C++ Based OPC UA Client/Server/PubSub SDK

This module contains all C++ classes for the OPC UA Base Library. More...


class  UaFileEngine
class  UaStatusCode
 The class encapsulates the OPC UA data type StatusCodes and conversions from and to Classic OPC codes. More...
class  UaStatus
 This class handles status codes, conversions of the status code and diagnostic information. More...
class  UaDiagnosticInfo
 This class contains the diagnostic information in full format. More...
class  UaAddNodesItem
 Wrapper class for the UA stack structure OpcUa_AddNodesItem. More...
class  UaAddNodesItems
 Array class for the UA stack structure OpcUa_AddNodesItem. More...
class  UaAddReferencesItem
 Wrapper class for the UA stack structure OpcUa_AddReferencesItem. More...
class  UaAddReferencesItems
 Array class for the UA stack structure OpcUa_AddReferencesItem. More...
class  UaAggregateConfiguration
 Wrapper class for the UA stack structure OpcUa_AggregateConfiguration. More...
class  UaAggregateConfigurations
 Array class for the UA stack structure OpcUa_AggregateConfiguration. More...
class  UaAliasNameDataType
 Wrapper class for the UA stack structure OpcUa_AliasNameDataType. More...
class  UaAliasNameDataTypes
 Array class for the UA stack structure OpcUa_AliasNameDataType. More...
class  UaAnnotation
 Wrapper class for the UA stack structure OpcUa_Annotation. More...
class  UaAnnotations
 Array class for the UA stack structure OpcUa_Annotation. More...
class  UaApplicationDescription
 Wrapper class for the UA stack structure OpcUa_ApplicationDescription. More...
class  UaApplicationDescriptions
 Array class for the UA stack structure OpcUa_ApplicationDescription. More...
class  UaArgument
 Wrapper class for the UA stack structure OpcUa_Argument. More...
class  UaArguments
 Array class for the UA stack structure OpcUa_Argument. More...
class  UaAddNodesResults
 Array class for the UA stack structure OpcUa_AddNodesResult. More...
class  UaBooleanArray
 Array class for the UA stack structure OpcUa_Boolean. More...
class  UaBrowseDescriptions
 Array class for the UA stack structure OpcUa_BrowseDescription. More...
class  UaBrowsePaths
 Array class for the UA stack structure OpcUa_BrowsePath. More...
class  UaBrowsePathResults
 Array class for the UA stack structure OpcUa_BrowsePathResult. More...
class  UaBrowsePathTargets
 Array class for the UA stack structure OpcUa_BrowsePathTarget. More...
class  UaBrowseResults
 Array class for the UA stack structure OpcUa_BrowseResult. More...
class  UaByteStringArray
 Array class for the UA stack structure OpcUa_ByteString. More...
class  UaCallMethodRequests
 Array class for the UA stack structure OpcUa_CallMethodRequest. More...
class  UaCallMethodResults
 Array class for the UA stack structure OpcUa_CallMethodResult. More...
class  UaDataValues
 Array class for the UA stack structure OpcUa_DataValue. More...
class  UaDateTimeArray
 Array class for the UA stack structure OpcUa_DateTime. More...
class  UaDoubleArray
 Array class for the UA stack structure OpcUa_Double. More...
class  UaEventFieldLists
 Array class for the UA stack structure OpcUa_EventFieldList. More...
class  UaExpandedNodeIdArray
 Array class for the UA stack structure OpcUa_ExpandedNodeId. More...
class  UaExtensionObjectArray
 Array class for the UA stack structure OpcUa_ExtensionObject. More...
class  UaFloatArray
 Array class for the UA stack structure OpcUa_Float. More...
class  UaGuidArray
 Array class for the UA stack structure OpcUa_Guid. More...
class  UaHistoryReadResults
 Array class for the UA stack structure OpcUa_HistoryReadResult. More...
class  UaHistoryReadValueIds
 Array class for the UA stack structure OpcUa_HistoryReadValueId. More...
class  UaHistoryUpdateResults
 Array class for the UA stack structure OpcUa_HistoryUpdateResult. More...
class  UaInt16Array
 Array class for the UA stack structure OpcUa_Int16. More...
class  UaInt32Array
 Array class for the UA stack structure OpcUa_Int32. More...
class  UaInt64Array
 Array class for the UA stack structure OpcUa_Int64. More...
class  UaLocalizedTextArray
 Array class for the UA stack structure OpcUa_LocalizedText. More...
class  UaModificationInfos
 Array class for the UA stack structure OpcUa_ModificationInfo. More...
class  UaMonitoredItemCreateRequests
 Array class for the UA stack structure OpcUa_MonitoredItemCreateRequest. More...
class  UaMonitoredItemCreateResults
 Array class for the UA stack structure OpcUa_MonitoredItemCreateResult. More...
class  UaMonitoredItemModifyRequests
 Array class for the UA stack structure OpcUa_MonitoredItemModifyRequest. More...
class  UaMonitoredItemModifyResults
 Array class for the UA stack structure OpcUa_MonitoredItemModifyResult. More...
class  UaMonitoredItemNotifications
 Array class for the UA stack structure OpcUa_MonitoredItemNotification. More...
class  UaNodeIdArray
 Array class for the UA stack structure OpcUa_NodeId. More...
class  UaNodeTypeDescriptions
 Array class for the UA stack structure OpcUa_NodeTypeDescription. More...
class  UaParsingResults
 Array class for the UA stack structure OpcUa_ParsingResult. More...
class  UaQualifiedNameArray
 Array class for the UA stack structure OpcUa_QualifiedName. More...
class  UaQueryDataSets
 Array class for the UA stack structure OpcUa_QueryDataSet. More...
class  UaReadValueIds
 Array class for the UA stack structure OpcUa_ReadValueId. More...
class  UaReferenceDescriptions
 Array class for the UA stack structure OpcUa_ReferenceDescription. More...
class  UaRelativePathElements
 Array class for the UA stack structure OpcUa_RelativePathElement. More...
class  UaSByteArray
 Array class for the UA stack structure OpcUa_SByte. More...
class  UaSimpleAttributeOperands
 Array class for the UA stack structure OpcUa_SimpleAttributeOperand. More...
class  UaStatusCodeArray
 Array class for the UA stack structure OpcUa_StatusCode. More...
class  UaStringArray
 Array class for the UA stack structure OpcUa_String. More...
class  UaUInt16Array
 Array class for the UA stack structure OpcUa_UInt16. More...
class  UaUInt32Array
 Array class for the UA stack structure OpcUa_UInt32. More...
class  UaUInt64Array
 Array class for the UA stack structure OpcUa_UInt64. More...
class  UaVariantArray
 Array class for the UA stack structure OpcUa_Variant. More...
class  UaWriteValues
 Array class for the UA stack structure OpcUa_WriteValue. More...
class  UaAxisInformation
 Wrapper class for the UA stack structure OpcUa_AxisInformation. More...
class  UaAxisInformations
 Array class for the UA stack structure OpcUa_AxisInformation. More...
class  UaBrokerConnectionTransportDataType
 Wrapper class for the UA stack structure OpcUa_BrokerConnectionTransportDataType. More...
class  UaBrokerConnectionTransportDataTypes
 Array class for the UA stack structure OpcUa_BrokerConnectionTransportDataType. More...
class  UaBrokerDataSetReaderTransportDataType
 Wrapper class for the UA stack structure OpcUa_BrokerDataSetReaderTransportDataType. More...
class  UaBrokerDataSetReaderTransportDataTypes
 Array class for the UA stack structure OpcUa_BrokerDataSetReaderTransportDataType. More...
class  UaBrokerDataSetWriterTransportDataType
 Wrapper class for the UA stack structure OpcUa_BrokerDataSetWriterTransportDataType. More...
class  UaBrokerDataSetWriterTransportDataTypes
 Array class for the UA stack structure OpcUa_BrokerDataSetWriterTransportDataType. More...
class  UaBrokerWriterGroupTransportDataType
 Wrapper class for the UA stack structure OpcUa_BrokerWriterGroupTransportDataType. More...
class  UaBrokerWriterGroupTransportDataTypes
 Array class for the UA stack structure OpcUa_BrokerWriterGroupTransportDataType. More...
class  UaBuildInfo
 Wrapper class for the UA stack structure OpcUa_BuildInfo. More...
class  UaBuildInfos
 Array class for the UA stack structure OpcUa_BuildInfo. More...
class  UaByteArray
 The UaByteArray handles the access to an array of bytes. More...
class  UaByteString
 Wrapper class for the UA stack structure OpcUa_ByteString. More...
class  UaChar
 Helper class for modifying UaChar elements. More...
class  UaComplexNumberType
 Wrapper class for the UA stack structure OpcUa_ComplexNumberType. More...
class  UaComplexNumberTypes
 Array class for the UA stack structure OpcUa_ComplexNumberType. More...
class  UaConfigurationVersionDataType
 Wrapper class for the UA stack structure OpcUa_ConfigurationVersionDataType. More...
class  UaConfigurationVersionDataTypes
 Array class for the UA stack structure OpcUa_ConfigurationVersionDataType. More...
class  UaContentFilterElementResult
 Wrapper class for the UA stack structure OpcUa_ContentFilterElementResult. More...
class  UaContentFilterResult
 Wrapper class for the UA stack structure OpcUa_ContentFilterResult. More...
class  UaCurrencyUnitType
 Wrapper class for the UA stack structure OpcUa_CurrencyUnitType. More...
class  UaCurrencyUnitTypes
 Array class for the UA stack structure OpcUa_CurrencyUnitType. More...
class  UaDatagramWriterGroupTransportDataType
 Wrapper class for the UA stack structure OpcUa_DatagramWriterGroupTransportDataType. More...
class  UaDatagramWriterGroupTransportDataTypes
 Array class for the UA stack structure OpcUa_DatagramWriterGroupTransportDataType. More...
class  UaDataSetMetaDataType
 Wrapper class for the UA stack structure OpcUa_DataSetMetaDataType. More...
class  UaDataSetMetaDataTypes
 Array class for the UA stack structure OpcUa_DataSetMetaDataType. More...
class  UaDataSetReaderDataType
 Wrapper class for the UA stack structure OpcUa_DataSetReaderDataType. More...
class  UaDataSetReaderDataTypes
 Array class for the UA stack structure OpcUa_DataSetReaderDataType. More...
class  UaDataSetWriterDataType
 Wrapper class for the UA stack structure OpcUa_DataSetWriterDataType. More...
class  UaDataSetWriterDataTypes
 Array class for the UA stack structure OpcUa_DataSetWriterDataType. More...
class  UaDataValue
 Wrapper class for the UA stack structure OpcUa_DataValue. More...
class  UaDateTime
 Wrapper class for the UA stack structure OpcUa_DateTime. More...
class  UaDeleteNodesItem
 Wrapper class for the UA stack structure OpcUa_DeleteNodesItem. More...
class  UaDeleteNodesItems
 Array class for the UA stack structure OpcUa_DeleteNodesItem. More...
class  UaDeleteReferencesItem
 Wrapper class for the UA stack structure OpcUa_DeleteReferencesItem. More...
class  UaDeleteReferencesItems
 Array class for the UA stack structure OpcUa_DeleteReferencesItem. More...
class  UaDoubleComplexNumberType
 Wrapper class for the UA stack structure OpcUa_DoubleComplexNumberType. More...
class  UaDoubleComplexNumberTypes
 Array class for the UA stack structure OpcUa_DoubleComplexNumberType. More...
class  UaEndpointConfiguration
 Wrapper class for the UA stack structure OpcUa_EndpointConfiguration. More...
class  UaEndpointConfigurations
 Array class for the UA stack structure OpcUa_EndpointConfiguration. More...
class  UaEndpointDescription
 Wrapper class for the UA stack structure OpcUa_EndpointDescription. More...
class  UaEndpointDescriptions
 Array class for the UA stack structure OpcUa_EndpointDescription. More...
class  UaEndpointType
 Wrapper class for the UA stack structure OpcUa_EndpointType. More...
class  UaEndpointTypes
 Array class for the UA stack structure OpcUa_EndpointType. More...
class  UaEndpointUrlListDataType
 Wrapper class for the UA stack structure OpcUa_EndpointUrlListDataType. More...
class  UaEndpointUrlListDataTypes
 Array class for the UA stack structure OpcUa_EndpointUrlListDataType. More...
class  UaEnumDefinitionDataType
 Wrapper class for the UA stack structure OpcUa_EnumDefinition. More...
class  UaEnumDefinitionDataTypes
 Array class for the UA stack structure OpcUa_EnumDefinition. More...
class  UaEnumDescription
 Wrapper class for the UA stack structure OpcUa_EnumDescription. More...
class  UaEnumDescriptions
 Array class for the UA stack structure OpcUa_EnumDescription. More...
class  UaEnumField
 Wrapper class for the UA stack structure OpcUa_EnumField. More...
class  UaEnumFields
 Array class for the UA stack structure OpcUa_EnumField. More...
class  UaEnumValueType
 Wrapper class for the UA stack structure OpcUa_EnumValueType. More...
class  UaEnumValueTypes
 Array class for the UA stack structure OpcUa_EnumValueType. More...
class  UaEUInformation
 Wrapper class for the UA stack structure OpcUa_EUInformation. More...
class  UaEUInformations
 Array class for the UA stack structure OpcUa_EUInformation. More...
class  UaEventFilter
 Wrapper class for the OPC UA EventFilter structure. More...
class  UaEventFilterResult
 Wrapper class for the UA stack structure OpcUa_EventFilterResult. More...
class  UaExpandedNodeId
 Wrapper class for the UA stack structure OpcUa_ExpandedNodeId. More...
class  UaFieldMetaData
 Wrapper class for the UA stack structure OpcUa_FieldMetaData. More...
class  UaFieldMetaDatas
 Array class for the UA stack structure OpcUa_FieldMetaData. More...
class  UaFieldTargetDataType
 Wrapper class for the UA stack structure OpcUa_FieldTargetDataType. More...
class  UaFieldTargetDataTypes
 Array class for the UA stack structure OpcUa_FieldTargetDataType. More...
class  UaGuid
 Wrapper class for the UA stack structure OpcUa_Guid. More...
class  UaHistoryEvent
 Wrapper class for the UA stack structure OpcUa_HistoryEvent. More...
class  UaHistoryEvents
 Array class for the UA stack structure OpcUa_HistoryEvent. More...
class  UaHistoryEventFieldList
 Wrapper class for the UA stack structure OpcUa_HistoryEventFieldList. More...
class  UaHistoryEventFieldLists
 Array class for the UA stack structure OpcUa_HistoryEventFieldList. More...
class  UaIdentityMappingRuleType
 Wrapper class for the UA stack structure OpcUa_IdentityMappingRuleType. More...
class  UaIdentityMappingRuleTypes
 Array class for the UA stack structure OpcUa_IdentityMappingRuleType. More...
class  UaJsonDataSetReaderMessageDataType
 Wrapper class for the UA stack structure OpcUa_JsonDataSetReaderMessageDataType. More...
class  UaJsonDataSetReaderMessageDataTypes
 Array class for the UA stack structure OpcUa_JsonDataSetReaderMessageDataType. More...
class  UaJsonDataSetWriterMessageDataType
 Wrapper class for the UA stack structure OpcUa_JsonDataSetWriterMessageDataType. More...
class  UaJsonDataSetWriterMessageDataTypes
 Array class for the UA stack structure OpcUa_JsonDataSetWriterMessageDataType. More...
class  UaJsonWriterGroupMessageDataType
 Wrapper class for the UA stack structure OpcUa_JsonWriterGroupMessageDataType. More...
class  UaJsonWriterGroupMessageDataTypes
 Array class for the UA stack structure OpcUa_JsonWriterGroupMessageDataType. More...
class  UaKeyValuePair
 Wrapper class for the UA stack structure OpcUa_KeyValuePair. More...
class  UaKeyValuePairs
 Array class for the UA stack structure OpcUa_KeyValuePair. More...
class  UaLocalizedText
 Wrapper class for the UA stack structure OpcUa_LocalizedText. More...
class  UaModelChangeStructureDataType
 Wrapper class for the UA stack structure OpcUa_ModelChangeStructureDataType. More...
class  UaModelChangeStructureDataTypes
 Array class for the UA stack structure OpcUa_ModelChangeStructureDataType. More...
class  UaMutex
 The UaMutex class provides access serialization between threads. More...
class  UaNetworkAddressDataType
 Wrapper class for the UA stack structure OpcUa_NetworkAddressDataType. More...
class  UaNetworkAddressDataTypes
 Array class for the UA stack structure OpcUa_NetworkAddressDataType. More...
class  UaNetworkAddressUrlDataType
 Wrapper class for the UA stack structure OpcUa_NetworkAddressUrlDataType. More...
class  UaNetworkAddressUrlDataTypes
 Array class for the UA stack structure OpcUa_NetworkAddressUrlDataType. More...
class  UaNetworkBrowseResult
 Browse result class for navigating through the network. More...
class  UaNetworkBrowser
 Platform independent class for navigating through the network. More...
class  UaNetworkGroupDataType
 Wrapper class for the UA stack structure OpcUa_NetworkGroupDataType. More...
class  UaNetworkGroupDataTypes
 Array class for the UA stack structure OpcUa_NetworkGroupDataType. More...
class  UaObjectAttributes
 Wrapper class for the UA stack structure OpcUa_ObjectAttributes. More...
class  UaVariableAttributes
 Wrapper class for the UA stack structure OpcUa_VariableAttributes. More...
class  UaMethodAttributes
 Wrapper class for the UA stack structure OpcUa_MethodAttributes. More...
class  UaObjectTypeAttributes
 Wrapper class for the UA stack structure OpcUa_ObjectTypeAttributes. More...
class  UaVariableTypeAttributes
 Wrapper class for the UA stack structure OpcUa_VariableTypeAttributes. More...
class  UaReferenceTypeAttributes
 Wrapper class for the UA stack structure OpcUa_ReferenceTypeAttributes. More...
class  UaDataTypeAttributes
 Wrapper class for the UA stack structure OpcUa_DataTypeAttributes. More...
class  UaViewAttributes
 Wrapper class for the UA stack structure OpcUa_ViewAttributes. More...
class  UaNodeId
 Wrapper class for the UA stack structure OpcUa_NodeId. More...
class  UaNumericRange
 Helper class for NumericRange handling. More...
class  UaOptionSet
 Wrapper class for the UA stack structure OpcUa_OptionSet. More...
class  UaOptionSets
 Array class for the UA stack structure OpcUa_OptionSet. More...
class  UaPkiProvider
 Wrapper class for a PKI provider. More...
class  UaPkiProviderNoSecurity
 Wrapper class for no security PKI provider. More...
class  UaPkiProviderOpenSSL
 Wrapper class for a OpenSSL PKI provider. More...
class  UaPkiProviderWindowsStore
 Wrapper class for a Windows Store PKI provider. More...
class  UaPlatformLayer
 Platform layer handling class. More...
class  UaProgramDiagnostic2DataType
 Wrapper class for the UA stack structure OpcUa_ProgramDiagnostic2DataType. More...
class  UaProgramDiagnostic2DataTypes
 Array class for the UA stack structure OpcUa_ProgramDiagnostic2DataType. More...
class  UaPublishedDataSetDataType
 Wrapper class for the UA stack structure OpcUa_PublishedDataSetDataType. More...
class  UaPublishedDataSetDataTypes
 Array class for the UA stack structure OpcUa_PublishedDataSetDataType. More...
class  UaPublishedVariableDataType
 Wrapper class for the UA stack structure OpcUa_PublishedVariableDataType. More...
class  UaPublishedVariableDataTypes
 Array class for the UA stack structure OpcUa_PublishedVariableDataType. More...
class  UaPubSubConfigurationDataType
 Wrapper class for the UA stack structure OpcUa_PubSubConfigurationDataType. More...
class  UaPubSubConfigurationDataTypes
 Array class for the UA stack structure OpcUa_PubSubConfigurationDataType. More...
class  UaPubSubConnectionDataType
 Wrapper class for the UA stack structure OpcUa_PubSubConnectionDataType. More...
class  UaPubSubConnectionDataTypes
 Array class for the UA stack structure OpcUa_PubSubConnectionDataType. More...
class  UaQualifiedName
 Wrapper class for the UA stack structure OpcUa_QualifiedName. More...
class  UaRange
 Wrapper class for the UA stack structure OpcUa_Range. More...
class  UaRanges
 Array class for the UA stack structure OpcUa_Range. More...
class  UaRationalNumber
 Wrapper class for the UA stack structure OpcUa_RationalNumber. More...
class  UaRationalNumbers
 Array class for the UA stack structure OpcUa_RationalNumber. More...
class  UaReaderGroupDataType
 Wrapper class for the UA stack structure OpcUa_ReaderGroupDataType. More...
class  UaReaderGroupDataTypes
 Array class for the UA stack structure OpcUa_ReaderGroupDataType. More...
class  UaReaderWriterLock
 UaReaderWriterLock class is used to allow threads to synchronize access to a resource. More...
class  UaRedundantServerDataType
 Wrapper class for the UA stack structure OpcUa_RedundantServerDataType. More...
class  UaRedundantServerDataTypes
 Array class for the UA stack structure OpcUa_RedundantServerDataType. More...
class  UaRegisteredServer
 Wrapper class for the UA stack structure OpcUa_RegisteredServer. More...
class  UaRegisteredServers
 Array class for the UA stack structure OpcUa_RegisteredServer. More...
class  UaRolePermissionType
 Wrapper class for the UA stack structure OpcUa_RolePermissionType. More...
class  UaRolePermissionTypes
 Array class for the UA stack structure OpcUa_RolePermissionType. More...
class  UaSamplingIntervalDiagnosticsDataType
 Wrapper class for the UA stack structure OpcUa_SamplingIntervalDiagnosticsDataType. More...
class  UaSamplingIntervalDiagnosticsDataTypes
 Array class for the UA stack structure OpcUa_SamplingIntervalDiagnosticsDataType. More...
class  UaSemanticChangeStructureDataType
 Wrapper class for the UA stack structure OpcUa_SemanticChangeStructureDataType. More...
class  UaSemanticChangeStructureDataTypes
 Array class for the UA stack structure OpcUa_SemanticChangeStructureDataType. More...
class  UaSemaphore
 Semaphore class is used to allow threads to synchronize access to a resource. More...
class  UaServerDiagnosticsSummaryDataType
 Wrapper class for the UA stack structure OpcUa_ServerDiagnosticsSummaryDataType. More...
class  UaServerDiagnosticsSummaryDataTypes
 Array class for the UA stack structure OpcUa_ServerDiagnosticsSummaryDataType. More...
class  UaServerOnNetwork
 Wrapper class for the UA stack structure OpcUa_ServerOnNetwork. More...
class  UaServerOnNetworks
 Array class for the UA stack structure OpcUa_ServerOnNetwork. More...
class  UaServerStatusDataType
 Wrapper class for the UA stack structure OpcUa_ServerStatusDataType. More...
class  UaServerStatusDataTypes
 Array class for the UA stack structure OpcUa_ServerStatusDataType. More...
class  UaServiceCounterDataType
 Wrapper class for the UA stack structure OpcUa_ServiceCounterDataType. More...
class  UaServiceCounterDataTypes
 Array class for the UA stack structure OpcUa_ServiceCounterDataType. More...
class  UaSessionDiagnosticsDataType
 Wrapper class for the UA stack structure OpcUa_SessionDiagnosticsDataType. More...
class  UaSessionDiagnosticsDataTypes
 Array class for the UA stack structure OpcUa_SessionDiagnosticsDataType. More...
class  UaSessionSecurityDiagnosticsDataType
 Wrapper class for the UA stack structure OpcUa_SessionSecurityDiagnosticsDataType. More...
class  UaSessionSecurityDiagnosticsDataTypes
 Array class for the UA stack structure OpcUa_SessionSecurityDiagnosticsDataType. More...
class  UaSettings
 The UaSettings class provides persistent platform-independent application settings. More...
class  UaSettingsSection
 The UaSettingsSection class provides persistent platform-independent application settings. More...
class  UaSignedSoftwareCertificate
 Wrapper class for the UA stack structure OpcUa_SignedSoftwareCertificate. More...
class  UaSignedSoftwareCertificates
 Array class for the UA stack structure OpcUa_SignedSoftwareCertificate. More...
class  UaSimpleTypeDescription
 Wrapper class for the UA stack structure OpcUa_SimpleTypeDescription. More...
class  UaSimpleTypeDescriptions
 Array class for the UA stack structure OpcUa_SimpleTypeDescription. More...
class  UaString
 Wrapper class for the UA stack structure OpcUa_String. More...
class  UaStructureDefinitionDataType
 Wrapper class for the UA stack structure OpcUa_StructureDefinition. More...
class  UaStructureDefinitionDataTypes
 Array class for the UA stack structure OpcUa_StructureDefinition. More...
class  UaStructureDescription
 Wrapper class for the UA stack structure OpcUa_StructureDescription. More...
class  UaStructureDescriptions
 Array class for the UA stack structure OpcUa_StructureDescription. More...
class  UaStructureFieldDataType
 Wrapper class for the UA stack structure OpcUa_StructureField. More...
class  UaStructureFieldDataTypes
 Array class for the UA stack structure OpcUa_StructureField. More...
class  UaSubscriptionDiagnosticsDataType
 Wrapper class for the UA stack structure OpcUa_SubscriptionDiagnosticsDataType. More...
class  UaSubscriptionDiagnosticsDataTypes
 Array class for the UA stack structure OpcUa_SubscriptionDiagnosticsDataType. More...
class  UaThread
 Platform independent class for a worker thread. More...
class  UaThreadPoolJob
 This class represents a job to be executed by a worker thread. More...
class  UaThreadPool
 This class is used to manager a pool of threads. More...
class  UaThreeDCartesianCoordinates
 Wrapper class for the UA stack structure OpcUa_ThreeDCartesianCoordinates. More...
class  UaThreeDCartesianCoordinatess
 Array class for the UA stack structure OpcUa_ThreeDCartesianCoordinates. More...
class  UaThreeDFrame
 Wrapper class for the UA stack structure OpcUa_ThreeDFrame. More...
class  UaThreeDFrames
 Array class for the UA stack structure OpcUa_ThreeDFrame. More...
class  UaThreeDOrientation
 Wrapper class for the UA stack structure OpcUa_ThreeDOrientation. More...
class  UaThreeDOrientations
 Array class for the UA stack structure OpcUa_ThreeDOrientation. More...
class  UaThreeDVector
 Wrapper class for the UA stack structure OpcUa_ThreeDVector. More...
class  UaThreeDVectors
 Array class for the UA stack structure OpcUa_ThreeDVector. More...
class  UaTimeZoneDataType
 Wrapper class for the UA stack structure OpcUa_TimeZoneDataType. More...
class  UaTimeZoneDataTypes
 Array class for the UA stack structure OpcUa_TimeZoneDataType. More...
class  UaTrace
 A class used for trace outputs (error, information,...). More...
class  UaTraceHook
 Interface used to register a trace hook. More...
class  UaTrustListDataType
 Wrapper class for the UA stack structure OpcUa_TrustListDataType. More...
class  UaTrustListDataTypes
 Array class for the UA stack structure OpcUa_TrustListDataType. More...
class  UaUABinaryFileDataType
 Wrapper class for the UA stack structure OpcUa_UABinaryFileDataType. More...
class  UaUABinaryFileDataTypes
 Array class for the UA stack structure OpcUa_UABinaryFileDataType. More...
class  UaUadpDataSetReaderMessageDataType
 Wrapper class for the UA stack structure OpcUa_UadpDataSetReaderMessageDataType. More...
class  UaUadpDataSetReaderMessageDataTypes
 Array class for the UA stack structure OpcUa_UadpDataSetReaderMessageDataType. More...
class  UaUadpDataSetWriterMessageDataType
 Wrapper class for the UA stack structure OpcUa_UadpDataSetWriterMessageDataType. More...
class  UaUadpDataSetWriterMessageDataTypes
 Array class for the UA stack structure OpcUa_UadpDataSetWriterMessageDataType. More...
class  UaUadpWriterGroupMessageDataType
 Wrapper class for the UA stack structure OpcUa_UadpWriterGroupMessageDataType. More...
class  UaUadpWriterGroupMessageDataTypes
 Array class for the UA stack structure OpcUa_UadpWriterGroupMessageDataType. More...
class  UaUserTokenPolicy
 Wrapper class for the UA stack structure OpcUa_UserTokenPolicy. More...
class  UaUserTokenPolicys
 Array class for the UA stack structure OpcUa_UserTokenPolicy. More...
class  UaVariant
 Wrapper class for the UA stack structure OpcUa_Variant. More...
class  UaVariantException
 The UaVariantException class provides a base class for exceptions that can transferred across variants. More...
class  UaWriterGroupDataType
 Wrapper class for the UA stack structure OpcUa_WriterGroupDataType. More...
class  UaWriterGroupDataTypes
 Array class for the UA stack structure OpcUa_WriterGroupDataType. More...
class  UaXVType
 Wrapper class for the UA stack structure OpcUa_XVType. More...
class  UaXVTypes
 Array class for the UA stack structure OpcUa_XVType. More...


typedef UaObjectArray< UaVariantUaVariantObjects
 A template definition for arrays of UaVariantObjects.


enum  UaNetworkBrowseResult::NetworkNodeType { UaNetworkBrowseResult::NODE_TYPE_NETWORK, UaNetworkBrowseResult::NODE_TYPE_DOMAIN, UaNetworkBrowseResult::NODE_TYPE_HOST, UaNetworkBrowseResult::NODE_TYPE_INVALID }
 NetworkNodeType enumeration. More...
enum  UaSettings::Scope { UaSettings::UserScope = 0, UaSettings::SystemScope = 1 }
 Scope enumeration. More...
enum  UaTrace::TraceLevel {
  UaTrace::NoTrace = 0, UaTrace::Errors, UaTrace::Warning, UaTrace::Info,
  UaTrace::InterfaceCall, UaTrace::CtorDtor, UaTrace::ProgramFlow, UaTrace::Data
 Definition of the TraceLevel Enumeration. More...
enum  UaVariantException::Error { UaVariantException::UA_OVERFLOW = 0, UaVariantException::UA_INVALIDTYPE, UaVariantException::UA_INVALIDCONVERSION, UaVariantException::UA_NOTSUPPORTED }
 Enumeration of error definitions. More...

Detailed Description

This module contains all C++ classes for the OPC UA Base Library.

Enumeration Type Documentation

Enumeration of error definitions.


Overflow of data


Type is invalid


Conversion is invalid


Operation not supported

NetworkNodeType enumeration.


A network node


A domain node


A host node


An invalid node

Scope enumeration.


Store settings in a location specific to the current user (e.g., in the user's home directory).


Store settings in a global location, so that all users on the same machine access the same set of settings.

Definition of the TraceLevel Enumeration.


Trace_Level: No Trace


Trace_Level: Unexpected errors


Trace_Level: Unexpected behaviour that is not an error


Trace_Level: Information about important activities like connection establishment


Trace_Level: Calls to module interfaces


Trace_Level: Creation and destruction of objects


Trace_Level: Internal program flow


Trace_Level: Data