Server Core Module
[UA Server Library]

Collaboration diagram for Server Core Module:


 Core Module Interfaces
 Core Module Address Model Classes
 Core Module Interface Base Implementations
 Core Module context and helper classes


class  CoreModule

Detailed Description

This module contains all C++ classes for the Server Core Module

The class CoreModule is used for the integration of the Core Module into a server application.

Native SDK interfaces for System Integration

The following interfaces must be implemented by the system integration to be able to provide OPC UA functionality for the Standard Server Profile. The corresponding callback interfaces are used to deliver the results.

The following optional interfaces can be implemented by the system integration to be able to provide additional OPC UA functionality. The corresponding callback interfaces are used to deliver the results.

Using the generic address space model and base classes

The following classes can be used to create the address space in memory using a generic address space node model. The corresponing base classes for NodeManager and IOManager reduce the development effort a lot.