High Performance OPC UA Server SDK


#define UA_SCBAD   0x80000000
 Generic bad status code. More...
#define UA_SCBADUNEXPECTEDERROR   0x80010000
 An unexpected error occurred. More...
#define UA_SCBADINTERNALERROR   0x80020000
 An internal error occurred as a result of a programming or configuration error. More...
#define UA_SCBADOUTOFMEMORY   0x80030000
 Not enough memory to complete the operation. More...
 An operating system resource is not available. More...
 A low level communication error occurred. More...
#define UA_SCBADENCODINGERROR   0x80060000
 Encoding halted because of invalid data in the objects being serialized. More...
#define UA_SCBADDECODINGERROR   0x80070000
 Decoding halted because of invalid data in the stream. More...
 The message encoding/decoding limits imposed by the stack have been exceeded. More...
 The request message size exceeds limits set by the server. More...
 The response message size exceeds limits set by the client. More...
#define UA_SCBADUNKNOWNRESPONSE   0x80090000
 An unrecognized response was received from the server. More...
#define UA_SCBADTIMEOUT   0x800A0000
 The operation timed out. More...
 The server does not support the requested service. More...
#define UA_SCBADSHUTDOWN   0x800C0000
 The operation was cancelled because the application is shutting down. More...
 The operation could not complete because the client is not connected to the server. More...
#define UA_SCBADSERVERHALTED   0x800E0000
 The server has stopped and cannot process any requests. More...
#define UA_SCBADNOTHINGTODO   0x800F0000
 There was nothing to do because the client passed a list of operations with no elements. More...
 The request could not be processed because it specified too many operations. More...
 The request could not be processed because there are too many monitored items in the subscription. More...
 The extension object cannot be (de)serialized because the data type id is not recognized. More...
 The certificate provided as a parameter is not valid. More...
 An error occurred verifying security. More...
 The certificate has expired or is not yet valid. More...
 An issuer certificate has expired or is not yet valid. More...
 The HostName used to connect to a server does not match a HostName in the certificate. More...
 The URI specified in the ApplicationDescription does not match the URI in the certificate. More...
 The certificate may not be used for the requested operation. More...
 The issuer certificate may not be used for the requested operation. More...
 The certificate is not trusted. More...
 It was not possible to determine if the certificate has been revoked. More...
 It was not possible to determine if the issuer certificate has been revoked. More...
 The certificate has been revoked. More...
 The issuer certificate has been revoked. More...
 The certificate chain is incomplete. More...
 User does not have permission to perform the requested operation. More...
 The user identity token is not valid. More...
 The user identity token is valid but the server has rejected it. More...
 The specified secure channel is no longer valid. More...
 The timestamp is outside the range allowed by the server. More...
#define UA_SCBADNONCEINVALID   0x80240000
 The nonce does appear to be not a random value or it is not the correct length. More...
 The session id is not valid. More...
#define UA_SCBADSESSIONCLOSED   0x80260000
 The session was closed by the client. More...
 The session cannot be used because ActivateSession has not been called. More...
 The subscription id is not valid. More...
 The header for the request is missing or invalid. More...
 The timestamps to return parameter is invalid. More...
 The request was cancelled by the client. More...
 Too many arguments were provided. More...
 The server requires a license to operate in general or to perform a service or operation.
 The server has limits on number of allowed operations / objects.
 The server does not have a license which is required to operate in general or to perform a service or operation. More...
 The subscription was transferred to another session. More...
 The processing will complete asynchronously. More...
#define UA_SCGOODOVERLOAD   0x002F0000
 Sampling has slowed down due to resource limitations. More...
#define UA_SCGOODCLAMPED   0x00300000
 The value written was accepted but was clamped. More...
#define UA_SCBADNOCOMMUNICATION   0x80310000
 Communication with the data source is defined.
 Waiting for the server to obtain values from the underlying data source. More...
#define UA_SCBADNODEIDINVALID   0x80330000
 The syntax of the node id is not valid. More...
#define UA_SCBADNODEIDUNKNOWN   0x80340000
 The node id refers to a node that does not exist in the server address space. More...
 The attribute is not supported for the specified Node. More...
 The syntax of the index range parameter is invalid. More...
 No data exists within the range of indexes specified. More...
 The data encoding is invalid. More...
 The server does not support the requested data encoding for the node. More...
#define UA_SCBADNOTREADABLE   0x803A0000
 The access level does not allow reading or subscribing to the Node. More...
#define UA_SCBADNOTWRITABLE   0x803B0000
 The access level does not allow writing to the Node. More...
#define UA_SCBADOUTOFRANGE   0x803C0000
 The value was out of range. More...
#define UA_SCBADNOTSUPPORTED   0x803D0000
 The requested operation is not supported. More...
#define UA_SCBADNOTFOUND   0x803E0000
 A requested item was not found or a search operation ended without success. More...
#define UA_SCBADOBJECTDELETED   0x803F0000
 The object cannot be used because it has been deleted. More...
#define UA_SCBADNOTIMPLEMENTED   0x80400000
 Requested operation is not implemented. More...
 The monitoring mode is invalid. More...
 The monitoring item id does not refer to a valid monitored item. More...
 The monitored item filter parameter is not valid. More...
 The server does not support the requested monitored item filter. More...
 A monitoring filter cannot be used in combination with the attribute specified. More...
 A mandatory structured parameter was missing or null. More...
 The event filter is not valid. More...
 The content filter is not valid. More...
 An unregognized operator was provided in a filter. More...
 A valid operator was provided.
 The number of operands provided for the filter operator was less then expected for the operand provided. More...
 The operand used in a content filter is not valid. More...
 The referenced element is not a valid element in the content filter. More...
 The referenced literal is not a valid value. More...
 The continuation point provide is longer valid. More...
 The operation could not be processed because all continuation points have been allocated. More...
 The operation could not be processed because all continuation points have been allocated. More...
 The browse direction is not valid. More...
#define UA_SCBADNODENOTINVIEW   0x804E0000
 The node is not part of the view. More...
 The ServerUri is not a valid URI. More...
 No ServerName was specified. More...
 No DiscoveryUrl was specified. More...
 The semaphore file specified by the client is not valid. More...
 The security token request type is not valid. More...
 The security mode does not meet the requirements set by the server. More...
 The security policy does not meet the requirements set by the server. More...
#define UA_SCBADTOOMANYSESSIONS   0x80560000
 The server has reached its maximum number of sessions. More...
 The user token signature is missing or invalid. More...
 The signature generated with the client certificate is missing or invalid. More...
 The client did not provide at least one software certificate that is valid and meets the profile requirements for the server. More...
 The server does not support changing the user identity assigned to the session. More...
 The request was cancelled by the client with the Cancel service. More...
 The parent node id does not to refer to a valid node. More...
 The reference could not be created because it violates constraints imposed by the data model. More...
 The requested node id was reject because it was either invalid or server does not allow node ids to be specified by the client. More...
#define UA_SCBADNODEIDEXISTS   0x805E0000
 The requested node id is already used by another node. More...
 The node class is not valid. More...
 The browse name is invalid. More...
 The browse name is not unique among nodes that share the same relationship with the parent. More...
 The node attributes are not valid for the node class. More...
 The type definition node id does not reference an appropriate type node. More...
 The source node id does not reference a valid node. More...
 The target node id does not reference a valid node. More...
 The reference type between the nodes is already defined. More...
 The server does not allow this type of self reference on this node. More...
 The reference type is not valid for a reference to a remote server. More...
#define UA_SCBADNODELETERIGHTS   0x80690000
 The server will not allow the node to be deleted. More...
 The server was not able to delete all target references. More...
 The server index is not valid. More...
#define UA_SCBADVIEWIDUNKNOWN   0x806B0000
 The view id does not refer to a valid view node. More...
 The view timestamp is not available or not supported. More...
 The view parameters are not consistent with each other. More...
 The view version is not available or not supported. More...
 The list of references may not be complete because the underlying system is not available. More...
 The server should have followed a reference to a node in a remote server but did not. More...
 The provided Nodeid was not a type definition nodeid. More...
 One of the references to follow in the relative path references to a node in the address space in another server. More...
 The requested operation has too many matches to return. More...
 The requested operation requires too many resources in the server. More...
#define UA_SCBADNOMATCH   0x806F0000
 The requested operation has no match to return. More...
#define UA_SCBADMAXAGEINVALID   0x80700000
 The max age parameter is invalid. More...
 The operation is not permitted over the current secure channel. More...
 The history details parameter is not valid. More...
 The server does not support the requested operation. More...
 The defined timestamp to return was invalid. More...
 The server does not support writing the combination of value.
#define UA_SCBADTYPEMISMATCH   0x80740000
 The value supplied for the attribute is not of the same type as the attribute's value. More...
#define UA_SCBADMETHODINVALID   0x80750000
 The method id does not refer to a method for the specified object. More...
 The client did not specify all of the input arguments for the method. More...
 The server has reached its maximum number of subscriptions. More...
 The server has reached the maximum number of queued publish requests. More...
#define UA_SCBADNOSUBSCRIPTION   0x80790000
 There is no subscription available for this session. More...
 The sequence number is unknown to the server. More...
 The requested notification message is no longer available. More...
 The client of the current session does not support one or more Profiles that are necessary for the subscription. More...
 The sub-state machine is not currently active. More...
 The server cannot process the request because it is too busy. More...
 The type of the message specified in the header invalid. More...
 The SecureChannelId and/or TokenId are not currently in use. More...
 The size of the message specified in the header is too large. More...
 There are not enough resources to process the request. More...
 An internal error occurred. More...
 The server does not recognize the QueryString specified. More...
 The request could not be sent because of a network interruption. More...
#define UA_SCBADREQUESTTIMEOUT   0x80850000
 Timeout occurred while processing the request. More...
 The secure channel has been closed. More...
 The token has expired or is not recognized. More...
 The sequence number is not valid. More...
 The applications do not have compatible protocol versions. More...
 There is a problem with the configuration that affects the usefulness of the value. More...
#define UA_SCBADNOTCONNECTED   0x808A0000
 The variable should receive its value from another variable.
#define UA_SCBADDEVICEFAILURE   0x808B0000
 There has been a failure in the device/data source that generates the value that has affected the value. More...
#define UA_SCBADSENSORFAILURE   0x808C0000
 There has been a failure in the sensor from which the value is derived by the device/data source. More...
#define UA_SCBADOUTOFSERVICE   0x808D0000
 The source of the data is not operational. More...
 The deadband filter is not valid. More...
 Communication to the data source has failed. More...
 Whatever was updating this value has stopped doing so. More...
 The value is an operational value that was manually overwritten. More...
 The value is an initial value for a variable that normally receives its value from another variable. More...
 The value is at one of the sensor limits. More...
 The value is outside of the range of values defined for this parameter. More...
#define UA_SCUNCERTAINSUBNORMAL   0x40950000
 The value is derived from multiple sources and has less than the required number of Good sources. More...
#define UA_SCGOODLOCALOVERRIDE   0x00960000
 The value has been overridden. More...
 This Condition refresh failed.
 This condition has already been disabled. More...
 This condition has already been enabled. More...
 Property not available.
 The specified event id is not recognized. More...
 The event cannot be acknowledged. More...
 The dialog condition is not active. More...
 The response is not valid for the dialog. More...
 The condition branch has already been acknowledged. More...
 The condition branch has already been confirmed. More...
 The condition has already been shelved. More...
 The condition is not currently shelved. More...
 The shelving time not within an acceptable range. More...
#define UA_SCBADNODATA   0x809B0000
 No data exists for the requested time range or event filter. More...
#define UA_SCBADBOUNDNOTFOUND   0x80D70000
 No data found to provide upper or lower bound value. More...
 The server cannot retrieve a bound for the variable. More...
#define UA_SCBADDATALOST   0x809D0000
 Data is missing due to collection started/stopped/lost. More...
 Expected data is unavailable for the requested time range due to an un-mounted volume.
#define UA_SCBADENTRYEXISTS   0x809F0000
 The data or event was not successfully inserted because a matching entry exists. More...
#define UA_SCBADNOENTRYEXISTS   0x80A00000
 The data or event was not successfully updated because no matching entry exists. More...
 The client requested history using a timestamp format the server does not support (i.e requested ServerTimestamp when server only supports SourceTimestamp). More...
 The data or event was successfully inserted into the historical database. More...
 The data or event field was successfully replaced in the historical database. More...
 The value is derived from multiple values and has less than the required number of Good values. More...
#define UA_SCGOODNODATA   0x00A50000
 No data exists for the requested time range or event filter. More...
#define UA_SCGOODMOREDATA   0x00A60000
 The data or event field was successfully replaced in the historical database. More...
 The requested number of Aggregates does not match the requested number of NodeIds. More...
 The requested Aggregate is not support by the server. More...
 The aggregate value could not be derived due to invalid data inputs. More...
 The aggregate configuration is not valid for specified node. More...
#define UA_SCGOODDATAIGNORED   0x00D90000
 The request pecifies fields which are not valid for the EventType or cannot be saved by the historian. More...
 The request was rejected by the server because it did not meet the criteria set by the server. More...
#define UA_SCGOODEDITED   0x00DC0000
 The value does not come from the real source and has been edited by the server. More...
 There was an error in execution of these post-actions. More...
 The related EngineeringUnit has been changed but the Variable Value is still provided based on the previous unit. More...
 A dependent value has been changed but the change has not been applied to the device. More...
 The related EngineeringUnit has been changed but this change has not been applied to the device. More...
 A dependent value has been changed but the change has not been applied to the device. More...
 A dependent value has been changed but the change has not been applied to the device. More...
 The communication layer has raised an event. More...
 The system is shutting down. More...
#define UA_SCGOODCALLAGAIN   0x00A90000
 The operation is not finished and needs to be called again. More...
 A non-critical timeout occurred. More...
 One or more arguments are invalid. More...
 Could not establish a network connection to remote server. More...
#define UA_SCBADDISCONNECT   0x80AD0000
 The server has disconnected from the client. More...
 The network connection has been closed. More...
 The operation cannot be completed because the object is closed.
#define UA_SCBADENDOFSTREAM   0x80B00000
 Cannot move beyond end of the stream. More...
 No data is currently available for reading from a non-blocking stream. More...
 The asynchronous operation is waiting for a response. More...
 The asynchronous operation was abandoned by the caller. More...
 The stream did not return all data requested (possibly because it is a non-blocking stream). More...
#define UA_SCBADWOULDBLOCK   0x80B50000
 Non blocking behaviour is required and the operation would block. More...
#define UA_SCBADSYNTAXERROR   0x80B60000
 A value had an invalid syntax. More...
 The operation could not be finished because all available connections are in use. More...

Detailed Description

Macro Definition Documentation

#define UA_SCBAD   0x80000000

Generic bad status code.


The aggregate configuration is not valid for specified node.


The aggregate value could not be derived due to invalid data inputs.


The requested number of Aggregates does not match the requested number of NodeIds.


The requested Aggregate is not support by the server.


The signature generated with the client certificate is missing or invalid.


The client did not specify all of the input arguments for the method.


The attribute is not supported for the specified Node.

#define UA_SCBADBOUNDNOTFOUND   0x80D70000

No data found to provide upper or lower bound value.


The server cannot retrieve a bound for the variable.


The browse direction is not valid.


The browse name is not unique among nodes that share the same relationship with the parent.


The browse name is invalid.


The certificate chain is incomplete.


The HostName used to connect to a server does not match a HostName in the certificate.


The certificate provided as a parameter is not valid.


It was not possible to determine if the issuer certificate has been revoked.


The issuer certificate has been revoked.


An issuer certificate has expired or is not yet valid.


The issuer certificate may not be used for the requested operation.


It was not possible to determine if the certificate has been revoked.


The certificate has been revoked.


The certificate has expired or is not yet valid.


The certificate is not trusted.


The URI specified in the ApplicationDescription does not match the URI in the certificate.


The certificate may not be used for the requested operation.


A low level communication error occurred.


This condition has already been disabled.


This condition has already been enabled.


The condition has already been shelved.


The condition branch has already been acknowledged.


The condition branch has already been confirmed.


The condition is not currently shelved.


There is a problem with the configuration that affects the usefulness of the value.


The network connection has been closed.


Could not establish a network connection to remote server.


The content filter is not valid.


The continuation point provide is longer valid.


The data encoding is invalid.


The server does not support the requested data encoding for the node.

#define UA_SCBADDATALOST   0x809D0000

Data is missing due to collection started/stopped/lost.


The extension object cannot be (de)serialized because the data type id is not recognized.


The deadband filter is not valid.

#define UA_SCBADDECODINGERROR   0x80070000

Decoding halted because of invalid data in the stream.


A dependent value has been changed but the change has not been applied to the device.

The quality of the dominant variable is Bad.

#define UA_SCBADDEVICEFAILURE   0x808B0000

There has been a failure in the device/data source that generates the value that has affected the value.


The dialog condition is not active.


The response is not valid for the dialog.

#define UA_SCBADDISCONNECT   0x80AD0000

The server has disconnected from the client.


No DiscoveryUrl was specified.


The related EngineeringUnit has been changed but this change has not been applied to the device.

The Variable Value is still dependent on the previous unit but its status is currently Bad.


The reference type between the nodes is already defined.

#define UA_SCBADENCODINGERROR   0x80060000

Encoding halted because of invalid data in the objects being serialized.


The message encoding/decoding limits imposed by the stack have been exceeded.

#define UA_SCBADENDOFSTREAM   0x80B00000

Cannot move beyond end of the stream.

#define UA_SCBADENTRYEXISTS   0x809F0000

The data or event was not successfully inserted because a matching entry exists.


The event filter is not valid.


The specified event id is not recognized.


The event cannot be acknowledged.


The stream did not return all data requested (possibly because it is a non-blocking stream).


The referenced element is not a valid element in the content filter.


The referenced literal is not a valid value.


A monitoring filter cannot be used in combination with the attribute specified.


The number of operands provided for the filter operator was less then expected for the operand provided.


The operand used in a content filter is not valid.


An unregognized operator was provided in a filter.


The history details parameter is not valid.


The server does not support the requested operation.


The server does not support changing the user identity assigned to the session.


The user identity token is not valid.


The user identity token is valid but the server has rejected it.


The syntax of the index range parameter is invalid.


No data exists within the range of indexes specified.


The client of the current session does not support one or more Profiles that are necessary for the subscription.

#define UA_SCBADINTERNALERROR   0x80020000

An internal error occurred as a result of a programming or configuration error.


One or more arguments are invalid.


The server does not allow this type of self reference on this node.


The timestamp is outside the range allowed by the server.


The defined timestamp to return was invalid.


The server does not have a license which is required to operate in general or to perform a service or operation.

#define UA_SCBADMAXAGEINVALID   0x80700000

The max age parameter is invalid.


The operation could not be finished because all available connections are in use.


The requested notification message is no longer available.

#define UA_SCBADMETHODINVALID   0x80750000

The method id does not refer to a method for the specified object.


The monitored item filter parameter is not valid.


The server does not support the requested monitored item filter.


The monitoring item id does not refer to a valid monitored item.


The monitoring mode is invalid.


The operation could not be processed because all continuation points have been allocated.

#define UA_SCBADNODATA   0x809B0000

No data exists for the requested time range or event filter.


No data is currently available for reading from a non-blocking stream.


The node attributes are not valid for the node class.


The node class is not valid.

#define UA_SCBADNODEIDEXISTS   0x805E0000

The requested node id is already used by another node.

#define UA_SCBADNODEIDINVALID   0x80330000

The syntax of the node id is not valid.


The requested node id was reject because it was either invalid or server does not allow node ids to be specified by the client.

#define UA_SCBADNODEIDUNKNOWN   0x80340000

The node id refers to a node that does not exist in the server address space.

#define UA_SCBADNODELETERIGHTS   0x80690000

The server will not allow the node to be deleted.

#define UA_SCBADNODENOTINVIEW   0x804E0000

The node is not part of the view.

#define UA_SCBADNOENTRYEXISTS   0x80A00000

The data or event was not successfully updated because no matching entry exists.

#define UA_SCBADNOMATCH   0x806F0000

The requested operation has no match to return.

#define UA_SCBADNONCEINVALID   0x80240000

The nonce does appear to be not a random value or it is not the correct length.

#define UA_SCBADNOSUBSCRIPTION   0x80790000

There is no subscription available for this session.

#define UA_SCBADNOTFOUND   0x803E0000

A requested item was not found or a search operation ended without success.

#define UA_SCBADNOTHINGTODO   0x800F0000

There was nothing to do because the client passed a list of operations with no elements.

#define UA_SCBADNOTIMPLEMENTED   0x80400000

Requested operation is not implemented.

#define UA_SCBADNOTREADABLE   0x803A0000

The access level does not allow reading or subscribing to the Node.

#define UA_SCBADNOTSUPPORTED   0x803D0000

The requested operation is not supported.


The provided Nodeid was not a type definition nodeid.

#define UA_SCBADNOTWRITABLE   0x803B0000

The access level does not allow writing to the Node.


The client did not provide at least one software certificate that is valid and meets the profile requirements for the server.

#define UA_SCBADOBJECTDELETED   0x803F0000

The object cannot be used because it has been deleted.


The asynchronous operation was abandoned by the caller.

#define UA_SCBADOUTOFMEMORY   0x80030000

Not enough memory to complete the operation.

#define UA_SCBADOUTOFRANGE   0x803C0000

The value was out of range.

#define UA_SCBADOUTOFSERVICE   0x808D0000

The source of the data is not operational.


The parent node id does not to refer to a valid node.


The applications do not have compatible protocol versions.


The requested operation requires too many resources in the server.


The reference type is not valid for a reference to a remote server.


The reference could not be created because it violates constraints imposed by the data model.


The operation could not be processed because all continuation points have been allocated.


The request was cancelled by the client.


The request was cancelled by the client with the Cancel service.


The header for the request is missing or invalid.


The request could not be sent because of a network interruption.


The request was rejected by the server because it did not meet the criteria set by the server.

#define UA_SCBADREQUESTTIMEOUT   0x80850000

Timeout occurred while processing the request.


The request message size exceeds limits set by the server.


The security token request type is not valid.


An operating system resource is not available.


The response message size exceeds limits set by the client.


The secure channel has been closed.


The specified secure channel is no longer valid.


The token has expired or is not recognized.


An error occurred verifying security.


The operation is not permitted over the current secure channel.


The security mode does not meet the requirements set by the server.


The security policy does not meet the requirements set by the server.


The semaphore file specified by the client is not valid.

#define UA_SCBADSENSORFAILURE   0x808C0000

There has been a failure in the sensor from which the value is derived by the device/data source.


The sequence number is not valid.


The sequence number is unknown to the server.

#define UA_SCBADSERVERHALTED   0x800E0000

The server has stopped and cannot process any requests.


The server index is not valid.


No ServerName was specified.


The operation could not complete because the client is not connected to the server.


The ServerUri is not a valid URI.


The server does not support the requested service.

#define UA_SCBADSESSIONCLOSED   0x80260000

The session was closed by the client.


The session id is not valid.


The session cannot be used because ActivateSession has not been called.


The shelving time not within an acceptable range.

#define UA_SCBADSHUTDOWN   0x800C0000

The operation was cancelled because the application is shutting down.


The source node id does not reference a valid node.


The sub-state machine is not currently active.


A mandatory structured parameter was missing or null.


The subscription id is not valid.

#define UA_SCBADSYNTAXERROR   0x80B60000

A value had an invalid syntax.


The target node id does not reference a valid node.


The server does not recognize the QueryString specified.


An internal error occurred.


The size of the message specified in the header is too large.


The type of the message specified in the header invalid.


There are not enough resources to process the request.


The SecureChannelId and/or TokenId are not currently in use.


The server cannot process the request because it is too busy.

#define UA_SCBADTIMEOUT   0x800A0000

The operation timed out.


The client requested history using a timestamp format the server does not support (i.e requested ServerTimestamp when server only supports SourceTimestamp).


The timestamps to return parameter is invalid.


Too many arguments were provided.


The requested operation has too many matches to return.


The request could not be processed because there are too many monitored items in the subscription.


The request could not be processed because it specified too many operations.


The server has reached the maximum number of queued publish requests.

#define UA_SCBADTOOMANYSESSIONS   0x80560000

The server has reached its maximum number of sessions.


The server has reached its maximum number of subscriptions.


The type definition node id does not reference an appropriate type node.

#define UA_SCBADTYPEMISMATCH   0x80740000

The value supplied for the attribute is not of the same type as the attribute's value.

#define UA_SCBADUNEXPECTEDERROR   0x80010000

An unexpected error occurred.

#define UA_SCBADUNKNOWNRESPONSE   0x80090000

An unrecognized response was received from the server.


User does not have permission to perform the requested operation.


The user token signature is missing or invalid.

#define UA_SCBADVIEWIDUNKNOWN   0x806B0000

The view id does not refer to a valid view node.


The view parameters are not consistent with each other.


The view timestamp is not available or not supported.


The view version is not available or not supported.


Waiting for the server to obtain values from the underlying data source.


The asynchronous operation is waiting for a response.

#define UA_SCBADWOULDBLOCK   0x80B50000

Non blocking behaviour is required and the operation would block.

#define UA_SCGOODCALLAGAIN   0x00A90000

The operation is not finished and needs to be called again.

#define UA_SCGOODCLAMPED   0x00300000

The value written was accepted but was clamped.


The communication layer has raised an event.


The processing will complete asynchronously.

#define UA_SCGOODDATAIGNORED   0x00D90000

The request pecifies fields which are not valid for the EventType or cannot be saved by the historian.


A dependent value has been changed but the change has not been applied to the device.

#define UA_SCGOODEDITED   0x00DC0000

The value does not come from the real source and has been edited by the server.


The data or event was successfully inserted into the historical database.


The data or event field was successfully replaced in the historical database.

#define UA_SCGOODLOCALOVERRIDE   0x00960000

The value has been overridden.

#define UA_SCGOODMOREDATA   0x00A60000

The data or event field was successfully replaced in the historical database.

#define UA_SCGOODNODATA   0x00A50000

No data exists for the requested time range or event filter.


A non-critical timeout occurred.

#define UA_SCGOODOVERLOAD   0x002F0000

Sampling has slowed down due to resource limitations.


There was an error in execution of these post-actions.


The server should have followed a reference to a node in a remote server but did not.

The result set may be incomplete.


The system is shutting down.


The subscription was transferred to another session.


The value is derived from multiple values and has less than the required number of Good values.


A dependent value has been changed but the change has not been applied to the device.

The quality of the dominant variable is uncertain.


The related EngineeringUnit has been changed but the Variable Value is still provided based on the previous unit.


The value is outside of the range of values defined for this parameter.


The value is an initial value for a variable that normally receives its value from another variable.


Whatever was updating this value has stopped doing so.


Communication to the data source has failed.

The variable value is the last value that had a good quality.


The list of references may not be complete because the underlying system is not available.


The server was not able to delete all target references.


One of the references to follow in the relative path references to a node in the address space in another server.


The value is at one of the sensor limits.

#define UA_SCUNCERTAINSUBNORMAL   0x40950000

The value is derived from multiple sources and has less than the required number of Good sources.


The value is an operational value that was manually overwritten.