nodes to update, including the data provided for the update.
settingsThe general settings for the request. If null, the default settings from the property DefaultRequestSettings are used.
callbackThe callback to use when the async call completes.
userDataThe user data that is passed to the callback.
An object which must be passed to the EndHistoryUpdateData method.
IAsyncResult UnifiedAutomation.UaClient.Session.BeginHistoryUpdateEvent ( IList< UpdateEventDetails nodesToUpdate,
RequestSettings  settings,
AsyncCallback  callback,
object  userData 

Begins an operation to update the history for a list of event notifier objects.

nodesToUpdateList of event notifier objects to update, including the event data and update settings.
settingsThe general settings for the request. If null, the default settings from the property DefaultRequestSettings are used.
callbackThe callback to use when the async call completes.
userDataThe user data that is passed to the callback.
An object which must be passed to the EndHistoryUpdateEvent method.
IAsyncResult UnifiedAutomation.UaClient.Session.BeginHistoryUpdateStructureData ( IList< UpdateStructureDataDetails nodesToUpdate,
RequestSettings  settings,
AsyncCallback  callback,
object  userData 

Begins an operation to update the history for a list of structured metadata variables.

nodesToUpdateThe list of variable nodes to update, including the data provided for the update.
settingsThe general settings for the request. If null, the default settings from the property DefaultRequestSettings are used.
callbackThe callback to use when the async call completes.
userDataThe user data that is passed to the callback.
An object which must be passed to the EndHistoryUpdateStructureData method.
IAsyncResult UnifiedAutomation.UaClient.Session.BeginInternalTransferSubscriptions ( IList< uint >  subscriptionsToTransfer,
bool  sendInitialValues,
RequestSettings  settings,
AsyncCallback  callback,
object  userData 

Asynchronously transfers the subscription to the session.

subscriptionsToTransferList of nodes to add to the server.
sendInitialValuesIf true the initial values are reported for each monitored item.
settingsThe general settings for the request. If null, the default settings from the property DefaultRequestSettings are used.
callbackThe callback to use when the async call completes.
userDataThe user data that is passed to the callback.
An object which must be passed to the EndTransferSubscriptions method.
IAsyncResult UnifiedAutomation.UaClient.Session.BeginQuery ( QueryContext  queryContext,
RequestSettings  settings,
AsyncCallback  callback,
object  userData 

Asynchronously begins a query operation.

IAsyncResult UnifiedAutomation.UaClient.Session.BeginQueryNext ( byte[]  continuationPoint,
bool  releaseContinuationPoint,
RequestSettings  settings,
AsyncCallback  callback,
object  userData 

Asynchronously begins a query operation.

IAsyncResult UnifiedAutomation.UaClient.Session.BeginRead ( IList< ReadValueId nodesToRead,
uint  maxAge,
TimestampsToReturn  timestampsToReturn,
RequestSettings  settings,
AsyncCallback  callback,
object  userData 

Reads values and attributes asynchronously from OPC server.

The Read Service is used to read one or more attributes of one or more nodes. It allows also reading subsets or single elements of array values and to define a valid age of values to be returned to reduce the need for device reads. Like most other services, the read is optimized for bulk read operations and not for reading single Attribute values. Typically all Node Attributes are readable. For the Value Attribute the Read rights are indicated by the AccessLevel and UserAccessLevel Attribute of the Variable.

nodesToReadList of nodes and attributes to read.
maxAgeThe maximum age for any value.
timestampsToReturnOPC UA defines two timestamps, the source and the server timestamp. This parameter allows the client to define which timestamps the server should return with the value.
The source timestamp is only available for Value Attributes. The source timestamp is used to reflect the timestamp that was applied to a Variable value by the data source. It should indicate the last change of the value or status code. The source timestamp must be always generated by the same physical clock. This timestamp type was added for OPC UA to cover the use case to get the timestamp of the last value change which is different than the server timestamp definition.
The server timestamp is used to reflect the time that the server received a Variable value or knew it to be accurate if the changes are reported by exception and the connection to the data source is operating. This is the behavior expected by Classic OPC
Possible values are
  • TimestampsToReturn.Source
  • TimestampsToReturn.Server
  • TimestampsToReturn.Both
settingsThe general settings for the request. If null, the default settings from the property DefaultRequestSettings are used.
callbackThe callback to use when the async call completes.
userDataThe user data that is passed to the callback.
An object which must be passed to the EndRead method.
IAsyncResult UnifiedAutomation.UaClient.Session.BeginRead ( IList< ReadValueId nodesToRead,
uint  maxAge,
TimestampsToReturn  timestampsToReturn,
AsyncCallback  callback,
Object  userData 

This is an overloaded function. See BeginRead for more details.

nodesToReadList of nodes and attributes to read.
maxAgeThe maximum age for any value.
timestampsToReturnOPC UA defines two timestamps, the source and the server timestamp. This parameter allows the client to define which timestamps the server should return with the value.
The source timestamp is only available for Value Attributes. The source timestamp is used to reflect the timestamp that was applied to a Variable value by the data source. It should indicate the last change of the value or status code. The source timestamp must be always generated by the same physical clock. This timestamp type was added for OPC UA to cover the use case to get the timestamp of the last value change which is different than the server timestamp definition.
The server timestamp is used to reflect the time that the server received a Variable value or knew it to be accurate if the changes are reported by exception and the connection to the data source is operating. This is the behavior expected by Classic OPC
Possible values are
  • TimestampsToReturn.Source
  • TimestampsToReturn.Server
  • TimestampsToReturn.Both
callbackThe callback to use when the async call completes.
userDataThe user data that is passed to the callback.
An object which must be passed to the EndRead method.
IAsyncResult UnifiedAutomation.UaClient.Session.BeginRead ( IList< ReadValueId nodesToRead,
uint  maxAge,
AsyncCallback  callback,
Object  userData 

This is an overloaded function. See BeginRead for more details.

nodesToReadList of nodes and attributes to read.
maxAgeThe maximum age for any value.
callbackThe callback to use when the async call completes.
userDataThe user data that is passed to the callback.
An object which must be passed to the EndRead method.
IAsyncResult UnifiedAutomation.UaClient.Session.BeginRegisterNodes ( IList< NodeId nodesToRegister,
RequestSettings  settings,
AsyncCallback  callback,
object  userData 

Asynchronously register nodes to create shortcuts in the server.

This method allows clients to optimize the cyclic access to Nodes for example for writing variable values or for calling methods. There are two levels of optimization.

The first level is to reduce the amount of data on the wire for the addressing information. Since NodeIds are used for addressing in Nodes and NodeIds can be very long, a more optimized addressing method is desirable for cyclic use of Nodes. Classic OPC provided the concept to create handles for items by adding them to a group. RegisterNodes provides a similar concept to create handles for Nodes by returning a numeric NodeId that can be used in all functions accessing information from the server. The transport of numeric NodeIds is very efficient in the OPC UA binary protocol.

The second level of optimization is possible inside the server. Since the client is telling the server that it wants to use the Node more frequently by registering the Node, the server is able to prepare everything that is possible to optimize the access to the Node.

The handles returned by the server are only valid during the lifetime of the Session that was used to register the Nodes. Clients must call UnregisterNodes if the Node is no longer used to free the resources used in the server for the optimization. This method should not be used to optimize the cyclic read of data since OPC UA provides a much more optimized mechanism to subscribe for data changes.

Clients do not have to use the Service and servers can simply implement the Service only returning the same list of NodeIds that was passed in if there is no need to optimize the access.

nodesToRegisterList of NodeIds of the nodes to register.
settingsThe general settings for the request. If null, the default settings from the property DefaultRequestSettings are used.
callbackThe callback to use when the async call completes.
userDataThe user data that is passed to the callback.
An object which must be passed to the EndRegisterNodes method.
IAsyncResult UnifiedAutomation.UaClient.Session.BeginReleaseBrowseContinuationPoint ( byte[]  continuationPoint,
AsyncCallback  callback,
object  userData 

Begins a release browse continuation point operation.

continuationPointThe continuation point to release.
callbackThe callback to use when the async call completes.
userDataThe user data that is passed to the callback.
An object which must be passed to the EndReleaseBrowseContinuationPoint method.
IAsyncResult UnifiedAutomation.UaClient.Session.BeginReleaseBrowseContinuationPoint ( byte[]  continuationPoint,
RequestSettings  settings,
AsyncCallback  callback,
object  userData 

Begins a release browse continuation point operation.

continuationPointThe continuation point to release.
settingsThe general settings for the request. If null, the default settings from the property DefaultRequestSettings are used.
callbackThe callback to use when the async call completes.
userDataThe user data that is passed to the callback.
An object which must be passed to the EndReleaseBrowseContinuationPoint method.
IAsyncResult UnifiedAutomation.UaClient.Session.BeginReleaseHistoryContinuationPoints ( IList< HistoryReadValueId nodesToRead,
AsyncCallback  callback,
object  userData 

Begins a release history continuation point operation.

nodesToReadThe nodes to read.
callbackThe callback to use when the async call completes.
userDataThe user data that is passed to the callback.
An object which must be passed to the EndReleaseHistoryContinuationPoints method.

This overload only works with data returned with a call to ReadRaw.

IAsyncResult UnifiedAutomation.UaClient.Session.BeginReleaseHistoryContinuationPoints ( IList< HistoryReadValueId nodesToRead,
HistoryReadDetails  details,
RequestSettings  settings,
AsyncCallback  callback,
object  userData 

Begins a release history continuation point operation.

nodesToReadThe nodes to read.
detailsThe structure that matches the request used to originally read the data (ReadRawModifiedDetails, ReadAtTimeDetails or ReadProcessedDetails).
settingsThe general settings for the request. If null, the default settings from the property DefaultRequestSettings are used.
callbackThe callback to use when the async call completes.
userDataThe user data that is passed to the callback.
An object which must be passed to the EndReleaseHistoryContinuationPoints method.
IAsyncResult UnifiedAutomation.UaClient.Session.BeginReverseConnect ( string  discoveryUrl,
SecuritySelection  securitySelection,
string  transportProfileUri,
RetryInitialConnect  retryInitialConnect,
RequestSettings  settings,
AsyncCallback  callback,
object  userData 

Asynchronously connects to the Server via a channel initiated by the server. This is needed, when the server is behind a firewall and no port can be opened.

Calling this function creates a secure channel to the discovery url after the server has sent a ReverseHello message and calls GetEndpoints. Depending on the securitySelection a server endpoint is chosen. Then the function creates a secure channel to the server endpoint and it creates and activates a session in the server application.

The SDK is managing the connection to the server by

  • Monitoring the status of the session with read calls to the server status variable. The frequency of the read calls can be controlled with the property WatchdogCycleTime
  • Reconnect on TCP/IP or SecureChannel level if the connection was lost
  • Recreation of the session if the session timed out or the server was restarted
  • The callback ConnectionStatusUpdate provides information about the current status of the session
discoveryUrlThe URL of the server endpoint to connect to.

Standard UA TCP address is: opc.tcp://networknode:4840

securitySelectionThe requested security level. The option None disables security. The option BestAvailable selects the highest security level suported by the server.
transportProfileUriThe transport profile URI to use (if null the default for the URL scheme is used).
retryInitialConnectWhether to retry a failed connect in the background.
settingsThe general settings for the request. If null, the default settings from the property DefaultRequestSettings are used.
callbackThe callback to use when the async call completes.
userDataThe user data that is passed to the callback.
An object which must be passed to the EndConnect method.
IAsyncResult UnifiedAutomation.UaClient.Session.BeginReverseConnect ( EndpointDescription  endpoint,
RetryInitialConnect  retryInitialConnect,
RequestSettings  settings,
AsyncCallback  callback,
object  userData 

Asynchronously connects to the Server via a channel initiated by the server. This is needed, when the server is behind a firewall and no port can be opened.

Connects to the specified endpoint provided by a server or stored in configuration. The available endpoints can be requested through Discovery.ReverseGetEndpoints.

endpointThe full definition of an OPC UA server endpoint.
retryInitialConnectWhether to retry a failed connect in the background.
settingsThe general settings for the request. If null, the default settings from the property DefaultRequestSettings are used.
callbackThe callback to use when the async call completes.
userDataThe user data that is passed to the callback.
An object which must be passed to the EndConnect() method.
IAsyncResult UnifiedAutomation.UaClient.Session.BeginTransferFromSession ( Session  sourceSession,
bool  sendInitialValues,
RequestSettings  settings,
AsyncCallback  callback,
Object  userData 

Begins an operation to transfers all subscriptions from a disconnected session.

sourceSessionThe source of the subscriptions to transfer.
sendInitialValuesWhether the initial values shoudl be sent as soon as the transfer completes.
settingsThe general settings for the request. If null, the default settings from the property DefaultRequestSettings are used.
callbackThe callback to use when the asynchronous call completes.
userDataThe user data that is passed to the callback.
An object which must be passed to the EndTransferFromSession method.
IAsyncResult UnifiedAutomation.UaClient.Session.BeginTransferSingleSubscription ( Subscription  subscription,
RequestSettings  settings,
AsyncCallback  callback,
Object  userData 

Asynchronously transfers a Subscription to the Session.

subscriptionThe subscription that shall be transferred to the session. The Session property of the subscription must be a reference to this Session or to a Session that is currently Disconnected.
settingsThe general settings for the request. If null, the default settings from the property DefaultRequestSettings are used.
callbackThe callback to use when the async call completes.
userDataThe user data that is passed to the callback.
An object which must be passed to the EndTransferSingleSubscription method.
IAsyncResult UnifiedAutomation.UaClient.Session.BeginTransferSubscriptions ( IList< Subscription subscriptions,
RequestSettings  settings,
AsyncCallback  callback,
Object  userData 

Asynchronously transfers Subscriptions to the Session

subscriptionsThe subscriptions that shall be transferred to the session. The Session property of each Subscription must be a reference to this Session or to a Session that is currently Disconnected.
settingsThe general settings for the request. If null, the default settings from the property DefaultRequestSettings are used.
callbackThe callback to use when the async call completes.
userDataThe user data that is passed to the callback.
An object which must be passed to the EndTransferSubscriptions method.
IAsyncResult UnifiedAutomation.UaClient.Session.BeginTranslateBrowsePath ( IList< BrowsePath pathsToTranslate,
AsyncCallback  callback,
object  userData 

Asynchronously translates a browse path to a NodeId.

This Service is used to access components of an Object based on the knowledge about the ObjectType. Since the NodeId of a Node is needed to access information provided by the Node like subscribing for Variable Value changes or to call a Method, it is necessary to know the NodeIds of components of Objects. Since OPC UA allows programming software components with built-in knowledge of ObjectTypes, UA needs to provide a mechanism to return the NodeIds for components of an Object instance based on the knowledge about the ObjectType. This mechanism is built on the requirement that the BrowseNames of components in the instance must be the same like BrowseNames of components in the type.

pathsToTranslateThe list of browse paths for which NodeIds are requested.
callbackThe callback to use when the async call completes.
userDataThe user data that is passed to the callback.
An object which must be passed to the EndTranslateBrowsePath method.
IAsyncResult UnifiedAutomation.UaClient.Session.BeginTranslateBrowsePath ( NodeId  startingNodeId,
IList< string >  browsePaths,
AsyncCallback  callback,
object  userData 

Asynchronously translates a browse path to a NodeId.

This is an overloaded function. See BeginTranslateBrowsePath for more details.

startingNodeIdThe nodeId of the starting node.
browsePathsA list of browse paths to translate.
callbackThe callback to use when the async call completes.
userDataThe user data that is passed to the callback.
An object which must be passed to the EndTranslateBrowsePath method.
IAsyncResult UnifiedAutomation.UaClient.Session.BeginTranslateBrowsePath ( NodeId  startingNodeId,
IList< string >  browsePaths,
NamespaceTable  namespaceUris,
RequestSettings  settings,
AsyncCallback  callback,
object  userData 

Asynchronously translates a browse path to a NodeId.

This is an overloaded function. See BeginTranslateBrowsePath for more details.

startingNodeIdThe NodeId of the starting node.
browsePathsA list of browse paths to translate.
namespaceUrisThe table of namespace referenced by the browse paths (if null the session namespace table is assumed).
settingsThe general settings for the request. If null, the default settings from the property DefaultRequestSettings are used.
callbackThe callback to use when the async call completes.
userDataThe user data that is passed to the callback.
An object which must be passed to the EndTranslateBrowsePath method.
IAsyncResult UnifiedAutomation.UaClient.Session.BeginTranslateBrowsePath ( IList< BrowsePath pathsToTranslate,
RequestSettings  settings,
AsyncCallback  callback,
object  userData 

Asynchronously translates a browse path to a NodeId.

This is an overloaded function. See BeginTranslateBrowsePath for more details.

pathsToTranslateThe list of browse paths for which NodeIds are requested.
settingsThe general settings for the request. If null, the default settings from the property DefaultRequestSettings are used.
callbackThe callback to use when the async call completes.
userDataThe user data that is passed to the callback.
An object which must be passed to the EndTranslateBrowsePath method.
IAsyncResult UnifiedAutomation.UaClient.Session.BeginUnregisterNodes ( IList< NodeId nodesToUnregister,
RequestSettings  settings,
AsyncCallback  callback,
object  userData 

Asynchronously unregister nodes to delete shortcuts in the server.

Handles created with the Service RegisterNodes must be freed by the client using the method unregisterNodes to free the resources in the server if the registered nodes are not longer needed. Unregisters the nodes.

nodesToUnregisterThe nodes to unregister.
settingsThe general settings for the request. If null, the default settings from the property DefaultRequestSettings are used.
callbackThe callback to use when the async call completes.
userDataThe user data that is passed to the callback.
An object which must be passed to the EndUnregisterNodes method.
IAsyncResult UnifiedAutomation.UaClient.Session.BeginWrite ( IList< WriteValue nodesToWrite,
RequestSettings  settings,
AsyncCallback  callback,
object  userData 

Writes attributes asynchronously to a OPC UA server.

The Write Service is used to write one or more attributes of one or more nodes. For the Value Attribute the Write rights are indicated by the AccessLevel and UserAccessLevel Attribute of the Variable.

nodesToWriteList of nodes and attributes to write.
settingsThe general settings for the request. If null, the default settings from the property DefaultRequestSettings are used.
callbackThe callback to use when the async call completes.
userDataThe user data that is passed to the callback.
An object which must be passed to the EndWrite method.
IAsyncResult UnifiedAutomation.UaClient.Session.BeginWrite ( IList< WriteValue nodesToWrite,
AsyncCallback  callback,
Object  userData 

Writes attributes asynchronously to a OPC UA server.

This is an overloaded function. See BeginWrite for more details.

List<ReferenceDescription> UnifiedAutomation.UaClient.Session.Browse ( NodeId  nodeToBrowse,
BrowseContext  browseContext,
RequestSettings  settings,
out byte[]  continuationPoint 

Browse the OPC UA server’s address space with a single starting node.

The Browse Service is used by a client to navigate through the Address Space by passing a starting Node and browse filters. The server returns the list of referenced nodes matching the filter criteria.

The Browse Service takes a list of starting Nodes and returns a list of connected Nodes for each starting Node. Nevertheless, most clients will only pass one starting Node for the main purpose of building a tree hierarchy. Since the OPC UA Address Space can be a full-meshed network and is not limited to a pure hierarchy, the capability to pass in a list of starting Nodes is mainly used to browse metadata like the Properties of a list of Variables. The client SDK provides different browse methods, one for a single starting Node and one for a list of starting Nodes.

This simplified browse method is used for a single starting node.

nodeToBrowseNodeId of the starting Node.
browseContextFilter settings for the browse call. See BrowseContext for more details.
settingsThe general settings for the request. If null, the default settings from the property DefaultRequestSettings are used.
continuationPointA continuation point that can be passed to browseNext to get the remaining results.
A continuation point is returned when the server was not able to deliver all results in the Browse response. The limitation can be set by the client in the request or by the server during Browse processing.
List of references and target Node information for the Nodes passing the filter criteria set in the request.
List<ReferenceDescription> UnifiedAutomation.UaClient.Session.Browse ( NodeId  nodeToBrowse,
BrowseContext  browseContext,
out byte[]  continuationPoint 

Browse the OPC UA server’s address space with a single starting node.

This is an overloaded function. See Browse for more details.

nodeToBrowseNodeId of the starting node.
browseContextFilter settings for the browse call. See BrowseContext for more details.
continuationPointA continuation point that can be passed to browseNext to get the remaining results.
A continuation point is returned when the server was not able to deliver all results in the Browse response. The limitation can be set by the client in the request or by the server during Browse processing.
List of references and target Node information for the Nodes passing the filter criteria set in the request.
List<ReferenceDescription> UnifiedAutomation.UaClient.Session.Browse ( NodeId  nodeToBrowse,
out byte[]  continuationPoint 

Browse the OPC UA server’s address space with a single starting node.

This is an overloaded function. See Browse for more details.

nodeToBrowseNodeId of the starting node.
continuationPointA continuation point that can be passed to browseNext to get the remaining results.
A continuation point is returned when the server was not able to deliver all results in the Browse response. The limitation can be set by the client in the request or by the server during Browse processing.
List of references and target Node information. This method returns only forward hierarchial references.
List<List<ReferenceDescription> > UnifiedAutomation.UaClient.Session.BrowseList ( List< BrowseDescription nodesToBrowse)

Browse the OPC UA server’s address space with a list of starting nodes.

The Browse Service is used by a client to navigate through the Address Space by passing a starting Node and browse filters. The server returns the list of referenced nodes matching the filter criteria.

The Browse Service takes a list of starting Nodes and returns a list of connected Nodes for each starting Node. Nevertheless, most clients will only pass one starting Node for the main purpose of building a tree hierarchy. Since the OPC UA Address Space can be a full-meshed network and is not limited to a pure hierarchy, the capability to pass in a list of starting Nodes is mainly used to browse metadata like the Properties of a list of Variables. The client SDK provides different browse methods, one for a single starting Node and one for a list of starting Nodes.

This browse method is used for a list of starting nodes.

nodesToBrowseList of browse descriptions for each starting node.
List of references and target Node information for the Nodes passing the filter criteria set in the request.
List<List<ReferenceDescription> > UnifiedAutomation.UaClient.Session.BrowseList ( ViewDescription  view,
List< BrowseDescription nodesToBrowse,
uint  maxReferencesPerBrowse,
RequestSettings  settings 

Browse the OPC UA server’s address space with a list of starting nodes.

This is an overloaded function. See BrowseList for more details.

viewView used for the browse.
nodesToBrowseList of browse descriptions for each starting node.
maxReferencesPerBrowseThe maximum number of references per browse.
settingsThe general settings for the request. If null, the default settings from the property DefaultRequestSettings are used.
List of references and target Node information for the Nodes passing the filter criteria set in the request.
List<ReferenceDescription> UnifiedAutomation.UaClient.Session.BrowseNext ( ref byte[]  continuationPoint)

Continues a previous Browse request.

This method is only used to continue a browse started with the browse method if not all results could be returned by the browse or a following browseNext call. The number of Nodes to return can be limited by the client in the browse request or by the Server during processing the Browse Service call. continuationPoint is overwritten to indicate whether there are still results remaining which haven’t been returned yet. This continuationPoint can be passed to another BrowseNext call.

continuationPointContinuation points returned from a previous browse or browseNext call.
List of references and target Node information for the Nodes passing the filter criteria set in the request.
List<ReferenceDescription> UnifiedAutomation.UaClient.Session.BrowseNext ( RequestSettings  settings,
ref byte[]  continuationPoint 

Continues a previous Browse request.

This is an overloaded function. See BrowseNext for more details.

settingsThe general settings for the request. If null, the default settings from the property DefaultRequestSettings are used.
continuationPointContinuation points returned from a previous browse or browseNext call. A continuation point is returned when the server was not able to deliver all results in the BrowseNext response.
List of references and target Node information for the Nodes passing the filter criteria set in the first browse call
List<Variant> UnifiedAutomation.UaClient.Session.Call ( NodeId  objectToCall,
NodeId  methodToCall 

Calls a method provided by an Object on the OPC server.

objectToCallThe object providing the method.
methodToCallThe method to call.
List of output arguments for the method.
StatusCode UnifiedAutomation.UaClient.Session.Call ( NodeId  objectToCall,
NodeId  methodToCall,
List< Variant inputArguments,
out List< StatusCode inputArgumentErrors,
out List< Variant outputArguments 

Calls a method provided by an Object on the OPC server.

objectToCallThe object providing the method.
methodToCallThe method to call.
inputArgumentsList of input arguments for the method call.
inputArgumentErrorsThe input argument errors.
outputArgumentsList of output arguments of the method.
StatusCode UnifiedAutomation.UaClient.Session.Call ( NodeId  objectToCall,
NodeId  methodToCall,
List< Variant inputArguments,
RequestSettings  settings,
out List< StatusCode inputArgumentErrors,
out List< Variant outputArguments 

Calls a method provided by an Object on the OPC UA server.

objectToCallThe object providing the method.
methodToCallThe method to call.
inputArgumentsList of input arguments for the method call.
settingsThe general settings for the request. If null, the default settings from the property DefaultRequestSettings are used.
inputArgumentErrorsThe input argument errors.
outputArgumentsList of output arguments of the method.
List<CallMethodResult> UnifiedAutomation.UaClient.Session.CallList ( IList< CallMethodRequest methodsToCall,
RequestSettings  settings 

Calls a list of methods provided by an Object on the OPC server.

methodsToCallList of methods to call, containing ObjectId, MethodId, and InputArguments for each method.
settingsThe general settings for the request. If null, the default settings from the property DefaultRequestSettings are used.
A List of method call results including information whether the method call succeed and the output arguments for the method call.
uint UnifiedAutomation.UaClient.Session.Cancel ( uint  requestHandle,
RequestSettings  settings 

Cancels outstanding service requests on the OPC UA server.

requestHandleRequest handle used for the outstanding service requests to cancel.
settingsThe general settings for the request. If null, the default settings from the property DefaultRequestSettings are used.
The number of requests that were cancelled.

Using this service requires that the caller explicitly specifies a RequestId in the RequestSettings for each request that it thinks it might like to cancel. To avoid conflicts with the SDK the request ID should be be less than 1,000,000.

void UnifiedAutomation.UaClient.Session.ChangeUser ( )

Change user for the connection to the OPC UA server.

Calling this function changes the user of the session by calling ActivateSession with the new user identity.

void UnifiedAutomation.UaClient.Session.ChangeUser ( UserIdentity  userIdentity)

Change user for the connection to the OPC UA server.

Calling this function changes the user of the session by calling ActivateSession with the new user identity.

userIdentityThe user identity.
void UnifiedAutomation.UaClient.Session.ChangeUser ( UserIdentity  userIdentity,
RequestSettings  settings 

Change user for the connection to the OPC UA server.

Calling this function changes the user of the session by calling ActivateSession with the new user identity.

userIdentityThe user identity.
settingsThe general settings for the request. If null, the default settings from the property DefaultRequestSettings are used.
void UnifiedAutomation.UaClient.Session.CheckSessionState ( State  state)

Checks the state of the session.

stateThe state.
void UnifiedAutomation.UaClient.Session.Connect ( string  discoveryUrl,
SecuritySelection  securitySelection 

Establish a connection to the OPC UA server.

Calling this function creates a secure channel to the discovery url and calls GetEndpoints. Depending on the securitySelection a server endpoint is chosen. Then the function creates a secure channel to the server endpoint and it creates and activates a session in the server application.

The SDK is managing the connection to the server by

  • Monitoring the status of the session with read calls to the server status variable. The frequency of the read calls can be controlled with the property WatchdogCycleTime
  • Reconnect on TCP/IP or SecureChannel level if the connection was lost
  • Recreation of the session if the session timed out or the server was restarted
  • The callback ConnectionStatusUpdate provides information about the current status of the session

Following EventHandlers can be called by this method:

  • ApplicationInstace.UntrustedCertificate
  • ConnectionStatusUpdate
  • UpdateEndpoint
  • InsecureCredentials

The EventHandlers may be called by other threads than the main thread. If an EventHander will be synchronized to the gui thread with InvokeRequired and Invoke, the method call could block. In these cases you should use the asynchronous API.

discoveryUrlThe URL of the server endpoint to connect to.
Standard UA TCP address is: opc.tcp://networknode:4840
securitySelectionThe requested security level. The option None disables security. The option BestAvailable selects the highest security level suported by the server.
void UnifiedAutomation.UaClient.Session.Connect ( string  discoveryUrl,
SecuritySelection  securitySelection,
RequestSettings  settings 

Establish a connection to the OPC UA server.

This is an overloaded function. See Connect for more details.

discoveryUrlThe URL of the server endpoint to connect to.
Standard UA TCP address is: opc.tcp://networknode:4840
Following EventHandlers can be called by this method:
  • ApplicationInstace.UntrustedCertificate
  • ConnectionStatusUpdate
  • UpdateEndpoint
  • InsecureCredentials

The EventHandlers may be called by other threads than the main thread. If an EventHander will be synchronized to the gui thread with InvokeRequired and Invoke, the method call could block. In these cases you should use the asynchronous API.

securitySelectionThe requested security level. The option None disables security. The option BestAvailable selects the highest security level suported by the server.
settingsThe general settings for the request. If null, the default settings from the property DefaultRequestSettings are used.
void UnifiedAutomation.UaClient.Session.Connect ( string  discoveryUrl,
SecuritySelection  securitySelection,
string  transportProfileUri,
RetryInitialConnect  retryInitialConnect,
RequestSettings  settings 

Establish a connection to the OPC UA server.

This is an overloaded function. See Connect for more details.

discoveryUrlThe URL of the server endpoint to connect to.
Standard UA TCP address is: opc.tcp://networknode:4840
securitySelectionThe requested security level. The option None disables security. The option BestAvailable selects the highest security level suported by the server.
transportProfileUriThe transport profile URI to use (if null the default for the URL scheme is used).
retryInitialConnectWhether to retry a failed connect in the background.
settingsThe general settings for the request. If null, the default settings from the property DefaultRequestSettings are used.
void UnifiedAutomation.UaClient.Session.Connect ( EndpointDescription  endpoint,
RequestSettings  settings 

Establish a connection to the OPC UA server.

Connects to the specified endpoint provided by a server or stored in configuration. The available endpoints can be requested through Discovery.GetEndpoints.

endpointThe full definition of an OPC UA server endpoint.
settingsThe general settings for the request. If null, the default settings from the property DefaultRequestSettings are used.
void UnifiedAutomation.UaClient.Session.Connect ( EndpointDescription  endpoint,
RetryInitialConnect  retryInitialConnect,
RequestSettings  settings 

Establish a connection to the OPC UA server.

Connects to the specified endpoint provided by a server or stored in configuration. The available endpoints can be requested through Discovery.GetEndpoints.

endpointThe full definition of an OPC UA server endpoint.
retryInitialConnectWhether to retry a failed connect in the background.
settingsThe general settings for the request. If null, the default settings from the property DefaultRequestSettings are used.
virtual bool UnifiedAutomation.UaClient.Session.CreateNewSessionOnException ( StatusException  se)

Specifies if a new session shall be created if an exception is thrown.

Is called if an StatusException is thrown on ActivateSession in the reconnect cycle.

seThe caught exception.
true if a new session shall be created. false if ActivateSession should be called again.
List<StatusCode> UnifiedAutomation.UaClient.Session.DeleteNodes ( IList< DeleteNodesItem nodesToDelete,
RequestSettings  settings 

Deletes nodes from the OPC UA server’s address space.

nodesToDeleteList of nodes to delete.
settingsThe general settings for the request. If null, the default settings from the property DefaultRequestSettings are used.
List of status codes that indicate whether deleting a node succeeded.
List<StatusCode> UnifiedAutomation.UaClient.Session.DeleteReferences ( IList< DeleteReferencesItem referencesToDelete,
RequestSettings  settings 

Deletes references from the OPC UA server’s address space.

referencesToDeleteList of references to delete.
settingsThe general settings for the request. If null, the default settings from the property DefaultRequestSettings are used.
A List of status codes that indicate whether deleting a reference succeeded.
void UnifiedAutomation.UaClient.Session.Disconnect ( )

Disconnect client application from OPC UA server.

Calling this function closes the session and the secure channel connection to the server. The subscriptions assigned to the session are also deleted.

void UnifiedAutomation.UaClient.Session.Disconnect ( SubscriptionCleanupPolicy  cleanupPolicy)

Disconnect client application from OPC UA server.

Calling this function closes the session and the secure channel connection to the server. The subscriptions assigned to the session are also deleted if the cleanupPolicy is set to Delete.

cleanupPolicyThe cleanup policy for the subscription. The option Delete removes the subscription together with the session. The subscriptions are not deleted when option Keep is used.
void UnifiedAutomation.UaClient.Session.Disconnect ( SubscriptionCleanupPolicy  cleanupPolicy,
RequestSettings  settings 

Disconnect client application from OPC UA server.

Calling this function closes the session and the secure channel connection to the server. The subscriptions assigned to the session are also deleted if the cleanupPolicy is set to Delete.

cleanupPolicyThe cleanup policy for the subscription. The option Delete removes the subscription together with the session. The subscriptions are not deleted when option Keep is used.
settingsThe general settings for the request. If null, the default settings from the property DefaultRequestSettings are used.
void UnifiedAutomation.UaClient.Session.Dispose ( )

Performs application-defined tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting unmanaged resources.

List<AddNodesResult> UnifiedAutomation.UaClient.Session.EndAddNodes ( IAsyncResult  result)

Completes an asynchronous add nodes operation.

resultThe object returned from the BeginAddNodes method.
A list of results that indicate whether adding a node succeeded.
List<StatusCode> UnifiedAutomation.UaClient.Session.EndAddReferences ( IAsyncResult  result)

Ends and asynchronous add references operation.

resultThe object returned from the BeginAddReferences method.
List of StatusCodes that indicate whether adding a reference succeeded.
List<ReferenceDescription> UnifiedAutomation.UaClient.Session.EndBrowse ( IAsyncResult  result,
out byte[]  continuationPoint 

Completes an ansynchronous browse operation.

resultThe object returned from the BeginBrowse method.
continuationPointA continuation point that can be passed to browseNext to get the remaining results.
A continuation point is returned when the server was not able to deliver all results in the Browse response. The limitation can be set by the client in the request or by the server during Browse processing.
List of references and target Node information for the Nodes passing the filter criteria set in the request.
List<List<ReferenceDescription> > UnifiedAutomation.UaClient.Session.EndBrowseList ( IAsyncResult  result)

Completes an ansynchronous browse list operation.

resultThe object returned from the BeginBrowseList method.
List of references and target Node information for the Nodes passing the filter criteria set in the request.
List<Variant> UnifiedAutomation.UaClient.Session.EndCall ( IAsyncResult  result)

Completes an asynchronous Call operation.

resultThe object returned from the BeginCall method.
StatusCode UnifiedAutomation.UaClient.Session.EndCall ( IAsyncResult  result,
out List< StatusCode inputArgumentErrors,
out List< Variant outputArguments 

Completes an asynchronous Call operation.

resultThe object returned from the BeginCall method.
inputArgumentErrorsThe input argument errors.
outputArgumentsList of output arguments of the method.
List<CallMethodResult> UnifiedAutomation.UaClient.Session.EndCallList ( IAsyncResult  result)

Completes an asynchronous request to call a list of methods.

resultThe object returned from the BeginCallList method.
A List of method call results including information whether the method call succeed and the output arguments for the method call.
uint UnifiedAutomation.UaClient.Session.EndCancel ( IAsyncResult  result)

Completes a cancel operation.

resultThe object returned from the BeginCancel method.
The number of requests that were cancelled.
void UnifiedAutomation.UaClient.Session.EndChangeUser ( IAsyncResult  result)

Completes an asynchronous change user request.

resultThe result returned from BeginChangeUser method
void UnifiedAutomation.UaClient.Session.EndConnect ( IAsyncResult  result)

Completes an asynchronous connect operation.

resultThe object returned from the BeginConnect method.
List<StatusCode> UnifiedAutomation.UaClient.Session.EndDeleteNodes ( IAsyncResult  result)

Completes an asynchronous delete nodes operation.

resultThe object returned from the BeginDeleteNodes method.
List of status codes that indicate whether deleting a node succeeded.
List<StatusCode> UnifiedAutomation.UaClient.Session.EndDeleteReferences ( IAsyncResult  result)

Completes an asynchronous delete references operation.

resultThe object returned from the BeginDeleteReferences method.
A List of status codes that indicate whether deleting a reference succeeded.
void UnifiedAutomation.UaClient.Session.EndDisconnect ( IAsyncResult  result)

Completes an asynchronous disconnect operation.

resultThe object returned from the BeginDisconnect method.
List<HistoryDataUpdateResult> UnifiedAutomation.UaClient.Session.EndHistoryDeleteAtTime ( IAsyncResult  result)

Ends an operation to delete the history for a list of variables.

resultThe object returned from the BeginHistoryDeleteAtTime method.
The results for the delete operation.
List<HistoryEventUpdateResult> UnifiedAutomation.UaClient.Session.EndHistoryDeleteEvent ( IAsyncResult  result)

Ends an operation to delete the history for a list of variables.

resultThe object returned from the BeginHistoryDeleteEvent method.
The results for the delete operation.
List<HistoryDataUpdateResult> UnifiedAutomation.UaClient.Session.EndHistoryDeleteRaw ( IAsyncResult  result)

Ends an operation to delete the history for a list of variables.

resultThe object returned from the BeginHistoryDeleteRaw method.
The results for the delete operation.
List<HistoryDataReadResult> UnifiedAutomation.UaClient.Session.EndHistoryReadAtTime ( IAsyncResult  result)

Completes an asynchronous HistoryReadAtTime operation.

resultThe object returned from the BeginHistoryReadAtTime method.
Result data for the requested nodes and time stamps.
List<HistoryEventReadResult> UnifiedAutomation.UaClient.Session.EndHistoryReadEvent ( IAsyncResult  result)

Ends an operation to read the event history for a list of notifiers.

resultThe object returned from the BeginHistoryReadEvent method.
The event history for each notifier.
List<HistoryDataReadResult> UnifiedAutomation.UaClient.Session.EndHistoryReadModified ( IAsyncResult  result)

Completes an asynchronous HistoryReadModified operation.

resultThe object returned from the BeginHistoryReadModified method.
Result data for the requested nodes and time interval. A continuation point is included for a node if not all results could be returned.
List<HistoryDataReadResult> UnifiedAutomation.UaClient.Session.EndHistoryReadProcessed ( IAsyncResult  result)

Completes an asynchronous HistoryReadProcessed operation.

resultThe object returned from the BeginHistoryReadProcessed method.
Result data for the requested nodes, time domain and aggregates. A continuation point is included for a node if not all results could be returned or processed before the timeout expired.
List<HistoryDataReadResult> UnifiedAutomation.UaClient.Session.EndHistoryReadRaw ( IAsyncResult  result)

Completes an asynchronous HistoryReadRaw operation.

resultThe object returned from the BeginHistoryReadRaw method.
Result data for the requested nodes and time interval. A continuation point is included for a node if not all results could be returned.
List<HistoryDataUpdateResult> UnifiedAutomation.UaClient.Session.EndHistoryUpdateData ( IAsyncResult  result)

Ends an operation to update the history for a list of variables.

resultThe object returned from the BeginHistoryUpdateData method.
The results for the update operation.
List<HistoryEventUpdateResult> UnifiedAutomation.UaClient.Session.EndHistoryUpdateEvent ( IAsyncResult  result)

Ends an operation to update the history for a list of event notifier objects.

resultThe object returned from the BeginHistoryUpdateEvent method.
The results for the update operation.
List<HistoryDataUpdateResult> UnifiedAutomation.UaClient.Session.EndHistoryUpdateStructureData ( IAsyncResult  result)

Ends an operation to update the history for a list of structured metadata variables.

resultThe object returned from the BeginHistoryUpdateStructureData method.
The results for the update operation.
List<TransferResult> UnifiedAutomation.UaClient.Session.EndInternalTransferSubscriptions ( IAsyncResult  result)

Completes an asynchronous transfer subscriptions operation.

resultThe object returned from the BeginInternalTransferSubscriptions method.
A list of results that indicate whether the transfer succeeded.
List<QueryDataSet> UnifiedAutomation.UaClient.Session.EndQuery ( IAsyncResult  result,
out byte[]  continuationPoint,
out QueryValidationResult  validationResult 

Completes an ansynchronous query operation.

List<QueryDataSet> UnifiedAutomation.UaClient.Session.EndQueryNext ( IAsyncResult  result,
out byte[]  revisedContinuationPoint 

Completes an ansynchronous query operation.

List<DataValue> UnifiedAutomation.UaClient.Session.EndRead ( IAsyncResult  result)

Completes an asynchronous read operation.

resultThe object returned from the BeginRead method.
List of read results.
List<NodeId> UnifiedAutomation.UaClient.Session.EndRegisterNodes ( IAsyncResult  result)

Ends an asynchronous register nodes operation.

resultThe object returned from the BeginRegisterNodes method.
A List of NodeIds that can be used for cyclic access to the nodes.
void UnifiedAutomation.UaClient.Session.EndReleaseBrowseContinuationPoint ( IAsyncResult  result)

Ends an asynchronous release browse continuation point operation.

resultThe object returned from the BeginReleaseBrowseContinuationPoint method.
List<HistoryDataReadResult> UnifiedAutomation.UaClient.Session.EndReleaseHistoryContinuationPoints ( IAsyncResult  result)

Ends an asynchronous release history continuation point operation.

resultThe object returned from the BeginReleaseHistoryContinuationPoints method.
void UnifiedAutomation.UaClient.Session.EndReverseConnect ( IAsyncResult  result)

Completes an asynchronous reverse connect operation.

resultThe object returned from the BeginConnect method.
List<TransferFromSessionResult> UnifiedAutomation.UaClient.Session.EndTransferFromSession ( IAsyncResult  result)

Completes an operation to transfers all subscriptions from a disconnected session.

resultThe user data that is passed to the callback.
A list of subscriptions that were taken from the source session and the result of transfer operation for each.
StatusCode UnifiedAutomation.UaClient.Session.EndTransferSingleSubscription ( IAsyncResult  result)

Completes an asynchronous transfer single subscription operation.

resultThe object returned from the BeginTransferSingleSubscription method.
A result that indicates whether the transfer succeeded.
List<StatusCode> UnifiedAutomation.UaClient.Session.EndTransferSubscriptions ( IAsyncResult  result)

Completes an asynchronous transfer subscriptions operation.

resultThe object returned from the UnifiedAutomation.UaClient.Session.BeginTransferSubscriptions method.
A list of results that indicate whether the transfer succeeded.
List<BrowsePathResult> UnifiedAutomation.UaClient.Session.EndTranslateBrowsePath ( IAsyncResult  result)

Ends an asynchronous translate browse path operation.

resultThe object returned from the BeginTranslateBrowsePath method.
A list of BrowsePathResults containing information about the success of the TranslateBrowsePathsToNodeIds call and the targets of this call.
void UnifiedAutomation.UaClient.Session.EndUnregisterNodes ( IAsyncResult  result)

Ends an asynchronous unregister nodes operation.

resultThe object returned from the BeginUnregisterNodes method.
List<StatusCode> UnifiedAutomation.UaClient.Session.EndWrite ( IAsyncResult  result)

Ends an asynchronous write operation.

resultThe result returned from BeginWrite method.
A list of StatusCodes that indicates for each node whether the write operation has been successful.
RequestHeader UnifiedAutomation.UaClient.Session.GetRequestHeader ( RequestSettings  settings)

Gets the request header.

settingsThe general settings for the request. If null, the default settings from the property DefaultRequestSettings are used.
The request header.
List<HistoryDataUpdateResult> UnifiedAutomation.UaClient.Session.HistoryDeleteAtTime ( IList< DeleteAtTimeDetails nodesToDelete)

Deletes the history for a list of variables for the passed timestamps.

nodesToDeleteThe variables with history to delete, including the timestamps for the data to be deleted.
The results for the delete operation.
List<HistoryDataUpdateResult> UnifiedAutomation.UaClient.Session.HistoryDeleteAtTime ( IList< DeleteAtTimeDetails nodesToDelete,
RequestSettings  settings 

Deletes the history for a list of variables for the passed timestamps.

nodesToDeleteThe variables with history to delete, including the timestamps for the data to be deleted.
settingsThe general settings for the request. If null, the default settings from the property DefaultRequestSettings are used.
The results for the delete operation.
List<HistoryEventUpdateResult> UnifiedAutomation.UaClient.Session.HistoryDeleteEvent ( IList< DeleteEventDetails nodesToUpdate)

Deletes the event history for a list of event notifier objects.

nodesToUpdateList of event notifier objects and Ids of events to delete.
The results for the delete operation.
List<HistoryEventUpdateResult> UnifiedAutomation.UaClient.Session.HistoryDeleteEvent ( IList< DeleteEventDetails nodesToUpdate,
RequestSettings  settings 

Deletes the event history for a list of event notifier objects.

nodesToUpdateList of event notifier objects and Ids of events to delete.
settingsThe general settings for the request. If null, the default settings from the property DefaultRequestSettings are used.
The results for the delete operation.
List<HistoryDataUpdateResult> UnifiedAutomation.UaClient.Session.HistoryDeleteRaw ( IList< DeleteRawModifiedDetails nodesToDelete)

Deletes the history for a list of variables in the passed time domain.

nodesToDeleteThe variables with history to delete, including the time domain for the data to be deleted.
The results for the delete operation.
List<HistoryDataUpdateResult> UnifiedAutomation.UaClient.Session.HistoryDeleteRaw ( IList< DeleteRawModifiedDetails nodesToDelete,
RequestSettings  settings 

Deletes the history for a list of variables in the passed time domain.

nodesToDeleteThe variables with history to delete, including the time domain for the data to be deleted.
settingsThe general settings for the request. If null, the default settings from the property DefaultRequestSettings are used.
The results for the delete operation.
List<HistoryDataReadResult> UnifiedAutomation.UaClient.Session.HistoryReadAtTime ( IList< HistoryReadValueId nodesToRead,
ReadAtTimeDetails  details 

Reads the history of item values synchronously from the OPC server for the given timestamps.

nodesToReadList of variable nodes to read data values at specified timestamps from.
detailsConfiguration parameters for the history read of data at specified timestamps. Configuration parameters include
  • Array of timestamps for which values are to be read
  • Flag for bounding value calculation
Result data for the requested nodes and time stamps.
List<HistoryDataReadResult> UnifiedAutomation.UaClient.Session.HistoryReadAtTime ( IList< HistoryReadValueId nodesToRead,
ReadAtTimeDetails  details,
TimestampsToReturn  timestampsToReturn,
RequestSettings  settings 

Reads the history of item values synchronously from the OPC server for the given timestamps.

nodesToReadList of variable nodes to read data values at specified timestamps from.
detailsConfiguration parameters for the history read of data at specified timestamps. Configuration parameters include
  • Array of timestamps for which values are to be read
  • Flag for bounding value calculation
timestampsToReturnEnumeration for the timestamps to return with the values. Possible values are source, server or both. The option neither is invalid for history read.
settingsThe general settings for the request. If null, the default settings from the property DefaultRequestSettings are used.
Result data for the requested nodes and time stamps.
List<HistoryEventReadResult> UnifiedAutomation.UaClient.Session.HistoryReadEvent ( IList< HistoryReadValueId nodesToRead,
ReadEventDetails  details 

Reads the event history for a list of event notifier objects synchronously from an OPC server.

nodesToReadList of event notifier object nodes to read event history from. Includes a continuation point to continue previous read requests.
detailsConfiguration parameters for the history read of events. Configuration parameters include,
  • the start time of the requested time domain,
  • the end time of the requested time domain,
  • the event filter,
  • a limitation of the number of results per node.
The event history for each notifier.
List<HistoryEventReadResult> UnifiedAutomation.UaClient.Session.HistoryReadEvent ( IList< HistoryReadValueId nodesToRead,
ReadEventDetails  details,
RequestSettings  settings 

Reads the event history for a list of event notifier objects synchronously from an OPC server.

nodesToReadList of event notifier object nodes to read event history from. Includes a continuation point to continue previous read requests.
detailsConfiguration parameters for the history read of events. Configuration parameters include
  • the start time of the requested time domain,
  • the end time of the requested time domain,
  • the event filter,
  • a limitation of the number of results per node.
settingsThe general settings for the request. If null, the default settings from the property DefaultRequestSettings are used.
The event history for each notifier.
List<HistoryDataReadResult> UnifiedAutomation.UaClient.Session.HistoryReadModified ( IList< HistoryReadValueId nodesToRead,
ReadRawModifiedDetails  details 

Reads the history of modified variable values synchronously from the OPC server.

This method is used to read modified historical values of one or more nodes in an ordered sequence for the defined time domain. Continuation points are used to continue the read of the ordered sequence if not all data can be returned in one read. The returned number can be limited by the client or the server.

See ReleaseHistoryContinuationPoints for cleaning up resources in the server if read should not be continued with the returned continuation point.

nodesToReadList of variable nodes to read modified data history from. Includes a continuation point to continue previous read requests.
detailsConfiguration parameters for the history read of modified data. Configuration parameters include
  • The start time of the requested time interval
  • The end time of the requested time interval
  • Setting whether bounding values should be returned
  • Limitation of the number of results per node
Result data for the requested nodes and time interval. A continuation point is included for a node if not all results could be returned.
List<HistoryDataReadResult> UnifiedAutomation.UaClient.Session.HistoryReadModified ( IList< HistoryReadValueId nodesToRead,
ReadRawModifiedDetails  details,
TimestampsToReturn  timestampsToReturn,
RequestSettings  settings 

Reads the history of modified variable values synchronously from the OPC server.

This method is used to read modified historical values of one or more nodes in an ordered sequence for the defined time domain. Continuation points are used to continue the read of the ordered sequence if not all data can be returned in one read. The returned number can be limited by the client or the server.

See ReleaseHistoryContinuationPoints for cleaning up resources in the server if read should not be continued with the returned continuation point.

nodesToReadList of variable nodes to read modified data history from. Includes a continuation point to continue previous read requests.
detailsConfiguration parameters for the history read of modified data. Configuration parameters include
  • The start time of the requested time interval
  • The end time of the requested time interval
  • Setting whether bounding values should be returned
  • Limitation of the number of results per node
timestampsToReturnEnumeration for the timestamps to return with the values. Possible values are source, server or both. The option neither is invalid for history read.
settingsThe general settings for the request. If null, the default settings from the property DefaultRequestSettings are used.
Result data for the requested nodes and time interval. A continuation point is included for a node if not all results could be returned.
List<HistoryDataReadResult> UnifiedAutomation.UaClient.Session.HistoryReadProcessed ( IList< HistoryReadValueId nodesToRead,
ReadProcessedDetails  details 

Reads the processed history of variable values synchronously from the OPC server based on a passed aggregate.

This method is used to read processed historical values of one or more nodes in an ordered sequence for the defined time domain. Continuation points are used to continue the read of the ordered sequence if not all data can be returned in one read or if the server was not able to finish the processing before the timeout expired. The returned number can be limited by the server and may be 0 if the server was not able to finish one calculation before the service timeout expired.

See ReleaseHistoryContinuationPoints for cleaning up resources in the server if read should not be continued with the returned continuation point.

The processed values are calculated with the specified aggregate based on the raw data in the history database. The server must use start time, end time, and the resample interval to generate a sequence of time intervals and then calculate an aggregate for each interval.

nodesToReadList of variable nodes to read processed data history from. Includes a continuation point to continue previous read requests.
detailsConfiguration parameters for the history read of processed data. Configuration parameters include
  • The start time of the requested time domain
  • The end time of the requested time domain
  • Time processing interval used to calculate one aggregated value from the raw values
  • The NodeId of the aggregate used for the calculation of the values
Result data for the requested nodes, time domain and aggregates. A continuation point is included for a node if not all results could be returned or processed before the timeout expired.
List<HistoryDataReadResult> UnifiedAutomation.UaClient.Session.HistoryReadProcessed ( IList< HistoryReadValueId nodesToRead,
ReadProcessedDetails  details,
TimestampsToReturn  timestampsToReturn,
RequestSettings  settings 

Reads the processed history of variable values synchronously from the OPC server based on a passed aggregate.

This method is used to read processed historical values of one or more nodes in an ordered sequence for the defined time domain. Continuation points are used to continue the read of the ordered sequence if not all data can be returned in one read or if the server was not able to finish the processing before the timeout expired. The returned number can be limited by the server and may be 0 if the server was not able to finish one calculation before the service timeout expired.

See ReleaseHistoryContinuationPoints for cleaning up resources in the server if read should not be continued with the returned continuation point.

The processed values are calculated with the specified aggregate based on the raw data in the history database. The server must use start time, end time, and the resample interval to generate a sequence of time intervals and then calculate an aggregate for each interval.

nodesToReadList of variable nodes to read processed data history from. Includes a continuation point to continue previous read requests.
detailsConfiguration parameters for the history read of processed data. Configuration parameters include
  • The start time of the requested time domain
  • The end time of the requested time domain
  • Time processing interval used to calculate one aggregated value from the raw values
  • The NodeId of the aggregate used for the calculation of the values
timestampsToReturnEnumeration for the timestamps to return with the values. Possible values are source, server or both. The option neither is invalid for history read.
settingsThe general settings for the request. If null, the default settings from the property DefaultRequestSettings are used.
Result data for the requested nodes, time domain and aggregates. A continuation point is included for a node if not all results could be returned or processed before the timeout expired.
List<HistoryDataReadResult> UnifiedAutomation.UaClient.Session.HistoryReadRaw ( IList< HistoryReadValueId nodesToRead,
ReadRawModifiedDetails  details 

Reads the history of variable values synchronously from OPC server.

This method is used to read raw historical values of one or more nodes in an ordered sequence for the defined time domain. Continuation points are used to continue the read of the ordered sequence if not all data can be returned in one read. The returned number can be limited by the client or the server. See ReleaseHistoryContinuationPoints for cleaning up resources in the server if read should not be continued with the returned continuation point.

nodesToReadList of variable nodes to read data history from. Includes a continuation point to continue previous read requests.
detailsConfiguration parameters for the history read of raw data. Configuration parameters include
  • The start time of the requested time interval
  • The end time of the requested time interval
  • Setting whether bounding values should be returned
  • Limitation of the number of results per node
Result data for the requested nodes and time interval. A continuation point is included for a node if not all results could be returned.
List<HistoryDataReadResult> UnifiedAutomation.UaClient.Session.HistoryReadRaw ( IList< HistoryReadValueId nodesToRead,
ReadRawModifiedDetails  details,
TimestampsToReturn  timestampsToReturn,
RequestSettings  settings 

Reads the history of variable values synchronously from OPC server.

This method is used to read raw historical values of one or more nodes in an ordered sequence for the defined time domain. Continuation points are used to continue the read of the ordered sequence if not all data can be returned in one read. The returned number can be limited by the client or the server. See ReleaseHistoryContinuationPoints for cleaning up resources in the server if read should not be continued with the returned continuation point.

nodesToReadList of variable nodes to read data history from. Includes a continuation point to continue previous read requests.
detailsConfiguration parameters for the history read of raw data. Configuration parameters include
  • The start time of the requested time interval
  • The end time of the requested time interval
  • Setting whether bounding values should be returned
  • Limitation of the number of results per node
timestampsToReturnEnumeration for the timestamps to return with the values. Possible values are source, server or both. The option neither is invalid for history read.
settingsThe general settings for the request. If null, the default settings from the property DefaultRequestSettings are used.
Result data for the requested nodes and time interval. A continuation point is included for a node if not all results could be returned.
List<HistoryDataUpdateResult> UnifiedAutomation.UaClient.Session.HistoryUpdateData ( IList< UpdateDataDetails nodesToUpdate)

Updates the history for a list of variables.

nodesToUpdateThe list of variable nodes to update, including the data provided for the update.
The results for the update operation.
List<HistoryDataUpdateResult> UnifiedAutomation.UaClient.Session.HistoryUpdateData ( IList< UpdateDataDetails nodesToUpdate,
RequestSettings  settings 

Updates the history for a list of variables.

nodesToUpdateThe list of variable nodes to update, including the data provided for the update.
settingsThe general settings for the request. If null, the default settings from the property DefaultRequestSettings are used.
The results for the update operation.
List<HistoryEventUpdateResult> UnifiedAutomation.UaClient.Session.HistoryUpdateEvent ( IList< UpdateEventDetails nodesToUpdate)

Updates the event history for a list of event notifier objects.

nodesToUpdateList of event notifier objects to update, including the event data and update settings.
The results for the update operation.
List<HistoryEventUpdateResult> UnifiedAutomation.UaClient.Session.HistoryUpdateEvent ( IList< UpdateEventDetails nodesToUpdate,
RequestSettings  settings 

Updates the event history for a list of event notifier objects.

nodesToUpdateList of event notifier objects to update, including the event data and update settings.
settingsThe general settings for the request. If null, the default settings from the property DefaultRequestSettings are used.
The results for the update operation.
List<HistoryDataUpdateResult> UnifiedAutomation.UaClient.Session.HistoryUpdateStructureData ( IList< UpdateStructureDataDetails nodesToUpdate)

Updates the history for a list of for structured metadata variables.

nodesToUpdateThe list of variable nodes to update, including the data provided for the update.
The results for the update operation.
List<HistoryDataUpdateResult> UnifiedAutomation.UaClient.Session.HistoryUpdateStructureData ( IList< UpdateStructureDataDetails nodesToUpdate,
RequestSettings  settings 

Updates the history for a list of structured metadata variables.

nodesToUpdateThe list of variable nodes to update, including the data provided for the update.
settingsThe general settings for the request. If null, the default settings from the property DefaultRequestSettings are used.
The results for the update operation.
void UnifiedAutomation.UaClient.Session.Initialize ( )

Initializes this instance.

List<TransferResult> UnifiedAutomation.UaClient.Session.InternalTransferSubscriptions ( IList< uint >  subscriptionsToTransfer,
bool  sendInitialValues,
RequestSettings  settings 

Transfers the subscription to the session.

subscriptionsToTransferList of subscriptions to transfer.
sendInitialValuesIf true the initial values are reported for each monitored item.
settingsThe general settings for the request. If null, the default settings from the property DefaultRequestSettings are used.
A list of results that indicate whether transferring the subscriptions succeeded.
List<QueryDataSet> UnifiedAutomation.UaClient.Session.Query ( QueryContext  queryContext,
RequestSettings  settings,
out byte[]  continuationPoint,
out QueryValidationResult  validationResult 

Start a query against the server's address space.

List<QueryDataSet> UnifiedAutomation.UaClient.Session.QueryNext ( byte[]  continuationPoint,
bool  releaseContinuationPoint,
RequestSettings  settings,
out byte[]  revisedContinuationPoint 

Continues a query against the server's address space.

List<DataValue> UnifiedAutomation.UaClient.Session.Read ( IList< ReadValueId nodesToRead,
uint  maxAge,
TimestampsToReturn  timestampsToReturn,
RequestSettings  settings 

Reads attribute values synchronously from OPC server.

The Read Service is used to read one or more attributes of one or more nodes. It allows also reading subsets or single elements of array values and to define a valid age of values to be returned to reduce the need for device reads. Like most other services, the read is optimized for bulk read operations and not for reading single Attribute values. Typically, all Node Attributes are readable. For the Value Attribute, the Read rights are indicated by the AccessLevel and UserAccessLevel Attribute of the Variable.

nodesToReadList of nodes and attributes to read.
maxAgeThe maximum age of the value to be read in milliseconds.
This parameter allows clients to reduce the communication between server and data source by allowing the server to return a cached value that is not older than the defined time period. Setting a value of 0 forces the server to obtain the current value. This is similar to a device read in Classic OPC.
timestampsToReturnOPC UA defines two timestamps, the source and the server timestamp. This parameter allows the client to define which timestamps the server should return with the value.
The source timestamp is only available for Value Attributes. The source timestamp is used to reflect the timestamp that was applied to a Variable value by the data source. It should indicate the last change of the value or status code. The source timestamp must be always generated by the same physical clock. This timestamp type was added for OPC UA to cover the use case to get the timestamp of the last value change which is different than the server timestamp definition.
The server timestamp is used to reflect the time that the server received a Variable value or knew it to be accurate if the changes are reported by exception and the connection to the data source is operating. This is the behavior expected by Classic OPC
Possible values are
  • TimestampsToReturn.Source
  • TimestampsToReturn.Server
  • TimestampsToReturn.Both
settingsThe general settings for the request. If null, the default settings from the property DefaultRequestSettings are used.
List of read results.
List<DataValue> UnifiedAutomation.UaClient.Session.Read ( IList< ReadValueId nodesToRead)

Reads attribute values synchronously from OPC server.

This is an overloaded function. See Read for more details.

nodesToReadList of nodes and attributes to read.
List of read results.
List<NodeId> UnifiedAutomation.UaClient.Session.RegisterNodes ( IList< NodeId nodesToRegister,
RequestSettings  settings 

Register nodes to create shortcuts in the server.

This method allows clients to optimize the cyclic access to Nodes for example for writing variable values or for calling methods. There are two levels of optimization.

The first level is to reduce the amount of data on the wire for the addressing information. Since NodeIds are used for addressing in Nodes and NodeIds can be very long, a more optimized addressing method is desirable for cyclic use of Nodes. Classic OPC provided the concept to create handles for items by adding them to a group. RegisterNodes provides a similar concept to create handles for Nodes by returning a numeric NodeId that can be used in all functions accessing information from the server. The transport of numeric NodeIds is very efficient in the OPC UA binary protocol.

The second level of optimization is possible inside the server. Since the client is telling the server that it wants to use the Node more frequently by registering the Node, the server is able to prepare everything that is possible to optimize the access to the Node.

The handles returned by the server are only valid during the lifetime of the Session that was used to register the Nodes. Clients must call UnregisterNodes if the Node is no longer used to free the resources used in the server for the optimization. This method should not be used to optimize the cyclic read of data since OPC UA provides a much more optimized mechanism to subscribe for data changes.

Clients do not have to use the Service and servers can simply implement the Service only returning the same list of NodeIds that was passed in if there is no need to optimize the access.

nodesToRegisterList of NodeIds of the nodes to register.
settingsThe general settings for the request. If null, the default settings from the property DefaultRequestSettings are used.
A List of NodeIds that can be used for cyclic access to the nodes.
void UnifiedAutomation.UaClient.Session.ReleaseBrowseContinuationPoint ( byte[]  continuationPoint)

Releases the browse continuation point.

continuationPointThe continuation point to release.
void UnifiedAutomation.UaClient.Session.ReleaseBrowseContinuationPoint ( byte[]  continuationPoint,
RequestSettings  settings 

Releases the browse continuation point.

continuationPointThe continuation point to release.
settingsThe general settings for the request. If null, the default settings from the property DefaultRequestSettings are used.
List<HistoryDataReadResult> UnifiedAutomation.UaClient.Session.ReleaseHistoryContinuationPoints ( IList< HistoryReadValueId nodesToRead)

Releases the history continuation points.

nodesToReadThe nodes with information about the history continuation points to release.
Any errors that occurred when releasing the continuation points.

This overload only works with data returned with a call to ReadRaw.

List<HistoryDataReadResult> UnifiedAutomation.UaClient.Session.ReleaseHistoryContinuationPoints ( IList< HistoryReadValueId nodesToRead,
HistoryReadDetails  details,
RequestSettings  settings 

Releases the history continuation points.

nodesToReadThe nodes with information about the history continuation points to release.
detailsThe structure that matches the request used to originally read the data (ReadRawModifiedDetails, ReadAtTimeDetails or ReadProcessedDetails).
settingsThe general settings for the request. If null, the default settings from the property DefaultRequestSettings are used.
Any errors that occurred when releasing the continuation points.
void UnifiedAutomation.UaClient.Session.ReverseConnect ( string  discoveryUrl,
SecuritySelection  securitySelection 

Connects to the Server via a channel initiated by the server. This is needed, when the server is behind a firewall and no port can be opened.

Calling this function creates a secure channel to the discovery url after the server has sent a ReverseHello message and calls GetEndpoints. Depending on the securitySelection a server endpoint is chosen. Then the function creates a secure channel to the server endpoint and it creates and activates a session in the server application.

The SDK is managing the connection to the server by

  • Monitoring the status of the session with read calls to the server status variable. The frequency of the read calls can be controlled with the property WatchdogCycleTime
  • Reconnect on TCP/IP or SecureChannel level if the connection was lost
  • Recreation of the session if the session timed out or the server was restarted
  • The callback ConnectionStatusUpdate provides information about the current status of the session

Following EventHandlers can be called by this method:

  • ApplicationInstace.UntrustedCertificate
  • ConnectionStatusUpdate
  • UpdateEndpoint
  • InsecureCredentials

The EventHandlers may be called by other threads than the main thread. If an EventHander will be synchronized to the gui thread with InvokeRequired and Invoke, the method call could block. In these cases you should use the asynchronous API.

discoveryUrlThe URL of the server endpoint to connect to.
Standard UA TCP address is: opc.tcp://networknode:4840
securitySelectionThe requested security level. The option None disables security. The option BestAvailable selects the highest security level suported by the server.
void UnifiedAutomation.UaClient.Session.ReverseConnect ( string  discoveryUrl,
SecuritySelection  securitySelection,
RequestSettings  settings 

Connects to the Server via a channel initiated by the server. This is needed, when the server is behind a firewall and no port can be opened.

This is an overloaded function. See ReverseConnect for more details.

discoveryUrlThe URL of the server endpoint to connect to.
Standard UA TCP address is: opc.tcp://networknode:4840
Following EventHandlers can be called by this method:
  • ApplicationInstace.UntrustedCertificate
  • ConnectionStatusUpdate
  • UpdateEndpoint
  • InsecureCredentials

The EventHandlers may be called by other threads than the main thread. If an EventHander will be synchronized to the gui thread with InvokeRequired and Invoke, the method call could block. In these cases you should use the asynchronous API.

securitySelectionThe requested security level. The option None disables security. The option BestAvailable selects the highest security level suported by the server.
settingsThe general settings for the request. If null, the default settings from the property DefaultRequestSettings are used.
void UnifiedAutomation.UaClient.Session.ReverseConnect ( string  discoveryUrl,
SecuritySelection  securitySelection,
string  transportProfileUri,
RetryInitialConnect  retryInitialConnect,
RequestSettings  settings 

Connects to the Server via a channel initiated by the server. This is needed, when the server is behind a firewall and no port can be opened.

This is an overloaded function. See ReverseConnect for more details.

discoveryUrlThe URL of the server endpoint to connect to.
Standard UA TCP address is: opc.tcp://networknode:4840
securitySelectionThe requested security level. The option None disables security. The option BestAvailable selects the highest security level suported by the server.
transportProfileUriThe transport profile URI to use (if null the default for the URL scheme is used).
retryInitialConnectWhether to retry a failed connect in the background.
settingsThe general settings for the request. If null, the default settings from the property DefaultRequestSettings are used.
void UnifiedAutomation.UaClient.Session.ReverseConnect ( EndpointDescription  endpoint,
RequestSettings  settings 

Connects to the Server via a channel initiated by the server. This is needed, when the server is behind a firewall and no port can be opened.

Connects to the specified endpoint provided by a server or stored in configuration. The available endpoints can be requested through Discovery.ReverseGetEndpoints.

endpointThe full definition of an OPC UA server endpoint.
settingsThe general settings for the request. If null, the default settings from the property DefaultRequestSettings are used.
void UnifiedAutomation.UaClient.Session.ReverseConnect ( EndpointDescription  endpoint,
RetryInitialConnect  retryInitialConnect,
RequestSettings  settings 

Connects to the Server via a channel initiated by the server. This is needed, when the server is behind a firewall and no port can be opened.

Connects to the specified endpoint provided by a server or stored in configuration. The available endpoints can be requested through Discovery.ReverseGetEndpoints.

endpointThe full definition of an OPC UA server endpoint.
retryInitialConnectWhether to retry a failed connect in the background.
settingsThe general settings for the request. If null, the default settings from the property DefaultRequestSettings are used.
virtual bool UnifiedAutomation.UaClient.Session.StopReconnectOnException ( StatusException  se)

Determines if the reconnect loop stops if a StatusException ocurrs during Reactivate

seThe caught StatusException.
true if the reconnect loop shall stop.
List<TransferFromSessionResult> UnifiedAutomation.UaClient.Session.TransferFromSession ( Session  sourceSession,
bool  sendInitialValues,
RequestSettings  settings 

Transfers all subscriptions from a disconnected session.

sourceSessionThe source of the subscriptions to transfer.
sendInitialValuesWhether the initial values shoudl be sent as soon as the transfer completes.
settingsThe general settings for the request. If null, the default settings from the property DefaultRequestSettings are used.
A list of subscriptions that were taken from the source session and the result of transfer operation for each.
StatusCode UnifiedAutomation.UaClient.Session.TransferSingleSubscription ( Subscription  subscription)

Transfers a subscription to the Session.

subscriptionThe subscription that shall be transferred to the session. The Session property of the Subscription must be a reference to this Session or to a Session that is currently Disconnected.
StatusCode UnifiedAutomation.UaClient.Session.TransferSingleSubscription ( Subscription  subscription,
RequestSettings  settings 

Transfers a subscription to the Session.

subscriptionThe subscription that shall be transferred to the session. The Session property of the Subscription must be a reference to this Session or to a Session that is currently Disconnected.
settingsThe general settings for the request. If null, the default settings from the property DefaultRequestSettings are used.
List<StatusCode> UnifiedAutomation.UaClient.Session.TransferSubscriptions ( )

Transfers the Subscriptions of the Session to the Session.

This method shall only be called when a Session has been disconnected with SubscriptionCleanupPolicy.Keep and connected again.

The results of the TransferSubscriptions service call.
List<StatusCode> UnifiedAutomation.UaClient.Session.TransferSubscriptions ( List< Subscription subscriptions)

Transfers the Subscriptions to the Session.

subscriptionsThe subscriptions that shall be transferred to the session. The Session property of each Subscription must be a reference to this Session or to a Session that is currently Disconnected.
The results of the TransferSubscriptions service call.
List<StatusCode> UnifiedAutomation.UaClient.Session.TransferSubscriptions ( List< Subscription subscriptions,
RequestSettings  settings 

Transfers the Subscriptions to the Session.

subscriptionsThe subscriptions that shall be transferred to the session. The Session property of each Subscription must be a reference to this Session or to a Session that is currently Disconnected.
settingsThe general settings for the request. If null, the default settings from the property DefaultRequestSettings are used.
List<BrowsePathResult> UnifiedAutomation.UaClient.Session.TranslateBrowsePath ( IList< BrowsePath pathsToTranslate)

Translates a browse path to a NodeId.

This Service is used to access components of an Object based on the knowledge about the ObjectType. Since the NodeId of a Node is needed to access information provided by the Node like subscribing for Variable Value changes or to call a Method, it is necessary to know the NodeIds of components of Objects. Since OPC UA allows programming software components with built-in knowledge of ObjectTypes, UA needs to provide a mechanism to return the NodeIds for components of an Object instance based on the knowledge about the ObjectType. This mechanism is built on the requirement that the BrowseNames of components in the instance must be the same like BrowseNames of components in the type.

pathsToTranslateThe list of browse paths for which NodeIds are requested
A list of BrowsePathResults containing information about the success of the TranslateBrowsePathsToNodeIds call and the targets of this call.
List<BrowsePathResult> UnifiedAutomation.UaClient.Session.TranslateBrowsePath ( IList< BrowsePath pathsToTranslate,
RequestSettings  settings 

Translates a browse path to a NodeId.

This is an overloaded function. See TranslateBrowsePath for more details.

pathsToTranslateThe list of browse paths for which NodeIds are requested
settingsThe general settings for the request. If null, the default settings from the property DefaultRequestSettings are used.
A list of BrowsePathResults containing information about the success of the TranslateBrowsePathsToNodeIds call and the targets of this call.
List<BrowsePathResult> UnifiedAutomation.UaClient.Session.TranslateBrowsePath ( NodeId  startingNodeId,
IList< string >  browsePaths 

Translates a browse path to a NodeId.

This is an overloaded function. See TranslateBrowsePath for more details.

startingNodeIdThe NodeId of the starting node.
browsePathsA list of browse paths to translate.
A list of BrowsePathResults containing information about the success of the TranslateBrowsePathsToNodeIds call and the targets of this call.
List<BrowsePathResult> UnifiedAutomation.UaClient.Session.TranslateBrowsePath ( NodeId  startingNodeId,
IList< string >  browsePaths,
NamespaceTable  namespaceUris,
RequestSettings  settings 

Translates a browse path to a NodeId.

This is an overloaded function. See TranslateBrowsePath for more details.

startingNodeIdThe NodeId of the starting node.
browsePathsA list of browse paths to translate.
namespaceUrisThe table of namespaces referenced by the browse paths (if null the session namespace table is assumed).
settingsThe general settings for the request. If null, the default settings from the property DefaultRequestSettings are used.
A list of BrowsePathResults containing information about the success of the TranslateBrowsePathsToNodeIds call and the targets of this call.
void UnifiedAutomation.UaClient.Session.UnregisterNodes ( IList< NodeId nodesToUnregister,
RequestSettings  settings 

Unregister nodes to delete shortcuts in the server.

Handles created with the Service RegisterNodes must be freed by the client using the method UnregisterNodes to free the resources in the server if the registered nodes are not longer needed.

nodesToUnregisterThe nodes to unregister.
settingsThe general settings for the request. If null, the default settings from the property DefaultRequestSettings are used.
List<StatusCode> UnifiedAutomation.UaClient.Session.Write ( IList< WriteValue nodesToWrite,
RequestSettings  settings 

Writes attributes synchronously to OPC server.

The Write Service is used to write one or more attributes of one or more nodes. For the Value Attribute the Write rights are indicated by the AccessLevel and UserAccessLevel Attribute of the Variable.

nodesToWriteList of nodes and attributes to write.
settingsThe general settings for the request. If null, the default settings from the property DefaultRequestSettings are used.
A list of StatusCodes that indicate for each node whether the write operation has been successful.
List<StatusCode> UnifiedAutomation.UaClient.Session.Write ( IList< WriteValue nodesToWrite)

Writes attributes synchronously to OPC server.

The Write Service is used to write one or more attributes of one or more nodes. For the Value Attribute the Write rights are indicated by the AccessLevel and UserAccessLevel Attribute of the Variable.

nodesToWriteThe nodes to write.
A list of StatusCodes that indicate for each node whether the write operation has been successful.

Member Data Documentation

IEnumerable<IncomingReverseConnectionGroup> UnifiedAutomation.UaClient.Session.IncomingReverseConnections => ((IIncomingReverseConnectionEvent)ReverseConnectManager).IncomingReverseConnections

A list of all incoming reverse connections

string UnifiedAutomation.UaClient.Session.m_clientListeningUrl

The url the ReverseSession should listen at

IncomingReverseConnectionGroup UnifiedAutomation.UaClient.Session.m_connectionGroup

The InverseConnectionGroup

Property Documentation

bool UnifiedAutomation.UaClient.Session.AllowInsecureCredentials

Gets or sets a value indicating whether a password can be sent over an insecure connection.

true if a password can be sent over an insecure connection; otherwise, false.

Sometimes a Server has no ability to handle encrypted passwords. This property bypasses the checks used to prevent applications from accidentally exposing sensitive data to evesdroppers.

IList<string> UnifiedAutomation.UaClient.Session.AlternativeEndpointUrls

Gets or sets the alternative endpoint urls.

The AlternativeEndpointUrls are used for connecting if the inital connect fails and retryInitialConnect is set to RetryInitialConnet.Yes. Once a connection could be created, only the Endpoint that worked is used for reconnecting. So AlternativeEndpointUrls are not evaluated for reconnect.

ApplicationInstanceBase UnifiedAutomation.UaClient.Session.Application
getprotected set

Gets the application.

bool UnifiedAutomation.UaClient.Session.AutomaticReconnect

Gets or sets a value indicating whether the session should automatically reconnect on error.

true if the session should automatically reconnect; otherwise, false.

CacheManager UnifiedAutomation.UaClient.Session.Cache

Gets the cache manager.

string UnifiedAutomation.UaClient.Session.ClientListeningUrl

The url that this instance is listening for reverse connections.

System.Net.Sockets.SocketExceptionThrows a SocketException if address cannot be bound.
ServerConnectionStatus UnifiedAutomation.UaClient.Session.ConnectionStatus

Gets the server connection status.

RequestSettings UnifiedAutomation.UaClient.Session.DefaultRequestSettings

Gets or sets the default settings used as fallback for OPC UA service calls.

The default request settings include a timeout, diagnostic settings, request id, and maximum number of operations per request.

TimestampsToReturn UnifiedAutomation.UaClient.Session.DefaultTimestampToReturn

Gets or sets the default timestamp to return.

EndpointDescription UnifiedAutomation.UaClient.Session.EndpointDescription

Gets or sets the endpoint description.

EncodeableFactory UnifiedAutomation.UaClient.Session.Factory

Gets the dictionary of data types known to the stack.

EventHandler<IncomingReverseConnectionGroupUpdateEventArgs> UnifiedAutomation.UaClient.Session.IncomingConnectionOpened

Is called if a reverse connection is incoming.

SessionClient UnifiedAutomation.UaClient.Session.InternalSession

Gets the internal session.

The internal session.

MessageContext UnifiedAutomation.UaClient.Session.MessageContext

Gets the message context.

ModelManager UnifiedAutomation.UaClient.Session.Model

Gets the model manager.

NamespaceTable UnifiedAutomation.UaClient.Session.NamespaceUris

Gets the namespace uris.

IList<string> UnifiedAutomation.UaClient.Session.PreferredLocales

Gets or sets the preferred locales.

uint UnifiedAutomation.UaClient.Session.PublishPipelineDepth

Gets or sets the publish pipeline depth.

int UnifiedAutomation.UaClient.Session.PublishRequestCount

Gets the number of outstanding publish requests.

int UnifiedAutomation.UaClient.Session.PublishTimeout

Gets or sets the publish request timeout in milliseconds.

The PublishTimeout is the timeout for Publish requests. If this value is 0, then the default timeout for Requests is used instead. It is often necessary to set a higher PublishTimeout because Clients need to make sure that Publish requests are used before they time out. As a rule of thumb the PublishTimeout should be twice as long as the longest MaxKeepAliveTime.

uint UnifiedAutomation.UaClient.Session.ReconnectCreateSubscriptionsDelay

Gets or sets the time been the recreation of a Session on reconnect and the recreation of Subscriptions.

The default value is 0.

uint UnifiedAutomation.UaClient.Session.ReconnectDelay

Gets or sets the delay between reconnect attempts.

uint UnifiedAutomation.UaClient.Session.ReconnectTimeout

Gets or sets the timeout for the reconnect procedure in milliseconds.

The default value is ReconnectDelay / 2.

RetryInitialConnect UnifiedAutomation.UaClient.Session.RetryInitialConnect

Gets or sets a value indicating whether the session should automatically retry to connect if connect fails.

ReverseConnectManager UnifiedAutomation.UaClient.Session.ReverseConnectManager

The ReverseConnect

double UnifiedAutomation.UaClient.Session.RevicedSessionTimeout

Gets the session timeout in milliseconds that is revised by the server.

The server can revice another value than requested by the client. See SessionTimeout for more details.

int UnifiedAutomation.UaClient.Session.SecureChannelLifetime

Gets or sets the secure channel lifetime.

int UnifiedAutomation.UaClient.Session.SecureChannelTimeout

Gets or sets the secure channel timeout in milliseconds.

The SecureChannelTimeout is the timeout used by the SecureChannel created for the Session. It places an upper limit on the OperationTimeout, which can be set individually for any single request. Clients that want to increase the PublishTimeout will likely have to increase the SecureChannelTimeout at the same time.

StringTable UnifiedAutomation.UaClient.Session.ServerUris

Gets the server uris.

NodeId UnifiedAutomation.UaClient.Session.SessionId

Gets the session id.

string UnifiedAutomation.UaClient.Session.SessionName

Gets or sets the name of the session.

int UnifiedAutomation.UaClient.Session.SessionTimeout

Gets or sets the session timeout in milliseconds.

The SessionTimeout specifies when the Server will close a Session due to inactivity. When a Session closes, the resources associated with the Session are freed (e.g. browse continuation points, outstanding publish requests, etc.). However, any associated Subscriptions will live on until they reach the end of their own lifetime. Keeping a Session alive can be done with any request sent to the Server. This is done automatically by the Client SDK if the WatchdogCycleTime is less than the SessionTimeout.

int UnifiedAutomation.UaClient.Session.SubscriptionCount

Gets the number of subscriptions.

List<Subscription> UnifiedAutomation.UaClient.Session.Subscriptions

Gets the Subscriptions of the Session

bool UnifiedAutomation.UaClient.Session.UseDnsNameAndPortFromDiscoveryUrl

Gets or sets a value indicating whether to use DNS name and port from discovery URL when connecting to a server.

true if the DNS name and port from discovery URL should be used when connecting to a server; otherwise, false.

Sometimes the DNS name of the server is not accessible to the Client. Setting this flag will automatically use the DNS name of the URL passed to the Connect method when connecting to the server. Note that setting this flag to true makes it easier for hackers to trick clients into revealing confidential information (such as passwords) by redirecting clients to a rogue gateway.

Object UnifiedAutomation.UaClient.Session.UserData

Gets or sets the user data.

UserIdentity UnifiedAutomation.UaClient.Session.UserIdentity

Gets or sets the user identity. Can be set to use other authentifications than Anonymous.

uint UnifiedAutomation.UaClient.Session.WatchdogCycleTime

Gets or sets the watchdog cycle time in milliseconds used for connection check and reconnect after connection errors.

uint UnifiedAutomation.UaClient.Session.WatchdogTimeout

Gets or sets the watchdog service call timeout in milliseconds used for watchdog read calls.

Event Documentation

ServerConnectionStatusUpdateEventHandler UnifiedAutomation.UaClient.Session.ConnectionStatusUpdate

Raised when the connection status has been updated.

This event is raised from a background thread and BeginInvoke may need to be called if being handled by a UI. Handlers that block before returning could cause timeouts or other communication failures.

InsecureCredentialsEventHandler UnifiedAutomation.UaClient.Session.InsecureCredentials

Raised before sending a plaintext user credentials over an insecure connection.

This event is raised from a background thread and Invoke may need to be called if being handled by a UI. This event has return parameters so BeginInvoke cannot be used. Displaying a modal dialog in the callback will not work if the synchronous version of Connect is used. This problem can be avoided by using BeginConnect.

SessionValidationEventHandler UnifiedAutomation.UaClient.Session.SessionValidationError

No longer used.

The SDK automatically detects if the target is a GUI control and ensures that the callback is invoked on the correct thread.

UpdateEndpointEventHandler UnifiedAutomation.UaClient.Session.UpdateEndpoint

Raised before connecting to the server and it allows the application to modify the endpoint used to connect.

This event is raised from a background thread and Invoke may need to be called if being handled by a UI. This event has return parameters so BeginInvoke cannot be used. Displaying a modal dialog in the callback will not work if the synchronous version of Connect is used. This problem can be avoided by using BeginConnect.

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