.NET Based OPC UA Client/Server SDK
UnifiedAutomation.UaBase.IEncoder Interface Reference

Defines functions used to encode objects in a stream. More...

Inherited by UnifiedAutomation.UaBase.BinaryEncoder, and UnifiedAutomation.UaBase.XmlEncoder.

Public Member Functions

void PushNamespace (string namespaceUri)
 Pushes a namespace onto the namespace stack. More...
void PopNamespace ()
 Pops a namespace from the namespace stack. More...
void WriteBoolean (string fieldName, bool value)
 Writes a boolean to the stream. More...
void WriteSByte (string fieldName, sbyte value)
 Writes a sbyte to the stream. More...
void WriteByte (string fieldName, byte value)
 Writes a byte to the stream. More...
void WriteInt16 (string fieldName, short value)
 Writes a short to the stream. More...
void WriteUInt16 (string fieldName, ushort value)
 Writes a ushort to the stream. More...
void WriteInt32 (string fieldName, int value)
 Writes an int to the stream. More...
void WriteUInt32 (string fieldName, uint value)
 Writes a uint to the stream. More...
void WriteInt64 (string fieldName, long value)
 Writes a long to the stream. More...
void WriteUInt64 (string fieldName, ulong value)
 Writes a ulong to the stream. More...
void WriteFloat (string fieldName, float value)
 Writes a float to the stream. More...
void WriteDouble (string fieldName, double value)
 Writes a double to the stream. More...
void WriteString (string fieldName, string value)
 Writes a string to the stream. More...
void WriteDateTime (string fieldName, DateTime value)
 Writes a UTC date/time to the stream. More...
void WriteGuid (string fieldName, Uuid value)
 Writes a GUID to the stream. More...
void WriteGuid (string fieldName, Guid value)
 Writes a GUID to the stream. More...
void WriteByteString (string fieldName, byte[] value)
 Writes a byte string to the stream. More...
void WriteXmlElement (string fieldName, XmlElement value)
 Writes an XmlElement to the stream. More...
void WriteNodeId (string fieldName, NodeId value)
 Writes an NodeId to the stream. More...
void WriteExpandedNodeId (string fieldName, ExpandedNodeId value)
 Writes an ExpandedNodeId to the stream. More...
void WriteStatusCode (string fieldName, StatusCode value)
 Writes an StatusCode to the stream. More...
void WriteDiagnosticInfo (string fieldName, DiagnosticInfo value)
 Writes an DiagnosticInfo to the stream. More...
void WriteQualifiedName (string fieldName, QualifiedName value)
 Writes an QualifiedName to the stream. More...
void WriteLocalizedText (string fieldName, LocalizedText value)
 Writes an LocalizedText to the stream. More...
void WriteVariant (string fieldName, Variant value)
 Writes an Variant array to the stream. More...
void WriteDataValue (string fieldName, DataValue value)
 Writes an DataValue array to the stream. More...
void WriteExtensionObject (string fieldName, ExtensionObject value)
 Writes an ExtensionObject to the stream. More...
void WriteEncodeable (string fieldName, IEncodeable value, System.Type systemType)
 Writes an encodeable object to the stream. More...
void WriteGenericEncodeable (string fieldName, GenericEncodeableObject value, GenericStructureDataType genericType)
 Writes a generic encodeable object to the stream. More...
void WriteEnumerated (string fieldName, Enum value)
 Writes an enumerated value array to the stream. More...
void WriteBooleanArray (string fieldName, IList< bool > values)
 Writes a boolean array to the stream. More...
void WriteSByteArray (string fieldName, IList< sbyte > values)
 Writes a sbyte array to the stream. More...
void WriteByteArray (string fieldName, IList< byte > values)
 Writes a sbyte array to the stream. More...
void WriteInt16Array (string fieldName, IList< short > values)
 Writes a short array to the stream. More...
void WriteUInt16Array (string fieldName, IList< ushort > values)
 Writes a ushort array to the stream. More...
void WriteInt32Array (string fieldName, IList< int > values)
 Writes a int array to the stream. More...
void WriteUInt32Array (string fieldName, IList< uint > values)
 Writes a uint array to the stream. More...
void WriteInt64Array (string fieldName, IList< long > values)
 Writes a long array to the stream. More...
void WriteUInt64Array (string fieldName, IList< ulong > values)
 Writes a ulong array to the stream. More...
void WriteFloatArray (string fieldName, IList< float > values)
 Writes a float array to the stream. More...
void WriteDoubleArray (string fieldName, IList< double > values)
 Writes a double array to the stream. More...
void WriteStringArray (string fieldName, IList< string > values)
 Writes a string array to the stream. More...
void WriteDateTimeArray (string fieldName, IList< DateTime > values)
 Writes a UTC date/time array to the stream. More...
void WriteGuidArray (string fieldName, IList< Uuid > values)
 Writes a GUID array to the stream. More...
void WriteGuidArray (string fieldName, IList< Guid > values)
 Writes a GUID array to the stream. More...
void WriteByteStringArray (string fieldName, IList< byte[]> values)
 Writes a byte string array to the stream. More...
void WriteXmlElementArray (string fieldName, IList< XmlElement > values)
 Writes a XmlElement array to the stream. More...
void WriteNodeIdArray (string fieldName, IList< NodeId > values)
 Writes an NodeId array to the stream. More...
void WriteExpandedNodeIdArray (string fieldName, IList< ExpandedNodeId > values)
 Writes an ExpandedNodeId array to the stream. More...
void WriteStatusCodeArray (string fieldName, IList< StatusCode > values)
 Writes an StatusCode array to the stream. More...
void WriteDiagnosticInfoArray (string fieldName, IList< DiagnosticInfo > values)
 Writes an DiagnosticInfo array to the stream. More...
void WriteQualifiedNameArray (string fieldName, IList< QualifiedName > values)
 Writes an QualifiedName array to the stream. More...
void WriteLocalizedTextArray (string fieldName, IList< LocalizedText > values)
 Writes an LocalizedText array to the stream. More...
void WriteVariantArray (string fieldName, IList< Variant > values)
 Writes an Variant array to the stream. More...
void WriteDataValueArray (string fieldName, IList< DataValue > values)
 Writes an DataValue array to the stream. More...
void WriteExtensionObjectArray (string fieldName, IList< ExtensionObject > values)
 Writes an extension object array to the stream. More...
void WriteEncodeableArray (string fieldName, IList< IEncodeable > values, System.Type systemType)
 Writes an encodeable object array to the stream. More...
void WriteGenericEncodeableArray (string fieldName, IList< GenericEncodeableObject > values, GenericStructureDataType genericType)
 Writes a generic encodeable object array to the stream. More...
void WriteEnumeratedArray (string fieldName, Array values, System.Type systemType)
 Writes an enumerated value array to the stream. More...


EncodingType EncodingType [get]
 The type of encoding being used. More...
MessageContext Context [get]
 The message context associated with the encoder. More...

Detailed Description

Defines functions used to encode objects in a stream.

Member Function Documentation

void UnifiedAutomation.UaBase.IEncoder.PopNamespace ( )

Pops a namespace from the namespace stack.

Implemented in UnifiedAutomation.UaBase.BinaryEncoder, and UnifiedAutomation.UaBase.XmlEncoder.

void UnifiedAutomation.UaBase.IEncoder.PushNamespace ( string  namespaceUri)

Pushes a namespace onto the namespace stack.

Implemented in UnifiedAutomation.UaBase.BinaryEncoder, and UnifiedAutomation.UaBase.XmlEncoder.

void UnifiedAutomation.UaBase.IEncoder.WriteBoolean ( string  fieldName,
bool  value 

Writes a boolean to the stream.

Implemented in UnifiedAutomation.UaBase.BinaryEncoder, and UnifiedAutomation.UaBase.XmlEncoder.

void UnifiedAutomation.UaBase.IEncoder.WriteBooleanArray ( string  fieldName,
IList< bool >  values 

Writes a boolean array to the stream.

Implemented in UnifiedAutomation.UaBase.BinaryEncoder, and UnifiedAutomation.UaBase.XmlEncoder.

void UnifiedAutomation.UaBase.IEncoder.WriteByte ( string  fieldName,
byte  value 

Writes a byte to the stream.

Implemented in UnifiedAutomation.UaBase.BinaryEncoder, and UnifiedAutomation.UaBase.XmlEncoder.

void UnifiedAutomation.UaBase.IEncoder.WriteByteArray ( string  fieldName,
IList< byte >  values 

Writes a sbyte array to the stream.

Implemented in UnifiedAutomation.UaBase.BinaryEncoder, and UnifiedAutomation.UaBase.XmlEncoder.

void UnifiedAutomation.UaBase.IEncoder.WriteByteString ( string  fieldName,
byte[]  value 

Writes a byte string to the stream.

Implemented in UnifiedAutomation.UaBase.BinaryEncoder, and UnifiedAutomation.UaBase.XmlEncoder.

void UnifiedAutomation.UaBase.IEncoder.WriteByteStringArray ( string  fieldName,
IList< byte[]>  values 

Writes a byte string array to the stream.

Implemented in UnifiedAutomation.UaBase.BinaryEncoder, and UnifiedAutomation.UaBase.XmlEncoder.

void UnifiedAutomation.UaBase.IEncoder.WriteDataValue ( string  fieldName,
DataValue  value 

Writes an DataValue array to the stream.

Implemented in UnifiedAutomation.UaBase.BinaryEncoder, and UnifiedAutomation.UaBase.XmlEncoder.

void UnifiedAutomation.UaBase.IEncoder.WriteDataValueArray ( string  fieldName,
IList< DataValue values 

Writes an DataValue array to the stream.

Implemented in UnifiedAutomation.UaBase.BinaryEncoder, and UnifiedAutomation.UaBase.XmlEncoder.

void UnifiedAutomation.UaBase.IEncoder.WriteDateTime ( string  fieldName,
DateTime  value 

Writes a UTC date/time to the stream.

Implemented in UnifiedAutomation.UaBase.BinaryEncoder, and UnifiedAutomation.UaBase.XmlEncoder.

void UnifiedAutomation.UaBase.IEncoder.WriteDateTimeArray ( string  fieldName,
IList< DateTime values 

Writes a UTC date/time array to the stream.

Implemented in UnifiedAutomation.UaBase.BinaryEncoder, and UnifiedAutomation.UaBase.XmlEncoder.

void UnifiedAutomation.UaBase.IEncoder.WriteDiagnosticInfo ( string  fieldName,
DiagnosticInfo  value 
void UnifiedAutomation.UaBase.IEncoder.WriteDiagnosticInfoArray ( string  fieldName,
IList< DiagnosticInfo values 
void UnifiedAutomation.UaBase.IEncoder.WriteDouble ( string  fieldName,
double  value 

Writes a double to the stream.

Implemented in UnifiedAutomation.UaBase.BinaryEncoder, and UnifiedAutomation.UaBase.XmlEncoder.

void UnifiedAutomation.UaBase.IEncoder.WriteDoubleArray ( string  fieldName,
IList< double >  values 

Writes a double array to the stream.

Implemented in UnifiedAutomation.UaBase.BinaryEncoder, and UnifiedAutomation.UaBase.XmlEncoder.

void UnifiedAutomation.UaBase.IEncoder.WriteEncodeable ( string  fieldName,
IEncodeable  value,
System.Type  systemType 

Writes an encodeable object to the stream.

Implemented in UnifiedAutomation.UaBase.BinaryEncoder, and UnifiedAutomation.UaBase.XmlEncoder.

void UnifiedAutomation.UaBase.IEncoder.WriteEncodeableArray ( string  fieldName,
IList< IEncodeable values,
System.Type  systemType 

Writes an encodeable object array to the stream.

Implemented in UnifiedAutomation.UaBase.BinaryEncoder, and UnifiedAutomation.UaBase.XmlEncoder.

void UnifiedAutomation.UaBase.IEncoder.WriteEnumerated ( string  fieldName,
Enum  value 

Writes an enumerated value array to the stream.

Implemented in UnifiedAutomation.UaBase.BinaryEncoder, and UnifiedAutomation.UaBase.XmlEncoder.

void UnifiedAutomation.UaBase.IEncoder.WriteEnumeratedArray ( string  fieldName,
Array  values,
System.Type  systemType 

Writes an enumerated value array to the stream.

Implemented in UnifiedAutomation.UaBase.BinaryEncoder, and UnifiedAutomation.UaBase.XmlEncoder.

void UnifiedAutomation.UaBase.IEncoder.WriteExpandedNodeId ( string  fieldName,
ExpandedNodeId  value 
void UnifiedAutomation.UaBase.IEncoder.WriteExpandedNodeIdArray ( string  fieldName,
IList< ExpandedNodeId values 
void UnifiedAutomation.UaBase.IEncoder.WriteExtensionObject ( string  fieldName,
ExtensionObject  value 
void UnifiedAutomation.UaBase.IEncoder.WriteExtensionObjectArray ( string  fieldName,
IList< ExtensionObject values 

Writes an extension object array to the stream.

Implemented in UnifiedAutomation.UaBase.BinaryEncoder, and UnifiedAutomation.UaBase.XmlEncoder.

void UnifiedAutomation.UaBase.IEncoder.WriteFloat ( string  fieldName,
float  value 

Writes a float to the stream.

Implemented in UnifiedAutomation.UaBase.BinaryEncoder, and UnifiedAutomation.UaBase.XmlEncoder.

void UnifiedAutomation.UaBase.IEncoder.WriteFloatArray ( string  fieldName,
IList< float >  values 

Writes a float array to the stream.

Implemented in UnifiedAutomation.UaBase.BinaryEncoder, and UnifiedAutomation.UaBase.XmlEncoder.

void UnifiedAutomation.UaBase.IEncoder.WriteGenericEncodeable ( string  fieldName,
GenericEncodeableObject  value,
GenericStructureDataType  genericType 

Writes a generic encodeable object to the stream.

Implemented in UnifiedAutomation.UaBase.BinaryEncoder, and UnifiedAutomation.UaBase.XmlEncoder.

void UnifiedAutomation.UaBase.IEncoder.WriteGenericEncodeableArray ( string  fieldName,
IList< GenericEncodeableObject values,
GenericStructureDataType  genericType 

Writes a generic encodeable object array to the stream.

Implemented in UnifiedAutomation.UaBase.BinaryEncoder, and UnifiedAutomation.UaBase.XmlEncoder.

void UnifiedAutomation.UaBase.IEncoder.WriteGuid ( string  fieldName,
Uuid  value 

Writes a GUID to the stream.

Implemented in UnifiedAutomation.UaBase.BinaryEncoder, and UnifiedAutomation.UaBase.XmlEncoder.

void UnifiedAutomation.UaBase.IEncoder.WriteGuid ( string  fieldName,
Guid  value 

Writes a GUID to the stream.

Implemented in UnifiedAutomation.UaBase.BinaryEncoder, and UnifiedAutomation.UaBase.XmlEncoder.

void UnifiedAutomation.UaBase.IEncoder.WriteGuidArray ( string  fieldName,
IList< Uuid values 

Writes a GUID array to the stream.

Implemented in UnifiedAutomation.UaBase.BinaryEncoder, and UnifiedAutomation.UaBase.XmlEncoder.

void UnifiedAutomation.UaBase.IEncoder.WriteGuidArray ( string  fieldName,
IList< Guid values 

Writes a GUID array to the stream.

Implemented in UnifiedAutomation.UaBase.BinaryEncoder, and UnifiedAutomation.UaBase.XmlEncoder.

void UnifiedAutomation.UaBase.IEncoder.WriteInt16 ( string  fieldName,
short  value 

Writes a short to the stream.

Implemented in UnifiedAutomation.UaBase.BinaryEncoder, and UnifiedAutomation.UaBase.XmlEncoder.

void UnifiedAutomation.UaBase.IEncoder.WriteInt16Array ( string  fieldName,
IList< short >  values 

Writes a short array to the stream.

Implemented in UnifiedAutomation.UaBase.BinaryEncoder, and UnifiedAutomation.UaBase.XmlEncoder.

void UnifiedAutomation.UaBase.IEncoder.WriteInt32 ( string  fieldName,
int  value 

Writes an int to the stream.

Implemented in UnifiedAutomation.UaBase.BinaryEncoder, and UnifiedAutomation.UaBase.XmlEncoder.

void UnifiedAutomation.UaBase.IEncoder.WriteInt32Array ( string  fieldName,
IList< int >  values 

Writes a int array to the stream.

Implemented in UnifiedAutomation.UaBase.BinaryEncoder, and UnifiedAutomation.UaBase.XmlEncoder.

void UnifiedAutomation.UaBase.IEncoder.WriteInt64 ( string  fieldName,
long  value 

Writes a long to the stream.

Implemented in UnifiedAutomation.UaBase.BinaryEncoder, and UnifiedAutomation.UaBase.XmlEncoder.

void UnifiedAutomation.UaBase.IEncoder.WriteInt64Array ( string  fieldName,
IList< long >  values 

Writes a long array to the stream.

Implemented in UnifiedAutomation.UaBase.BinaryEncoder, and UnifiedAutomation.UaBase.XmlEncoder.

void UnifiedAutomation.UaBase.IEncoder.WriteLocalizedText ( string  fieldName,
LocalizedText  value 
void UnifiedAutomation.UaBase.IEncoder.WriteLocalizedTextArray ( string  fieldName,
IList< LocalizedText values 
void UnifiedAutomation.UaBase.IEncoder.WriteNodeId ( string  fieldName,
NodeId  value 
void UnifiedAutomation.UaBase.IEncoder.WriteNodeIdArray ( string  fieldName,
IList< NodeId values 

Writes an NodeId array to the stream.

Implemented in UnifiedAutomation.UaBase.BinaryEncoder, and UnifiedAutomation.UaBase.XmlEncoder.

void UnifiedAutomation.UaBase.IEncoder.WriteQualifiedName ( string  fieldName,
QualifiedName  value 
void UnifiedAutomation.UaBase.IEncoder.WriteQualifiedNameArray ( string  fieldName,
IList< QualifiedName values 
void UnifiedAutomation.UaBase.IEncoder.WriteSByte ( string  fieldName,
sbyte  value 

Writes a sbyte to the stream.

Implemented in UnifiedAutomation.UaBase.BinaryEncoder, and UnifiedAutomation.UaBase.XmlEncoder.

void UnifiedAutomation.UaBase.IEncoder.WriteSByteArray ( string  fieldName,
IList< sbyte >  values 

Writes a sbyte array to the stream.

Implemented in UnifiedAutomation.UaBase.BinaryEncoder, and UnifiedAutomation.UaBase.XmlEncoder.

void UnifiedAutomation.UaBase.IEncoder.WriteStatusCode ( string  fieldName,
StatusCode  value 
void UnifiedAutomation.UaBase.IEncoder.WriteStatusCodeArray ( string  fieldName,
IList< StatusCode values 

Writes an StatusCode array to the stream.

Implemented in UnifiedAutomation.UaBase.BinaryEncoder, and UnifiedAutomation.UaBase.XmlEncoder.

void UnifiedAutomation.UaBase.IEncoder.WriteString ( string  fieldName,
string  value 

Writes a string to the stream.

Implemented in UnifiedAutomation.UaBase.BinaryEncoder, and UnifiedAutomation.UaBase.XmlEncoder.

void UnifiedAutomation.UaBase.IEncoder.WriteStringArray ( string  fieldName,
IList< string >  values 

Writes a string array to the stream.

Implemented in UnifiedAutomation.UaBase.BinaryEncoder, and UnifiedAutomation.UaBase.XmlEncoder.

void UnifiedAutomation.UaBase.IEncoder.WriteUInt16 ( string  fieldName,
ushort  value 

Writes a ushort to the stream.

Implemented in UnifiedAutomation.UaBase.BinaryEncoder, and UnifiedAutomation.UaBase.XmlEncoder.

void UnifiedAutomation.UaBase.IEncoder.WriteUInt16Array ( string  fieldName,
IList< ushort >  values 

Writes a ushort array to the stream.

Implemented in UnifiedAutomation.UaBase.BinaryEncoder, and UnifiedAutomation.UaBase.XmlEncoder.

void UnifiedAutomation.UaBase.IEncoder.WriteUInt32 ( string  fieldName,
uint  value 

Writes a uint to the stream.

Implemented in UnifiedAutomation.UaBase.BinaryEncoder, and UnifiedAutomation.UaBase.XmlEncoder.

void UnifiedAutomation.UaBase.IEncoder.WriteUInt32Array ( string  fieldName,
IList< uint >  values 

Writes a uint array to the stream.

Implemented in UnifiedAutomation.UaBase.BinaryEncoder, and UnifiedAutomation.UaBase.XmlEncoder.

void UnifiedAutomation.UaBase.IEncoder.WriteUInt64 ( string  fieldName,
ulong  value 

Writes a ulong to the stream.

Implemented in UnifiedAutomation.UaBase.BinaryEncoder, and UnifiedAutomation.UaBase.XmlEncoder.

void UnifiedAutomation.UaBase.IEncoder.WriteUInt64Array ( string  fieldName,
IList< ulong >  values 

Writes a ulong array to the stream.

Implemented in UnifiedAutomation.UaBase.BinaryEncoder, and UnifiedAutomation.UaBase.XmlEncoder.

void UnifiedAutomation.UaBase.IEncoder.WriteVariant ( string  fieldName,
Variant  value 

Writes an Variant array to the stream.

Implemented in UnifiedAutomation.UaBase.BinaryEncoder, and UnifiedAutomation.UaBase.XmlEncoder.

void UnifiedAutomation.UaBase.IEncoder.WriteVariantArray ( string  fieldName,
IList< Variant values 

Writes an Variant array to the stream.

Implemented in UnifiedAutomation.UaBase.BinaryEncoder, and UnifiedAutomation.UaBase.XmlEncoder.

void UnifiedAutomation.UaBase.IEncoder.WriteXmlElement ( string  fieldName,
XmlElement  value 

Writes an XmlElement to the stream.

Implemented in UnifiedAutomation.UaBase.BinaryEncoder, and UnifiedAutomation.UaBase.XmlEncoder.

void UnifiedAutomation.UaBase.IEncoder.WriteXmlElementArray ( string  fieldName,
IList< XmlElement values 

Writes a XmlElement array to the stream.

Implemented in UnifiedAutomation.UaBase.BinaryEncoder, and UnifiedAutomation.UaBase.XmlEncoder.

Property Documentation

MessageContext UnifiedAutomation.UaBase.IEncoder.Context

The message context associated with the encoder.

EncodingType UnifiedAutomation.UaBase.IEncoder.EncodingType

The type of encoding being used.

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