C++ Based OPC UA Client/Server/PubSub SDK


file  opcua_types.h


struct  OpcUa_TrustListDataType
 A DataType which stores the trust list of a Server. More...
struct  OpcUa_Argument
 Defines a method input or output argument specification. More...
struct  OpcUa_EnumValueType
 A mapping between a value of an enumerated type and a name and description. More...
struct  OpcUa_OptionSet
 This abstract DataType is the base DataType for all DataTypes representing a bit mask. More...
struct  OpcUa_TimeZoneDataType
 The local time that may or may not take daylight saving time into account. More...
struct  OpcUa_ApplicationDescription
 Specifies an application that is available. More...
struct  OpcUa_RequestHeader
 Common parameters for all requests submitted on a Session. More...
struct  OpcUa_ResponseHeader
 Common parameters for all responses. More...
struct  OpcUa_FindServersRequest
 Asynchronous call to return the Servers known to a Server or Discovery Server. More...
struct  OpcUa_FindServersResponse
 Response to a OpcUa_FindServersRequest. More...
struct  OpcUa_UserTokenPolicy
 Specifies a UserIdentityToken that a Server will accept. More...
struct  OpcUa_EndpointDescription
 Describes an Endpoint for a Server. More...
struct  OpcUa_GetEndpointsRequest
 Asynchronous call to get the Endpoints supported by a Server and all of the configuration information required to establish a SecureChannel and a Session. More...
struct  OpcUa_GetEndpointsResponse
 Response to a OpcUa_GetEndpointsRequest. More...
struct  OpcUa_RegisteredServer
 The server to register. More...
struct  OpcUa_SignedSoftwareCertificate
 A ByteString containing an encoded certificate. More...
struct  OpcUa_UserIdentityToken
 Allows Clients to specify the identity of the user they are acting on behalf of. More...
struct  OpcUa_CancelRequest
 Asynchronously cancels outstanding service requests on the OPC UA server. More...
struct  OpcUa_CancelResponse
 Response to a OpcUa_CancelRequest. More...
struct  OpcUa_AddNodesItem
 A structure that is defined as the type of the nodesToAdd parameter of the AddNodes Service. More...
struct  OpcUa_AddNodesResult
 A structure that is defined as the type of the results parameter of the AddNodes Service. More...
struct  OpcUa_AddNodesRequest
 Asynchronously adds one or more nodes into the address space hierarchy. More...
struct  OpcUa_AddNodesResponse
 Response to a OpcUa_AddNodesRequest. More...
struct  OpcUa_AddReferencesItem
 A structure that is defined as the type of the referencesToAdd parameter of the AddReferences Service. More...
struct  OpcUa_AddReferencesRequest
 Asynchronously adds one or more references to one or more nodes. More...
struct  OpcUa_AddReferencesResponse
 Response to a OpcUa_AddReferencesRequest. More...
struct  OpcUa_DeleteNodesItem
 A structure that is defined as the type of the nodesToDelete parameter of the DeleteNodes Service. More...
struct  OpcUa_DeleteNodesRequest
 Asynchronously deletes nodes from the OPC UA server’s address space. More...
struct  OpcUa_DeleteNodesResponse
 Response to a OpcUa_DeleteNodesRequest. More...
struct  OpcUa_DeleteReferencesItem
 A structure that is defined as the type of the referencesToDelete parameter of the DeleteReferences service. More...
struct  OpcUa_DeleteReferencesRequest
 Asynchronously deletes references from the OPC UA server’s address space. More...
struct  OpcUa_DeleteReferencesResponse
 Response to a OpcUa_DeleteReferencesRequest. More...
struct  OpcUa_ViewDescription
 Specifies a View. More...
struct  OpcUa_BrowseDescription
 A structure defined as the type of the parameter nodesToBrowse of the Browse service. More...
struct  OpcUa_ReferenceDescription
 Reference parameters returned for the Browse Service. More...
struct  OpcUa_BrowseResult
 The results of a Browse operation. More...
struct  OpcUa_BrowseRequest
 The Browse service is used by a client to navigate through the address space by passing a starting node and browse filters. More...
struct  OpcUa_BrowseResponse
 Response to a OpcUa_BrowseRequest. More...
struct  OpcUa_BrowseNextRequest
 The BrowseNext service is only used to continue a Browse if not all results could be returned by the Browse or a following BrowseNext call. More...
struct  OpcUa_RelativePathElement
 A sequence of References and BrowseNames to follow. More...
struct  OpcUa_RelativePath
 Defines a sequence of References and BrowseNames to follow. More...
struct  OpcUa_BrowsePath
 A structure that is defined as the type of the browsePaths parameter of the TranslateBrowsePathsToNodeIds service. More...
struct  OpcUa_BrowsePathTarget
 A structure that is defined as the type of the targets parameter of the results parameter of the TranslateBrowsePathsToNodeIds service. More...
struct  OpcUa_BrowsePathResult
 A structure that is defined as the type of the results parameter of the TranslateBrowsePathsToNodeIds service. More...
struct  OpcUa_TranslateBrowsePathsToNodeIdsRequest
 Asynchronously translates a browse path to a NodeId. More...
struct  OpcUa_TranslateBrowsePathsToNodeIdsResponse
 Response to a OpcUa_TranslateBrowsePathsToNodeIdsRequest. More...
struct  OpcUa_RegisterNodesRequest
 Asynchronously registers nodes to create shortcuts in the server. More...
struct  OpcUa_RegisterNodesResponse
 Response to a OpcUa_RegisterNodesRequest. More...
struct  OpcUa_UnregisterNodesRequest
 Asynchronously unregisters nodes to delete shortcuts in the server. More...
struct  OpcUa_QueryDataDescription
 A structure that is defined as the type of the dataToReturn parameter of the nodeTypes parameter of the Query service. More...
struct  OpcUa_NodeTypeDescription
 A structure that is defined as the type of the nodeTypes parameter of the Query service. More...
struct  OpcUa_ContentFilterElement
 A structure that is defined as the type of the elements parameter of the ContentFilter structure. More...
struct  OpcUa_ContentFilter
 Defines a collection of elements that define filtering criteria. More...
struct  OpcUa_ElementOperand
 Provides the linking to subelements within a OpcUa_ContentFilter. More...
struct  OpcUa_AttributeOperand
 Attribute of a node in the address space. More...
struct  OpcUa_SimpleAttributeOperand
 A simplified form of the OpcUa_AttributeOperand. More...
struct  OpcUa_ContentFilterElementResult
 A structure that is defined as the type of the elementResults parameter of the ContentFilterResult structure. More...
struct  OpcUa_ContentFilterResult
 A structure that contains any errors associated with the filter. More...
struct  OpcUa_ParsingResult
 A structure that is defined as the type of the parsingResults parameter of the Query service. More...
struct  OpcUa_QueryFirstRequest
 Asynchronously queries the address space. More...
struct  OpcUa_QueryFirstResponse
 Response to a OpcUa_QueryFirstRequest. More...
struct  OpcUa_QueryNextRequest
 This Service is used to request the next set of QueryFirst or QueryNext response information that is too large to be sent in a single response. More...
struct  OpcUa_QueryNextResponse
 Response to a OpcUa_QueryNextRequest. More...
struct  OpcUa_ReadValueId
 Identifier for an item to read or to monitor. More...
struct  OpcUa_ReadRequest
 Reads values and attributes asynchronously from OPC server. More...
struct  OpcUa_ReadResponse
 Response to a OpcUa_ReadRequest. More...
struct  OpcUa_HistoryReadValueId
 A structure that is defined as the type of the nodesToRead parameter of the HistoryRead Service. More...
struct  OpcUa_HistoryReadResult
 A structure that is defined as the type of the results parameter of the HistoryRead Service. More...
struct  OpcUa_ReadRawModifiedDetails
 Selects a set of raw or modified values from the history database by specifying a time domain for one or more variables. More...
struct  OpcUa_ReadAtTimeDetails
 Selects a set of raw or interpolated values from the history database by specifying a series of timestamps for one or more variables. More...
struct  OpcUa_HistoryReadRequest
 Asynchronously reads historical values or events of one or more nodes. More...
struct  OpcUa_HistoryReadResponse
 Response to a OpcUa_HistoryReadRequest. More...
struct  OpcUa_WriteValue
 A structure that is defined as the type of the nodesToWrite parameter of the Write service. More...
struct  OpcUa_WriteRequest
 Asynchronously writes variable values to an OPC UA Server. More...
struct  OpcUa_WriteResponse
 Response to a OpcUa_WriteRequest. More...
struct  OpcUa_UpdateDataDetails
 The details for insert, replace, and insert/replace history updates. More...
struct  OpcUa_UpdateStructureDataDetails
 This function inserts, replaces or removes structured history data or annotations into the history database at the specified timestamps for one or more HistoricalDataNodes. More...
struct  OpcUa_DeleteRawModifiedDetails
 The details for delete raw and delete modified history updates. More...
struct  OpcUa_DeleteAtTimeDetails
 The DeleteAtTime structure deletes all entries in the history database for the specified timestamps for one or more HistoricalDataNodes. More...
struct  OpcUa_DeleteEventDetails
 Deletes all event entries from the history database matching the EventId for one or more HistoricalEventNodes. More...
struct  OpcUa_HistoryUpdateResult
 A structure that is defined as the type of the results parameter of the HistoryUpdate Service. More...
struct  OpcUa_HistoryUpdateRequest
 Asynchronously updates historical values or events of one or more nodes. More...
struct  OpcUa_HistoryUpdateResponse
 Response to a OpcUa_HistoryUpdateRequest. More...
struct  OpcUa_CallMethodRequest
 A structure that is defined as the type of the methodsToCall parameter of the Call service. More...
struct  OpcUa_CallMethodResult
 A structure that is defined as the type of the results parameter of the Call service. More...
struct  OpcUa_CallRequest
 Asynchronously calls a method provided by an object on the OPC UA server. More...
struct  OpcUa_CallResponse
 Response to a OpcUa_CallRequest. More...
struct  OpcUa_EventFilter
 Provides for the filtering and content selection of Event Subscriptions. More...
struct  OpcUa_AggregateConfiguration
 A structure that is defined as the type of the aggregateConfiguration parameter of the AggregateFilter structure. More...
struct  OpcUa_EventFilterResult
 This is the MonitoringFilterResult associated with the EventFilter MonitoringFilter. More...
struct  OpcUa_MonitoringParameters
 Parameters that define the monitoring characteristics of a MonitoredItem. More...
struct  OpcUa_MonitoredItemCreateRequest
 A structure that is defined as the type of the itemsToCreate parameter of the CreateMonitoredItems service. More...
struct  OpcUa_MonitoredItemCreateResult
 A structure that is defined as the type of the results parameter of the CreateMonitoredItems service. More...
struct  OpcUa_CreateMonitoredItemsRequest
 Asynchronous call to create a list of monitored items in the subscription. More...
struct  OpcUa_CreateMonitoredItemsResponse
 Response to a OpcUa_CreateMonitoredItemsRequest. More...
struct  OpcUa_MonitoredItemModifyRequest
 A structure that is defined as the type of the itemsToModify parameter of the ModifyMonitoredItems service. More...
struct  OpcUa_MonitoredItemModifyResult
 A structure that is defined as the type of the results parameter of the ModifyMonitoredItems service. More...
struct  OpcUa_ModifyMonitoredItemsRequest
 Asynchronous call to modify monitored items. More...
struct  OpcUa_ModifyMonitoredItemsResponse
 Response to a OpcUa_ModifyMonitoredItemsRequest. More...
struct  OpcUa_SetMonitoringModeRequest
 Asynchronous call to set the monitoring mode for a list of monitored items. More...
struct  OpcUa_SetMonitoringModeResponse
 Response to a OpcUa_SetMonitoringModeRequest. More...
struct  OpcUa_SetTriggeringRequest
 Asynchronously changes the triggering for a monitored item. More...
struct  OpcUa_SetTriggeringResponse
 Response to a OpcUa_SetTriggeringRequest. More...
struct  OpcUa_DeleteMonitoredItemsRequest
 Asynchronous call to delete monitored items. More...
struct  OpcUa_DeleteMonitoredItemsResponse
 Response to a OpcUa_DeleteMonitoredItemsRequest. More...
struct  OpcUa_CreateSubscriptionRequest
 Asynchronous call to create a Subscription. More...
struct  OpcUa_CreateSubscriptionResponse
 Response to a OpcUa_CreateSubscriptionRequest. More...
struct  OpcUa_ModifySubscriptionRequest
 Asynchronous call to modify a Subscription. More...
struct  OpcUa_ModifySubscriptionResponse
 Response to a OpcUa_ModifySubscriptionRequest. More...
struct  OpcUa_SetPublishingModeRequest
 Asynchronous call to enable sending of Notifications on one or more Subscriptions. More...
struct  OpcUa_SetPublishingModeResponse
 Response to a OpcUa_SetPublishingModeRequest. More...
struct  OpcUa_SubscriptionAcknowledgement
 A structure that is defined as the type of the subscriptionAcknowledgements parameter of the Publish service. More...
struct  OpcUa_PublishRequest
 Request the server to return NotificationMessages and acknowledge received NotificationMessages. More...
struct  OpcUa_PublishResponse
 Response to a OpcUa_PublishRequest. More...
struct  OpcUa_RepublishRequest
 Asynchronous republish call to get lost notifications. More...
struct  OpcUa_RepublishResponse
 Response to a OpcUa_RepublishRequest. More...
struct  OpcUa_TransferResult
 A structure that is defined as the type of the results parameter of the TransferSubscriptions service. More...
struct  OpcUa_TransferSubscriptionsRequest
 Asynchronous call to transfer a subscription and its MonitoredItems from one Session to another. More...
struct  OpcUa_TransferSubscriptionsResponse
 Response to a OpcUa_TransferSubscriptionsRequest. More...
struct  OpcUa_DeleteSubscriptionsRequest
 Asynchronous call to delete one or more Subscriptions that belong to the Client’s Session. More...
struct  OpcUa_DeleteSubscriptionsResponse
 Response to a OpcUa_DeleteSubscriptionsRequest. More...
struct  OpcUa_ScalarTestType
 A complex type containing all possible scalar types used for testing. More...
struct  OpcUa_ArrayTestType
 A complex type containing all possible array types used for testing. More...
struct  OpcUa_BuildInfo
 Contains elements that describe the build information of the Server. More...
struct  OpcUa_RedundantServerDataType
 Contains elements that describe the status of the Server. More...
struct  OpcUa_EndpointUrlListDataType
 Structure representing a list of URLs of an Endpoint. More...
struct  OpcUa_NetworkGroupDataType
 Contains information on different network paths for one Server. More...
struct  OpcUa_SamplingIntervalDiagnosticsDataType
 Contains diagnostic information about the sampling rates currently used by the Server. More...
struct  OpcUa_ServerDiagnosticsSummaryDataType
 Contains diagnostic summary information for the Server. More...
struct  OpcUa_ServerStatusDataType
 Contains elements that describe the status of the Server. More...
struct  OpcUa_SessionSecurityDiagnosticsDataType
 contains security-related diagnostic information about client sessions. More...
struct  OpcUa_ServiceCounterDataType
 Contains diagnostic information about subscriptions. More...
struct  OpcUa_SubscriptionDiagnosticsDataType
 Contains diagnostic information about subscriptions. More...
struct  OpcUa_ModelChangeStructureDataType
 Contains elements that describe changes of the model. More...
struct  OpcUa_SemanticChangeStructureDataType
 Contains elements that describe a change of the model. More...
struct  OpcUa_Range
 Defines the Range for a value. More...
struct  OpcUa_EUInformation
 Contains information about the EngineeringUnits. More...
struct  OpcUa_AxisInformation
 Defines the information for auxiliary axis for ArrayItemType Variables. More...
struct  OpcUa_XVType
 Defines a physical value relative to a X axis and it is used as the DataType of the Value of XYArrayItemType. More...
struct  OpcUa_Annotation
 Describes Annotation information for the history data items. More...
struct  OpcUa_ReadEventDetails
 Selects a set of events from the history database by specifying a filter and a time domain for one or more objects or views. More...
struct  OpcUa_ReadProcessedDetails
 Selects a set of aggregate values from the history database by specifying a time domain for one or more variables. More...
struct  OpcUa_HistoryEvent
 A table structure that is used to return Event fields to a Historical Read. More...
struct  OpcUa_UpdateEventDetails
 This function inserts new events or replaces existing events in the history database for one or more HistoricalEventNodes. More...
struct  OpcUa_SessionDiagnosticsDataType
 Contains diagnostic information about client sessions. More...
struct  OpcUa_NodeId
 An identifier for a node in the address space of an OPC UA Server. More...
struct  OpcUa_ExpandedNodeId
 Extends the NodeId structure by allowing the NamespaceUri to be explicitly specified instead of using the NamespaceIndex. More...
struct  OpcUa_DiagnosticInfo
 Vendor-specific diagnostic information. More...
struct  OpcUa_LocalizedText
 A structure containing a String in a locale-specific translation specified in the identifier for the locale. More...
struct  OpcUa_QualifiedName
 Contains a qualified name. More...
struct  OpcUa_ExtensionObject
 A container for any structured DataTypes which cannot be represented as one of the other built-in data types. More...
struct  OpcUa_Variant
 A union of all built-in data types including an OpcUa_ExtensionObject. More...
struct  OpcUa_DataValue
 The value and associated information. More...
struct  OpcUa_EncodeableType
 Describes an encodeable object. More...
struct  OpcUa_EncodeableTypeTable
 A table of encodeable object types. More...
union  OpcUa_NodeId::Identifier
 The identifier for a Node in the AddressSpace of an OPC UA Server. More...
struct  OpcUa_String
 This Built-in DataType defines a Unicode character string that should exclude control characters that are not whitespaces. More...
struct  OpcUa_ByteString
 This Built-in DataType defines a value that is a sequence of Byte values. More...
struct  OpcUa_Guid
 A 16-byte globally unique identifier. More...
struct  OpcUa_StatusCode
 A numerical value that is used to report the outcome of an operation performed by an OPC UA Server. More...
struct  OpcUa_DateTime
 This Built-in DataType defines a Gregorian calendar date. More...
struct  OpcUa_XmlElement
 An XmlElement contains an XML fragment in UTF8 encoding. More...


typedef OpcUa_Void( OpcUa_EncodeableObject_PfnInitialize )(OpcUa_Void *pValue)
 Initializes an encodeable object. More...
typedef OpcUa_Void( OpcUa_EncodeableObject_PfnClear )(OpcUa_Void *pValue)
 Clear an encodeable object. More...
typedef OpcUa_StatusCodeOpcUa_EncodeableObject_PfnGetSize )(OpcUa_Void *pValue, struct _OpcUa_Encoder *pEncoder, OpcUa_Int32 *pSize)
 Calculates the size the serialized form an encodeable object. More...
typedef OpcUa_StatusCodeOpcUa_EncodeableObject_PfnEncode )(OpcUa_Void *pValue, struct _OpcUa_Encoder *pEncoder)
 Encodes an encodeable object. More...
typedef OpcUa_StatusCodeOpcUa_EncodeableObject_PfnDecode )(OpcUa_Void *pValue, struct _OpcUa_Decoder *pDecoder)
 Decodes an encodeable object. More...
typedef OpcUa_Int( OpcUa_EncodeableObject_PfnCompare )(OpcUa_Void *pValue1, OpcUa_Void *pValue2)
 Compares two encodeable object. More...
typedef OpcUa_StatusCodeOpcUa_EncodeableObject_PfnCopy )(OpcUa_Void *pSource, OpcUa_Void **ppCopy)
 Creates a copy of an encodeable object. More...
typedef OpcUa_StatusCodeOpcUa_EncodeableObject_PfnCopyTo )(OpcUa_Void *pSource, OpcUa_Void *pDestination)
 Copies content of an encodeable object to another. More...


enum  OpcUa_NodeIdType
 The possible encodings for a NodeId value.
enum  OpcUa_NamingRuleType
 This data type is an enumeration that identifies the NamingRule.
enum  OpcUa_TrustListMasks {
  OpcUa_TrustListMasks_None = 0, OpcUa_TrustListMasks_TrustedCertificates = 1, OpcUa_TrustListMasks_TrustedCrls = 2, OpcUa_TrustListMasks_IssuerCertificates = 4,
  OpcUa_TrustListMasks_IssuerCrls = 8, OpcUa_TrustListMasks_All = 15
 Defines the values used for the SpecifiedLists field in the TrustListDataType. More...
enum  OpcUa_IdType { OpcUa_IdType_Numeric = 0, OpcUa_IdType_String = 1, OpcUa_IdType_Guid = 2, OpcUa_IdType_Opaque = 3 }
 An enumeration that identifies the IdType of a NodeId. More...
enum  OpcUa_NodeClass
 An enumeration that identifies a NodeClass.
enum  OpcUa_ApplicationType { OpcUa_ApplicationType_Server = 0, OpcUa_ApplicationType_Client = 1, OpcUa_ApplicationType_ClientAndServer = 2, OpcUa_ApplicationType_DiscoveryServer = 3 }
 The type of application. More...
enum  OpcUa_MessageSecurityMode { OpcUa_MessageSecurityMode_Invalid = 0, OpcUa_MessageSecurityMode_None = 1, OpcUa_MessageSecurityMode_Sign = 2, OpcUa_MessageSecurityMode_SignAndEncrypt = 3 }
 An enumeration that specifies what security should be applied to messages exchanges during a Session. More...
enum  OpcUa_UserTokenType { OpcUa_UserTokenType_Anonymous = 0, OpcUa_UserTokenType_UserName = 1, OpcUa_UserTokenType_Certificate = 2, OpcUa_UserTokenType_IssuedToken = 3 }
 The type of user identity token required. More...
enum  OpcUa_SecurityTokenRequestType { OpcUa_SecurityTokenRequestType_Issue = 0, OpcUa_SecurityTokenRequestType_Renew = 1 }
 An enumeration that is defined as the type of the requestType parameter of the OpenSecureChannel request. More...
enum  OpcUa_BrowseDirection { OpcUa_BrowseDirection_Forward = 0, OpcUa_BrowseDirection_Inverse = 1, OpcUa_BrowseDirection_Both = 2 }
 An enumeration that specifies the direction of References to follow. More...
enum  OpcUa_FilterOperator {
  OpcUa_FilterOperator_Equals = 0, OpcUa_FilterOperator_IsNull = 1, OpcUa_FilterOperator_GreaterThan = 2, OpcUa_FilterOperator_LessThan = 3,
  OpcUa_FilterOperator_GreaterThanOrEqual = 4, OpcUa_FilterOperator_LessThanOrEqual = 5, OpcUa_FilterOperator_Like = 6, OpcUa_FilterOperator_Not = 7,
  OpcUa_FilterOperator_Between = 8, OpcUa_FilterOperator_InList = 9, OpcUa_FilterOperator_And = 10, OpcUa_FilterOperator_Or = 11,
  OpcUa_FilterOperator_Cast = 12, OpcUa_FilterOperator_InView = 13, OpcUa_FilterOperator_OfType = 14, OpcUa_FilterOperator_RelatedTo = 15,
  OpcUa_FilterOperator_BitwiseAnd = 16, OpcUa_FilterOperator_BitwiseOr = 17
 Defines the basic operators that can be used in a ContentFilter. More...
enum  OpcUa_TimestampsToReturn { OpcUa_TimestampsToReturn_Source = 0, OpcUa_TimestampsToReturn_Server = 1, OpcUa_TimestampsToReturn_Both = 2, OpcUa_TimestampsToReturn_Neither = 3 }
 An enumeration that specifies the Timestamp Attributes to be transmitted for MonitoredItems or Nodes in Read and HistoryRead. More...
enum  OpcUa_PerformUpdateType { OpcUa_PerformUpdateType_Insert = 1, OpcUa_PerformUpdateType_Replace = 2, OpcUa_PerformUpdateType_Update = 3, OpcUa_PerformUpdateType_Remove = 4 }
 The value determines which action of insert, replace, or update is performed. More...
enum  OpcUa_MonitoringMode { OpcUa_MonitoringMode_Disabled = 0, OpcUa_MonitoringMode_Sampling = 1, OpcUa_MonitoringMode_Reporting = 2 }
 An enumeration that specifies whether sampling and reporting are enabled or disabled for a MonitoredItem. More...
enum  OpcUa_DeadbandType { OpcUa_DeadbandType_None = 0, OpcUa_DeadbandType_Absolute = 1, OpcUa_DeadbandType_Percent = 2 }
 A value that defines the Deadband type and behaviour. More...
enum  OpcUa_EnumeratedTestType
 A simple enumerated type used for testing.
enum  OpcUa_RedundancySupport {
  OpcUa_RedundancySupport_None = 0, OpcUa_RedundancySupport_Cold = 1, OpcUa_RedundancySupport_Warm = 2, OpcUa_RedundancySupport_Hot = 3,
  OpcUa_RedundancySupport_Transparent = 4, OpcUa_RedundancySupport_HotAndMirrored = 5
 Defines the redundancy support of the Server. More...
enum  OpcUa_ServerState {
  OpcUa_ServerState_Running = 0, OpcUa_ServerState_Failed = 1, OpcUa_ServerState_NoConfiguration = 2, OpcUa_ServerState_Suspended = 3,
  OpcUa_ServerState_Shutdown = 4, OpcUa_ServerState_Test = 5, OpcUa_ServerState_CommunicationFault = 6, OpcUa_ServerState_Unknown = 7
 An enumeration that defines the execution state of the Server. More...
enum  OpcUa_AxisScaleEnumeration { OpcUa_AxisScaleEnumeration_Linear = 0, OpcUa_AxisScaleEnumeration_Log = 1, OpcUa_AxisScaleEnumeration_Ln = 2 }
 Identifies on which type of axis the data shall be displayed. More...
enum  OpcUa_IdentifierType { OpcUa_IdentifierType_Numeric = 0x00, OpcUa_IdentifierType_String = 0x01, OpcUa_IdentifierType_Guid = 0x02, OpcUa_IdentifierType_Opaque = 0x03 }
 The set of known node identifier types. More...
enum  OpcUa_ExtensionObjectEncoding { OpcUa_ExtensionObjectEncoding_None = 0, OpcUa_ExtensionObjectEncoding_Binary = 1, OpcUa_ExtensionObjectEncoding_Xml = 2, OpcUa_ExtensionObjectEncoding_EncodeableObject = 3 }
 Indicates how the body of an OpcUa_ExtensionObject is encoded. More...


OPCUA_EXPORT OpcUa_Int OPCUA_CDECL OpcUa_EncodeableType_Compare (const OpcUa_EncodeableType *pType1, const OpcUa_EncodeableType *pType2)
 Compares two Encodeable Types and returns 0 if they are equal. More...
OPCUA_EXPORT OpcUa_StatusCode OpcUa_EncodeableTypeTable_Create (OpcUa_EncodeableTypeTable *pTable)
 Initializes an encodeable object type table. More...
OPCUA_EXPORT OpcUa_Void OpcUa_EncodeableTypeTable_Delete (OpcUa_EncodeableTypeTable *pTable)
 Clears an encodeable object type table. More...
OPCUA_EXPORT OpcUa_StatusCode OpcUa_EncodeableTypeTable_AddTypes (OpcUa_EncodeableTypeTable *pTable, OpcUa_EncodeableType **ppTypes)
 Populates and sorts an encodeable object type table. More...
OPCUA_EXPORT OpcUa_StatusCode OpcUa_EncodeableTypeTable_Find (OpcUa_EncodeableTypeTable *pTable, OpcUa_UInt32 nTypeId, OpcUa_StringA sNamespaceUri, OpcUa_EncodeableType **ppType)
 Finds a encodeable object type in a table. More...
OPCUA_EXPORT OpcUa_StatusCode OpcUa_EncodeableObject_Create (OpcUa_EncodeableType *pType, OpcUa_Void **ppEncodeable)
 Creates and initializes an encodeable object. More...
OPCUA_EXPORT OpcUa_Void OpcUa_EncodeableObject_Delete (OpcUa_EncodeableType *pType, OpcUa_Void **ppEncodeable)
 Deletes an encodeable object. More...
OPCUA_EXPORT OpcUa_StatusCode OpcUa_EncodeableObject_CreateExtension (OpcUa_EncodeableType *pType, OpcUa_ExtensionObject *pExtension, OpcUa_Void **ppEncodeableObject)
 Creates an Encodeable Object at the given ExtensionObject. More...
OPCUA_EXPORT OpcUa_StatusCode OpcUa_EncodeableObject_ParseExtension (OpcUa_ExtensionObject *pExtension, struct _OpcUa_MessageContext *pContext, OpcUa_EncodeableType *pType, OpcUa_Void **ppEncodeableObject)
 Extracts an encodeable object from an extension object. More...
OPCUA_EXPORT OpcUa_StatusCode OpcUa_EncodeableObject_Encode (const OpcUa_EncodeableType *pObjectType, OpcUa_Void *pObject, OpcUa_StringTable *pNamespaceUris, OpcUa_OutputStream *pOutputStream)
 Encode object of specified encodeable object type into output stream. More...
OPCUA_EXPORT OpcUa_StatusCode OpcUa_EncodeableObject_Decode (const OpcUa_EncodeableType *pObjectType, OpcUa_InputStream *pInputStream, OpcUa_StringTable *pNamespaceUris, OpcUa_Void *pObject)
 Decode object of specified encodeable object type from input stream into given memory. More...


OpcUa_UInt32 OpcUa_TrustListDataType::SpecifiedLists
 A bit mask which indicates which lists contain information. More...
 The list of Application and CA Certificates which are trusted.
 The CRLs for the CA Certificates in the trustedCertificates list.
 The list of CA Certificates which are necessary to validate Certificates.
 The CRLs for the CA Certificates in the issuerCertificates list.
OpcUa_String OpcUa_Argument::Name
 The name of the argument.
OpcUa_NodeId OpcUa_Argument::DataType
 The NodeId of the DataType of this argument.
OpcUa_Int32 OpcUa_Argument::ValueRank
 Indicates whether the DataType is an array and how many dimensions the array has. More...
OpcUa_UInt32 * OpcUa_Argument::ArrayDimensions
 Specifies the length of each dimension for an array dataType. More...
OpcUa_LocalizedText OpcUa_Argument::Description
 A localised description of the argument.
OpcUa_Int64 OpcUa_EnumValueType::Value
 The Integer representation of an Enumeration.
OpcUa_LocalizedText OpcUa_EnumValueType::DisplayName
 A human-readable representation of the Value of the Enumeration.
OpcUa_LocalizedText OpcUa_EnumValueType::Description
 A localized description of the enumeration value. More...
OpcUa_ByteString OpcUa_OptionSet::Value
 Array of bytes representing the bits in the option set. More...
OpcUa_ByteString OpcUa_OptionSet::ValidBits
 Array of bytes with same size as value representing the valid bits in the value parameter. More...
OpcUa_Int16 OpcUa_TimeZoneDataType::Offset
 The offset in minutes from UtcTime.
OpcUa_Boolean OpcUa_TimeZoneDataType::DaylightSavingInOffset
 If TRUE, daylight saving time (DST) is in effect and offset includes the DST correction. More...
OpcUa_String OpcUa_ApplicationDescription::ApplicationUri
 The globally unique identifier for the application instance. More...
OpcUa_String OpcUa_ApplicationDescription::ProductUri
 The globally unique identifier for the product.
OpcUa_LocalizedText OpcUa_ApplicationDescription::ApplicationName
 A localized descriptive name for the application.
OpcUa_ApplicationType OpcUa_ApplicationDescription::ApplicationType
 The type of application. More...
OpcUa_String OpcUa_ApplicationDescription::GatewayServerUri
 A URI that identifies the Gateway Server associated with the DiscoveryUrls. More...
OpcUa_String OpcUa_ApplicationDescription::DiscoveryProfileUri
 A URI that identifies the discovery profile supported by the URLs provided. More...
 A list of URLs for the discovery Endpoints provided by the application. More...
OpcUa_NodeId OpcUa_RequestHeader::AuthenticationToken
 The secret Session identifier used to verify that the request is associated with the Session.
OpcUa_DateTime OpcUa_RequestHeader::Timestamp
 The time the Client sent the request. More...
OpcUa_UInt32 OpcUa_RequestHeader::RequestHandle
 A requestHandle associated with the request. More...
OpcUa_UInt32 OpcUa_RequestHeader::ReturnDiagnostics
 A bit mask that identifies the types of vendor-specific diagnostics to be returned in diagnosticInfo response parameters. More...
OpcUa_String OpcUa_RequestHeader::AuditEntryId
 An identifier that identifies the Client’s security audit log entry associated with this request. More...
OpcUa_UInt32 OpcUa_RequestHeader::TimeoutHint
 This timeout in milliseconds is used in the Client side Communication Stack to set the timeout on a per-call base. More...
OpcUa_ExtensionObject OpcUa_RequestHeader::AdditionalHeader
 Reserved for future use. More...
OpcUa_DateTime OpcUa_ResponseHeader::Timestamp
 The time the Server sent the response.
OpcUa_UInt32 OpcUa_ResponseHeader::RequestHandle
 The requestHandle given by the Client to the request.
OpcUa_StatusCode OpcUa_ResponseHeader::ServiceResult
 OPC UA-defined result of the Service invocation.
OpcUa_DiagnosticInfo OpcUa_ResponseHeader::ServiceDiagnostics
 Diagnostic information for the Service invocation. More...
 There is one string in this list for each unique namespace, symbolic identifier, and localized text string contained in all of the diagnostics information parameters contained in the response DiagnosticInfo. More...
OpcUa_ExtensionObject OpcUa_ResponseHeader::AdditionalHeader
 Reserved for future use. More...
OpcUa_String OpcUa_FindServersRequest::EndpointUrl
 The network address that the Client used to access the Discovery Endpoint. More...
 List of locales to use. More...
 List of servers to return. More...
 List of Servers that meet criteria specified in the request. More...
OpcUa_String OpcUa_UserTokenPolicy::PolicyId
 An identifier for the UserTokenPolicy assigned by the Server. More...
OpcUa_UserTokenType OpcUa_UserTokenPolicy::TokenType
 The type of user identity token required. More...
OpcUa_String OpcUa_UserTokenPolicy::IssuedTokenType
 A URI for the type of token. More...
OpcUa_String OpcUa_UserTokenPolicy::IssuerEndpointUrl
 An optional URL for the token issuing service. More...
OpcUa_String OpcUa_UserTokenPolicy::SecurityPolicyUri
 The security policy to use when encrypting or signing the UserIdentityToken when it is passed to the Server in the ActivateSession request. More...
OpcUa_String OpcUa_EndpointDescription::EndpointUrl
 The URL for the Endpoint described.
OpcUa_ApplicationDescription OpcUa_EndpointDescription::Server
 The description for the Server that the Endpoint belongs to.
OpcUa_ByteString OpcUa_EndpointDescription::ServerCertificate
 The application instance certificate issued to the Server.
OpcUa_MessageSecurityMode OpcUa_EndpointDescription::SecurityMode
 The type of security to apply to the messages. More...
OpcUa_String OpcUa_EndpointDescription::SecurityPolicyUri
 The URI for SecurityPolicy to use when securing messages.
 The user identity tokens that the Server will accept. More...
OpcUa_String OpcUa_EndpointDescription::TransportProfileUri
 The URI of the Transport Profile supported by the Endpoint.
OpcUa_Byte OpcUa_EndpointDescription::SecurityLevel
 A numeric value that indicates how secure the EndpointDescription is compared to other EndpointDescriptions for the same Server. More...
OpcUa_String OpcUa_GetEndpointsRequest::EndpointUrl
 The network address that the Client used to access the Discovery Endpoint. More...
 List of locales to use. More...
 List of Transport Profile that the returned Endpoints shall support. More...
 List of Endpoints that meet criteria specified in the request. More...
OpcUa_String OpcUa_RegisteredServer::ServerUri
 The globally unique identifier for the Server instance. More...
OpcUa_String OpcUa_RegisteredServer::ProductUri
 The globally unique identifier for the Server product.
 A list of localized descriptive names for the Server. More...
OpcUa_ApplicationType OpcUa_RegisteredServer::ServerType
 The type of application. More...
OpcUa_String OpcUa_RegisteredServer::GatewayServerUri
 The URI of the Gateway Server associated with the DiscoveryUrls. More...
 A list of Discovery Endpoints for the Server. More...
OpcUa_String OpcUa_RegisteredServer::SemaphoreFilePath
 The path to the semaphore file used to identify an automatically-launched server instance. More...
OpcUa_Boolean OpcUa_RegisteredServer::IsOnline
 True if the Server is currently able to accept connections from Clients. More...
OpcUa_ByteString OpcUa_SignedSoftwareCertificate::CertificateData
 The certificate data serialized as a ByteString.
OpcUa_ByteString OpcUa_SignedSoftwareCertificate::Signature
 The signature for the certificateData.
OpcUa_UInt32 OpcUa_CancelRequest::RequestHandle
 The request handle assigned to one or more requests that should be cancelled. More...
OpcUa_UInt32 OpcUa_CancelResponse::CancelCount
 Number of cancelled requests.
OpcUa_ExpandedNodeId OpcUa_AddNodesItem::ParentNodeId
 ExpandedNodeId of the parent node for the reference.
OpcUa_NodeId OpcUa_AddNodesItem::ReferenceTypeId
 NodeId of the hierarchical ReferenceType to use for the reference from the parent node to the new node.
OpcUa_ExpandedNodeId OpcUa_AddNodesItem::RequestedNewNodeId
 Client requested expanded NodeId of the node to add. More...
OpcUa_QualifiedName OpcUa_AddNodesItem::BrowseName
 The browse name of the node to add.
OpcUa_NodeClass OpcUa_AddNodesItem::NodeClass
 NodeClass of the node to add.
OpcUa_ExtensionObject OpcUa_AddNodesItem::NodeAttributes
 The attributes that are specific to the NodeClass. More...
OpcUa_ExpandedNodeId OpcUa_AddNodesItem::TypeDefinition
 NodeId of the TypeDefinitionNode for the node to add. More...
OpcUa_StatusCode OpcUa_AddNodesResult::StatusCode
 StatusCode for the node to add.
OpcUa_NodeId OpcUa_AddNodesResult::AddedNodeId
 Server assigned NodeId of the added node. More...
 List of nodes to add. More...
 List of results for the Nodes to add. More...
 List of diagnostic information for the nodes to add. More...
OpcUa_NodeId OpcUa_AddReferencesItem::SourceNodeId
 NodeId of the node to which the reference is to be added. More...
OpcUa_NodeId OpcUa_AddReferencesItem::ReferenceTypeId
 NodeId of the ReferenceType that defines the reference.
OpcUa_Boolean OpcUa_AddReferencesItem::IsForward
 If the value is TRUE, the Server creates a forward reference; if the value is FALSE, the Server creates an inverse Reference.
OpcUa_String OpcUa_AddReferencesItem::TargetServerUri
 URI of the remote Server. More...
OpcUa_ExpandedNodeId OpcUa_AddReferencesItem::TargetNodeId
 Expanded NodeId of the target node.
OpcUa_NodeClass OpcUa_AddReferencesItem::TargetNodeClass
 NodeClass of the target node. More...
 List of reference instances to add to the source node. More...
 List of StatusCodes for the references to add. More...
 List of diagnostic information for the references to add. More...
OpcUa_NodeId OpcUa_DeleteNodesItem::NodeId
 NodeId of the node to delete.
OpcUa_Boolean OpcUa_DeleteNodesItem::DeleteTargetReferences
 A boolean parameter indicating whether to delete references for which the node to delete is the target node. More...
 List of nodes to delete.
 List of StatusCodes for the nodes to delete. More...
 List of diagnostic information for the nodes to delete. More...
OpcUa_NodeId OpcUa_DeleteReferencesItem::SourceNodeId
 NodeId of the node that contains the reference to delete.
OpcUa_NodeId OpcUa_DeleteReferencesItem::ReferenceTypeId
 NodeId of the ReferenceType that defines the reference to delete.
OpcUa_Boolean OpcUa_DeleteReferencesItem::IsForward
 If the value is TRUE, the Server deletes a forward Reference. More...
OpcUa_ExpandedNodeId OpcUa_DeleteReferencesItem::TargetNodeId
 NodeId of the target node of the reference. More...
OpcUa_Boolean OpcUa_DeleteReferencesItem::DeleteBidirectional
 A boolean parameter indicating whether the opposite reference from the target node should be deleted together with the node to delete. More...
 List of references to delete.
 List of StatusCodes for the references to delete. More...
 List of diagnostic information for the references to delete. More...
OpcUa_NodeId OpcUa_ViewDescription::ViewId
 NodeId of the View to Query. More...
OpcUa_DateTime OpcUa_ViewDescription::Timestamp
 The time date desired. More...
OpcUa_UInt32 OpcUa_ViewDescription::ViewVersion
 The version number for the View desired. More...
OpcUa_NodeId OpcUa_BrowseDescription::NodeId
 NodeId of the Node to be browsed. More...
OpcUa_BrowseDirection OpcUa_BrowseDescription::BrowseDirection
 An enumeration that specifies the direction of References to follow. More...
OpcUa_NodeId OpcUa_BrowseDescription::ReferenceTypeId
 Specifies the NodeId of the ReferenceType to follow. More...
OpcUa_Boolean OpcUa_BrowseDescription::IncludeSubtypes
 Indicates whether subtypes of the ReferenceType should be included in the browse. More...
OpcUa_UInt32 OpcUa_BrowseDescription::NodeClassMask
 Specifies the NodeClasses of the TargetNodes. More...
OpcUa_UInt32 OpcUa_BrowseDescription::ResultMask
 Specifies the fields in the ReferenceDescription structure that should be returned. More...
OpcUa_NodeId OpcUa_ReferenceDescription::ReferenceTypeId
 NodeId of the ReferenceType that defines the Reference.
OpcUa_Boolean OpcUa_ReferenceDescription::IsForward
 If the value is TRUE, the Server followed a forward Reference. More...
OpcUa_ExpandedNodeId OpcUa_ReferenceDescription::NodeId
 NodeId of the TargetNode as assigned by the Server identified by the Server index. More...
OpcUa_QualifiedName OpcUa_ReferenceDescription::BrowseName
 The BrowseName of the TargetNode.
OpcUa_LocalizedText OpcUa_ReferenceDescription::DisplayName
 The DisplayName of the TargetNode.
OpcUa_NodeClass OpcUa_ReferenceDescription::NodeClass
 NodeClass of the TargetNode.
OpcUa_ExpandedNodeId OpcUa_ReferenceDescription::TypeDefinition
 Type definition NodeId of the TargetNode. More...
OpcUa_StatusCode OpcUa_BrowseResult::StatusCode
 The status for the BrowseDescription. More...
OpcUa_ByteString OpcUa_BrowseResult::ContinuationPoint
 A Server defined opaque value that identifies the continuation point.
 The set of references that meet the criteria specified in the BrowseDescription. More...
OpcUa_ViewDescription OpcUa_BrowseRequest::View
 Description of the View to browse. More...
OpcUa_UInt32 OpcUa_BrowseRequest::RequestedMaxReferencesPerNode
 Indicates the maximum number of references to return for each starting Node specified in the request. More...
 A list of nodes to Browse.
 A list of BrowseResults. More...
 List of diagnostic information for the results. More...
OpcUa_Boolean OpcUa_BrowseNextRequest::ReleaseContinuationPoints
 A boolean parameter indicating whether continuation points should be released. More...
 A list of Server-defined opaque values that represent continuation points. More...
OpcUa_NodeId OpcUa_RelativePathElement::ReferenceTypeId
 The type of reference to follow from the current node. More...
OpcUa_Boolean OpcUa_RelativePathElement::IsInverse
 Indicates whether the inverse Reference should be followed. More...
OpcUa_Boolean OpcUa_RelativePathElement::IncludeSubtypes
 Indicates whether subtypes of the ReferenceType should be followed. More...
OpcUa_QualifiedName OpcUa_RelativePathElement::TargetName
 The BrowseName of the target node. More...
 A sequence of References and BrowseNames to follow.
OpcUa_NodeId OpcUa_BrowsePath::StartingNode
 NodeId of the starting Node for the browse path.
OpcUa_RelativePath OpcUa_BrowsePath::RelativePath
 The path to follow from the startingNode. More...
OpcUa_ExpandedNodeId OpcUa_BrowsePathTarget::TargetId
 The identifier for a target of the RelativePath.
OpcUa_UInt32 OpcUa_BrowsePathTarget::RemainingPathIndex
 The index of the first unprocessed element in the RelativePath. More...
OpcUa_StatusCode OpcUa_BrowsePathResult::StatusCode
 StatusCode for the browse path.
 List of targets for the relativePath from the startingNode.
 A list of browse paths for which NodeIds are being requested.
 List of results for the list of browse paths. More...
 List of diagnostic information for the list of browse paths. More...
 A list of NodeIds to register that the client has retrieved through browsing, querying or in some other manner.
 A list of NodeIds which the Client shall use for subsequent access operations. More...
 A list of NodeIds that have been obtained via the RegisterNodes service.
OpcUa_RelativePath OpcUa_QueryDataDescription::RelativePath
 Browse path relative to the originating node that identifies the node which contains the data that is being requested, where the originating node is an instance node of the type defined by the type definition node. More...
OpcUa_UInt32 OpcUa_QueryDataDescription::AttributeId
 The ID of the attribute. More...
OpcUa_String OpcUa_QueryDataDescription::IndexRange
 Used to identify a single element of a structure or an array, or a single range of indexes for arrays. More...
OpcUa_ExpandedNodeId OpcUa_NodeTypeDescription::TypeDefinitionNode
 NodeId of the originating TypeDefinitionNode of the instances for which data is to be returned.
OpcUa_Boolean OpcUa_NodeTypeDescription::IncludeSubTypes
 A flag that indicates whether the Server should include instances of subtypes of the TypeDefinitionNode in the list of instances of the node type.
 Specifies an attribute or reference from the originating typeDefinitionNode along a given relativePath for which to return data.
OpcUa_FilterOperator OpcUa_ContentFilterElement::FilterOperator
 Filter operator to be evaluated.
 Operands used by the selected operator. More...
 List of operators and their operands that compose the filter criteria. More...
OpcUa_UInt32 OpcUa_ElementOperand::Index
 Index into the element array.
OpcUa_Variant OpcUa_LiteralOperand::Value
 A literal value.
OpcUa_NodeId OpcUa_AttributeOperand::NodeId
 NodeId of a Node from the type system.
OpcUa_String OpcUa_AttributeOperand::Alias
 An optional parameter used to identify or refer to an alias. More...
OpcUa_RelativePath OpcUa_AttributeOperand::BrowsePath
 Browse path relative to the node identified by the nodeId parameter.
OpcUa_UInt32 OpcUa_AttributeOperand::AttributeId
 ID of the attribute. More...
OpcUa_String OpcUa_AttributeOperand::IndexRange
 This parameter is used to identify a single element of an array or a single range of indexes for an array. More...
OpcUa_NodeId OpcUa_SimpleAttributeOperand::TypeDefinitionId
 NodeId of a TypeDefinitionNode. More...
 A relative path to a Node. More...
OpcUa_UInt32 OpcUa_SimpleAttributeOperand::AttributeId
 ID of the Attribute. More...
OpcUa_String OpcUa_SimpleAttributeOperand::IndexRange
 This parameter is used to identify a single element of an array, or a single range of indexes for an array. More...
OpcUa_StatusCode OpcUa_ContentFilterElementResult::StatusCode
 The status code for a single element.
 A list of status codes for the operands in an element. More...
 A list of diagnostic information for the operands in an element. More...
 A list of results for individual elements in the filter. More...
 A list of diagnostic information for individual elements in the filter. More...
OpcUa_StatusCode OpcUa_ParsingResult::StatusCode
 Parsing result for the requested NodeTypeDescription.
 List of results for dataToReturn. More...
 List of diagnostic information dataToReturn. More...
OpcUa_ViewDescription OpcUa_QueryFirstRequest::View
 Specifies a view and temporal context to a Server.
 The node type description.
OpcUa_ContentFilter OpcUa_QueryFirstRequest::Filter
 Resulting nodes shall be limited to the nodes matching the criteria defined by the filter. More...
OpcUa_UInt32 OpcUa_QueryFirstRequest::MaxDataSetsToReturn
 The number of QueryDataSets that the Client wants the Server to return in the response and on each subsequent continuation call response. More...
OpcUa_UInt32 OpcUa_QueryFirstRequest::MaxReferencesToReturn
 The number of references that the Client wants the Server to return in the response for each QueryDataSet and on each subsequent continuation call response. More...
OpcUa_QueryDataSet * OpcUa_QueryFirstResponse::QueryDataSets
 The array of QueryDataSets. More...
OpcUa_ByteString OpcUa_QueryFirstResponse::ContinuationPoint
 Server-defined opaque value that identifies the continuation point. More...
 List of parsing results for QueryFirst. More...
 List of diagnostic information for the requested NodeTypeDescription. More...
OpcUa_ContentFilterResult OpcUa_QueryFirstResponse::FilterResult
 A structure that contains any errors associated with the filter. More...
OpcUa_Boolean OpcUa_QueryNextRequest::ReleaseContinuationPoint
 A boolean parameter indicating whether continuation points should be released. More...
OpcUa_ByteString OpcUa_QueryNextRequest::ContinuationPoint
 Server defined opaque value that represents the continuation point. More...
OpcUa_QueryDataSet * OpcUa_QueryNextResponse::QueryDataSets
 The array of QueryDataSets.
OpcUa_ByteString OpcUa_QueryNextResponse::RevisedContinuationPoint
 Server-defined opaque value that represents the continuation point. More...
OpcUa_NodeId OpcUa_ReadValueId::NodeId
 NodeId of a Node.
OpcUa_UInt32 OpcUa_ReadValueId::AttributeId
 Id of the Attribute. More...
OpcUa_String OpcUa_ReadValueId::IndexRange
 This parameter is used to identify a single element of an array, or a single range of indexes for arrays. More...
OpcUa_QualifiedName OpcUa_ReadValueId::DataEncoding
 This parameter specifies the BrowseName of the DataTypeEncoding that the Server should use when returning the Value Attribute of a Variable. More...
OpcUa_Double OpcUa_ReadRequest::MaxAge
 Maximum age of the value to be read in milliseconds. More...
OpcUa_TimestampsToReturn OpcUa_ReadRequest::TimestampsToReturn
 An enumeration that specifies the Timestamps to be returned for each requested Variable Value Attribute. More...
 List of Nodes and their Attributes to read. More...
 List of read results contained in an array of DataValue structures. More...
 List of diagnostic information. More...
OpcUa_NodeId OpcUa_HistoryReadValueId::NodeId
 The nodeId to be read depends on HistoryReadDetails. More...
OpcUa_String OpcUa_HistoryReadValueId::IndexRange
 This parameter is used to identify a single element of an array, or a single range of indexes for arrays. More...
OpcUa_QualifiedName OpcUa_HistoryReadValueId::DataEncoding
 A QualifiedName that specifies the data encoding to be returned for the Value to be read. More...
OpcUa_ByteString OpcUa_HistoryReadValueId::ContinuationPoint
 For each NodeToRead this parameter specifies a continuation point returned from a previous HistoryRead call, allowing the Client to continue that read from the last value received. More...
OpcUa_StatusCode OpcUa_HistoryReadResult::StatusCode
 StatusCode for the nodesToRead item.
OpcUa_ByteString OpcUa_HistoryReadResult::ContinuationPoint
 This parameter is used only if the number of values to be returned is too large to be returned in a single response or if the timeout provided as hint by the Client is close to expiring and not all nodes have been processed. More...
OpcUa_ExtensionObject OpcUa_HistoryReadResult::HistoryData
 The history data returned for the node. More...
OpcUa_Boolean OpcUa_ReadRawModifiedDetails::IsReadModified
 TRUE for read modified functionality, FALSE for read raw functionality. More...
OpcUa_DateTime OpcUa_ReadRawModifiedDetails::StartTime
 The beginning of the period to read. More...
OpcUa_DateTime OpcUa_ReadRawModifiedDetails::EndTime
 The end of the period to read. More...
OpcUa_UInt32 OpcUa_ReadRawModifiedDetails::NumValuesPerNode
 The maximum number of values returned for any node over the time range. More...
OpcUa_Boolean OpcUa_ReadRawModifiedDetails::ReturnBounds
 A boolean parameter indicating whether bounding values should be returned. More...
 Defines the specific timestamps for which values are to be read.
OpcUa_Boolean OpcUa_ReadAtTimeDetails::UseSimpleBounds
 Use simple bounds to determine the value at the specific timestamp.
OpcUa_ExtensionObject OpcUa_HistoryReadRequest::HistoryReadDetails
 The details define the types of history reads that can be performed. More...
OpcUa_TimestampsToReturn OpcUa_HistoryReadRequest::TimestampsToReturn
 An enumeration that specifies the timestamps to be returned for each requested variable value attribute. More...
OpcUa_Boolean OpcUa_HistoryReadRequest::ReleaseContinuationPoints
 A Boolean parameter indicating whether to reset passed continuation points. More...
 contains the list of items upon which the historical retrieval is to be performed.
 List of read results. More...
 List of diagnostic information. More...
OpcUa_NodeId OpcUa_WriteValue::NodeId
 NodeId of the node that contains the attributes.
OpcUa_UInt32 OpcUa_WriteValue::AttributeId
 Id of the attribute. More...
OpcUa_String OpcUa_WriteValue::IndexRange
 This parameter is used to identify a single element of an array, or a single range of indexes for arrays. More...
OpcUa_DataValue OpcUa_WriteValue::Value
 The node’s attribute value. More...
 List of Nodes and their Attributes to write.
 List of results for the nodes to write. More...
OpcUa_Int32 OpcUa_WriteResponse::NoOfDiagnosticInfos
 List of diagnostic information for the nodes to write. More...
OpcUa_NodeId OpcUa_UpdateDataDetails::NodeId
 Node ID of the object to be updated.
OpcUa_PerformUpdateType OpcUa_UpdateDataDetails::PerformInsertReplace
 Determines which action of insert, replace, or update is performed. More...
 New values to be inserted or to replace.
OpcUa_NodeId OpcUa_UpdateStructureDataDetails::NodeId
 NodeId of the object to be updated.
OpcUa_PerformUpdateType OpcUa_UpdateStructureDataDetails::PerformInsertReplace
 Determines which action of insert, replace, update, or remove is performed. More...
 New values to be inserted, replaced, or removed.
OpcUa_NodeId OpcUa_DeleteRawModifiedDetails::NodeId
 NodeId of the object for which history values are to be deleted.
OpcUa_Boolean OpcUa_DeleteRawModifiedDetails::IsDeleteModified
 TRUE for MODIFIED, FALSE for RAW. More...
OpcUa_DateTime OpcUa_DeleteRawModifiedDetails::StartTime
 The beginning of the period to be deleted.
OpcUa_DateTime OpcUa_DeleteRawModifiedDetails::EndTime
 The end of the period to be deleted.
OpcUa_NodeId OpcUa_DeleteAtTimeDetails::NodeId
 NodeId of the object for which history values are to be deleted.
 The entries define the specific timestamps for which values are to be deleted.
OpcUa_NodeId OpcUa_DeleteEventDetails::NodeId
 NodeId of the object for which history values are to be deleted.
 An array of EventIds to identify which events are to be deleted.
OpcUa_StatusCode OpcUa_HistoryUpdateResult::StatusCode
 StatusCode for the update of the node.
 List of StatusCodes for the operations to be performed on a node. More...
 List of diagnostic information for the operations to be performed on a node. More...
 Specifies the types of history updates that can be performed. More...
 List of update results for the history update details. More...
 List of diagnostic information for the history update details. More...
OpcUa_NodeId OpcUa_CallMethodRequest::ObjectId
 The NodeId shall be that of the object or ObjectType that is the source of a HasComponent Reference (or subtype of HasComponent Reference) to the method specified in methodId. More...
OpcUa_NodeId OpcUa_CallMethodRequest::MethodId
 NodeId of the method to invoke. More...
 List of input argument values. More...
OpcUa_StatusCode OpcUa_CallMethodResult::StatusCode
 StatusCode of the method executed in the server. More...
 List of StatusCodes for each inputArgument.
 List of diagnostic information for each inputArgument. More...
 List of output argument values. More...
 List of methods to call.
 Result for the method calls.
 List of diagnostic information for the StatusCode of the callResult. More...
 List of the values to return with each event in a notification. More...
OpcUa_ContentFilter OpcUa_EventFilter::WhereClause
 Limit the Notifications to those events that match the criteria defined by this OpcUa_ContentFilter. More...
OpcUa_Boolean OpcUa_AggregateConfiguration::UseServerCapabilitiesDefaults
 A Boolean parameter indicating whether to use default aggregate configuration settings. More...
OpcUa_Boolean OpcUa_AggregateConfiguration::TreatUncertainAsBad
 Indicates how the server treats data returned with a StatusCode severity Uncertain with respect to Aggregate calculations. More...
OpcUa_Byte OpcUa_AggregateConfiguration::PercentDataBad
 Indicates the minimum percentage of bad data in a given interval required for the StatusCode for the given interval for processed data request to be set to Bad. More...
OpcUa_Byte OpcUa_AggregateConfiguration::PercentDataGood
 Indicates the minimum percentage of Good data in a given interval required for the StatusCode for the given interval for the processed data requests to be set to Good. More...
OpcUa_Boolean OpcUa_AggregateConfiguration::UseSlopedExtrapolation
 Indicates how the server interpolates data when no boundary value exists (i.e. More...
 List of status codes for the elements in the select clause. More...
 A list of diagnostic information for individual elements in the select clause. More...
OpcUa_ContentFilterResult OpcUa_EventFilterResult::WhereClauseResult
 Any results associated with the whereClause request parameter.
OpcUa_UInt32 OpcUa_MonitoringParameters::ClientHandle
 Client-supplied id of the MonitoredItem. More...
OpcUa_Double OpcUa_MonitoringParameters::SamplingInterval
 The interval in milliseconds that defines the fastest rate at which the MonitoredItem(s) should be accessed and evaluated. More...
OpcUa_ExtensionObject OpcUa_MonitoringParameters::Filter
 A filter used by the Server to determine if the MonitoredItem should generate a Notification. More...
OpcUa_UInt32 OpcUa_MonitoringParameters::QueueSize
 The requested size of the MonitoredItem queue. More...
OpcUa_Boolean OpcUa_MonitoringParameters::DiscardOldest
 A boolean parameter that specifies the discard policy when the queue is full and a new Notification is to be enqueued. More...
OpcUa_ReadValueId OpcUa_MonitoredItemCreateRequest::ItemToMonitor
 Identifies an item in the AddressSpace to monitor. More...
OpcUa_MonitoringMode OpcUa_MonitoredItemCreateRequest::MonitoringMode
 The monitoring mode to be set for the MonitoredItem.
OpcUa_MonitoringParameters OpcUa_MonitoredItemCreateRequest::RequestedParameters
 The requested monitoring parameters. More...
OpcUa_StatusCode OpcUa_MonitoredItemCreateResult::StatusCode
 StatusCode for the MonitoredItem to create.
OpcUa_UInt32 OpcUa_MonitoredItemCreateResult::MonitoredItemId
 Server-assigned ID for the MonitoredItem. More...
OpcUa_Double OpcUa_MonitoredItemCreateResult::RevisedSamplingInterval
 The actual sampling interval that the Server will use. More...
OpcUa_UInt32 OpcUa_MonitoredItemCreateResult::RevisedQueueSize
 The actual queue size that the Server will use.
OpcUa_ExtensionObject OpcUa_MonitoredItemCreateResult::FilterResult
 Contains any revised parameter values or error results associated with the MonitoringFilter specified in the request. More...
OpcUa_UInt32 OpcUa_CreateMonitoredItemsRequest::SubscriptionId
 The Server-assigned identifier for the Subscription that will report Notifications for this MonitoredItem.
OpcUa_TimestampsToReturn OpcUa_CreateMonitoredItemsRequest::TimestampsToReturn
 An enumeration that specifies the timestamp Attributes to be transmitted for each MonitoredItem. More...
 A list of MonitoredItems to be created and assigned to the specified Subscription.
 List of results for the MonitoredItems to create. More...
 List of diagnostic information for the MonitoredItems to create. More...
OpcUa_UInt32 OpcUa_MonitoredItemModifyRequest::MonitoredItemId
 Server-assigned ID for the MonitoredItem.
OpcUa_MonitoringParameters OpcUa_MonitoredItemModifyRequest::RequestedParameters
 The requested values for the monitoring parameters. More...
OpcUa_StatusCode OpcUa_MonitoredItemModifyResult::StatusCode
 StatusCode for the MonitoredItem to be modified.
OpcUa_Double OpcUa_MonitoredItemModifyResult::RevisedSamplingInterval
 The actual sampling interval that the Server will use. More...
OpcUa_UInt32 OpcUa_MonitoredItemModifyResult::RevisedQueueSize
 The actual queue size that the Server will use.
OpcUa_ExtensionObject OpcUa_MonitoredItemModifyResult::FilterResult
 Contains any revised parameter values or error results associated with the MonitoringFilter specified in the request. More...
OpcUa_UInt32 OpcUa_ModifyMonitoredItemsRequest::SubscriptionId
 The Server-assigned identifier for the Subscription used to qualify the monitoredItemId.
OpcUa_TimestampsToReturn OpcUa_ModifyMonitoredItemsRequest::TimestampsToReturn
 An enumeration that specifies the timestamp Attributes to be transmitted for each MonitoredItem to be modified. More...
 The list of MonitoredItems to modify.
 List of results for the MonitoredItems to modify. More...
 List of diagnostic information for the MonitoredItems to modify. More...
OpcUa_UInt32 OpcUa_SetMonitoringModeRequest::SubscriptionId
 The Server-assigned identifier for the Subscription used to qualify the monitoredItemIds.
OpcUa_MonitoringMode OpcUa_SetMonitoringModeRequest::MonitoringMode
 The monitoring mode to be set for the MonitoredItems.
OpcUa_UInt32 * OpcUa_SetMonitoringModeRequest::MonitoredItemIds
 List of Server-assigned IDs for the MonitoredItems.
 List of StatusCodes for the MonitoredItems to enable/disable. More...
 List of diagnostic information for the MonitoredItems to enable/disable. More...
OpcUa_UInt32 OpcUa_SetTriggeringRequest::SubscriptionId
 The Server-assigned identifier for the subscription that contains the triggering item and the items to report.
OpcUa_UInt32 OpcUa_SetTriggeringRequest::TriggeringItemId
 Server-assigned ID for the MonitoredItem used as the triggering item.
OpcUa_UInt32 * OpcUa_SetTriggeringRequest::LinksToAdd
 The list of Server-assigned IDs of the items to report that are to be added as triggering links. More...
OpcUa_UInt32 * OpcUa_SetTriggeringRequest::LinksToRemove
 The list of Server-assigned IDs of the items to report for the triggering links to be deleted. More...
 List of StatusCodes for the items to add. More...
 List of diagnostic information for the links to add. More...
 List of StatusCodes for the items to remove. More...
 List of diagnostic information for the links to remove. More...
OpcUa_UInt32 OpcUa_DeleteMonitoredItemsRequest::SubscriptionId
 The Server-assigned identifier for the Subscription that contains the MonitoredItems to be deleted.
OpcUa_UInt32 * OpcUa_DeleteMonitoredItemsRequest::MonitoredItemIds
 List of Server-assigned ids for the MonitoredItems to be deleted.
 List of StatusCodes for the MonitoredItems to delete. More...
 List of diagnostic information for the MonitoredItems to delete. More...
OpcUa_Double OpcUa_CreateSubscriptionRequest::RequestedPublishingInterval
 This interval defines the cyclic rate that the Subscription is being requested to return Notifications to the Client. More...
OpcUa_UInt32 OpcUa_CreateSubscriptionRequest::RequestedLifetimeCount
 Requested lifetime count. More...
OpcUa_UInt32 OpcUa_CreateSubscriptionRequest::RequestedMaxKeepAliveCount
 Requested maximum keep-alive count. More...
OpcUa_UInt32 OpcUa_CreateSubscriptionRequest::MaxNotificationsPerPublish
 The maximum number of notifications that the Client wishes to receive in a single Publish response. More...
OpcUa_Boolean OpcUa_CreateSubscriptionRequest::PublishingEnabled
 A Boolean parameter with the following values: More...
OpcUa_Byte OpcUa_CreateSubscriptionRequest::Priority
 Indicates the relative priority of the Subscription. More...
OpcUa_UInt32 OpcUa_CreateSubscriptionResponse::SubscriptionId
 The Server-assigned identifier for the Subscription. More...
OpcUa_Double OpcUa_CreateSubscriptionResponse::RevisedPublishingInterval
 The actual publishing interval that the Server will use, expressed in milliseconds. More...
OpcUa_UInt32 OpcUa_CreateSubscriptionResponse::RevisedLifetimeCount
 The lifetime of the Subscription shall be a minimum of three times the keep-alive interval negotiated by the Server.
OpcUa_UInt32 OpcUa_CreateSubscriptionResponse::RevisedMaxKeepAliveCount
 The actual maximum keep-alive count. More...
OpcUa_UInt32 OpcUa_ModifySubscriptionRequest::SubscriptionId
 The Server-assigned identifier for the Subscription.
OpcUa_Double OpcUa_ModifySubscriptionRequest::RequestedPublishingInterval
 This interval defines the cyclic rate that the Subscription is being requested to return Notifications to the Client. More...
OpcUa_UInt32 OpcUa_ModifySubscriptionRequest::RequestedLifetimeCount
 The requested lifetime count. More...
OpcUa_UInt32 OpcUa_ModifySubscriptionRequest::RequestedMaxKeepAliveCount
 Requested maximum keep-alive count. More...
OpcUa_UInt32 OpcUa_ModifySubscriptionRequest::MaxNotificationsPerPublish
 The maximum number of notifications that the Client wishes to receive in a single Publish response. More...
OpcUa_Byte OpcUa_ModifySubscriptionRequest::Priority
 Indicates the relative priority of the Subscription. More...
OpcUa_Double OpcUa_ModifySubscriptionResponse::RevisedPublishingInterval
 The actual publishing interval that the Server will use, expressed in milliseconds. More...
OpcUa_UInt32 OpcUa_ModifySubscriptionResponse::RevisedLifetimeCount
 The lifetime of the Subscription shall be a minimum of three times the keep-alive interval negotiated by the Server.
OpcUa_UInt32 OpcUa_ModifySubscriptionResponse::RevisedMaxKeepAliveCount
 The actual maximum keep-alive count. More...
OpcUa_Boolean OpcUa_SetPublishingModeRequest::PublishingEnabled
 A Boolean parameter indicating whether publishing is enabled. More...
OpcUa_UInt32 * OpcUa_SetPublishingModeRequest::SubscriptionIds
 List of Server-assigned identifiers for the Subscriptions to enable or disable.
 List of StatusCodes for the Subscriptions to enable/disable. More...
OpcUa_Int32 OpcUa_SetPublishingModeResponse::NoOfDiagnosticInfos
 List of diagnostic information for the Subscriptions to enable/disable. More...
OpcUa_UInt32 OpcUa_NotificationMessage::SequenceNumber
 The Message that contains one or more Notifications.
OpcUa_DateTime OpcUa_NotificationMessage::PublishTime
 The sequence number of the NotificationMessage.
OpcUa_Int32 OpcUa_NotificationMessage::NoOfNotificationData
 The time that this Message was sent to the Client. More...
 The list of NotificationData structures. More...
 List of selected Event fields. More...
OpcUa_UInt32 OpcUa_SubscriptionAcknowledgement::SubscriptionId
 The Server assigned identifier for a Subscription.
OpcUa_UInt32 OpcUa_SubscriptionAcknowledgement::SequenceNumber
 The sequence number being acknowledged. More...
 The list of acknowledgements for one or more Subscriptions. More...
OpcUa_UInt32 OpcUa_PublishResponse::SubscriptionId
 The Server-assigned identifier for the Subscription for which notifications are being returned. More...
OpcUa_UInt32 * OpcUa_PublishResponse::AvailableSequenceNumbers
 A list of sequence number ranges that identify unacknowledged NotificationMessages that are available for retransmission from the Subscription’s retransmission queue. More...
OpcUa_Boolean OpcUa_PublishResponse::MoreNotifications
 A Boolean parameter indicating whether all avalaible notifications could be included in a single response. More...
OpcUa_NotificationMessage OpcUa_PublishResponse::NotificationMessage
 The NotificationMessage that contains the list of Notifications.
 List of results for the acknowledgements. More...
 List of diagnostic information for the acknowledgements. More...
OpcUa_UInt32 OpcUa_RepublishRequest::SubscriptionId
 The Server assigned identifier for the Subscription to be republished.
OpcUa_UInt32 OpcUa_RepublishRequest::RetransmitSequenceNumber
 The sequence number of a specific NotificationMessage to be republished.
OpcUa_NotificationMessage OpcUa_RepublishResponse::NotificationMessage
 The requested NotificationMessage.
OpcUa_StatusCode OpcUa_TransferResult::StatusCode
 StatusCode for each Subscription to be transferred.
OpcUa_UInt32 * OpcUa_TransferResult::AvailableSequenceNumbers
 A list of sequence number ranges that identify NotificationMessages that are in the Subscription’s retransmission queue. More...
OpcUa_UInt32 * OpcUa_TransferSubscriptionsRequest::SubscriptionIds
 List of identifiers for the Subscriptions to be transferred to the new Client. More...
OpcUa_Boolean OpcUa_TransferSubscriptionsRequest::SendInitialValues
 A boolean parameter indicating whether the first publish response should contain current values of all monitored items. More...
 List of results for the Subscriptions to transfer. More...
 List of diagnostic information for the Subscriptions to transfer. More...
OpcUa_UInt32 * OpcUa_DeleteSubscriptionsRequest::SubscriptionIds
 The Server-assigned identifier for the Subscription.
 List of StatusCodes for the Subscriptions to delete. More...
 List of diagnostic information for the Subscriptions to delete. More...
OpcUa_String OpcUa_BuildInfo::ProductUri
 URI that identifies the software.
OpcUa_String OpcUa_BuildInfo::ManufacturerName
 Name of the software manufacturer.
OpcUa_String OpcUa_BuildInfo::ProductName
 Name of the software.
OpcUa_String OpcUa_BuildInfo::SoftwareVersion
 Software version.
OpcUa_String OpcUa_BuildInfo::BuildNumber
 Build number.
OpcUa_DateTime OpcUa_BuildInfo::BuildDate
 Date and time of the build.
OpcUa_String OpcUa_RedundantServerDataType::ServerId
 The Id of the server (not the URI).
OpcUa_Byte OpcUa_RedundantServerDataType::ServiceLevel
 The service level of the server.
OpcUa_ServerState OpcUa_RedundantServerDataType::ServerState
 The current state of the server.
 List of URLs of an Endpoint.
OpcUa_String OpcUa_NetworkGroupDataType::ServerUri
 URI of the Server represented by the network group.
 Array of different network paths to the server, for example provided by different network cards in a Server node. More...
OpcUa_UInt32 OpcUa_ServerDiagnosticsSummaryDataType::ServerViewCount
 The number of server-created views in the server.
OpcUa_UInt32 OpcUa_ServerDiagnosticsSummaryDataType::CurrentSessionCount
 The number of client sessions currently established in the server.
OpcUa_UInt32 OpcUa_ServerDiagnosticsSummaryDataType::CumulatedSessionCount
 The cumulative number of client sessions that have been established in the server since the server was started (or restarted). More...
OpcUa_UInt32 OpcUa_ServerDiagnosticsSummaryDataType::SecurityRejectedSessionCount
 The number of client session establishment requests that were rejected due to security constraints since the server was started (or restarted).
OpcUa_UInt32 OpcUa_ServerDiagnosticsSummaryDataType::RejectedSessionCount
 The number of client session establishment requests that were rejected since the server was started (or restarted). More...
OpcUa_UInt32 OpcUa_ServerDiagnosticsSummaryDataType::SessionTimeoutCount
 The number of client sessions that were closed due to timeout since the server was started (or restarted).
OpcUa_UInt32 OpcUa_ServerDiagnosticsSummaryDataType::SessionAbortCount
 The number of client sessions that were closed due to errors since the server was started (or restarted).
OpcUa_UInt32 OpcUa_ServerDiagnosticsSummaryDataType::CurrentSubscriptionCount
 The number of subscriptions currently established in the server.
OpcUa_UInt32 OpcUa_ServerDiagnosticsSummaryDataType::CumulatedSubscriptionCount
 The cumulative number of subscriptions that have been established in the server since the server was started (or restarted). More...
OpcUa_UInt32 OpcUa_ServerDiagnosticsSummaryDataType::PublishingIntervalCount
 The number of publishing intervals currently supported in the server.
OpcUa_UInt32 OpcUa_ServerDiagnosticsSummaryDataType::SecurityRejectedRequestsCount
 The number of requests that were rejected due to security constraints since the server was started (or restarted). More...
OpcUa_UInt32 OpcUa_ServerDiagnosticsSummaryDataType::RejectedRequestsCount
 The number of requests that were rejected since the server was started (or restarted). More...
OpcUa_DateTime OpcUa_ServerStatusDataType::StartTime
 Time (UTC) the server was started. More...
OpcUa_DateTime OpcUa_ServerStatusDataType::CurrentTime
 The current time (UTC) as known by the server.
OpcUa_ServerState OpcUa_ServerStatusDataType::State
 The current state of the server.
OpcUa_BuildInfo OpcUa_ServerStatusDataType::BuildInfo
 Build information of the server.
OpcUa_UInt32 OpcUa_ServerStatusDataType::SecondsTillShutdown
 Approximate number of seconds until the server will be shut down. More...
OpcUa_LocalizedText OpcUa_ServerStatusDataType::ShutdownReason
 An optional localized text indicating the reason for the shutdown. More...
OpcUa_NodeId OpcUa_SessionSecurityDiagnosticsDataType::SessionId
 Server-assigned identifier of the session.
OpcUa_String OpcUa_SessionSecurityDiagnosticsDataType::ClientUserIdOfSession
 Name of authenticated user when creating the session.
 Array containing the name of the authenticated user currently active (either from creating the session or from calling the ActivateSession Service) and the history of those names. More...
OpcUa_String OpcUa_SessionSecurityDiagnosticsDataType::AuthenticationMechanism
 Type of authentication currently used by the session. More...
OpcUa_String OpcUa_SessionSecurityDiagnosticsDataType::Encoding
 Which encoding is used on the wire. More...
OpcUa_String OpcUa_SessionSecurityDiagnosticsDataType::TransportProtocol
 Which transport protocol is used. More...
OpcUa_MessageSecurityMode OpcUa_SessionSecurityDiagnosticsDataType::SecurityMode
 The message security mode used for the session.
OpcUa_String OpcUa_SessionSecurityDiagnosticsDataType::SecurityPolicyUri
 The name of the security policy used for the session.
OpcUa_ByteString OpcUa_SessionSecurityDiagnosticsDataType::ClientCertificate
 The application instance certificate provided by the client in the CreateSession request.
OpcUa_UInt32 OpcUa_ServiceCounterDataType::TotalCount
 The number of Service requests that have been received.
OpcUa_UInt32 OpcUa_ServiceCounterDataType::ErrorCount
 The total number of Service requests that were rejected.
OpcUa_NodeId OpcUa_SubscriptionDiagnosticsDataType::SessionId
 Server-assigned identifier of the session the subscription belongs to.
OpcUa_UInt32 OpcUa_SubscriptionDiagnosticsDataType::SubscriptionId
 Server-assigned identifier of the subscription.
OpcUa_Byte OpcUa_SubscriptionDiagnosticsDataType::Priority
 The priority the client assigned to the subscription.
OpcUa_Double OpcUa_SubscriptionDiagnosticsDataType::PublishingInterval
 The publishing interval of the subscription in milliseconds.
OpcUa_UInt32 OpcUa_SubscriptionDiagnosticsDataType::MaxKeepAliveCount
 The maximum keep-alive count of the subscription.
OpcUa_UInt32 OpcUa_SubscriptionDiagnosticsDataType::MaxLifetimeCount
 The maximum lifetime count of the subscription.
OpcUa_UInt32 OpcUa_SubscriptionDiagnosticsDataType::MaxNotificationsPerPublish
 The maximum number of notifications per publish response.
OpcUa_Boolean OpcUa_SubscriptionDiagnosticsDataType::PublishingEnabled
 Whether publishing is enabled for the subscription.
OpcUa_UInt32 OpcUa_SubscriptionDiagnosticsDataType::ModifyCount
 The number of ModifySubscription requests received for the subscription.
OpcUa_UInt32 OpcUa_SubscriptionDiagnosticsDataType::EnableCount
 The number of times the subscription has been enabled.
OpcUa_UInt32 OpcUa_SubscriptionDiagnosticsDataType::DisableCount
 The number of times the subscription has been disabled.
OpcUa_UInt32 OpcUa_SubscriptionDiagnosticsDataType::RepublishRequestCount
 The number of Republish Service requests that have been received and processed for the subscription.
OpcUa_UInt32 OpcUa_SubscriptionDiagnosticsDataType::RepublishMessageRequestCount
 The total number of messages that have been requested to be republished for the subscription. More...
OpcUa_UInt32 OpcUa_SubscriptionDiagnosticsDataType::RepublishMessageCount
 The number of messages that have been successfully republished for the subscription.
OpcUa_UInt32 OpcUa_SubscriptionDiagnosticsDataType::TransferRequestCount
 The total number of TransferSubscriptions Service requests that have been received for the subscription.
OpcUa_UInt32 OpcUa_SubscriptionDiagnosticsDataType::TransferredToAltClientCount
 The number of times the subscription has been transferred to an alternate client.
OpcUa_UInt32 OpcUa_SubscriptionDiagnosticsDataType::TransferredToSameClientCount
 The number of times the subscription has been transferred to an alternate session for the same client.
OpcUa_UInt32 OpcUa_SubscriptionDiagnosticsDataType::PublishRequestCount
 The number of Publish Service requests that have been received and processed for the subscription.
OpcUa_UInt32 OpcUa_SubscriptionDiagnosticsDataType::DataChangeNotificationsCount
 The number of data change Notifications sent by the subscription.
OpcUa_UInt32 OpcUa_SubscriptionDiagnosticsDataType::EventNotificationsCount
 The number of Event Notifications sent by the subscription.
OpcUa_UInt32 OpcUa_SubscriptionDiagnosticsDataType::NotificationsCount
 The total number of Notifications sent by the subscription.
OpcUa_UInt32 OpcUa_SubscriptionDiagnosticsDataType::LatePublishRequestCount
 The number of times the subscription has entered the LATE State, i.e. More...
OpcUa_UInt32 OpcUa_SubscriptionDiagnosticsDataType::CurrentKeepAliveCount
 The number of times the subscription has entered the KEEPALIVE State.
OpcUa_UInt32 OpcUa_SubscriptionDiagnosticsDataType::CurrentLifetimeCount
 The current lifetime count of the subscription.
OpcUa_UInt32 OpcUa_SubscriptionDiagnosticsDataType::UnacknowledgedMessageCount
 The number of unacknowledged messages saved in the republish queue.
OpcUa_UInt32 OpcUa_SubscriptionDiagnosticsDataType::DiscardedMessageCount
 The number of messages that were discarded before they were acknowledged.
OpcUa_UInt32 OpcUa_SubscriptionDiagnosticsDataType::MonitoredItemCount
 The total number of monitored items of the subscription, including the disabled monitored items.
OpcUa_UInt32 OpcUa_SubscriptionDiagnosticsDataType::DisabledMonitoredItemCount
 The number of disabled monitored items of the subscription.
OpcUa_UInt32 OpcUa_SubscriptionDiagnosticsDataType::MonitoringQueueOverflowCount
 The number of times a monitored item dropped notifications because of a queue overflow.
OpcUa_UInt32 OpcUa_SubscriptionDiagnosticsDataType::NextSequenceNumber
 Sequence number for the next notification message.
OpcUa_UInt32 OpcUa_SubscriptionDiagnosticsDataType::EventQueueOverFlowCount
 The number of times a monitored item in the subscription has generated an Event of type EventQueueOverflowEventType.
OpcUa_NodeId OpcUa_ModelChangeStructureDataType::Affected
 NodeId of the Node that was changed. More...
OpcUa_NodeId OpcUa_ModelChangeStructureDataType::AffectedType
 If the affected Node was an object or Variable, affectedType contains the NodeId of the TypeDefinitionNode of the affected Node. More...
OpcUa_Byte OpcUa_ModelChangeStructureDataType::Verb
 Describes the changes happening to the affected Node. More...
OpcUa_NodeId OpcUa_SemanticChangeStructureDataType::Affected
 NodeId of the Node that owns the Property that has changed.
OpcUa_NodeId OpcUa_SemanticChangeStructureDataType::AffectedType
 If the affected Node was an object or Variable, affectedType contains the NodeId of the TypeDefinitionNode of the affected Node. More...
OpcUa_Double OpcUa_Range::Low
 Lowest value in the range.
OpcUa_Double OpcUa_Range::High
 Highest value in the range.
OpcUa_String OpcUa_EUInformation::NamespaceUri
 Identifies the organization (company, standards organization) that defines the EUInformation.
OpcUa_Int32 OpcUa_EUInformation::UnitId
 Identifier for programmatic evaluation. More...
OpcUa_LocalizedText OpcUa_EUInformation::DisplayName
 The displayName of the engineering unit. More...
OpcUa_LocalizedText OpcUa_EUInformation::Description
 Contains the full name of the engineering unit such as ”hour” or ”meter per second”.
OpcUa_EUInformation OpcUa_AxisInformation::EngineeringUnits
 Holds the information about the engineering units for a given axis.
OpcUa_Range OpcUa_AxisInformation::EURange
 Limits of the range of the axis.
OpcUa_LocalizedText OpcUa_AxisInformation::Title
 User readable axis title. More...
OpcUa_AxisScaleEnumeration OpcUa_AxisInformation::AxisScaleType
 LINEAR, LOG, LN, defined by AxisSteps (see OpcUa_AxisScaleEnumeration).
OpcUa_Double * OpcUa_AxisInformation::AxisSteps
 Specific value of each axis step. More...
OpcUa_Double OpcUa_XVType::X
 Position on the X axis of this value.
OpcUa_Float OpcUa_XVType::Value
 The value itself.
OpcUa_String OpcUa_Annotation::Message
 Annotation message or text.
OpcUa_String OpcUa_Annotation::UserName
 The user that added the Annotation, as supplied by underlying system.
OpcUa_DateTime OpcUa_Annotation::AnnotationTime
 The time the Annotation was added. More...
OpcUa_UInt32 OpcUa_ReadEventDetails::NumValuesPerNode
 The maximum number of values returned for any node over the time range. More...
OpcUa_DateTime OpcUa_ReadEventDetails::StartTime
 The beginning of the period to read. More...
OpcUa_DateTime OpcUa_ReadEventDetails::EndTime
 The end of the period to read. More...
OpcUa_EventFilter OpcUa_ReadEventDetails::Filter
 A filter used by the Server to determine which HistoricalEventNode should be included. More...
OpcUa_DateTime OpcUa_ReadProcessedDetails::StartTime
 The beginning of the period to read.
OpcUa_DateTime OpcUa_ReadProcessedDetails::EndTime
 The end of the period to read.
OpcUa_Double OpcUa_ReadProcessedDetails::ProcessingInterval
 The interval between returned aggregate values. More...
 The NodeId of the HistoryAggregate object that indicates the list of aggregates to be used when retrieving processed history.
OpcUa_AggregateConfiguration OpcUa_ReadProcessedDetails::AggregateConfiguration
 Allows a Client to override aggregate configuration settings ona per call basis.
OpcUa_HistoryEventFieldList * OpcUa_HistoryEvent::Events
 The list of Events being delivered.
OpcUa_NodeId OpcUa_UpdateEventDetails::NodeId
 NodeId of the object to be updated.
OpcUa_PerformUpdateType OpcUa_UpdateEventDetails::PerformInsertReplace
 Determines which action of insert, replace, or update is performed. More...
OpcUa_EventFilter OpcUa_UpdateEventDetails::Filter
 If the history of the notification conforms to the EventFilter, the history of the notification is updated.
OpcUa_HistoryEventFieldList * OpcUa_UpdateEventDetails::EventData
 Event notification data to be inserted or updated.
OpcUa_NodeId OpcUa_SessionDiagnosticsDataType::SessionId
 Server-assigned identifier of the session.
OpcUa_String OpcUa_SessionDiagnosticsDataType::SessionName
 The name of the session provided in the CreateSession request.
OpcUa_ApplicationDescription OpcUa_SessionDiagnosticsDataType::ClientDescription
 The description provided by the client in the CreateSession request.
OpcUa_String OpcUa_SessionDiagnosticsDataType::ServerUri
 The serverUri request in the CreateSession request.
OpcUa_String OpcUa_SessionDiagnosticsDataType::EndpointUrl
 The endpointUrl passed by the client to the CreateSession request.
 Array of LocaleIds specified by the client in the open session call.
OpcUa_Double OpcUa_SessionDiagnosticsDataType::ActualSessionTimeout
 The requested session timeout specified by the client in the open session call.
OpcUa_UInt32 OpcUa_SessionDiagnosticsDataType::MaxResponseMessageSize
 The maximum size for the response message sent to the client.
OpcUa_DateTime OpcUa_SessionDiagnosticsDataType::ClientConnectionTime
 The server timestamp when the client opens the session.
OpcUa_DateTime OpcUa_SessionDiagnosticsDataType::ClientLastContactTime
 The server timestamp of the last request of the client in the context of the session.
OpcUa_UInt32 OpcUa_SessionDiagnosticsDataType::CurrentSubscriptionsCount
 The number of subscriptions currently used by the session.
OpcUa_UInt32 OpcUa_SessionDiagnosticsDataType::CurrentMonitoredItemsCount
 The number of MonitoredItems currently used by the session.
OpcUa_UInt32 OpcUa_SessionDiagnosticsDataType::CurrentPublishRequestsInQueue
 The number of publish timer expirations when there are data to be sent, but there are no publish requests for this session. More...
OpcUa_ServiceCounterDataType OpcUa_SessionDiagnosticsDataType::TotalRequestCount
 Counter of allServices, identifying the number of received requests of any Services on the session.
OpcUa_UInt32 OpcUa_SessionDiagnosticsDataType::UnauthorizedRequestCount
 Counter of all Services, identifying the number of Service requests that were rejected due to authorization failure.
OpcUa_ServiceCounterDataType OpcUa_SessionDiagnosticsDataType::ReadCount
 Counter of the Read Service, identifying the number of received requests of this Service on the session.
OpcUa_ServiceCounterDataType OpcUa_SessionDiagnosticsDataType::HistoryReadCount
 Counter of the HistoryRead Service, identifying the number of received requests of this Service on the session.
OpcUa_ServiceCounterDataType OpcUa_SessionDiagnosticsDataType::WriteCount
 Counter of the Write Service, identifying the number of received requests of this Service on the session.
OpcUa_ServiceCounterDataType OpcUa_SessionDiagnosticsDataType::HistoryUpdateCount
 Counter of the HistoryUpdate Service, identifying the number of received requests of this Service on the session.
OpcUa_ServiceCounterDataType OpcUa_SessionDiagnosticsDataType::CallCount
 Counter of the Call Service, identifying the number of received requests of this Service on the session.
OpcUa_ServiceCounterDataType OpcUa_SessionDiagnosticsDataType::CreateMonitoredItemsCount
 Counter of the CreateMonitoredItems Service, identifying the number of received requests of this Service on the session.
OpcUa_ServiceCounterDataType OpcUa_SessionDiagnosticsDataType::ModifyMonitoredItemsCount
 Counter of the ModifyMonitoredItems Service, identifying the number of received requests of this Service on the session.
OpcUa_ServiceCounterDataType OpcUa_SessionDiagnosticsDataType::SetMonitoringModeCount
 Counter of the SetMonitoringMode Service, identifying the number of received requests of this Service on the session.
OpcUa_ServiceCounterDataType OpcUa_SessionDiagnosticsDataType::SetTriggeringCount
 Counter of the SetTriggering Service, identifying the number of received requests of this Service on the session.
OpcUa_ServiceCounterDataType OpcUa_SessionDiagnosticsDataType::DeleteMonitoredItemsCount
 Counter of the DeleteMonitoredItems Service, identifying the number of received requests of this Service on the session.
OpcUa_ServiceCounterDataType OpcUa_SessionDiagnosticsDataType::CreateSubscriptionCount
 Counter of the CreateSubscription Service, identifying the number of received requests of this Service on the session.
OpcUa_ServiceCounterDataType OpcUa_SessionDiagnosticsDataType::ModifySubscriptionCount
 Counter of the ModifySubscription Service, identifying the number of received requests of this Service on the session.
OpcUa_ServiceCounterDataType OpcUa_SessionDiagnosticsDataType::SetPublishingModeCount
 Counter of the SetPublishingMode Service, identifying the number of received requests of this Service on the session.
OpcUa_ServiceCounterDataType OpcUa_SessionDiagnosticsDataType::PublishCount
 Counter of the Publish Service, identifying the number of received requests of this Service on the session.
OpcUa_ServiceCounterDataType OpcUa_SessionDiagnosticsDataType::RepublishCount
 Counter of the Republish Service, identifying the number of received requests of this Service on the session.
OpcUa_ServiceCounterDataType OpcUa_SessionDiagnosticsDataType::TransferSubscriptionsCount
 Counter of the TransferSubscriptions Service, identifying the number of received requests of this Service on the session.
OpcUa_ServiceCounterDataType OpcUa_SessionDiagnosticsDataType::DeleteSubscriptionsCount
 Counter of the DeleteSubscriptions Service, identifying the number of received requests of this Service on the session.
OpcUa_ServiceCounterDataType OpcUa_SessionDiagnosticsDataType::AddNodesCount
 Counter of the AddNodes Service, identifying the number of received requests of this Service on the session.
OpcUa_ServiceCounterDataType OpcUa_SessionDiagnosticsDataType::AddReferencesCount
 Counter of the AddReferences Service, identifying the number of received requests of this Service on the session.
OpcUa_ServiceCounterDataType OpcUa_SessionDiagnosticsDataType::DeleteNodesCount
 Counter of the DeleteNodes Service, identifying the number of received requests of this Service on the session.
OpcUa_ServiceCounterDataType OpcUa_SessionDiagnosticsDataType::DeleteReferencesCount
 Counter of the DeleteReferences Service, identifying the number of received requests of this Service on the session.
OpcUa_ServiceCounterDataType OpcUa_SessionDiagnosticsDataType::BrowseCount
 Counter of the Browse Service, identifying the number of received requests of this Service on the session.
OpcUa_ServiceCounterDataType OpcUa_SessionDiagnosticsDataType::BrowseNextCount
 Counter of the BrowseNext Service, identifying the number of received requests of this Service on the session.
OpcUa_ServiceCounterDataType OpcUa_SessionDiagnosticsDataType::TranslateBrowsePathsToNodeIdsCount
 Counter of the TranslateBrowsePathsToNodeIds Service, identifying the number of received requests of this Service on the session.
OpcUa_ServiceCounterDataType OpcUa_SessionDiagnosticsDataType::QueryFirstCount
 Counter of the QueryFirst Service, identifying the number of received requests of this Service on the session.
OpcUa_ServiceCounterDataType OpcUa_SessionDiagnosticsDataType::QueryNextCount
 Counter of the QueryNext Service, identifying the number of received requests of this Service on the session.
OpcUa_ServiceCounterDataType OpcUa_SessionDiagnosticsDataType::RegisterNodesCount
 Counter of the RegisterNodes Service, identifying the number of received requests of this Service on the session.
OpcUa_ServiceCounterDataType OpcUa_SessionDiagnosticsDataType::UnregisterNodesCount
 Counter of the UnregisterNodesService, identifying the number of received requests of this Service on the session.
OpcUa_UInt16 OpcUa_NodeId::NamespaceIndex
 The index for a namespace URI.
OpcUa_UInt16 OpcUa_NodeId::IdentifierType
 The format and data type of the identifier.
OpcUa_NodeId OpcUa_ExpandedNodeId::NodeId
 The NodeId for a node in the Adress Space (see OpcUa_NodeId).
OpcUa_String OpcUa_ExpandedNodeId::NamespaceUri
 This index is the index of that Server in the local Server's Server table. More...
OpcUa_UInt32 OpcUa_ExpandedNodeId::ServerIndex
 The URI of the namespace. More...
OpcUa_Int32 OpcUa_DiagnosticInfo::NamespaceUri
 The SymbolicId is defined within the context of a namespace. More...
OpcUa_Int32 OpcUa_DiagnosticInfo::SymbolicId
 The symbolicId shall be used to identify a vendor-specific error or condition; typically the result of some server internal operation. More...
OpcUa_Int32 OpcUa_DiagnosticInfo::Locale
 The locale part of the vendor-specific localized text describing the symbolic id. More...
OpcUa_Int32 OpcUa_DiagnosticInfo::LocalizedText
 A vendor-specific localized text string that describes the symbolic id. More...
OpcUa_String OpcUa_DiagnosticInfo::AdditionalInfo
 Vendor-specific diagnostic information.
OpcUa_StatusCode OpcUa_DiagnosticInfo::InnerStatusCode
 The StatusCode from the inner operation. More...
struct _OpcUa_DiagnosticInfo * OpcUa_DiagnosticInfo::InnerDiagnosticInfo
 The diagnostic info associated with the inner StatusCode.
OpcUa_String OpcUa_LocalizedText::Locale
 The identifier for the locale, for instance "en-US".
OpcUa_String OpcUa_LocalizedText::Text
 The text in the language given by Locale.
OpcUa_UInt16 OpcUa_QualifiedName::NamespaceIndex
 Index that identifies the namespace that defines the name. More...
OpcUa_String OpcUa_QualifiedName::Name
 The text portion of the QualifiedName.
OpcUa_ExpandedNodeId OpcUa_ExtensionObject::TypeId
 The identifier for the DataTypeEncoding node in the Server's AddressSpace.
OpcUa_ExtensionObjectEncoding OpcUa_ExtensionObject::Encoding
 The encoding used for the body.
OpcUa_Int32 OpcUa_ExtensionObject::BodySize
 The length of the encoded body in bytes (updated automatically when GetSize is called).
 The body of a OpcUa_ExtensionObject as in Encoding. More...
OpcUa_Byte OpcUa_Variant::Datatype
 Indicates the data type stored in the Variant. More...
OpcUa_Byte OpcUa_Variant::ArrayType
 A flag indicating that an array with one or more dimensions is stored in the Variant.
OpcUa_VariantUnion OpcUa_Variant::Value
 The value stored in the Variant.
OpcUa_Variant OpcUa_DataValue::Value
 The data value. More...
OpcUa_StatusCode OpcUa_DataValue::StatusCode
 The StatusCode that defines with the Server's ability to access/provide the value.
OpcUa_DateTime OpcUa_DataValue::SourceTimestamp
 The sourceTimestamp is used to reflect the timestamp that was applied to a Variable value by the data source. More...
OpcUa_UInt16 OpcUa_DataValue::SourcePicoseconds
 Specifies the number of 10 picoseconds (1,0 e-11 seconds) intervals which shall be added to the SourceTimestamp.
OpcUa_DateTime OpcUa_DataValue::ServerTimestamp
 The serverTimestamp is used to reflect the time that the Server received a Variable value or knew it to be accurate.
OpcUa_UInt16 OpcUa_DataValue::ServerPicoseconds
 Specifies the number of 10 picoseconds (1,0 e-11 seconds) intervals which shall be added to the serverTimestamp.

Detailed Description

Typedef Documentation

typedef OpcUa_Void( OpcUa_EncodeableObject_PfnClear)(OpcUa_Void *pValue)

Clear an encodeable object.

This function must free all memory referenced by the object and set it to a known state.

pValue[in] The encodeable object to clear.
typedef OpcUa_Int( OpcUa_EncodeableObject_PfnCompare)(OpcUa_Void *pValue1, OpcUa_Void *pValue2)

Compares two encodeable object.

pValue1[in] The first operand.
pValue2[in] The second operand.
typedef OpcUa_StatusCode( OpcUa_EncodeableObject_PfnCopy)(OpcUa_Void *pSource, OpcUa_Void **ppCopy)

Creates a copy of an encodeable object.

pSource[in] The source object.
pCopy[in] The created copy of the source object.
typedef OpcUa_StatusCode( OpcUa_EncodeableObject_PfnCopyTo)(OpcUa_Void *pSource, OpcUa_Void *pDestination)

Copies content of an encodeable object to another.

pSource[in] The source object.
pValue[in] The copy of the source object.
typedef OpcUa_StatusCode( OpcUa_EncodeableObject_PfnDecode)(OpcUa_Void *pValue, struct _OpcUa_Decoder *pDecoder)

Decodes an encodeable object.

pDecoder[in] The decoder used to deserialize the object.
pValue[in] The object to decode.
typedef OpcUa_StatusCode( OpcUa_EncodeableObject_PfnEncode)(OpcUa_Void *pValue, struct _OpcUa_Encoder *pEncoder)

Encodes an encodeable object.

pEncoder[in] The encoder used to serialize the object.
pValue[in] The object to encode.
typedef OpcUa_StatusCode( OpcUa_EncodeableObject_PfnGetSize)(OpcUa_Void *pValue, struct _OpcUa_Encoder *pEncoder, OpcUa_Int32 *pSize)

Calculates the size the serialized form an encodeable object.

Returns Bad_NotSupported if it is not possible to calculate the size.

pValue[in] The object to encode.
pEncoder[in] The encoder used to serialize the object.
pSize[out] The size of the encoded object in bytes.
typedef OpcUa_Void( OpcUa_EncodeableObject_PfnInitialize)(OpcUa_Void *pValue)

Initializes an encodeable object.

This function should set the object to a known state. It should not allocate memory.

pValue[in] The encodeable object to initialize.

Enumeration Type Documentation

The type of application.


The application is a Server.


The application is a Client.


The application is a Client and a Server.


The application is a DiscoveryServer.

Identifies on which type of axis the data shall be displayed.


Linear Scale.


Log base 10 scale.


Log base e scale.

An enumeration that specifies the direction of References to follow.


select only forward References


select only inverse References


select forward and inverse References

A value that defines the Deadband type and behaviour.


No Deadband calculation should be applied.


An AbsoluteDeadband is used.

For this type the deadbandValue contains the absolute change in a data value that shall cause a Notification to be generated. This parameter applies only to Variables with any Number data type.

An exception that causes a DataChange Notification based on an AbsoluteDeadband is determined as follows:

Generate a Notification if (absolute value of (last cached value - current value) > AbsoluteDeadband)

The last cached value is defined as the last value pushed to the queue.

If the item is an array of values, the entire array is returned if any array element exceeds the AbsoluteDeadband, or the size or dimension of the array changes.


A PercentDeadband is used.

For this type of deadband the deadbandValue is defined as the percent age of the EURange. That is, it applies only to AnalogItems with an EURange Property that defines the typical value range for the item. This range shall be multiplied with the deadbandValue and then compared to the actual value change to determine the need for a data change notification. The following pseudo code shows how the deadband is calculated:

DataChange if (absolute value of (last cached value - current value) > (deadbandValue/100.0) * ((high–low) of EURange)))

The range of the deadbandValue is from 0.0 to 100.0 Percent. Specifying a deadbandValue outside of this range will be rejected and reported with the StatusCode Bad_DeadbandFilterInvalid.

If the Value of the MonitoredItem is an array, then the deadband calculation logic shall be applied to each element of the array. If an element that requires a DataChange is found, then no further deadband checking is necessary and the entire array shall be returned.

Indicates how the body of an OpcUa_ExtensionObject is encoded.


No body is encoded.


The body is encoded according to the binary encoding rules.


The body is encoded according to the XML encoding rules.


The object is contained unencoded as an encodeable object.

Defines the basic operators that can be used in a ContentFilter.


TRUE if operand[0] is equal to operand[1].

If the operands are of different types, the system shall perform any implicit conversion to a common type. This operator resolves to FALSE if no implicit conversion is available and the operands are of different types. This operator returns FALSE if the implicit conversion fails.


TRUE if operand[0] is a null value.


TRUE if operand[0] is greater than operand[1].

The following restrictions apply to the operands:

Any operand that resolves to an ordered value.
Any operand that resolves to an ordered value.

The same conversion rules as defined for Equals apply.


TRUE if operand[0] is less than operand[1].

The same conversion rules and restrictions as defined for GreaterThan apply.


TRUE if operand[0] is greater than or equal to operand[1].

The same conversion rules and restrictions as defined for GreaterThan apply.


TRUE if operand[0] is less than or equal to operand[1].

The same conversion rules and restrictions as defined for GreaterThan apply.


TRUE if operand[0] matches a pattern defined by operand[1].

The following restrictions apply to the operands:

Any operand that resolves to a String.
Any operand that resolves to a String.

This operator resolves to FALSE if no operand can be resolved to a string.


TRUE if operand[0] is FALSE.

The following restrictions apply to the operands:

Any operand that resolves to a Boolean.

If the operand cannot be resolved to a Boolean, the result is a NULL.


TRUE if operand[0] is greater or equal to operand[1] and less than or equal to operand[2].

The following restrictions apply to the operands:

Any operand that resolves to an ordered value.
Any operand that resolves to an ordered value.
Any operand that resolves to an ordered value.

If the operands are of different types, the system shall perform any implicit conversion to match all operands to a common type. If no implicit conversion is available and the operands are of different types, the particular result is FALSE.


TRUE if operand[0] is equal to one or more of the remaining operands.

The Equals Operator is evaluated for operand[0] and each remaining operand in the list. If any Equals evaluation is TRUE, InList returns TRUE.


TRUE if operand[0] and operand[1] are TRUE.

The following restrictions apply to the operands:

Any operand that resolves to a Boolean.
Any operand that resolves to a Boolean.

If any operand cannot be resolved to a Boolean it is considered a NULL.


TRUE if operand[0] or operand[1] are TRUE.

The following restrictions apply to the operands:

Any operand that resolves to a Boolean.
Any operand that resolves to a Boolean.

If any operand cannot be resolved to a Boolean it is considered a NULL.


Converts operand[0] to a value with a data type with a NodeId identified by operand[1].

The following restrictions apply to the operands:

Any operand.
Any operand that resolves to a NodeId or ExpandedNodeId where the Node is of the NodeClass DataType.

If there is any error in conversion or in any of the parameters then the Cast Operation evaluates to a NULL.


TRUE if the target Node is contained in the View defined by operand[0].

The following restrictions apply to the operands:

Any operand that resolves to a NodeId that identifies a View Node.

If operand[0] does not resolve to a NodeId that identifies a View Node, this operation shall always be False.


TRUE if the target Node is of type operand[0] or of a subtype of operand[0].

The following restrictions apply to the operands:

Any operand that resolves to a NodeId that identifies an ObjectType or VariableType Node.

If operand[0] does not resolve to a NodeId that identifies an ObjectType or VariableType Node, this operation shall always be False.


TRUE if the target Node is of type Operand[0] and is related to a NodeId of the type defined in Operand[1] by the Reference type defined in Operand[2].

Operand[0] or Operand[1] can also point to an element Reference where the referred to element is another RelatedTo operator. This allows chaining of relationships (e.g. A is related to B is related to C), where the relationship is defined by the ReferenceType defined in Operand[2]. In this case, the referred to element returns a list of NodeIds instead of TRUE or FALSE. In this case if any errors occur or any of the operands cannot be resolved to an appropriate value, the result of the chained relationship is an empty list of nodes.

Operand[3] defines the number of hops for which the relationship should be followed. If Operand[3] is 1, then objects shall be directly related. If a hop is greater than 1, then a NodeId of the type described in Operand[1] is checked for at the depth specified by the hop. In this case, the type of the intermediate Node is undefined, and only the Reference type used to reach the end Node is defined. If the requested number of hops cannot be followed, then the result is FALSE, i.e., an empty Node list. If Operand[3] is 0, the relationship is followed to its logical end in a forward direction and each Node is checked to be of the type specified in Operand[1]. If any Node satisfies this criterion, then the result is TRUE, i.e., the NodeId is included in the sublist.

Operand [4] defines if Operands [0] and [1] should include support for subtypes of the types defined by these operands. A TRUE indicates support for subtypes Operand [5] defines if Operand [2] should include support for subtypes of the reference type. A TRUE indicates support for subtypes.

The following restrictions apply to the operands:

Any operand that resolves to a NodeId or ExpandedNodeId that identifies an ObjectType or VariableType Node or a reference to another element which is a RelatedTo operator.
Any operand that resolves to a NodeId or ExpandedNodeId that identifies an ObjectType or VariableType Node or a reference to another element which is a RelatedTo operator.
Any operand that resolves to a NodeId that identifies a ReferenceType Node.
Any operand that resolves to a value implicitly convertible to Uint32.
Any operand that resolves to a value implicitly convertible to a boolean; if this operand does not resolve to a Boolean, then a value of FALSE is used.
>Any operand that resolves to a value implicitly convertible to a boolean; if this operand does not resolve to a Boolean, then a value of FALSE is used.

If none of the operands [0],[1],[2],[3] resolves to an appropriate value then the result of this operation shall always be False (or an Empty set in the case of a nested RelatedTo operand).


The result is an integer which matches the size of the largest operand and contains a bitwise And operation of the two operands where both have been converted to the same size (largest of the two operands).

The following restrictions apply to the operands:

Any operand that resolves to an integer.
Any operand that resolves to an integer.

If any operand cannot be resolved to an integer, it is considered a NULL.


The result is an integer which matches the size of the largest operand and contains a bitwise Or operation of the two operands where both have been converted to the same size (largest of the two operands).

The following restrictions apply to the operands:

Any operand that resolves to an integer.
Any operand that resolves to an integer.

If any operand cannot be resolved to an integer, it is considered a NULL.

The set of known node identifier types.


Numeric value.


String value.


Globally Unique Identifier.


Namespace specific format in a ByteString.

An enumeration that identifies the IdType of a NodeId.


Numeric value.


String value.


Globally Unique Identifier.


Namespace specific format.

An enumeration that specifies what security should be applied to messages exchanges during a Session.


The MessageSecurityMode is invalid.

This value is the default value to avoid an accidental choice of no security is applied. This choice will always be rejected.


No security is applied.


All messages are signed but not encrypted.


All messages are signed and encrypted.

An enumeration that specifies whether sampling and reporting are enabled or disabled for a MonitoredItem.

The two main modes are Disabled and Reporting. Sampling is only used together with the SetTriggering Service.

The value of the publishing enabled parameter for a Subscription does not affect the value of the monitoring mode for a MonitoredItem of the Subscription.


The item being monitored is not sampled or evaluated, and Notifications are not generated or queued.

Notification reporting is disabled.

In this mode the monitored item is completely deactivated in the server.


The item being monitored is sampled and evaluated, and Notifications are generated and queued.

Notification reporting is disabled.

In this special mode the data is sampled in the server but only delivered to the client in combination with linked monitored items created with SetTriggering Service.


The item being monitored is sampled and evaluated, and Notifications are generated and queued.

Notification reporting is enabled.

In this mode, the data is sampled in the server and delivered to the client.

The value determines which action of insert, replace, or update is performed.


Data was inserted.


Data was replaced.


Data was inserted or replaced.


Data was deleted.

Defines the redundancy support of the Server.


There is no redundancy support.


The server supports cold redundancy as defined in Part 4 of the OPC UA Specification.


The server supports warm redundancy as defined in Part 4 of the OPC UA Specification.


The server supports hot redundancy as defined in Part 4 of the OPC UA Specification.


The server supports transparent redundancy as defined in Part 4 of the OPC UA Specification.


The server supports HotAndMirrored redundancy as defined in Part 4 of the OPC UA Specification.

An enumeration that is defined as the type of the requestType parameter of the OpenSecureChannel request.


Creates a new security token for a new secure channel.


Creates a new security token for an existing secure channel.

An enumeration that defines the execution state of the Server.


The server is running normally.

This is the usual state for a server.


A vendor-specific fatal error has occurred within the server.

The server is no longer functioning. The recovery procedure from this situation is vendor-specific. Most Service requests should be expected to fail.


The server is running but has no configuration information loaded and therefore does not transfer data.


The server has been temporarily suspended by some vendor-specific method and is not receiving or sending data.


The server has shut down or is in the process of shutting down.

Depending on the implementation, this might or might not be visible to clients.


The server is in Test Mode.

The outputs are disconnected from the real hardware, but the server will otherwise behave normally. Inputs may be real or may be simulated depending on the vendor implementation. StatusCode will generally be returned normally.


The server is running properly, but is having difficulty accessing data from its data sources.

This may be due to communication problems or some other problem preventing the underlying device, control system, etc. from returning valid data. It may be a complete failure, meaning that no data is available, or a partial failure, meaning that some data is still available. It is expected that items affected by the fault will individually return with a BAD FAILURE status code indication for the items.


This state is used only to indicate that the OPC UA server does not know the state of underlying servers.

An enumeration that specifies the Timestamp Attributes to be transmitted for MonitoredItems or Nodes in Read and HistoryRead.

OPC UA defines two timestamps, the source and the server timestamp. This parameter allows the client to define which timestamps the server should return with the value.

The source timestamp is only available for Value Attributes. The source timestamp is used to reflect the timestamp that was applied to a Variable value by the data source. It should indicate the last change of the value or status code. The source timestamp must be always generated by the same physical clock. This timestamp type was added for OPC UA to cover the use case to get the timestamp of the last value change which is different than the server timestamp definition.

The server timestamp is used to reflect the time that the server received a Variable value or knew it to be accurate if the changes are reported by exception and the connection to the data source is operating. This is the behavior expected by Classic OPC.


Return the source timestamp.


Return the Server timestamp.


Return both the source and Server timestamps.


Return neither timestamp.

This is the default value for MonitoredItems if a Variable value is not being accessed.

For HistoryRead this is not a valid setting.

Defines the values used for the SpecifiedLists field in the TrustListDataType.


No fields are provided.


The TrustedCertificates are provided.


The TrustedCrls are provided.


The IssuerCertificates are provided.


The IssuerCrls are provided.


All fields are provided.

The type of user identity token required.


No token is required.


A username/password token.


An X509v3 Certificate token.


Any WS-Security defined token.

Function Documentation

OPCUA_EXPORT OpcUa_StatusCode OpcUa_EncodeableObject_Create ( OpcUa_EncodeableType pType,
OpcUa_Void **  ppEncodeable 

Creates and initializes an encodeable object.

pType[in] The type of the object to create.
ppEncodeable[out] The new encodeable object.
OPCUA_EXPORT OpcUa_StatusCode OpcUa_EncodeableObject_CreateExtension ( OpcUa_EncodeableType pType,
OpcUa_ExtensionObject pExtension,
OpcUa_Void **  ppEncodeableObject 

Creates an Encodeable Object at the given ExtensionObject.

pType[in] The type of the object.
pExtension[in/out] The extension object to which the encodeable object gets attached.
ppEncodeableObject[in/out] Pointer to the encodeable object.
OPCUA_EXPORT OpcUa_StatusCode OpcUa_EncodeableObject_Decode ( const OpcUa_EncodeableType pObjectType,
OpcUa_InputStream *  pInputStream,
OpcUa_StringTable *  pNamespaceUris,
OpcUa_Void *  pObject 

Decode object of specified encodeable object type from input stream into given memory.

pObjectType[ in] Type of the object to decode.
pInputStream[ in] Stream with encoded object.
pNamespaceUris[ in] Current namespaces.
pObject[out] Destination buffer.
OPCUA_EXPORT OpcUa_Void OpcUa_EncodeableObject_Delete ( OpcUa_EncodeableType pType,
OpcUa_Void **  ppEncodeable 

Deletes an encodeable object.

pType[in] The type of the object.
ppEncodeable[in/out] The encodeable object.
OPCUA_EXPORT OpcUa_StatusCode OpcUa_EncodeableObject_Encode ( const OpcUa_EncodeableType pObjectType,
OpcUa_Void *  pObject,
OpcUa_StringTable *  pNamespaceUris,
OpcUa_OutputStream *  pOutputStream 

Encode object of specified encodeable object type into output stream.

pObjectType[ in] Type of the object to encode.
pObject[ in] The object.
pNamespaceUris[ in] Current namespaces.
pOutputStream[out] The destination stream.
OPCUA_EXPORT OpcUa_StatusCode OpcUa_EncodeableObject_ParseExtension ( OpcUa_ExtensionObject pExtension,
struct _OpcUa_MessageContext *  pContext,
OpcUa_EncodeableType pType,
OpcUa_Void **  ppEncodeableObject 

Extracts an encodeable object from an extension object.

pExtension[in] The extension object to parse.
pContext[in] The message context to use during parsing.
pType[in] The type of object to extract.
ppEncodeableObject[in/out] Pointer to the encodeable object.
OPCUA_EXPORT OpcUa_Int OPCUA_CDECL OpcUa_EncodeableType_Compare ( const OpcUa_EncodeableType pType1,
const OpcUa_EncodeableType pType2 

Compares two Encodeable Types and returns 0 if they are equal.

pType1[in] First operand.
pType2[in] Second operand.
OPCUA_EXPORT OpcUa_StatusCode OpcUa_EncodeableTypeTable_AddTypes ( OpcUa_EncodeableTypeTable pTable,
OpcUa_EncodeableType **  ppTypes 

Populates and sorts an encodeable object type table.

The new types are added to the table if it has already contains types.

pTable[in] The table to update.
ppTypes[in] A null terminated list of encodeable object types.
OPCUA_EXPORT OpcUa_StatusCode OpcUa_EncodeableTypeTable_Create ( OpcUa_EncodeableTypeTable pTable)

Initializes an encodeable object type table.

pTable[in] The table to clear.
OPCUA_EXPORT OpcUa_Void OpcUa_EncodeableTypeTable_Delete ( OpcUa_EncodeableTypeTable pTable)

Clears an encodeable object type table.

pTable[in] The table to clear.
OPCUA_EXPORT OpcUa_StatusCode OpcUa_EncodeableTypeTable_Find ( OpcUa_EncodeableTypeTable pTable,
OpcUa_UInt32  nTypeId,
OpcUa_StringA  sNamespaceUri,
OpcUa_EncodeableType **  ppType 

Finds a encodeable object type in a table.

pTable[in] The table to search.
nTypeId[in] The type identifier for the encodeable object.
sNamespaceUri[in] The namespace uri that qualifies the type identifier.
ppType[out] The matching encodeable object type.

Variable Documentation


List of diagnostic information for the links to add.

The size and order of the list matches the size and order of the OpcUa_SetTriggeringRequest::LinksToAdd request parameter. This list is empty if diagnostics information was not requested in the request header or if no diagnostic information was encountered in processing of the request.


Server assigned NodeId of the added node.

Null NodeId if the operation failed.


Reserved for future use.

applications that do not understand the header should ignore it.


Reserved for future use.

applications that do not understand the header should ignore it.


List of StatusCodes for the items to add.

The size and order of the list matches the size and order of the OpcUa_SetTriggeringRequest::LinksToAdd parameter specified in the request.


NodeId of the Node that was changed.

The client should assume that the affected Node has been created or deleted, had a Reference added or deleted, or the DataType has changed as described by the verb.


If the affected Node was an object or Variable, affectedType contains the NodeId of the TypeDefinitionNode of the affected Node.

Otherwise it is set to null.


If the affected Node was an object or Variable, affectedType contains the NodeId of the TypeDefinitionNode of the affected Node.

Otherwise it is set to null.


An optional parameter used to identify or refer to an alias.

An alias is a symbolic name that can be used to alias this operand and use it in other locations in the filter structure.


The time the Annotation was added.

This will probably be different than the SourceTimestamp.


The type of application.

See OpcUa_ApplicationType


The globally unique identifier for the application instance.

This URI is used as ServerUri in Services if the application is a Server.


Specifies the length of each dimension for an array dataType.

It is intended to describe the capability of the DataType, not the current size.

The number of elements shall be equal to the value of the valueRank. Shall be null if valueRank ≦ 0.

A value of 0 for an individual dimension indicates that the dimension has a variable length.


The ID of the attribute.

This shall be a valid attribute ID. If the RelativePath ended in a reference, this parameter is 0 and ignored by the server.


ID of the attribute.

This shall be a valid OpcUa_AttributeOperand::AttributeId.


ID of the Attribute.

The Value attribute shall be supported by all Servers. The support of other attributes depends on requirements set in Profiles or other parts of this specification.


Id of the Attribute.

This shall be a valid Attribute id.

The IntegerIds for the Attributes are defined in NodeAttributesMask.


Id of the attribute.

This shall be a valid attribute id.

The IntegerIds for the Attributes are defined in NodeAttributesMask.


An identifier that identifies the Client’s security audit log entry associated with this request.

An empty string value means that this parameter is not used.

The AuditEntryId typically contains who initiated the action and from where it was initiated. The AuditEventId is included in the AuditEvent to allow human readers to correlate an Event with the initiating action.

More details of the Audit mechanisms are defined in 6.2 and in Part 3.


Type of authentication currently used by the session.

The string shall be one of the UserIdentityTokenType enum.


A list of sequence number ranges that identify unacknowledged NotificationMessages that are available for retransmission from the Subscription’s retransmission queue.

This list is prepared after processing the acknowledgements in the request.


A list of sequence number ranges that identify NotificationMessages that are in the Subscription’s retransmission queue.

This parameter is null if the transfer of the Subscription failed.


Specific value of each axis step.

May be set to “Null” if not used.


The body of a OpcUa_ExtensionObject as in Encoding.

This field contains an OpcUa_ByteString for binary encoded bodies. For XML encoded bodies this field contains an OpcUa_XmlElement with an UTF-8 string without any null terminator. In case of an encodeable object the object is contained as and OpcUa_EncodeableType.

Some binary encoded structures may have a serialized length that is not a multiple of 8 bits. Encoders shall append 0 bits to ensure the serialized length is a multiple of 8 bits. Decoders that understand the serialized format shall ignore the padding bits.


An enumeration that specifies the direction of References to follow.

The returned references do indicate the direction the Server followed in the isForward parameter of the ReferenceDescription.

Symmetric references are always considered to be in forward direction, therefore the isForward flag is always set to TRUE and symmetric references are not returned if browseDirection is set to INVERSE_1.


A relative path to a Node.

This parameter specifies a relative path using a list of browse names instead of the OpcUa_RelativePath structure used in the OpcUa_AttributeOperand. The list of browse names is equivalent to a relative path that specifies forward references which are subtypes of the HierarchicalReferences reference type.

All nodes followed by the browsePath shall be of the NodeClass object or variable.

If this list is empty, the node is the instance of the TypeDefinition.


Client-supplied id of the MonitoredItem.

This id is used in Notifications generated for the list Node.


Array containing the name of the authenticated user currently active (either from creating the session or from calling the ActivateSession Service) and the history of those names.

Each time the active user changes, an entry shall be made at the end of the array. The active user is always at the end of the array. Servers may restrict the size of this array, but shall support at least a size of 2.


Server-defined opaque value that identifies the continuation point.

The continuation point is used only when the Query results are too large to be returned in a single response. “Too large” in this context means that the Server is not able to return a larger response or that the number of QueryDataSets to return exceeds the maximum number of QueryDataSets to return that was specified by the Client in the request.

The continuation point is used in the QueryNext Service. If not used, the value of this parameter is null. If a continuation point is returned, the Client shall call QueryNext to get the next set of QueryDataSets or to free the resources for the continuation point in the Server.

A continuation point shall remain active until the Client passes the continuation point to QueryNext or the session is closed. If the maximum continuation points have been reached, the oldest continuation point shall be reset.


Server defined opaque value that represents the continuation point.

The value of the continuation point was returned to the Client in a previous QueryFirst or QueryNext response. This value is used to identify the previously processed QueryFirst or QueryNext request that is being continued, and the point in the result set from which the browse response is to continue.


For each NodeToRead this parameter specifies a continuation point returned from a previous HistoryRead call, allowing the Client to continue that read from the last value received.

The HistoryRead is used to select an ordered sequence of historical values or events. A continuation point marks a point in that ordered sequence, such that the Server returns the subset of the sequence that follows that point.

A null value indicates that this parameter is not used.

This continuation point is described in more detail in Part 11 of the OPC UA Specification.


This parameter is used only if the number of values to be returned is too large to be returned in a single response or if the timeout provided as hint by the Client is close to expiring and not all nodes have been processed.

If this parameter is not used, its value is null.

Servers shall support at least one continuation point per Session. Servers specify a maximum number of history continuation points per Session in the Server capabilities object defined in Part 5 of the OPC UA specification. A continuation point shall remain active until the Client passes the continuation point to HistoryRead or the Session is closed. If the maximum number of continuation points have been reached, the oldest continuation point shall be reset.


A list of Server-defined opaque values that represent continuation points.

The value for a continuation point was returned to the Client in a previous Browse or BrowseNext response. These values are used to identify the previously processed Browse or BrowseNext request that is being continued and the point in the result set from which the browse response is to continue.

Clients may mix continuation points from different Browse or BrowseNext responses.


The cumulative number of client sessions that have been established in the server since the server was started (or restarted).

This includes the currentSessionCount.


The cumulative number of subscriptions that have been established in the server since the server was started (or restarted).

This includes the currentSubscriptionCount.


The number of publish timer expirations when there are data to be sent, but there are no publish requests for this session.

The value shall be 0 if there are no data to be sent or publish requests queued.


List of diagnostic information dataToReturn.

The size and order of the list matches the size and order of the dataToReturn request parameter. This list is empty if diagnostics information was not requested in the request header or if no diagnostic information was encountered in processing of the query request.


This parameter specifies the BrowseName of the DataTypeEncoding that the Server should use when returning the Value Attribute of a Variable.

It is an error to specify this parameter for other Attributes.

A Client can discover what DataTypeEncodings are available by following the HasEncoding Reference from the DataType Node for a Variable.

OPC UA defines BrowseNames which Servers shall recognize even if the DataType Nodes are not visible in the Server address space. These BrowseNames are:

The default or native binary (or non-XML) encoding.
The default XML encoding.

Each DataType shall support at least one of these encodings. DataTypes that do not have a true binary encoding (e.g. they only have a non-XML text encoding) should use the DefaultBinary name to identify the encoding that is considered to be the default non-XML encoding. DataTypes that support at least one XML-based encoding shall identify one of the encodings as the DefaultXML encoding. Other standards bodies may define other well-known data encodings that could be supported.

If this parameter is not specified then the Server shall choose either the DefaultBinary or DefaultXML encoding according to what Message encoding (see Part 6 of the OPC UA Specification) is used for the Session. If the Server does not support the encoding that matches the Message encoding then the Server shall choose the default encoding that it does support.

If this parameter is specified for a MonitoredItem, the Server shall set the StructureChanged bit in the StatusCode if the DataTypeEncoding changes. The DataTypeEncoding changes if the DataTypeVersion of the DataTypeDescription or the DataTypeDictionary associated with the DataTypeEncoding changes.


A QualifiedName that specifies the data encoding to be returned for the Value to be read.

See OpcUa_ReadValueId for a definition on how to specify the data encoding.

The parameter is ignored when reading history of Events.


List of results for dataToReturn.

The size and order of the list matches the size and order of the dataToReturn request parameter. The array can be empty if no errors were encountered.


Indicates the data type stored in the Variant.

This is always one of the OpcUa_BuiltInType values. It is the data type of a single element if the Variant contains an array.


If TRUE, daylight saving time (DST) is in effect and offset includes the DST correction.

If FALSE, the offset does not include the DST correction and DST may or may not have been in effect.


A boolean parameter indicating whether the opposite reference from the target node should be deleted together with the node to delete.

It has the following values:

delete the specified Reference and the opposite reference from the target node. If the target node is located in a remote Server, the Server is permitted to delete the specified reference only.
delete only the specified reference.

A boolean parameter indicating whether to delete references for which the node to delete is the target node.

It has the following values:

delete References in TargetNodes that Reference the Node to delete.
delete only the References for which the Node to delete is the source.

The Server cannot guarantee that it is able to delete all references from target nodes if this parameter is TRUE.


A localized description of the enumeration value.

This field can contain an empty string if no description is available.


List of diagnostic information for the nodes to add.

The size and order of the list matches the size and order of the OpcUa_AddNodesRequest::NodesToAdd request parameter. This list is empty if diagnostics information was not requested in the request header or if no diagnostic information was encountered in processing of the request.


List of diagnostic information for the references to add.

The size and order of the list matches the size and order of the OpcUa_AddReferencesRequest::ReferencesToAdd request parameter. This list is empty if diagnostics information was not requested in the request header or if no diagnostic information was encountered in processing of the request.


List of diagnostic information for the nodes to delete.

The size and order of the list matches the size and order of the OpcUa_DeleteNodesRequest::NodesToDelete request parameter. This list is empty if diagnostics information was not requested in the request header or if no diagnostic information was encountered in processing of the request.


List of diagnostic information for the references to delete.

The size and order of the list matches the size and order of the OpcUa_DeleteReferencesRequest::ReferencesToDelete request parameter. This list is empty if diagnostics information was not requested in the request header or if no diagnostic information was encountered in processing of the request.


List of diagnostic information for the results.

The size and order of the list matches the size and order of the OpcUa_BrowseResponse::Results response parameter. This list is empty if diagnostics information was not requested in the request header or if no diagnostic information was encountered in processing of the request.


List of diagnostic information for the list of browse paths.

The size and order of the list matches the size and order of the request parameter. This list is empty if diagnostics information was not requested in the request header or if no diagnostic information was encountered in processing of the request.


List of diagnostic information for the requested NodeTypeDescription.

This list is empty if diagnostics information was not requested in the request header or if no diagnostic information was encountered in processing of the query request.


List of diagnostic information.

The size and order of this list matches the size and order of the OpcUa_ReadRequest::NodesToRead request parameter. There is one entry in this list for each Node contained in the OpcUa_ReadRequest::NodesToRead parameter. This list is empty if diagnostics information was not requested in the request header or if no diagnostic information was encountered in processing of the request.


List of diagnostic information.

The size and order of the list matches the size and order of the OpcUa_HistoryReadRequest::NodesToRead request parameter. There is one entry in this list for each node contained in the OpcUa_HistoryReadRequest::NodesToRead parameter. This list is empty if diagnostics information was not requested in the request header or if no diagnostic information was encountered in processing of the request.


List of diagnostic information for the operations to be performed on a node.

The size and order of the list matches the size and order of any list defined by the details element being reported by this updateResults entry. This list is empty if diagnostics information was not requested in the request header or if no diagnostic information was encountered in processing of the request.


List of diagnostic information for the history update details.

The size and order of the list matches the size and order of the details element of the historyUpdateDetails parameter specified in the request. This list is empty if diagnostics information was not requested in the request header or if no diagnostic information was encountered in processing of the request.


List of diagnostic information for the StatusCode of the callResult.

This list is empty if diagnostics information was not requested in the request header or if no diagnostic information was encountered in processing of the request.


List of diagnostic information for the MonitoredItems to create.

The size and order of the list matches the size and order of the OpcUa_CreateMonitoredItemsRequest::ItemsToCreate request parameter. This list is empty if diagnostics information was not requested in the request header or if no diagnostic information was encountered in processing of the request.


List of diagnostic information for the MonitoredItems to modify.

The size and order of the list matches the size and order of the OpcUa_ModifyMonitoredItemsRequest::ItemsToModify request parameter. This list is empty if diagnostics information was not requested in the request header or if no diagnostic information was encountered in processing of the request.


List of diagnostic information for the MonitoredItems to enable/disable.

The size and order of the list matches the size and order of the OpcUa_SetMonitoringModeRequest::MonitoredItemIds request parameter. This list is empty if diagnostics information was not requested in the request header or if no diagnostic information was encountered in processing of the request.


List of diagnostic information for the MonitoredItems to delete.

The size and order of the list matches the size and order of the monitoredItemIds request parameter. This list is empty if diagnostics information was not requested in the request header or if no diagnostic information was encountered in processing of the request.


List of diagnostic information for the acknowledgements.

The size and order of the list matches the size and order of the OpcUa_PublishRequest::SubscriptionAcknowledgements request parameter. This list is empty if diagnostics information was not requested in the request header or if no diagnostic information was encountered in processing of the request.


List of diagnostic information for the Subscriptions to transfer.

The size and order of the list matches the size and order of the OpcUa_TransferSubscriptionsRequest::SubscriptionIds request parameter. This list is empty if diagnostics information was not requested in the request header or if no diagnostic information was encountered in processing of the request.


List of diagnostic information for the Subscriptions to delete.

The size and order of the list matches the size and order of the subscriptionIds request parameter. This list is empty if diagnostics information was not requested in the request header or if no diagnostic information was encountered in processing of the request.


A boolean parameter that specifies the discard policy when the queue is full and a new Notification is to be enqueued.

It has the following values:

the oldest (first) Notification in the queue is discarded. The new Notification is added to the end of the queue.
the new Notification is discarded. The queue is unchanged.

A URI that identifies the discovery profile supported by the URLs provided.

This field is not used if the ApplicationType is client.


A list of URLs for the discovery Endpoints provided by the application.

If the ApplicationType is Client, this field shall contain an empty list.


A list of Discovery Endpoints for the Server.

The list shall have at least one valid entry.


The displayName of the engineering unit.

This is typically the abbreviation of the engineering unit, for example ”h” for hour or ”m/s” for meter per second.


A list of diagnostic information for individual elements in the filter.

The size and order of the list matches the size and order of the elements in the filter request parameter. This list is empty if diagnostics information was not requested in the request header or if no diagnostic information was encountered in processing of the elements.


A list of results for individual elements in the filter.

See OpcUa_ContentFilterElementResult.


List of operators and their operands that compose the filter criteria.

The filter is evaluated by starting with the first entry in this array.


Which encoding is used on the wire.

The string shall be “XML” or “UA Binary”.


List of Endpoints that meet criteria specified in the request.

This list is empty if no Endpoints meet the criteria


The network address that the Client used to access the Discovery Endpoint.

The Server uses this information for diagnostics and to determine what URLs to return in the response.

The Server should return a suitable default URL if it does not recognize the HostName in the URL.


The network address that the Client used to access the Discovery Endpoint.

The Server uses this information for diagnostics and to determine what URLs to return in the response.

The Server should return a suitable default URL if it does not recognize the HostName in the URL.


The end of the period to read.

Set to default value of DateTime.MinValue if no specific end time is specified.


The end of the period to read.

The default value of DateTime.MinValue indicates that the endTime is Unspecified.


List of selected Event fields.

This will be a one to one match with the fields selected in the EventFilter.


Resulting nodes shall be limited to the nodes matching the criteria defined by the filter.

Resulting nodes shall be limited to the nodes matching the criteria defined by the filter.


A filter used by the Server to determine if the MonitoredItem should generate a Notification.

If not used, this parameter is null. The MonitoringFilter parameter type is an extensible parameter type. It specifies the types of filters that can be used.


A filter used by the Server to determine which HistoricalEventNode should be included.

This parameter must be specified and at least one EventField is required. The EventFilter parameter type is an extensible parameter type. It is defined and used in the same manner as defined for monitored data items. This filter also specifies the EventFields that are to be returned as part of the request.


Operands used by the selected operator.

The number and use depend on the operators (see OpcUa_FilterOperator). This array needs at least one entry.


A structure that contains any errors associated with the filter.

This structure shall be empty if no errors occurred.


Contains any revised parameter values or error results associated with the MonitoringFilter specified in the request.

This parameter may be omitted if no errors occurred. The MonitoringFilterResult parameter type is an extensible parameter type.


Contains any revised parameter values or error results associated with the MonitoringFilter specified in the request.

This parameter may be omitted if no errors occurred. The MonitoringFilterResult parameter type is an extensible parameter type.


A URI that identifies the Gateway Server associated with the DiscoveryUrls.

This value is not specified if the Server can be accessed directly.

This field is not used if the ApplicationType is Client.


The URI of the Gateway Server associated with the DiscoveryUrls.

This value is only specified by Gateway Servers that wish to register the Servers that they provide access to.

For Servers that do not act as a Gateway Server this parameter shall be null.


The history data returned for the node.

The HistoryData parameter type is an extensible parameter type formally defined in Part 11 of the OPC UA Specification. It specifies the types of history data that can be returned.


The details define the types of history reads that can be performed.

The HistoryReadDetails parameter type is an extensible parameter. It may contain one of the following: OpcUa_ReadEventDetails, OpcUa_ReadRawModifiedDetails, OpcUa_ReadProcessedDetails, OpcUa_ReadAtTimeDetails.


Specifies the types of history updates that can be performed.

The HistoryUpdateDetails is an extensible parameter. It may contain one of the following: OpcUa_UpdateDataDetails, OpcUa_UpdateStructureDataDetails , OpcUa_UpdateEventDetails, OpcUa_DeleteRawModifiedDetails, OpcUa_DeleteAtTimeDetails, OpcUa_DeleteEventDetails.


Indicates whether subtypes of the ReferenceType should be included in the browse.

If TRUE, then instances of referenceTypeId and all of its subtypes are returned.


Indicates whether subtypes of the ReferenceType should be followed.

Subtypes are included if this value is TRUE.


Used to identify a single element of a structure or an array, or a single range of indexes for arrays.

If a range of elements is specified, the values are returned as a composite. The first element is identified by index 0 (zero). This parameter is null if the specified attribute is not an array or a structure. However, if the specified attribute is an array or a structure and this parameter is null, all elements are to be included in the range.


This parameter is used to identify a single element of an array or a single range of indexes for an array.

The first element is identified by index 0 (zero). This parameter is not used if the specified attribute is not an array. However, if the specified attribute is an array and this parameter is not used, then all elements are to be included in the range. The parameter is null if not used.


This parameter is used to identify a single element of an array, or a single range of indexes for an array.

The first element is identified by index 0 (zero).

This parameter is ignored if the selected node is not a variable or the value of a variable is not an array.

The parameter is null if not specified.

All values in the array are used if this parameter is not specified.


This parameter is used to identify a single element of an array, or a single range of indexes for arrays.

If a range of elements is specified, the values are returned as a composite. The first element is identified by index 0 (zero).

This parameter is null if the specified Attribute is not an array. However, if the specified Attribute is an array, and this parameter is null, then all elements are to be included in the range.


This parameter is used to identify a single element of an array, or a single range of indexes for arrays.

If a range of elements is specified, the values are returned as a composite. The first element is identified by index 0 (zero).

This parameter is null if the value is not an array. However, if the value is an array, and this parameter is null, then all elements are to be included in the range.


This parameter is used to identify a single element of an array, or a single range of indexes for arrays.

The first element is identified by index 0 (zero).

This parameter is not used if the specified attribute is not an array. However, if the specified attribute is an array and this parameter is not used, then all elements are to be included in the range. The parameter is null if not used.


The StatusCode from the inner operation.

Many applications will make calls into underlying systems during OPC UA request processing. An OPC UA Server has the option of reporting the status from the underlying system in the diagnostic info.


List of diagnostic information for each inputArgument.

This list is empty if diagnostics information was not requested in the request header or if no diagnostic information was encountered in processing of the request.


List of input argument values.

An empty list indicates that there are no input arguments. The size and order of this list matches the size and order of the input arguments defined by the input InputArguments Property of the method.

The name, a description and the data type of each argument are defined by the Argument structure in each element of the method’s InputArguments Property.



Default value is FALSE.


If the value is TRUE, the Server deletes a forward Reference.

If the value is FALSE, the Server deletes an inverse Reference.


If the value is TRUE, the Server followed a forward Reference.

If the value is FALSE, the Server followed an inverse Reference.


Indicates whether the inverse Reference should be followed.

The inverse reference is followed if this value is TRUE.


True if the Server is currently able to accept connections from Clients.

The DiscoveryServer shall return ApplicationDescriptions to the Client.

The Server is expected to periodically re-register with the DiscoveryServer.

False if the Server is currently unable to accept connections from Clients. The DiscoveryServer shall NOT return ApplicationDescriptions to the Client.

This parameter is ignored if a semaphoreFilePath is provided.


TRUE for read modified functionality, FALSE for read raw functionality.

The default value is FALSE.


A URI for the type of token.

Part 6 of the OPC UA Specification defines URIs for common issued token types. Vendors may specify their own token.

This field may only be specified if TokenType is IssuedToken.


An optional URL for the token issuing service.

The meaning of this value depends on the IssuedTokenType.


Identifies an item in the AddressSpace to monitor.

To monitor for Events, the attributeId element of the ReadValueId structure is the id of the EventNotifier Attribute.


The number of times the subscription has entered the LATE State, i.e.

the number of times the publish timer expires and there are unsent notifications.


The list of Server-assigned IDs of the items to report that are to be added as triggering links.

The list of linksToRemove is processed before the linksToAdd.


The list of Server-assigned IDs of the items to report for the triggering links to be deleted.

The list of linksToRemove is processed before the linksToAdd.


The locale part of the vendor-specific localized text describing the symbolic id.

This localized text string is conveyed to the Client in the StringTable parameter of the OpcUa_ResponseHeader parameter. The Locale parameter contains the index into the StringTable for this string. -1 indicates that no string is specified.


List of locales to use.

The server should return the applicationName in the OpcUa_ApplicationDescription using one of locales specified. If the server supports more than one of the requested locales, the server shall use the locale that appears first in this list. If the server does not support any of the requested locales, it chooses an appropriate default locale.

The server chooses an appropriate default locale if this list is empty.


List of locales to use.

Specifies the locale to use when returning human readable strings.

If the server supports more than one of the requested locales, the server shall use the locale that appears first in this list. If the server does not support any of the requested locales, it chooses an appropriate default locale.

The server chooses an appropriate default locale if this list is empty.


A vendor-specific localized text string that describes the symbolic id.

The maximum length of this text string is 256 characters. This localized text string is conveyed to the Client in the StringTable parameter of the OpcUa_ResponseHeader parameter. The LocalizedText parameter contains the index into the StringTable for this string. -1 indicates that no string is specified.

The LocalizedText refers to the SymbolicId if present or the string that describes the standard StatusCode if the server provides translations. If the index is -1, the server has no translation to return and the client should use the invariant StatusCode description from the specification.


Maximum age of the value to be read in milliseconds.

The age of the value is based on the difference between the ServerTimestamp and the time when the Server starts processing the request. For example if the Client specifies a maxAge of 500 milliseconds and it takes 100 milliseconds until the Server starts processing the request, the age of the returned value could be 600 milliseconds prior to the time it was requested.

If the Server has one or more values of an Attribute that are within the maximum age, it can return any one of the values or it can read a new value from the data source. The number of values of an Attribute that a Server has depends on the number of MonitoredItems that are defined for the Attribute. In any case, the Client can make no assumption about which copy of the data will be returned.

If the Server does not have a value that is within the maximum age, it shall attempt to read a new value from the data source.

If the Server cannot meet the requested maxAge, it returns its "best effort" value rather than rejecting the request. This may occur when the time it takes the Server to process and return the new data value after it has been accessed is greater than the specified maximum age.

If maxAge is set to 0, the Server shall attempt to read a new value from the data source.

If maxAge is set to the max Int32 value or greater, the Server shall attempt to get a cached value.

Negative values are invalid for maxAge.


The number of QueryDataSets that the Client wants the Server to return in the response and on each subsequent continuation call response.

The Server is allowed to further limit the response, but shall not exceed this limit. A value of 0 indicates that the Client is imposing no limitation.


The maximum number of notifications that the Client wishes to receive in a single Publish response.

A value of zero indicates that there is no limit.

The number of notifiations per Publish is the sum of monitoredItems in the DataChangeNotification and events in the EventNotificationList.


The maximum number of notifications that the Client wishes to receive in a single Publish response.

A value of zero indicates that there is no limit.


The number of references that the Client wants the Server to return in the response for each QueryDataSet and on each subsequent continuation call response.

The Server is allowed to further limit the response, but shall not exceed this limit.

A value of 0 indicates that the Client is imposing no limitation.

For example: In a result, 4 Nodes are being returned, but each has 100 References. If this limit was set to 50, only the first 50 References for each Node would be returned on the initial call, and a continuation point would be set indicating additional data.


NodeId of the method to invoke.

If the objectId is the NodeId of an object, it is allowed to use the NodeId of a method that is the target of a HasComponent Reference from the ObjectType of the object.


Server-assigned ID for the MonitoredItem.

This ID is unique within the Subscription, but might not be unique within the Server or Session. This parameter is present only if the statusCode indicates that the MonitoredItem was successfully created.


A Boolean parameter indicating whether all avalaible notifications could be included in a single response.

It has the following values:

The number of Notifications that were ready to be sent could not be sent in a single response.
All Notifications that were ready are included in the response.

Index that identifies the namespace that defines the name.

This index is the index of that namespace in the local Server's NamespaceArray.

The Client may read the NamespaceArray Variable to access the string value of the namespace.


This index is the index of that Server in the local Server's Server table.

The index of the local Server in the Server table is always 0. All remote Servers have indexes greater than 0. The Server table is contained in the Server Object in the AddressSpace (see Part 3 and Part 5 of the OPC UA Specification). The Client may read the Server table Variable to access the description of the target Server.


The SymbolicId is defined within the context of a namespace.

This namespace is represented as a string and is conveyed to the Client in the StringTable parameter of the OpcUa_ResponseHeader parameter. The namespaceIndex parameter contains the index into the StringTable for this string. -1 indicates that no string is specified.

The NamespaceUri shall not be the standard OPC UA namespace. There are no SymbolicIds provided for standard StatusCodes.


Array of different network paths to the server, for example provided by different network cards in a Server node.

Each network path can have several Endpoints representing different protocol options for the same path.


The attributes that are specific to the NodeClass.

A Client is allowed to omit values for some or all attributes. If an attribute value is omitted, the Server shall use the default values from the TypeDefinitionNode. If a TypeDefinitionNode was not provided, the Server shall choose a suitable default value.

The Server may still add an optional attribute to the node with an appropriate default value even if the Client does not specify a value.


Specifies the NodeClasses of the TargetNodes.

Only TargetNodes with the selected NodeClasses are returned. The NodeClasses are assigned the following bits:

Bit Node Class
0 Object
1 Variable
2 Method
3 ObjectType
4 VariableType
5 ReferenceType
6 DataType
7 View

If set to zero, then all NodeClasses are returned.


NodeId of the Node to be browsed.

If a view is provided, it shall include this Node.


NodeId of the TargetNode as assigned by the Server identified by the Server index.

If the serverIndex indicates that the TargetNode is a remote Node, then the nodeId shall contain the absolute namespace URI. If the TargetNode is a local Node the nodeId shall contain the namespace index.


The nodeId to be read depends on HistoryReadDetails.

If HistoryReadDetails is

The nodeId of the Nodes whose historical values are to be read. The value returned shall always include a timestamp.
The NodeId of the Node whose Event history is to be read.

If the Node does not support the requested access for historical values or historical events, the appropriate error response for the given node shall be generated.


List of nodes to add.

All nodes are added as a reference to an existing node using a hierarchical ReferenceType.


List of Nodes and their Attributes to read.

For each entry in this list, a StatusCode is returned, and if it indicates success, the Attribute Value is also returned.


List of diagnostic information for the nodes to write.

The size and order of the list matches the size and order of the OpcUa_WriteRequest::NodesToWrite request parameter. This list is empty if diagnostics information was not requested in the request header or if no diagnostic information was encountered in processing of the request.


List of diagnostic information for the Subscriptions to enable/disable.

The size and order of the list matches the size and order of the subscriptionIds request parameter. This list is empty if diagnostics information was not requested in the request header or if no diagnostic information was encountered in processing of the request.


The time that this Message was sent to the Client.

If this Message is retransmitted to the Client, this parameter contains the time it was first transmitted to the Client.


The list of NotificationData structures.

The NotificationData parameter type is an extensible parameter type. It specifies the types of Notifications that can be sent.

Notifications of the same type should be grouped into one NotificationData element. If a Subscription contains MonitoredItems for events and data, this array should have not more than 2 elements. If the Subscription contains MonitoredItems only for data or only for events, the array size should always be one for this Subscription.


The maximum number of values returned for any node over the time range.

If only one time is specified, the time range must extend to return this number of values. The default value 0 indicates that there is no maximum.


The maximum number of values returned for any node over the time range.

If only one time is specified, the time range must extend to return this number of values. The default value of 0 indicates that there is no maximum.


The NodeId shall be that of the object or ObjectType that is the source of a HasComponent Reference (or subtype of HasComponent Reference) to the method specified in methodId.

See Part 3 of the OPC UA Specification for a description of objects and their methods.


A list of diagnostic information for the operands in an element.

The size and order of the list matches the size and order of the operands in the ContentFilterElement. This list is empty if diagnostics information was not requested in the request header or if no diagnostic information was encountered in processing of the operands. A list of diagnostic information for individual


A list of status codes for the operands in an element.

The size and order of the list matches the size and order of the operands in the ContentFilterElement. This list is empty if no operand errors occurred.


List of StatusCodes for the operations to be performed on a node.

The size and order of the list matches the size and order of any list defined by the details element being reported by this updateResults entry.


List of output argument values.

An empty list indicates that there are no output arguments. The size and order of this list matches the size and order of the output arguments defined by the OutputArguments Property of the method.

The name, a description and the data type of each argument are defined by the Argument structure in each element of the methods OutputArguments Property.


List of parsing results for QueryFirst.

The size and order of the list matches the size and order of the NodeTypes request parameter.

This list is populated with any status codes that are related to the processing of the node types that are part of the query. The array can be empty if no errors were encountered. If any node type encountered an error, all node types shall have an associated status code.


Indicates the minimum percentage of bad data in a given interval required for the StatusCode for the given interval for processed data request to be set to Bad.

Uncertain is treated as defined in OpcUa_AggregateConfiguration::TreatUncertainAsBad. For details on which Aggregates use the PercentDataBad Variable, see the definition of each Aggregate. The default value is 100.

The PercentDataGood and PercentDataBad must follow the following relationship
PercentDataGood >= (100 – PercentDataBad).
If they are equal, the result of the PercentDataGood calculation is used.


Indicates the minimum percentage of Good data in a given interval required for the StatusCode for the given interval for the processed data requests to be set to Good.

For details on which Aggregates use the PercentDataGood Variable, see the definition of each Aggregate. The default value is 100.

The PercentDataGood and PercentDataBad must follow the following relationship
PercentDataGood >= (100 – PercentDataBad).
If they are equal, the result of the PercentDataGood calculation is used.


Determines which action of insert, replace, or update is performed.

Possible values are INSERT_1, REPLACE_2, or UPDATE_3, see OpcUa_UpdateDataDetails


Determines which action of insert, replace, update, or remove is performed.

Possible values are INSERT_1, REPLACE_2, UPDATE_3, or REMOVE_4.


Determines which action of insert, replace, or update is performed.

Possible values are INSERT_1, REPLACE_2, or UPDATE_3 (see OpcUa_UpdateEventDetails).


An identifier for the UserTokenPolicy assigned by the Server.

The Client specifies this value when it constructs a UserIdentityToken that conforms to the policy.

This value is only unique within the context of a single Server.


Indicates the relative priority of the Subscription.

When more than one Subscription needs to send Notifications, the Server should dequeue a Publish request to the Subscription with the highest priority number. For Subscriptions with equal priority the Server should dequeue Publish requests in a round-robin fashion. When the keep-alive period expires for a Subscription it shall take precedence regardless of its priority, in order to prevent the Subscription from expiring.

A Client that does not require special priority settings should set this value to zero.


Indicates the relative priority of the Subscription.

When more than one Subscription needs to send Notifications, the Server should dequeue a Publish request to the Subscription with the highest priority number. For Subscriptions with equal priority the Server should dequeue Publish requests in a round-robin fashion. Any Subscription that needs to send a keep-alive Message shall take precedence regardless of its priority, in order to prevent the Subscription from expiring.

A Client that does not require special priority settings should set this value to zero.


The interval between returned aggregate values.

The value 0 indicates that there is no ProcessingInterval defined.


List of Transport Profile that the returned Endpoints shall support.

Part 7 of the OPC UA Specification defines URIs for the Transport Profiles.

All Endpoints are returned if the list is empty.


A Boolean parameter with the following values:

publishing is enabled for the Subscription.
publishing is disabled for the Subscription.

The value of this parameter does not affect the value of the monitoring mode Attribute of MonitoredItems.


A Boolean parameter indicating whether publishing is enabled.

It has the following values:

publishing of NotificationMessages is enabled for the Subscription.
publishing of NotificationMessages is disabled for the Subscription.

The value of this parameter does not affect the value of the monitoring mode Attribute of MonitoredItems. Setting this value to FALSE does not discontinue the sending of keep-alive Messages.


The array of QueryDataSets.

This array is empty if no nodes or references met the OpcUa_QueryFirstRequest::NodeTypes criteria. In this case, the ContinuationPoint parameter shall be empty.


The requested size of the MonitoredItem queue.

The following values have special meaning for data monitored items:

0 or 1
the server returns the default queue size which shall be 1 as revisedQueueSize for data monitored items. The queue has a single entry, effectively disabling queuing.

For values larger than one a first-in-first-out queue is to be used. The Server may limit the size in revisedQueueSize. In the case of a queue overflow, the Overflow bit (flag) in the InfoBits portion of the DataValue statusCode is set in the new value.

The following values have special meaning for event monitored items:

the Server returns the default queue size for Event Notifications as revisedQueueSize for event monitored items.
the Server returns the minimum queue size the Server requires for Event Notifications as revisedQueueSize.
the Server returns the maximum queue size that the Server can support for Event Notifications as revisedQueueSize.

If a Client chooses a value between the minimum and maximum settings of the Server the value shall be returned in the revisedQueueSize. If the requested queueSize is outside the minimum or maximum, the Server shall return the corresponding bounding value.

In the case of a queue overflow, an Event of the type EventQueueOverflowEventType is generated.


The set of references that meet the criteria specified in the BrowseDescription.

Empty if no references met the criteria.


List of reference instances to add to the source node.

The OpcUa_AddReferencesItem::TargetNodeClass of each reference in the list shall match the node class of the target node.


Specifies the NodeId of the ReferenceType to follow.

Only instances of this ReferenceType or its subtypes are returned.

If not specified, all References are returned and includeSubtypes is ignored.


The type of reference to follow from the current node.

The current path cannot be followed any further if the referenceTypeId is not available on the Node instance.

If not specified, then all References are included and the parameter includeSubtypes is ignored.


A list of NodeIds which the Client shall use for subsequent access operations.

The size and order of this list matches the size and order of the OpcUa_RegisterNodesRequest::NodesToRegister request parameter.

The Server may return the NodeId from the request or a new (an alias) NodeId. It is recommended that the Server returns a numeric NodeId for aliasing.

In case no optimization is supported for a node, the Server shall return the NodeId from the request.


The number of requests that were rejected since the server was started (or restarted).

The requests include all Services defined in Part 4 of the OPC UA Specification, also requests to create sessions. This number includes the securityRejectedRequestsCount.


The number of client session establishment requests that were rejected since the server was started (or restarted).

This number includes the securityRejectedSessionCount.


The path to follow from the startingNode.

The last element in the relativePath shall always have a targetName specified. This further restricts the definition of the RelativePath type. The Server shall return Bad_BrowseNameInvalid if the targetName is missing.


Browse path relative to the originating node that identifies the node which contains the data that is being requested, where the originating node is an instance node of the type defined by the type definition node.

The instance nodes are further limited by the filter provided as part of this call.

This relative path could end on a reference, in which case the ReferenceDescription of the reference would be returned as its value.

The targetName field of the relativePath may contain a type NodeId. This is done by setting the namespaceIndex of the targetName to zero and the name part of the targetName to the XML representation of the NodeId.

When matching instances are returned as the target node, the target node shall be an instance of the specified type or subtype of the specified type.


A boolean parameter indicating whether continuation points should be released.

It has the following values:

passed ContinuationPoints shall be reset to free resources in the Server.
passed ContinuationPoints shall be used to get the next set of QueryDataSEts.

A Client shall always use the continuation point returned by a QueryFirst or QueryNext response to free the resources for the continuation point in the Server. If the Client does not want to get the next set of Query information, QueryNext shall be called with this parameter set to TRUE.

If the parameter is set to TRUE, all array parameters in the response shall contain empty arrays.


A boolean parameter indicating whether continuation points should be released.

It has the following values:

passed ContinuationPoints shall be reset to free resources in the Server. The continuation points are released and the results and diagnosticInfos arrays are empty.
passed ContinuationPoints shall be used to get the next set of browse information.

A Client shall always use the continuation point returned by a Browse or BrowseNext response to free the resources for the continuation point in the Server. If the Client does not want to get the next set of browse information, BrowseNext shall be called with this parameter set to TRUE.


A Boolean parameter indicating whether to reset passed continuation points.

It has the following values:

passed continuation points shall be reset to free resources in the Server.
passed continuation points shall be used to get the next set of historical information.

A Client shall always use the continuation point returned by a HistoryRead response to free the resources for the continuation point in the Server. If the Client does not want to get the next set of historical information, HistoryRead shall be called with this parameter set to TRUE.


The index of the first unprocessed element in the RelativePath.

This value shall be equal to the maximum value of Index data type if all elements were processed.


List of diagnostic information for the links to remove.

The size and order of the list matches the size and order of the OpcUa_SetTriggeringRequest::LinksToRemove request parameter. This list is empty if diagnostics information was not requested in the request header or if no diagnostic information was encountered in processing of the request.


List of StatusCodes for the items to remove.

The size and order of the list matches the size and order of the OpcUa_SetTriggeringRequest::LinksToRemove parameter specified in the request.


The total number of messages that have been requested to be republished for the subscription.

Note that due to the design of the Republish Service this number is always equal to the republishRequestCount.


Requested lifetime count.

The lifetime count shall be a mimimum of three times the keep keep-alive count. When the publishing timer has expired this number of times without a Publish request being available to send a NotificationMessage, then the Subscription shall be deleted by the Server.


The requested lifetime count.

The lifetime count shall be a mimimum of three times the keep keep-alive count.

When the publishing timer has expired this number of times without a Publish request being available to send a NotificationMessage, then the Subscription shall be deleted by the Server.


Requested maximum keep-alive count.

When the publishing timer has expired this number of times without requiring any NotificationMessage to be sent, the Subscription sends a keep-alive Message to the Client.

The negotiated value for this parameter is returned in the response.

If the requested value is 0, the server shall revise with the smallest supported keep-alive count.


Requested maximum keep-alive count.

When the publishing timer has expired this number of times without requiring any NotificationMessage to be sent, the Subscription sends a keep-alive Message to the Client.

The negotiated value for this parameter is returned in the response.

If the requested value is 0, the server shall revise with the smallest supported keep-alive count.


Indicates the maximum number of references to return for each starting Node specified in the request.

The value 0 indicates that the Client is imposing no limitation.


Client requested expanded NodeId of the node to add.

The server index in the expanded NodeId shall be 0.

If the Server cannot use this NodeId, it rejects this node and returns the appropriate error code.

If the Client does not want to request a NodeId, it sets the value of this parameter to the null expanded NodeId.

If the node to add is a ReferenceType node, its NodeId should be a numeric id. See Part 3 of the OPC UA specification for a description of ReferenceType NodeIds.


The requested monitoring parameters.

Servers negotiate the values of these parameters based on the Subscription and the capabilities of the Server.


The requested values for the monitoring parameters.

If the number of notifications in the queue exceeds the new queue size, the notifications exceeding the size shall be discarded following the configured discard policy.


This interval defines the cyclic rate that the Subscription is being requested to return Notifications to the Client.

This interval is expressed in milliseconds. This interval is represented by the publishing timer in the Subscription state table.

The negotiated value for this parameter returned in the response is used as the default sampling interval for MonitoredItems assigned to this Subscription.

If the requested value is 0 or negative, the server shall revise with the fastest supported publishing interval.


This interval defines the cyclic rate that the Subscription is being requested to return Notifications to the Client.

This interval is expressed in milliseconds.

The negotiated value for this parameter returned in the response is used as the default sampling interval for MonitoredItems assigned to this Subscription.

If the requested value is 0 or negative, the server shall revise with the fastest supported publishing interval.


A requestHandle associated with the request.

This client defined handle can be used to cancel the request. It is also returned in the response.


The request handle assigned to one or more requests that should be cancelled.

All outstanding requests with the matching requestHandle shall be cancelled.


Specifies the fields in the ReferenceDescription structure that should be returned.

The fields are assigned the following bits:

Bit Result
0 ReferenceType
1 IsForward
2 NodeClass
3 BrowseName
4 DisplayName
5 TypeDefinition

List of results for the Nodes to add.

The size and order of the list matches the size and order of the OpcUa_AddNodesRequest::NodesToAdd request parameter.


List of StatusCodes for the references to add.

The size and order of the list matches the size and order of the OpcUa_AddReferencesRequest::ReferencesToAdd request parameter.


List of StatusCodes for the nodes to delete.

The size and order of the list matches the size and order of the list of the OpcUa_DeleteNodesRequest::NodesToDelete request parameter.


List of StatusCodes for the references to delete.

The size and order of the list matches the size and order of the OpcUa_DeleteReferencesRequest::ReferencesToDelete request parameter.


A list of BrowseResults.

The size and order of the list matches the size and order of the OpcUa_BrowseRequest::NodesToBrowse specified in the request.


List of results for the list of browse paths.

The size and order of the list matches the size and order of the OpcUa_TranslateBrowsePathsToNodeIdsRequest::BrowsePaths request parameter.


List of read results contained in an array of DataValue structures.

The DataValue consists of

The value of the read node and attribute combination
This parameter is used to indicate the conditions under which the value was generated, and thereby can be used as an indicator of the usability of the value.
Reflects the UTC timestamp that was applied to the value by the data source. It is only available for Value attributes.
Reflects the time that the Server received the value or knew it to be accurate.

The size and order of this list matches the size and order of the request parameter. There is one entry in this list for each Node contained in the parameter.


List of read results.

The size and order of the list matches the size and order of the OpcUa_HistoryReadRequest::NodesToRead request parameter.


List of results for the nodes to write.

The size and order of the list matches the size and order of the OpcUa_WriteRequest::NodesToWrite request parameter. There is one entry in this list for each node contained in the OpcUa_WriteRequest::NodesToWrite parameter.


List of update results for the history update details.

The size and order of the list matches the size and order of the details element of the historyUpdateDetails parameter specified in the request.


List of results for the MonitoredItems to create.

The size and order of the list matches the size and order of the OpcUa_CreateMonitoredItemsRequest::ItemsToCreate request parameter.


List of results for the MonitoredItems to modify.

The size and order of the list matches the size and order of the OpcUa_ModifyMonitoredItemsRequest::ItemsToModify request parameter.


List of StatusCodes for the MonitoredItems to enable/disable.

The size and order of the list matches the size and order of the OpcUa_SetMonitoringModeRequest::MonitoredItemIds request parameter.


List of StatusCodes for the MonitoredItems to delete.

The size and order of the list matches the size and order of the monitoredItemIds request parameter.


List of StatusCodes for the Subscriptions to enable/disable.

The size and order of the list matches the size and order of the subscriptionIds request parameter.


List of results for the acknowledgements.

The size and order of the list matches the size and order of the OpcUa_PublishRequest::SubscriptionAcknowledgements request parameter.


List of results for the Subscriptions to transfer.

The size and order of the list matches the size and order of the OpcUa_TransferSubscriptionsRequest::SubscriptionIds request parameter.


List of StatusCodes for the Subscriptions to delete.

The size and order of the list matches the size and order of the subscriptionIds request parameter.


A boolean parameter indicating whether bounding values should be returned.

It has the following values

bounding values should be returned
all other cases

A bit mask that identifies the types of vendor-specific diagnostics to be returned in diagnosticInfo response parameters.

The value of this parameter may consist of zero, one or more of the following values. No value indicates that diagnostics are not to be returned.

Bit Value Diagnostics to return
0x0000 0001 ServiceLevel/SymbolicId
0x0000 0002 ServiceLevel/LocalizedText
0x0000 0004 ServiceLevel/AdditionalInfo
0x0000 0008 ServiceLevel/Inner StatusCode
0x0000 0010 ServiceLevel/Inner Diagnostics
0x0000 0020 OperationLevel/SymbolicId
0x0000 0040 OperationLevel/LocalizedText
0x0000 0080 OperationLevel/AdditionalInfo
0x0000 0100 OperationLevel/Inner StatusCode
0x0000 0200 OperationLevel/Inner Diagnostics

Each of these values is composed of two components, level and type, as described below. If none are requested, as indicated by a 0 value, or if no diagnostic information was encountered in processing of the request, then diagnostics information is not returned.


return diagnostics in the diagnosticInfo of the Service.
return diagnostics in the diagnosticInfo defined for individual operations requested in the Service.


return a namespace-qualified, symbolic identifier for an error or condition. The maximum length of this identifier is 32 characters.
return up to 256 bytes of localized text that describes the symbolic id.
return a byte string that contains additional diagnostic information, such as a memory image. The format of this byte string is vendor-specific, and may depend on the type of error or condition encountered.
return the inner StatusCode associated with the operation or Service.
return the inner diagnostic info associated with the operation or Service. The contents of the inner diagnostic info structure are determined by other bits in the mask. Note that setting this bit could cause multiple levels of nested diagnostic info structures to be returned.

Server-defined opaque value that represents the continuation point.

It is used only if the information to be returned is too large to be contained in a single response. If not used or if OpcUa_QueryNextRequest::ReleaseContinuationPoint is set, the value of this parameter is null.


The actual maximum keep-alive count.

The Server should attempt to honor the Client request for this parameter, but may negotiate this value up or down to meet its own constraints.


The actual maximum keep-alive count.

The Server should attempt to honor the Client request for this parameter, but may negotiate this value up or down to meet its own constraints.


The actual publishing interval that the Server will use, expressed in milliseconds.

The Server should attempt to honor the Client request for this parameter, but may negotiate this value up or down to meet its own constraints.


The actual publishing interval that the Server will use, expressed in milliseconds.

The Server should attempt to honor the Client request for this parameter, but may negotiate this value up or down to meet its own constraints.


The actual sampling interval that the Server will use.

This value is based on a number of factors, including capabilities of the underlying system. The Server shall always return a revisedSamplingInterval that is equal or higher than the requestedSamplingInterval. If the requested samplingInterval is higher than the maximum sampling interval supported by the Server, the maximum sampling interval is returned.


The actual sampling interval that the Server will use.

The Server returns the value it will actually use for the sampling interval. This value is based on a number of factors, including capabilities of the underlying system.

The Server shall always return a revisedSamplingInterval that is equal or higher than the requested samplingInterval. If the requestedSamplingInterval is higher than the maximum sampling interval supported by the Server, the maximum sampling interval is returned.


The interval in milliseconds that defines the fastest rate at which the MonitoredItem(s) should be accessed and evaluated.

The value 0 indicates that the Server should use the fastest practical rate.

The value -1 indicates that the default sampling interval defined by the publishing interval of the Subscription is requested. A different sampling interval is used if the publishing interval is not a supported sampling interval. Any negative number is interpreted as -1. The sampling interval is not changed if the publishing interval is changed by a subsequent call to the ModifySubscription Service.

The Server uses this parameter to assign the MonitoredItems to a sampling interval that it supports.

The assigned interval is provided in the revisedSamplingInterval parameter. The Server shall always return a revisedSamplingInterval that is equal or higher than the requested samplingInterval. If the requested samplingInterval is higher than the maximum sampling interval supported by the Server, the maximum sampling interval is returned.


Approximate number of seconds until the server will be shut down.

The value is only relevant once the state changes into SHUTDOWN.


A numeric value that indicates how secure the EndpointDescription is compared to other EndpointDescriptions for the same Server.

A value of 0 indicates that the EndpointDescription is not recommended and is only supported for backward compatibility.

A higher value indicates better security.


The type of security to apply to the messages.

A SecureChannel may have to be created even if the securityMode is NONE.


The security policy to use when encrypting or signing the UserIdentityToken when it is passed to the Server in the ActivateSession request.

The security policy for the SecureChannel is used if this value is omitted.


The number of requests that were rejected due to security constraints since the server was started (or restarted).

The requests include all Services defined in Part 4 of the OPC UA Specification, also requests to create sessions.


A list of diagnostic information for individual elements in the select clause.

The size and order of the list matches the size and order of the elements in the selectClauses request parameter. This list is empty if diagnostics information was not requested in the request header or if no diagnostic information was encountered in processing of the select clauses.


List of status codes for the elements in the select clause.

The size and order of the list matches the size and order of the elements in the selectClauses request parameter. The Server returns null for unavailable or rejected Event fields.


List of the values to return with each event in a notification.

At least one valid clause shall be specified.


The path to the semaphore file used to identify an automatically-launched server instance.

Manually-launched servers will not use this parameter.

If a Semaphore file is provided, the IsOnline flag is ignored.

If a Semaphore file is provided and exists, the LocalDiscoveryServer shall save the registration information in a persistent data store that it reads whenever the LocalDiscoveryServer starts.

If a Semaphore file is specified but does not exist, the Discovery Server shall remove the registration from any persistent data store.

If the Server has registered with a semaphoreFilePath, the DiscoveryServer shall check that this file exists before returning the ApplicationDescription to the client.

If the Server did not register with a semaphoreFilePath (it is null or empty), then the DiscoveryServer does not attempt to verify the existence of the file before returning the ApplicationDescription to the client.


A boolean parameter indicating whether the first publish response should contain current values of all monitored items.

It has the following values:

The first Publish response after the TransferSubscriptions call shall contain the current values of all Monitored Items in the Subscription where the Monitoring Mode is set to Reporting.
The first Publish response after the TransferSubscriptions call shall contain only the value changes since the last Publish response was sent.

This parameter only applies to MonitoredItems used for monitoring Attribute changes.


The sequence number being acknowledged.

The Server may delete the message with this sequence number from its retransmission queue.


The URI of the namespace.

If this parameter is specified, the namespace index is ignored.


A list of localized descriptive names for the Server.

The list shall have at least one valid entry.


List of Servers that meet criteria specified in the request.

This list is empty if no servers meet the criteria.


The type of application.

The value “Client” (The application is a Client) is not allowed. The Service result shall be Bad_InvalidArgument in this case.


The globally unique identifier for the Server instance.

The serverUri matches the applicationUri from the ApplicationDescription.


List of servers to return.

All known servers are returned if the list is empty.

A serverUri matches the applicationUri from the OpcUa_ApplicationDescription.


Diagnostic information for the Service invocation.

This parameter is empty if diagnostics information was not requested in the request header.


An optional localized text indicating the reason for the shutdown.

The value is only relevant once the state changes into SHUTDOWN.


NodeId of the node to which the reference is to be added.

The source node shall always exist in the Server to add the reference. The IsForward parameter can be set to FALSE if the target node is on the local Server and the source node on the remote Server.


The sourceTimestamp is used to reflect the timestamp that was applied to a Variable value by the data source.

Once a value has been assigned a source timestamp, the source timestamp for that value instance never changes.


A bit mask which indicates which lists contain information.

See OpcUa_TrustListMasks for allowed values.


The beginning of the period to read.

Set to default value of DateTime.MinValue if no specific start time is specified.


Time (UTC) the server was started.

This is constant for the server instance and is not reset when the server changes state. Each instance of a server should keep the time when the process started.


The beginning of the period to read.

The default value of DateTime.MinValue indicates that the startTime is Unspecified.


The status for the BrowseDescription.

This value is set to Good if there are still references to return for the BrowseDescription.


StatusCode of the method executed in the server.

This StatusCode is set to the Bad_InvalidArgument StatusCode if at least one input argument broke a constraint (e.g. wrong data type, value out of range).

This StatusCode is set to a bad StatusCode if the method execution failed in the server, e.g. based on an exception or an HRESULT.


There is one string in this list for each unique namespace, symbolic identifier, and localized text string contained in all of the diagnostics information parameters contained in the response DiagnosticInfo.

Each is identified within this table by its zero-based index.


The list of acknowledgements for one or more Subscriptions.

This list may contain multiple acknowledgements for the same Subscription (multiple entries with the same).


The Server-assigned identifier for the Subscription.

This identifier shall be unique for the entire Server, not just for the Session, in order to allow the Subscription to be transferred to another Session using the TransferSubscriptions service.


The Server-assigned identifier for the Subscription for which notifications are being returned.

The value 0 is used to indicate that there were no Subscriptions defined for which a response could be sent.


List of identifiers for the Subscriptions to be transferred to the new Client.

These identifiers are transferred from the primary Client to a backup Client via external mechanisms.


The symbolicId shall be used to identify a vendor-specific error or condition; typically the result of some server internal operation.

The maximum length of this string is 32 characters. Servers wishing to return a numeric return code should convert the return code into a string and use this string as symbolicId (e.g., "0xC0040007" or "-4").

This symbolic identifier string is conveyed to the Client in the StringTable parameter of the OpcUa_ResponseHeader parameter. The SymbolicId parameter contains the index into the StringTable for this string. -1 indicates that no string is specified.

The SymbolicId shall not contain StatusCodes. If the LocalizedText contains a translation for the description of a StatusCode, the symbolicId is -1.


The BrowseName of the target node.

The final element may have an empty targetName. In this situation all targets of the references identified by the referenceTypeId are the targets of the RelativePath.

The targetName shall be specified for all other elements.

The current path cannot be followed any further if no targets with the specified BrowseName exist.


NodeClass of the target node.

The Client shall specify this since the target node might not be accessible directly by the Server.


NodeId of the target node of the reference.

If the Server index indicates that the target node is a remote node, then the nodeId shall contain the absolute namespace URI. If the target node is a local node the nodeId shall contain the namespace index.


URI of the remote Server.

If this parameter is not null, it overrides the serverIndex in the TargetNodeId.


This timeout in milliseconds is used in the Client side Communication Stack to set the timeout on a per-call base.

For a Server this timeout is only a hint and can be used to cancel long running operations to free resources. If the Server detects a timeout, he can cancel the operation by sending the Service result Bad_Timeout. The Server should wait at minimum the timeout after he received the request before cancelling the operation.

The value of 0 indicates no timeout.


The time the Client sent the request.

The parameter is only used for diagnostic and logging purposes in the server.


The time date desired.

The corresponding version is the one with the closest previous creation timestamp. Either the Timestamp or the viewVersion parameter may be set by a Client, but not both. If ViewVersion is set this parameter shall be null.


An enumeration that specifies the Timestamps to be returned for each requested Variable Value Attribute.

See OpcUa_TimestampsToReturn for more information.


An enumeration that specifies the timestamps to be returned for each requested variable value attribute.

Specifying a TimestampsToReturn of NEITHER is not valid. A Server shall return a Bad_InvalidTimestampArgument StatusCode in this case.


An enumeration that specifies the timestamp Attributes to be transmitted for each MonitoredItem.

When monitoring Events, this applies only to Event fields that are of type DataValue.


An enumeration that specifies the timestamp Attributes to be transmitted for each MonitoredItem to be modified.

When monitoring Events, this applies only to Event fields that are of type DataValue.


User readable axis title.

This is useful when the units are %. The Title may be e.g. “Particle size distribution”


The type of user identity token required.

A tokenType of ANONYMOUS indicates that the Server does not require any user identification. In this case the Client application instance certificate is used as the user identification.


Which transport protocol is used.

The string shall be the scheme from the URL used to establish the session, for example “opc.tcp” or “https”.


Indicates how the server treats data returned with a StatusCode severity Uncertain with respect to Aggregate calculations.

It has the following values:

the server considers the severity equivalent to Bad,
indicates the server considers the severity equivalent to Good, unless the aggregate definition says otherwise.

A value of True indicates the server

The default value is True. Note that the value is still treated as Uncertain when the StatusCode for the result is calculated.


NodeId of the TypeDefinitionNode for the node to add.

This parameter shall be null for all node classes other than object and Variable, in which case it shall be provided.


Type definition NodeId of the TargetNode.

Type definitions are only available for the NodeClasses object and Variable. For all other NodeClasses a null NodeId shall be returned.


NodeId of a TypeDefinitionNode.

This parameter restricts the operand to instances of the TypeDefinitionNode or one of its subtypes.


Identifier for programmatic evaluation.

−1 is used if a unitId is not available.


The user identity tokens that the Server will accept.

The Client shall pass one of the UserIdentityTokens in the ActivateSession request.


A Boolean parameter indicating whether to use default aggregate configuration settings.

use aggregate configuration settings as outlined by the AggregateConfiguration object.
use configuration settings as outlined in the following aggregate configuration parameters.

Indicates how the server interpolates data when no boundary value exists (i.e.

extrapolating into the future from the last known value).

the server will use a SteppedExtrapolation format and hold the last known value constant.
the server will project the value using UseSlopedExtrapolation mode.

The default value is False. For SimpleBounds this value is ignored.


Array of bytes with same size as value representing the valid bits in the value parameter.

When the Server returns the value to the Client, the ValidBits provides information of which bits in the bit mask have a meaning. When the Client passes the value to the Server, the ValidBits defines which bits should be written. Only those bits defined in ValidBits are changed in the bit mask, all others stay the same.


The data value.

If the StatusCode indicates an error, the value is to be ignored and the Server shall set it to null.


Array of bytes representing the bits in the option set.

The length of the ByteString depends on the number of bits.


The node’s attribute value.

If the indexRange parameter is specified, the Value shall be an array even if only one element is being written.

If the SourceTimestamp or the ServerTimestamp is specified, the Server shall use these values. The Server returns a Bad_WriteNotSupported error if it does not support writing of timestamps.

A Server shall return a Bad_TypeMismatch error if the data type of the written value is not the same type or subtype as the attribute’s DataType. Based on the DataType hierarchy, subtypes of the attribute DataType shall be accepted by the Server. For the value attribute the DataType is defined through the DataType attribute. A ByteString is structurally the same as a one dimensional array of Byte. A Server shall accept a ByteString if an array of Byte is expected.

The Server returns a Bad_DataEncodingUnsupported error if it does not support writing of the passed data encoding.


Indicates whether the DataType is an array and how many dimensions the array has.

It may have the following values:

n > 1
The DataType is an array with the specified number of dimensions.
OneDimension (1)
The DataType is an array with one dimension.
OneOrMoreDimensions (0)
The dataType is an array with one or more dimensions.
Scalar (−1)
The DataType is not an array.
Any (−2)
The DataType can be a scalar or an array with any number of dimensions.
ScalarOrOneDimension (−3)
The DataType can be a scalar or a one dimensional array.
All DataTypes are considered to be scalar, even if they have array-like semantics like ByteString and String.

Describes the changes happening to the affected Node.

The verb is an 8-bit unsigned integer used as bit mask with the structure defined in the following table:

Field Bit Description
NodeAdded 0 Indicates the affected Node has been added.
NodeDeleted 1 Indicates the affected Node has been deleted.
ReferenceAdded 2 Indicates a Reference has been added. The affected Node may be either a SourceNode or TargetNode. Note that an added bidirectional Reference is reflected by two ChangeStructures.
ReferenceDeleted 3 Indicates a Reference has been deleted. The affected Node may be either a SourceNode or TargetNode. Note that a deleted bidirectional Reference is reflected by two ChangeStructures.
DataTypeChanged 4 This verb may be used only for affected Nodes that are Variables or VariableTypes. It indicates that the DataType Attribute has changed.
Reserved 5:7 Reserved for future use. Shall always be zero.

A verb may identify several changes on the affected Node at once. This feature should be used if event compression is used.

Note that all verbs shall always be considered in the context where the ModelChangeStructureDataType is used. A NodeDeleted may indicate that a Node was removed from a view but still exists in other Views.


Description of the View to browse.

An empty ViewDescription value indicates the entire address space. If ViewDescription is empty, all references of the node to browse are returned. If any other view is specified, only the references of the node to browse that are defined for that view are returned.


NodeId of the View to Query.

A null value indicates the entire AddressSpace.


The version number for the View desired.

When Nodes are added to or removed from a View, the value of a View’s ViewVersion Property is updated. Either the Timestamp or the viewVersion parameter may be set by a Client, but not both. The ViewVersion Property is defined in Part 3. If timestamp is set this parameter shall be 0. The current view is used if timestamp is null and viewVersion is 0.


Limit the Notifications to those events that match the criteria defined by this OpcUa_ContentFilter.

The OpcUa_AttributeOperand structure may not be used in an EventFilter.