.NET Based OPC UA Client/Server SDK


Keep in mind to built your applications against the correct .NET framework or .NET Core version. See Software Requirements and Deployment for more information.

Deploying a .NET Framework application built with the OPC UA .NET SDK requires two steps:

  1. Copy the directory containing the built binaries to the target machine;
  2. Run the executable as an Administrator with the ‘/install’ argument.

The latter step will create the certificate, create the Windows Service (if required) and set the file permissions correctly. For servers, the installation process will also open firewall ports.

The configuration file that controls the installation process can be passed as a command line parameter or the information can be stored in the default configuration file for the application.

The install process is described in more detail below.

Deploying a .NET Core application built with the OPC UA .NET SDK requires four steps:

  1. Copy the directory containing the built binaries to the target machine;
  2. Create an ApplicationInstance certificate;
  3. Set the file permissions of the certificate;
  4. Open the tcp ports for server applications;


.NET Framework

The following table lists the files that need to be copied for a simple client application bulit with .NET Framework:

File Description
FullClient.exe The executable assembly created by the application developer.
UnifiedAutomation.UaClient.dll The assembly for the Unified Automation .NET Client SDK.
UnifiedAutomation.UaBase.dll The base assembly for the Unified Automation .NET SDKs.
UnifiedAutomation.UaBase.Windows.dll An assembly with toolikt functionaliy for installation process.
Opc.Ua.CertificateGenerator.exe A certificate generation utility.
Interop.NetFwTypeLib.dll An Interop assembly used to access the Windows Firewall APIs.

The Opc.Ua.CertificateGenerator.exe utility is only required for installation. It is not required once an application is configured or if certificates are assigned using some vendor defined mechanism.

If the SDK development environment is installed on a machine the Opc.Ua.CertificateGenerator.exe utility can be found in the installation directory under “UnifiedAutomation\UaSdkNetBundleBinary\bin”.

.NET Core

The following table lists the files that need to be copied for a simple client application bulit with .NET Core:

File Description
Client.dll The executable assembly created by the application developer.
UnifiedAutomation.UaClient.dll The assembly for the Unified Automation .NET Client SDK.
UnifiedAutomation.UaBase.dll The base assembly for the Unified Automation .NET SDKs.
UnifiedAutomation.UaBase.BouncyCastle.dll An assembly calling BouncyCastle to create the certificate.
BouncyCastle.Crypto.dll Third party library used by UnifiedAutomation.UaBase.BouncyCastle.dll.
Client.runtimeconfig.json File containing runtime dependencies.
If an UWP application is built natively, it is not allowed to distribute the UnifiedAutomation assemblies. You are only allowed to ship the app package.