Unified Automation UaModeler ( 1.3.1) --------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------- Content ---------------------- (0) Compiler Version (1) Third-Party Libraries (2) Release Notes (3) Feature List ---------------------- =================================================================== (0) Compiler Version =================================================================== Windows Version of the Unified Automation UaModeler ======================================= The Windows version of the UaModeler was compiled with Microsoft(TM) Visual Studio vs2008sp1 and thus depends on the runtime components (CRT) of MS Visual Studio vs2008sp1. The related redistribution package is installed together with this product. =================================================================== (1) Third-Party Libraries =================================================================== The UA Demo Server includes a number of third-party libraries that are used to provide certain features. Third Party Software may impose additional restrictions and it is the user's responsibility to ensure that they have met the licensing requirements of the according libraries. The following enumeration lists all third-party libraries used by the UaModeler with additional information about version, configuration and used licenses. The third-party licenses are stored in the license folder distributed with the UaModeler. * OpenSSL The OpenSSL library is used by the UaModeler to verify the signature of the templates and to decryt the templates (AES, RSA, SHA1). 1.0.1f 6 Jan 2014 Home: http://www.openssl.org License: OpenSSL License Configuration: OpenSSL was built using MS Visual Studio 2008 SP1 using the build scripts distributed with OpenSSL. To disable patented algorithms the OpenSSL library was configured this way: > perl Configure no-idea no-mdc2 no-ntt no-rc5 VC-WIN3 This disables IDEA, MDC2, NTT and RC5. * Qt The Qt library is used for the GUI and the code generator of the UaModeler 4.6.2 Home: http://qt.nokia.com License: GNU LESSER GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE =================================================================== (2) Release Notes =================================================================== Version 1.3.1 ======================================= This is the first bug fixing release of the third feature release version of the UaModeler. There could be some problems not detected during the system test. If you detect some, we would be glad if you report them to us via bugreport@unifiedautomation.com. See the following list of KNOWN issues Known issues: - Code Generation - Only C++, ANSI C and .NET code can be generated with the delivered templates (this code only fits in C++ based SDK V 1.3.x and V 1.4, in ANSI C based SDK V 1.3 or in .NET based Client and Server SDK V 2.1). - The generated code for ANSI C contains functions to add instances of custom types during operation time. The default ANSI C project does not contain these functions. The functions are using functions of the ServerProvider that are not part of the ANSI C based SDK V 1.3. So the generated code does not compile directly if the files are included in the project. But you can contact support@unifiedautomation.com to receive the needed code files. - The generated code for ANSI C includes files that are not shipped with the evaluation version of the ANSI C SDK 1.3. But you can contact support@unifiedautomation.com to receive the needed code files. - Modelling - User defined views are not supported. - Only numeric NodeIds are fully supported. Version 1.3.0 ======================================= This is the third feature release version of the UaModeler. There could be some problems not detected during the system test. If you detect some, we would be glad if you report them to us via bugreport@unifiedautomation.com. See the following list of KNOWN issues Known issues: - Code Generation - Only C++, ANSI C and .NET code can be generated with the delivered templates (this code only fits in C++ based SDK V 1.3.x, in ANSI C based SDK V 1.3 or in .NET based Client and Server SDK V 2.1). - The generated code for ANSI C contains functions to add instances of custom types during operation time. The default ANSI C project does not contain these functions. The functions are using functions of the ServerProvider that are not part of the ANSI C based SDK V 1.3. So the generated code does not compile directly if the files are included to the project. But you can contact support@unifiedautomation.com to receive the needed code files. - The generated code for ANSI C includes files that are not shipped with the evaluation version of the ANSI C SDK 1.3. But you can contact support@unifiedautomation.com to receive the needed code files. - Complex Types are not supported for C++. - Modelling - User defined views are not supported. - Only numeric NodeIds are fully supported. Version 1.2.0 ======================================= This is the second feature release version of the UaModeler. There could be some problems not detected during the system test. If you detect some, we would be glad if you report them to us via bugreport@unifiedautomation.com. See the following list of KNOWN issues Known issues: - Code Generation - Only C++, ANSI C and .NET code can be generated with the delivered templates (this code only fits in C++ based SDK V 1.3.x, in ANSI C based SDK V 1.3 or in .NET based Client SDK V 2.0). - The generated code for ANSI C contains functions to add instances of custom types during operation time. The default ANSI C project does not contain these functions. The functions are using functions of the ServerProvider that are not part of the ANSI C based SDK V 1.3. So the generated code does not compile directly if the files are included to the project. But you can contact support@unifiedautomation.com to receive the needed code files. - Complex Types are not supported for C++. - Most complex types can not be instantiated. - Modelling - Information models that are created with other tools than the UaModeler can only be imported if they are using the XML schema "http://opcfoundation.org/UA/2011/03/UANodeSet.xsd". Correct code will only be generated if the ParentNodeId attributes are set. - User defined views are not supported. - Only numeric NodeIds are fully supported. - Values of user defined structures get cleared if the structure layout changes. Version 1.1.0 ======================================= This is the first feature release version of the UaModeler. There could be some problems not detected during the system test. If you detect some, we would be glad if you report them to us via bugreport@unifiedautomation.com. See the following list of KNOWN issues Known issues: - Code Generation - Only C++ and ANSI C code can be generated with the delivered templates (this code only fits in C++ based SDK V 1.3.x or in ANSI C based SDK V 1.2.1) - Complex types may not generate correct code - Some complex data types are not supported - Modelling - User defined complex data types and views are not supported - Only mandatory components of instances are added by default =================================================================== (3) Feature List =================================================================== Version 1.3.1 ======================================= Features added in this version - GUI - Invalid models are not removed from the project automatically. A dialog is added to ask the user whether the model should be removed or the loading of the project should be canceled. - Modelling - Updates DI model to Devices 1.01 Companion Specification - Adds tool tips for editing EUInformation - Code Generation - Support for UnifiedAutomation C++ SDK v1.4 Server - Adds implementation class for NodeManager - Adds Contructors needed XML importer - Adds classes for structured DataTypes - Support for UnifiedAutomation C++ SDK v1.4 Client - Adds classes for structured DataTypes Version 1.3.0 ======================================= Features added in this version - GUI - Automatic check of imported information models - Auto-restore functionality for modified models - Adds license dialog - Opening UaModeler after double click on project file for Windows - Modelling - Support for creating values of user defined structures - Support for editing model filenames and namespace uris - Support for sorting structure elements - Enhanced selection of UA types - Support for modifying node ids of DataType nodes - Code Generation - Support for UnifiedAutomation .NET Server SDK v2.1 - Adds call-context to generated methods for ANSI C - Option for generating author name and date to the file headers - Adds options for generating/overwriting files Version 1.2.0 ======================================= Features added in this version - GUI - Consitency Check for models - Removing of unreferenced nodes possible - Modelling - Support for custom Enumerations - Support for custom Complex DataTypes - Selection dialog for optional Children - Using all NodeId types - Binary format for storing information models - Storing models in OPC UA standard format (http://opcfoundation.org/UA/2011/03/UANodeSet.xsd) - Code Generation - Support for UnifiedAutomation C++ SDK v1.3.1 - Support for UnifiedAutomation ANSI C SDK v1.3 - Support for UnifiedAutomation .NET Client SDK v2.0 Version 1.1.0 ======================================= Features added in this version - Documentation - Adds initial version - GUI - Enables filtering the information model view - Modelling - Support for custom Enumerations - Support for custom ReferenceTypes - Storing models in new OPC UA standard format (http://opcfoundation.org/UA/2011/03/UANodeSet.xsd) This feature is optional until the XML schema is released by the OPC Foundation - Code Generation - Support for UnifiedAutomation C++ SDK v1.3.1 --------------------------------------------------------- Version 1.0.1 ======================================= Bug fixes only --------------------------------------------------------- Version 1.0.0 ======================================= Initial version =================================================================== (4) Bug Fixes =================================================================== Version 1.3.1 ======================================= - GUI - Fixes License Check There was a problem with the codec of the imported license file. E.g. the licese status was not updated if the UserName contained Umlauts. - Modelling - Fixes crash for structured DataTypes without having fields. The crash occured if a subtype of a structured DataType that does not have fields was created and the new structured DataType does not have fields, too. - Fixes crash when importing model with incomplete reference. The crash occured if an XML model was imported that contains a DataType with an incomplete HasSubType reference. The problem only occured for manually edited XML models or model that are created with other tools than the UaModeler. - Fixes crash when selecting variables with DataType EUInformation or Range. - Fixes importing of invalid internal references. There was a bug in creating models stored in the internal binary format. This bug is fixed and the importer is updated to ignore the invalid internal references contained in the model. - Fixes changing NamespaceURI of model. - Fixes NamespaceIndex of BrowseName of DataTypeEncoding nodes. This bug only occurred when moving a structured DataType to another model. - Code Generation - Ansi C - CMake contains SDK paths now. The generated provider doesn't have to be in a subfolder of the providers folder of the SDK. - Fixes memory leak for providers with more than one Model. - Use suitable sizes for the hash tables of the address space.