
Add a ReferenceType

Adding a ReferenceType can be done in an analog way as adding an ObjectType (Add New Type). The only difference is that a ReferenceType has to be selected instead of an ObjectType when using the context menu or the Add Subtype button.

Attributes of the ReferenceType node

Setting the attributes of the new ReferenceType is similar to setting the attributes of an ObjectType (Attributes).

Next to the Namespace, Name and IsAbstract field in the Types tab, there also can be found widgets for setting the Inverse Name and the Symmetric attribute.

Children and additional references

The UaModeler does not provide the possibity to add children or additional references to reference type nodes. So the content of the corresponding tabs is disabled.

Modify a ReferenceType

You can change the same attributes of a ReferenceType that you can edit when creating the ReferenceType.

Delete a ReferenceType

You can delete a ReferenceType using the context menu of the Information Model window. If the ReferenceType is already in use, the references become invalid.

So do NOT delete a ReferenceType that is already in use.