High Performance OPC UA Server SDK
Address Space

One of the biggest challenges of OPC UA for embedded devices is the memory consumption of the huge server address space.

Already the standard OPC UA namespace with namespace index 0 contains 1755 nodes, and over 4000 strings with over 80K of pure string data.

One possibility to reduce this is eliminating all optional nodes, but more important is a good concept which allows huge address spaces without consuming too much memory. In this SDK we've put a lot of effort in reducing the memory consumption of the UA address space, without sacrificing important functionality.

Efficient Node Storage and Node API

We developed a special table based node storage where each table consists of an array of node entries, which is defined in nodestorage.h. Our definition of the nodestorage was optimized to reduce the amount of data being stored and eliminates redundant information like e.g. nsidx (each nodeid in one namespace has the same nsidx). Even more important is that we defined a Node API which encapsulates the node storage. All other SDK parts only access the node data via that Node API, so the internal storage can be tuned to your needs, without breaking the interface. High level functions like Browse or TranslateBrowsePathToNodeIds work on this API.

The general graph like address space is based on the node table and reference table. The node table contains all BaseNode attributes, and the reference table contains all references which connect those nodes. These two tables alone are enough to implement Browse functionality. The nodes are compact and lie side by side in memory in a optimized way (cache locality), and sorted in that order as they have to be traversed during a Browse operation.

Nodeclass specific data like e.g. for variables are located in a separate variable table and is referenced by an index from the node table, so variable specific data can be accessed with a single indirection.

Nodes get indexed by an hashtable which is also an optimized implementation specific to OPC UA. In addition Registered NodeIds exploit the table based nature of our address space concept by simply using the table index as a Numeric NodeId.

One Address Space per Namespace

The SDK allows multiple instances of our address space implementation. For every namespace you create a new address space, which together form the complete server address space. For each address space the nsidx is well known which allows to eliminate redundant nsidx information in the nodes. For each address space you can configure the size constraints and if the address space is created dynamically in RAM or if it is compiled into the application.

ROM based Address Space Tables

One of the most important features of this SDK is that we can generate C code for address space tables, which consists of const data arrays and so can be compiled into the application's firmware. Thus these data can completely reside in ROM and do not require any RAM.

Disable Description

The descriptions attribute is optional, so we allow to disable this attribute completely. This way the node entries get a little smaller and you can safe a lot of string data.

No Values in the Address Space

Normally values come from the underlying process, so we avoid the overhead of storing generic OPC UA Variant values in the address spaces. Connecting data is done more efficiently by using our value store interface, which allows also static value stores which can be compiled into the firmware for constant data. The example Lesson 2: Custom Provider with Value Stores shows how to use such value stores.

String Table

When creating nodes all string data is added to a string table. This string table eliminates multiple occurrences of the same string, thus reducing the memory consumption for those strings.

When creating nodes dynamically in RAM the strings get indexed by an hashtable to be able to quickly lookup an existing string. The string data itself is encapsulated by a so called hashstring, which stores a reference counter for the string, the string length and the pointer to the string data itself. The hashstring also contains a next pointer to handle hash collisions by using a single linked list. The hashstring itself also has some overhead, but this pays well when the strings are longer or you have multiple copies of the same string.

Dynamic Stringtable (RAM)

When using a statically generated address spaces also the stringtable gets generated as const data, which gets compiled into your application. In this case strings cannot be added at runtime to this table and we can further optimize the implementation. The raw strings get generated as a string array which is sorted by the NodeId. This way we can completely omit the hashtable and do a binary search instead. Also the hashstring gets replaced by conststring, which only holds the string length. The reference counter and next pointer are not required in this context. The indices of the objectpool are always synchronous with the stringtable indices.

Static Stringtable (ROM)

XML File Support

The SDK contains an own XML parser which could be used to parse XML Nodeset Files, or any other XML file. The XML parser is designed to be portable and uses special techniques to reduce memory consumption while parsing XML, but parsing XML Nodeset files is way more complicated then just parsing XML, due to the complexity of the Nodeset schema. The design of the schema requires iterating of the DOM multiple times, namespaces can be spread over multiple files, one file can contain multiple namespaces, values may have multiple encoding variants, etc.

The complexity is not only inefficient, it is also a security risk, because there is a high potential of errors which could lead to application crashes.

Therefor we created xml2bin tool which implements the logic of parsing XML Nodeset files and create a compact binary file, which is easy to load at runtime. This tool can be integrated into the engineering process, so that during the Download process (e.g. of a PLC program), the binary file with the UA address space is downloaded instead of huge XML files.

The binary file was designed to be read in one pass and consumes only a fraction of code size and memory. Also the file size could be reduced a lot compared to XML.

The following tables shows a file size comparison of typical information models:

Model XML File Size Binary File Size Ratio
Opc.Ua.NodeSet2.xml 1.6 MB 131 KB 8 %
Opc.Ua.Di.NodeSet2.xml 95 KB 13 KB 13 %
Opc.Ua.Plc.NodeSet2.xml 19 KB 1.9 KB 10 %
Opc.Ua.AutoID.NodeSet2.xml 277 KB 19 KB 7 %

Binary File Support

The SDK provides support for binary address space files. So if your system provides a file system you can enable file support and you are able to load address spaces at runtime from these binary files.

Note that it does not make sense to compile binary files into the application. A binary file gets de-serialized when loaded and all the data is copied into RAM. So if want to compile an address space into the application, the generated C code is the better option, because then the tables can be directly be used without copying them into RAM.

Compiled-in Address Spaces

The SDK also allows to generate C code of information models that you can comile into the application. This is useful for sensor applications with static address spaces and to compile-in type systems like e.g. UA, DI, and PLCOpen, so that you only need to hold the instances in RAM, but not the types. See Address Space Generation for more information.

Modeling Data

If you want to define your own information models you can use our UaModeler application which ships with all of our SDKs. This tool allows to export the standard UA XML file format which then can be fed into xml2bin and xml2c. See Address Space Generation for more information.

Node Storage Internals

The SDKs internal node storage is optimized to reduce the amount of memory needed. The following table contains an overview about the data structure sizes of the internal node storage. This is independent of the target architecture size (32 or 64 bit).

Datatype Size [Byte]
ua_node 24
ua_variable 24
ua_variabletype 16
ua_reference 20

The ua_node struct contains all information of the common attributes, reference lists and some additional flags. These flags are also used to store information of other nodeclasses, so one instance if ua_node can be of nodeclass Object, Method, DataType, ObjectType, ReferenceType or View. Only for nodeclasses Variable and VariableType more information is required, so that for these additional tables exist. Thus one instance of Variable needs to allocate one ua_node struct plus one instance of ua_variable. Note that these instance do not contain any string data. Strings are maintained in a stringtable to avoid redundancies and all node entries simply contain indices into this string table.

For strings their exist two types of string tables.

Dynamic String Tables

Dynamic string tables are created at runtime. These tables contain reference counted strings (ua_hashstring), where each ua_hashstring contains one refcnt, string length and the data pointer. In addition to the table of ua_hashstrings a stringtable requires a hashtable for indexing the strings and the string data itself.

Constant String Tables

Constant string tables are created using xml2c, which consist of C code which gets compiled into the binary. These tables cannot be modified so they don't need a refcount. For this reason ua_conststring is smaller than ua_hashstring. Instead of a hashtable these strings are sorted and looked up by binary search.


Datatype Size [Byte]
ua_hashstring 16
ua_conststring 4
ua_variant 12
ua_datavalue 32

64 bit:

Datatype Size [Byte]
ua_hashstring 24
ua_conststring 4
ua_variant 24
ua_datavalue 48

Memory Requirements Calculation

This section contains information about how to calculate the required memory for a certain information model.

For the nodes and references you can compute the required memory using the following formulas.

NodeClass Formula
Variable n * (sizeof(ua_node) + sizeof(ua_variable))
Object n * sizeof(ua_node)
Method n * sizeof(ua_node)
View n * sizeof(ua_node)
DataType n * sizeof(ua_node)
VariableType n * (sizeof(ua_node) + sizeof(ua_variabletype))
ObjectType n * sizeof(ua_node)
ReferenceType n * sizeof(ua_node)
Reference n * sizeof(ua_reference)

An addition you need to make assumptions on how many unique strings your model contains and what the average string length is. Strings are used for the attributes DisplayName, BrowseName, Description (optional) and for NodeIds of type String.

String Tables

The size of a dynamic string table can be computed this way:

  • sizeof(ua_hashstringtable), which is normally negligible
  • hashtable data: n * sizeof(unsigned int)
  • n * sizeof(ua_hashstring)
  • sizeof(string data): which can also be computed as number of unique strings times average string length

The size of a static string table can be computed this way:

  • n * sizeof(ua_conststring)
  • sizeof(string data): which can also be computed as number of unique strings times average string length


The default node storage uses 16 bit indices to create relations between nodes, references and string table entries. This limits the maximum number of nodes and references in one namespace to 32767 entries.

For most use-cases this is sufficient, but on PC platforms with enough memory, you can select 32bit data types for these indices, which increases memory usage, but allows higher number of nodes and references.

You can enable this by setting the CMake option UASERVER_SUPPORT_LARGE_TABLES on.

By enabling large tables the required memory of the node table entries increase as shown below:

Datatype Size [Byte]
ua_node 36
ua_variable 28
ua_variabletype 20
ua_reference 20