High Performance OPC UA Server SDK
nsentry Struct Reference

Data Fields

char * prefix
char * url
char * version
char * publication_date
unsigned int xml_nsidx
unsigned int sdk_nsidx
unsigned int store_index
unsigned int node_count
unsigned int var_count
unsigned int value_count
unsigned int alt_value_count
unsigned int objtype_count
unsigned int datatype_count
unsigned int vartype_count
unsigned int view_count
unsigned int method_count
unsigned int ref_count
unsigned int xref_count
unsigned int reftable_size
unsigned int xreftable_size
unsigned int nodetable_size
unsigned int valuetable_size
struct uagraph_reference ** reftable
struct uagraph_reference ** xreftable
struct uagraph_node ** nodetable
struct uagraph_variable ** valuetable
struct stringtables stringtables

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: