C++ UA Server SDK
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ServerConfigIni Class Reference

This class represent a sercer configuration loaded from an INI configuration file. More...

#include <serverconfigini.h>

Inherits ServerConfigData.

Inherited by ServerConfigBasicIni.

Public Member Functions

 ServerConfigIni (const UaString &sIniFilePath, const UaString &sApplicationPath, const UaString &sConfigPath="", const UaString &sTracePath="")
 construction More...
virtual ~ServerConfigIni ()
UaStatus loadConfiguration ()
 Load the configuration from the config file and generate node managers. More...
UaStatus saveConfiguration ()
 Save the configuration to the config file. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from ServerConfigData
 ServerConfigData (const UaString &sApplicationPath, const UaString &sConfigPath, const UaString &sTracePath)
 Creates an instance of the ServerConfigData class reading the configuration settings from an INI file. More...
virtual ~ServerConfigData ()
 Destroys the ServerConfigData object.
void clear ()
 Clears all members and intializes them with default values.
virtual UaStatus getEndpointConfiguration (UaString &sRejectedCertificateDirectory, OpcUa_UInt32 &nRejectedCertificatesCount, UaEndpointArray &uaEndpointArray)
 Get Endpoint Configuration. More...
virtual void endpointOpened (OpcUa_UInt32 index)
 Set state of successfully opened endpoint.
virtual UaStatus getCertificateStoreConfigurations (CertificateStoreConfigurationPArray &certificateStores)
 Get the configurations for server certificates and trust lists. More...
virtual UaStatus getUserIdentityTokenConfig (OpcUa_Boolean &bEnableAnonymous, OpcUa_Boolean &bEnableUserPw, OpcUa_Boolean &bEnableCertificate, OpcUa_Boolean &bEnableKerberosTicket)
 Gets the enabled settings for the different user identity tokens supported by the server. More...
virtual UaStatus getUserIdentityTokenSecurityPolicy (UaString &sSecurityPolicyUri)
 Get the security policy to use when encrypting or signing the UserIdentityToken when it is passed to the server. More...
virtual UaStatus getDefaultUserCertificateStore (CertificateStoreConfiguration **ppCertificateStore, UaString &sRejectedCertificateDirectory, OpcUa_UInt32 &nRejectedCertificatesCount, OpcUa_Boolean &bCertificateTokenConfigured)
 Get the configurations for the trust list and rejected folder for user certificates. More...
virtual UaStatus getIdsForDefaultRoles (OpcUa_UInt16 &nRootUserId, OpcUa_UInt16 &nSecurityAdminGroupId, OpcUa_UInt16 &nConfigAdminGroupId)
 Get Ids for roles defined in the SDK. More...
virtual UaStatus getDiscoveryRegistrationConfig (OpcUa_UInt32 &nRegistrationInterval, UaStringArray &discoveryUrlArray)
 Get settings for registration with discovery service. More...
virtual UaStatus getWindowsDiscoveryRegistrationSecuritySetup (OpcUa_Boolean &bAutomaticCertificateExchange, UaString &sDiscoveryServerTrustListLocation, UaString &sDiscoveryServerStoreName, UaString &sDiscoveryServerCertificateName)
 Get settings for exchanging certificates with local discovery server on a windows computer for registration with local windows discovery server. More...
virtual UaStatus getSerializerConfiguration (OpcUa_Int32 &iMaxAlloc, OpcUa_Int32 &iMaxStringLength, OpcUa_Int32 &iMaxByteStringLength, OpcUa_Int32 &iMaxArrayLength, OpcUa_Int32 &iMaxMessageSize) const
 Get Serializer Configuration. More...
virtual UaStatus getStackThreadPoolSettings (OpcUa_Boolean &bEnabled, OpcUa_Int32 &iMinThreads, OpcUa_Int32 &iMaxThreads, OpcUa_Int32 &iMaxJobs, OpcUa_Boolean &bBlockOnAdd, OpcUa_UInt32 &nTimeout) const
 Returns the settings for the thread pool used in the OPC UA Stack. More...
virtual UaStatus getStackTraceSettings (OpcUa_Boolean &bTraceEnabled, OpcUa_UInt32 &uTraceLevel) const
 Get UA Stack trace settings. More...
virtual UaStatus getServerTraceSettings (OpcUa_Boolean &bTraceEnabled, OpcUa_UInt32 &uTraceLevel, OpcUa_UInt32 &uMaxTraceEntries, OpcUa_UInt32 &uMaxBackupFiles, UaString &sTraceFile, OpcUa_Boolean &bDisableFlush) const
 Get UA Server SDK trace settings. More...
virtual UaStatus getTraceEventSettings (OpcUa_UInt32 &uTraceEventLevel) const
 Get UA Server SDK trace event settings. More...
virtual OpcUa_Int32 getMaxRequestAge () const
 Returns the maximum age of a request the server allows. More...
virtual UaStatus getSessionSettings (OpcUa_Int32 &iMaxSessionCount, OpcUa_Int32 &iMaxSessionsPerClient, OpcUa_Int32 &iMinSessionTimeout, OpcUa_Int32 &iMaxSessionTimeout) const
 Get the setting parameters for session creation. More...
virtual UaStatus getServerSettings (OpcUa_Double &minSupportedSampleRate, UaStringArray &localeIdArray, UaStringArray &serverProfileArray, UaByteStringArray &softwareCertificateArray) const
 Get the general setting parameters for the server. More...
virtual OpcUa_Int32 getMaxBrowseContinuationPoints () const
 Returns the maximum number of Browse Continuation Points managed by the server. More...
virtual OpcUa_Int32 getMaxBrowseResults () const
 Returns the maximum number of Browse results for one browse operation. More...
virtual OpcUa_Int32 getMaxNodesToBrowse () const
 Returns the maximum number of nodes to browse the server will accept. More...
virtual UaStatus getMaxNodesPerHistoryService (OpcUa_UInt32 &iMaxNodesPerHistoryReadData, OpcUa_UInt32 &iMaxNodesPerHistoryReadEvents, OpcUa_UInt32 &iMaxNodesPerHistoryUpdateData, OpcUa_UInt32 &iMaxNodesPerHistoryUpdateEvents) const
 Get the operation limit setting parameters for historical access. More...
virtual OpcUa_Int32 getMaxHistoryContinuationPoints () const
 Returns the maximum number of History Continuation Points managed by the server. More...
virtual UaStatus getSubscriptionSettings (OpcUa_UInt32 &iMinPublishingInterval, OpcUa_UInt32 &iMaxPublishingInterval, OpcUa_UInt32 &iMinKeepAliveInterval, OpcUa_UInt32 &iMinSubscriptionLifetime, OpcUa_UInt32 &iMaxSubscriptionLifetime, OpcUa_UInt32 &iMaxRetransmissionQueueSize, OpcUa_UInt32 &iMaxNotificationsPerPublish) const
 Get the setting parameters for a subscription. More...
virtual UaStatus getMonitoredItemSettings (OpcUa_UInt32 &iMaxDataQueueSize, OpcUa_UInt32 &iMaxEventQueueSize) const
 Get the setting parameters for a MonitoreItem. More...
virtual UaStatus getSubscriptionMaxCountSettings (OpcUa_UInt32 &iMaxSubscriptionCount, OpcUa_UInt32 &iMaxSubscriptionsPerSession, OpcUa_UInt32 &iMaxMonitoredItemCount, OpcUa_UInt32 &iMaxMonitoredItemPerSubscriptionCount, OpcUa_UInt32 &iMaxMonitoredItemPerSessionCount) const
 Get the max object count parameters for Subscriptions. More...
virtual UaStatus getAvailableSamplingRates (UaUInt32Array &availableSamplingRates) const
 Returns the sampling rates provided by the OPC server. More...
virtual OpcUa_StatusCode getBuildInfo (UaString &ProductUri, UaString &ManufacturerName, UaString &ProductName, UaString &sSoftwareVersion, UaString &sBuildNumber, OpcUa_DateTime &BuildDate) const
 Returns the BuildInfo for the server. More...
virtual OpcUa_StatusCode getServerInstanceInfo (UaString &ServerUri, UaLocalizedTextArray &ServerName) const
 Returns the server instance information for the OPC server. More...
virtual UaString getServerId () const
 Returns the ServerId used for audit events. More...
virtual UaStatus getThreadPoolSettings (OpcUa_UInt32 &minSizeTransactionManager, OpcUa_UInt32 &maxSizeTransactionManager, OpcUa_UInt32 &minSizeSubscriptionManager, OpcUa_UInt32 &maxSizeSubscriptionManager) const
 Returns the settings for the thread pools used in the OPC server. More...
virtual OpcUa_Boolean isAuditActivated ()
 Flag indicating if audit events are activated. More...
virtual UaStatus getRedundancySettings (OpcUa_RedundancySupport &redundancySupport, UaStringArray &serverUriArray)
 Provides the redundancy settings for the server. More...
virtual UaStatus getAdditionalServerEntries (UaApplicationDescriptions &serverDescriptions)
 Provides capability to configure additional servers to be returned in FindServers. More...
virtual UaStatus getConfiguredNamespaces (UaUInt16Array &namespaceIndexArray, UaStringArray &namespaceUriArray, UaBoolArray &allowRenameUriArray, UaStringArray &uniqueIdArray, UaStringArray &comAliasArray)
 Provides configuration option for namespaces other than index 0 and 1 (OPC UA and local server). More...
virtual UaStatus addConfiguredNamespace (OpcUa_UInt16 namespaceIndex, const UaString &namespaceUri, OpcUa_Boolean allowRenameUri, const UaString &uniqueId)
 Adds a namespaces configuration entry for preconfigured namespaces. More...
virtual UaStatus removeConfiguredNamespace (OpcUa_UInt16 namespaceIndex)
 Removes a namespaces configuration entry for preconfigured namespaces. More...
virtual UaStatus getTagFileConfiguration (UaString &defaultTagFileName, UaString &tagFileLocation, UaString &tagFileEnding, UaString &defaultFileUpdatePolicy)
 Provides information about tagfile name, path und file ending used in the NodeManagerTagFile. More...
virtual UaStatus setTagFileConfiguration (const UaString &defaultTagFileName, const UaString &tagFileLocation, const UaString &tagFileEnding, const UaString &defaultFileUpdatePolicy)
 Set information about tagfile name, path und file ending used in the NodeManagerTagFile. More...
virtual UaStatus getHttpFileAccess (OpcUa_Boolean &active, UaString &filePath)
 Provides settings for HTTP file access capability. More...
virtual UaStatus getComDaPropertyMapping (UaStringArray &propertyNames, UaStringArray &propertyNameSpaces, UaUInt32Array &propertyIds)
 Provides a mapping list of OPC UA property names to COM Data Access property Ids. More...
virtual UaStatus addComDaPropertyMapping (const UaString &propertyName, const UaString &propertyNameSpaceUri, OpcUa_UInt32 propertyId)
 Adds an entry to the mapping list of OPC UA property names to COM Data Access property Ids. More...
virtual UaStatus getComDaNamespaceInformation (UaString &defaultNamespace, UaUShort &namespaceDelimiter, OpcUa_Boolean &useComAlias)
 Provides additional namespace related information for COM DA Server module. More...
virtual ComDaTimestampSource getComDaTimestampSource ()
 Provides the source of timestamp used for COM Data Access items. More...
virtual ComDaTimestampSource getComHdaTimestampSource ()
 Provides the source of timestamp used for COM Historical Data Access items. More...
virtual OpcUa_Boolean getBrowseNextLevelForVariables ()
 When browsing for COM DA items this option causes the server to internally browse one additional level to see if there are any children.
virtual UaStatus getComAeNamespaceInformation (UaString &defaultNamespace)
 Provides additional namespace related information for COM A&E Server module. More...
virtual UaStatus getComAeEventCategoryMapping (ComAeEventType eventType, UaUInt32Array &categoryIDs, UaStringArray &categoryNames, UaNodeIdArray &eventTypeIds, UaStringArray &, UaBoolArray &)
 Provides a mapping list of OPC UA event type NodeIds to COM Alarms and Events category IDs. More...
virtual UaStatus addComAeEventCategoryMapping (ComAeEventType eventType, const UaUInt32Array &categoryIDs, const UaStringArray &categoryNames, const UaNodeIdArray &eventTypeIds, const UaStringArray &)
 Adds a mapping list of OPC UA event type NodeIds to COM Alarms and Events category IDs. More...
virtual UaStatus getComAeAttributeMapping (ComAeAttributeMappingArray &comAeAttributeMappingArray)
 Get the mapping list of OPC UA event fields to COM Alarms and Events attribute IDs. More...
virtual UaStatus addComAeAttributeMapping (OpcUa_UInt32 attributeID, const UaString &attributeName, OpcUa_BuiltInType dataType, OpcUa_Boolean isArray, const UaStringArray &eventFieldPathNames, const UaStringArray &eventFieldPathNamespaceUris)
 Adds an entry to the mapping list of OPC UA event fields to COM Alarms and Events attribute IDs. More...
void lockConfigFile ()
 Lock snchronization object for configuratin changes.
void unlockConfigFile ()
 Unlock snchronization object for configuratin changes.
OpcUa_UInt32 addCertificateStoreConfiguration (CertificateStoreConfiguration *pCertificateStoreConfiguration)
 Adds a new server trust list configuration. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from ServerConfig
 ServerConfig ()
 construction. More...
virtual ~ServerConfig ()
virtual UaStatus startUp (ServerManager *pServerManager)=0
 Start up OPC ServerConfig. More...
virtual UaStatus shutDown ()=0
 Shut down OPC ServerConfig. More...
virtual SessioncreateSession (OpcUa_Int32 sessionID, const UaNodeId &authenticationToken)=0
 Creates a session object for the OPC server. More...
virtual UaStatus logonSessionUser (Session *pSession, UaUserIdentityToken *pUserIdentityToken)=0
 Validates the user identity token and sets the user for a session. More...
virtual UaStatus setServerCertificateThumbprint (const UaString &thumbprint)

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from ServerConfig
 ComDaTimestampSource enumeration. More...
 ComAeEventType enumeration. More...
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from ServerConfigData
static int replaceString (UaString &sString, const UaString &sSearch, const UaString &sReplace)
 Replaces all occurrences of the search string sSearch in sString with sReplace. More...
static void replaceNodeName (UaString &sString, const UaString &sNodeName)
 Replace placeholder [NodeName] with real node name. More...
static void replaceServerName (UaString &sString, const UaString &sServerName)
 Replace placeholder [ServerName] with real node name. More...
static void replaceApplicationPath (UaString &sString, const UaString &sApplicationPath)
 Replace placeholder [ApplicationPath] with real application path. More...
static void replaceConfigPath (UaString &sString, const UaString &sConfigPath)
 Replace placeholder [ConfigPath] with real configuration files path. More...
static void replaceTracePath (UaString &sString, const UaString &sTracePath)
 Replace placeholder [TracePath] with real trace file path. More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from ServerConfigData
virtual OpcUa_DateTime getBuildDate () const
 Get the build date from the static compiled in string. More...

Detailed Description

This class represent a sercer configuration loaded from an INI configuration file.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

ServerConfigIni::ServerConfigIni ( const UaString sIniFilePath,
const UaString sApplicationPath,
const UaString sConfigPath = "",
const UaString sTracePath = "" 


sIniFilePaththe file name of the ini file.
sApplicationPaththe path to the application.
sConfigPaththe path to the configuration file directory.
sTracePaththe path to the log files directory.

Member Function Documentation

UaStatus ServerConfigIni::loadConfiguration ( )

Load the configuration from the config file and generate node managers.

First method called after creation of ServerConfig. Must create all NodeManagers before method startUp is called.

Error code.

Implements ServerConfig.

UaStatus ServerConfigIni::saveConfiguration ( )

Save the configuration to the config file.

Error code.

Implements ServerConfig.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: