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Data Structures
Here are the data structures with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12]
 COpcUa_ActivateSessionRequestActivates a session with the server
 COpcUa_ActivateSessionResponseActivates a session with the server
 COpcUa_AddNodesItemA structure that is defined as the type of the nodesToAdd parameter of the AddNodes Service
 COpcUa_AddNodesRequestAsynchronously adds one or more nodes into the address space hierarchy
 COpcUa_AddNodesResponseResponse to a OpcUa_AddNodesRequest
 COpcUa_AddNodesResultA structure that is defined as the type of the results parameter of the AddNodes Service
 COpcUa_AddReferencesItemA structure that is defined as the type of the referencesToAdd parameter of the AddReferences Service
 COpcUa_AddReferencesRequestAsynchronously adds one or more references to one or more nodes
 COpcUa_AddReferencesResponseResponse to a OpcUa_AddReferencesRequest
 COpcUa_AggregateConfigurationA structure that is defined as the type of the aggregateConfiguration parameter of the AggregateFilter structure
 COpcUa_AnnotationDescribes Annotation information for the history data items
 COpcUa_AnonymousIdentityTokenA token representing an anonymous user
 COpcUa_ApplicationDescriptionSpecifies an application that is available
 COpcUa_ArgumentDefines a method input or output argument specification
 COpcUa_ArrayTestTypeA complex type containing all possible array types used for testing
 COpcUa_AttributeOperandAttribute of a node in the address space
 COpcUa_AxisInformationDefines the information for auxiliary axis for ArrayItemType Variables
 COpcUa_BrowseDescriptionA structure defined as the type of the parameter nodesToBrowse of the Browse service
 COpcUa_BrowseNextRequestThe BrowseNext service is only used to continue a Browse if not all results could be returned by the Browse or a following BrowseNext call
 COpcUa_BrowseNextResponseContinues one or more browse operations
 COpcUa_BrowsePathA structure that is defined as the type of the browsePaths parameter of the TranslateBrowsePathsToNodeIds service
 COpcUa_BrowsePathResultA structure that is defined as the type of the results parameter of the TranslateBrowsePathsToNodeIds service
 COpcUa_BrowsePathTargetA structure that is defined as the type of the targets parameter of the results parameter of the TranslateBrowsePathsToNodeIds service
 COpcUa_BrowseRequestThe Browse service is used by a client to navigate through the address space by passing a starting node and browse filters
 COpcUa_BrowseResponseResponse to a OpcUa_BrowseRequest
 COpcUa_BrowseResultThe results of a Browse operation
 COpcUa_BuildInfoContains elements that describe the build information of the Server
 COpcUa_ByteStringThis Built-in DataType defines a value that is a sequence of Byte values
 COpcUa_CallMethodRequestA structure that is defined as the type of the methodsToCall parameter of the Call service
 COpcUa_CallMethodResultA structure that is defined as the type of the results parameter of the Call service
 COpcUa_CallRequestAsynchronously calls a method provided by an object on the OPC UA server
 COpcUa_CallResponseResponse to a OpcUa_CallRequest
 COpcUa_CancelRequestAsynchronously cancels outstanding service requests on the OPC UA server
 COpcUa_CancelResponseResponse to a OpcUa_CancelRequest
 COpcUa_ChannelSecurityTokenThe token that identifies a set of keys for an active secure channel
 COpcUa_CloseSecureChannelRequestCloses a secure channel
 COpcUa_CloseSecureChannelResponseCloses a secure channel
 COpcUa_CloseSessionRequestCloses a session with the server
 COpcUa_CloseSessionResponseCloses a session with the server
 COpcUa_ContentFilterDefines a collection of elements that define filtering criteria
 COpcUa_ContentFilterElementA structure that is defined as the type of the elements parameter of the ContentFilter structure
 COpcUa_ContentFilterElementResultA structure that is defined as the type of the elementResults parameter of the ContentFilterResult structure
 COpcUa_ContentFilterResultA structure that contains any errors associated with the filter
 COpcUa_CreateMonitoredItemsRequestAsynchronous call to create a list of monitored items in the subscription
 COpcUa_CreateMonitoredItemsResponseResponse to a OpcUa_CreateMonitoredItemsRequest
 COpcUa_CreateSessionRequestCreates a new session with the server
 COpcUa_CreateSessionResponseCreates a new session with the server
 COpcUa_CreateSubscriptionRequestAsynchronous call to create a Subscription
 COpcUa_CreateSubscriptionResponseResponse to a OpcUa_CreateSubscriptionRequest
 COpcUa_DataTypeAttributesThe attributes for a data type node
 COpcUa_DataValueThe value and associated information
 COpcUa_DateTimeThis Built-in DataType defines a Gregorian calendar date
 COpcUa_DeleteAtTimeDetailsThe DeleteAtTime structure deletes all entries in the history database for the specified timestamps for one or more HistoricalDataNodes
 COpcUa_DeleteEventDetailsDeletes all event entries from the history database matching the EventId for one or more HistoricalEventNodes
 COpcUa_DeleteMonitoredItemsRequestAsynchronous call to delete monitored items
 COpcUa_DeleteMonitoredItemsResponseResponse to a OpcUa_DeleteMonitoredItemsRequest
 COpcUa_DeleteNodesItemA structure that is defined as the type of the nodesToDelete parameter of the DeleteNodes Service
 COpcUa_DeleteNodesRequestAsynchronously deletes nodes from the OPC UA server’s address space
 COpcUa_DeleteNodesResponseResponse to a OpcUa_DeleteNodesRequest
 COpcUa_DeleteRawModifiedDetailsThe details for delete raw and delete modified history updates
 COpcUa_DeleteReferencesItemA structure that is defined as the type of the referencesToDelete parameter of the DeleteReferences service
 COpcUa_DeleteReferencesRequestAsynchronously deletes references from the OPC UA server’s address space
 COpcUa_DeleteReferencesResponseResponse to a OpcUa_DeleteReferencesRequest
 COpcUa_DeleteSubscriptionsRequestAsynchronous call to delete one or more Subscriptions that belong to the Client’s Session
 COpcUa_DeleteSubscriptionsResponseResponse to a OpcUa_DeleteSubscriptionsRequest
 COpcUa_DiagnosticInfoVendor-specific diagnostic information
 COpcUa_ElementOperandProvides the linking to subelements within a OpcUa_ContentFilter
 COpcUa_EndpointDescriptionDescribes an Endpoint for a Server
 COpcUa_EndpointUrlListDataTypeStructure representing a list of URLs of an Endpoint
 COpcUa_EnumValueTypeA mapping between a value of an enumerated type and a name and description
 COpcUa_EUInformationContains information about the EngineeringUnits
 COpcUa_EventFilterProvides for the filtering and content selection of Event Subscriptions
 COpcUa_EventFilterResultThis is the MonitoringFilterResult associated with the EventFilter MonitoringFilter
 COpcUa_ExpandedNodeIdExtends the NodeId structure by allowing the NamespaceUri to be explicitly specified instead of using the NamespaceIndex
 COpcUa_ExtensionObjectA container for any structured DataTypes which cannot be represented as one of the other built-in data types
 COpcUa_FindServersRequestAsynchronous call to return the Servers known to a Server or Discovery Server
 COpcUa_FindServersResponseResponse to a OpcUa_FindServersRequest
 COpcUa_GetEndpointsRequestAsynchronous call to get the Endpoints supported by a Server and all of the configuration information required to establish a SecureChannel and a Session
 COpcUa_GetEndpointsResponseResponse to a OpcUa_GetEndpointsRequest
 COpcUa_GuidA 16-byte globally unique identifier
 COpcUa_HistoryEventA table structure that is used to return Event fields to a Historical Read
 COpcUa_HistoryReadRequestAsynchronously reads historical values or events of one or more nodes
 COpcUa_HistoryReadResponseResponse to a OpcUa_HistoryReadRequest
 COpcUa_HistoryReadResultA structure that is defined as the type of the results parameter of the HistoryRead Service
 COpcUa_HistoryReadValueIdA structure that is defined as the type of the nodesToRead parameter of the HistoryRead Service
 COpcUa_HistoryUpdateRequestAsynchronously updates historical values or events of one or more nodes
 COpcUa_HistoryUpdateResponseResponse to a OpcUa_HistoryUpdateRequest
 COpcUa_HistoryUpdateResultA structure that is defined as the type of the results parameter of the HistoryUpdate Service
 COpcUa_IssuedIdentityTokenA token representing a user identified by a WS-Security XML token
 COpcUa_LocalizedTextA structure containing a String in a locale-specific translation specified in the identifier for the locale
 COpcUa_MdnsDiscoveryConfigurationThe discovery information needed for mDNS registration
 COpcUa_MethodAttributesThe attributes for a method node
 COpcUa_MethodNodeSpecifies the attributes which belong to method nodes
 COpcUa_ModelChangeStructureDataTypeContains elements that describe changes of the model
 COpcUa_ModifyMonitoredItemsRequestAsynchronous call to modify monitored items
 COpcUa_ModifyMonitoredItemsResponseResponse to a OpcUa_ModifyMonitoredItemsRequest
 COpcUa_ModifySubscriptionRequestAsynchronous call to modify a Subscription
 COpcUa_ModifySubscriptionResponseResponse to a OpcUa_ModifySubscriptionRequest
 COpcUa_MonitoredItemCreateRequestA structure that is defined as the type of the itemsToCreate parameter of the CreateMonitoredItems service
 COpcUa_MonitoredItemCreateResultA structure that is defined as the type of the results parameter of the CreateMonitoredItems service
 COpcUa_MonitoredItemModifyRequestA structure that is defined as the type of the itemsToModify parameter of the ModifyMonitoredItems service
 COpcUa_MonitoredItemModifyResultA structure that is defined as the type of the results parameter of the ModifyMonitoredItems service
 COpcUa_MonitoringParametersParameters that define the monitoring characteristics of a MonitoredItem
 COpcUa_NetworkGroupDataTypeContains information on different network paths for one Server
 COpcUa_NodeSpecifies the attributes which belong to all nodes
 COpcUa_NodeAttributesThe base attributes for all nodes
 COpcUa_NodeIdAn identifier for a node in the address space of an OPC UA Server
 COpcUa_NodeTypeDescriptionA structure that is defined as the type of the nodeTypes parameter of the Query service
 COpcUa_ObjectAttributesThe attributes for an object node
 COpcUa_ObjectNodeSpecifies the attributes which belong to object nodes
 COpcUa_ObjectTypeAttributesThe attributes for an object type node
 COpcUa_ObjectTypeNodeSpecifies the attributes which belong to object type nodes
 COpcUa_OpenSecureChannelRequestCreates a secure channel with a server
 COpcUa_OpenSecureChannelResponseCreates a secure channel with a server
 COpcUa_OptionSetThis abstract DataType is the base DataType for all DataTypes representing a bit mask
 COpcUa_ParsingResultA structure that is defined as the type of the parsingResults parameter of the Query service
 COpcUa_PkiCertificateEncapsulates an OpenSSL certificate
 COpcUa_PkiCertificateInfoHolds all additional information of a certificate
 COpcUa_PkiCRLEncapsulates an OpenSSL Certificate Revocation List
 COpcUa_PkiCSREncapsulates an OpenSSL certificate signing request
 COpcUa_PkiIdentityHolds all information about a certificate issuer or subject
 COpcUa_PkiRsaKeyPairEncapsulates an OpenSSL key pair
 COpcUa_PublishRequestRequest the server to return NotificationMessages and acknowledge received NotificationMessages
 COpcUa_PublishResponseResponse to a OpcUa_PublishRequest
 COpcUa_QualifiedNameContains a qualified name
 COpcUa_QueryDataDescriptionA structure that is defined as the type of the dataToReturn parameter of the nodeTypes parameter of the Query service
 COpcUa_QueryFirstRequestAsynchronously queries the address space
 COpcUa_QueryFirstResponseResponse to a OpcUa_QueryFirstRequest
 COpcUa_QueryNextRequestThis Service is used to request the next set of QueryFirst or QueryNext response information that is too large to be sent in a single response
 COpcUa_QueryNextResponseResponse to a OpcUa_QueryNextRequest
 COpcUa_RangeDefines the Range for a value
 COpcUa_ReadAtTimeDetailsSelects a set of raw or interpolated values from the history database by specifying a series of timestamps for one or more variables
 COpcUa_ReadEventDetailsSelects a set of events from the history database by specifying a filter and a time domain for one or more objects or views
 COpcUa_ReadProcessedDetailsSelects a set of aggregate values from the history database by specifying a time domain for one or more variables
 COpcUa_ReadRawModifiedDetailsSelects a set of raw or modified values from the history database by specifying a time domain for one or more variables
 COpcUa_ReadRequestReads values and attributes asynchronously from OPC server
 COpcUa_ReadResponseResponse to a OpcUa_ReadRequest
 COpcUa_ReadValueIdIdentifier for an item to read or to monitor
 COpcUa_RedundantServerDataTypeContains elements that describe the status of the Server
 COpcUa_ReferenceRepresents a reference from one node to another
 COpcUa_ReferenceDescriptionReference parameters returned for the Browse Service
 COpcUa_ReferenceNodeSpecifies a reference which belongs to a node
 COpcUa_ReferenceTypeAttributesThe attributes for a reference type node
 COpcUa_ReferenceTypeNodeSpecifies the attributes which belong to reference type nodes
 COpcUa_RegisteredServerThe server to register
 COpcUa_RegisterNodesRequestAsynchronously registers nodes to create shortcuts in the server
 COpcUa_RegisterNodesResponseResponse to a OpcUa_RegisterNodesRequest
 COpcUa_RegisterServerRequestRegisters a server with the discovery server
 COpcUa_RegisterServerResponseRegisters a server with the discovery server
 COpcUa_RelativePathDefines a sequence of References and BrowseNames to follow
 COpcUa_RelativePathElementA sequence of References and BrowseNames to follow
 COpcUa_RepublishRequestAsynchronous republish call to get lost notifications
 COpcUa_RepublishResponseResponse to a OpcUa_RepublishRequest
 COpcUa_RequestHeaderCommon parameters for all requests submitted on a Session
 COpcUa_ResponseHeaderCommon parameters for all responses
 COpcUa_SamplingIntervalDiagnosticsDataTypeContains diagnostic information about the sampling rates currently used by the Server
 COpcUa_ScalarTestTypeA complex type containing all possible scalar types used for testing
 COpcUa_SemanticChangeStructureDataTypeContains elements that describe a change of the model
 COpcUa_ServerDiagnosticsSummaryDataTypeContains diagnostic summary information for the Server
 COpcUa_ServerStatusDataTypeContains elements that describe the status of the Server
 COpcUa_ServiceCounterDataTypeContains diagnostic information about subscriptions
 COpcUa_ServiceFaultThe response returned by all services when there is a service level error
 COpcUa_SessionDiagnosticsDataTypeContains diagnostic information about client sessions
 COpcUa_SessionSecurityDiagnosticsDataTypeSecurity-related diagnostic information about client sessions
 COpcUa_SetMonitoringModeRequestAsynchronous call to set the monitoring mode for a list of monitored items
 COpcUa_SetMonitoringModeResponseResponse to a OpcUa_SetMonitoringModeRequest
 COpcUa_SetPublishingModeRequestAsynchronous call to enable sending of Notifications on one or more Subscriptions
 COpcUa_SetPublishingModeResponseResponse to a OpcUa_SetPublishingModeRequest
 COpcUa_SetTriggeringRequestAsynchronously changes the triggering for a monitored item
 COpcUa_SetTriggeringResponseResponse to a OpcUa_SetTriggeringRequest
 COpcUa_SignatureDataA digital signature
 COpcUa_SignedSoftwareCertificateA ByteString containing an encoded certificate
 COpcUa_SimpleAttributeOperandA simplified form of the OpcUa_AttributeOperand
 COpcUa_SoftwareCertificateA certificate describing a product
 COpcUa_StatusCodeA numerical value that is used to report the outcome of an operation performed by an OPC UA Server
 COpcUa_StringThis Built-in DataType defines a Unicode character string that should exclude control characters that are not whitespaces
 COpcUa_SubscriptionAcknowledgementA structure that is defined as the type of the subscriptionAcknowledgements parameter of the Publish service
 COpcUa_SubscriptionDiagnosticsDataTypeContains diagnostic information about subscriptions
 COpcUa_TimeZoneDataTypeThe local time that may or may not take daylight saving time into account
 COpcUa_TransferResultA structure that is defined as the type of the results parameter of the TransferSubscriptions service
 COpcUa_TransferSubscriptionsRequestAsynchronous call to transfer a subscription and its MonitoredItems from one Session to another
 COpcUa_TransferSubscriptionsResponseResponse to a OpcUa_TransferSubscriptionsRequest
 COpcUa_TranslateBrowsePathsToNodeIdsRequestAsynchronously translates a browse path to a NodeId
 COpcUa_TranslateBrowsePathsToNodeIdsResponseResponse to a OpcUa_TranslateBrowsePathsToNodeIdsRequest
 COpcUa_TrustListDataTypeA DataType which stores the trust list of a Server
 COpcUa_UnregisterNodesRequestAsynchronously unregisters nodes to delete shortcuts in the server
 COpcUa_UnregisterNodesResponseUnregisters one or more previously registered nodes
 COpcUa_UpdateDataDetailsThe details for insert, replace, and insert/replace history updates
 COpcUa_UpdateEventDetailsThis function inserts new events or replaces existing events in the history database for one or more HistoricalEventNodes
 COpcUa_UpdateStructureDataDetailsThis function inserts, replaces or removes structured history data or annotations into the history database at the specified timestamps for one or more HistoricalDataNodes
 COpcUa_UserIdentityTokenAllows Clients to specify the identity of the user they are acting on behalf of
 COpcUa_UserNameIdentityTokenA token representing a user identified by a user name and password
 COpcUa_UserTokenPolicySpecifies a UserIdentityToken that a Server will accept
 COpcUa_VariableAttributesThe attributes for a variable node
 COpcUa_VariableNodeSpecifies the attributes which belong to variable nodes
 COpcUa_VariableTypeAttributesThe attributes for a variable type node
 COpcUa_VariableTypeNodeSpecifies the attributes which belong to variable type nodes
 COpcUa_VariantA union of all built-in data types including an OpcUa_ExtensionObject
 COpcUa_ViewAttributesThe attributes for a view node
 COpcUa_ViewDescriptionSpecifies a View
 COpcUa_WriteRequestAsynchronously writes variable values to an OPC UA Server
 COpcUa_WriteResponseResponse to a OpcUa_WriteRequest
 COpcUa_WriteValueA structure that is defined as the type of the nodesToWrite parameter of the Write service
 COpcUa_X509IdentityTokenA token representing a user identified by an X509 certificate
 COpcUa_XmlElementAn XmlElement contains an XML fragment in UTF8 encoding
 COpcUa_XVTypeDefines a physical value relative to a X axis and it is used as the DataType of the Value of XYArrayItemType
 CUaBase_RingBufferRingBuffer structure
 CUaBase_SettingsSettings structure to get configuration from a settings backend
 CUaBase_TurboListTurboList structure
 CUaBase_TurboStackTurboStack structure
 CUaBase_VectorVector structure
 CUaClientRepresents the instance of the UA client
 CUaClient_ConfigurationContains the configuration of the UaClient
 CUaClient_DiscoveryThe UaClient_Discovery structure manages a UA Client side discovery functionality
 CUaClient_ServiceSettingsThe UaClient_ServiceSettings structure contains the general settings for a call
 CUaClient_SessionThe UaClient_Session structure manages a UA Client side application session
 CUaClient_Session_CallbackUaClient_Session_Callback defines the callback interface for the UaClient_Session structure
 CUaClient_SubscriptionThe UaSubscription structure manges a UA Client created subscription
 CUaClient_Subscription_CallbackUaClient_Subscription_Callback defines the callback interface for the UaClient_Subscription structure
 CUaServerRepresents the instance of the UA server
 CUaServer_AddressSpaceHolds all OpcUa_BaseNodes owned by a provider
 CUaServer_ConfigurationContains the configuration of the UaServer
 CUaServer_EndpointContains the configuration of one endpoint
 CUaServer_EventAn actual event
 CUaServer_EventFieldHelper struct for event fields
 CUaServer_iNodeStores access information for OpcUa_BaseNodes similar to Unix iNodes
 CUaServer_MonitoredItemA Monitored Item structure (Common)
 CUaServer_MonitoredItemDataA Monitored Item structure (Data)
 CUaServer_MonitoredItemEventA Monitored Item structure (Event)
 CUaServer_pProviderInterfaceProvider interface table
 CUaServer_ProviderThe internal provider management structure
 CUaServer_ProviderBrowseContextUaServer Provider BrowseContext Structure
 CUaServer_ProviderCallContextUaServer Provider Call Context Structure
 CUaServer_ProviderHistoryReadAtTimeContextUaServer Provider HistoryReadAtTimeContext Structure
 CUaServer_ProviderHistoryReadEventContextUaServer Provider HistoryReadEventContext Structure
 CUaServer_ProviderHistoryReadProcessedContextUaServer Provider HistoryReadProcessedContext Structure
 CUaServer_ProviderHistoryReadRawModifiedContextUaServer Provider HistoryReadRawModifiedContext Structure
 CUaServer_ProviderHistoryUpdateContextUaServer Provider HistoryUpdateContext Structure
 CUaServer_ProviderReadContextUaServer Provider ReadContext Structure
 CUaServer_ProviderRegisterNodesContextUaServer Provider RegisterNodes Context Structure
 CUaServer_ProviderSubscribeContextUaServer Provider SubscribeContext Structure
 CUaServer_ProviderTranslateContextUaServer Provider TranslateContext Structure
 CUaServer_ProviderUnregisterNodesContextUaServer Provider UnregisterNodes Context Structure
 CUaServer_ProviderWriteContextUaServer Provider WriteContext Structure
 CUaServer_PublicSessionPublic Session
 CUaServer_ServerCallbackInterfaceServer interface table
 CUaServer_SimpleBrowsePathHelper struct for browse paths
 CUaServer_UserCtxStores all user information