High Performance OPC UA Server SDK
ua_service_settings Struct Reference

Data Fields

uint32_t call_timeout
 The timeout for the service call in milliseconds. More...
uint32_t return_diagnostics
 Bit mask that defines the diagnostic information to be returned from the server. More...
uint32_t request_handle
 Request handle used for the service call. More...
bool keep_request
 Keep the service request allocated until the callback, so the application can use it there.

Field Documentation

uint32_t call_timeout

The timeout for the service call in milliseconds.

uint32_t request_handle

Request handle used for the service call.

The request handle is sent to the server in the RequestHeader and is used to cancel service invocations. If the request handle is not set (initial value is 0), a unique number is set by the SDK.

The SDK is using numbers above 1.000.000 for creating unique numbers. An application must make sure to only use numbers below 1.000.000 to avoid conflicts when cancel is called.

uint32_t return_diagnostics

Bit mask that defines the diagnostic information to be returned from the server.

The default setting is 0.

Bit Value Diagnostics to return Define
0x0000 0001 ServiceLevel / SymbolicId OpcUa_DiagnosticsMasks_ServiceSymbolicId
0x0000 0002 ServiceLevel / LocalizedText OpcUa_DiagnosticsMasks_ServiceLocalizedText
0x0000 0004 ServiceLevel / AdditionalInfo OpcUa_DiagnosticsMasks_ServiceAdditionalInfo
0x0000 0008 ServiceLevel / Inner StatusCode OpcUa_DiagnosticsMasks_ServiceInnerStatusCode
0x0000 0010 ServiceLevel / Inner Diagnostics OpcUa_DiagnosticsMasks_ServiceInnerDiagnostics
0x0000 0020 OperationLevel / SymbolicId OpcUa_DiagnosticsMasks_OperationSymbolicId
0x0000 0040 OperationLevel / LocalizedText OpcUa_DiagnosticsMasks_OperationLocalizedText
0x0000 0080 OperationLevel / AdditionalInfo OpcUa_DiagnosticsMasks_OperationAdditionalInfo
0x0000 0100 OperationLevel / Inner StatusCode OpcUa_DiagnosticsMasks_OperationInnerStatusCode
0x0000 0200 OperationLevel / Inner Diagnostics OpcUa_DiagnosticsMasks_OperationInnerDiagnostics

Additional defines for combinations:

Description Define
All service level diagnostic information OpcUa_DiagnosticsMasks_ServiceAll
All operation level diagnostic information OpcUa_DiagnosticsMasks_OperationAll
All diagnostic information without inner status OpcUa_DiagnosticsMasks_NoInnerStatus
All diagnostic information OpcUa_DiagnosticsMasks_All
SymbolicId for service and operation level OpcUa_DiagnosticsMasks_SymbolicId
LocalizedText for service and operation level OpcUa_DiagnosticsMasks_LocalizedText
AdditionalInfo for service and operation level OpcUa_DiagnosticsMasks_AdditionalInfo

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