.NET Based OPC UA Client/Server SDK
Package UnifiedAutomation.UaServer


package  Model


class  AcknowledgeableConditionModel
 Extends the ConditionType by defining acknowledgement characteristics. It is an abstract type. More...
class  AddNodeSettings
 The parameters used to add a new node to the server address space. More...
class  AddressSpaceFileModel
 This object type defines the file for a namespace provided by the OPC UA Server. More...
class  AggregateCalculator
 Calculates the value of an aggregate. More...
class  AggregateConfigurationModel
class  AggregateFunctionModel
 Defines an AggregateFunction supported by a UA Server. More...
class  AggregateManager
 An object that manages aggregate factories supported by the server. More...
class  Aggregators
 The set of built-in aggregate factories. More...
class  AlarmConditionModel
 An abstract type that extends the AcknowledgeableConditionType by introducing an ActiveState, SuppressedState and ShelvingState. More...
class  AlarmGroupModel
 https://reference.opcfoundation.org/v104/Core/docs/Part9/5.8.3 More...
class  AlarmMetricsModel
 https://reference.opcfoundation.org/v104/Core/docs/Part9/8.2 More...
class  AlarmRateVariableModel
 https://reference.opcfoundation.org/v104/Core/docs/Part9/8.3 More...
class  AliasNameCategoryModel
 https://reference.opcfoundation.org/v104/Core/docs/Part17/6.3.1 More...
class  AliasNameModel
 https://reference.opcfoundation.org/v104/Core/docs/Part17/6.2 More...
class  AnalogItemModel
 This VariableType defines the general characteristics of an AnalogItem. More...
class  AnalogItemModel< T >
 A typed object which represents a AnalogItemType. More...
class  AnalogUnitModel
 https://reference.opcfoundation.org/v104/Core/docs/Part8/5.3.2/# More...
class  AnalogUnitModel< T >
 A typed object which represents a AnalogUnitType. More...
class  AnalogUnitRangeModel
 https://reference.opcfoundation.org/v104/Core/docs/Part8/5.3.2/# More...
class  AnalogUnitRangeModel< T >
 A typed object which represents a AnalogUnitRangeType. More...
class  ApplicationCertificateModel
 An abstract base type for types that describe the purpose of an ApplicationInstance certificate. More...
class  AudioVariableModel
 https://reference.opcfoundation.org/v104/Core/docs/Part5/7.19 More...
class  AuditActivateSessionEventModel
class  AuditAddNodesEventModel
class  AuditAddReferencesEventModel
class  AuditCancelEventModel
class  AuditCertificateDataMismatchEventModel
class  AuditCertificateEventModel
class  AuditCertificateExpiredEventModel
class  AuditCertificateInvalidEventModel
class  AuditCertificateMismatchEventModel
class  AuditCertificateRevokedEventModel
class  AuditCertificateUntrustedEventModel
class  AuditChannelEventModel
class  AuditConditionAcknowledgeEventModel
 This EventType is used to indicate acknowledgement or confirmation of one or more Conditions. More...
class  AuditConditionCommentEventModel
 This EventType is used to report an AddComment action. More...
class  AuditConditionConfirmEventModel
 This EventType is used to report a Confirm action. More...
class  AuditConditionEnableEventModel
 This EventType is used to indicate a change in the enabled state of a Condition instance. More...
class  AuditConditionEventModel
 This EventType is used to subsume all Audit Condition EventTypes. More...
class  AuditConditionOutOfServiceEventModel
 https://reference.opcfoundation.org/v104/Core/docs/Part9/5.10.12 More...
class  AuditConditionResetEventModel
 https://reference.opcfoundation.org/v104/Core/docs/Part9/5.10.11 More...
class  AuditConditionRespondEventModel
 This EventType is used to report a Respond action. More...
class  AuditConditionShelvingEventModel
 This EventType is used to indicate a change to the Shelving state of a Condition instance. More...
class  AuditConditionSilenceEventModel
 https://reference.opcfoundation.org/v104/Core/docs/Part9/5.10.10 More...
class  AuditConditionSuppressionEventModel
 https://reference.opcfoundation.org/v104/Core/docs/Part9/5.10.9 More...
class  AuditCreateSessionEventModel
class  AuditDeleteNodesEventModel
class  AuditDeleteReferencesEventModel
class  AuditEventModel
class  AuditHistoryAnnotationUpdateEventModel
 https://reference.opcfoundation.org/v104/Core/docs/Part11/5.6.4 More...
class  AuditHistoryAtTimeDeleteEventModel
 This is a subtype of UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.AuditHistoryDeleteEventModel and is used for categorization of history delete related Events. More...
class  AuditHistoryDeleteEventModel
 This is a subtype of UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.AuditHistoryUpdateEventModel and is used for categorization of history delete related Events. More...
class  AuditHistoryEventDeleteEventModel
 This is a subtype of UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.AuditHistoryDeleteEventModel and is used for categorization of history delete related Events. More...
class  AuditHistoryEventUpdateEventModel
 This is a subtype of UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.AuditHistoryUpdateEventModel and is used for categorization of History Event update related Events. More...
class  AuditHistoryRawModifyDeleteEventModel
 This is a subtype of UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.AuditHistoryDeleteEventModel and is used for categorization of history delete related Events. More...
class  AuditHistoryUpdateEventModel
class  AuditHistoryValueUpdateEventModel
 This is a subtype of UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.AuditHistoryUpdateEventModel and is used for categorization of history value update related Events. More...
class  AuditNodeManagementEventModel
class  AuditOpenSecureChannelEventModel
class  AuditProgramTransitionEventModel
 https://reference.opcfoundation.org/v104/Core/docs/Part10/5.2.6 More...
class  AuditSecurityEventModel
class  AuditSessionEventModel
class  AuditUpdateEventModel
class  AuditUpdateMethodEventModel
class  AuditUpdateStateEventModel
 https://reference.opcfoundation.org/v104/Core/docs/Part5/B.4.17 More...
class  AuditUrlMismatchEventModel
class  AuditWriteUpdateEventModel
class  AuthorizationServiceConfigurationModel
class  AuthorizationServicesConfigurationFolderModel
class  AverageAggregateCalculator
 Calculates the value of an aggregate. More...
class  BaseAnalogModel
 https://reference.opcfoundation.org/v104/Core/docs/Part8/5.3.2/# More...
class  BaseAnalogModel< T >
 A typed object which represents a BaseAnalogType. More...
class  BaseConditionClassModel
 https://reference.opcfoundation.org/v104/Core/docs/Part9/5.9.2 More...
class  BaseDataVariableModel
 This VariableType is used as the type definition whenever there is a DataVariable having no more concrete type definition available. More...
class  BaseDataVariableModel< T >
 A typed object which represents a BaseDataVariableType. More...
class  BaseEventModel
 The base class for event objects. More...
class  BaseInterfaceModel
 https://reference.opcfoundation.org/v104/Core/docs/Amendment7/6.9 More...
class  BaseModelChangeEventModel
 BaseType for ModelChangeEvents. More...
class  BaseNodeManager
 A base class for all node managers. More...
class  BaseNodeManagerEx
 EXPERIMENTAL: This type is a prototype for a not released feature. The type is subject to change. Do not use this type in a product. More...
class  BaseObjectModel
 The BaseObjectType is used as type definition whenever there is an object having no more concrete type definitions available. More...
class  BaseVariableModel
 The BaseVariableType is the abstract base type for all other variable types. More...
class  BaseVariableModel< T >
 A typed object which represents a BaseVariableType. More...
class  BrokerConnectionTransportModel
 https://reference.opcfoundation.org/v104/Core/docs/Part14/9.3.2/# More...
class  BrokerDataSetReaderTransportModel
 https://reference.opcfoundation.org/v104/Core/docs/Part14/9.3.2/# More...
class  BrokerDataSetWriterTransportModel
 https://reference.opcfoundation.org/v104/Core/docs/Part14/9.3.2/# More...
class  BrokerWriterGroupTransportModel
 https://reference.opcfoundation.org/v104/Core/docs/Part14/9.3.2/# More...
class  BrowseHandle
 A handle for a node accessed during a browse operation. More...
class  BrowseOperationHandle
 A handle for a single operation within a browse or translate request. More...
class  BuildInfoModel
 This complex variable type is used for information about the Server status. More...
class  CallTransactionHandle
 A transaction for one or more call requests for a single IMethodManager. More...
class  CartesianCoordinatesModel
 https://reference.opcfoundation.org/v104/Core/docs/Amendment11/7.23 More...
class  CertificateAddedEventArgs
 The arguments passed when a AddCertificate event occurs. More...
class  CertificateExpirationAlarmModel
 A SystemOffNormalAlarmType raised by the Server when the Server’s certificate is within the ExpirationLimit of expiration. More...
class  CertificateGroupFolderModel
 This type is used for Folders which organize certificate groups in the address space. More...
class  CertificateGroupModel
 A type used for objects which represent certificate groups in the address space. More...
class  CertificateModel
 An abstract base type for types that describe the purpose of a certificate. More...
class  CertificateUpdatedAuditEventModel
 This event is raised when the application certificate is changed. More...
class  ChoiceStateModel
 https://reference.opcfoundation.org/v104/Core/docs/Amendment2/B.6.2 More...
class  CloseFileEventArgs
 The arguments passed when the CloseRequested event is raised. More...
class  ConditionModel
 The ConditionType defines all general characteristics of a Condition. All other ConditionTypes derive from it. More...
class  ConditionStateNames
 Defines the default names for the condition states. More...
class  ConditionVariableModel
class  ConditionVariableModel< T >
 A typed object which represents a ConditionVariableType. More...
class  ConnectionTransportModel
 https://reference.opcfoundation.org/v104/Core/docs/Part14/9.1.5/# More...
class  ContinuationPoint
 The continuation point for a browse operation. More...
class  CountAggregateCalculator
 Calculates the value of an aggregate. More...
class  CreateDataTypeSettings
 The settings used to create a new in-memory data type node. More...
class  CreateDirectoryRequestEventArgs
 The arguments passed when the CreateDirectoryRequest event is raised. More...
class  CreateFileRequestEventArgs
 The arguments passed when the CreateFileRequest event is raised. More...
class  CreateInstanceSettings
 The settings used to create a new in-memory instance node. More...
class  CreateMethodSettings
 The settings used to create a new in-memory method node. More...
class  CreateNodeSettings
 The settings used to create a new in-memory node. More...
class  CreateObjectSettings
 The settings used to create a new in-memory object node. More...
class  CreateObjectTypeSettings
 The settings used to create a new in-memory object type node. More...
class  CreateReferenceTypeSettings
 The settings used to create a new in-memory reference type node. More...
class  CreateTypeDictionarySettings
 A class which is used to create new type dictionary nodes. More...
class  CreateTypeSettings
 The settings used to create a new in-memory instance node. More...
class  CreateVariableSettings
 The settings used to create a new in-memory variable node. More...
class  CreateVariableTypeSettings
 The settings used to create a new in-memory variable type node. More...
class  CreateViewSettings
 The settings used to create a new in-memory view node. More...
class  CrossReferenceManager
 Manages the cross references for a node manager. More...
class  DatagramConnectionTransportModel
 https://reference.opcfoundation.org/v104/Core/docs/Part14/9.3.1/# More...
class  DatagramWriterGroupTransportModel
 https://reference.opcfoundation.org/v104/Core/docs/Part14/9.3.1/# More...
class  DataItemModel
 This VariableType defines the general characteristics of a DataItem. More...
class  DataItemModel< T >
 A typed object which represents a DataItemType. More...
class  DataMonitoringResult
 The results for a data monitoring operation. More...
class  DataSamplingManager
 A class that polls one or more I/O managers for data changes. This class implements IDataSamplingManager and IDisposable. More...
class  DataSetFolderModel
 https://reference.opcfoundation.org/v104/Core/docs/Part14/9.1.4/# More...
class  DataSetReaderMessageModel
 https://reference.opcfoundation.org/v104/Core/docs/Part14/9.1.8/# More...
class  DataSetReaderModel
 https://reference.opcfoundation.org/v104/Core/docs/Part14/9.1.8/# More...
class  DataSetReaderTransportModel
 https://reference.opcfoundation.org/v104/Core/docs/Part14/9.1.8/# More...
class  DataSetWriterMessageModel
 https://reference.opcfoundation.org/v104/Core/docs/Part14/9.1.7/# More...
class  DataSetWriterModel
 https://reference.opcfoundation.org/v104/Core/docs/Part14/9.1.7/# More...
class  DataSetWriterTransportModel
 https://reference.opcfoundation.org/v104/Core/docs/Part14/9.1.7/# More...
class  DataTransactionHandle
 A transaction for one or more requests for a single IIOManager. More...
class  DataTypeDescriptionModel
 Used as the type for the DataTypeDescriptions. More...
class  DataTypeDictionaryModel
 This VariableType is used as the type for the DataTypeDictionaries. More...
class  DataTypeEncodingModel
 Used as type for DataTypeEncodings. More...
class  DataTypeSystemModel
 Used as type for DataTypeSystems. More...
class  DeleteFileRequestEventArgs
 The arguments passed when the DeleteFileRequest event is raised. More...
class  DeviceFailureEventModel
 Event that indicates a failure in a device of the underlying system. More...
class  DialogConditionModel
 Used to represent Conditions as dialogs. More...
class  DictionaryEntryModel
 https://reference.opcfoundation.org/v104/Core/docs/Amendment5/G.2.3 More...
class  DictionaryFolderModel
 https://reference.opcfoundation.org/v104/Core/docs/Amendment5/G.2.4 More...
class  DiscrepancyAlarmModel
 https://reference.opcfoundation.org/v104/Core/docs/Part9/5.8.18 More...
class  DiscreteAlarmModel
 Used to classify Types into Alarm Conditions where the input for the Alarm may take on only a certain number of possible values (e.g. true/false, running/stopped/terminating). More...
class  DiscreteItemModel
class  DiscreteItemModel< T >
 A typed object which represents a DiscreteItemType. More...
class  EccApplicationCertificateModel
 https://reference.opcfoundation.org/v104/Core/docs/Amendment4/8.5.7 More...
class  EccBrainpoolP256r1ApplicationCertificateModel
 https://reference.opcfoundation.org/v104/Core/docs/Amendment4/8.5.7 More...
class  EccBrainpoolP384r1ApplicationCertificateModel
 https://reference.opcfoundation.org/v104/Core/docs/Amendment4/8.5.7 More...
class  EccCurve25519ApplicationCertificateModel
 https://reference.opcfoundation.org/v104/Core/docs/Amendment4/8.5.7 More...
class  EccCurve448ApplicationCertificateModel
 https://reference.opcfoundation.org/v104/Core/docs/Amendment4/8.5.7 More...
class  EccNistP256ApplicationCertificateModel
 https://reference.opcfoundation.org/v104/Core/docs/Amendment4/8.5.7 More...
class  EccNistP384ApplicationCertificateModel
 https://reference.opcfoundation.org/v104/Core/docs/Amendment4/8.5.7 More...
class  ElseGuardVariableModel
 https://reference.opcfoundation.org/v104/Core/docs/Amendment2/B.6.6 More...
class  EventMonitoredItem
 Stores the state for an event monitored item. More...
class  EventMonitoringResult
 The results for a data monitoring operation. More...
class  EventQueueOverflowEventModel
 Generated when an internal queue of a MonitoredItem subscribing for Events in the Server overflows. More...
class  EventTransactionHandle
 A transaction for one or more requests for a single IEventManager. More...
class  ExclusiveDeviationAlarmModel
 A special deviation alarm utilized with multiple mutually exclusive limits. More...
class  ExclusiveLevelAlarmModel
 The ExclusiveLevelAlarmType is a special level Alarm utilized with multiple mutually exclusive limits. More...
class  ExclusiveLimitAlarmModel
 Used to specify the common behaviour for Alarm Types with multiple mutually exclusive limits. More...
class  ExclusiveLimitStateMachineModel
 Defines the state machine used by AlarmTypes that handle multiple mutually exclusive limits. More...
class  ExclusiveRateOfChangeAlarmModel
 A Rate of Change Alarm utilized with multiple mutually exclusive limits. More...
class  ExpressionGuardVariableModel
 https://reference.opcfoundation.org/v104/Core/docs/Amendment2/B.6.5 More...
class  ExtensionFieldsModel
 https://reference.opcfoundation.org/v104/Core/docs/Part14/9.1.4/# More...
class  ExternalDataSource
 A base type which handles the MonitoredItems for a Variable representing an external DataSource. More...
class  ExternalDataSourceMonitoredItem
 A MonitoredItem for an external a Variable representing an external DataSource More...
class  FileDirectoryModel
 An object that represents a directory that can be accessed via the server. More...
class  FileModel
 An object that represents a file that can be accessed via the server. More...
class  FileTransferStateMachineModel
 https://reference.opcfoundation.org/v104/Core/docs/Part5/C.4.6 More...
class  FilterManager
class  FiniteStateMachineModel
 The FiniteStateMachineType is the base ObjectType for state machines that explicitly define the possible states and transitions. More...
class  FiniteStateVariableModel
class  FiniteTransitionVariableModel
 Used to store a Transition that occurred within a FiniteStateMachine as a human readable name More...
class  FolderModel
 Instances of this Type are used to organise the AddressSpace into a hierarchy of Nodes. More...
class  FrameModel
 https://reference.opcfoundation.org/v104/Core/docs/Amendment11/7.27 More...
class  FullyInstantiatedInstance
 An instance belonging to a fully instantiated type. More...
class  FullyInstantiatedReference
 A reference belonging to a fully instantiated type. More...
class  FullyInstantiatedType
 A fully instantiated type. More...
class  GeneralModelChangeEventModel
 Contains information about the Node that was changed and the action that occurred to cause the ModelChangeEvent (e.g. add a Node, delete a Node, etc.). More...
class  GenericEvent
 A class that stores the fields for an event fired by the server application. More...
class  GuardVariableModel
 https://reference.opcfoundation.org/v104/Core/docs/Amendment2/B.6.4 More...
class  HandleBase
 A base class for handles. More...
class  HighlyManagedAlarmConditionClassModel
 https://reference.opcfoundation.org/v104/Core/docs/Part9/5.9.7 More...
class  HistoricalDataConfigurationModel
 https://reference.opcfoundation.org/v104/Core/docs/Part11/5.2.2 More...
class  HistoryContinuationPoint
class  HistoryDataHandle
 A handle for a node which supports data history. More...
class  HistoryDataOperationHandle
 A handle for a single history data operation within a request. More...
class  HistoryDataRawReader
 A class which manages reading from data from an archive. More...
class  HistoryDataReadAtTimeContinuationPoint
 Stores a read history request. More...
class  HistoryDataReadContinuationPoint
 Stores a read history request. More...
class  HistoryDataReadProcessedContinuationPoint
 Stores a read history request. More...
class  HistoryDataReadRawContinuationPoint
 Stores a read history request. More...
class  HistoryDataTransactionHandle
 A transaction for history data request. More...
class  HistoryEventHandle
 A handle for a node which supports event history. More...
class  HistoryEventOperationHandle
 A handle for a single history event operation within a request. More...
class  HistoryEventTransactionHandle
 A transaction for history event request. More...
class  HistoryServerCapabilitiesModel
class  HttpsCertificateModel
 This type is used to describe Certificates that are intended for use as HTTPS certificates. More...
interface  IAcknowledgeableConditionMethods
 The interface for methods implemented on the AcknowledgeableConditionModel object. More...
interface  IAddressSpaceFileMethods
 The interface for methods implemented on the AddressSpaceFileModel object. More...
interface  IAdvancedNodeManager
 Functions that can be used to optimize common operations in a NodeManager. More...
interface  IAggregateCalculator
 An interface that captures the original active API of the AggregateCalculator class required to integrate with the subscription code. More...
interface  IAlarmConditionMethods
 The interface for methods implemented on the AlarmConditionModel object. More...
interface  IAlarmMetricsMethods
 The interface for methods implemented on the AlarmMetricsModel object. More...
interface  IAliasNameCategoryMethods
 The interface for methods implemented on the AliasNameCategoryModel object. More...
interface  ICertificateGroupMethods
 The interface for methods implemented on the CertificateGroupModel object. More...
interface  IConditionMethods
 The interface for methods implemented on the ConditionModel object. More...
interface  IDataSamplingManager
 Interface for classes managing data sampling and prividing of MonitoredItems. More...
interface  IDataSetFolderMethods
 The interface for methods implemented on the DataSetFolderModel object. More...
interface  IDataSetReaderMethods
 The interface for methods implemented on the DataSetReaderModel object. More...
interface  IDialogConditionMethods
 The interface for methods implemented on the DialogConditionModel object. More...
interface  IEventManager
 An interface to an object that manages access to events produced by a node. More...
interface  IEventManagerEx
 The interface for an event manager that allows other event managers to link to it. More...
interface  IExtensionFieldsMethods
 The interface for methods implemented on the ExtensionFieldsModel object. More...
interface  IFileDirectoryMethods
 The interface for methods implemented on the FileDirectoryModel object. More...
interface  IFileMethods
 The interface for methods implemented on the FileModel object. More...
interface  IFileTransferStateMachineMethods
 The interface for methods implemented on the FileTransferStateMachineModel object. More...
interface  IHistoryDataEnumerator
 An interface to an object which can provide sequential access the values in a historical archive. More...
interface  IHistoryDataSource
 An interface to an object which provides access to a historical data archive. More...
interface  IHistoryReadDataManager
 An interface to an object that allows reading of historical data. More...
interface  IHistoryReadEventManager
 An interface to an object that allows reading of historical events. More...
interface  IHistoryUpdateDataManager
 An interface to an object that allows updating of historical data. More...
interface  IHistoryUpdateEventManager
 An interface to an object that allows updating of historical events. More...
interface  IIOManager
 An interface to an object that manages access to the attribute values of nodes. More...
interface  IKeyCredentialConfigurationFolderMethods
 The interface for methods implemented on the KeyCredentialConfigurationFolderModel object. More...
interface  IKeyCredentialConfigurationMethods
 The interface for methods implemented on the KeyCredentialConfigurationModel object. More...
interface  IMethodDispatcher
 A interface to an object which implements method calls. More...
interface  IMethodManager
 An interface to an object that manages access to methods More...
class  ImpersonateEventArgs
 A class which provides the event arguments for session related event. More...
class  InitialStateModel
 An object of the InitialStateType represents the state that a FiniteStateMachine enters when it is activated. More...
class  InMemoryHistoryDataSource
 An in-memory history data source. More...
interface  INodeManagementManager
 An interface to an object that allows nodes and references to be added and removed. More...
interface  INodeManager
 An interface to an object that manages a subset of the nodes in a server. More...
interface  INodeManagerEx
 An interface to an object that manages a subset of the nodes in a server. More...
interface  INotifierManagerCallback
 Used to receive notifications from the NotifierManager that the subscription state has changed. More...
class  InstrumentDiagnosticAlarmModel
 https://reference.opcfoundation.org/v104/Core/docs/Part9/5.8.17/# More...
class  InternalClientFastDataMonitoredItem
 The parameters used to create a data monitored item with no filtering or queuing. More...
class  InternalClientFastEventMonitoredItem
 The parameters used to create a data monitored item with no filtering or queuing. More...
class  InternalClientFullDataMonitoredItem
 The parameters used to create a data monitored item with filtering and/or queuing. More...
class  InternalClientFullEventMonitoredItem
 The parameters used to create a data monitored item with filtering and/or queuing. More...
interface  IObjectMappingManager
 An interface to an object allows objects to be linked via reflection to an in-memory node. More...
class  IOrderedObjectModel
 https://reference.opcfoundation.org/v104/Core/docs/Amendment13/6.10 More...
interface  IPublishedDataItemsMethods
 The interface for methods implemented on the PublishedDataItemsModel object. More...
interface  IPublishedEventsMethods
 The interface for methods implemented on the PublishedEventsModel object. More...
interface  IPublishSubscribeMethods
 The interface for methods implemented on the PublishSubscribeModel object. More...
interface  IPubSubConnectionMethods
 The interface for methods implemented on the PubSubConnectionModel object. More...
interface  IPubSubDiagnosticsMethods
 The interface for methods implemented on the PubSubDiagnosticsModel object. More...
interface  IPubSubKeyServiceMethods
 The interface for methods implemented on the PubSubKeyServiceModel object. More...
interface  IPubSubStatusMethods
 The interface for methods implemented on the PubSubStatusModel object. More...
interface  IQueryManager
 An interface to an object that manages query operations. More...
class  IrdiDictionaryEntryModel
 https://reference.opcfoundation.org/v104/Core/docs/Amendment5/G.3 More...
interface  IReaderGroupMethods
 The interface for methods implemented on the ReaderGroupModel object. More...
interface  IRoleMethods
 The interface for methods implemented on the RoleModel object. More...
interface  IRoleSetMethods
 The interface for methods implemented on the RoleSetModel object. More...
interface  ISecurityGroupFolderMethods
 The interface for methods implemented on the SecurityGroupFolderModel object. More...
interface  IServerConfigurationMethods
 The interface for methods implemented on the ServerConfigurationModel object. More...
interface  IServerMethods
 The interface for methods implemented on the ServerModel object. More...
interface  ISessionManager
 Allows application components to receive notifications when changes to sessions occur. More...
interface  IShelvedStateMachineMethods
 The interface for methods implemented on the ShelvedStateMachineModel object. More...
interface  ISubscriptionManager
 Provides access to the subscription manager within the server. More...
interface  ITargetVariablesMethods
 The interface for methods implemented on the TargetVariablesModel object. More...
interface  ITemporaryFileTransferMethods
 The interface for methods implemented on the TemporaryFileTransferModel object. More...
interface  ITrustListMethods
 The interface for methods implemented on the TrustListModel object. More...
interface  IUserAccessManager
 An interface to an object that manages access to nodes in an address space. More...
interface  IViewManager
 An interface to an object that manages access to a view. More...
interface  IWriterGroupMethods
 The interface for methods implemented on the WriterGroupModel object. More...
class  JsonDataSetReaderMessageModel
 https://reference.opcfoundation.org/v104/Core/docs/Part14/9.2.2/# More...
class  JsonDataSetWriterMessageModel
 https://reference.opcfoundation.org/v104/Core/docs/Part14/9.2.2/# More...
class  JsonWriterGroupMessageModel
 https://reference.opcfoundation.org/v104/Core/docs/Part14/9.2.2/# More...
class  KeyCredentialAuditEventModel
class  KeyCredentialConfigurationFolderModel
class  KeyCredentialConfigurationModel
 https://reference.opcfoundation.org/v104/Core/docs/Amendment4/8.5.7 More...
class  KeyCredentialDeletedAuditEventModel
class  KeyCredentialUpdatedAuditEventModel
class  LimitAlarmModel
 An abstract type used to provide a base Type for AlarmConditions with multiple limits More...
class  MaintenanceConditionClassModel
 https://reference.opcfoundation.org/v104/Core/docs/Part9/5.9.4 More...
class  MethodHandle
 A handle for an object and method accessed during a call operation. More...
class  MethodOperationHandle
 A handle for a single call operation within a request. More...
class  MinMaxAggregateCalculator
 Calculates the value of an aggregate. More...
class  ModelControllerBase
 A base class for model controllers. More...
class  MonitoredItem
 A monitored item for a subscription. More...
class  MonitoredItemHandle
 A handle for a monitored item. More...
class  MonitoredItemOperationHandle
 A handle for monitored item operations. More...
class  MonitoredItemQueue
 Provides a queue for data changes. More...
class  MoveFileRequestEventArgs
 The arguments passed when the MoveFileRequest event is raised. More...
class  MultiStateDictionaryEntryDiscreteBaseModel
 https://reference.opcfoundation.org/v104/Core/docs/Part19/7.1 More...
class  MultiStateDictionaryEntryDiscreteBaseModel< T >
 A typed object which represents a MultiStateDictionaryEntryDiscreteBaseType. More...
class  MultiStateDictionaryEntryDiscreteModel
 https://reference.opcfoundation.org/v104/Core/docs/Part19/7.2 More...
class  MultiStateDictionaryEntryDiscreteModel< T >
 A typed object which represents a MultiStateDictionaryEntryDiscreteType. More...
class  MultiStateDiscreteModel
 Defines the general characteristics of a DiscreteItem that can have more than two states. More...
class  MultiStateDiscreteModel< T >
 A typed object which represents a MultiStateDiscreteType. More...
class  MultiStateValueDiscreteModel
 This VariableType defines the general characteristics of a DiscreteItem that can have more than two states and where the state values (the enumeration) do not consist of consecutive numeric values (may have gaps) or where the enumeration is not zero-based. More...
class  MultiStateValueDiscreteModel< T >
 A typed object which represents a MultiStateValueDiscreteType. More...
class  NamespaceMetadataModel
 This object type defines the metadata for a namespace provided by the Server. More...
class  NamespacesModel
 Defines a list of UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.NamespaceMetadataModel objects provided by the Server. More...
class  NetworkAddressModel
 https://reference.opcfoundation.org/v104/Core/docs/Part14/A.3.1 More...
class  NetworkAddressUrlModel
 https://reference.opcfoundation.org/v104/Core/docs/Part14/A.3.2 More...
class  NodeAttributeConfiguration
 Stores the configuration for a node attribute stored in a BaseNodeManager. More...
class  NodeAttributeHandle
 A handle for node and attribute accessed during a read/write operation. More...
class  NodeAttributeId
 A class that stores a NodeId/AttributeId pair. More...
class  NodeAttributeOperationHandle
 A handle for a node related operations. More...
class  NodeHandleType
 The basic handle types used by the BaseNodeManager. More...
class  NodeIdGenerationSettings
 The settings that control how NodeIds are created by the node manager. More...
class  NodeMetadata
 The metadata for a node. More...
class  NonExclusiveDeviationAlarmModel
 A special level Alarm utilized with one or more non-exclusive states. More...
class  NonExclusiveLevelAlarmModel
 A special level Alarm utilized with one or more non-exclusive states. More...
class  NonExclusiveLimitAlarmModel
 Used to specify the common behaviour for Alarm Types with multiple non-exclusive limits More...
class  NonExclusiveRateOfChangeAlarmModel
 A special level Alarm utilized with one or more non-exclusive states. More...
class  NonTransparentRedundancyModel
 https://reference.opcfoundation.org/v104/Core/docs/Part5/6.3.9 More...
class  NotifierHandle
 A handle for a node. More...
class  NotifierManager
 Manages the notifier heirarchy for a node manager. More...
class  NotifierOperationHandle
 A handle for a node related operations. More...
class  OffNormalAlarmModel
 A specialization of the DiscreteAlarmType intended to represent a discrete Condition that is considered to be not normal. More...
class  OpenFileEventArgs
 The arguments passed when the OpenRequested event is raised. More...
class  OperationHandle
 A base class for a handle for a single operation within a request. More...
class  OperationLimitsModel
 Used to identify the operation limits of the OPC UA Server. More...
class  OptionSetModel
 This VariableType is used to represent a bit mask. More...
class  OptionSetModel< T >
 A typed object which represents a OptionSetType. More...
class  OrderedListModel
 https://reference.opcfoundation.org/v104/Core/docs/Amendment13/6.10 More...
class  OrientationModel
 https://reference.opcfoundation.org/v104/Core/docs/Amendment11/7.25 More...
class  ParsedNodeId
 Stores the elements of a NodeId after it is parsed. More...
class  ProcessConditionClassModel
 https://reference.opcfoundation.org/v104/Core/docs/Part9/5.9.3 More...
class  ProgramDiagnostic2Model
 https://reference.opcfoundation.org/v104/Core/docs/Part10/5.2.9 More...
class  ProgramDiagnosticModel
class  ProgramStateMachineModel
 https://reference.opcfoundation.org/v104/Core/docs/Part10/5.2.1 More...
class  ProgramTransitionAuditEventModel
class  ProgramTransitionEventModel
 https://reference.opcfoundation.org/v104/Core/docs/Part10/5.2.5/# More...
class  ProgressEventModel
 Generated to identify the progress of an operation. More...
class  PropertyModel
 This VariableType is used as the type definition for all Properties. More...
class  PropertyModel< T >
 A typed object which represents a PropertyType. More...
class  PublishedDataItemsModel
 https://reference.opcfoundation.org/v104/Core/docs/Part14/9.1.4/# More...
class  PublishedDataSetModel
 https://reference.opcfoundation.org/v104/Core/docs/Part14/9.1.4/# More...
class  PublishedEventsModel
 https://reference.opcfoundation.org/v104/Core/docs/Part14/9.1.4/# More...
class  PublishSubscribeModel
 https://reference.opcfoundation.org/v104/Core/docs/Part14/9.1.3/# More...
class  PubSubCommunicationFailureEventModel
 https://reference.opcfoundation.org/v104/Core/docs/Part14/9.1.12/# More...
class  PubSubConnectionModel
 https://reference.opcfoundation.org/v104/Core/docs/Part14/9.1.5/# More...
class  PubSubDiagnosticsConnectionModel
 https://reference.opcfoundation.org/v104/Core/docs/Part14/9.1.11/# More...
class  PubSubDiagnosticsCounterModel
 https://reference.opcfoundation.org/v104/Core/docs/Part14/9.1.11/# More...
class  PubSubDiagnosticsDataSetReaderModel
 https://reference.opcfoundation.org/v104/Core/docs/Part14/9.1.11/# More...
class  PubSubDiagnosticsDataSetWriterModel
 https://reference.opcfoundation.org/v104/Core/docs/Part14/9.1.11/# More...
class  PubSubDiagnosticsModel
 https://reference.opcfoundation.org/v104/Core/docs/Part14/9.1.11/# More...
class  PubSubDiagnosticsReaderGroupModel
 https://reference.opcfoundation.org/v104/Core/docs/Part14/9.1.11/# More...
class  PubSubDiagnosticsRootModel
 https://reference.opcfoundation.org/v104/Core/docs/Part14/9.1.11/# More...
class  PubSubDiagnosticsWriterGroupModel
 https://reference.opcfoundation.org/v104/Core/docs/Part14/9.1.11/# More...
class  PubSubGroupModel
 https://reference.opcfoundation.org/v104/Core/docs/Part14/9.1.6/# More...
class  PubSubKeyServiceModel
 https://reference.opcfoundation.org/v104/Core/docs/Part14/8.3 More...
class  PubSubStatusEventModel
 https://reference.opcfoundation.org/v104/Core/docs/Part14/9.1.12/# More...
class  PubSubStatusModel
 https://reference.opcfoundation.org/v104/Core/docs/Part14/9.1.10/# More...
class  PubSubTransportLimitsExceedEventModel
 https://reference.opcfoundation.org/v104/Core/docs/Part14/9.1.12/# More...
class  QueryContinuationPoint
 A continuation point for a query operation. More...
class  QueryHandle
 A handle for a query. More...
class  RationalNumberModel
 https://reference.opcfoundation.org/v104/Core/docs/Amendment11/7.20 More...
class  ReaderGroupMessageModel
 https://reference.opcfoundation.org/v104/Core/docs/Part14/9.1.6/# More...
class  ReaderGroupModel
 https://reference.opcfoundation.org/v104/Core/docs/Part14/9.1.6/# More...
class  ReaderGroupTransportModel
 https://reference.opcfoundation.org/v104/Core/docs/Part14/9.1.6/# More...
class  ReadTrustListEventArgs
 The arguments passed when a ReadTrustList event occurs. More...
class  RefreshEndEventModel
 This EventType is used by a Server to mark the end of a Refresh Notification cycle. More...
class  RefreshRequiredEventModel
 This EventType is used by a Server to indicate that a significant change has occurred in the Server or in the subsystem below the Server that may or does invalidate the Condition state of a Subscription. More...
class  RefreshStartEventModel
 This EventType is used by a Server to mark the beginning of a Refresh Notification cycle. More...
class  RegisteredNode
 The state of a registered node. More...
class  RemoveCertificateEventArgs
 The arguments passed when a RemoveCertificate event occurs. More...
class  RequestContext
class  ResourceManager
 An object that manages access to localized resources. More...
class  RoleMappingRuleChangedAuditEventModel
 https://reference.opcfoundation.org/v104/Core/docs/Part5/1 More...
class  RoleModel
 https://reference.opcfoundation.org/v104/Core/docs/Part5/F.3.1 More...
class  RoleSetModel
 https://reference.opcfoundation.org/v104/Core/docs/Part5/F.2.1 More...
class  RootNodeManager
 The root node manager for a server. More...
class  RsaMinApplicationCertificateModel
 This type is used to describe Certificates intended for use as an ApplicationInstance certificate. More...
class  RsaSha256ApplicationCertificateModel
 This type is used to describe certificate s intended for use as an ApplicationInstance certificate. More...
class  SafetyConditionClassModel
 https://reference.opcfoundation.org/v104/Core/docs/Part9/5.9.6 More...
class  SamplingIntervalDiagnosticsArrayModel
 This complex variable type is used for diagnostic information. More...
class  SamplingIntervalDiagnosticsModel
 This complex variable type is used for diagnostic information. More...
class  SecurityGroupFolderModel
 https://reference.opcfoundation.org/v104/Core/docs/Part14/8.7 More...
class  SecurityGroupModel
 https://reference.opcfoundation.org/v104/Core/docs/Part14/8.6 More...
class  SelectionListModel
 https://reference.opcfoundation.org/v104/Core/docs/Part5/7.18 More...
class  SelectionListModel< T >
 A typed object which represents a SelectionListType. More...
class  SemanticChangeEventModel
 Event that indicates a change of the AddressSpace semantics. More...
class  ServerAggregateFilter
 A aggregate filter with additional state information. More...
class  ServerCapabilitiesModel
 Defines the capabilities supported by the OPC UA Server. More...
class  ServerConfigurationModel
 This type defines an ObjectType which represents the configuration of a Server which supports Push Management. More...
class  ServerContext
 The context for a server instance. More...
class  ServerDiagnosticsModel
 Defines application specific behavoir for the Server object. More...
class  ServerDiagnosticsSummaryModel
 This complex variable type is used for diagnostic information. More...
class  ServerInternalClient
 A class that can be used to access server functionality internally. More...
class  ServerManager
 An implementation of a server. More...
class  ServerModel
 Defines application specific behavoir for the Server object. More...
class  ServerRedundancyModel
 This object type defines the redundancy capabilities supported by the OPC UA Server. More...
class  ServerSettings
 A class that stores the settings for a server. More...
class  ServerStatusModel
 This complex variable type is used for diagnostic information. More...
class  ServerVendorCapabilityModel
 An abstract type whose subtypes define capabilities of the Server. Vendors may define subtypes of this type. More...
class  ServerVendorCapabilityModel< T >
 A typed object which represents a ServerVendorCapabilityType. More...
class  Session
 A generic session manager object for a server. More...
class  SessionDiagnosticsArrayModel
 This complex variable type is used for diagnostic information. More...
class  SessionDiagnosticsObjectModel
 Defines application specific behavoir for the Server object. More...
class  SessionDiagnosticsVariableModel
 This complex variable type is used for diagnostic information. More...
class  SessionLimits
 A class that stores the limits used by sessions. More...
class  SessionManager
 A generic session manager object for a server. More...
class  SessionPublishQueue
 Manages the publish queues for a session. More...
class  SessionsDiagnosticsSummaryModel
 Defines diagnostic information about the sessions of the OPC UA Server. More...
class  SessionSecurityDiagnosticsArrayModel
 This complex variable type is used for diagnostic information. More...
class  SessionSecurityDiagnosticsModel
 This complex variable type is used for diagnostic information. More...
class  ShelvedStateMachineModel
 Defines a substate machine that represents an advanced Alarm filtering model. More...
class  StartEndAggregateCalculator
 Calculates the value of an aggregate. More...
class  StateMachineModel
 The base ObjectType for all StateMachineTypes. More...
class  StateModel
 States of a FiniteStateMachine are represented as objects of the StateType. More...
class  StateVariableModel
 The base VariableType for Variables that store the current state of a StateMachine as a human readable name. More...
class  StatisticalConditionClassModel
 https://reference.opcfoundation.org/v104/Core/docs/Part9/5.9.9 More...
class  StatusAggregateCalculator
 Calculates the value of an aggregate. More...
class  StdDevAggregateCalculator
 Calculates the value of an aggregate. More...
class  SubscribedDataSetMirrorModel
 https://reference.opcfoundation.org/v104/Core/docs/Part14/9.1.9/# More...
class  SubscribedDataSetModel
 https://reference.opcfoundation.org/v104/Core/docs/Part14/9.1.9/# More...
class  Subscription
 Manages a subscription created by a client. More...
class  SubscriptionDiagnosticsArrayModel
 This complex variable type is used for diagnostic information. More...
class  SubscriptionDiagnosticsModel
 Defines application specific behavoir for the Server object. More...
class  SubscriptionLimits
 A class that stores the limits used by subscriptions. More...
class  SubscriptionManager
 A generic session manager object for a server. More...
class  SystemConditionClassModel
 https://reference.opcfoundation.org/v104/Core/docs/Part9/5.9.5 More...
class  SystemDiagnosticAlarmModel
 https://reference.opcfoundation.org/v104/Core/docs/Part9/5.8.17/# More...
class  SystemEventModel
 Event which is generated as a result of some Event that occurs within the Server or by a system that the Server is representing. More...
class  SystemOffNormalAlarmModel
 Used by a Server to indicate that an underlying system that is providing Alarm information is having a communication problem and that the Server may have invalid or incomplete Condition state in the Subscription. More...
class  SystemStatusChangeEventModel
 Event that indicates a status change in a system. More...
class  TargetVariablesModel
 https://reference.opcfoundation.org/v104/Core/docs/Part14/9.1.9/# More...
class  TemporaryFileTransferModel
 https://reference.opcfoundation.org/v104/Core/docs/Part5/C.4.1 More...
class  TestingConditionSubClassModel
 https://reference.opcfoundation.org/v104/Core/docs/Part9/5.9.10 More...
class  ThreeDCartesianCoordinatesModel
 https://reference.opcfoundation.org/v104/Core/docs/Amendment11/7.24 More...
class  ThreeDFrameModel
 https://reference.opcfoundation.org/v104/Core/docs/Amendment11/7.28 More...
class  ThreeDOrientationModel
 https://reference.opcfoundation.org/v104/Core/docs/Amendment11/7.26 More...
class  ThreeDVectorModel
 https://reference.opcfoundation.org/v104/Core/docs/Amendment11/7.22 More...
class  TraceServer
 The trace class used by the UnifiedAutomation.UaClient namespace. More...
class  TraceServerInternal
 The trace class used by the UnifiedAutomation.UaClient namespace. More...
class  TraceServerInternalModuleInfo
 The metadata for the UnifiedAutomation.Server trace object. More...
class  TraceServerModuleInfo
 The metadata for the UnifiedAutomation.Server trace object. More...
class  TrainingConditionClassModel
 https://reference.opcfoundation.org/v104/Core/docs/Part9/5.9.8 More...
class  TransactionHandle
 A handle for a transaction. More...
class  TransitionEventModel
 https://reference.opcfoundation.org/v104/Core/docs/Part5/B.4.16 More...
class  TransitionModel
 Transitions of a FiniteStateMachine are represented as objects of the ObjectType TransitionType. More...
class  TransitionVariableModel
 The base VariableType for Variables that store a Transition that occurred within a StateMachine as a human readable name. More...
class  TransparentRedundancyModel
 https://reference.opcfoundation.org/v104/Core/docs/Part5/6.3.8 More...
class  TripAlarmModel
 A specialization of the OffNormalAlarmType intended to represent an equipment trip Condition More...
class  TrustListModel
 An object which represents a trust list. More...
class  TrustListOutOfDateAlarmModel
class  TrustListUpdatedAuditEventModel
 This event is raised when a trust list is changed. More...
class  TwoStateDiscreteModel
 This VariableType defines the general characteristics of a DiscreteItem that can have two states. More...
class  TwoStateVariableModel
class  TypeManager
 An object that manages the types in the address space. More...
class  UadpDataSetReaderMessageModel
 https://reference.opcfoundation.org/v104/Core/docs/Part14/9.2.1/# More...
class  UadpDataSetWriterMessageModel
 https://reference.opcfoundation.org/v104/Core/docs/Part14/9.2.1/# More...
class  UadpWriterGroupMessageModel
 https://reference.opcfoundation.org/v104/Core/docs/Part14/9.2.1/# More...
class  UntrustedUserCertificateEventArgs
 The arguments passed when an untrusted certificate event is raised. More...
class  UriDictionaryEntryModel
 https://reference.opcfoundation.org/v104/Core/docs/Amendment5/G.4 More...
class  UserCredentialCertificateModel
class  UserIdentity
 A user identity. More...
class  VectorModel
 https://reference.opcfoundation.org/v104/Core/docs/Amendment11/7.21 More...
class  VendorServerInfoModel
 This object type defines a placeholder object for vendor-specific information about the OPC UA Server. More...
class  ViewHandle
 A handle for a view. More...
class  WriterGroupMessageModel
 https://reference.opcfoundation.org/v104/Core/docs/Part14/9.1.6/# More...
class  WriterGroupModel
 https://reference.opcfoundation.org/v104/Core/docs/Part14/9.1.6/# More...
class  WriterGroupTransportModel
 https://reference.opcfoundation.org/v104/Core/docs/Part14/9.1.6/# More...
class  WriteTrustListEventArgs
 The arguments passed when a WriteTrustList event occurs. More...


enum  EventSeverity : int {
  EventSeverity.Max = 1000, EventSeverity.High = 900, EventSeverity.MediumHigh = 700, EventSeverity.Medium = 500,
  EventSeverity.MediumLow = 300, EventSeverity.Low = 100, EventSeverity.Min = 1
 The severity for an event. More...
enum  MonitoredItemType { MonitoredItemType.Data, MonitoredItemType.Event }
 The types of monitored items. More...
enum  AdvancedNodeManagerMethods {
  AdvancedNodeManagerMethods.GetNodeMetadata = 0x01, AdvancedNodeManagerMethods.GetNodeAttributes = 0x02, AdvancedNodeManagerMethods.ReadAttribute = 0x04, AdvancedNodeManagerMethods.ReadValueWithName = 0x08,
  AdvancedNodeManagerMethods.ReadValueWithPath = 0x10, AdvancedNodeManagerMethods.WriteAttribute = 0x20, AdvancedNodeManagerMethods.WriteValueWithName = 0x40, AdvancedNodeManagerMethods.WriteValueWithPath = 0x80
 The methods supported by the node manager. More...
enum  UserAccessMask {
  UserAccessMask.Read = PermissionType.Readable, UserAccessMask.ReadDataHistory = PermissionType.HistoryReadable, UserAccessMask.Write = PermissionType.Writable, UserAccessMask.UpdateDataHistory = PermissionType.HistoryModify,
  UserAccessMask.InsertDataHistory = PermissionType.HistoryInsert, UserAccessMask.DeleteDataHistory = PermissionType.HistoryDelete, UserAccessMask.ReadEventHistory = PermissionType.HistoryReadable, UserAccessMask.UpdateEventHistory = PermissionType.HistoryModify,
  UserAccessMask.InsertEventHistory = PermissionType.HistoryInsert, UserAccessMask.DeleteEventHistory = PermissionType.HistoryDelete, UserAccessMask.Browse = PermissionType.Browseable, UserAccessMask.Translate = PermissionType.Browseable,
  UserAccessMask.ReadAttribute = PermissionType.AttrReadable, UserAccessMask.WriteAttribute = PermissionType.AttrWritable
 The possible user access rights. More...
enum  TransactionType {
  TransactionType.Unknown, TransactionType.Read, TransactionType.HistoryReadRaw, TransactionType.HistoryReadProcessed,
  TransactionType.HistoryReadAtTime, TransactionType.HistoryReadEvents, TransactionType.Write, TransactionType.HistoryUpdateData,
  TransactionType.HistoryUpdateStructured, TransactionType.HistoryDeleteRaw, TransactionType.HistoryDeleteAtTime, TransactionType.HistoryUpdateEvents,
  TransactionType.HistoryDeleteEvents, TransactionType.Call, TransactionType.CreateMonitoredItems, TransactionType.ModifyMonitoredItems,
  TransactionType.SetMonitoringMode, TransactionType.DeleteMonitoredItems, TransactionType.Browse, TransactionType.BrowseNext,
 The set of all transaction types. More...
enum  NodeMetadataMask {
  NodeMetadataMask.NodeClass = BrowseResultMask.NodeClass, NodeMetadataMask.BrowseName = BrowseResultMask.BrowseName, NodeMetadataMask.DisplayName = BrowseResultMask.DisplayName, NodeMetadataMask.TypeDefinition = BrowseResultMask.TypeDefinition,
  NodeMetadataMask.DataType = 128
 The fields to return in the node metadata. More...
enum  ServiceType {
  ServiceType.Unknown, ServiceType.FindServers, ServiceType.GetEndpoints, ServiceType.CreateSession,
  ServiceType.ActivateSession, ServiceType.CloseSession, ServiceType.Cancel, ServiceType.Read,
  ServiceType.HistoryRead, ServiceType.Write, ServiceType.HistoryUpdate, ServiceType.Call,
  ServiceType.CreateMonitoredItems, ServiceType.ModifyMonitoredItems, ServiceType.SetMonitoringMode, ServiceType.SetTriggering,
  ServiceType.DeleteMonitoredItems, ServiceType.CreateSubscription, ServiceType.ModifySubscription, ServiceType.SetPublishingMode,
  ServiceType.Publish, ServiceType.Republish, ServiceType.TransferSubscriptions, ServiceType.DeleteSubscriptions,
  ServiceType.AddNodes, ServiceType.AddReferences, ServiceType.DeleteNodes, ServiceType.DeleteReferences,
  ServiceType.Browse, ServiceType.BrowseNext, ServiceType.TranslateBrowsePathsToNodeIds, ServiceType.QueryFirst,
  ServiceType.QueryNext, ServiceType.RegisterNodes, ServiceType.UnregisterNodes
 The set of all service request types (used for collecting diagnostics and checking permissions). More...
enum  SessionEventReason { SessionEventReason.Created, SessionEventReason.Impersonating, SessionEventReason.Activated, SessionEventReason.Closing }
 The possible reasons for a session related eventg. More...
enum  PublishingState { PublishingState.Idle, PublishingState.NotificationsAvailable, PublishingState.WaitingForPublish, PublishingState.Expired }
 The current publishing state for a subcription. More...


delegate IAggregateCalculator AggregatorFactory (NodeId aggregateId, DateTime startTime, DateTime endTime, double processingInterval, bool stepped, AggregateConfiguration configuration)
 Creates a new instance of an aggregate factory. More...
delegate StatusCode CallMethodEventHandler (RequestContext context, MethodHandle methodHandle, IList< Variant > inputArguments, List< StatusCode > inputArgumentResults, List< Variant > outputArguments)
 The method which is called to invoke the method. More...
delegate void StartEventMonitoringCompleteEventHandler (NotifierOperationHandle operationHandle, object callbackData, MonitoredItemHandle itemHandle, EventMonitoringResult result, bool doNotBlockThread)
 Called when a start event monitoring operation completes. More...
delegate void ModifyEventMonitoringCompleteEventHandler (MonitoredItemOperationHandle operationHandle, object callbackData, EventMonitoringResult result, bool doNotBlockThread)
 Called when a modify event monitoring operation completes. More...
delegate void EventNotificationEventHandler (RequestContext context, MonitoredItemHandle itemHandle, GenericEvent e, bool doNotBlockThread)
 Called when a new event ocurrs. More...
delegate void HistoryReadDataCompleteEventHandler (HistoryDataOperationHandle operationHandle, object callbackData, HistoryReadResult result, bool doNotBlockThread)
 A function used to report the results of a history read data operation. More...
delegate void HistoryReadEventCompleteEventHandler (HistoryEventOperationHandle operationHandle, object callbackData, HistoryReadResult result, bool doNotBlockThread)
 A function used to report the results of a history read event operation. More...
delegate void HistoryUpdateDataCompleteEventHandler (HistoryDataOperationHandle operationHandle, object callbackData, HistoryUpdateResult result, bool doNotBlockThread)
 A function used to report the results of a history update data operation. More...
delegate void HistoryUpdateEventCompleteEventHandler (HistoryEventOperationHandle operationHandle, object callbackData, HistoryUpdateResult result, bool doNotBlockThread)
 A function used to report the results of a history update data operation. More...
delegate void ReadCompleteEventHandler (NodeAttributeOperationHandle operationHandle, object callbackData, DataValue dataValue, bool doNotBlockThread)
 A function used to report the results of a read operation. More...
delegate void WriteCompleteEventHandler (NodeAttributeOperationHandle operationHandle, object callbackData, StatusCode result, bool doNotBlockThread)
 A function used to report the results of a write operation. More...
delegate void StartDataMonitoringCompleteEventHandler (NodeAttributeOperationHandle operationHandle, object callbackData, MonitoredItemHandle itemHandle, DataMonitoringResult result, bool doNotBlockThread)
 A function used to report the results of a start data monitoring operation. More...
delegate void ModifyDataMonitoringCompleteEventHandler (MonitoredItemOperationHandle operationHandle, object callbackData, DataMonitoringResult result, bool doNotBlockThread)
 A function used to report the results of a modify data monitoring operation. More...
delegate void StopMonitoringCompleteEventHandler (MonitoredItemOperationHandle operationHandle, object callbackData, StatusCode result, bool doNotBlockThread)
 A function used to report the results of a stop data monitoring operation. More...
delegate void SetMonitoringModeCompleteEventHandler (MonitoredItemOperationHandle operationHandle, object callbackData, StatusCode result, bool doNotBlockThread)
 A function used to report the results of a set data monitoring mode operation. More...
delegate void DataChangeEventHandler (RequestContext context, MonitoredItemHandle itemHandle, DataValue dataValue, bool doNotBlockThread)
 A function used to report a change to a monitored attribute. More...
delegate void CallCompleteEventHandler (MethodOperationHandle handle, object callbackData, CallMethodResult result, bool doNotBlockThread)
 A function that is called when a call operation completes. More...
delegate void BrowseCompletedEventHandler (BrowseOperationHandle operationHandle, object callbackData, BrowseResult browseResult, ContinuationPoint continuationPoint, bool doNotBlockThread)
 A function that is called when a browse operation completes. More...
delegate void TranslateCompletedEventHandler (BrowseOperationHandle operationHandle, object callbackData, BrowsePathResult browseResult, bool doNotBlockThread)
 A function that is called when a translate browse paths operation completes. More...
delegate void QueryCompletedEventHandler (QueryHandle queryHandle, object callbackData, QueryDataSetCollection queryDataSets, QueryContinuationPoint continuationPoint, ParsingResultCollection parsingResults, ContentFilterResult filterResult, bool doNotBlockThread)
 A delegate to report the result of a query operation. More...
delegate StatusCode GetHistoryEventHandleEventHandler (RequestContext context, NodeId notifierId, out HistoryEventHandle handle)
 A delegate used to provide a handler for historical events. More...
delegate void InternalClientDataChangeEventHandler (RequestContext context, MonitoredItemHandle itemHandle, MonitoredItemNotification dataChange, object callbackData)
 Invoked when a new data change is available for an internal subscription. More...
delegate void InternalClientEventEventHandler (RequestContext context, MonitoredItemHandle itemHandle, EventFieldList e, object callbackData)
 Invoked when a new event is available for an internal subscription. More...
delegate void UntrustedUserCertificateEventHandler (object sender, UntrustedUserCertificateEventArgs e)
 A delegate to handle an untrusted certificate event. More...
delegate void SessionEventHandler (Session session, SessionEventReason reason)
 The delegate for functions used to receive session related events. More...
delegate void ImpersonateEventHandler (Session session, ImpersonateEventArgs args)
 The delegate for functions used to receive impersonation events. More...
delegate void SubscriptionEventHandler (Subscription subscription, bool deleted)
 The delegate for functions used to receive subscription related events. More...

Enumeration Type Documentation

The methods supported by the node manager.


The GetNodeMetadata method is supported.


The GetNodeAttributes method is supported.


The ReadAttribute method is supported.


The ReadValueWithName method is supported.


The ReadValueWithPath method is supported.


The ReadAttribute method is supported.


The ReadValueWithName method is supported.


The ReadValueWithPath method is supported.

The severity for an event.

Event severities can have any value between 1 and 1000. This enumeration provides default values.


The highest possible severity.


The event has high severity.


The event has medium high severity.


The event has medium severity.


The event has medium-low severity.


The event has low severity.


The lowest possible severity.

The types of monitored items.


A data monitored item.


An event monitored item.

The fields to return in the node metadata.


The node class.


The browse name.


The browse name.


The type definition.


The data type, value rank and array dimensions.

The current publishing state for a subcription.


The subscription is not ready to publish.


The subscription has notifications that are ready to publish.


The has already indicated that it is waiting for a publish request.


The subscription has expired.

The set of all service request types (used for collecting diagnostics and checking permissions).


The request type is not known.


The possible reasons for a session related eventg.


A new session was created.


A session is being activated with a new user identity.


A session was activated and the user identity or preferred locales changed.


A session is about to be closed.

The set of all transaction types.


The transaction type is not known.


A transaction to read the value of one or more attribute values.


A transaction to read the raw history for one or more variables.


A transaction to read the processed history for one or more variables.


A transaction to read the history at the specified times for one or more variables.


A transaction to read the event history for one or more notifiers.


A transaction to write the value of one or more attribute values.


A transaction to update the history for one or more variables.


A transaction to update the history for one or more structured variables.


A transaction to delete the raw history for one or more variables.


A transaction to delete the history at specific times for one or more variables.


A transaction to update the event history for one or more notifiers.


A transaction to delete the event history for one or more notifiers.


A transaction to call one or more methods.


A transaction to create one or more monitored items.


A transaction to modify one or more monitored items.


A transaction to set the monitoring mode for one or more monitored items.


A transaction to delete one or more monitored items.


The possible user access rights.


Read an attribute.


Read an attribute history.


Write an attribute.


Update an attribute's history.


Insert to an attribute's history.


Delete an attribute's history.


Read event history for the object.


Update event history for the object.


Insert event history for the object.


Delete event history for the object.


Browses the references from a node.


Translates a browse path.


Read all attributes but the Value attribute


Write all attributes but the Value attibute

Function Documentation

delegate IAggregateCalculator UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.AggregatorFactory ( NodeId  aggregateId,
DateTime  startTime,
DateTime  endTime,
double  processingInterval,
bool  stepped,
AggregateConfiguration  configuration 

Creates a new instance of an aggregate factory.

delegate void UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.BrowseCompletedEventHandler ( BrowseOperationHandle  operationHandle,
object  callbackData,
BrowseResult  browseResult,
ContinuationPoint  continuationPoint,
bool  doNotBlockThread 

A function that is called when a browse operation completes.

operationHandleThe operation handle.
callbackDataThe callback data.
browseResultThe browse result.
continuationPointThe continuation point.
doNotBlockThreadif set to true do not block thread.
delegate void UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.CallCompleteEventHandler ( MethodOperationHandle  handle,
object  callbackData,
CallMethodResult  result,
bool  doNotBlockThread 

A function that is called when a call operation completes.

handleThe handle.
callbackDataThe callback data.
resultThe result.
doNotBlockThreadif set to true then the current thread should not be blocked.
delegate StatusCode UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.CallMethodEventHandler ( RequestContext  context,
MethodHandle  methodHandle,
IList< Variant inputArguments,
List< StatusCode inputArgumentResults,
List< Variant outputArguments 

The method which is called to invoke the method.

contextThe request context.
methodHandleThe method handle.
inputArgumentsThe input arguments.
inputArgumentResultsThe input argument results.
outputArgumentsThe output arguments.
The status for the method.
StatusExceptionMay be thrown but has the same meaning as a Bad return code.
delegate void UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.DataChangeEventHandler ( RequestContext  context,
MonitoredItemHandle  itemHandle,
DataValue  dataValue,
bool  doNotBlockThread 

A function used to report a change to a monitored attribute.

contextThe request context.
itemHandleThe item handle.
dataValueThe data value.
doNotBlockThreadif set to true then do not block thread.
delegate void UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.EventNotificationEventHandler ( RequestContext  context,
MonitoredItemHandle  itemHandle,
GenericEvent  e,
bool  doNotBlockThread 

Called when a new event ocurrs.

contextThe request context.
itemHandleThe item handle.
eThe event.
doNotBlockThreadif set to true then the current thread should not be blocked.
delegate StatusCode UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.GetHistoryEventHandleEventHandler ( RequestContext  context,
NodeId  notifierId,
out HistoryEventHandle  handle 

A delegate used to provide a handler for historical events.

contextThe context.
notifierIdThe notifier identifier.
handleThe handle.
Good if successful; An appropriate error otherwise.
delegate void UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.HistoryReadDataCompleteEventHandler ( HistoryDataOperationHandle  operationHandle,
object  callbackData,
HistoryReadResult  result,
bool  doNotBlockThread 

A function used to report the results of a history read data operation.

operationHandleThe operation handle.
callbackDataThe callback data.
resultThe result.
doNotBlockThreadif set to true then do not block thread.
delegate void UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.HistoryReadEventCompleteEventHandler ( HistoryEventOperationHandle  operationHandle,
object  callbackData,
HistoryReadResult  result,
bool  doNotBlockThread 

A function used to report the results of a history read event operation.

operationHandleThe operation handle.
callbackDataThe callback data.
resultThe result.
doNotBlockThreadif set to true then do not block thread.
delegate void UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.HistoryUpdateDataCompleteEventHandler ( HistoryDataOperationHandle  operationHandle,
object  callbackData,
HistoryUpdateResult  result,
bool  doNotBlockThread 

A function used to report the results of a history update data operation.

operationHandleThe operation handle.
callbackDataThe callback data.
resultThe result.
doNotBlockThreadif set to true then do not block thread.
delegate void UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.HistoryUpdateEventCompleteEventHandler ( HistoryEventOperationHandle  operationHandle,
object  callbackData,
HistoryUpdateResult  result,
bool  doNotBlockThread 

A function used to report the results of a history update data operation.

operationHandleThe operation handle.
callbackDataThe callback data.
resultThe result.
doNotBlockThreadif set to true then do not block thread.
delegate void UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.ImpersonateEventHandler ( Session  session,
ImpersonateEventArgs  args 

The delegate for functions used to receive impersonation events.

delegate void UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.InternalClientDataChangeEventHandler ( RequestContext  context,
MonitoredItemHandle  itemHandle,
MonitoredItemNotification  dataChange,
object  callbackData 

Invoked when a new data change is available for an internal subscription.

contextThe request context.
itemHandleThe item handle.
dataChangeThe data change.
callbackDataThe callback data.
delegate void UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.InternalClientEventEventHandler ( RequestContext  context,
MonitoredItemHandle  itemHandle,
EventFieldList  e,
object  callbackData 

Invoked when a new event is available for an internal subscription.

contextThe request context.
itemHandleThe item handle.
eThe e.
callbackDataThe callback data.
delegate void UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.ModifyDataMonitoringCompleteEventHandler ( MonitoredItemOperationHandle  operationHandle,
object  callbackData,
DataMonitoringResult  result,
bool  doNotBlockThread 

A function used to report the results of a modify data monitoring operation.

operationHandleThe operation handle.
callbackDataThe callback data.
resultThe result.
doNotBlockThreadif set to true then do not block thread.
delegate void UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.ModifyEventMonitoringCompleteEventHandler ( MonitoredItemOperationHandle  operationHandle,
object  callbackData,
EventMonitoringResult  result,
bool  doNotBlockThread 

Called when a modify event monitoring operation completes.

operationHandleThe operation handle.
callbackDataThe callback data.
resultThe result.
doNotBlockThreadif set to true then the current thread should not be blocked.
delegate void UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.QueryCompletedEventHandler ( QueryHandle  queryHandle,
object  callbackData,
QueryDataSetCollection  queryDataSets,
QueryContinuationPoint  continuationPoint,
ParsingResultCollection  parsingResults,
ContentFilterResult  filterResult,
bool  doNotBlockThread 

A delegate to report the result of a query operation.

queryHandleThe handle associated with the operation.
callbackDataThe callback data associated with the request.
queryDataSetsThe datasets that meet the query criteria.
continuationPointA continuation point if the query is not complete.
parsingResultsAny errors parsing the NodeTypes passed in the request. NULL for continued queries.
filterResultAny errors with the ContentFilter passed in the request, NULL for continued queries.
doNotBlockThreadTrue if the current thread must not be blocked; false otherwise.
delegate void UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.ReadCompleteEventHandler ( NodeAttributeOperationHandle  operationHandle,
object  callbackData,
DataValue  dataValue,
bool  doNotBlockThread 

A function used to report the results of a read operation.

operationHandleThe operation handle.
callbackDataThe callback data.
dataValueThe data value.
doNotBlockThreadif set to true then do not block thread.
delegate void UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.SessionEventHandler ( Session  session,
SessionEventReason  reason 

The delegate for functions used to receive session related events.

delegate void UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.SetMonitoringModeCompleteEventHandler ( MonitoredItemOperationHandle  operationHandle,
object  callbackData,
StatusCode  result,
bool  doNotBlockThread 

A function used to report the results of a set data monitoring mode operation.

operationHandleThe operation handle.
callbackDataThe callback data.
resultThe result.
doNotBlockThreadif set to true then do not block thread.
delegate void UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.StartDataMonitoringCompleteEventHandler ( NodeAttributeOperationHandle  operationHandle,
object  callbackData,
MonitoredItemHandle  itemHandle,
DataMonitoringResult  result,
bool  doNotBlockThread 

A function used to report the results of a start data monitoring operation.

operationHandleThe operation handle.
callbackDataThe callback data.
itemHandleThe item handle.
resultThe result.
doNotBlockThreadif set to true then do not block thread.
delegate void UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.StartEventMonitoringCompleteEventHandler ( NotifierOperationHandle  operationHandle,
object  callbackData,
MonitoredItemHandle  itemHandle,
EventMonitoringResult  result,
bool  doNotBlockThread 

Called when a start event monitoring operation completes.

operationHandleThe operation handle.
callbackDataThe callback data.
itemHandleThe item handle.
resultThe result.
doNotBlockThreadif set to true then the current thread should not be blocked.
delegate void UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.StopMonitoringCompleteEventHandler ( MonitoredItemOperationHandle  operationHandle,
object  callbackData,
StatusCode  result,
bool  doNotBlockThread 

A function used to report the results of a stop data monitoring operation.

operationHandleThe operation handle.
callbackDataThe callback data.
resultThe result.
doNotBlockThreadif set to true then do not block thread.
delegate void UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.SubscriptionEventHandler ( Subscription  subscription,
bool  deleted 

The delegate for functions used to receive subscription related events.

subscriptionThe subscription that was affected.
deletedTrue if the subscription was deleted.
delegate void UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.TranslateCompletedEventHandler ( BrowseOperationHandle  operationHandle,
object  callbackData,
BrowsePathResult  browseResult,
bool  doNotBlockThread 

A function that is called when a translate browse paths operation completes.

operationHandleThe operation handle.
callbackDataThe callback data.
browseResultThe browse result.
doNotBlockThreadif set to true do not block thread.
delegate void UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.UntrustedUserCertificateEventHandler ( object  sender,
UntrustedUserCertificateEventArgs  e 

A delegate to handle an untrusted certificate event.

senderThe sender.
eThe UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.UntrustedUserCertificateEventArgs instance containing the event data.
delegate void UnifiedAutomation.UaServer.WriteCompleteEventHandler ( NodeAttributeOperationHandle  operationHandle,
object  callbackData,
StatusCode  result,
bool  doNotBlockThread 

A function used to report the results of a write operation.

operationHandleThe operation handle.
callbackDataThe callback data.
resultThe result.
doNotBlockThreadif set to true then do not block thread.