High Performance OPC UA Server SDK
Creating Jagged Arrays

OPC UA Variants can store scalar values, arrays, multidimensional arrays (aka matrix) and also nested arrays. A nested array is simply an array of type UA_VT_VARIANT, where each elements is again an array. This allows to use different array lengths for each element (hence the name "jagged array") and also different types.

Jagged Array Example

The following example shows how to create such an array using ua_variant utility functions.

int create_jagged_array(struct ua_variant *value)
/* Create a nested array of variants aka jagged array.
* It is possible in UA to nest arrays, which should not be confused
* with multidimensional arrays.
* Every array element simply contains another array. These can also have
* a different types.
struct ua_variant array[5];
uint32_t ints5[5] = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5};
uint32_t ints4[4] = { 11, 12, 13, 14 };
uint32_t ints3[3] = { 100, 200, 200};
float floats5[5] = { 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5 };
float floats4[4] = { 4.1, 4.2, 4.3, 4.4 };
unsigned int i;
int ret;
ua_memset(array, 0, sizeof(array));
/* fill inner variants */
ret = ua_variant_set_array(&array[0], UA_VT_INT32, ints5, countof(ints5));
if (ret != 0) goto out;
ret = ua_variant_set_array(&array[1], UA_VT_INT32, ints4, countof(ints4));
if (ret != 0) goto out;
ret = ua_variant_set_array(&array[2], UA_VT_INT32, ints3, countof(ints3));
if (ret != 0) goto out;
ret = ua_variant_set_array(&array[3], UA_VT_FLOAT, floats5, countof(floats5));
if (ret != 0) goto out;
ret = ua_variant_set_array(&array[4], UA_VT_FLOAT, floats4, countof(floats4));
if (ret != 0) goto out;
/* create outer (jagged) array (deep copy) */
ret = ua_variant_set_array(value, UA_VT_VARIANT, array, countof(array));
/* free array */
for (i = 0; i < countof(array); ++i) {
return ret;

The downside of the example above are the memory allocations and deep-copy operations, which are not efficient in terms of performance or resource consumption. When you need better efficiency you can make use of ua_variant_attach_array as shown in the next example.

int create_jagged_array2(struct ua_variant *value)
/* This works like the function above but avoids a deep copy using
* ua_variant_attach_array.
struct ua_variant *array;
const unsigned int count = 5;
uint32_t ints5[5] = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5};
uint32_t ints4[4] = { 11, 12, 13, 14 };
uint32_t ints3[3] = { 100, 200, 200};
float floats5[5] = { 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5 };
float floats4[4] = { 4.1, 4.2, 4.3, 4.4 };
unsigned int i;
int ret;
/* create array in IPC heap for attaching to variant */
array = IPC_CALLOC_ARRAY(array, count);
if (array == NULL) return UA_EBADNOMEM;
/* fill inner variants */
ret = ua_variant_set_array(&array[0], UA_VT_INT32, ints5, countof(ints5));
if (ret != 0) goto error;
ret = ua_variant_set_array(&array[1], UA_VT_INT32, ints4, countof(ints4));
if (ret != 0) goto error;
ret = ua_variant_set_array(&array[2], UA_VT_INT32, ints3, countof(ints3));
if (ret != 0) goto error;
ret = ua_variant_set_array(&array[3], UA_VT_FLOAT, floats5, countof(floats5));
if (ret != 0) goto error;
ret = ua_variant_set_array(&array[4], UA_VT_FLOAT, floats4, countof(floats4));
if (ret != 0) goto error;
/* create outer (jagged) array by attaching */
ret = ua_variant_attach_array(value, UA_VT_VARIANT, array, count);
if (ret != 0) goto error;
return 0;
/* free array */
for (i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
return ret;

This avoids the deep copy of the ua_variant_set_array call, but still you have the copy operations of the single array variables. It is possible to replace this as well using ua_variant_attach_array function. But this would require to dynamically allocate all the variables (ints5, ints4, ints4, floats5, floats4), which would make the code more complicated.