High Performance OPC UA Server SDK

Structures that are defined by OPC UA. More...

Data Structures

struct  ua_addnodesitem
 A structure that is defined as the type of the nodesToAdd parameter of the AddNodes Service. More...
struct  ua_addnodesresult
 A structure that is defined as the type of the results parameter of the AddNodes Service. More...
struct  ua_addreferencesitem
 A structure that is defined as the type of the referencesToAdd parameter of the AddReferences Service. More...
struct  ua_aggregateconfiguration
 A structure that is defined as the type of the aggregateConfiguration parameter of the AggregateFilter structure. More...
struct  ua_aggregatefilter
struct  ua_aggregatefilterresult
struct  ua_annotation
 Describes Annotation information for the history data items. More...
struct  ua_anonymousidentitytoken
 A token representing an anonymous user. More...
struct  ua_applicationdescription
 Specifies an application that is available. More...
struct  ua_argument
 Defines a method input or output argument specification. More...
struct  ua_arraytesttype
 A complex type containing all possible array types used for testing. More...
struct  ua_attributeoperand
 Attribute of a node in the address space. More...
struct  ua_axisinformation
 Defines the information for auxiliary axis for ArrayItemType Variables. More...
struct  ua_browsedescription
 A structure defined as the type of the parameter nodesToBrowse of the Browse service. More...
struct  ua_browsepath
 A structure that is defined as the type of the browsePaths parameter of the TranslateBrowsePathsToNodeIds service. More...
struct  ua_browsepathresult
 A structure that is defined as the type of the results parameter of the TranslateBrowsePathsToNodeIds service. More...
struct  ua_browsepathtarget
 A structure that is defined as the type of the targets parameter of the results parameter of the TranslateBrowsePathsToNodeIds service. More...
struct  ua_browseresult
 The results of a Browse operation. More...
struct  ua_buildinfo
 Contains elements that describe the build information of the Server. More...
struct  ua_callmethodrequest
 A structure that is defined as the type of the methodsToCall parameter of the Call service. More...
struct  ua_callmethodresult
 A structure that is defined as the type of the results parameter of the Call service. More...
struct  ua_channelsecuritytoken
 The token that identifies a set of keys for an active secure channel. More...
struct  ua_complexnumbertype
struct  ua_compositetesttype
struct  ua_contentfilter
 Defines a collection of elements that define filtering criteria. More...
struct  ua_contentfilterelement
 A structure that is defined as the type of the elements parameter of the ContentFilter structure. More...
struct  ua_contentfilterelementresult
 A structure that is defined as the type of the elementResults parameter of the ContentFilterResult structure. More...
struct  ua_contentfilterresult
 A structure that contains any errors associated with the filter. More...
struct  ua_datachangefilter
struct  ua_datachangenotification
struct  ua_datatypeattributes
 The attributes for a data type node. More...
struct  ua_deleteattimedetails
 The DeleteAtTime structure deletes all entries in the history database for the specified timestamps for one or more HistoricalDataNodes. More...
struct  ua_deleteeventdetails
 Deletes all event entries from the history database matching the EventId for one or more HistoricalEventNodes. More...
struct  ua_deletenodesitem
 A structure that is defined as the type of the nodesToDelete parameter of the DeleteNodes Service. More...
struct  ua_deleterawmodifieddetails
 The details for delete raw and delete modified history updates. More...
struct  ua_deletereferencesitem
 A structure that is defined as the type of the referencesToDelete parameter of the DeleteReferences service. More...
struct  ua_doublecomplexnumbertype
struct  ua_elementoperand
 Provides the linking to subelements within a ua_contentfilter. More...
struct  ua_endpointconfiguration
struct  ua_endpointdescription
 Describes an Endpoint for a Server. More...
struct  ua_endpointurllistdatatype
 Structure representing a list of URLs of an Endpoint. More...
struct  ua_enumvaluetype
 A mapping between a value of an enumerated type and a name and description. More...
struct  ua_euinformation
 Contains information about the EngineeringUnits. More...
struct  ua_eventfieldlist
struct  ua_eventfilter
 Provides for the filtering and content selection of Event Subscriptions. More...
struct  ua_eventfilterresult
 This is the MonitoringFilterResult associated with the EventFilter MonitoringFilter. More...
struct  ua_eventnotificationlist
struct  ua_historydata
struct  ua_historyevent
 A table structure that is used to return Event fields to a Historical Read. More...
struct  ua_historyeventfieldlist
struct  ua_historymodifieddata
struct  ua_historyreadresult
 A structure that is defined as the type of the results parameter of the HistoryRead Service. More...
struct  ua_historyreadvalueid
 A structure that is defined as the type of the nodesToRead parameter of the HistoryRead Service. More...
struct  ua_historyupdatedetails
struct  ua_historyupdateresult
 A structure that is defined as the type of the results parameter of the HistoryUpdate Service. More...
struct  ua_issuedidentitytoken
 A token representing a user identified by a WS-Security XML token. More...
struct  ua_literaloperand
struct  ua_mdnsdiscoveryconfiguration
 The discovery information needed for mDNS registration. More...
struct  ua_methodattributes
 The attributes for a method node. More...
struct  ua_modelchangestructuredatatype
 Contains elements that describe changes of the model. More...
struct  ua_modificationinfo
struct  ua_monitoreditemcreaterequest
 A structure that is defined as the type of the itemsToCreate parameter of the CreateMonitoredItems service. More...
struct  ua_monitoreditemcreateresult
 A structure that is defined as the type of the results parameter of the CreateMonitoredItems service. More...
struct  ua_monitoreditemmodifyrequest
 A structure that is defined as the type of the itemsToModify parameter of the ModifyMonitoredItems service. More...
struct  ua_monitoreditemmodifyresult
 A structure that is defined as the type of the results parameter of the ModifyMonitoredItems service. More...
struct  ua_monitoreditemnotification
struct  ua_monitoringparameters
 Parameters that define the monitoring characteristics of a MonitoredItem. More...
struct  ua_networkgroupdatatype
 Contains information on different network paths for one Server. More...
struct  ua_nodeattributes
 The base attributes for all nodes. More...
struct  ua_nodetypedescription
 A structure that is defined as the type of the nodeTypes parameter of the Query service. More...
struct  ua_notificationmessage
struct  ua_objectattributes
 The attributes for an object node. More...
struct  ua_objecttypeattributes
 The attributes for an object type node. More...
struct  ua_optionset
 This abstract DataType is the base DataType for all DataTypes representing a bit mask. More...
struct  ua_parsingresult
 A structure that is defined as the type of the parsingResults parameter of the Query service. More...
struct  ua_programdiagnosticdatatype
struct  ua_querydatadescription
 A structure that is defined as the type of the dataToReturn parameter of the nodeTypes parameter of the Query service. More...
struct  ua_querydataset
struct  ua_range
 Defines the Range for a value. More...
struct  ua_readattimedetails
 Selects a set of raw or interpolated values from the history database by specifying a series of timestamps for one or more variables. More...
struct  ua_readeventdetails
 Selects a set of events from the history database by specifying a filter and a time domain for one or more objects or views. More...
struct  ua_readprocesseddetails
 Selects a set of aggregate values from the history database by specifying a time domain for one or more variables. More...
struct  ua_readrawmodifieddetails
 Selects a set of raw or modified values from the history database by specifying a time domain for one or more variables. More...
struct  ua_readvalueid
 Identifier for an item to read or to monitor. More...
struct  ua_redundantserverdatatype
 Contains elements that describe the status of the Server. More...
struct  ua_referencedescription
 Reference parameters returned for the Browse Service. More...
struct  ua_referencetypeattributes
 The attributes for a reference type node. More...
struct  ua_registeredserver
 The server to register. More...
struct  ua_relativepath
 Defines a sequence of References and BrowseNames to follow. More...
struct  ua_relativepathelement
 A sequence of References and BrowseNames to follow. More...
struct  ua_samplingintervaldiagnosticsdatatype
 Contains diagnostic information about the sampling rates currently used by the Server. More...
struct  ua_scalartesttype
 A complex type containing all possible scalar types used for testing. More...
struct  ua_semanticchangestructuredatatype
 Contains elements that describe a change of the model. More...
struct  ua_serverdiagnosticssummarydatatype
 Contains diagnostic summary information for the Server. More...
struct  ua_serveronnetwork
struct  ua_serverstatusdatatype
 Contains elements that describe the status of the Server. More...
struct  ua_servicecounterdatatype
 Contains diagnostic information about subscriptions. More...
struct  ua_sessiondiagnosticsdatatype
 Contains diagnostic information about client sessions. More...
struct  ua_sessionsecuritydiagnosticsdatatype
 contains security-related diagnostic information about client sessions. More...
struct  ua_signaturedata
 A digital signature. More...
struct  ua_signedsoftwarecertificate
 A ByteString containing an encoded certificate. More...
struct  ua_simpleattributeoperand
 A simplified form of the ua_attributeoperand. More...
struct  ua_statuschangenotification
struct  ua_statusresult
struct  ua_subscriptionacknowledgement
 A structure that is defined as the type of the subscriptionAcknowledgements parameter of the Publish service. More...
struct  ua_subscriptiondiagnosticsdatatype
 Contains diagnostic information about subscriptions. More...
struct  ua_timezonedatatype
 The local time that may or may not take daylight saving time into account. More...
struct  ua_transferresult
 A structure that is defined as the type of the results parameter of the TransferSubscriptions service. More...
struct  ua_trustlistdatatype
 A DataType which stores the trust list of a Server. More...
struct  ua_updatedatadetails
 The details for insert, replace, and insert/replace history updates. More...
struct  ua_updateeventdetails
 This function inserts new events or replaces existing events in the history database for one or more HistoricalEventNodes. More...
struct  ua_updatestructuredatadetails
 This function inserts, replaces or removes structured history data or annotations into the history database at the specified timestamps for one or more HistoricalDataNodes. More...
struct  ua_useridentitytoken
 Allows Clients to specify the identity of the user they are acting on behalf of. More...
struct  ua_usernameidentitytoken
 A token representing a user identified by a user name and password. More...
struct  ua_usertokenpolicy
 Specifies a UserIdentityToken that a Server will accept. More...
struct  ua_variableattributes
 The attributes for a variable node. More...
struct  ua_variabletypeattributes
 The attributes for a variable type node. More...
struct  ua_viewattributes
 The attributes for a view node. More...
struct  ua_viewdescription
 Specifies a View. More...
struct  ua_writevalue
 A structure that is defined as the type of the nodesToWrite parameter of the Write service. More...
struct  ua_x509identitytoken
 A token representing a user identified by an X509 certificate. More...
struct  ua_xvtype
 Defines a physical value relative to a X axis and it is used as the DataType of the Value of XYArrayItemType. More...

Detailed Description

Structures that are defined by OPC UA.