.NET Based OPC UA Client/Server SDK
UnifiedAutomation.UaBase.Attributes Class Reference

A class that defines constants used by UA applications. More...

Static Public Member Functions

static bool IsValid (uint attributeId)
 Returns true is the attribute id is valid. More...
static string GetDisplayText (uint attributeId)
 Gets the display text. More...
static NodeId GetDataType (uint attributeId)
 Gets the type of the data. More...
static int GetValueRank (uint attributeId)
 Returns the value rank for the attribute. More...
static TypeInfo GetTypeInfo (uint attributeId)
 Gets the type info. More...
static bool IsWriteable (uint attributeId, uint writeMask)
 Returns true if the corresponding bit is set in the attribute write mask. More...
static uint SetWriteable (uint attributeId, uint writeMask)
 Sets the corresponding bit in the attribute write mask and returns the result. More...
static bool IsValid (NodeClass nodeClass, uint attributeId)
 Checks if the attribute is valid for at least one of node classes specified in the mask. More...
static AttributeWriteMask GetMask (uint attributeId)
 Returns the AttributeWriteMask for the attribute. More...

Public Attributes

const uint NodeId = 1
 The canonical identifier for the node. More...
const uint NodeClass = 2
 The class of the node. More...
const uint BrowseName = 3
 A non-localized, human readable name for the node. More...
const uint DisplayName = 4
 A localized, human readable name for the node. More...
const uint Description = 5
 A localized description for the node. More...
const uint WriteMask = 6
 Indicates which attributes are writable. More...
const uint UserWriteMask = 7
 Indicates which attributes are writable by the current user. More...
const uint IsAbstract = 8
 Indicates that a type node may not be instantiated. More...
const uint Symmetric = 9
 Indicates that forward and inverse references have the same meaning. More...
const uint InverseName = 10
 The browse name for an inverse reference. More...
const uint ContainsNoLoops = 11
 Indicates that following forward references within a view will not cause a loop. More...
const uint EventNotifier = 12
 Indicates that the node can be used to subscribe to events. More...
const uint Value = 13
 The value of a variable. More...
const uint DataType = 14
 The node id of the data type for the variable value. More...
const uint ValueRank = 15
 The number of dimensions in the value. More...
const uint ArrayDimensions = 16
 The length for each dimension of an array value. More...
const uint AccessLevel = 17
 How a variable may be accessed. More...
const uint UserAccessLevel = 18
 How a variable may be accessed after taking the user's access rights into account. More...
const uint MinimumSamplingInterval = 19
 Specifies (in milliseconds) how fast the server can reasonably sample the value for changes. More...
const uint Historizing = 20
 Specifies whether the server is actively collecting historical data for the variable. More...
const uint Executable = 21
 Whether the method can be called. More...
const uint UserExecutable = 22
 Whether the method can be called by the current user. More...
const uint DataTypeDefinition = 23
 Provides the metadata and encoding information for custom DataTypes. More...
const uint RolePermissions = 24
 The permissions for the node granted to roles. More...
const uint UserRolePermissions = 25
 The subset of permissions available for the roles available to the current session. More...
const uint AccessRestrictions = 26
 The access restrictions assigned to the node. More...
const uint AccessLevelEx = 27
 How a variable may be accessed. More...
const uint First = NodeId
 The id of the first attribute id (used for looping). More...
const uint Last = AccessLevelEx
 The id of the last attribute id (used for looping). More...

Detailed Description

A class that defines constants used by UA applications.

Member Function Documentation

static NodeId UnifiedAutomation.UaBase.Attributes.GetDataType ( uint  attributeId)

Gets the type of the data.

attributeIdThe attribute id.
static string UnifiedAutomation.UaBase.Attributes.GetDisplayText ( uint  attributeId)

Gets the display text.

attributeIdThe attribute id.
static AttributeWriteMask UnifiedAutomation.UaBase.Attributes.GetMask ( uint  attributeId)

Returns the AttributeWriteMask for the attribute.

static TypeInfo UnifiedAutomation.UaBase.Attributes.GetTypeInfo ( uint  attributeId)

Gets the type info.

attributeIdThe attribute id.
static int UnifiedAutomation.UaBase.Attributes.GetValueRank ( uint  attributeId)

Returns the value rank for the attribute.

static bool UnifiedAutomation.UaBase.Attributes.IsValid ( uint  attributeId)

Returns true is the attribute id is valid.

static bool UnifiedAutomation.UaBase.Attributes.IsValid ( NodeClass  nodeClass,
uint  attributeId 

Checks if the attribute is valid for at least one of node classes specified in the mask.

static bool UnifiedAutomation.UaBase.Attributes.IsWriteable ( uint  attributeId,
uint  writeMask 

Returns true if the corresponding bit is set in the attribute write mask.

static uint UnifiedAutomation.UaBase.Attributes.SetWriteable ( uint  attributeId,
uint  writeMask 

Sets the corresponding bit in the attribute write mask and returns the result.

Member Data Documentation

const uint UnifiedAutomation.UaBase.Attributes.AccessLevel = 17

How a variable may be accessed.

const uint UnifiedAutomation.UaBase.Attributes.AccessLevelEx = 27

How a variable may be accessed.

const uint UnifiedAutomation.UaBase.Attributes.AccessRestrictions = 26

The access restrictions assigned to the node.

const uint UnifiedAutomation.UaBase.Attributes.ArrayDimensions = 16

The length for each dimension of an array value.

const uint UnifiedAutomation.UaBase.Attributes.BrowseName = 3

A non-localized, human readable name for the node.

const uint UnifiedAutomation.UaBase.Attributes.ContainsNoLoops = 11

Indicates that following forward references within a view will not cause a loop.

const uint UnifiedAutomation.UaBase.Attributes.DataType = 14

The node id of the data type for the variable value.

const uint UnifiedAutomation.UaBase.Attributes.DataTypeDefinition = 23

Provides the metadata and encoding information for custom DataTypes.

const uint UnifiedAutomation.UaBase.Attributes.Description = 5

A localized description for the node.

const uint UnifiedAutomation.UaBase.Attributes.DisplayName = 4

A localized, human readable name for the node.

const uint UnifiedAutomation.UaBase.Attributes.EventNotifier = 12

Indicates that the node can be used to subscribe to events.

const uint UnifiedAutomation.UaBase.Attributes.Executable = 21

Whether the method can be called.

const uint UnifiedAutomation.UaBase.Attributes.First = NodeId

The id of the first attribute id (used for looping).

const uint UnifiedAutomation.UaBase.Attributes.Historizing = 20

Specifies whether the server is actively collecting historical data for the variable.

const uint UnifiedAutomation.UaBase.Attributes.InverseName = 10

The browse name for an inverse reference.

const uint UnifiedAutomation.UaBase.Attributes.IsAbstract = 8

Indicates that a type node may not be instantiated.

const uint UnifiedAutomation.UaBase.Attributes.Last = AccessLevelEx

The id of the last attribute id (used for looping).

const uint UnifiedAutomation.UaBase.Attributes.MinimumSamplingInterval = 19

Specifies (in milliseconds) how fast the server can reasonably sample the value for changes.

const uint UnifiedAutomation.UaBase.Attributes.NodeClass = 2

The class of the node.

const uint UnifiedAutomation.UaBase.Attributes.NodeId = 1

The canonical identifier for the node.

const uint UnifiedAutomation.UaBase.Attributes.RolePermissions = 24

The permissions for the node granted to roles.

const uint UnifiedAutomation.UaBase.Attributes.Symmetric = 9

Indicates that forward and inverse references have the same meaning.

const uint UnifiedAutomation.UaBase.Attributes.UserAccessLevel = 18

How a variable may be accessed after taking the user's access rights into account.

const uint UnifiedAutomation.UaBase.Attributes.UserExecutable = 22

Whether the method can be called by the current user.

const uint UnifiedAutomation.UaBase.Attributes.UserRolePermissions = 25

The subset of permissions available for the roles available to the current session.

const uint UnifiedAutomation.UaBase.Attributes.UserWriteMask = 7

Indicates which attributes are writable by the current user.

const uint UnifiedAutomation.UaBase.Attributes.Value = 13

The value of a variable.

const uint UnifiedAutomation.UaBase.Attributes.ValueRank = 15

The number of dimensions in the value.

const uint UnifiedAutomation.UaBase.Attributes.WriteMask = 6

Indicates which attributes are writable.

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