C++ Based OPC UA Client/Server/PubSub SDK
ServerConfigData Class Referenceabstract

Defautl implementation of the ServerConfig interface providing configuration from member variables. More...

#include <serverconfigdata.h>

Inherits ServerConfig.

Inherited by ServerConfigBase, ServerConfigIni, and ServerConfigXml.

Public Member Functions

 ServerConfigData (const UaString &sApplicationPath, const UaString &sConfigPath, const UaString &sTracePath)
 Creates an instance of the ServerConfigData class reading the configuration settings from an INI file. More...
virtual ~ServerConfigData ()
 Destroys the ServerConfigData object.
void clear ()
 Clears all members and intializes them with default values.
virtual UaStatus getEndpointConfiguration (UaString &sRejectedCertificateDirectory, OpcUa_UInt32 &nRejectedCertificatesCount, UaEndpointArray &uaEndpointArray)
 Get Endpoint Configuration. More...
virtual void endpointOpened (OpcUa_UInt32 index)
 Set state of successfully opened endpoint.
virtual OpcUa_Boolean getAllowDeprecatedPolicies () const
 Get flag if using deprecated policies is allowed.
virtual OpcUa_Boolean getCheckForDuplicateReferences () const
 Get flag if checking for duplicate before adding a UaReference.
virtual UaStatus getCertificateStoreConfigurations (CertificateStoreConfigurationPArray &certificateStores)
 Get the configurations for server certificates and trust lists. More...
virtual UaStatus getUserIdentityTokenConfig (OpcUa_Boolean &bEnableAnonymous, OpcUa_Boolean &bEnableUserPw, OpcUa_Boolean &bEnableCertificate, OpcUa_Boolean &bEnableKerberosTicket)
 Gets the enabled settings for the different user identity tokens supported by the server. More...
virtual UaStatus getUserIdentityTokenSecurityPolicy (UaString &sSecurityPolicyUri)
 Get the security policy to use when encrypting or signing the UserIdentityToken when it is passed to the server. More...
virtual UaStatus getDefaultUserCertificateStore (CertificateStoreConfiguration **ppCertificateStore, UaString &sRejectedCertificateDirectory, OpcUa_UInt32 &nRejectedCertificatesCount, OpcUa_Boolean &bCertificateTokenConfigured)
 Get the configurations for the trust list and rejected folder for user certificates. More...
virtual UaStatus getDiscoveryRegistrationConfig (OpcUa_UInt32 &nRegistrationInterval, UaStringArray &discoveryUrlArray)
 Get settings for registration with discovery service. More...
virtual UaStatus getWindowsDiscoveryRegistrationSecuritySetup (OpcUa_Boolean &bAutomaticCertificateExchange, UaString &sDiscoveryServerTrustListLocation, UaString &sDiscoveryServerStoreName, UaString &sDiscoveryServerCertificateName)
 Get settings for exchanging certificates with local discovery server on a windows computer for registration with local windows discovery server. More...
virtual UaStatus getSerializerConfiguration (OpcUa_Int32 &iMaxAlloc, OpcUa_Int32 &iMaxStringLength, OpcUa_Int32 &iMaxByteStringLength, OpcUa_Int32 &iMaxArrayLength, OpcUa_Int32 &iMaxMessageSize) const
 Get Serializer Configuration. More...
virtual UaStatus getStackThreadPoolSettings (OpcUa_Boolean &bEnabled, OpcUa_Int32 &iMinThreads, OpcUa_Int32 &iMaxThreads, OpcUa_Int32 &iMaxJobs, OpcUa_Boolean &bBlockOnAdd, OpcUa_UInt32 &nTimeout) const
 Returns the settings for the thread pool used in the OPC UA Stack. More...
virtual UaStatus getStackTraceSettings (OpcUa_Boolean &bTraceEnabled, OpcUa_UInt32 &uTraceLevel) const
 Get UA Stack trace settings. More...
virtual UaStatus getPubSubStackTraceSettings (OpcUa_Boolean &bTraceEnabled, OpcUa_Int32 &nTraceLevel, OpcUa_Int32 &nFacility) const
 Get PubSub Stack trace settings. More...
virtual UaStatus getServerTraceSettings (OpcUa_Boolean &bTraceEnabled, OpcUa_UInt32 &uTraceLevel, OpcUa_UInt32 &uMaxTraceEntries, OpcUa_UInt32 &uMaxBackupFiles, UaString &sTraceFile, OpcUa_Boolean &bDisableFlush) const
 Get UA Server SDK trace settings. More...
virtual UaStatus getTraceEventSettings (OpcUa_UInt32 &uTraceEventLevel) const
 Get UA Server SDK trace event settings. More...
virtual OpcUa_Int32 getMaxRequestAge () const
 Returns the maximum age of a request the server allows. More...
virtual UaStatus getSessionSettings (OpcUa_Int32 &iMaxSessionCount, OpcUa_Int32 &iMaxSessionsPerClient, OpcUa_Int32 &iMinSessionTimeout, OpcUa_Int32 &iMaxSessionTimeout) const
 Get the setting parameters for session creation. More...
virtual UaStatus getServerSettings (OpcUa_Double &minSupportedSampleRate, UaStringArray &localeIdArray, UaStringArray &serverProfileArray, UaByteStringArray &softwareCertificateArray) const
 Get the general setting parameters for the server. More...
virtual UaStatus getServerCapabilities (UaStringArray &serverCapabilityArray) const
 Returns the server capablities. More...
virtual OpcUa_Int32 getMaxBrowseContinuationPoints () const
 Returns the maximum number of Browse Continuation Points managed by the server. More...
virtual OpcUa_Int32 getMaxBrowseResults () const
 Returns the maximum number of Browse results for one browse operation. More...
virtual OpcUa_Int32 getMaxNodesToBrowse () const
 Returns the maximum number of nodes to browse the server will accept. More...
virtual OpcUa_UInt32 getMaxNodesPerRead () const
 Returns the maximum number of nodes per read the server will accept. More...
virtual OpcUa_UInt32 getMaxNodesPerWrite () const
 Returns the maximum number of nodes per write the server will accept. More...
virtual OpcUa_UInt32 getMaxNodesPerMethodCall () const
 Returns the maximum number of nodes per method call the server will accept. More...
virtual OpcUa_UInt32 getMaxNodesPerRegisterNodes () const
 Returns the maximum number of nodes per register nodes the server will accept. More...
virtual OpcUa_UInt32 getMaxMonitoredItemsPerCall () const
 Returns the maximum number of monitored items the server allows to create, modify or delete. More...
virtual OpcUa_UInt32 getMaxNodesPerNodeManagement () const
 Returns the maximum number of nodes per NodeManagement service the server will accept. More...
virtual OpcUa_UInt32 getMaxNodesPerTranslateBrowsePathsToNodeIds () const
 Returns the maximum number of nodes the server will accept for a TranslateBrowsePathsToNodeIds service request. More...
virtual UaStatus getMaxNodesPerHistoryService (OpcUa_UInt32 &iMaxNodesPerHistoryReadData, OpcUa_UInt32 &iMaxNodesPerHistoryReadEvents, OpcUa_UInt32 &iMaxNodesPerHistoryUpdateData, OpcUa_UInt32 &iMaxNodesPerHistoryUpdateEvents) const
 Get the operation limit setting parameters for historical access. More...
virtual OpcUa_Int32 getMaxHistoryContinuationPoints () const
 Returns the maximum number of History Continuation Points managed by the server. More...
virtual UaStatus getSubscriptionSettings (OpcUa_UInt32 &iMinPublishingInterval, OpcUa_UInt32 &iMaxPublishingInterval, OpcUa_UInt32 &iMinKeepAliveInterval, OpcUa_UInt32 &iMinSubscriptionLifetime, OpcUa_UInt32 &iMaxSubscriptionLifetime, OpcUa_UInt32 &iMaxRetransmissionQueueSize, OpcUa_UInt32 &iMaxNotificationsPerPublish) const
 Get the setting parameters for a subscription. More...
virtual UaStatus getDurableSubscriptionSettings (OpcUa_Boolean &durableSubscriptionEnabled, UaString &storageDirectory, OpcUa_UInt32 &iMaxSubscriptionLifetimeInHours, OpcUa_UInt32 &iMaxMonitoredItemQueueSize, OpcUa_UInt32 &iLiveQueueSize) const
 Get the setting parameters for durable subscription support. More...
virtual UaStatus getMonitoredItemSettings (OpcUa_UInt32 &iMaxDataQueueSize, OpcUa_UInt32 &iMaxEventQueueSize) const
 Get the setting parameters for a MonitoreItem. More...
virtual UaStatus getSubscriptionMaxCountSettings (OpcUa_UInt32 &iMaxSubscriptionCount, OpcUa_UInt32 &iMaxSubscriptionsPerSession, OpcUa_UInt32 &iMaxMonitoredItemCount, OpcUa_UInt32 &iMaxMonitoredItemPerSubscriptionCount, OpcUa_UInt32 &iMaxMonitoredItemPerSessionCount) const
 Get the max object count parameters for Subscriptions. More...
virtual OpcUa_UInt32 getSamplingRateNonValueAttributes () const
 Returns the sampling interval used for attributes other than value by the OPC server. More...
virtual UaStatus getAvailableSamplingRates (UaUInt32Array &availableSamplingRates) const
 Returns the sampling rates provided by the OPC server. More...
virtual OpcUa_StatusCode getBuildInfo (UaString &ProductUri, UaString &ManufacturerName, UaString &ProductName, UaString &sSoftwareVersion, UaString &sBuildNumber, OpcUa_DateTime &BuildDate) const
 Returns the BuildInfo for the server. More...
virtual OpcUa_StatusCode getServerInstanceInfo (UaString &ServerUri, UaLocalizedTextArray &ServerName) const
 Returns the server instance information for the OPC server. More...
virtual UaString getServerId () const
 Returns the ServerId used for audit events. More...
virtual UaStatus getThreadPoolSettings (OpcUa_UInt32 &minSizeTransactionManager, OpcUa_UInt32 &maxSizeTransactionManager, OpcUa_UInt32 &minSizeSubscriptionManager, OpcUa_UInt32 &maxSizeSubscriptionManager) const
 Returns the settings for the thread pools used in the OPC server. More...
virtual OpcUa_Boolean isAuditActivated ()
 Flag indicating if audit events are activated. More...
virtual UaStatus getRedundancySettings (OpcUa_RedundancySupport &redundancySupport, UaStringArray &serverUriArray)
 Provides the redundancy settings for the server. More...
virtual UaStatus getNetworkRedundancySettings (UaNetworkGroupDataTypes &networkGroupArray)
 Provides the network redundancy settings for NonTransparent redundant servers. More...
virtual UaStatus getAdditionalServerEntries (UaApplicationDescriptions &serverDescriptions)
 Provides capability to configure additional servers to be returned in FindServers. More...
virtual UaStatus getApplicationType (OpcUa_ApplicationType &applicationType)
 Return the application type. More...
virtual UaStatus getConfiguredNamespaces (UaUInt16Array &namespaceIndexArray, UaStringArray &namespaceUriArray, UaBoolArray &allowRenameUriArray, UaStringArray &uniqueIdArray, UaStringArray &comAliasArray)
 Provides configuration option for namespaces other than index 0 and 1 (OPC UA and local server). More...
virtual UaStatus addConfiguredNamespace (OpcUa_UInt16 namespaceIndex, const UaString &namespaceUri, OpcUa_Boolean allowRenameUri, const UaString &uniqueId)
 Adds a namespaces configuration entry for preconfigured namespaces. More...
virtual UaStatus removeConfiguredNamespace (OpcUa_UInt16 namespaceIndex)
 Removes a namespaces configuration entry for preconfigured namespaces. More...
virtual UaStatus getProvisioningModeSettings (ProvisioningModeSettings &settings)
 Get the provisioning mode settings. More...
virtual UaStatus getTagFileConfiguration (UaString &defaultTagFileName, UaString &tagFileLocation, UaString &tagFileEnding, UaString &defaultFileUpdatePolicy)
 Provides information about tagfile name, path und file ending used in the NodeManagerTagFile. More...
virtual UaStatus setTagFileConfiguration (const UaString &defaultTagFileName, const UaString &tagFileLocation, const UaString &tagFileEnding, const UaString &defaultFileUpdatePolicy)
 Set information about tagfile name, path und file ending used in the NodeManagerTagFile. More...
virtual UaStatus getHttpFileAccess (OpcUa_Boolean &active, UaString &filePath)
 Provides settings for HTTP file access capability. More...
virtual UaStatus getComDaPropertyMapping (UaStringArray &propertyNames, UaStringArray &propertyNameSpaces, UaUInt32Array &propertyIds)
 Provides a mapping list of OPC UA property names to COM Data Access property Ids. More...
virtual UaStatus addComDaPropertyMapping (const UaString &propertyName, const UaString &propertyNameSpaceUri, OpcUa_UInt32 propertyId)
 Adds an entry to the mapping list of OPC UA property names to COM Data Access property Ids. More...
virtual UaStatus getComDaNamespaceInformation (UaString &defaultNamespace, UaUShort &namespaceDelimiter, OpcUa_Boolean &useComAlias)
 Provides additional namespace related information for COM DA Server module. More...
virtual ComDaTimestampSource getComDaTimestampSource ()
 Provides the source of timestamp used for COM Data Access items. More...
virtual ComDaTimestampSource getComHdaTimestampSource ()
 Provides the source of timestamp used for COM Historical Data Access items. More...
virtual OpcUa_Boolean getBrowseNextLevelForVariables ()
 When browsing for COM DA items this option causes the server to internally browse one additional level to see if there are any children.
virtual UaStatus getComAeNamespaceInformation (UaString &defaultNamespace)
 Provides additional namespace related information for COM A&E Server module. More...
virtual UaStatus getComAeEventCategoryMapping (ComAeEventType eventType, UaUInt32Array &categoryIDs, UaStringArray &categoryNames, UaNodeIdArray &eventTypeIds, UaStringArray &, UaBoolArray &)
 Provides a mapping list of OPC UA event type NodeIds to COM Alarms and Events category IDs. More...
virtual UaStatus addComAeEventCategoryMapping (ComAeEventType eventType, const UaUInt32Array &categoryIDs, const UaStringArray &categoryNames, const UaNodeIdArray &eventTypeIds, const UaStringArray &)
 Adds a mapping list of OPC UA event type NodeIds to COM Alarms and Events category IDs. More...
virtual UaStatus getComAeAttributeMapping (ComAeAttributeMappingArray &comAeAttributeMappingArray)
 Get the mapping list of OPC UA event fields to COM Alarms and Events attribute IDs. More...
virtual UaStatus addComAeAttributeMapping (OpcUa_UInt32 attributeID, const UaString &attributeName, OpcUa_BuiltInType dataType, OpcUa_Boolean isArray, const UaStringArray &eventFieldPathNames, const UaStringArray &eventFieldPathNamespaceUris)
 Adds an entry to the mapping list of OPC UA event fields to COM Alarms and Events attribute IDs. More...
virtual OpcUa_Boolean getComAeAreaFilterSupported ()
 Specify if QueryAvailableFilters includes OPC_FILTER_BY_AREA in the filterMask and if an area filter can be used in SetFilter.
void lockConfigFile ()
 Lock snchronization object for configuratin changes.
void unlockConfigFile ()
 Unlock snchronization object for configuratin changes.
OpcUa_UInt32 addCertificateStoreConfiguration (CertificateStoreConfiguration *pCertificateStoreConfiguration)
 Adds a new server trust list configuration. More...
void setProductUri (const UaString &sProductUri)
 Sets the product URI of the server product.
void setManufacturerName (const UaString &sManufacturerName)
 Sets the name of the manufacturer of the server product.
void setProductName (const UaString &sProductName)
 Sets the product name of the server product.
void setSoftwareVersion (const UaString &sSoftwareVersion)
 Sets the software version of the server product.
void setBuildNumber (const UaString &sBuildNumber)
 Sets the build number of the server product.
void setServerUri (const UaString &sServerUri)
 Sets the application instance URI of the server instance.
void setServerName (const UaString &sServerName)
 Sets the name of the server instance.
void setServerProfileArray (const UaStringArray &serverProfileArray)
 Sets the array of conformance profile URIs indicating the features supported by the server.
void setServerCapabilityArray (const UaStringArray &serverCapabilityArray)
 Sets the array of capability identifiers indicating the features supported by the server.
void setMaxSessionCount (OpcUa_Int32 maxSessionCount)
 Sets the maximum number of sessions the server allows to create.
void setMaxSessionsPerClient (OpcUa_Int32 maxSessionsPerClient)
 Sets the maximum number of sessions the server allows per Client, 0 is no limitation.
void setMinSessionTimeout (OpcUa_Int32 minSessionTimeout)
 Sets the minimum timeout in ms for a sessions the server allows to set.
void setMaxSessionTimeout (OpcUa_Int32 maxSessionTimeout)
 Sets the maximum timeout in ms for a sessions the server allows to set.
void setMaxBrowseContinuationPoints (OpcUa_Int32 maxBrowseContinuationPoints)
 Sets the maximum number of Browse Continuation Points managed by the server.
void setMaxBrowseResults (OpcUa_Int32 maxBrowseResults)
 Sets the maximum number of Browse results for one browse operation.
void setMaxNodesToBrowse (OpcUa_Int32 maxNodesToBrowse)
 Sets the maximum number of nodes to browse the server will accept.
void setMaxNodesPerRead (OpcUa_UInt32 maxNodesPerRead)
 Sets the maximum number of nodes per read the server will accept.
void setMaxNodesPerWrite (OpcUa_UInt32 maxNodesPerWrite)
 Sets the maximum number of nodes per write the server will accept.
void setMaxNodesPerMethodCall (OpcUa_UInt32 maxNodesPerMethodCall)
 Sets the maximum number of nodes per method call the server will accept.
void setMaxNodesPerRegisterNodes (OpcUa_UInt32 maxNodesPerRegisterNodes)
 Sets the maximum number of nodes per register nodes the server will accept.
void setMaxMonitoredItemsperCall (OpcUa_UInt32 maxMonitoredItemsPerCall)
 Sets the maximum number of monitored items the server allows to create, modify or delete.
void setMaxNodesPerNodeManagement (OpcUa_UInt32 maxNodesPerNodeManagement)
 Sets the maximum number of nodes per NodeManagement service the server will accept.
void setMaxNodesPerTranslateBrowsePathsToNodeIds (OpcUa_UInt32 maxNodesPerTranslateBrowsePathsToNodeIds)
 Sets the maximum number of nodes to accept for PerTranslateBrowsePathsToNodeIds service.
void setMaxNodesPerHistoryReadData (OpcUa_UInt32 maxNodesPerHistoryReadData)
 Sets the maximum number of nodes the server will accept for HistoryRead Data.
void setMaxNodesPerHistoryReadEvents (OpcUa_UInt32 maxNodesPerHistoryReadEvents)
 Sets the maximum number of nodes the server will accept for HistoryRead Events.
void setMaxNodesPerHistoryUpdateData (OpcUa_UInt32 maxNodesPerHistoryUpdateData)
 Sets the maximum number of nodes the server will accept for HistoryUpdate Data.
void setMaxNodesPerHistoryUpdateEvents (OpcUa_UInt32 maxNodesPerHistoryUpdateEvents)
 Sets the maximum number of nodes the server will accept for HistoryUpdate Events.
void setMaxHistoryContinuationPoints (OpcUa_Int32 maxHistoryContinuationPoints)
 Sets the maximum number of History Continuation Points managed by the server.
void setMinPublishingInterval (OpcUa_UInt32 minPublishingInterval)
 Sets the minimum publishing interval in milliseconds the server allows.
void setMaxPublishingInterval (OpcUa_UInt32 maxPublishingInterval)
 Sets the maximum publishing interval in milliseconds the server allows.
void setMinKeepAliveInterval (OpcUa_UInt32 minKeepAliveInterval)
 Sets the minimum KeepAlive interval in milliseconds the server allows.
void setMinSubscriptionLifetime (OpcUa_UInt32 minSubscriptionLifetime)
 Sets the minimum Subscription lifetime in milliseconds the server allows.
void setMaxSubscriptionLifetime (OpcUa_UInt32 maxSubscriptionLifetime)
 Sets the maximum Subscription lifetime in milliseconds the server allows.
void setMaxRetransmissionQueueSize (OpcUa_UInt32 maxRetransmissionQueueSize)
 Sets the maximum number of messages in the republish queue the server allows per Subscription.
void setMaxNotificationsPerPublish (OpcUa_UInt32 maxNotificationsPerPublish)
 Sets the maximum number of notifications per Publish the server allows.
void setMaxSubscriptionCount (OpcUa_UInt32 maxSubscriptionCount)
 Sets the maximum number of subscriptions the server allows to create. More...
void setMaxSubscriptionsPerSession (OpcUa_UInt32 maxSubscriptionsPerSession)
 Sets the maximum number of subscriptions the server allows to create per session. More...
void setMaxMonitoredItemCount (OpcUa_UInt32 maxMonitoredItemCount)
 Sets the maximum number of monitored items the server allows to create. More...
void setMaxMonitoredItemPerSubscriptionCount (OpcUa_UInt32 maxMonitoredItemPerSubscriptionCount)
 Sets the maximum number of monitored items per subscriptions the server allows to create. More...
void setMaxMonitoredItemPerSessionCount (OpcUa_UInt32 maxMonitoredItemPerSessionCount)
 Sets the maximum number of monitored items per session the server allows to create. More...
void setMinSupportedSampleRate (OpcUa_Double minSupportedSampleRate)
 Sets the minimum supported SamplingRate.
void setSamplingRateNonValueAttributes (OpcUa_UInt32 samplingRateNonValueAttributes)
 Sets the sampling interval for non value attributes.
void setMaxDataQueueSize (OpcUa_UInt32 maxDataQueueSize)
 Sets the maximum queue size for a data monitored item.
void setMaxEventQueueSize (OpcUa_UInt32 maxEventQueueSize)
 Sets the maximum queue size for an event monitored item.
void setThreadPoolTransactionManager (OpcUa_UInt32 minSize, OpcUa_UInt32 maxSize)
 Sets the thread pool size settings for the TransactionManager thread pool.
void setThreadPoolSubscriptionManager (OpcUa_UInt32 minSize, OpcUa_UInt32 maxSize)
 Sets the thread pool size settings for the SubscriptionManager thread pool.
void setRejectedCertificatesDirectory (const UaString &sRejectedCertificatesDirectory)
 Sets the directory used to store rejected certificates. More...
void setRejectedCertificatesCount (OpcUa_UInt32 rejectedCertificatesCount)
 Sets the maximum number of rejected certificates stored in the rejected certificate directory. More...
void setRedundancySettings (OpcUa_RedundancySupport redundancySupport, const UaStringArray &serverUriArray)
 Sets the redundancy settings for the server.
void setNetworkRedundancySettings (const UaNetworkGroupDataTypes &networkGroupArray)
 Sets the network redundancy settings for NonTransparent redundant servers.
void setEnableAnonymous (OpcUa_Boolean bEnableAnonymous)
 Sets the enable state for the Anonymous user token.
void setEnableUserPw (OpcUa_Boolean bEnableUserPw)
 Sets the enable state for the UserName user token.
void setEnableCertificate (OpcUa_Boolean bEnableCertificate)
 Sets the enable state for the Certificate user token.
void setUserIdentityTokenSecurityPolicy (const UaString &sUserIdentityTokenSecurityPolicy)
 Sets the security policy used for user token security.
void setRejectedUserCertificatesDirectory (const UaString &sRejectedUserCertificatesDirectory)
 Sets the directory used to store rejected user certificates. More...
void setRejectedUserCertificatesCount (OpcUa_UInt32 nRejectedUserCertificatesCount)
 Sets the maximum number of rejected user certificates stored in the rejected user certificate directory. More...
void setIsAuditActivated (OpcUa_Boolean isAuditActivated)
 Sets the enable state for audit events.
void setMaxSerializerAlloc (OpcUa_Int32 maxAlloc)
 Sets the largest size for a memory block the serializer can do when deserializing a message.
void setMaxSerializerStringLength (OpcUa_Int32 maxStringLength)
 Sets the largest string accepted by the serializer.
void setMaxSerializerByteStringLength (OpcUa_Int32 maxByteStringLength)
 Sets the largest byte string accepted by the serializer.
void setMaxSerializerArrayLength (OpcUa_Int32 maxArrayLength)
 Sets the maximum number of elements in an array accepted by the serializer.
void setMaxSerializerMessageSize (OpcUa_Int32 maxMessageSize)
 Sets the maximum number of bytes per message in total.
void setAdditionalServerEntries (const UaApplicationDescriptions &serverDescriptions)
 Sets additional servers to be returned in FindServers. More...
OpcUa_UInt32 getEndpointCount ()
 Returns the number of OPC UA endpoints configured for the server. More...
UaEndpointgetEndpointByIndex (OpcUa_UInt32 endpointIndex)
 Returns the endpoint at the sepcified index. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from ServerConfig
 ServerConfig ()
 construction. More...
virtual ~ServerConfig ()
virtual UaStatus loadConfiguration ()=0
 Load the configuration from the config file. More...
virtual UaStatus startUp (ServerManager *pServerManager)=0
 Start up OPC ServerConfig. More...
virtual UaStatus shutDown ()=0
 Shut down OPC ServerConfig. More...
virtual UaStatus saveConfiguration ()=0
 Save the configuration to the config file. More...
virtual SessioncreateSession (OpcUa_Int32 sessionID, const UaNodeId &authenticationToken)=0
 Creates a session object for the OPC server. More...
virtual UaStatus logonSessionUser (Session *pSession, UaUserIdentityToken *pUserIdentityToken)=0
 Validates the user identity token and sets the user for a session. More...
virtual UaStatus setProvisioningModeSettings (const ProvisioningModeSettings &settings)
 Set the provisioning mode settings. More...
virtual UaStatus setServerCertificateThumbprint (const UaString &thumbprint, const OpcUa_UInt32 &endPointIndex)

Static Public Member Functions

static int replaceString (UaString &sString, const UaString &sSearch, const UaString &sReplace)
 Replaces all occurrences of the search string sSearch in sString with sReplace. More...
static void replaceNodeName (UaString &sString, const UaString &sNodeName)
 Replace placeholder [NodeName] with real node name. More...
static void replaceServerName (UaString &sString, const UaString &sServerName)
 Replace placeholder [ServerName] with real node name. More...
static void replaceApplicationPath (UaString &sString, const UaString &sApplicationPath)
 Replace placeholder [ApplicationPath] with real application path. More...
static void replaceConfigPath (UaString &sString, const UaString &sConfigPath)
 Replace placeholder [ConfigPath] with real configuration files path. More...
static void replaceTracePath (UaString &sString, const UaString &sTracePath)
 Replace placeholder [TracePath] with real trace file path. More...

Protected Member Functions

virtual OpcUa_DateTime getBuildDate () const
 Get the build date from the static compiled in string. More...

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from ServerConfig
 ComDaTimestampSource enumeration. More...
 ComAeEventType enumeration. More...

Detailed Description

Defautl implementation of the ServerConfig interface providing configuration from member variables.

The configuration settings are provided by derived classes either through file import or through application specific settings.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

ServerConfigData::ServerConfigData ( const UaString sApplicationPath,
const UaString sConfigPath,
const UaString sTracePath 

Creates an instance of the ServerConfigData class reading the configuration settings from an INI file.

sApplicationPathThe path to the application.
sConfigPathThe path to the configuration file directory.
sTracePathThe path to the log files directory.

Member Function Documentation

OpcUa_UInt32 ServerConfigData::addCertificateStoreConfiguration ( CertificateStoreConfiguration pCertificateStoreConfiguration)

Adds a new server trust list configuration.

The method increments the reference counter of the new object

Index of the new object in the configuration array.
[in]pCertificateStoreConfigurationThe new server certificate store configuration
UaStatus ServerConfigData::addComAeAttributeMapping ( OpcUa_UInt32  attributeID,
const UaString attributeName,
OpcUa_BuiltInType  dataType,
OpcUa_Boolean  isArray,
const UaStringArray eventFieldPathNames,
const UaStringArray eventFieldPathNamespaceUris 

Adds an entry to the mapping list of OPC UA event fields to COM Alarms and Events attribute IDs.

The event type hirarchy and its event fields are managed by the SDK or custom NodeManager implementations is created based on the OPC UA model. In OPC UA, event fields are identified by a path of QualifiedNames starting from the EventType. These QualifiedNames are defined by standardization bodies like the OPC Foundation for the standard OPC UA event types or by vendors or users. for the standard OPC UA event types or by vendors or users. In classic OPC Alarms & Events, attribute IDs are DWORDS. This method adds an entrie to the mapping table of OPC UA event fields to classic OPC Alarms & Events attribute IDs. This mapping table is only needed for servers providing a classic OPC Alarms & Events interface in addition to the OPC UA interface.

Error code

Reimplemented from ServerConfig.

Reimplemented in ServerConfigXml.

UaStatus ServerConfigData::addComAeEventCategoryMapping ( ComAeEventType  eventType,
const UaUInt32Array categoryIDs,
const UaStringArray categoryNames,
const UaNodeIdArray eventTypeIds,
const UaStringArray namespaceUris 

Adds a mapping list of OPC UA event type NodeIds to COM Alarms and Events category IDs.

The event type hirarchy managed by the SDK or custom NodeManager implementations is created based on the OPC UA model. In OPC UA, event types are identified by NodeIds. These NodeIds are defined by standardization bodies like the OPC Foundation for the standard OPC UA event types or by vendors or users. In classic OPC Alarms & Events, event category IDs are DWORDS. This method provides the mapping table of OPC UA event type NodeIds to classic OPC Alarms & Events category IDs. This mapping table is only needed for servers providing a classic OPC Alarms & Events interface in addition to the OPC UA interface. The default implementation does not store the list

Error code
[in]eventTypeEvent type for the categories to add
[in]categoryIDsList of OPC A&E category names
[in]categoryNamesList of OPC A&E category names
[in]eventTypeIdsList of OPC UA event type NodeIds
[in]namespaceUrisList of namespace URIs for the event type id. The string is empty for namespace 0

Reimplemented from ServerConfig.

Reimplemented in ServerConfigXml.

UaStatus ServerConfigData::addComDaPropertyMapping ( const UaString propertyName,
const UaString propertyNameSpaceUri,
OpcUa_UInt32  propertyId 

Adds an entry to the mapping list of OPC UA property names to COM Data Access property Ids.

The address space managed by the SDK or custom NodeManager implementations is created based on the OPC UA model. In OPC UA, properties are identified by qualified names. These names are defined by standardization bodies like the OPC Foundation for the standard OPC UA properties or by vendors or users. In classig OPC Data Access, properties are defined by integer IDs defined by the OPC Foundation or by vendors. This method adds an entry to the mapping table of OPC UA porperty names to classic OPC Data Access property IDs. This mapping table is only needed for servers providing a classic OPC Data Access interface in addition to the OPC UA interface. The entry is added to the internal list but is not stored.

Error code
[in]propertyNameOPC UA Property name
[in]propertyNameSpaceUriOPC UA Property name space URI
[in]propertyIdClassic OPC Data Access Property Id

Reimplemented from ServerConfig.

Reimplemented in ServerConfigXml.

UaStatus ServerConfigData::addConfiguredNamespace ( OpcUa_UInt16  namespaceIndex,
const UaString namespaceUri,
OpcUa_Boolean  allowRenameUri,
const UaString uniqueId 

Adds a namespaces configuration entry for preconfigured namespaces.

See also
getConfiguredNamespaces. The entry is added to the internal list but is not stored.
Error code
[in]namespaceIndexIndex for the namespace in the namespace table
[in]namespaceUriNamespace URI in the namespace table
[in]allowRenameUriFlag indicating if module responsible for the namespace supports a change of the namespace URI in the configuration
[in]uniqueIdUnique ID required to identify the namespace if the module allows to change the namespace URI in the configuration

Reimplemented from ServerConfig.

Reimplemented in ServerConfigXml.

UaStatus ServerConfigData::getAdditionalServerEntries ( UaApplicationDescriptions serverDescriptions)

Provides capability to configure additional servers to be returned in FindServers.

Every server must implement FindServers and must return its own application description. This can also be used to run the server on the default port 4840 if only one server is installed on the system. This configuration option allows to run this server on port 4840 but to return also additional servers for a fixed configuration e.g. two servers from the same vendor on one network node.

serverDescriptionsList of application descriptions containing the information for the additional servers to return.
Error code

Reimplemented from ServerConfig.

UaStatus ServerConfigData::getApplicationType ( OpcUa_ApplicationType applicationType)

Return the application type.

The ApplicationType is part of the ApplicationDescription.

The ApplicationType can be Client, Server, ClientAndServer or DiscoveryServer

Error code

Reimplemented from ServerConfig.

UaStatus ServerConfigData::getAvailableSamplingRates ( UaUInt32Array availableSamplingRates) const

Returns the sampling rates provided by the OPC server.

Error code.

Implements ServerConfig.

OpcUa_DateTime ServerConfigData::getBuildDate ( ) const

Get the build date from the static compiled in string.

the build date from the static compiled in string.
OpcUa_StatusCode ServerConfigData::getBuildInfo ( UaString ProductUri,
UaString ManufacturerName,
UaString ProductName,
UaString sSoftwareVersion,
UaString sBuildNumber,
OpcUa_DateTime BuildDate 
) const

Returns the BuildInfo for the server.

ProductUrithe URI of the actual application.
ManufacturerNamethe name of the manufacturer.
ProductNamethe name of this application.
sSoftwareVersionthe software version.
sBuildNumberthe build number.
BuildDatewhen was the server build?
the OPC UA Status code.

Implements ServerConfig.

UaStatus ServerConfigData::getCertificateStoreConfigurations ( CertificateStoreConfigurationPArray &  certificateStores)

Get the configurations for server certificates and trust lists.

[out]certificateStoresList of certificate store configurations

Implements ServerConfig.

UaStatus ServerConfigData::getComAeAttributeMapping ( ComAeAttributeMappingArray comAeAttributeMappingArray)

Get the mapping list of OPC UA event fields to COM Alarms and Events attribute IDs.

The event type hirarchy and its event fields are managed by the SDK or custom NodeManager implementations is created based on the OPC UA model. In OPC UA, event fields are identified by a path of QualifiedNames starting from the EventType. These QualifiedNames are defined by standardization bodies like the OPC Foundation for the standard OPC UA event types or by vendors or users. for the standard OPC UA event types or by vendors or users. In classic OPC Alarms & Events, attribute IDs are DWORDS. This method adds an entrie to the mapping table of OPC UA event fields to classic OPC Alarms & Events attribute IDs. This mapping table is only needed for servers providing a classic OPC Alarms & Events interface in addition to the OPC UA interface.

Error code.

Reimplemented from ServerConfig.

UaStatus ServerConfigData::getComAeEventCategoryMapping ( ComAeEventType  eventType,
UaUInt32Array categoryIDs,
UaStringArray categoryNames,
UaNodeIdArray eventTypeIds,
UaStringArray namespaceUris,
UaBoolArray &  visbilityFlags 

Provides a mapping list of OPC UA event type NodeIds to COM Alarms and Events category IDs.

The event type hirarchy managed by the SDK or custom NodeManager implementations is created based on the OPC UA model. In OPC UA, event types are identified by NodeIds. These NodeIds are defined by standardization bodies like the OPC Foundation for the standard OPC UA event types or by vendors or users. In classic OPC Alarms & Events, event category IDs are DWORDS. This method provides the mapping table of OPC UA event type NodeIds to classic OPC Alarms & Events category IDs. This mapping table is only needed for servers providing a classic OPC Alarms & Events interface in addition to the OPC UA interface. The default implementation returns empty lists

Error code
[in]eventTypeEvent type for the categories to return
[out]categoryIDsList of OPC A&E category names
[out]categoryNamesList of OPC A&E category names
[out]eventTypeIdsList of OPC UA event type NodeIds
[out]namespaceUrisList of namespace URIs for the event type id. The string is empty for namespace 0
[out]visbilityFlagsList of flags indicating if the category is visible

Reimplemented from ServerConfig.

UaStatus ServerConfigData::getComAeNamespaceInformation ( UaString defaultNamespace)

Provides additional namespace related information for COM A&E Server module.

The default implementation returns empty strings and lists.

Error code
[out]defaultNamespaceDefault namespace URI used to create fully qualified names without namespace URI

Reimplemented from ServerConfig.

UaStatus ServerConfigData::getComDaNamespaceInformation ( UaString defaultNamespace,
UaUShort &  namespaceDelimiter,
OpcUa_Boolean &  useComAlias 

Provides additional namespace related information for COM DA Server module.

The default implementation returns empty strings and lists.

Error code
[out]defaultNamespaceDefault namespace URI used to create ItemIds without namespace URI
[out]namespaceDelimiterDelimiter used in ItemIDs between Namespace URI and Identifier
[out]useComAliasFlag indicating if the COM alias for namespaces is used in ItemIDs

Reimplemented from ServerConfig.

UaStatus ServerConfigData::getComDaPropertyMapping ( UaStringArray propertyNames,
UaStringArray propertyNameSpaces,
UaUInt32Array propertyIds 

Provides a mapping list of OPC UA property names to COM Data Access property Ids.

The address space managed by the SDK or custom NodeManager implementations is created based on the OPC UA model. In OPC UA, properties are identified by qualified names. These names are defined by standardization bodies like the OPC Foundation for the standard OPC UA properties or by vendors or users. In classig OPC Data Access, properties are defined by integer IDs defined by the OPC Foundation or by vendors. This method provides the mapping table of OPC UA porperty names to classic OPC Data Access property IDs. This mapping table is only needed for servers providing a classic OPC Data Access interface in addition to the OPC UA interface.

Error code
[out]propertyNamesList of OPC UA Property names
[out]propertyNameSpacesList of OPC UA Property name spaces
[out]propertyIdsList of classic OPC Data Access Property Ids

Reimplemented from ServerConfig.

ServerConfig::ComDaTimestampSource ServerConfigData::getComDaTimestampSource ( )

Provides the source of timestamp used for COM Data Access items.

The timestamp source

Reimplemented from ServerConfig.

ServerConfig::ComDaTimestampSource ServerConfigData::getComHdaTimestampSource ( )

Provides the source of timestamp used for COM Historical Data Access items.

The timestamp source

Reimplemented from ServerConfig.

UaStatus ServerConfigData::getConfiguredNamespaces ( UaUInt16Array namespaceIndexArray,
UaStringArray namespaceUriArray,
UaBoolArray &  allowRenameUriArray,
UaStringArray uniqueIdArray,
UaStringArray comAliasArray 

Provides configuration option for namespaces other than index 0 and 1 (OPC UA and local server).

This allows the assignment of namespace URIs to a specific index independent of the loading sequence of NodeManagers.

Error code
[out]namespaceIndexArrayList of indices for the namespaces in the namespace table
[out]namespaceUriArrayList of namespace URIs in the namespace table
[out]allowRenameUriArrayList of flags indicating if module responsible for the namespace supports a change of the namespace URI in the configuration. If this flag is set to true, the optional parameter UniqueId must be provided.
[out]uniqueIdArrayList of unique IDs required to identify the namespace if the module allows to change the namespace URI in the configuration
[out]comAliasArrayList of aliases used to create COM ItemIds or other COM identifiers

Reimplemented from ServerConfig.

UaStatus ServerConfigData::getDefaultUserCertificateStore ( CertificateStoreConfiguration **  ppCertificateStoreUser,
UaString sRejectedCertificateDirectory,
OpcUa_UInt32 &  nRejectedCertificatesCount,
OpcUa_Boolean &  bCertificateTokenConfigured 

Get the configurations for the trust list and rejected folder for user certificates.

[out]ppCertificateStoreUserCertificate store configuration for user certificates
[out]sRejectedCertificateDirectoryThe directory to store rejected user certificates.
[out]nRejectedCertificatesCountThe maximum number of rejected user certificates in the directory
[out]bCertificateTokenConfiguredReturns true if the user identity token certificate is enabled in the configuration

Reimplemented from ServerConfig.

UaStatus ServerConfigData::getDiscoveryRegistrationConfig ( OpcUa_UInt32 &  nRegistrationInterval,
UaStringArray discoveryUrlArray 

Get settings for registration with discovery service.

nRegistrationIntervalInterval in milliseconds used to register with the discovery servers.
discoveryUrlArrayArray of discovery server URLs to register with.
Error code.

Implements ServerConfig.

UaStatus ServerConfigData::getDurableSubscriptionSettings ( OpcUa_Boolean &  durableSubscriptionEnabled,
UaString storageDirectory,
OpcUa_UInt32 &  iMaxSubscriptionLifetimeInHours,
OpcUa_UInt32 &  iMaxMonitoredItemQueueSize,
OpcUa_UInt32 &  iLiveQueueSize 
) const

Get the setting parameters for durable subscription support.

Error code.< [out] Size of the live value queue for a durable monitored item in normal operation
[out]durableSubscriptionEnabledFlag indicating if durable subscription support is enabled
[out]storageDirectoryFile directory used by the SDK to store durable subscriptions
[out]iMaxSubscriptionLifetimeInHoursMaximum Durable Subscription lifetime in hours the server allows
[out]iMaxMonitoredItemQueueSizeMaximum size of a durable monitored item queue the server allows

Implements ServerConfig.

UaEndpoint * ServerConfigData::getEndpointByIndex ( OpcUa_UInt32  endpointIndex)

Returns the endpoint at the sepcified index.

[in]endpointIndexIndex of the Endpoint to return
UaStatus ServerConfigData::getEndpointConfiguration ( UaString sRejectedCertificateDirectory,
OpcUa_UInt32 &  nRejectedCertificatesCount,
UaEndpointArray uaEndpointArray 

Get Endpoint Configuration.

sRejectedCertificateDirectoryThe directory to store rejected client certificates.
nRejectedCertificatesCountThe maximum number of rejected certificates in the directory.
uaEndpointArrayArray of configured endpoints for the server.
Error code.

Implements ServerConfig.

OpcUa_UInt32 ServerConfigData::getEndpointCount ( )

Returns the number of OPC UA endpoints configured for the server.

UaStatus ServerConfigData::getHttpFileAccess ( OpcUa_Boolean &  active,
UaString filePath 

Provides settings for HTTP file access capability.

Error code
[out]activeFlag indicating if the file access is active.
[out]filePathThe path to the directory with the HTML files.

Reimplemented from ServerConfig.

OpcUa_Int32 ServerConfigData::getMaxBrowseContinuationPoints ( ) const

Returns the maximum number of Browse Continuation Points managed by the server.

the maximum number of Browse Continuation Points managed by the server.

Implements ServerConfig.

OpcUa_Int32 ServerConfigData::getMaxBrowseResults ( ) const

Returns the maximum number of Browse results for one browse operation.

Maximum number of Browse results for one browse operation.

Reimplemented from ServerConfig.

OpcUa_Int32 ServerConfigData::getMaxHistoryContinuationPoints ( ) const

Returns the maximum number of History Continuation Points managed by the server.

the maximum number of History Continuation Points managed by the server.

Implements ServerConfig.

OpcUa_UInt32 ServerConfigData::getMaxMonitoredItemsPerCall ( ) const

Returns the maximum number of monitored items the server allows to create, modify or delete.

Maximum number of monitored items per call the server allows to create. Default 0 is using Serializer.MaxArrayLength.

Reimplemented from ServerConfig.

UaStatus ServerConfigData::getMaxNodesPerHistoryService ( OpcUa_UInt32 &  iMaxNodesPerHistoryReadData,
OpcUa_UInt32 &  iMaxNodesPerHistoryReadEvents,
OpcUa_UInt32 &  iMaxNodesPerHistoryUpdateData,
OpcUa_UInt32 &  iMaxNodesPerHistoryUpdateEvents 
) const

Get the operation limit setting parameters for historical access.

Error code.
[out]iMaxNodesPerHistoryReadDataMaximum number of nodes accepted by server for HistoryRead service for Raw, Modified, Processed and AtTime
[out]iMaxNodesPerHistoryReadEventsMaximum number of nodes accepted by server for HistoryRead service for Events
[out]iMaxNodesPerHistoryUpdateDataMaximum number of nodes accepted by server for HistoryUpdate service for Data
[out]iMaxNodesPerHistoryUpdateEventsMaximum number of nodes accepted by server for HistoryUpdate service for Events

Reimplemented from ServerConfig.

OpcUa_UInt32 ServerConfigData::getMaxNodesPerMethodCall ( ) const

Returns the maximum number of nodes per method call the server will accept.

Maximum number of nodes per method call. Default 0 is using Serializer.MaxArrayLength.

Reimplemented from ServerConfig.

OpcUa_UInt32 ServerConfigData::getMaxNodesPerNodeManagement ( ) const

Returns the maximum number of nodes per NodeManagement service the server will accept.

Maximum number of nodes per NodeManagement service the server will accept. Default 0 is using Serializer.MaxArrayLength.

Reimplemented from ServerConfig.

OpcUa_UInt32 ServerConfigData::getMaxNodesPerRead ( ) const

Returns the maximum number of nodes per read the server will accept.

Maximum number of nodes per read. Default 0 is using Serializer.MaxArrayLength.

Reimplemented from ServerConfig.

OpcUa_UInt32 ServerConfigData::getMaxNodesPerRegisterNodes ( ) const

Returns the maximum number of nodes per register nodes the server will accept.

Maximum number of nodes per register nodes. Default 0 is using Serializer.MaxArrayLength.

Reimplemented from ServerConfig.

OpcUa_UInt32 ServerConfigData::getMaxNodesPerTranslateBrowsePathsToNodeIds ( ) const

Returns the maximum number of nodes the server will accept for a TranslateBrowsePathsToNodeIds service request.

Maximum number of nodes. Default 0 is using Serializer.MaxArrayLength.

Reimplemented from ServerConfig.

OpcUa_UInt32 ServerConfigData::getMaxNodesPerWrite ( ) const

Returns the maximum number of nodes per write the server will accept.

Maximum number of nodes per write. Default 0 is using Serializer.MaxArrayLength.

Reimplemented from ServerConfig.

OpcUa_Int32 ServerConfigData::getMaxNodesToBrowse ( ) const

Returns the maximum number of nodes to browse the server will accept.

Maximum number of nodes to browse. Default 0 is using Serializer.MaxArrayLength.

Reimplemented from ServerConfig.

OpcUa_Int32 ServerConfigData::getMaxRequestAge ( ) const

Returns the maximum age of a request the server allows.

the maximum age of a request the server allows.

Implements ServerConfig.

UaStatus ServerConfigData::getMonitoredItemSettings ( OpcUa_UInt32 &  iMaxDataQueueSize,
OpcUa_UInt32 &  iMaxEventQueueSize 
) const

Get the setting parameters for a MonitoreItem.

iMaxDataQueueSizeMaximum queue size for a data monitored item
iMaxEventQueueSizeMaximum queue size for an event monitored item
Error code.

Implements ServerConfig.

UaStatus ServerConfigData::getNetworkRedundancySettings ( UaNetworkGroupDataTypes networkGroupArray)

Provides the network redundancy settings for NonTransparent redundant servers.

Error code
[out]networkGroupArrayList of server network groups for NonTransparent redundant set

Reimplemented from ServerConfig.

UaStatus ServerConfigData::getProvisioningModeSettings ( ProvisioningModeSettings settings)

Get the provisioning mode settings.

If the server is in the Provisioning mode, it accepts all client certificates as long as the trust list is empty.

Error code

Reimplemented from ServerConfig.

UaStatus ServerConfigData::getPubSubStackTraceSettings ( OpcUa_Boolean &  bTraceEnabled,
OpcUa_Int32 &  nTraceLevel,
OpcUa_Int32 &  nFacility 
) const

Get PubSub Stack trace settings.

Error code.
[out]bTraceEnabledGlobally enable/disable trace output from the PubSub stack
[out]nTraceLevelBit mask representing the trace levels used for the PubSub stack
[out]nFacilityBut mask representing the different sources of PubSub stack traces

Reimplemented from ServerConfig.

UaStatus ServerConfigData::getRedundancySettings ( OpcUa_RedundancySupport redundancySupport,
UaStringArray serverUriArray 

Provides the redundancy settings for the server.

There are three main options available, None, NonTransparent (with cold, warm and hot) and Transparent redundancy. This configuration covers the options None and NonTransparent. The option Transparent requires an additional SDK module. This redundancy module is also providing the required settings and creates the corresponding diagnostic and capability object.

redundancySupportRedundancy support options
  • OpcUa_RedundancySupport_None (serverUriArray is ignored)
  • OpcUa_RedundancySupport_Cold
  • OpcUa_RedundancySupport_Warm
  • OpcUa_RedundancySupport_Hot
  • OpcUa_RedundancySupport_Transparent (other settings are handled by redundancy module)
serverUriArrayList of server URIs for the servers in the NonTransparent redundant set
Error code

Reimplemented from ServerConfig.

OpcUa_UInt32 ServerConfigData::getSamplingRateNonValueAttributes ( ) const

Returns the sampling interval used for attributes other than value by the OPC server.

The sampling interval used for attributes other than value.

Implements ServerConfig.

UaStatus ServerConfigData::getSerializerConfiguration ( OpcUa_Int32 &  iMaxAlloc,
OpcUa_Int32 &  iMaxStringLength,
OpcUa_Int32 &  iMaxByteStringLength,
OpcUa_Int32 &  iMaxArrayLength,
OpcUa_Int32 &  iMaxMessageSize 
) const

Get Serializer Configuration.

iMaxAllocThe largest size for a memory block the serializer can do when deserializing a message
iMaxStringLengthThe largest string accepted by the serializer
iMaxByteStringLengthThe largest byte string accepted by the serializer
iMaxArrayLengthMaximum number of elements in an array accepted by the serializer
iMaxMessageSizeThe maximum number of bytes per message in total
Error code.

Implements ServerConfig.

UaStatus ServerConfigData::getServerCapabilities ( UaStringArray serverCapabilityArray) const

Returns the server capablities.

Error code.
[out]serverCapabilityArrayArray of capability identifiers indicating the features supported by the server.

Reimplemented from ServerConfig.

UaString ServerConfigData::getServerId ( ) const

Returns the ServerId used for audit events.

The default implementation returns the ServerUri. Transparent redundant servers must extend the ServerUri with a unique identifier for the server in the redundant set.

Reimplemented from ServerConfig.

OpcUa_StatusCode ServerConfigData::getServerInstanceInfo ( UaString ServerUri,
UaLocalizedTextArray ServerName 
) const

Returns the server instance information for the OPC server.

ServerUrithe actual server URI.
ServerNamethe server name.
the OPC UA Status code.

Implements ServerConfig.

UaStatus ServerConfigData::getServerSettings ( OpcUa_Double &  minSupportedSampleRate,
UaStringArray localeIdArray,
UaStringArray serverProfileArray,
UaByteStringArray softwareCertificateArray 
) const

Get the general setting parameters for the server.

minSupportedSampleRateMinimum supported sample rate by the server provided as capability information to the client
localeIdArrayArray of LocaleIds that are known to be supported by the server.
serverProfileArrayArray of conformance profile URIs indicating the features supported by the server.
softwareCertificateArrayArray of software certificates containing all certificates supported by the server.
Error code.

Implements ServerConfig.

UaStatus ServerConfigData::getServerTraceSettings ( OpcUa_Boolean &  bTraceEnabled,
OpcUa_UInt32 &  uTraceLevel,
OpcUa_UInt32 &  uMaxTraceEntries,
OpcUa_UInt32 &  uMaxBackupFiles,
UaString sTraceFile,
OpcUa_Boolean &  bDisableFlush 
) const

Get UA Server SDK trace settings.

Error code.
[out]bTraceEnabledGlobally enable/disable trace output from the SDK
[out]uTraceLevelConfigures the level of messages traced
  • (0) NoTrace - No Trace
  • (1) Errors - Unexpected errors
  • (2) Warning - Unexpected behaviour that is not an error
  • (3) Info - Information about important activities like connection establishment
  • (4) InterfaceCall - Calls to module interfaces
  • (5) CtorDtor - Creation and destruction of objects
  • (6) ProgramFlow - Internal program flow
  • (7) Data - Data
[out]uMaxTraceEntriesMaximum number of trace entries in one trace file
[out]uMaxBackupFilesMaximum number of backup files
[out]sTraceFileName and path of the trace file
[out]bDisableFlushDisable flushing the trace file after each trace entry

Implements ServerConfig.

UaStatus ServerConfigData::getSessionSettings ( OpcUa_Int32 &  iMaxSessionCount,
OpcUa_Int32 &  iMaxSessionsPerClient,
OpcUa_Int32 &  iMinSessionTimeout,
OpcUa_Int32 &  iMaxSessionTimeout 
) const

Get the setting parameters for session creation.

iMaxSessionCountMaximum number of sessions the server allows to create
iMaxSessionsPerClientMaximum number of sessions the server allows per Client, 0 is no limitation
iMinSessionTimeoutMinimum timeout in ms for a sessions the server allows to set
iMaxSessionTimeoutMaximum timeout in ms for a sessions the server allows to set
Error code.

Implements ServerConfig.

UaStatus ServerConfigData::getStackThreadPoolSettings ( OpcUa_Boolean &  bEnabled,
OpcUa_Int32 &  iMinThreads,
OpcUa_Int32 &  iMaxThreads,
OpcUa_Int32 &  iMaxJobs,
OpcUa_Boolean &  bBlockOnAdd,
OpcUa_UInt32 &  nTimeout 
) const

Returns the settings for the thread pool used in the OPC UA Stack.

bEnabledControls whether the secure listener uses a thread pool to dispatch received requests
iMinThreadsThe minimum number of threads in the thread pool
iMaxThreadsThe maximum number of threads in the thread pool
iMaxJobsThe length of the queue with jobs waiting for a free thread
bBlockOnAddIf MaxJobs is reached the add operation can block or return an error
nTimeoutIf the add operation blocks on a full job queue, this value sets the max waiting time
Error code.

Implements ServerConfig.

UaStatus ServerConfigData::getStackTraceSettings ( OpcUa_Boolean &  bTraceEnabled,
OpcUa_UInt32 &  uTraceLevel 
) const

Get UA Stack trace settings.

Error code.
[out]bTraceEnabledGlobally enable/disable trace output from the stack (exclude platformlayer)
[out]uTraceLevelConfigures the level of messages traced
  • OPCUA_TRACE_OUTPUT_LEVEL_ERROR - Critical errors (unexpected and/or requiring external actions) which require attention
  • OPCUA_TRACE_OUTPUT_LEVEL_WARNING - Non-critical faults which should not go unnoticed but are handled internally
  • OPCUA_TRACE_OUTPUT_LEVEL_SYSTEM - Rare major events (good cases) like initializations, shut-down, etc.
  • OPCUA_TRACE_OUTPUT_LEVEL_INFO - Regular good case events like connects, renews
  • OPCUA_TRACE_OUTPUT_LEVEL_DEBUG - Used for debugging purposes
  • OPCUA_TRACE_OUTPUT_LEVEL_CONTENT - Used to add additional content (i.e. whole message bodies) to debug traces

Implements ServerConfig.

UaStatus ServerConfigData::getSubscriptionMaxCountSettings ( OpcUa_UInt32 &  iMaxSubscriptionCount,
OpcUa_UInt32 &  iMaxSubscriptionsPerSession,
OpcUa_UInt32 &  iMaxMonitoredItemCount,
OpcUa_UInt32 &  iMaxMonitoredItemPerSubscriptionCount,
OpcUa_UInt32 &  iMaxMonitoredItemPerSessionCount 
) const

Get the max object count parameters for Subscriptions.

Error code.
[out]iMaxSubscriptionCountMaximum number of subscriptions the server allows to create. Default value 0 is unlimited
[out]iMaxSubscriptionsPerSessionMaximum number of subscriptions the server allows to create per session. Default value 0 is unlimited
[out]iMaxMonitoredItemCountMaximum number of monitored items the server allows to create. Default value 0 is unlimited
[out]iMaxMonitoredItemPerSubscriptionCountMaximum number of monitored items per subscriptions the server allows to create. Default value 0 is unlimited
[out]iMaxMonitoredItemPerSessionCountMaximum number of monitored items per session the server allows to create. Default value 0 is unlimited

Reimplemented from ServerConfig.

UaStatus ServerConfigData::getSubscriptionSettings ( OpcUa_UInt32 &  iMinPublishingInterval,
OpcUa_UInt32 &  iMaxPublishingInterval,
OpcUa_UInt32 &  iMinKeepAliveInterval,
OpcUa_UInt32 &  iMinSubscriptionLifetime,
OpcUa_UInt32 &  iMaxSubscriptionLifetime,
OpcUa_UInt32 &  iMaxRetransmissionQueueSize,
OpcUa_UInt32 &  iMaxNotificationsPerPublish 
) const

Get the setting parameters for a subscription.

iMinPublishingIntervalMinimum publishing interval in milliseconds the server allows
iMaxPublishingIntervalMaximum publishing interval in milliseconds the server allows
iMinKeepAliveIntervalMinimum KeepAlive interval in milliseconds the server allows
iMinSubscriptionLifetimeMinimum Subscription lifetime in milliseconds the server allows
iMaxSubscriptionLifetimeMaximum Subscription lifetime in milliseconds the server allows
iMaxRetransmissionQueueSizeMaximum number of messages in the republish queue the server allows per Subscription
iMaxNotificationsPerPublishMaximum number of notifications per Publish the server allows
Error code.

Implements ServerConfig.

UaStatus ServerConfigData::getTagFileConfiguration ( UaString defaultTagFileName,
UaString tagFileLocation,
UaString tagFileEnding,
UaString defaultFileUpdatePolicy 

Provides information about tagfile name, path und file ending used in the NodeManagerTagFile.

Error code

Reimplemented from ServerConfig.

UaStatus ServerConfigData::getThreadPoolSettings ( OpcUa_UInt32 &  minSizeTransactionManager,
OpcUa_UInt32 &  maxSizeTransactionManager,
OpcUa_UInt32 &  minSizeSubscriptionManager,
OpcUa_UInt32 &  maxSizeSubscriptionManager 
) const

Returns the settings for the thread pools used in the OPC server.

minSizeTransactionManagerReturns the number of threads that are created when the
maxSizeTransactionManagerReturns the maximum number of threads allowed for the
minSizeSubscriptionManagerReturns the number of threads that are created when the
maxSizeSubscriptionManagerReturns the maximum number of threads allowed.
Error code.

Implements ServerConfig.

UaStatus ServerConfigData::getTraceEventSettings ( OpcUa_UInt32 &  uTraceEventLevel) const

Get UA Server SDK trace event settings.

This configuration option allows clients to get the SDK trace outputs for trace levels Errors, Warning and Info via HistoryRead for Events and/or Events from the server.

Possible values are:

traces are only available via trace files
History (default)
traces are available via HistoryRead for Events
traces are available via History and live Events

Traces are only sent as events or stored for historical access if the trace is active, i.e. UaAppTraceEnabled is set to true, and UaAppTraceLevel (i.e. the server application trace level) is set at least to Errors.

Error code.
[out]uTraceEventLevelConfigures the level of messages traced; possible values:
  • (0) Disabled
  • (1) History
  • (2) HistoryAndEvents

Reimplemented from ServerConfig.

UaStatus ServerConfigData::getUserIdentityTokenConfig ( OpcUa_Boolean &  bEnableAnonymous,
OpcUa_Boolean &  bEnableUserPw,
OpcUa_Boolean &  bEnableCertificate,
OpcUa_Boolean &  bEnableKerberosTicket 

Gets the enabled settings for the different user identity tokens supported by the server.

bEnableAnonymousIndicates whether Anonymous login is allowed.
bEnableUserPwIndicates whether login with user and password is activated.
bEnableCertificateIndicates whether login with user certificate is activated.
bEnableKerberosTicketIndicates whether login with kerberos ticket is activated.
Error code.

Implements ServerConfig.

UaStatus ServerConfigData::getUserIdentityTokenSecurityPolicy ( UaString sSecurityPolicyUri)

Get the security policy to use when encrypting or signing the UserIdentityToken when it is passed to the server.

sSecurityPolicyUriDefault security policy used.

Reimplemented from ServerConfig.

UaStatus ServerConfigData::getWindowsDiscoveryRegistrationSecuritySetup ( OpcUa_Boolean &  bAutomaticCertificateExchange,
UaString sDiscoveryServerTrustListLocation,
UaString sDiscoveryServerStoreName,
UaString sDiscoveryServerCertificateName 

Get settings for exchanging certificates with local discovery server on a windows computer for registration with local windows discovery server.

OPC UA result code.
[out]bAutomaticCertificateExchangeFlag indicating if the certificates should be exchanged
[out]sDiscoveryServerTrustListLocationPath of the local discovery server trust list. This is where the server copies it's certificate to.
[out]sDiscoveryServerStoreNameStore name used for the local discovery server in the windows certificate store
[out]sDiscoveryServerCertificateNameCertificate name of the local discovery server in the windows certificate store

Reimplemented from ServerConfig.

OpcUa_Boolean ServerConfigData::isAuditActivated ( )

Flag indicating if audit events are activated.

True if audit events are active and False if not.

Reimplemented from ServerConfig.

UaStatus ServerConfigData::removeConfiguredNamespace ( OpcUa_UInt16  namespaceIndex)

Removes a namespaces configuration entry for preconfigured namespaces.

See also
getConfiguredNamespaces. The entry is removed from the internal list but is not stored.
Error code
[in]namespaceIndexIndex for the namespace in the namespace table

Reimplemented from ServerConfig.

Reimplemented in ServerConfigXml.

void ServerConfigData::replaceApplicationPath ( UaString sString,
const UaString sApplicationPath 

Replace placeholder [ApplicationPath] with real application path.

In the configuration files only forward slashes are used to be portable. This code converts this to backslashes on Windows.

sStringa string used for the name.
sApplicationPaththe path to the application. This path must not contain a trailing slash.
void ServerConfigData::replaceConfigPath ( UaString sString,
const UaString sConfigPath 

Replace placeholder [ConfigPath] with real configuration files path.

In the configuration files only forward slashes are used to be portable. This code converts this to backslashes on Windows.

sStringa string used for the name.
sConfigPaththe path to the configuration files.
void ServerConfigData::replaceNodeName ( UaString sString,
const UaString sNodeName 

Replace placeholder [NodeName] with real node name.

sStringa string used for the name.
sNodeNamethe node name.
void ServerConfigData::replaceServerName ( UaString sString,
const UaString sServerName 

Replace placeholder [ServerName] with real node name.

sStringa string used for the name.
sServerNamethe server name.
int ServerConfigData::replaceString ( UaString sString,
const UaString sSearch,
const UaString sReplace 

Replaces all occurrences of the search string sSearch in sString with sReplace.

Note that this function use an internal buffer of 512 bytes, so longer strings may be truncated.

sStringString to work on.
sSearchsubstring to replace
sReplacereplace string
the index of the first occurence of sSearch or -1 if the string was not found.
void ServerConfigData::replaceTracePath ( UaString sString,
const UaString sTracePath 

Replace placeholder [TracePath] with real trace file path.

In the configuration files only forward slashes are used to be portable. This code converts this to backslashes on Windows.

sStringa string used for the name.
sTracePaththe path to the trace files.
void ServerConfigData::setAdditionalServerEntries ( const UaApplicationDescriptions serverDescriptions)

Sets additional servers to be returned in FindServers.

serverDescriptionsList of application descriptions containing the information for the additional servers to return.
void ServerConfigData::setMaxMonitoredItemCount ( OpcUa_UInt32  maxMonitoredItemCount)

Sets the maximum number of monitored items the server allows to create.

Default value 0 is unlimited

void ServerConfigData::setMaxMonitoredItemPerSessionCount ( OpcUa_UInt32  maxMonitoredItemPerSessionCount)

Sets the maximum number of monitored items per session the server allows to create.

Default value 0 is unlimited

void ServerConfigData::setMaxMonitoredItemPerSubscriptionCount ( OpcUa_UInt32  maxMonitoredItemPerSubscriptionCount)

Sets the maximum number of monitored items per subscriptions the server allows to create.

Default value 0 is unlimited

void ServerConfigData::setMaxSubscriptionCount ( OpcUa_UInt32  maxSubscriptionCount)

Sets the maximum number of subscriptions the server allows to create.

Default value 0 is unlimited

void ServerConfigData::setMaxSubscriptionsPerSession ( OpcUa_UInt32  maxSubscriptionsPerSession)

Sets the maximum number of subscriptions the server allows to create per session.

Default value 0 is unlimited

void ServerConfigData::setRejectedCertificatesCount ( OpcUa_UInt32  rejectedCertificatesCount)

Sets the maximum number of rejected certificates stored in the rejected certificate directory.

See also
void ServerConfigData::setRejectedCertificatesDirectory ( const UaString sRejectedCertificatesDirectory)

Sets the directory used to store rejected certificates.

The number of certificates stored is controlled by setRejectedCertificatesCount().

void ServerConfigData::setRejectedUserCertificatesCount ( OpcUa_UInt32  nRejectedUserCertificatesCount)

Sets the maximum number of rejected user certificates stored in the rejected user certificate directory.

See also
void ServerConfigData::setRejectedUserCertificatesDirectory ( const UaString sRejectedUserCertificatesDirectory)

Sets the directory used to store rejected user certificates.

The number of certificates stored is controlled by setRejectedUserCertificatesCount().

UaStatus ServerConfigData::setTagFileConfiguration ( const UaString defaultTagFileName,
const UaString tagFileLocation,
const UaString tagFileEnding,
const UaString defaultFileUpdatePolicy 

Set information about tagfile name, path und file ending used in the NodeManagerTagFile.

Error code

Reimplemented from ServerConfig.

Reimplemented in ServerConfigXml.

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