.NET Based OPC UA Client/Server SDK
Lesson 8: Adding Support for Historical Access for Events

This Getting Started Lesson shows how to implement HistoryRead for Events. It is based on Lesson 7.

The most relevant code can be found in the file Lesson08Nodemanager.HistoryRead.cs. The following paragraphs give a brief overview of the implementation steps which are necessary to provide support for HistoryRead for events. Please refer to the source code for more details. The code contains comments starting with “HistoryReadEvent”, explaining the implementation details.


The following implementation steps are necessary:

  • Setting the EventNotifier to HistoryRead
  • Adding the HistoricalEventFilter property
  • Using the event filter received by the client on server side
  • Creating and using HistoryContinuationPoints
  • Using ServerInternalClient to store events
  • Fetching event data from a database using start time, end time, and requested event fields

Testing History Read for Events with UaExpert

To test reading of Historical Events, connect to the server with UaExpert.

Choose Document → Add from the menu bar, select “Event View” from the drop down menu “Document Type” and confirm with “Add” to add the Event View tab to the main window.

Drag and drop the folder “Controllers” from the Address Space window to the Configuration window of the Event View tab (see Figure 8.1).

Figure 8.1:

Open Event View

Expand the tree and select “ControllerEventType” beneath “SimpleEvents” to recieve the corresponding events (see Figure 8.2).

Figure 8.2:

Select ControllerEventType

Trigger a State change Event by calling “Stop” for “AirConditioner1” (see Figure 8.3).

Figure 8.3:

Calling Stop

Open the “Event History” tab and click on the “Refresh” symbol (orange arrows). The historical event will now show up in the list (see Figure 8.4).

Figure 8.4:

Event History

Source Code

For convenience, the file Lesson08Nodemanager.EventHistory.cs, which contains most of the new code, is included here. The complete source code can be found in the Visual Studio Solution containing the Server Getting Started lessons.

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.IO;
using System.Reflection;
namespace YourCompany.GettingStarted
internal partial class Lesson08NodeManager
protected override HistoryReadResult HistoryReadEvent(
RequestContext context,
ReadEventDetails details,
HistoryEventHandle nodeHandle,
ref HistoryContinuationPoint continuationPoint)
HistoryReadResult result = new HistoryReadResult();
//HistoryReadEvent Step 2: Check if Source is valid.
HistoryEventSource eventSource = m_historyEventManager.GetEventSource(nodeHandle.NodeId);
if (eventSource == null)
return new HistoryReadResult() { StatusCode = StatusCodes.BadHistoryOperationUnsupported };
//HistoryReadEvent Step 3: Check if filter is valid.
EventFilterResult filterResult = null;
//The filter manager is created in this step, too.
StatusCode error = Server.FilterManager.ValidateFilter(context, details.Filter, out filterResult);
if (error.IsBad())
return new HistoryReadResult() { StatusCode = StatusCodes.BadEventFilterInvalid };
//HistoryReadEvent Step 4: Get Historical Events
HistoricalEventFields eventFields = null;
//If continuationPoint != null, we can use the historical events that are saved in the
if (continuationPoint != null)
eventFields = GetHistoricalEventFieldsFromContinationPoint(continuationPoint);
if (eventFields == null)
return new HistoryReadResult() { StatusCode = StatusCodes.BadContinuationPointInvalid };
continuationPoint = null;
//If continuationPoint == null, we have to get the event fields from the event source
eventFields = GetHistoricalEventFieldsFromDataSource(eventSource, context, details, nodeHandle);
//HistoryReadEvent Step 5: Add the nodes to the result.
//If there are more results that match start time, end time and the filters that NumValuesPerNode,
//we have to use the continuationPoint
bool useContinuationPoint;
HistoryEvent data = eventFields.NextEventFields(details.NumValuesPerNode, out useContinuationPoint);
result.HistoryData = new ExtensionObject(data);
//Save the remaining results
if (useContinuationPoint)
continuationPoint = CreateHistoryEventsContinuationPoint(eventFields);
return result;
//Step 1
private void SetupEventHistory()
//Create a list of browse names. This list is used for setting up the filter for
//the internal client and assigning the received event field values to the "data base entries".
QualifiedNameCollection eventFieldNames = new QualifiedNameCollection();
eventFieldNames.Add(new QualifiedName(yourorganisation.BA.BrowseNames.State, TypeNamespaceIndex));
eventFieldNames.Add(new QualifiedName(yourorganisation.BA.BrowseNames.Temperature, TypeNamespaceIndex));
m_historyEventManager = new HistoryEventManager(Server, eventFieldNames);
NodeId controllersId = new NodeId("Controllers", InstanceNamespaceIndex);
ObjectNode controllersFolder = FindInMemoryNode(controllersId)
as ObjectNode;
if (controllersFolder != null)
lock (InMemoryNodeLock)
//It is necessary to set the HistoryRead in EventNotifier. If this bit is not set,
//HistroryReadEvent will not be called.
//SubscribeToEvents hat to be set because a subscription using the InternalClient is used
//to collect the event data.
controllersFolder.EventNotifier = EventNotifiers.HistoryRead | EventNotifiers.SubscribeToEvents;
HistoryEventSource eventSource = new HistoryEventSource();
m_historyEventManager.AddEventSource(controllersId, eventSource, true);
//Create the property that should be added to objects that provide an event history.
CreateVariableSettings HistoricalEventFilterSettings = new CreateVariableSettings()
AccessLevel = AccessLevels.CurrentRead,
BrowseName = BrowseNames.HistoricalEventFilter,
DataType = DataTypeIds.EventFilter,
Historizing = false,
RequestedNodeId = new NodeId(BrowseNames.HistoricalEventFilter, InstanceNamespaceIndex),
TypeDefinitionId = VariableTypeIds.PropertyType,
ValueRank = -1,
Value = new ExtensionObject(m_historyEventManager.EventFilter),
ReferenceTypeId = ReferenceTypeIds.HasProperty,
ParentNodeId = controllersFolder.NodeId
m_historicalEventFilter = CreateVariable(Server.DefaultRequestContext, HistoricalEventFilterSettings);
foreach (BlockConfiguration block in m_system.GetBlocks())
NodeId controllerId = new NodeId(block.Name, InstanceNamespaceIndex);
ObjectNode controllerObject = FindInMemoryNode(controllerId)
as ObjectNode;
if (controllerObject != null)
lock (InMemoryNodeLock)
//Set the HistoryRead bit for the controllers
controllerObject.EventNotifier = (byte)(controllerObject.EventNotifier|EventNotifiers.HistoryRead);
//Add a reference to the property. Alternatively a new variable can be created.
AddReference(Server.DefaultRequestContext, controllerObject.NodeId, ReferenceTypeIds.HasProperty, false, m_historicalEventFilter.NodeId, true);
m_historyEventManager.AddEventSource(controllerId, eventSource, false);
//HistoryReadEvent Step 4: Get Historical Events
private HistoricalEventFields GetHistoricalEventFieldsFromDataSource(
HistoryEventSource eventSource,
RequestContext context,
ReadEventDetails details,
HistoryEventHandle nodeHandle)
// evaluate the start and end time
DateTime startTime;
DateTime endTime;
bool timeFlowsBackward;
if (details.EndTime == DateTime.MinValue
|| (details.EndTime.CompareTo(details.StartTime) >= 0)
&& details.StartTime != DateTime.MinValue)
startTime = details.StartTime;
endTime = details.EndTime;
timeFlowsBackward = false;
startTime = details.EndTime;
endTime = details.StartTime;
timeFlowsBackward = true;
//Get all events within the specified time space of the specified node
//On some systems there will be database queries to get this information
System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair<System.DateTime, HistoryEventData>> result
= eventSource.Events.Where(
e => e.Key.CompareTo(startTime) >= 0
&& (endTime == DateTime.MinValue || e.Key.CompareTo(endTime) <= 0)
&& (e.Value.SourceNode == nodeHandle.NodeId || nodeHandle.NodeId == new NodeId("Controllers", InstanceNamespaceIndex)));
//Returned events are sorted by Date.
//If time flows backword the event fields have to be returned backword
if (timeFlowsBackward)
result = result.Reverse();
HistoricalEventFields ret = new HistoricalEventFields();
Server.FilterManager.UpdateReferenceCount(details.Filter, true);
foreach (KeyValuePair<DateTime, HistoryEventData> element in result)
// Create a GenericEvent from the data that is saved in the event source.
// We can use filter functionaly of SDK in this case.
// If the event history is saved in memory, the event source can save GenericEvents
// directly to get a better performance. But in most use cases, the historical event
// data is saved in a data base.
GenericEvent genericEvent = element.Value.ToGenericEvent(Server.FilterManager);
// apply the filter.
if (!FilterManager.Evaluate(context, details.Filter.WhereClause, genericEvent))
// fetch the event fields.
HistoryEventFieldList fields = new HistoryEventFieldList();
foreach (SimpleAttributeOperand clause in details.Filter.SelectClauses)
// get the value of the attribute (apply localization).
Variant value = genericEvent.Get(clause);
// add value.
Server.FilterManager.UpdateReferenceCount(details.Filter, false);
return ret;
private HistoricalEventFields GetHistoricalEventFieldsFromContinationPoint(HistoryContinuationPoint continuationPoint)
return continuationPoint as HistoricalEventFields;
private HistoryContinuationPoint CreateHistoryEventsContinuationPoint(HistoricalEventFields events)
return events;
#region Private fields
private VariableNode m_historicalEventFilter;
private HistoryEventManager m_historyEventManager;
//HistoryReadEvent Step 1: Specify nodes with Event history.
#region HistoryEventSource class
internal class HistoryEventSource
public HistoryEventSource()
m_events = new SortedList<DateTime, HistoryEventData>();
#region public properties
public SortedList<DateTime, HistoryEventData > Events
return m_events;
#region public interface
public void AddEvent(NodeId nodeId, HistoryEventData e)
m_events.Add(e.Time, e);
#region private fields
private SortedList<DateTime, HistoryEventData> m_events;
#region HistoryEventData
internal class HistoryEventData
public HistoryEventData()
// This class uses key value pairs to store the data.
// Storing the data in lists would be more efficient.
Data = new Dictionary<QualifiedName,Variant>();
#region Public Interface
public void AddEventField(QualifiedName browseName, Variant value)
if (browseName == "Time")
Time = value.ToDateTime();
else if (browseName == "SourceNode")
SourceNode = value.ToNodeId();
Data.Add(browseName, value);
public GenericEvent ToGenericEvent(FilterManager filterManager)
GenericEvent ret = new GenericEvent(filterManager)
Time = Time,
SourceNode = SourceNode
// If the data is stored in a list (i.e. if a more efficient implementation is used),
// GenericEvent.Set(int handle, Variant value) has to be used. This method is more efficient.
foreach (KeyValuePair<QualifiedName,Variant> pair in Data)
ret.Set(AbsoluteName.ToString(pair.Key), pair.Value);
return ret;
#region Public Properties
public DateTime Time { get; internal set;}
public NodeId SourceNode { get; internal set;}
public Dictionary<QualifiedName, Variant> Data { get; internal set;}
//HistoryReadEvent Step 4: Get Historical Events
//Create a class that contains all data that is requested. The amount of data can be too big,
//so this class can be used for the continuation point.
#region HistoricalEventFields class
internal class HistoricalEventFields : HistoryContinuationPoint
public HistoricalEventFields()
Data = new HistoryEventFieldListCollection();
#region Public Properties
public HistoryEventFieldListCollection Data { get; set; }
//HistoryReadEvent Step 5: Add the nodes to the result.
public HistoryEvent NextEventFields(uint NumValuesPerNode, out bool EventsRemaining)
HistoryEvent ret = new HistoryEvent();
EventsRemaining = false;
int iIndex = 0;
for (; (iIndex < NumValuesPerNode || NumValuesPerNode == 0) && Data.Count > 0; iIndex++)
if (Data.Count > 0)
EventsRemaining = true;
return ret;
#region HistoryEventManager
internal class HistoryEventManager
#region Constructor
public HistoryEventManager(ServerManager server, QualifiedNameCollection browseNames)
m_filterManager = server.FilterManager;
m_client = server.InternalClient;
m_requestContext = server.DefaultRequestContext;
m_sources = new Dictionary<NodeId, HistoryEventSource>();
#region Public Properties
public QualifiedNameCollection EventFieldBrowseNames
return m_eventFieldBrowseNames;
public EventFilter EventFilter
return m_eventFilter;
#region Public Interface
public void AddEventSource(NodeId nodeId, HistoryEventSource eventSource, bool createSubsricption)
if (createSubsricption)
CreateEventSubscription(nodeId, eventSource, m_eventFilter);
m_sources.Add(nodeId, eventSource);
private void CreateEventSubscription(NodeId nodeId, HistoryEventSource eventSource, EventFilter eventFilter)
List<InternalClientFullEventMonitoredItem> montoredItmes
= new List<InternalClientFullEventMonitoredItem>();
InternalClientFullEventMonitoredItem eventMonitoredItem = new InternalClientFullEventMonitoredItem()
NodeId = nodeId,
Filter = eventFilter
eventMonitoredItem.Callback = OnInternalClientEventEvent;
eventMonitoredItem.CallbackData = eventSource;
public HistoryEventSource GetEventSource(NodeId nodeId)
HistoryEventSource ret;
if (m_sources.TryGetValue(nodeId, out ret))
return ret;
return null;
#region Helpers
private void RegisterEventFields(QualifiedNameCollection browseNames)
m_eventFieldBrowseNames = browseNames;
m_eventFilter = new EventFilter();
if (m_eventFieldBrowseNames == null)
m_eventFieldBrowseNames = new QualifiedNameCollection();
foreach (QualifiedName browseName in m_eventFieldBrowseNames)
SelectEventField(m_eventFilter, browseName);
private void SelectEventField(
EventFilter filter,
QualifiedName browseName)
SimpleAttributeOperand eventField = new SimpleAttributeOperand()
TypeDefinitionId = ObjectTypeIds.BaseEventType,
AttributeId = Attributes.Value,
BrowsePath = new QualifiedNameCollection(new QualifiedName[] { browseName })
private void OnInternalClientEventEvent(
RequestContext context,
MonitoredItemHandle itemHandle,
EventFieldList eventFields,
object callbackData)
HistoryEventSource eventSource = callbackData as HistoryEventSource;
AddEventFieldsToEventSource(eventSource, itemHandle.NodeId, eventFields);
private void AddEventFieldsToEventSource(HistoryEventSource eventSource, NodeId sourceNodeId, EventFieldList eventFields)
HistoryEventData data = new HistoryEventData();
if (eventFields.EventFields.Count == m_eventFieldBrowseNames.Count)
//Colect the received event fields and add it to a data structure.
for (int i = 0; i < m_eventFieldBrowseNames.Count; i++)
data.AddEventField(m_eventFieldBrowseNames[i], eventFields.EventFields[i]);
catch (Exception)
// ToDo: Error handling
//Add the event to the data base.
eventSource.AddEvent(sourceNodeId, data);
#region private fields
Dictionary<NodeId, HistoryEventSource> m_sources;
QualifiedNameCollection m_eventFieldBrowseNames;
EventFilter m_eventFilter;
FilterManager m_filterManager;
ServerInternalClient m_client;
RequestContext m_requestContext;