Initial Startup of the Administration Tool

After the installation has finished, the wizard to configure the UaGateway will start up. All input fields of the wizard have tool-tips to get more familiar with the administration of the UaGateway.

This section will describe the very first (automatic) start up of the UaGateway’s Administration Tool. Some steps will not be shown if there was already a UaGateway installed.

Create an Application Instance Certificate for UaGateway

When the wizard starts up, the user will be asked to create a new application instance certificate to identify the installation.

Create an Application Instance Certificate

After pressing the “OK” button, the input mask for the application instance certificate will show up. Fill out the required fields to your liking.

At pressing the “OK” button, a new application instance certificate is generated.

New Application Instance Certificate

The next step is to create an application instance certicate for the Configuration Tool.

Create an Application Instance Certificate for the Configuration Tool

In the next step, the user will be requested to create a new application instance certificate for the configuration tool.

First startup of the Configuration Tool

After pressing the “OK” button the input mask for the application instance certificate will occur. Fill out the required fields to your liking.

After all sections are filled out, the application instance certificate can be generated by pressing the “OK” button.

New Application Instance Certificate for Config Tool

You will now be prompted to set the UaGateway’s user context.

Setting the UaGateway’s User Context

After all application instance certificates are filled out and created correctly, it is necessary to set the user context in which the UaGateway will run.

Setting the UaGateway’s User Context

Here, the user is able to set the domain and/or the user’s context in which the UaGateway service will run. If the drop-down box “User” does not show all available users (or a newly created user is missing), it is possible to read in this user by pressing the “Refresh” button on the right of the “User” drop-down box.

It is advisable to check “UAGateway Runtime Process” and “Notification Area Icon” in the Autostart section. This means that after a reboot the UaGateway is started automatically and the Notification Area Icon is shown.

If all user rights are set to the user’s fit, a click on the Apply button will save all settings and ask for the password of the selected user for storing it in the service configuration.

Select User