High Performance OPC UA Server SDK
OPC UA Binary File Format

(C) 2017-2021 Unified Automation GmbH, Author: Gerhard Gappmeier

Document Status
Status Released
Version 1.9.0
Date 2022-12-19

Abstract: This documents defines a file format for UA Information Models which replaces the XML UA-Nodeset Schema from the OPC Foundation. The binary file format only requires a fraction of the memory that a comparable XML file needs and it is easy and fast to load also on embedded systems without the need for an XML parser. This document also defines a new binary encoding scheme which is more efficient in terms of memory usage than the default UA Binary Encoding. This encoding would also be a good alternative for a new binary protocol for embedded systems. For now we use it only to store UA information models in binary files.

Change history


  • Added AllowSubTypes flag for structure fields.
  • Extend Structure's DataTypeDefinitionType for subtyped values.
  • Added missing array_dimensions_length field to variant encoding.


  • Added RolePermissions
  • Added AccessRestrictions
  • Clarified VarInt encoding ranges
  • Fix DataTypeDefinitionType values
  • Add 'SymbolicName' to DataTypeDefinition
  • Add missing 'fields' in StructureDefinition
  • Remove invalid 'IsOptional' flag in EnumField


  • Added maxStringLength to StructureField.
  • Added OptionSet support to DataTypeDefinition
  • Added Version and PublicationDate to Namespace entries.


  • Added method declaration id to method entry

Terms, definitions and conventions

The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT", "SHOULD", "SHOULD NOT", "RECOMMENDED", "MAY", and "OPTIONAL" in this document are to be interpreted as described in RFC 2119.

UA Compact Binary Encoding

General Notes

The UA Compact Binary Encoding does not support a distinction between Null-Elements and Empty-Elements as it is done in the default UA Binary Encoding for String, ByteString, Arrays, etc.


  • The UA specification allows already today that decoders can map both Null and Empty elements to the same value. E.g. Null-String and Empty-String can both be mapped to a NULL pointer in C when the data gets decoded.
  • There is no advantage in such distinctions on protocol level. It's only a difference that occurs in some programming languages.
  • The usage of signed integers for length fields is considered bad practice, because it often results in programming errors.
  • This encoding uses unsigned integers for all length fields, where the error scenario of negative values can be completely avoided, thus the implementation is easier and more secure.
  • Also variable length encoding of unsigned integers is more efficient.

Fixed Size Encodings

When fixed size integer values are encoded this document uses the according C-Type also as encoding name. E.g. uint32_t in an Encoding Type column means the value is encoded as 4-Byte integer value. The least significant byte is always encoded first (little endian).

Boolean Encoding

According to the C Standard the size of the bool datatype is implementation-defined. However this encoding defines a bool to be encoded as 1 byte. Furthermore we limit the number of valid values to 0 and 1. All other values are invalid and MUST result in a decoding error.

Boolean value Description
0 false
1 true
2-255 invalid

When the type bool is used in an Encoding Type column this refers to this Boolean encoding.

VarInt Encoding

A VarInt is an unsigned integer with variable length encoding. The MSB of each byte is used to indicate that there is another byte following. The last byte has a MSB of zero. The bytes are encoded with least significant byte first. Values shall be encoded using the minimum number of bytes.

This enables the following numeric ranges:

Bytes Range Example
1 0 – 127 (0 – 2^7-1) 17 = 00010001 (bin)
2 128 – 16.383 (2^7 – 2^14-1) 300 = 10101100 00000010 (bin)
3 16.384 – 2.097.151 (2^14 – 2^21-1) 1000000 = 11000000 10000100 00111101 (bin)
4 2.097.152 – 268.435.455 (2^21 – 2^28-1) ...
n 268.435.456 – 2^(n*7)-1

To store a UINT32_MAX in a VarInt 5 bytes are required, UINT64_MAX requires 10 bytes.

Note: At the time of writing the High Performance SDK only supported VarInt numbers are in the range of uint32_t.

SVarInt Encoding

Is a VarInt encoding for signed integer values. The normal VarInt encoding would not work efficiently, because negative numbers would be interpreted as large unsigned integers and so would result always in the longest encoding. For this reason we use the so called ZigZag encoding which maps signed integers to unsigned integers by using the distance from zero. This always results in small unsigned values for small signed values which then can be encoded in the same way as VarInts.

Signed Original Unsigned value
0 0
-1 1
1 2
-2 3
2 4
2147483647 4294967294
-2147483648 4294967295

This mapping can be done by using

(n << 1) ^ (n >> 15)

for int16_t, and by using

(n << 1) ^ (n >> 31)

for int32_t, and by using

(n << 1) ^ (n >> 63)

for int64_t.

Note that the second shift – the (n >> 31) part – is an arithmetic shift. So, in other words, the result of the shift is either a number that is all zero bits (if n is positive) or all one bits (if n is negative).

Note: At the time of writing the High Performance SDK only supported SVarInt numbers in the range of int32_t.

IEEE754 Encoding

In OPC UA we use 32bit and 64bit floating point types according to IEEE754 (ISO/IEC/IEEE 60559:2011), which is the same encoding as used by most CPUs and programming languages. Thus no conversion is needed, only the endianess must be normalized. When encoding IEEE754 values the least significant byte is encoded first.

String Encoding

A String is encoded as string length followed by the string data. The length field is encoded as VarInt. The string contents is an UTF-8 encoded Unicode string. The string data is encoded as sequence of UTF-8 encoded bytes without a null terminator.

Example: "Hello World" (11) is encoded as

Hex: 0b  48  65  6c  6c  6f  20  57  6f  72  6c  64
     11 'H' 'e' 'l' 'l' 'o' ' ' 'W' 'o' 'r' 'l' 'd'

In OPC UA Strings are technically limited to a max. length of 2.147.483.647 bytes (Int32), but most SDKs will use much shorter encoding limits. So the max. length is implementation specific. This file format does not enforce any limitations.

ByteString Encoding

Is encoded in the same ways as String, but the data may contain arbitrary values, e.g. PNG image data.

Example: A PNG file with 4158 Byte.

$> hexdump -C -unified_128x128.png
00000000  89 50 4e 47 0d 0a 1a 0a  00 00 00 0d 49 48 44 52  |.PNG........IHDR|

VarInt(4158) results in 10111110 00100000 = 0xBE 0x20, thus the resulting encoded ByteString looks as follows.

hex: BE 20 89 50 4E 47 0D 0A 1A 0A  00 00 00 0D 49 48 44 52 ...

In OPC UA ByteStrings are technically limited to a max. length of 2.147.483.647 bytes (Int32), but most SDKs will use much shorter encoding limits. So the max. length is implementation specific. This file format does not enforce any limitations.

Guid Encoding

A Guid (Global unique identifier) is defined using the following C struct:

struct ua_guid {
    uint32_t data1;    /**< Data1 field. */
    uint16_t data2;    /**< Data2 field. */
    uint16_t data3;    /**< Data3 field. */
    uint8_t  data4[8]; /**< Data4 array. */

Such a Guid is encoded using the fixed size types of the individual fields.


int ua_encode_guid(const struct ua_guid *guid, ua_buffer *buf)
    int ret;

    ret = ua_encode_uint32(&guid->data1, buf);
    if (ret != 0) goto error;

    ret = ua_encode_uint16(&guid->data2, buf);
    if (ret != 0) goto error;

    ret = ua_encode_uint16(&guid->data3, buf);
    if (ret != 0) goto error;

    ret = ua_encode_bytearray(&guid->data4[0], 8, buf);
    if (ret != 0) goto error;

    return 0;
    return -1;


// 12345678-1122-3344-0001-020304050607
struct ua_guid demo = { 0x12345678, 0x1122, 0x3344, {0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05, 0x06, 0x07 }};
// encoded data stream: 78563412221144330001020304050607 (hex)

NodeId Encoding

The NodeId is encoded as a sequence of type, nsidx and identifier. Type and nsidx are encoded into a single byte. The identifier is a choice of different types (union in C) which is encoded depending on the type field.

Encoding Type Name Description
VarInt type_nsidx The type (2 bits) and nsidx (16 bits) fields are packed into one uint32_t which is then encoded as VarInt. Therefore the nsidx is shifted 2 bits left and bitwise ORed with type. This way both can usually be encoded in one byte, as long as nsidx < 32. If nsidx is bigger a multi-byte sequence is created according to the VarInt encoding.
VarInt numeric Numeric value (only present when type==0)
String string String value (only present when type==1)
Guid guid Guid value (only present when type==2)
ByteString opaque Opaque value (only present when type==3)

Note: In OPC UA string and opaque NodeIds are limited to 4096 bytes. Implementations may choose even shorter encoding limit. This file format does not enforce any limitations.


NodeId XML      type_nsidx  Identifier (Data is binary if not prefixed with 0x)
nsidx=0;i=17:   00000000    00010001 (two byte nodeid)
nsidx=1;i=300:  00000100    10101100 00000010 (three byte nodeid)
nsidx=2;s=abc:  00001001    00000011 0x616263 (5 bytes)
                00001110    0x1FA06D93BD9A9D4D80C702AF85C822A8 (17 bytes)
nsidx=4;b=YWJj: 00010011    00000011 0x616263 (5 bytes)

ExpandedNodeId Encoding

Not required!!! Only for referencing nodes outside of the local server.

The encoding could be done as follows:

Encoding Type Name Description
NodeId id NodeId of foreign node.
String ns_uri Namespace URI for foreign node.
VarInt server_index Server index. Index of the foreign server in the server table.

QualifiedName Encoding

Encoding Type Name Description
VarInt nsidx The namespace index.
String name The name field.


0:""     : 00 00
1:Hello  : 01 05 48 65 6C 6C 6F

LocalizedText Encoding

Encoding Type Name Description
String locale The locale, e.g. "en-US". This can also by empty.
String name The text in the specified locale.


<Empty>     : 00 00
Hello       : 00 05 48 65 6C 6C 6F
en-US:Hello : 05 65 6e 2d 55 53 05 48 65 6C 6C 6F

ExtensionObject Encoding

In contrast to the default UA Binary Encoding this encoding supports only a binary body. It makes simply no sense to use XML encoding in small binary protocols. So we can get rid of the encoding byte of Part 6 - Table 13 and can simplify ExtensionObjects to the following.

Encoding Type Name Description
NodeId typeid The identifier for the DataTypeEncoding node.
ByteString body This serialized binary data of this datatype.

Note that the body is encoded with default OPC UA binary encoding. This way the application loading this file simply can use the value as-is for the protocol.

2nd note: it would be possible to use the optimized encoding of this document also for the body. This would make sense when this encoding would also be used for the protocol, which means a different typeid would be used.

Variant Encoding

C Type Encoding Type Field Name Description
uint8_t uint8_t encoding The type of data encoded in the stream.
The mask has the following bits assigned:
Bit 0:5 Built-in Type Id
Bit 6 (HasDimensions): True if the array___dimensions field is encoded.
Bit 7 (IsArray): True if an array of values is encoded.
uint32_t VarInt array_length The number of elements in the array. This field is only present if
the IsArray bit is set in the encoding byte. For multi-dimensional
arrays this field contains the total number of elements.
union - - Variant value. May be one of the following fields.
bool uint8_t boolean Boolean value encoded as one byte (0=false, 1=true).
uint8_t uint8_t ui8 Unsigned byte value.
int8_t int8_t i8 Signed byte value.
uint16_t VarInt ui16 Unsigned word value.
int16_t SVarInt i16 Signed word value.
uint32_t VarInt u32 Unsigned double word value.
int32_t SVarInt i32 Signed double word value.
uint64_t VarInt u64 Unsigned quad word value.
int64_t SVarInt i64 Signed quad word value.
float IEEE754 32bit flt 32bit floating point value.
double IEEE754 64bit dbl 64bit floating point value.
ua_string String str String value.
ua_datetime uint64_t dt DateTime is a 64bit Windows FILETIME value.
ua_guid uint8_t[16] guid Guid value. Technically an array of 16 byte.
ua_bytestring String bs An arbitrary array of bytes. Encoded in the same way as a string.
ua_bytestring String xml XML element, which is represented as ua_bytestring.
ua_nodeid NodeId nodeid UA NodeId value.
ua_expandednodeid ExpandedNodeId enodeid UA ExpandedNodeId value.
ua_statuscode uint32_t status UA StatusCode value. (maybe SVarInt would be good also for this)
ua_qualifiedname QualfiedName qn UA QualifiedName value.
ua_localizedtext LocalizedText lt UA LocalizedText value.
ua_extensionobject ExtensionObject eo UA ExtensionObject value.
unionend - - End of union fields.
uint32_t VarInt array_dimensions_length Number of array dimensions. This field is only present when HasDimensions is true.
uint32_t[] VarInt[] array_dimensions The length of each dimension encoded as VarInt. This field is only present when HasDimensions is true.


Variant Type Variant Value Encoded Data (hex) Standard UA Binary Encoding (for comparison)
Empty - 00 00
Bool true 01 01 01 01
SByte -17 02 EF 02 EF
Byte 17 03 11 03 11
Int16 -17 04 21 04 EF FF
UInt16 17 05 11 05 11 00
Int32 -17 06 21 06 EF FF FF FF
UInt32 17 07 11 07 11 00 00 00
Int64 -17 08 21 08 EF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF
UInt64 17 09 11 09 11 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
Float 1.23 0A A4 70 9D 3F 0A A3 70 9D 3F
Double 1.23 0B AE 47 E1 7A 14 AE F3 3F 0B AE 47 E1 7A 14 AE F3 3F
Bool[3] { true, false, true } 81 03 01 00 01 81 03 00 00 00 01 00 01
Int32[2] { 2, -2 } 86 02 04 03 81 04 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 02 00 00 00
UInt32[3][3] { { 1, 2, 3 }, C7 09 01 02 03 04 05 06 C7 09 00 00 00 01 00 00
{ 4, 5, 6 }, 07 08 09 02 03 03 00 02 00 00 00 03 00 00
{ 7, 8, 9 } } (14 byte) 00 04 00 00 00 05 00 00
00 06 00 00 00 07 00 00
00 08 00 00 00 09 00 00
00 02 00 00 00 03 00 00
00 03 00 00 00 (53 byte)
NodeId ns=0;i=17 11 00 11 11 00 11 (two byte numeric nodeid)
NodeId ns=1;i=256 11 01 80 02 11 01 01 00 01 (four byte numeric nodeid)
NodeId ns=1;i=65536 11 01 80 80 04 11 02 01 00 00 00 01 00 (7 byte numeric nodeid)
NodeId ns=3;s=Hello 11 43 05 48 65 6C 6C 6F 11 03 03 00 05 00 00 00 48 65 6C 6C 6F

File Format

Encoding Type Name Description
char[4] signature File signature: { 'U', 'A', 'A', 'D' }
char[2] version File format version: major.minor.
uint64_t last_modified Last modified timestamp as 64 bit time_t (UNIX epoch). This is UTC time.
VarInt num_extnamespaces Number of entries in extnamespacetable
VarInt num_reqnamespaces Number of entries in reqnamespacetable
VarInt num_namespaces Number of entries in namespacetable
NodeStatistic stat Node statistic of whole file.
VarInt num_stringtables Number of entries in stringtables
String[] extnamespacetable Extension namespace table. List of extension namespaces used by extensions.
Extensions extensions Global file extensions
StringTable[] stringtables String tables
Namespace[] reqnamespacetable Required namespace table. List of namespaces that are required for this file.
Namespace[] namespacetable Namespace table. List of namespaces provided by this file.
DataType[] datatypetable DataType table
ReferenceType[] referencetypetable ReferenceType table
VariableType[] variabletypetable VariableTable table
ObjectType[] objecttypetable ObjectType table
Variable[] variabletable Variable table
Object[] objecttable Object table
Method[] methodtable Method table
View[] viewtable View table
Reference[] referencetable Reference table
uint8_t[4] checksum Adler32 checksum

All nodes are stored in node class specific node tables, this means the node class itself is implicitly known and does not need to be stored explicitly in the file.


The checksum is computed using the Adler32 algorithm, which results in a 4 byte checksum, which gets appended at the end of the file.

For validating the checksum, the checksum must be calculated again over the complete file, excluding the last 4 bytes of the file. Then the computed checksum must be compared with the one at the end of the file to see if the file is corrupted or not.

Adler32 is best known of being used in ZLIB compression. The algorithm is explained in detail in RFC1950. An example implementation of Adler32 can be found on Wikipedia: https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adler-32

String Table

To eliminate redundant strings we create a string table which contains only unique strings. The node entries use special variants of LocalizedText and QualifiedName which use a string reference instead of the string itself. A string reference is simply the string index in the string table encoded as VarInt. Note, that string NodeIds are not added to the string table.

QualifiedNameRef Encoding

Encoding Type Name Description
VarInt nsidx The namespace index.
VarInt name The name field as string table index.

LocalizedTextRef Encoding

The locale can be eliminated, because it is implicitly known by used string table. The String name field is replaced by the string table index.

Encoding Type Name Description
VarInt name The text as string table index.

StringTable Entry

A StringTable entry defines one string table (not one string). This is because a file can contain multiple string tables.

Encoding Type Name Description
String locale The locale of the string table (de-DE, fr-FR, etc.)
VarInt size Number of strings in string table.
String[] table Array of strings.

Internationalization (I18n)

The first string table contains the default locale and should always be complete. Other tables used for translations can contain empty strings for strings that have not been translated. Note that also the first stringtable will contain one empty string. Empty strings are used a lot in UA and these will reference the empty string entry in the stringtable. It is recommended to add the empty string as the first element in the string table, so the index 0 always references an empty string.

String lookup procedure (pseudo code):

/** Lookup string translation by \c index and \c locale.
 * @param index The string index in the table.
 * @param locale The locale of the string to return.
 * @return The found string or NULL if not found.
string lookup_string(string_index index, string locale) {
    // lookup translation table
    stringtable table = stringtable_lookup(locale);
    string ret;

    if (table) {
        // lookup string
        ret = table->lookup(index);
        if (ret) return ret;

    // fallback to default locale
    table = stringtable_lookup("en-US");
    return table->lookup(index);

Note: All string tables need to have the same size and the contained strings must have the same order. A difference in the table sizes MUST result in a decoding error.


String Index en-US (default) de-DE fr-FR
0 "" "" ""
1 "Hello World" "Hallo Welt" "Bonjour monde"
2 "data type" "Datentyp" "type de données"
3 "apple" "Apfel" "pomme"

Node Statistic

The node statistic is available for the whole file in the file header as well as for each namespace. The purpose of namespace node statistics is that the server is able to allocate the correct size of memory pools, which are namespace granular. The node statistic of the file should be equal to the sum of all "provided" namespaces, in other words without the "required" namespaces which are not part of the file. It is recommended, but not required by the SDK, to provide statistics for "required" namespaces. So these fields can be zero. Files created by xml2bin will provide this information.

Encoding Type Name Description
VarInt num_datatypes Number of DataType nodes
VarInt num_referencetypes Number of ReferenceType nodes
VarInt num_variabletypes Number of VariableType nodes
VarInt num_objecttypes Number of ObjectType nodes
VarInt num_variables Number of Variable nodes
VarInt num_objects Number of Object nodes
VarInt num_methods Number of Method nodes
VarInt num_views Number of View nodes
VarInt num_references Number of references
VarInt num_numerics Number of numeric NodeIds
VarInt num_strings Number of string NodeIds
VarInt num_guids Number of GUID NodeIds
VarInt num_opaque Number of opaque NodeIds

Namespace Entry

The namespace entries are divided into two separate tables. The first table contains the required namespaces which are used by this file, the second table contains the namespaces which are provided by this file.

If an application loads a file it needs to verify that it "knows" all required namespaces, either because they are built into the application (e.g. NS0), or by loading other files in advance which provide those required namespaces.

Both tables together form the complete namespace table of the server, thus the namespace indices must be unique as shown in the example below.

Namespace Encoding:

Encoding Type Name Description
VarInt nsidx The Namespace index.
String nsuri The Namespace uri.
String version The Namespace version.
DateTime publication_date The Namespace publication data.
NodeStatistic stat Node statistic.
RolePermissions rolepermissions The list of default RolePermissions for all nodes in the namespace.
AccessRestrictions uint16_t The default AccessRestrictions for all nodes in the namespace.
Extensions extensions Used to add additional custom data.


Number of required namespaces (file header): 2
Number of namespaces (file header): 2
Required Namespaces:
Namespace entry 0: nsidx=0, uri=http://opcfoundation.org/UA/, num_extensions=0
Namespace entry 1: nsidx=2, uri=http://opcfoundation.org/UA/DI/, num_extensions=0
Provided Namespaces:
Namespace entry 0: nsidx=1, uri=urn:demo.unifiedautomation.com:UnifiedAutomation:UaDemoServerAnsiC, num_extensions=0
Namespace entry 1: nsidx=3, uri=http://balluff/rfid, num_extensions=1
  Extension 0: Permission(type=5, len=6): { uid: 0, gid: 5, mode: 0x00000007 }

Required Namespaces:
Namespace entry 0: 00 1C 68 74 74 70 3a 2f 2f 6f  70 63 66 6f 75 6e 64 61 ...  00
Namespace entry 1: 02 1F 68 74 74 70 3a 2f 2f 6f  70 63 66 6f 75 6e 64 61 ...  00
Provided Namespaces:
Namespace entry 0: 01 42 75 72 6e 3a 64 65 6d 6f  2e 75 6e 69 66 69 65 64 ...  00
Namespace entry 1: 03 1B 68 74 74 70 3a 2f 2f 77  77 77 2e 62 61 6c 6c 75 ...  01 05 06 00 05 07 00 00 00

Abstract Node Entry

All "node" entries of different nodeclasses contain the same base attributes, where some of them are optional and some are mandatory. But not all attributes that are defined by OPC UA need to be encoded at all, as explained in the following table.

Attribute Encoded Description
NodeId yes This one is essential.
NodeClass no The NodeClass is implicitly known. E.g. a node entry in variabletable must be a variable.
BrowseName yes This one is mandatory.
DisplayName optional If missing the BrowseName is used also for DisplayName.
Description optional If missing this is empty (optional in UA information model)
WriteMask optional Optional in UA information model.
UserWriteMask no Optional in UA information model. User specific values are never part of the file, but derived from other information.
RolePermissions optional The list of RolePermissions for the node.
AccessRestrictions optional The access restrictions that apply to the node.

A node entry always starts with an Encoding byte followed by mandatory attributes, optional attributes and optional extensions.

The four least significant bits of the Encoding byte are identical for all node classes The four most significant bits of the Encoding byte are node class specific and are defined in the following sections.

Encoding Byte:

Bit Name Description
0 HasDisplayName The display name attribute is encoded.
1 HasDescription The description attribute is encoded.
2 HasWriteMask The WriteMask attribute is encoded.
3 HasExtension This node contains extensions.
4-7 - Node class specific attributes.

Node Entry Encoding Format:

The following table contains the order and type information of the base attributes that are used by all node classes.

Encoding Type Name Optional Default Value
uint8_t encoding no -
NodeId nodeid no -
QualifiedNameRef browsename no -
LocalizedTextRef displayname yes BrowseName
LocalizedTextRef description yes <empty>
uint32_t writemask yes 0
AuthorizationInfo auth_info no -
Extensions extensions yes <empty>

Pseudo code of a node entry decoder:

/// Decodes extensions.
int ua_base_decode_extensions(struct buffer *buf, ua_node_t n)
    int ret = 0;

    // TODO: parse all extensions and call user-defined callback for each.

    return ret;

/// Decodes UA base attributes.
int ua_base_decode(struct buffer *buf, ua_node_t n, uint8_t *enc)
    int ret = 0;
    uint8_t encoding;
    // base attributes
    struct ua_nodeid nodeid;
    struct ua_qualifiedname browsename;
    struct ua_localizedtext displayname;
    struct ua_localizedtext description;
    uint32_t writemask = 0;
    struct ua_authinfo auth_info;

    // read encoding byte
    if (ua_buffer_remaining_byte(buf) < 1) return -1;
    encoding = ua_buffer_getbyte(buf);

    // decode nodeid: mandatory
    ret = ua_base_decode_nodeid(buf, &nodeid)
    if (ret < 0) return ret;

    // decode browsename: mandatory
    ret = ua_base_decode_qualifiedname(buf, &browsename)
    if (ret < 0) return ret;

    // decode displayname: optional
    if (encoding & BIT_DISPLAYNAME)
        ua_base_decode_localizedtext(buf, &displayname);
        ua_localized_text_attach_const("", browsename.text);

    // decode description: optional
    if (encoding & BIT_DESCRIPTION)
        ua_base_decode_localizedtext(buf, &description);

    // decode writemask: optional
    if (encoding & BIT_WRITEMASK)
        ua_base_decode_uint32_t(buf, &writemask);

    // decode authorization info: mandatory
    ua_base_decode_authinfo(buf, &auth_info);

    // decode extensions: optional
    if (encoding & BIT_EXTENSIONS)
        ua_base_decode_extensions(buf, n);

    // assign attributes
    ret = ua_node_set_id(n, &nodeid);
    if (ret < 0) return ret;
    ret = ua_node_set_browsename(n, &browsename);
    if (ret < 0) return ret;
    ret = ua_node_set_displayname(n, &displayname);
    if (ret < 0) return ret;
    ret = ua_node_set_description(n, &description);
    if (ret < 0) return ret;
    ret = ua_node_set_writemask(n, &writemask);
    if (ret < 0) return ret;
    if (auth_info.has_rolepermissions) {
        ret = ua_node_set_permissions(n, &auth_info.permissions);
        if (ret < 0) return ret;
    if (auth_info.has_accessrestrictions) {
        ret = ua_node_set_access_restrictions(n, auth_info.access_restrictions);
        if (ret < 0) return ret;

    // return encoding byte
    if (enc) *enc = encoding;

    return ret;

/// Decodes a variable entry.
int ua_variable_decode(struct buffer *buf, ua_node_t *node)
    int ret = 0;
    ua_node_t n = ua_node_create(NODECLASS_VARIABLE);
    uint8_t encoding;
    // variable attributes
    struct ua_variant value;
    struct ua_nodeid datatype;

    // decode common base attributes and extensions
    ret = ua_base_decode(buf, n, &encoding);
    if (ret < 0) return ret;

    // decode value
    if (attr.encoding & BIT_VALUE)
        ua_variant_decode(buf, &value);

    // decode datatype
    if (attr.encoding & BIT_DATATYPE)
        ua_nodeid_decode(buf, &datatype);


    // assign attributes

    ua_variable_set_value(n, &value);

    return ret;

XML Namespace Entry

XML Namespace entries are used to uniquely identify proprietary extensions which can be part of this file. The XML namespace index is the index in the XML namespace table, starting with 0.

Each entry is a string containing an XML Namespace URI.

XML Namespace Encoding:

Encoding Type Name Description
String uri The Namespace uri.


Number of XML namespaces (file header): 2
Namespace entry 0: uri=http://unifiedautomation.com/Configuration/NodeSet.xsd
Namespace entry 1: uri=http://www.siemens.com/OPCUA/2017/SimaticNodeSetExtensions


The AuthorizationInfo contains optional AccessRestrictions and RolePermissions. This struct contains an encoding byte, which defines if the AccessRestrictions and RolePermissions are defined. If not the namespace default applies.

Encoding Type Name Optional Description
uint8_t encoding no Bit 0: HasAccessRestrictions, Bit 1: HasRolePermissions, Bit 2-7: Reserved.
AccessRestrictions access_restrictions yes Encoded if HasAccessRestrictions=1.
RolePermissions role_permissions yes Encoded if HasRolePermissions=1.

Encoders shall encode reserved bits as zeros. Decoders must report an error if not 0.


AccessRestrictions are encoded as uint16_t with the following bitmask.

Bit Descriptions
0 Signing Required
1 Encryption Required
2 Session Required
3-15 Reserved for future use. Must be zero.

Encoders shall encode reserved bits as zeros, decoders shall ignore them.

The bitmask is defined in the OPC UA Specification Part 3: Address Space Model.


RolePermissions define the permissions of a node that are granted for a given role.

RolePermissions Encoding:

Encoding Type Name Description
VarInt num_permissions Number of permissions in this context.
Permissions[] permissiontable Array of permissions.

If a node has no RolePermissions (HasRolePermissions==0) the default permissions of the namespace apply. If a RolePermissions object is encoded (HasRolePermissions==1), but the num_permissions==0, this means the node has no permissions.

Permission Encoding:

Encoding Type Name Description
NodeId roleid The nodeid of the role.
uint32_t permissions A bitmask specifying which permissions are available to the role.


Extensions can be added to individual nodes as well as to the file as global extensions. Extensions are a way to add vendor-specific information in a generic way. This can be e.g. a runtime address, that a server uses to connect the UA variable to the underlying system. It is out-of-scope of UA how this information looks like, thus it is simply represented by a ByteString, which needs to be interpreted by the application. The design of extensions allows to skip unknown extensions. Implementations MUST ignore unknown extensions and continue decoding without error.

Extensions Encoding:

Encoding Type Name Description
VarInt num_extensions Number of extensions in this node
Extension[] extensiontable Array of extensions.

Extension Encoding:

Encoding Type Name Description
VarInt nxidx Index of the extension namespace within the extnamespacetable. The XML namespace uniquely identifies the organisation / technology which defined this extension.
VarInt type Type number of the extension. Within the extension namespace, this number shall uniquely identify the content and semantics of this extension.
ByteString body Binary data of extension. The ByteString contains the length of the data, so this can be skipped if type is unknown.

List of Unified Automation extensions:

Extension Type Name DataType Description Scope
0 userdb UserDatabase Contains UserId / Username mappings. Global
1 groupdb GroupDatabase Contains GroupId / Groupname mappings as well user lists. Global
2 passdb PasswordDatabase Contains Password hashes for each user. Global
3 generator GeneratorInfo Contains information about the tool that has generated this file. Global
4 enginfo EngineeringInfo Contains additional information for engineering tools like UaModeler. Node
5 auth Authorization Contains node authorization information. Node,Namespace
15 eo ExtensionObject Contains a typified structure in UA Binary Encoding.* Node

Global Extensions

UserDatabase Extension

This user database is necessary to implement authorization. If authentication uses an internal implementation you can add also the PasswordDatabase extension, but this is not required if you are using different authentication schemes.

UserDatabase Encoding:

Users Encoding:

Encoding Type Name Description
VarInt num_users Number of users in user table.
User[] users User table.

User Encoding:

Encoding Type Name Description
VarInt uid UserId (0 is reserved for root).
String username The username.

GroupDatabase Extension

This group database is necessary to implement authorization. If authentication uses an internal implementation you can add also the PasswordDatabase extension, but this is not required if you are using different authentication schemes.

Groups Encoding:

Encoding Type Name Description
VarInt num_groups Number of groups in user table.
Group[] groups Group table.

Group Encoding:

Encoding Type Name Description
VarInt gid GroupId (0 is reserved for root).
String groupname The groupname.
VarInt num_users Number of users in group.
VarInt[] uids Array of user ids.

PasswordDatabase Extension

The password database stores SHA256 password hashes, not the plain-text password itself. This extension requires the UserDatabase extension.

PasswordDatabase Encoding:

Encoding Type Name Description
VarInt num_passwords Number of passwords in password table.
Password[] passwords Password table.

Password Encoding:

Encoding Type Name Description
VarInt uid The user id for this password entry.
String salt A random salt value for the hash.
uint8_t[32] hash The SHA256 hash value.

Generator Extension

This extension is purely informative and has no influence on the server. This extension MAY be stripped by "Downloaders" to save space.

Encoding Type Name Description
String name The name of the generator tool.
String version The version number of the tool.

Node Extensions

Node extensions are extensions that can be added to individual nodes.

Extensions are only encoded if the HasExtension bit is set in the Encoding byte.

Authorization Extension

Each node as assigned to a user (the owner of the node), a group and others. This is similar to UNIX file system permission. The permission flags (mode) are a bitmask as shown in the table below, and exist three times for owner, group and others. An additional flag in the mode can be used to require an encrypted connection (e.g. for Audit events).

Name Encoding Type Description
username char* The username of the owner of this node. Zero terminated C-String.
groupname char* The groupname of this node. Zero terminated C-String.
mode uint32_t The access permission bits of this node. Encoded in LE format.
Bit 0: AttributeReadable (=Browseable*)
Bit 1: Readable (value attribute)
Bit 2: Writable (value attribute)
Bit 3: Executable
Bit 4: HistoryReadable
Bit 5: HistoryInsertable
Bit 6: HistoryModifiable
Bit 7: HistoryDeletable
Bit 8: EventReadable
Bit 9: AttributeWritable
Bits 0-9 contain permissions for others, bits 10-19 contain
the same information for group, bits 20-29 for the owner.
Bit 30: not used
Bit 31: requires encryption

* without AttributeReadable permission browse make no sense, so a separate Browseable permission is not necessary.

Engineering Info

This information is only useful for engineering tools not for servers. This extension MAY be stripped by "Downloaders" to save space.

Name Encoding Type Description
symbolicname String A symbolic id for core generators.
category String A category used to filter generated output.
documentation String Additional documentation that could be used by code generators.

Extension Examples

Fictive example of vendor-specific extensions:

Extension Type Name DataType Description
30 S7ANYPOINTER uint8_t[10] Runtime address of S7 PLCs.
40 ModbusAddr VarInt Modbus register number.

Extension Encoding Example:

Extension Value
Permission (5) { uid: 1, gid: 5, mode: 0x00000007 }

Resulting byte stream of encoded extensions:

Hex: 02 05 06 01 05 07 00 00 00 1E 0A DE AD BE EF DE AD BE EF DE AD

Dissected Encoding for Clarification:

Encoded Data Meaning
02 Number of extensions: 2
05 06 01 05 07 00 00 00 1. Extension: Type=5, Len=6, Value=0x010507000000
1E 0A DE AD BE EF DE AD BE EF DE AD 2. Extension: Type=30, Len=10, Value=0xDEADBEEFDEADBEEFDEAD (uint8_t[10])

Variable Entry

Variable specific attributes:

Attribute Encoded Description
Value optional The process value.
DataType optional The data type of value.
ValueRank optional ValueRank according to Part 3, OPC Specification.
ArrayDimensions optional Length of each array dimension***.
AccessLevel optional AccessLevel bitmask according to Part 3, OPC Specification.
UserAccessLevel no User specific data is not store in the file.
Historizing yes Encoded as part of the 2nd encoding byte*.
MinimumSamplingInterval optional Minimum sampling interval of the variable in µs**.

* Making a boolean value optional makes no sense, because you would need one bit to define if the bool gets encoded or not, which is a whole byte if gets encoded. Thus it makes more sense to store the boolean value directly in the encoding byte.

** In the UA Information Model MinimumSamplingInterval is defined as Duration (=_Double_). Using an 8 byte floating point type is a complete overkill, so we use a VarInt with µS resolution, which should be small enough for most use-cases and still can be encoded much smaller than a double.


MinSamplingInterval  Encoded value (hex)
1 µs                 = 01
1 ms = 1.000 µs      = E8 07
1 s  = 1.000.000 µs  = C0 84 3D
10 s = 10.000.000 µs = 80 AD E2 04

*** The array dimensions in the variable entry may seem redundant, because it is included already in the variant value, but these values have different semantics. The variant array dimensions define the actual size of each dimension of the variant value. The variable array dimensions (if specified) define the maximum size of each dimension that a variant value can contain.

Encoding Byte:

For variables there are more than four additional optional attributes, thus we must add a second optional encoding byte after the base attributes. One bit of the default encoding byte tells us if the second encoding byte is encoded or not. If not all bits of the second byte are treated as zero.

1st Encoding Byte:

Bit Name Description
0-3 See Abstract Node Entry.
4 HasValue The Value attribute is encoded.
5 HasDataType The DataType attribute is encoded.
6 HasValueRank The ValueRank attribute is encoded. MUST be set if HasArrayDimensions is set.
7 Has2ndEncodingByte There is a 2nd encoding byte.

2nd Encoding Byte:

Bit Name Description
0 HasArrayDimensions The ArrayDimensions attribute is encoded.
1 HasAccessLevel The AccessLevel attribute is encoded.
2 HasMinimumSamplingInterval The MinimumSamplingInterval attribute is encoded.
3 Historizing Historical data gets recorded for this variable.
4-7 Reserved, must be zero.

Encoding Table:

Encoding Type Name Description Default Value
base attributes - Base attributes from section Abstract Node Entry.
Byte encoding2 2nd encoding byte. Encoded only if Has2ndEncodingByte=1. 0
Variant value Encoded only if HasValue=1. <empty>
NodeId datatype Encoded only if HasDataType=1. <empty>
SVarInt valuerank Encoded only if HasValueRank=1. -1 (Scalar)
Byte arraydimension_length Encoded only if HasArrayDimensions=1. 0
VarInt[] arraydimensions Encoded only if HasArrayDimensions=1. <empty>
Byte accesslevel Encoded only if HasAccessLevel=1. 1 (Read only)
VarInt minimumsamplinginterval Encoded only if HasMinimumSamplingInterval=1. 0

Object Entry

Object specific attributes:

Attribute Encoded Description
EventNotifier yes Can be used to subscribe for events.

Encoding Byte:

Bit Name Description
0-3 See Abstract Node Entry.
4 HasEventNotifier The EventNotifier attribute is encoded.
5-7 Reserved, must be zero.

Encoding Table:

Encoding Type Name Description Default Value
base attributes - Base attributes from section Abstract Node Entry.
Byte eventnotifier EventNotifier bitmask according to Part 3, OPC Specification. 0 (None)

Method Entry

Method specific attributes:

Attribute Encoded Description
Executable yes The method is executable.
UserExecutable no User specific data is not stored in the file.
MethodDeclarationId yes The method id of the according method at the type.

Encoding Byte:

Bit Name Description
0-3 See Abstract Node Entry.
4 Executable If this bit is set the method is executable.
5 HasMethodDeclarationId The MethodDeclarationId attribute is encoded.
6-7 Reserved, must be zero.

Encoding Table:

Encoding Type Name Description
base attributes - Base attributes from section Abstract Node Entry.
NodeId MethodDeclarationId The method nodeid as defined in the XML Nodeset schema.

Attention: Method entries of object types must appear first in table, then the method entries of instances. This is necessary to avoid dangling MethodDeclarationId references to methods nodes that don't exist yet. The file loading code must be able to load information in one pass.

View Entry

View specific attributes:

Attribute Encoded Description
EventNotifier yes Can be used to subscribe for events.
ContainsNoLoop yes If this bit is set, this indicates that by following the References in context of the View there are no loops.

Encoding Byte:

Bit Name Description
0-3 See Abstract Node Entry.
4 HasEventNotifier The EventNotifier attribute is encoded.
5 ContainsNoLoop If this bit is set, the View contains no loops.
6-7 Reserved, must be zero.

Encoding Table:

Encoding Type Name Description
base attributes - Base attributes from section Abstract Node Entry.
Byte eventnotifier EventNotifier bitmask according to Part 3, OPC Specification. 0 (None)

VariableType Entry

VariableType specific attributes:

Attribute Encoded Description
Value optional A default process value.
DataType optional The data type of Value.
ValueRank optional ValueRank according to Part 3, OPC Specification.
ArrayDimensions optional Length of each array dimension.
IsAbstract yes If "true" the VariableType is abstract.

Encoding Byte:

1st Encoding Byte:

Bit Name Description
0-3 See Abstract Node Entry.
4 HasValue The Value attribute is encoded.
5 HasDataType The DataType attribute is encoded.
6 HasValueRank The ValueRank attribute is encoded. MUST be set if HasArrayDimensions is set.
7 Has2ndEncodingByte There is a 2nd encoding byte.

2nd Encoding Byte:

Bit Name Description
0 HasArrayDimensions The ArrayDimensions attribute is encoded.
1 IsAbstract The IsAbstract attribute.
2-7 Reserved, must be zero.

Encoding Table:

Encoding Type Name Description Default Value
base attributes - Base attributes from section Abstract Node Entry.
Byte encoding2 2nd encoding byte. Encoded only if Has2ndEncodingByte=1. 0
Variant value Encoded only if HasValue=1. <empty>
NodeId datatype Encoded only if HasDataType=1. <empty>
SVarInt valuerank Encoded only if HasValueRank=1. -1 (Scalar)
Byte arraydimension_length Encoded only if HasArrayDimensions=1. 0
VarInt[] arraydimensions Encoded only if HasArrayDimensions=1. <empty>

ObjectType Entry

ObjectType specific attributes:

Attribute Encoded Description
IsAbstract yes If "true" the ObjectType is abstract.

Encoding Byte:

Bit Name Description
0-3 See Abstract Node Entry.
4 IsAbstract The IsAbstract attribute.
5-7 Reserved, must be zero.

Encoding Table:

Encoding Type Name Description
base attributes - Base attributes from section Abstract Node Entry.


In the OPC UA information model the DataTypeDefinition is an abstract base type for StructureDefinition and EnumDefinition. When reading the attribute the extension object's encodingId tells the client, what subtype is contained in the body.

In this file format we don't have this extension object meta information, so the DataTypeDefinitionType is used as a header information defining the type of the following body.

Name Type Description
encoding uint8_t Bit 0-3: DataTypeDefinitionType: 1: Structure, 2: Structure with optional fields, 3: Union, 4: Enum, 5: OptionSet, 6: Structure with subtyped values, 7: Union with subtyped values; Bit 4: HasSymbolicName; Bit 5-7: Reserved for future use.
SymbolicName VarInt String reference to SymbolicName. Encoded only when HasSymbolicName is set.
structure StructureDefinition Encoded only when DataTypeDefinitionType=1, 2, or 3
enum EnumDefinition Encoded only when DataTypeDefinitionType=4, or 5


This type is based on the StructureDefinition structure in OPC UA Part 3 V1.04, section 8.49. The main difference is that we don't repeat inherited structure fields from base types in all sub types as this would create a lot of redundancies. Also the UA Binary File Format encoding is used instead of UA Binary encoding to save even more space.

Name Type Description
defaultEncodingId NodeId The NodeId of the default DataTypeEncoding for the DataType. The default depends on the message encoding, Default Binary for UA Binary encoding and Default XML for XML encoding. If the DataType is only used inside nested Structures and is not directly contained in an ExtensionObject, the encoding NodeId is null.
baseDataType NodeId The NodeId of the direct supertype of the DataType. This might be the abstract Structure or the Union DataType.
num_fields VarInt Number of structure fields.
fields StructureField[] The list of fields that make up the data type.

Note that a server needs to create a full list of fields including the inherited ones when sending StructureField information to the client. The server may create this information at startup when loading this file or on the fly when the client is reading the information. This is an implementation detail of the server. The later option saves memory by omitting the redundancies, but needs more time to compute the information at runtime.

Note on defaultEncodingId: In UA Binary Encoding encoded structures in extension objects contain the encodingId of the datatype not the dataTypeId. For this reason an application which is decoding an extensionobject needs to lookup the encodingId instead of the dataTypeId. When encoding data normally the dataTypeId is given, but the encodingId needs to be written into the byte stream. For this reason the StructureDefinition contains the defaultEncodingId. An application needs to index the StructureDefinition by both, encodingId and dataTypeId.


Overview of StructureField attributes:

Name Type Description
name VarInt A name for the field that is unique within the StructureDefinition as index into the string table.
symbolicName VarInt A symbolic name used for code generation. This string must not contain characters other than [A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9_]*. The string is also encoded as string index.
description LocalizedTextRef A localized description of the field.
dataType NodeId The NodeId of the DataType for the field.
valueRank int32_t The value rank for the field. It shall be Scalar (-1) or a fixed rank Array (>=1).
isOptional bool The field indicates if a data type field in a Structure is optional. If the structureType is 2 (union) this field shall be ignored. If the structureType is 0 (plain structure) this field shall be false.
allowSubTypes bool The field indicates that this field can also use a subtype of the given DataType.
dimensions VarInt[] Array of dimensions.
maxStringLength VarInt Maximum length of string fields. This field is only used if dataType is "String" and "ByteString".

Flags Encoding:

Bit Name Description
0 HasSymbolicName The SymbolicName field is encoded.
1 HasDescription The Description field is encoded.
2 IsOptional The structure field is optional.
3 HasMaxStringLength The maxStringLength field is encoded.
4 AllowSubTypes The structure field can use sub types.
5-7 Reserved, must be zero.

Encoding Table:

Encoding Type Name Description Default Value
Byte flags The flags bitmask described in the table above.
VarInt name The field name. Always encoded.
VarInt symbolicname The symbolic field name. Encoded only if HasSymbolicName=1. <name>
LocalizedTextRef description The field description. Encoded only if HasDescription=1. <empty>
NodeId dataType The field datatype. Always encoded.
int32_t valueRank The value rank of the field. Always encoded.
VarInt array_dimensions_length The number of entries in the following dimensions array. Always encoded.
VarInt[] dimensions Always encoded if array_dimensions_length>0.
VarInt maxStringLength The maximum string length. Encoded only if HasMaxStringLength=1. 0


This Structured DataType is used to provide the metadata for a custom Enumeration or OptionSet DataType. It is derived from the DataType DataTypeDefinition.

Name Type Description
num_fields VarInt Number of enum fields.
fields EnumField[] The list of fields that make up the data type.


The EnumField as defined in the OPC UA Spec. including the inherited fields, but using Binary File Format encoding and string tables.

Name Type Description
name VarInt A non-localized name of the field as table index. This is used as symbolic name in UaModeler
for code generation and required for XML encoding and JSON non-reversible encoding.
See Part 6 for information about Enumeration encoding.
symbolicName VarInt A symbolic name used for code generation. This string must not contains characters other than [A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9_]*. The string is also encoded as string index.
value SVarInt The integer representation of an Enumeration, or zero based bit index for OptionSet values.
displayName LocalizedTextRef A human-readable representation of the Value of the Enumeration.
description LocalizedTextRef A localized description of the enumeration value. This field can contain an
empty string if no description is available.

Flags Encoding:

Bit Name Description
0 HasSymbolicName The SymbolicName field is encoded.
1 HasDescription The Description field is encoded.
2-7 Reserved, must be zero.

Encoding Table:

Encoding Type Name Description Default Value
Byte flags The flags bitmask described in the table above.
VarInt name The field name. Always encoded.
VarInt symbolicname The symbolic field name. Encoded only if HasSymbolicName=1. <name>
SVarInt value The integer representation of an Enumeration. Always encoded. <empty>
LocalizedTextRef displayName The field display name. Always encoded.
LocalizedTextRef description The field description. Encoded only if HasDescription=1. <empty>

Hints: EnumField is defined in Part 3, section 8.52 (contains only name field), but inherits from EnumValueType which is defined in Part 3, section 8.40. So EnumField contains name + all inherited fields.

DataType Entry

DataType specific attributes:

Attribute Encoded Description
IsAbstract yes If "true" the DataType is abstract.
DataTypeDefinition optional Describes the datatype details of structures, unions and enums.

Encoding Byte:

Bit Name Description
0-3 See Abstract Node Entry.
4 IsAbstract The IsAbstract attribute.
5 HasDataTypeDefinition The DataTypeDefinition attribute is encoded.
6-7 Reserved, must be zero.

Encoding Table:

Encoding Type Name Description
base attributes - Base attributes from section Abstract Node Entry.
DataTypeDefinition datatypedefinition Encoded only if HasDataTypeDefinition=1.

ReferenceType Entry

ReferenceType specific attributes:

Attribute Encoded Description
IsAbstract yes If "true" the ReferenceType is abstract.
Symmetric yes If "true" the ReferenceType is symmetric.
InverseName optional The inverse name attribute as defined in Part 3, OPC Specification.

Encoding Byte:

Bit Name Description
0-3 See Abstract Node Entry.
4 IsAbstract The IsAbstract attribute.
5 Symmetric The Symmetric attribute.
6 HasInverseName The InverseName attribute is encoded.
7 Reserved, must be zero.

Encoding Table:

Encoding Type Name Description Default Value
base attributes - Base attributes from section Abstract Node Entry.
LocalizedTextRef inversename Encoded only if HasInverseName=1. <empty>

Reference Entry

A Reference entry consist simply of three NodeIds.

Type Name Description
NodeId src NodeId of source node
NodeId dst NodeId of destination node
NodeId type NodeId of reference type node

Future Extensions

  • String table compression