Trace Files Missing

For analyzing any issues with the UaGateway you can switch on the tracing of the UaGateway application and the UaGateway UA stack. Both components UaGateway application and the stack are using the same trace file.

The Stack Trace can not run alone, you must additionally switch on the Application Trace (at least on the lowest trace level “Error”).

When changing the trace settings the UaGateway application must be restarted to adopt the changes. The default trace file location is the installation path, typically: c:\Program Files\UnifiedAutomation\UaGateway\bin\

The UaGateway application must have WRITE permission in this folder.

You can change the trace file location and select a trarget folder where the UaGateway process has sufficient write permissions, e.g. c:\tmp\

Change trace file location