High Performance OPC UA Server SDK
UA Client Library

The UA Client Library can be used to write UA Client applications. More...


 UA Client Services
 UA Client Session
 These functions are used internally to create a connection.
 UA Client Simple Browse
 UA Client Subscription
 UA Discovery Module

Data Structures

struct  ua_client
 The client context represents one client connection. More...
struct  ua_client_callbacks
 Callback table for ua_client instances. More...
struct  ua_auth_usernamepassword
 Username/password authentication details. More...
struct  ua_auth_x509
struct  ua_auth_credentials
 Authentication credentials used in ActivateSession service call. More...
struct  ua_service_settings
 Settings for UA service calls. More...


 Default value when not set by ua_client_set_default_call_timeout.
 Default value when not set by ua_client_set_session_timeout.
 Default value when not set by ua_client_set_default_return_diagnostics.
 Default value when not set by ua_client_set_publishing_timeout.
 Default value when not set by ua_client_set_default_keep_request.
 Default value when not set by ua_client_set_securechannel_lifetime.
 Default value when not set by ua_client_set_automatic_reconnect.
 Default value when not set by ua_client_set_hostname_check.
 Default value when not set by ua_client_set_reconnect_delay.
 Default value when not set by ua_client_set_watchdog_interval.
 Default value when not set by ua_client_set_watchdog_timeout.
 Default value when not set by ua_client_set_max_pki_chain_length.


typedef int(* ua_client_verify_certificate_cb) (struct ua_client *client, void *cb_data, int result, bool cert_ok, unsigned int num_results, struct pki_cert_verification_result *results)
 Callback prototype for ua_client_begin_verify_certificate. More...
typedef void(* ua_client_connect_cb) (struct ua_client *client, void *cb_data, int result, ua_statuscode statuscode)
 Callback for ua_client_begin_connect.
typedef void(* ua_client_disconnect_cb) (struct ua_client *client, void *cb_data, int result, ua_statuscode statuscode)
 Callback for ua_client_begin_disconnect.
typedef int(* ua_client_invoke_cb) (struct ua_client *client, int result, struct ua_responseheader *rh, void *response, void *request, void *cb_data)
 Callback for ua_client_begin_invoke.
typedef void(* ua_client_connection_state_changed_cb) (struct ua_client *client, enum ua_client_connection_state status)
 The connection status callback is called every time the connection state is changing. More...
typedef enum ua_client_connect_action(* ua_client_connection_error_cb) (struct ua_client *client, enum ua_client_connect_step step, int client_error, ua_statuscode statuscode)
 The connection error callback is called whenever an error occurs. More...
typedef void(* ua_client_hostname_mismatch_cb) (struct ua_client *client, const char *hostname, const char *dnslist, const char *iplist, bool *ignore_error)
 Reports certificate hostname mismatch errors. More...


enum  ua_client_connection_state {
 Possible connection states of the client. More...
 Actions how to continue in case of a connection error. More...
enum  ua_client_connect_step {
 Connection steps at which errors can occur. More...
enum  ua_authentication_type { UA_AUTH_ANONYMOUS, UA_AUTH_USERNAMEPASSWORD, UA_AUTH_X509 }
 Modes for the client to authenticate. More...


struct ua_clientua_client_create (struct uaapplication *app)
 Dynamically allocates and initializes a client context. More...
int ua_client_init (struct ua_client *client, struct uaapplication *app)
 Initializes the given UA Client Context. More...
int ua_client_cleanup (struct ua_client *client)
 Frees all resources of the given client context allocated with ua_client_init. More...
int ua_client_delete (struct ua_client *client)
 Frees all resources of the given client context allocated with ua_client_create. More...
int ua_client_set_callbacks (struct ua_client *client, struct ua_client_callbacks *callbacks)
 Sets the callback interface for the give client context. More...
static void ua_client_callbacks_init (struct ua_client_callbacks *callbacks)
 initializes the given callback interface. More...
int ua_client_set_userdata (struct ua_client *client, void *data)
 Attach arbitrary userdata to the client that can be accessed via ua_client_get_userdata. More...
void * ua_client_get_userdata (struct ua_client *client)
 Get the data set with ua_client_set_userdata.
enum ua_client_connection_state ua_client_get_connection_state (struct ua_client *client)
 Returns the current state of the given client context. More...
const char * ua_client_connection_state_to_string (enum ua_client_connection_state state)
 Converts the state enum into a string for creating human readable traces. More...
const char * ua_client_connect_step_to_string (enum ua_client_connect_step step)
 Converts the step enum into a string for creating human readable traces. More...
int ua_client_connect_abort (struct ua_client *client)
 This function may only be called after the application returned UA_CLIENT_CONNECT_ACTION_ASYNC in a callback function. More...
int ua_client_connect_retry (struct ua_client *client)
 This function may only be called after the application returned UA_CLIENT_CONNECT_ACTION_ASYNC in a callback function. More...
uint32_t ua_client_get_unique_request_handle (struct ua_client *client)
 Create a unique request handle for use in ua_service_settings. More...
int ua_client_set_default_call_timeout (struct ua_client *client, uint32_t ms)
 Set the default call timeout to use when no ua_service_settings are given. More...
int ua_client_set_default_return_diagnostics (struct ua_client *client, uint32_t bitmask)
 Set the default return diagnostics to use when no ua_service_settings are given. More...
int ua_client_set_default_keep_request (struct ua_client *client, bool keep)
 Set the default keep request value to use when no ua_service_settings are given. More...
int ua_client_set_hostname_check (struct ua_client *client, bool enabled)
 Enables/disables hostname check of certificates. More...
int ua_client_set_publishing_timeout (struct ua_client *client, uint32_t ms)
 Set the call timeout for publish requests. More...
int ua_client_set_securechannel_lifetime (struct ua_client *client, uint32_t ms)
 Set the secure channel lifetime to use when connecting or renewing the secure channel. More...
int ua_client_set_session_timeout (struct ua_client *client, double ms)
 Set the session timeout in milliseconds used in the CreateSessionRequest. More...
double ua_client_get_revised_session_timeout (struct ua_client *client)
 Get the revised session timeout received in the CreateSessionResponse. More...
uint32_t ua_client_get_revised_securechannel_lifetime (struct ua_client *client)
 Get the revised secure channel liftime received in the OpenSecureChannelResponse. More...
int ua_client_set_watchdog_interval (struct ua_client *client, uint32_t ms)
 Set the interval for the watchdog read. More...
int ua_client_set_watchdog_timeout (struct ua_client *client, uint32_t ms)
 Set the timeout for the watchdog read. More...
int ua_client_set_reconnect_delay (struct ua_client *client, uint32_t ms)
 Set the reconnect delay. More...
int ua_client_set_automatic_reconnect (struct ua_client *client, bool reconnect)
 Enable/disable automatic reconnect. More...
int ua_client_set_max_pki_chain_length (struct ua_client *client, uint8_t length)
 Sets the maximum length if certificte chains. More...
int ua_client_set_credentials (struct ua_client *client, struct ua_auth_credentials *credentials)
 Sets authentication credentials. More...
int ua_client_set_security (struct ua_client *client, uint32_t client_certificate_store, const unsigned char *client_certificate_id, uint32_t num_client_chain_elements, struct ua_bytestring *client_chain_elements, const struct ua_bytestring *server_certificate, enum ua_messagesecuritymode security_mode, enum ua_security_policy_id security_policy)
 Configures the client for secure connections. More...
int ua_client_set_security_from_endpointdescription (struct ua_client *client, uint32_t client_certificate_store, const unsigned char *client_certificate_id, uint32_t num_client_chain_elements, struct ua_bytestring *client_chain_elements, const struct ua_endpointdescription *endpoint_desc)
 This is a convenience wrapper for ua_client_set_security, which creates settings based on given the ua_endpointdescription. More...
int ua_client_get_server_certificate (struct ua_client *client, const struct ua_bytestring **server_certificate)
 Returns the configured server certificate. More...
int ua_client_trust_server_certificate (struct ua_client *client, const struct ua_bytestring *server_certificate)
 Adds the given certificte to the client's trust list. More...
int ua_client_begin_verify_certificate (struct ua_client *client, const struct ua_bytestring *server_certificate, ua_client_verify_certificate_cb, void *cb_data)
 Verifies the given certificate. More...
int ua_client_begin_connect (struct ua_client *client, const char *endpoint_url, ua_client_connect_cb cb, void *cb_data)
 Try to connect to the given server. More...
int ua_client_begin_disconnect (struct ua_client *client, ua_client_disconnect_cb cb, void *cb_data)
 Disconnects from the server. More...
int ua_client_begin_invoke (struct ua_client *client, struct ua_service_settings *settings, void *request, unsigned int type_id, ua_client_invoke_cb cb, void *cb_data)
 Generic UA service call function. More...
static void ua_client_service_settings_init (struct ua_service_settings *settings)
 Initializes the given ua_service_settings struct. More...
static void ua_auth_credentials_init (struct ua_auth_credentials *auth_credentials)
 Initialize authentication credentials.
static void ua_auth_credentials_clear (struct ua_auth_credentials *auth_credentials)
 Clear authentication credentials.

Detailed Description

The UA Client Library can be used to write UA Client applications.

This can be a standalone client, or client which is integrated within an OPC UA Server.

For a first introduction into the UA Client Library, please read the client_gettingstarted tutorial. For a general overview about the client's state machine, connection loss detection and subscription recovery, please take a look at the Sample Client application.

Typedef Documentation

◆ ua_client_connection_error_cb

typedef enum ua_client_connect_action(* ua_client_connection_error_cb) (struct ua_client *client, enum ua_client_connect_step step, int client_error, ua_statuscode statuscode)

The connection error callback is called whenever an error occurs.

The return value can be used to control the handling of that error by the SDK.

◆ ua_client_connection_state_changed_cb

typedef void(* ua_client_connection_state_changed_cb) (struct ua_client *client, enum ua_client_connection_state status)

The connection status callback is called every time the connection state is changing.

This can be used to monitor the connection status.connection status

◆ ua_client_hostname_mismatch_cb

typedef void(* ua_client_hostname_mismatch_cb) (struct ua_client *client, const char *hostname, const char *dnslist, const char *iplist, bool *ignore_error)

Reports certificate hostname mismatch errors.

This is called if the hostname in the used certificate does not match the hostname of the endpoint url. Normally this should match, because otherwise an attacker could use any trusted certificate to fake a server's identity.

clientThe client context used to connect to a server
hostnameThe hostname part of the used endpoint URL. This may be a hostname or IP address.
dnslistComma separated list of DNS entries of the used server certificate. This may be NULL if missing in the certificate.
iplistComma separated list of IP address entries of the used server certificate. This may be NULL if missing in the certificate.
ignore_errorInitialized with false. You can set this to true to ignore host mismatch errors and continue with the connecting process.

◆ ua_client_verify_certificate_cb

typedef int(* ua_client_verify_certificate_cb) (struct ua_client *client, void *cb_data, int result, bool cert_ok, unsigned int num_results, struct pki_cert_verification_result *results)

Callback prototype for ua_client_begin_verify_certificate.

clientThe client context.
cb_dataThe callback data that was passed to ua_client_begin_verify_certificate.
resultOperation result. UA_EGOOD on success, any other error indicates that the subsequent parameters are undefined.
cert_okGeneral information if the certificate is OK not not.
num_resultsNumber of verification results.
resultsArray of certificate verification results.
0=Normal: finish verification, 1=Retry: this can be used to retry verification, e.g. if you trusted the certificate in this callback. In the case of Retry the callback will be called again. Retry is only allowed if result=0 and cert_ok=false.
See also

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ ua_authentication_type

Modes for the client to authenticate.


client is not authenticated at all


client needs to provide a username and password


not supported at the moment

◆ ua_client_connect_action

Actions how to continue in case of a connection error.


Continue with the configured default behaviour.


Force a retry of the connect.


Abort connecting to the server.


Return the result asynchronous, use ua_client_connect_abort or ua_client_connect_retry to trigger the respective action.

◆ ua_client_connect_step

Connection steps at which errors can occur.


Internal value to indicate none of the other steps, not used in callbacks to application.


The effected step is opening the SecureChannel.


The effected step is creating the Session.


The effected step is activating the Session.


The effected step is the initial Read.

◆ ua_client_connection_state

Possible connection states of the client.


The client is disconnected.


The client is connected.


Connection is lost, client tries to reconnect.


A new session was created.


The existing session was unexpectedly deleted by the server.


The session was created for the first time.

Function Documentation

◆ ua_client_begin_connect()

int ua_client_begin_connect ( struct ua_client client,
const char *  endpoint_url,
ua_client_connect_cb  cb,
void *  cb_data 

Try to connect to the given server.

When the synchronous call succeeds the asynchronous result of the connect is delivered by callback, there are two ways:

  • ua_client_connect_cb given into the function, will be called exactly once, either when the connect succeeds or with a bad result when the connect fails and no further connect attempts are made.
  • ua_client_connection_state_changed_cb registered with the client object will receive the corresponding state change(s) every time the connection is established or recovered.
clientClient context.
endpoint_urlThe server's endpoint to use.
cbThe connect callback that is called when the operation is complete.
cb_dataOptional callback data which gets passed to the configured callback.
Zero on success or a negative errorcode on failure.

◆ ua_client_begin_disconnect()

int ua_client_begin_disconnect ( struct ua_client client,
ua_client_disconnect_cb  cb,
void *  cb_data 

Disconnects from the server.

Like in ua_client_begin_connect when the synchronous call succeeds the asynchronous result of the connect is delivered by callback, there are again two ways:

Disconnect may fail for different reasons, e.g. a network disconnect or the server has already deleted the session. In all cases the SDK will continue the disconnect and and close the network connection, so after the disconnect is finished the client object can be deleted.

clientClient context.
cbThe disconnect callback that is called when the operation is complete.
cb_dataOptional callback data which gets passed to the configured callback.
Zero on success or a negative errorcode on failure.

◆ ua_client_begin_invoke()

int ua_client_begin_invoke ( struct ua_client client,
struct ua_service_settings settings,
void *  request,
unsigned int  type_id,
ua_client_invoke_cb  cb,
void *  cb_data 

Generic UA service call function.

For typesafe functions see UA Client Services

clientThe client context.
settingsOptional service settings.
requestPointer to services request structure. This function creates a shallow copy of the request, so the struct can be on the stack, but members must be allocated with ipc_malloc. When this function succeeds, it takes ownership of the struct members and the caller must not access or free it. However, members may be detached again from the request in the callback, if the keep_request setting is true.
type_idService type id.
cbPointer to callback function.
cb_dataCallback data which you will get back in the callback.

The SDK takes ownership of the request structure if the invoke operation succeeds. It must not be freed by the caller. If the operation fails it must be cleared by the caller, though.

Any service result will be returned in the callback.

Zero on success, a negative status code if the operation fails.

◆ ua_client_begin_verify_certificate()

int ua_client_begin_verify_certificate ( struct ua_client client,
const struct ua_bytestring server_certificate,
ua_client_verify_certificate_cb  cb,
void *  cb_data 

Verifies the given certificate.

This function is a convenience wrapper function for begin_pki_store_verify_cert, which simplifies certificate validation for client applications. If you need more fine-grained control you can still use begin_pki_store_verify_cert directly.

This operation works asynchronously and will return the verification results in a callback.

clientClient context.
server_certificateThe server certificate to verify. Typically this is retrieved using ua_client_discovery_begin_get_endpoints.
cbCallback which is called when the operation is finished.
cb_dataCallback data which will be returned in the callback.
UA_EGOOD on success. A negative error if the operations fails. The callback will not be called on error. It is guaranteed to be called if UA_EGOOD is returned.

◆ ua_client_callbacks_init()

static void ua_client_callbacks_init ( struct ua_client_callbacks callbacks)

initializes the given callback interface.

◆ ua_client_cleanup()

int ua_client_cleanup ( struct ua_client client)

Frees all resources of the given client context allocated with ua_client_init.

This function must not be called from within a callback of that client instance.

Before calling this function all subscriptions associated with this client instance must be freed first.

This function will fail if the client is not disconnected.

Zero on success or negative errorcode on failure.

◆ ua_client_connect_abort()

int ua_client_connect_abort ( struct ua_client client)

This function may only be called after the application returned UA_CLIENT_CONNECT_ACTION_ASYNC in a callback function.

It will no longer try to connect to the server as if UA_CLIENT_CONNECT_ACTION_ABORT was returned in the callback.

Zero on success or errorcode on failure.

◆ ua_client_connect_retry()

int ua_client_connect_retry ( struct ua_client client)

This function may only be called after the application returned UA_CLIENT_CONNECT_ACTION_ASYNC in a callback function.

It will retry to connect to the server as if UA_CLIENT_CONNECT_ACTION_RETRY was returned in the callback.

Zero on success or errorcode on failure.

◆ ua_client_connect_step_to_string()

const char* ua_client_connect_step_to_string ( enum ua_client_connect_step  step)

Converts the step enum into a string for creating human readable traces.

◆ ua_client_connection_state_to_string()

const char* ua_client_connection_state_to_string ( enum ua_client_connection_state  state)

Converts the state enum into a string for creating human readable traces.

◆ ua_client_create()

struct ua_client* ua_client_create ( struct uaapplication app)

Dynamically allocates and initializes a client context.

The maximum number of clients instances can be configured in appconfig, setting client.num_clients.

Must be freed with ua_client_delete when no longer needed.

appThe UA application instance.
Pointer to client context on success, or NULL in case of an error.

◆ ua_client_delete()

int ua_client_delete ( struct ua_client client)

Frees all resources of the given client context allocated with ua_client_create.

This function must not be called from within a callback of that client instance.

Before calling this function all subscriptions associated with this client instance must be freed first.

This function will fail if the client is not disconnected.

Zero on success or negative errorcode on failure.

◆ ua_client_get_connection_state()

enum ua_client_connection_state ua_client_get_connection_state ( struct ua_client client)

Returns the current state of the given client context.

◆ ua_client_get_revised_securechannel_lifetime()

uint32_t ua_client_get_revised_securechannel_lifetime ( struct ua_client client)

Get the revised secure channel liftime received in the OpenSecureChannelResponse.

UINT32_MAX in case of failure or no OpenSecureChannelResponse has been received yet.

◆ ua_client_get_revised_session_timeout()

double ua_client_get_revised_session_timeout ( struct ua_client client)

Get the revised session timeout received in the CreateSessionResponse.

Negative number in case of failure, or no CreateSessionResponse has been received for this session yet.

◆ ua_client_get_server_certificate()

int ua_client_get_server_certificate ( struct ua_client client,
const struct ua_bytestring **  server_certificate 

Returns the configured server certificate.

clientClient context.
server_certThis pointer receives the address of the configured server certificate.

◆ ua_client_get_unique_request_handle()

uint32_t ua_client_get_unique_request_handle ( struct ua_client client)

Create a unique request handle for use in ua_service_settings.

The returned handle is above 1.000.000 and not used in any other request. However due to the limited range of uint32_t it will overflow at some point, but it is extremely unlikely there is still another request using this number.

Valid handle above 1M on success or 0 on error.

◆ ua_client_init()

int ua_client_init ( struct ua_client client,
struct uaapplication app 

Initializes the given UA Client Context.

clientClient context.
appThe UA application instance.

Must be freed with ua_client_cleanup when no longer needed.

Zero on success, a negative status code if the operation fails.

◆ ua_client_service_settings_init()

static void ua_client_service_settings_init ( struct ua_service_settings settings)

Initializes the given ua_service_settings struct.

◆ ua_client_set_automatic_reconnect()

int ua_client_set_automatic_reconnect ( struct ua_client client,
bool  reconnect 

Enable/disable automatic reconnect.

It is still possible to override the set behavior by implementing the ua_client_connection_error_cb callback.

Zero on success or errorcode on failure.

◆ ua_client_set_callbacks()

int ua_client_set_callbacks ( struct ua_client client,
struct ua_client_callbacks callbacks 

Sets the callback interface for the give client context.

◆ ua_client_set_credentials()

int ua_client_set_credentials ( struct ua_client client,
struct ua_auth_credentials credentials 

Sets authentication credentials.

This must be called before creating a connection.

Note that you need to configure a server certificate to use encrypted credentials. Plain text passwords are not allowed over an unencrypted channel.

See also
clientClient context.
credentialsThe credentials to use for the next connect call.
Zero on success or errorcode on failure.

◆ ua_client_set_default_call_timeout()

int ua_client_set_default_call_timeout ( struct ua_client client,
uint32_t  ms 

Set the default call timeout to use when no ua_service_settings are given.

msCall timeout in milliseconds
Zero on success or errorcode on failure.

◆ ua_client_set_default_keep_request()

int ua_client_set_default_keep_request ( struct ua_client client,
bool  keep 

Set the default keep request value to use when no ua_service_settings are given.

Zero on success or errorcode on failure.

◆ ua_client_set_default_return_diagnostics()

int ua_client_set_default_return_diagnostics ( struct ua_client client,
uint32_t  bitmask 

Set the default return diagnostics to use when no ua_service_settings are given.

Zero on success or errorcode on failure.

◆ ua_client_set_hostname_check()

int ua_client_set_hostname_check ( struct ua_client client,
bool  enabled 

Enables/disables hostname check of certificates.

It is not recommended to disable this check. By default the check is enabled. Note that this check can only be done when connecting with a server certificate, which is required for secure connections.

◆ ua_client_set_max_pki_chain_length()

int ua_client_set_max_pki_chain_length ( struct ua_client client,
uint8_t  length 

Sets the maximum length if certificte chains.

clientClient context.
lengthThe maximum length. 5 should be sufficient for most cases.
Zero on success or errorcode on failure.

◆ ua_client_set_publishing_timeout()

int ua_client_set_publishing_timeout ( struct ua_client client,
uint32_t  ms 

Set the call timeout for publish requests.

Publish requests are stored in the server until subscription data becomes available, so it is recommended to set a higher call timeout as usual for these requests.

msPublish timeout in milliseconds
Zero on success or errorcode on failure.

◆ ua_client_set_reconnect_delay()

int ua_client_set_reconnect_delay ( struct ua_client client,
uint32_t  ms 

Set the reconnect delay.

When the client gets disconnected it will try to reconnect after that delay.

msReconnect delay in milliseconds.
Zero on success or errorcode on failure.

◆ ua_client_set_securechannel_lifetime()

int ua_client_set_securechannel_lifetime ( struct ua_client client,
uint32_t  ms 

Set the secure channel lifetime to use when connecting or renewing the secure channel.

msLifetime in milliseconds
Zero on success or errorcode on failure.

◆ ua_client_set_security()

int ua_client_set_security ( struct ua_client client,
uint32_t  client_certificate_store,
const unsigned char *  client_certificate_id,
uint32_t  num_client_chain_elements,
struct ua_bytestring client_chain_elements,
const struct ua_bytestring server_certificate,
enum ua_messagesecuritymode  security_mode,
enum ua_security_policy_id  security_policy 

Configures the client for secure connections.

By default the client will connect with SecurityPolicy None.

Use this function to configure the security before calling ua_client_begin_connect. Note that the application is responsible to verify the certificate before using it. The SDK will not perform any additional checks, it assumes that the certificate that is configured using this function was already verified.

You can use ua_client_begin_verify_certificate to perform the certificate validation.

clientClient context.
client_certificate_storeThe PKI Store to use.
client_certificate_idThe client's certificate ID.
num_client_chain_elementsNumber of CA certificates, which are the issuer of the client certificate.
client_chain_elementsArray of CA certificates (DER encoded).
server_certificateThe server's certificate. Can be retrieved using ua_client_discovery_begin_get_endpoints.
security_policyThe security policy to use.
Zero on success or a negative errorcode on failure.
See also

◆ ua_client_set_security_from_endpointdescription()

int ua_client_set_security_from_endpointdescription ( struct ua_client client,
uint32_t  client_certificate_store,
const unsigned char *  client_certificate_id,
uint32_t  num_client_chain_elements,
struct ua_bytestring client_chain_elements,
const struct ua_endpointdescription endpoint_desc 

This is a convenience wrapper for ua_client_set_security, which creates settings based on given the ua_endpointdescription.

The endpoint description provides all server side information and you only need to configure the client side certificate.

Use this function to configure the security before calling ua_client_begin_connect. Note that the application is responsible to verify the certificate before using it. The SDK will not perform any additional checks, it assumes that the certificate that is configured using this function was already verified.

You can use ua_client_begin_verify_certificate to perform the certificate validation.

clientClient context.
client_certificate_storeThe PKI Store to use.
client_certificate_idThe client's certificate ID.
num_client_chain_elementsNumber of CA certificates, which are the issuer of the client certificate.
client_chain_elementsArray of CA certificates (DER encoded).
endpoint_descThe endpoint description to use. This is the information the was returned by the server's GetEndpoints service call.
Zero on success or a negative errorcode on failure.

◆ ua_client_set_session_timeout()

int ua_client_set_session_timeout ( struct ua_client client,
double  ms 

Set the session timeout in milliseconds used in the CreateSessionRequest.

This value will be used in all subsequent CreateSessionRequests, no matter what the server revises.

Zero on success or errorcode on failure.

◆ ua_client_set_userdata()

int ua_client_set_userdata ( struct ua_client client,
void *  data 

Attach arbitrary userdata to the client that can be accessed via ua_client_get_userdata.

This is especially usefull to access some kind of application context in callbacks.

◆ ua_client_set_watchdog_interval()

int ua_client_set_watchdog_interval ( struct ua_client client,
uint32_t  ms 

Set the interval for the watchdog read.

When the client does not receive any message from the server for the given interval it will start a watchdog read.

See also
msWatchdog interval in milliseconds.
Zero on success or errorcode on failure.

◆ ua_client_set_watchdog_timeout()

int ua_client_set_watchdog_timeout ( struct ua_client client,
uint32_t  ms 

Set the timeout for the watchdog read.

If the watchdog read does not return after the given timeout the client will assume the connection as broken and disconnect.

See also
msTimeout for watchdog read in milliseconds
Zero on success or errorcode on failure.

◆ ua_client_trust_server_certificate()

int ua_client_trust_server_certificate ( struct ua_client client,
const struct ua_bytestring server_certificate 

Adds the given certificte to the client's trust list.

This is a convenience wrapper function for pki_store_save_cert.

Note this this function is a synchronous blocking function. You can use begin_pki_store_save_certs as an asynchronous alternative.

clientClient context.
server_certificateCertificate to trust.
UA_EGOOD on success, a negative error code if the operation fails.